Lee Ann

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Oct 18, 2014



Lee Ann (M/F, F/F, D/s, BD, Spanking, Humiliation, Toys, Consensual) by StoryTeller07 2012 ============================================================================ Lee Ann Chapter 1 - She discovers a submissive side ============================================================================ "Now girl, get down on all fours," Jim told his girlfriend. He used a har sher tone of voice than intended, because he wasn't very pleased with her. Lee Ann had persuaded him to visit a BDSM club for the first time. It was something he felt uncomfortable with, but she had nagged him all week until he gave way. He wasn't scared it just wasn't his sort of thing. He was hoping she would get it out of her system and return to normal. It was sure to be a disappointment and nothing like she expected. Like him, she too had been a normal young person, with a sheltered upbringing. She would have admitted to being shy, though being submissive had never occurred to her, until recently. It was only a few of weeks ago that she came across a BDSM story when the term submissive, came to mean something. That story had her looking for another, until she was hooked. She wanted Jim to experiment in the bedroom, which he reluctantly gave in to. Lee Ann wanted more. Eventually he gave in, so that's how she came to be on hands and knees, in a BDSM club. She was a beautiful, petite blonde only five-four, nervously waiting for him to tell her what to do. It was difficult being a submissive, when your partner didn't take the lead. On hands and knees she looked up at him, wishing he would get into the spirit of things. He gripped the leash tight while psyching himself up to walk to the bar. Lee Ann smiled at him, trying to reassure and motivate him. It would spoil things if she pushed him along, for it was supposed to be him in charge. "Don't walk too fast," she reminded him. Lee Ann bit her tongue, to remind herself not to nag him. Giving her master' instructions spoilt the atmosphere. She looked around at the small, early evening crowd. Some of them were dressed in bizarre outfits. She was fairly conservative, wearing a tiny pair of shorts with a halter top. Her breasts were natural and large, but not huge. A big handful, Jim liked to joke. What he didn't like was other guys touching her. So she wore a red collar, which meant others could watch, but not touch. At the moment that was enough for Lee Ann. While he walked to the bar, she had to crawl. Her breasts kept swinging out from the loose top. Lee Ann hadn't thought of this when getting changed. If she told him to stop it would bring attention to them swinging free, as well as spoil the submissive role. She kept her head down hoping no-one had noticed. It was humiliating being made to crawl beside a master with her nips on show, and she loved it. It was nuisance having such large nipples as it prevented her wearing tight tops as they invariably showed through. Her nipples had already grown like Pinocchio's nose, and were ready to spring out further from the least provocation. Her nipples didn't lie about her state of arousal, they blatantly proclaimed it. From the least stimulation her nipples would shoot out, swelling long and hard. "Nice pet you've got," Robert said, holding his hand out to Jim. They shook hands, which helped break the ice for Jim. Standing at a bar with a beer, talking to a guy about football, brought a touch of normality to the situation. He could almost forget he had his girlfriend lewdly dressed, squatting at his feet. This didn't seem too bad. Less was going on here than at one of their neighbor's late night parties. At June's, everyone got drunk, or high. Then the fun would start, so they usually left. He wondered if something happened at the corporate party to push Lee Ann into this. She hadn't mentioned the club until after that party. At the corporate party last week Lee Ann wore a nice dress; the usual boring housewife kind of style, nothing too racy. Jim was talking to a contact when he glanced across the room at his wife. He did a double take and hurriedly excused himself. Her nipples were sticking out like organ stops. He had seen them like this before of course, but not at a party in front of business colleagues. He looked around to see where the boss was; fortunately the boss hadn't seen her. The man she was talking to was Richard, the main rival for a new Planning Executive position. Both men were keen on winning the job and competed against each other at every opportunity; always trying to impress the boss. By the time Jim made his way across the room they had moved on. He hoped Lee Ann knew who the guy was, not wanting her to say the wrong thing. Richard recognized Jim's wife and he soon established she didn't know him. He kept her talking, to see if he could get some dirt on Jim. He flirted with her, dishing out compliments, and was surprised how easily she responded to them. His interest grew on seeing her nipples hardening, pushing at the fabric of the dress. He couldn't help accidentally' nudging her breast while talking expressively with his hands. She ignored it thinking it was due to the hard pressed crowd. He asked her what she read and she mentioned an author, only to quickly clam up. She went red from embarrassment. He knew why, for the author mainly wrote about women becoming slaves. He took a closer look at her, with plenty of eye contact. His questions and comments were subtly turned into commands and demands. He had experience of the BDSM scene, belonging to a couple of clubs, and so recognized a submissive when he saw one. Taking hold of her hand he dragged her onto the dance floor, giving her no chance to refuse. The dance floor was full so they had to squash up close. He purposely rubbed his chest across her breasts, aggravating her distended nipples. He noticed them swelling and her breathing becoming more ragged. Her eyes almost closed, as though she were far away. He had heard of this but never seen it before. He didn't hold back now. Whenever they were turned away from everyone he discreetly pinched her nipples. Lee Ann wanted to pull away but he held onto both wrists. Something was happening to her. She felt hot and bothered, but couldn't understand why. When her boyfriend played with her in the bedroom she naturally became aroused. He wasn't here, yet she was feeling so heated up. She not only needed to go to the rest room, she thought it necessary to escape this man. He may be a colleague of Jim's, but he shouldn't be dancing so close. On the other hand he might be an important contact, so she didn' t want to upset him. "I need to go to the bathroom," she shouted into his ear. Despite trying to shout, her little voice was hardly heard over the music. "I'm not going to let you, until the end of this dance," he said, with a demanding voice. She was taken aback by the refusal. He was obviously used to managing people so he might be Jim's boss. She decided not to antagonize him, in case it got Jim into trouble. Surrounded by the corporation's employees she had to behave herself. The combination of his deep voice, the compliments, his flirting, and his tight grip of her wrists, all this was preventing her from complaining. He was stopping her from going to the restroom, and somehow that added to her state of confusion. Strangely, her heart was fluttering. She became aware of an unexplainable arousal. She felt as though this stranger was taking control of her. She had to stop herself from calling him master, as though she were in one of the stories she read. The feeling must be resisted or she might make a fool of herself. On the other hand, she couldn't make a scene before her boyfriend's colleagues. She felt trapped, though it was her fantasy thoughts that were ensnaring her. At last he led her off the dance floor, toward the rest rooms. She really needed to go now. There was a queue, and he could see she was agitated. "I know a restroom where there won't be a queue," he told her. He had a tight hold of her wrist, leading her around as though she belonged to him. She tried to shake off the feeling, which was straight out of one of the naughty stories, but couldn't. She was being pulled around so quickly she didn't have a chance to think straight. It felt as though he had her on a leash, just like one of her fantasies. When she weakly complained he cut her short, with a big strong voice. He took her along a corridor to another restroom, not being used. He barged in, pulling her along. "In here, we won't be disturbed," he told her. "We can finish the dance then," he said, as way of explanation. She scurried into the stall, fumbling with the lock only it didn't work, or she was shaking too much. He was standing right outside, telling her to hurry up. It was only a small thing, but he had denied her permission to urinate now he was giving her permission to go. It felt as though he had taken charge of her. He was telling her where to go and what to do. For a moment she imagined he owned her. Somehow she was letting him think for her, and she couldn't help obeying him. That was the awful thing about it, she was obeying him. She hoped he had realised what he had done to her. She kept telling herself he was just helping her. He wasn't taking her over, he was just used to organizing people and she was used to being organized. "Hurry up," he demanded. "Aren't you finished yet?" She was a mature woman and he was treating her like his little girl. Though, since reading those naughty stories she associated it with being dominated. He opened the door, just as she let go. He was watching her pee! In a confusion of embarrassment and arousal, she could do nothing. It seemed to be going on for ever. "Is that better?" Richard laughed. He was amused. It made her feel even more embarrassed and confused. She should have been humiliated and angry. She should have told him off for being so rude. Lee Ann couldn't say a word. She just didn't know what to say. She dried herself with a tissue and was about to pull her panties up. It was highly embarrassing, being in front of him with her panties on the floor, around her ankles. She felt so weak and nervous she couldn't think straight. "Don't pull them up they will be wet on this floor. Give them to me and I' ll dry them for you," he ordered. Like a fool she obeyed him. Handing her panties over felt so bad it made her tremble. This stranger had taken charge of her so completely she was simply obeying him. He was big and strong and very powerful, she just couldn't help it. He took them, and gripped her hand. She had to follow him, knowing she would follow him anywhere, and do whatever he said. How this had happened to her she couldn't fathom. Instead of using the blow drier he pushed her panties into his pocket. Before she had a chance to protest he pulled her out of the restroom. No! He's taking me back to the dance floor! The dress was modest enough, but the thought of being out there, among all those people, with her panties in his pocket, was dreadful. It was also stoking her up. Her nipples were now clearly pushing at the dress. Her face was a picture of arousal and embarrassment. She dare not think what he was going to do with her next. As they danced to a slow number, she noticed Jim looking for her. She buried her face in Richard's broad chest, trying to hide. Her whole body buzzed with excitement. She just couldn't help it. It was so wrong, yet just what she wanted. A big strong powerful man was taking charge of her. "I have a room here, so you will come with me. I'll dry your panties, though I'm sure your pussy is too wet to put them on," he whispered, in her ear. "You are such a naughty little slut, my little slut. I shall teach you to be my little slut," he said. "What do you say, slut," he asked. As though she were a character in a favorite story, she answered him. "Yes, sir, I'm you little slut," she feebly answered. >From those few words she felt herself giving in completely to him. All around her people were dancing and laughing. She felt so carried away, so light headed, she knew he had trapped her, in her own little fantasy. He led her away, from the dance floor, to his room. She knew it was terribly wrong. She knew she must protest, yet felt so helpless, so much under his control. She felt controlled by him, so submissive, she could do nothing but obey him. He was taking her to his room! He had her panties and her arousal was already enough to have her panting for him. Once there he could say anything and she would have to obey his every word. Her nipples were throbbing from when his hard fingers teased them. She needed help! She had surrendered to him, otherwise why would she be meekly following him. Once in his room she would be lost in a pathetic world of obedience, prepared to submit to him as her master. She knew what a man wanted from an attractive woman and it felt impossible to deny him anything. "There you are, I was wondering where you got to," Jim said. He looked annoyed, and she just looked down submissively. She couldn't look at either of them. Jim grabbed her hand and took her to their table. He was too angry to question her. All she could think of was what might have happened, if Jim hadn't rescued her. A part of her was disappointed and that had to be suppressed for it was so wrong. All week she thought about the party. It stirred her up so much she needed to do something dramatic to override the bad thoughts. Eventually she pressed Jim into taking her to a club. He could see how much she needed to get it out of her system, so relented. He was hoping she would find it silly and a disappointment, and not go again. There they were, drinking at the bar, as though nothing unusual was happening around them. Jim purposely didn't look around, not wanting to see anything upsetting. Lee Ann was with like minded people. She watched them talking and milling about, taking in the sight of masters and mistresses with their slaves. Jim was trying to ignore it all while Lee Ann absorbed it all. She was becoming even more excited than the party last week. Robert introduced Jim to his slave. She was a tall blonde with big breasts, and deep blue, exciting eyes. Lee Ann hardly noticed her, and didn't notice Jim's interest either. "This is obviously your first time here. Have you registered yet? You should do. It will declare your limits as well as your likes and dislikes. My slave will show you the way. Look after the bimbo as she can get distracted. Slap her ass if she gets uppity," Robert casually said. He noticed Jim's look of interest and smiled. "By the way, the stupid Bimbo forgot to wear panties. Bend over Bimbo," he ordered. The tall blonde did a straight leg bend showing off everything between her thighs. A pair of plump pussy lips protruded rudely. Robert chuckled at the look of shock on Jim's face. "In here she's vulnerable without panties, it's an open invitation. So keep a hold of her hand wherever you go. If she needs to go to the restroom you had better take her," Robert explained. "Listen carefully Bimbo. You go with the nice man, do as he tells you, as your master, got it?" Robert told the tall blonde. "Yes, master," she said. She took hold of Jim's hand and looked down between his legs. "I must obey you as my master," she recited. She gave him a pleasant little giggle and shyly looked down. "I'm looking after her for a friend. By the way, be careful with her as she hasn't had sex all week. If she tries to hump you just give her a slap, unless of course you want to help her out," Robert smiled. "She's fully trained, so won't give you any trouble. Just keep her close, tell her what to do, and she will do it," Robert said, when he saw Jim's reluctance. "I'll introduce your pet to some friends," Robert said. Robert handed the bimbo's leash to Jim, and took a firm grip of Lee Ann's leash. Lee Ann was so surprised she didn't even think to protest. Her boyfriend had casually given the leash to this stranger. In this club, that was effectively handing over control of her. "Err, excuse me," she murmured. Lee Ann needed to explain, that her boyfriend didn't realize what he had agreed to. Robert was walking off, with her frantically crawling behind him. She looked over her shoulder to see her boyfriend was enthralled by the blonde. It looked as though he had forgotten all about her, leaving her in the care of this stranger. The rules of the club meant he had control of her, and she had to obey him. If he thought she would let him get away with anything, he could think again. On the other hand she needed looking after. On top of that she didn't want to cause a fuss. She didn't want to be kicked out, before she had a chance to explore the place. They stopped by a couple of men who had tethered girls at their feet. They knew Robert, and after the greetings, they asked about her. "She looks a cute little thing, where did you get her?" a man asked. He began stroking her hair, despite the red collar. The other man joined in stroking her, though more intimately. Lee Ann needed to protest yet found it impossible to open her mouth. Her breathing was coming in short gasps. Her nipples felt on fire. Her pussy was dripping wet. What the hell is happening to me? I must stop this, I must! "I swapped her for bimbo," Robert answered. "You better not get caught doing that, she's wearing a red collar," Robert told one of them. The stranger was pinching her nipples, intrigued with how large they were swelling. "Its nipples respond well. Let's see how big they get," he laughed. Lee Ann was dumbfounded over their crude remarks. She was being fondled by a complete stranger, as though she was a mere pet they were stroking. It was humiliating when they referred to her as it; not using a name. To them she was a mere pet to be played with. Before her anger burst forth, a fresh wave of arousal overcame her. She was on hands and knees panting like a bitch on heat. This stranger was fondling her nipples and breasts, yet instead of protesting she was highly aroused. Was it because he was a stranger, or that it was in public? "Here, change the collar then," the other man said. "I'm going to change your collar, do you object slave?" Robert asked. "What ever you say, master," Lee Ann whimpered. The pathetic sound of her voice left her feeling weak. Falling into a fantasy and letting this man become her master was wrong. It might be dangerous. Looking around the room Robert furtively exchanged the red collar for a green one. Lee Ann saw it briefly, before it was fastened around her neck. She should have said no, for it denoted anyone could touch her. That simple change meant masters could touch her body, anywhere they wished. It was already too late for she was on hands and knees, with her breasts hanging down, letting a stranger pull on them as though milking her. She was too turned on to say a word. It was outrageous that a stranger was massaging her breasts, and pulling on her nipples. She looked over toward her boyfriend, only just seeing him over by the bar. He was stroking the Bimbo's long blonde hair, looking engrossed in her. He would be no help. She was at the mercy of these men, and she didn't even know their names. She was so aroused, she couldn't speak. "Your pet looks as though it needs a good fucking," one of the men said. Lee Ann gasped. Were they going to take her, here in front of her boyfriend? Surely they were teasing her! "It seems to get worked up easy," Robert commented. "Did you swap for good?" one of them asked. "No, he has the Bimbo for the evening. Though maybe, I'll see. If it's any good at fucking I might keep it," Robert casually answered. Lee Ann whined. She had tried to say something, in protest. All she managed was a mewling sound. It was partly from when the second man stroked her between the legs, and partly from fear. Surely he didn't mean it? Robert couldn't just swap her for the bimbo, like a car or set of tools. He couldn't keep her, could he? Lee Ann imagined being taken by this experienced master. She would have to use her body to pleasure him or lose his interest. If that happened she would be passed on to another master, having to go through the process of learning is needs all over again. It was important to pleasure a master with all her skill and all her body otherwise she would end up being sold into a brothel. The fantasy was so strong she thought it real. These men were teasing her again, and it was working on her like a full on foreplay. She opened up her thighs, letting the second guy rub his fingers over her sex. How the hell did that happen? The first man was still massaging her breasts, working them like kneading dough. He was pulling on her nipples as though milking them. They were getting such a good work out, she was near an orgasm. She had hardly noticed the tiny shorts being pulled away from her sex. The second guy had his fingers in her, exploring her vagina. For heavens sake, that was taking things too far! She wanted to stop that, needed to stop him, though she couldn't move. She felt a finger pushing into her asshole. Lee Ann whimpered a noise, almost like the words Please NO!', only it was a garbled mess of sound. If her boyfriend caught her now, she would be in trouble. He would be so angry he would probably dump her with Robert. Damn! What would happen to her then? This man was a stranger. All she knew about him was from overheard conversations. He was an expert at manipulating and training women into becoming obedient slaves. He already had her helpless, compliantly following him on hands and knees. It was frightening how easily she had become his pet. She was in deep trouble! With these two men playing with her she couldn't move. It was as though they had stunned her with breathtaking sensations. She was breathing heavily, ready to show herself up in front of everyone, with a loud orgasm. She could feel herself on the edge of a loud and mighty deep orgasm. "Come on pet, I'll introduce you to some others," Robert said. "If you get fed up with it, bring the pet back to us," one of the men said. Hardly able to move she followed Robert, through the gloom of the club. She was disappointed not to finish what they had started. She shouldn't have been disappointed, that was all wrong. She was being bad. How could she possibly want to orgasm in public? They toured the club, meeting almost everyone. Both the men and the women, played with her. They were masters and mistresses, usually holding on to a slave or two. No one else paid as much attention to her as the two nameless men. "Your pet needs a good fucking," Amanda suggested. "Yes, she's certainly ready for it," Robert agreed. "My pet-guy could see to her, he needs a bitch to fuck," Amanda said. "Yea, she's a bitch on heat alright. What do you think bitch?" Robert asked. My God! This woman is going to make that young guy fuck me! He's dressed up as her pet, with a fury suit, collar and a leash. He must be about nineteen and looks like a dog-boy. "Come on bitch let my dog-boy sniff you. The bitch looks as though she's in heat. She needs mating, before she runs off with some dog. There are plenty of rough dogs in here this evening," Amanda laughed. Lee Ann was humiliated from being treated like a pet-bitch. It was so bad hearing her described as a bitch on heat, especially as she felt like one. In an agony of shame she realised Robert was going to let her be mated! She was still stoked by the whole scene, especially after being man handled by two strangers. Her sex was wet and open, so the woman's pet-guy would have no trouble entering her. That thought was terrible. It showed how debauched she had become. It was devastating to know she would let him mount her, right here in the club. The show would be sure to draw a crowd. Her boyfriend would be sure to come over to see what was going on. With every one encouraging the pet-guy to fuck the bitch, Jim would be ashamed of her. He was unlikely to intervene and admit she was his girlfriend. What could he do but watch or abandon her. She would be a helpless bitch, being mated for everyone's entertainment. A wave of guilt and shame overtook her, leaving her totally vulnerable. Robert turned her sideways and pushed her face into the pet-guy's crotch. Like two dogs in a park they sniffed each other. She felt the pet-guy lick her lips and realised how wet and open she was. His nose then a tongue grazed her hot spot. The pet-guy was licking and sucking on her nub! She moaned and nodded her head. "The hot bitch is up for it," Robert chuckled. "It's near an orgasm before my pet-guy has jumped it. Keeping licking the bitch, pet-guy, you might bring it off. It's got a lovely pair of nipples,"

Amanda commented, and flicked one with a long, red fingernail. "I wouldn't mind adding this bitch to my collection of pets. How much do you want for it?" Amanda asked. Lee Ann cringed with fear. She was licking the pet-guy's balls while being talked about so dismissively. The humiliation from being treated so meanly was stoking her up, keeping her on the edge of a mighty orgasm. They were right, she was panting like a bitch on heat. It was awful to know how depraved she was when aroused. Nothing had prepared her for this onslaught upon her senses. She needed to cum, and would do anything to achieve it. Would she let Robert sell her to this woman? The terrible answer was `Yes'. Right then she would crawl away with anyone who promised to make her cum. What would it be like to become a mistress' s plaything? It would be terribly humiliating to be a pet, kept to amuse a mistress and her other pets. She would become a bitch in heat, forever ready for the woman's pet-guys to copulate with. Lee Ann sucked the pets cock into her mouth, eagerly sucking on it for comfort. An unexpected thrust of the pet guy's hips buried it down her throat. She choked and spluttered, not having done that before. She had never been able to bring herself to swallow a boyfriend, yet now she had swallowed a stranger's cock. Was there no limit to her degradation? "Not this time, maybe later. I'm doing the rounds with it, showing it off, " Robert diplomatically said. They moved off, toward a small cubicle, set out of the way. Lee Ann was relieved. She was also confused, for she was experiencing a sense of disappointment. Surely she couldn't possibly accept being fucked by a stranger? If her boyfriend saw that woman's pet-guy on her back, or even found out, he would surely abandon her here. Robert would have her then! She would be kept as his slave, forced to submit to him, kept ready to satisfying his every need, constantly used like a pathetic sex toy. She had to stop crawling, had to get away. She climaxed right there in the middle of the room, before anyone who cared to watch. Right in the middle of the club, half naked, she was climaxing! Fortunately it was a quiet orgasm. Having her breasts rubbed and the teasing of her nipples was enough. Since then she had been assaulted by everyone they met. It was all too much. It was too late to protest for she was thinking like a slave. "There, there pet, take your time," Robert soothed. "She's enjoying herself!" someone commented. Lee Ann felt small and humble. Others had witnessed her orgasm and she didn 't care. She had only just kept it quiet, but it was still obvious what had happened to her. Even now she was in the after glow of the shameful exhibition. "Can you look after her for awhile, I need to see someone," Robert asked a man watching the despicable show. Lee Ann was only just recovering. Her breasts were still so very sensitive, and this man was weighing them in both hands. He pulled at the elongated nipples then reached under her, to her sex. He rubbed her pussy with a tissue, cleaning her up. "What do you say, slave?" he demanded. "Thank you, master," she responded. The words were from bath-time fantasies. She had to play with herself in the bath because Jim wouldn't indulge her. Now she was using them, indicating submission to a stranger. They all seemed to know how to turn her on, in this damn club, She had to get back to Jim and leave this place before she lost her mind. "While I have you, you are my slave, do you understand?" he asked. "Yes master, I am your slave," Lee Ann meekly replied. He had her at a disadvantage, for she was only just coming round from a deep orgasm. As he played with her, she experienced the inevitable feelings. The sensations were intensified as her body was so sensitive. It left her helpless in his hands. I can't do this! I mustn't! Robert has casually given me into the hands of another stranger, as though I was nothing but an object. I'm not even his to give away. I belong to. . . Lee Ann gasped. She was thinking all the more like a slave. It had only been a few hours since crawling into the club and she was in a terrible state. A shock rocked her senses! She recognized the voice! It was Richard. It was the man from last week's party. It was her boyfriend's rival! He was playing with her breasts, and her sex! He was finger fucking her! This was dire, but impossible to escape from. She might as well have been tied up she was so helpless. "Well Lee Ann, I have you once again. This time there is no need to take your panties from you," he chuckled. "I'll just slip these shorts off. They were only just hanging on anyway. It looks as though you have been worked up for me. You are ready for a good seeing to. I'm going to fuck you, Lee Ann! What do you say to that?" he gloated. "Please, sir, I can't, I belong to someone else," she whimpered. Since last week she had found out this man was her boyfriend's rival. Jim had to compete with this man for a new position in the corporation. It was awful to be helpless at his feet. It was so very terrible to be letting Jim down like this. Why wasn't he protecting her? Richard intended to take her so she had to stop him. It would be so humiliating to let him have his way. It was bad enough that he saw her in this place, and appalling that he had stripped her naked. This was so bad, she felt weak with fear. She should get up off the floor and run. Instead she was on hands and knees, at his feet, submissively letting him play with her sex. He was going to fuck her and all she had done was plead with him, in a pathetic little voice. She was so worked up she was ready to cum again. As though on a hair trigger all it would take was the slightest touch. Her whole body shook. Her boyfriends rival had her right where he wanted her, at his feet naked and helpless. Lee Ann felt humiliated, yet that too was stoking her up. It was exciting and sexy exhibiting herself before strangers, but this man worked with Jim. It had all gone so badly wrong. She had felt a sense of freedom giving into her submissive side at the club, though now she was in a difficult and dangerous situation. She could see across to the bar where Jim was paying attention to a beautiful compliant, blonde bimbo, not noticing if she was even there. She too was attractive, but they had been together for awhile, and so took each other for granted. He now had a new woman and seemed keen to get to know her. By the bar where it was well lit, she could see him. She was in shadow, hidden away in a booth with Richard. "Come with me slave," Richard said, breaking into her thoughts. "Yes, master," she mewed. Her voice had become so tinkling and feint, she hardly recognized it. Her breathing was heavy with desire. He had been playing with her breasts, squeezing her nipples, turning her on. Was that the secret of her downfall? She knew how sensitive they were when Jim played with them in the privacy of their bedroom. She hadn't realised how potent the sensations were. She didn't realize how sexed up their stimulation left her. She followed him on hands and knees thinking she was being submitted to another tour, with all those hands ready to fondle her. She was now naked though that would make little difference. Earlier they had pushed passed her clothing to enter her body, or squeeze her nipples. Usually two at a time would be teasing her body. It was no wonder she had capitulated so completely. Instead, he led her into a private back room. There was a mirror taking up one wall, with soft scatter cushions on the floor. He didn't bother to secure her to the floor where there were conveniently placed straps. He had her

so aroused and compliant there was no need. "Here take this and play with your-self," Richard commanded. He handed her a dildo, expecting her to use it! Lying back on the cushions with her legs spread wide, she could see everything between her legs in the mirror. She didn't want to look but couldn't avoid it. It was mesmerizing seeing her sex so rudely on display. He took her wrist to guide her hand which held the awful dildo. She knew what it was but had ever seen one before. Over her lips it slipped easily from them being so wet. She rocked her head back and forth, from the pain of having to do this for a stranger. It was disgraceful being so aroused. He held her wrist, preventing her from using it. She was aghast that she wanted to push it into her vagina. She was so worked up she no longer cared what she did in front of him, she needed to be filled. "Give everyone a show. Shove it in and work your pussy hard," he commanded. "Yes, master, thank you master," she heavily sighed. Lee Ann watched it disappear into her body, feeling it take her. Its large head penetrated her sex with ease, as she had been so open and ready for it. With her own hand, acting like someone else's, she worked it in deeper and deeper. It had almost disappeared inside, before she gripped it tight to pull it almost out. Her eyes went wide in astonishment. She realised what he meant. It was a two way mirror! There were strangers on the other side, watching her! She was putting on a vulgar show for them! How could she debase herself so crudely? In the dildo slid as her hand completed the nasty deed. Despite the agony of conscience her hand continued to betray her. She was fucking herself with the big black dildo and couldn't stop! Richard lent over her, kissing her lips. He pinched her engorged nipples. He pulled them, elongating them, like big rubber erasers. He pushed them into her soft breasts then pulled them out again. He was working them hard, as she worked her pussy hard. She began to buck her hips, with her legs straight out. She was climaxing. A mighty orgasm was taking her over, making her into a dumb animal, obsessed with sex. She had to cum, had to fulfill a deep need. Her whole body went into a spasm. >From her tummy, out through her limbs, to her fingertips and toes. Her breasts were bell pulls, connected to the pleasure centers of her brain, erasing all reasoning. She was a bundle of nerves, reacting to an explosion of sex. As the orgasm subsided, he pulled the dildo from between her legs. She gripped it tight, not wanting that empty feeling. When she felt his cock at her swollen inner lips she wrapped her legs around him. With her legs and arms she pulled him close, pulling his cock deep inside her. She didn't just lay back to take it, she heaved at his body, as he fucked her hard. "Thank you master, fuck your slave hard master," she repeated, over and over. The last orgasm hadn't subsided before she was on another, like a roller coaster that had forgotten its way. She was rising again, instead of falling. Higher and higher she rattled along, thinking she was surely ready to blackout any moment. Instead she rode the wave of euphoria. Her body was exploding with wave upon wave of the deepest orgasm of her life. "Thank you master, thank you for fucking me, thank you for making me cum,"

she screeched. He pulled out, before his orgasm. She wailed a little from wanting it, wanting to feel him spurt into her body. She needed to be filled with his cum. He guessed what she wanted and denied her. "Later, my little slave girl," he softly spoke. "What do you say, to your master?" "Thank you master," she responded. "You are a sexy slut, what are you?" Richard demanded. "Your slave is a sexy slut, master," she quavered. She knew he had her at a disadvantage, for she would say anything while like this. She was still high as a kite, sailing through the air, hovering then swooping with delight. "You are mine now, to do anything I like with," he teased. "Yes master, I am all yours, whatever you want. Thank you master," she gladly agreed. A small part of her mind tried to say this was wrong. She was a responsible woman, committed to someone else. She had to tell him only the words just wouldn't emerge from a dry mouth. She couldn't tell him, no', she could only say yes', to her master. He wiped away the mess from around her thighs and pussy. "I'm taking you home now," he informed her. "Yes, master, thank you, master," she murmured. She thought he meant to return her to the bar, and her boyfriend. It would be terrible to be seen like this, as it was obvious what she had been up to. What would Jim say? It would be appalling for Jim to see his girlfriend crawling on hands and knees, on a leash, held by his rival. It would be obvious that he had fucked her, making it all the more dreadful for both of them. Jim wouldn't be able to accept her back in that condition. "I don't want that disgusting thing back, keep it," Jim would say. She would be given away to Richard. In this place while submissive what could she do but go along with it. She would have to warn Jim this man was experienced and could completely dominate her. She would be trapped if given to him. With hands shaking she pulled on the tiny shorts and top. Following him out of the room they found Robert was waiting for them. Lee Ann breathed a sigh of relief. Passed back to Robert then to her boyfriend would be much better. It would still be awkward being returned to her boyfriend like a used object. She imagined being casually handed over to him, as though she were just a bitch after being mated for breeding. In her mind she imagined the sickening scene of Robert handing her back to Jim. "I found a classy stud to breed with your bitch. She fucked like an animal when the dog took her," Robert said. She felt like a stupid slut letting everyone in the club fondle her. It had been an agony of shame letting men and women finger her so openly. She just hadn't realised how wanton she became when turned on. The humiliation had

quickly stoked her up, until it became impossible to refuse the carnal needs of her body. Lee Ann was in a world of her own torment, not hearing the conversation going on around her. "I'll pay for this pet later, if that's OK? The price we agreed is just right for the little slut. Are you sure about losing Bimbo?" Richard asked. "Sure, I've got a replacement for the Bimbo. I'll hand her over to the new guy as soon as you leave," Robert laughed. Lee Ann was trying to regain some composure. She had been denied an orgasm for ages then given several in a row. The bombardment of emotions left her head spinning. One thing she knew for sure was that she just couldn't face Jim while in this state. "Please, master, get me out of here. Please take me home," she begged. It would be necessary to spend the night in the spare room, away from Jim. Could she ever bring herself to tell him what she had done? It was bad enough being aware of it herself. Richard took a hold of her arm, guiding her to a back door. She was relieved not to go anywhere near the bar. Getting into his car, she was a little disappointed it was all over. She had never ever experienced such intense feelings before and would probably never again. She had been this mans sex slave, and reveled in the feeling of being used in such a humble role. Of course it couldn't last, it simply couldn't. It was just a game. Just a nasty game they had played in the club. "Please, master, get me out of here. Please take me home," she begged. It would be necessary to spend the night in the spare room, away from Jim. Could she ever bring herself to tell him what she had done? It was bad enough being aware of it herself. Richard took a hold of her arm, guiding her to a back door. She was relieved not to go anywhere near the bar. Getting into his car, she was a little disappointed it was all over. She had never ever experienced such intense feelings before and would probably never again. She had been this mans sex slave, and reveled in the feeling of being used in such a humble role. Of course it couldn't last, it simply couldn't. It was just a game. Just a nasty game they had played in the club.

Lee Ann Chapter 2 - Becoming a slave ============================================================================ Lee Ann was still affected by the humiliating experience Richard and Robert put her through at the club. Robert swapped a blonde Bimbo for her, without Jim, her boyfriend, realising the consequences. Being swapped by the guys like nothing more than a baseball card, or some other trivial object, was extremely demeaning. In the club Richard bought her from Robert, reinforcing the feeling of being nothing more than an object of pleasure. He used her body, as though she was nothing but a sex slave! It confirmed without doubt she had a deep submissive side, with a need to be controlled. Still buzzing from what happened at the club she was daydreaming, while being driven home by Richard. Glancing around she wondered where they were. "Err, I live on Elm, over at Woodland Heights," Lee Ann murmured. "We are going to my house. Don't forget I bought you, and you agreed to be my slave," Richard firmly told her. "But that was just a game, wasn't it?" she asked, with a look of incredulity on her face. "Until your boyfriend buys you back, or someone else buys you, you belong to me. He has a woman now, Robert's Bimbo. So, until he figures out what happened to you, you're my slave," Richard firmly told her. The compliant blonde beauty would suit Jim, so given the chance he would have taken her home by now. How could she go home looking so slutty, and with Richards sperm encrusting her thighs? If Jim had taken the blonde home, it would be terrible arriving there seeing them together. A feeling of guilt left her wanting to slink away, and hide out somewhere. Lee Ann was desperately trying to regain some composure. She needed to find the words to counter this audacious statement. How could she be a slave? Did he really say he might sell her to someone else if Jim didn't collect her? The more she thought about being a slave, the more submissive she became. She felt so low and small, and worthless. Unable to go home, staying with Richard seemed the only solution. If so, it

was important to shake off the submissive feelings. Like this it would be difficult to defy him. They drove into his garage. She just sat there, bemused, thinking about everything and nothing. He opened the door helping her out of the car. She stepped into the brightly lit kitchen, blinking her eyes, rubbing away tears. "Get those slutty clothes off, slave," Richard demanded. She didn't know what to do. She trembled with fear. For a moment she thought it was only right to serve him, while her boyfriend had that blonde Bimbo. The guilt left her thinking Jim deserved to have some fun with the blonde. She had to get a grip. It was wrong. The naughty game could only be carried out at the club. Being a slave here had to be wrong didn't it? She had let Jim down, so he deserved to get his own back, by using that Bimbo. Did she deserve to be punished, by being taken as a slave? She shook her head, knowing these thoughts were a result of her arousal, and it was pushing her into making a wrong decision. She would have to refuse to play Richards game now, before it was too late. She must demand to be taken home. She couldn't just give in to this madness. Someone couldn't be enslaved in this day an age. It was just a dirty game and had to end! "I've, err, got to go home," Lee Ann quietly said. Intending to be more demanding her voice instead sounded pathetic. She couldn't go home and she dare not stay here. Richard pulled her over his knee. While she was still stunned he pulled her shorts down. "Hey! What are you doing, you can't do this. I'm a mature woman, not a naughty schoolgirl. Owww!" she bawled. She kicked her legs, desperately trying to get free. He was too strong for her, and was used to such a protest. "Stop it, please! You're hurting me! Please, sir," she bawled. "I'll be a good girl, honest, sir," she whimpered. He spanked her until she became subdued. "You are a dirty little slave girl, tell me what are you!" he fiercely ordered. "I'm, err, I'm a dirty little slave girl," she murmured. Although it seemed wrong, she became so hot he easily wrung the words from her. Her thoughts were torn between wanting to escape, and needing to be dominated. He reached under her to pull on a nipple. He slapped her ass and made her repeat it louder. "I'm a dirty little slave girl, master," she cried out. He slapped her bare bottom again, while holding onto the nipple. He twisted the nipple and stung her ass. "I'm sorry master. I'm your dirty little slave girl, master. I promise to do as I'm told, honest, master. Please don't hurt me, master," Lee Ann whimpered. "In future you will do as you are told and jump to it, understood?" he asked. "Yes, master, sorry master," she whimpered. It was just a game. A bad dirty game, but something she had to do. This man owned her, so that made her his sex slave. There was nothing she could do but obey him. It was just until her boyfriend fetched her back home, wasn't it? Lee Ann quickly stripped off to stand before him, posing like a naughty girl. Her behavior at the club had been so bad, when acting like a nasty slut, the spanking was deserved. She felt so small and insignificant before him, all doubts as to being his slave were abandoned. She was nothing but a humble slave and he was her master. It was what she needed and craved for, to be dominated and controlled. "On your knees, slave," he fiercely demanded. His deep commanding voice couldn't be disobeyed. Lee Ann crawled to him and undid his zip as commanded. Her sex was dripping wet from a deep uncontrollable arousal. That night she served her master. It was impossible to question his orders, which he delivered with exactness and authority. It was so easy to submit to him she forgot about everything else except learning to serve his every whim. >From the moment she awoke next day, it was easy to slip into the role of slave. He collared her as a symbol of her servitude. It was the only thing she was allowed to wear. Being busy with household chores was the only shred of normality she was able to cling to. "Very good, slave, you have learnt to serve me well," Richard informed her. "Yes, master, thank you master," Lee Ann dutifully replied. She carried on serving him in a dream like state, hardly able to comprehend it was for real. Being kept in a constant state of arousal had her meekly serving him. Every reward, including the wonderful sex, kept her compliantly pandering to his every whim. Much more of this, and she would be completely lost. "After lunch, you will practice slave positions," he informed her. Sitting on her haunches on the floor at his feet emphasized her lowly position. She thrust out her breasts and spread her thighs. "You are a beautiful little slave-girl," he told her. Lee Ann glowed with pride. He was very demanding, controlling everything she did. She even had to ask him to use the bathroom. Sometimes he supervised her there too. It had been embarrassing at first, but soon became used to it. She felt so wonderful now that he was please with her. She wondered what Jim would think if he knew what was happening. A business rival was putting his girlfriend through an irresistible slave training regime. Richard had tricked her into this. Their meeting at the club hadn't been a coincidence, it had all been arranged. She had been deliberately aroused into a state of abject submission, and sold to him. At last she was allowed to wear clothes. Lee Ann wore a leotard, stretched tight over her body. Everything was covered except her sex and breasts. They were rudely revealed, purposely out on display. A visitor arrived and she was expected to serve them both. Lee Ann stood to attention, with a tray in one hand, ready to serve them drinks. The visitor, Sheila, wore an all in one leather suit. It looked as though she had been poured into it. Richard couldn't keep his eyes off the woman. He tried to keep the conversation casual, though he was having an obvious difficulty concentrating, ever since she removed a coat. They ignored the slave during dinner, only acknowledging its presence to demand a splash of wine or morsel of food. They settled back in large comfortable easy-chairs in the lounge. Lee Ann stood unobtrusively between them, ready to serve. She felt so pathetic being

ignored, though that was preferable to being teased. She dare not step out of line, for he would find a way of humiliating her; which would push her ever more deeply into a submissive role. Though how that might be different from how she was behaving now, it was hard to discern. He had her right where he wanted, behaving how he wanted. "What do you think of my slave, Sheila?" Richard asked. "It has a nice figure, and it seems well behaved," Sheila commented. "Would you like to inspect her?" Richard asked. "Of course, I thought you would never ask," she gently laughed. "Slave," he stated, to gain her attention. "Stand there, and slip that thing off," he offhandedly ordered. He pointed to a spot on the carpet between them, where he wanted her. Lee Ann lowered her head in supplication, feeling afraid, unable to refuse yet another degrading command. She stood between them stretching her body and the leotard, pulling at it, rolling the thin garment from her body. She shook her long blonde hair from around her face, and stood up straight. "Turn around, let our guest get a good look at you," Richard casually said. He had seen it all before. He was watching Sheila's reaction, gauging her interest. Lee Ann felt so terrible yet she could do nothing but obey. It was far more demeaning with the two of them examining her naked body. Her shaved pussy was on view, though she kept her legs together, hiding as much as she could. "Take a closer look," Richard invited. In an agony of embarrassment she felt the woman standing close, towering over her. They were purposely humbling her, making her feel low and mean. Richard already had her feeling like an object, something he owned. Despite the humiliation she felt a warm glow, as her master was showing her off like a prized possession. "I paid a lot for her," he commented. Lee Ann cringed at the callous remark. Sheila took hold of a nipple and twisted it. With both hands she rubbed and weighed the breasts, then ran her hands down the slave's smooth flesh. Over her belly one hand glided, while fingers gripped and twisted a nipple. Sheila pushed a hand lower, holding the slave's crotch, pushing upward, cupping its sex. "It reacts easily enough. Does it always get sexed up from having its breasts worked?" Sheila casually asked. "Yes. Its breasts and nipples are very sensitive. The slave responds uncontrollably by pulling on its nipples," he stated. "Good! I like that," Sheila commented. She pushed two fingers into the slave's pussy, finding it flowing with sex juices. Lee Ann flinched, from both the nasty comments and the fingers delving so carelessly into her private place. It was no longer hers, since he had bought her at the club, so it belonged to him. It was in the club she had come to realize the truth. She was uncontrollably sexed up when someone, anyone, touched her breasts. It was an awful discovery. She felt pathetic to be manipulated so easily. Like a sex doll having its string pulled, her sex automatically opened up, ready to be fucked. The woman expertly manipulated her sex and wrapped an arm around her body to press fingers between the cheeks. Lee Ann opened her mouth to let the woman explore with a wet tongue. The woman insistent tongue was tinged with the taste of red wine. A finger found her asshole and pressed gently there too. Lee Ann tried to relax, not wanting to be hurt, yet her whole body was on fire in a tense state of arousal. The persistent finger gently entered her. Lee Ann had fingers exploring her vagina, with a thumb finding her bud. The thumb pressed it, rubbed it, teasing it. Her breathing rate increased with urgent gasps, as the right pressure was found. The woman expertly manipulated her into arousal. Lee Ann couldn't help it she was on the cusp of an orgasm. The finger in her bottom seemed to meet the fingers in her vagina, through the thin wall separating them. This dominant woman had worked her up into a torrid state within seconds. She was a helpless bundle of nerves, only just able to stand. Her legs trembled. With her hands at her sides her whole body wavered around. Needing to reach out to this stranger she instead had to be compliant, while manipulated. She was barely aware of what was happening around her, or even where she was. Every sense was concentrated on that small area of her sex, and sensitized nipples. The woman leant in and bit on a nipple, then gently sucked it into her mouth. Lee Ann threw back her head, and yelped in the throws of an orgasm. "What do you say?" Richard demanded. "Thank you mistress, for the orgasm," Lee Ann murmured, with a look of shame. The automatic response had become a habit; deeply ingrained from the training. "That was impressive!" Sheila sighed. "I feel in need myself after that,"

she huskily stated. Sheila lowered the slave to her knees. Sitting down she beckoned to the slave with a crook of a finger. Her eyes were narrow slits, with a look on her

face of intense sexual need. "That was a real turn on," she murmured. "Here slave, you can learn to like a woman's taste," she smiled, and unzipped the crotch of the leather suit. Lee Ann's face was forced between the woman's legs and roughly pressed into her sex. It smelt unfamiliar. She was used to a man's sexual heady aroma; learning to love it recently. Even the taste of sperm was now enjoyed. Still in the after glow of an orgasm Lee Ann was compliant. As a slave she was obedient, so got on with the unfamiliar task of licking a woman's sex. The woman guided her with movements and instructions. Richard was enthralled with the impromptu entertainment. At first his slave was hesitant. As a slave, giving pleasure had become her sole aim in life, so she soon became enthusiastic. He could tell it wasn't just to get the task completed as quickly as possible. His slave was licking and sucking with enthusiasm. Watching Sheila in the throws of an orgasm was interesting too. She was an important member of the circuit with good contacts. He courted her approval for his own ends, and she mentored him for the same reason. Sheila put a hand between her legs and cupped her sex hard. "I needed that, " Sheila laughed. "There's a private function this evening. I'd like to enter your slave, Richard," Sheila casually asked. Lee Ann was sent away to fetch drinks. She was worried what they had in store for her, but by the time she returned they had completed the arrangements. As a slave she no longer had a say in how or where, or who she was to serve. Lee Ann didn't like the idea of a wrestling match. It was ladies night at the health club and Sheila had entered her as a slave. Some of the mistresses were wrestling too. After drawing lots, she was thankfully matched against an older woman, someone she would have a chance of beating. The opponent, May, was an important business woman she knew of, but hadn't met before. The woman was bigger, though everyone was, for she was only five-four. Lee Ann had been working out at the gym for a few months, and was confident. Although she had a slight build it might be to her advantage, as she hoped to be quicker and more agile than the older woman. There was a forfeit to be paid by the loser. It was worrying enough to have her trying hard to win. Her Mistress hadn't warned her about the price to be paid for losing. The forfeit was unknown as it would be pulled from a bag after the match. All she knew was that it could be highly embarrassing, humiliating, or just silly. One slave had to clean a mistress's house at the weekend. A slave told her the girl Judy, would make a thorough job of it. She was so house-proud cleaning was more of an obsession than a duty. Everyone looked at Judy knowing it was an amusing and fitting forfeit. The drinks flowed, loosening the mistresses up. They became more boisterous and demanding of their slaves. After the next bout, slave Miranda had to run naked around the block. It was in the dark, but there were still a few people around to stop and stare. It was the fastest half mile she had ever run. Her large breasts bounced around as she stumbled in, out of breath. Everyone cheered and clapped, encouraging her like a champion runner. Slave Nelly had to strip naked and stand in the gym's window, for passers by to ogle. There were few people around at that time of night; hurrying home, or on their way out to a bar. She stood absolutely still, hoping no one would notice she was a real person. It worked, until a bunch of young guys walked passed. Of course they had to notice her. They made rude gestures and comments through the window. Having consumed enough wine to fire her courage she played up to them. She started to pose from their suggestions. She bent over, holding her ankles. She was enjoying the exhibition too much, so her mistress grabbed hold of her. She put Nelly over her knee and spanked her. It was in the window, right in front of the guys, who laughed and yelled with delight. The other mistress's pulled them in before the police were called. Eventually the guys got bored and moved on. After that, Lee Ann felt obliged to carry out the dare, whatever it would be. She too was a little turned on by the exhibition. Not from looking at the naked slaves, but from the humiliating situations they had been placed in. The thought of displaying her naked body so blatantly to strangers, was heating her up. Like everyone else, she wore a bikini for the wrestling bout. Finding the woman more of a challenge than expected worried her and she began to hesitate. The woman had oiled her body, so it was difficult to get to grips with her. May pulled her round, and hugged her tight, by her breasts. This was no good, for she was too vulnerable in this hold. May gripped her breasts hard, squeezing her nipples. "Are you ready to give in yet, little slave girl?" May whispered, in her ear. Lee Ann became angry and struggled free, to receive a cheer. She turned around in a crouch meaning to grab a leg, to pull the woman down. The sudden move worked, and the woman fell onto the mat. Unfortunately she grabbed Lee Ann, pulling her down with her. In a mass of slippery limbs they struggled for supremacy. The woman sat on her, rubbing her ass over Lee Ann's face. The crowed laughed as May played up to them. Lee Ann was red with anger and humiliation combined. She lifted her legs up, trying to wrap them around her opponent's neck in a winning hold. Instead, the woman pushed her thighs down onto the mat and bit her pussy. With legs spread akimbo, arms snaking around near naked bodies, they writhed like an octopus. An arm wound around a thigh, pushing up tightly under Lee Ann's crotch. May wrapped her other arm under an armpit, gripping her opponent tight. She lifted Lee Ann off the mat, in a triumphal move. Lee Ann was out of breath, panting heavily from exertion. She lay there defeated. She could feel the woman's bare arm tightly fitting over her bare lips, where the bikini had slipped awry. The top had been shoved up exposing her breasts, during a scrabble for a hold. She could feel her pussy wet against the woman's arm, hoping no one would notice. The exhibition of her naked body was turning her on. A bunch of raucous strangers could see her body and how turned-on she was. She couldn't get out of her mind how embarrassing it would be, displaying her naked hot body before a bunch of young guys, like Nelly had. Lee Ann was pinned down on the mat unable to cover herself, helplessly exposed to their laughter and the cheers for May. Her head was spinning from the fight, and from being so blatantly aroused before everyone. Someone picked the forfeit from a bag and everyone giggled then burst out laughing. May looked down at the vanquished maiden, mischievously grinning. Lee Ann looked up at her captor, worrying what was to happen next. An evil looking dildo was handed to May. She brandished it before her captive, tapping her nose with it. Lee Ann attempted a last futile struggle for freedom. The woman was heavier, and too athletic to shake off. May rubbed the dildo over her lips. Lee Ann groaned, as though in pain. Her pussy was wet from having her breasts squeezed, and nipples pinched. Her bikini had almost been ripped off during the bout leaving her exposed and vulnerable. It was awful to realize how wet and open she was. The dildo slipped in and everyone clapped and cheered encouragement. The humiliation of being publicly worked on, was stoking her up. She couldn't control her body, it was on fire. She felt the woman rubbing her clit, on its way in and out of a once private place. Lee Ann was in an agony of embarrassment as she started to respond. There was no going back, she just gave in. She lay back, letting the woman work her up to a climax. She shuddered with a spasm of urgent need. Her legs stiffened and stuck out straight, with toes wriggling, obviously in the throes of an orgasm. Women were watching, and recognized it was genuine. They found it delightful that a slave was climaxing before them. Some envied her, while others reveled in her helplessness, wishing they were working her like a helpless doll. Lee Ann opened her mouth to protest, needing it to stop, only to hear her voice quaver an animal, guttural sound, inspired by the orgasm. In a frightful state of humiliation she lay on the mat, breathing heavily, not daring to look at the cheering women. They all knew she had enjoyed it, probably thought she was a bi-sexual. Even Lee Ann was wondering. How could she tell them it was the feeling of being dominated, and having her breasts roughly grabbed, and her nipples squeezed. She couldn't reveal her breasts were so sensitive it made her uncontrollably sexed up. In the locker room May approached her. Lee Ann wanted to explain she wasn' t a lesbian. She felt the need to put the record straight. What could she say? Still unsure of herself, she stood before the imposing woman, trying to get her thoughts together. "Err, excuse me, I just wanted to say. . ." she started, but couldn't put it into words. The sound of her voice seemed to have become so pathetic, and her mouth was dry. "I need to tell you. I mean, I don't do that sort of thing. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not sure what happened," she stammered. "It's OK! It was just a bit of fun. I'll give you a lift and you can tell me on the way. It seems important to you, what happened out there," May said. Her voice was in control, as though it was a business meeting, and she was expecting a report. "It might do you good to bare your chest," the woman lightly joked. Lee Ann needed to refuse. She had to tell her she had a ride home, or at least back to her master. "Err, Sheila is taking me back," she started to say. It seemed so dreadful to reveal to a stranger she had a master. A sudden thought crossed her mind. How could she be so stupid! This woman could give her a lift home, and so escape from being a slave. The woman took hold of her wrist and led her away. Every time she tried to say something, the woman cut her off, with some banal statement, or a joke. In the dark it was difficult to see where they were driving too, but May kept the conversation going, asking all about her. Lee Ann answered the questions, bringing her boyfriend into the conversation as much as possible. Before long they had arrived, at the woman's home, not hers. "I need to get back home," Lee Ann said, sounding unsure of anything, let alone the need to escape this dominant woman. "Come on, we'll have a coffee and sort you out," May told her. "Think of this as a debriefing," she joked. The commanding voice was difficult to object to. Lee Ann found herself tamely followed the woman into the

kitchen. "Stand there, let me get a good look at you," May demanded. "You are a cute little thing," she commented. "Turn around, nice, very nice," she said. Lee Ann felt terrible. It was all going badly wrong. She wondered why she was lamely pandering to the woman. Had she been corrupted by Richard? It was

partly the onslaught of instructions that kept her compliant. Richard had trained her to obey him, and now this woman had her performing like a slave. Her submissiveness was growing, as the woman became more blatantly dominating. The thought of becoming overwhelmed by her was frightening. She needed to get out of there quickly. "I should get a taxi home," Lee Ann said. She realised she didn't have the taxi fare, not thinking about paying for it on arriving home. Her mind was in a whirl. All she could think of was this woman fucking her with that awful dildo. The picture of that appalling exhibition, before strangers, kept surfacing to haunt her. "Nonsense, you're not going anywhere, young lady. Sheila sold you to me. I 'll keep you until I'm bored with you. You're my lovely slave girl now," she announced in an imperious tone. "I'm Richards slave," she blurted out. She hadn't meant to say it, the thought popped out, leaving her feeling all the more weak and pathetic. She had admitted to being a slave! She should have condemned the notion. How stupid could she be? She thought the wrestling match was a last humiliation before being sent home. Instead she had yet again been passed on to a stranger, as a slave! She wasn't escaping she was becoming more deeply ensnared into their game of slavery. "I've some clothes that would suit you much better. That slutty dress looks awful. Typical of Sheila's bad taste," she said. Taking a hold of Lee Ann's wrist, May led her to a spare room. "Get out of that dress while I get something more appropriate," she demanded. Not wanting to, Lee Ann submitted to the onslaught of demands. The woman was an important business woman, used to ordering staff around, and getting her own way. She felt like a little girl being dressed by her aunt, who had been such a big influence on her, when she was little. May was holding up a dress, looking Lee Ann up and down. Lee Ann felt terrible for she hadn't been allowed to wear underwear. She stood naked before a stranger trying to hide her body. "Silly girl, I've seen it all, haven't we all!" May laughed. "Slip into this," she ordered. "No! Just do as I say," she heavily commanded. Lee Ann pulled on the dress. The woman helped pull it over her head, arranging the petticoats as it was pulled down. Without warning, she grabbed Lee Ann's breasts, manipulating them into the dress. The squeezing and pinching of her nipples wasn't as necessary as that! Had the woman guessed how turned on she became, while having her nipples pinched, and her breasts roughly mauled? Damn! Sheila had told her all about her weaknesses. It had white taffeta petticoats, holding up the hem. The hem bounced around her hips, not covering her bottom or sex. The top was scooped low, and tight, pushing her breasts into a deep cleavage. It would have looked cute, except she was a twenty-four year old woman, not a little kid. Lee Ann realised the young girls dress was meant to demean her. That didn't make any difference, she felt stupid. Especially as this woman was dressing her, as though she were her little girly. "Give me a twirl," May demanded. The pastel pink dress floated around her waist, lewdly showing off her sex and peachy bottom. "Excellent! Perfect! You look like a lovely little girly, my little girly. You can curtsy can't you?" she asked. Lee Ann felt so humiliated, and worst of all, she was becoming hot again. "Do it again, curtsy, only properly, and thank me for the nice dress, and call me mistress," May stipulated. "Just do it!" she fiercely demanded, and pinched both nipples. May pulled them over the top of the dress. Lee Ann's nipples were caught under the tight fabric, pinching them! Lee Ann caved in. It was impossible to fight the demanding woman. She had found that out earlier. She dutifully curtsied. "Thank you for the lovely dress, mistress," she sighed. If it took a moment of foolish embarrassment to satisfy the damn woman then she would have to submit to it. She needed to be returned to Richard, or better still, somehow get home. She hoped the woman would quickly get this stupidity out of her system, and take her home. She looked around for her dress, not seeing it. Hell! She couldn't go home to her boyfriend dressed like this, or even leave the woman 's house. What would he think she had been up to? She was so confused, and worked up, she couldn't think straight. Otherwise she would have thought of explaining that wearing the dress was a forfeit for losing the bout. But then she would have had to tell him about the wrestling. "Come along, little girly, your mistress wants her coffee," May demanded. Lee Ann meekly followed along, back to the kitchen. At least once they had a coffee she could escape back to Richard, or home and back to normality. "Make the coffee, slave," May ordered. "Yes, mistress," Lee Ann, automatically replied. In a fluster, Lee Ann made her way around the unfamiliar kitchen. The whole house was high tech and modern. It was a fabulous place, compared to their shabby apartment. She made two coffees and went to sit down. "No! Little girls do not sit until they are given permission!" May warned her. "I've," Lee Ann started to say it was time to go. "Little girls, do not speak unless spoken to!" she interrupted, with a warning. "If you don't do exactly as you are told, you will be spanked, do you understand, naughty girl?" May admonished her. "Err, yes, mistress," she answered. Lee Ann felt pathetic, and it heightened an already deep sense of humiliation, and subservience. She had let the woman fuck her, dress her, and order her about so much, she felt small and insignificant. She felt overawed in this important woman's impressive home. Everything was conspiring to push her into a submissive role. "I can see I need to train you, to behave and to know your place," May told her. "You will have to learn to obey your superior," she stated. "But mistress, I can't! No!" Lee Ann blurted out. She couldn't say another word, for her voice had risen in pitch, to sound like a pathetic little girly. "I warned you!" May fiercely said. She grabbed Lee Ann's arm and pulled the young woman over her knees. The little short dress flounced up around her waist, leaving her bottom bare. She felt a hand slap a cheek, and it stung. "Owch!" she cried out. "Keep still, stop squirming or it will go harder on you!" May warned. Lee Ann tried to keep still as the woman kept up a fierce spanking. "What do you say?" she demanded Lee Ann stood before her with head bowed, feeling distraught. She was hotter than when they wrestled! She had been completely subdued, and knew it. "Sorry, mistress," she murmured. The act of apologizing pushed her deeper into the role, of being this woman's little girly. "Not good enough! Promise to behave and do as you are told! Unless you like being spanked, is that it, you dirty little girl? I have a paddle hanging over there do you want to fetch it?" May demanded. "Nnnooo! I mean, sorry mistress. I will behave and do as I'm told, honest mistress, please don't spank me again, please!" Lee Ann pathetically blurted out. It was terrible to realize she meant it. The woman had her crawling to her, and promising to obey her.


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