Legend of Bellancia

By Line One

Published on Jul 1, 2001


Genre: Gay Male Celebrity Boy Band Nsync Legend of Bellancia Prologue Part 1

This would be my second story and first attempt at a fantasy genre. The first few at least parts are more background so wait for the heavier fantasy/magic, just bare with me. Comments, suggestions, and negativity all welcome just pick one of the emails two if I take too long line1@gay.com lineuno@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: I don't know the members of NSYNC personally. All I write is LOOSELY based on what I see on T.V. and in print with the obvious exception of certain members' sexuality. DUH! Legend of Bellancia Prologue Part One By: Line One

Unable to take the ignorance and persecution of the small bible-belt town the five women of the Hallen family begged the goddess to take them to a place welcoming of those in touch with magick. In an odd turn of events the goddess booned them for she saw a perfect triad of three generations crones, a pregnant mother, and young girls. However, the five intended the spell to give them strength not move them... _______________________

"Come on Curly! Please I'm bored!" Lance begged his friend.

"But I'm at the good part." He whined not to be out pouted by his friend.

"Please! You'll owe me. It's only two hours long." You'll still be able to finish your book before we hit the road again. Plus you know it will be better the longer you wait." He said trying to convince his friend to watch the movie.

"No, it's the other way Scoop." He knew he wanted to watch the flick but he could still make his band mate suffer.

"Come off it Just you know you like making fun of old b movies as much as I do." Lance spat switching back the 3rd grade I'm not getting my way semi-logical defense.

"Ok, ok I just had to make you sweat bud." He said leaving his hotel room and heading into Lance's.

When they reached his room Justin plopped on the couch with a running start. Lance followed by hurdling the love seat landing on it in sitting position to which Justin gave a golf clap.

"So, what's the poison?" Justin asked the fellow blonde.

"Them a true 'horror classic'." He answered.

"So where's Jace I thought you got the operation to physically attach yourselves." Lance joked.

"Sure I come here out of my generosity and all you can do it make fun of me! That's it I'm leaving. He had to produce some tracks in the studio here." Justin said making no move to leave even though he said he would.

"Didn't you know that? I may have to stop calling you Scoop." Justin teased Lance.

"Hey! I knew it I just wanted to see what he told you. I still say he's cheating on you with Joey." He egged his friend on knowing Joey was very much straight.

"Ugh! Why do insist on that theory. Just start the movie dork."






"Start the movie damnit." Justin fumed 2 seconds after Lance had started the movie.

"I already did Oh Perceptive One."

The movie didn't go quite as planned however after only thirty minutes Lance had tired of their smartass banter and insulting the lame film. A thing Justin was very much aware of.

"Hey Lance you still wanna watch this?" He asked sincerely looking at his friend.

"No not really you can finish your book or whatever." Lance said trying not to let on how lonely he was for a man.

"No I'm not going anywhere. I can still read you like a book Lansten. You need a man. And that's just what Just is gonna do for ya!" Justin stated proudly standing tall.

"R-really!" Lance said hoping Justin really could find him a decent, attractive, hell decent was enough at this point.

"Um Justin where are you going to get me a man? You can't exactly find your way around St. Louis and I seriously doubt you know of the local gay hangouts." Lance said knowing that Justin's offer was too good to be true.

"True, true but, I still have working gaydar and I'm sure a driver could find us a local college." Justin said thinking that on the spot so as not to let Lance's spirits down.

"Um ok but remember we have to be back by 7 since the busses leave by 4." Lance reminded the younger singer.

"We'll its only four now and I'll only need and hour tops so we have plenty of time." Justin said rubbing his hands together like Chris when he gets a mischievous idea. This reaction did not sit well with Lance but then again a moment of embarrassment for a moment of companionship was worth the risk.

Justin went over to the phone and called for a driver and then called the concierge to find what the local colleges where like.

"Ok where to go?" Justin thought out loud. "Saint Louis University is Jesuit, nope. Washington University is a brain school i.e. stuck up; Webster, Font Bonne, and Lindenwood are all Christian colleges. That leaves us with Florissant, Merrimack, Forest Park, and University of Missouri. Hmm what do you think Lacey-poo?" Justin directed to his friend who was visibly nervous and looking in the mirror.

"Um the last one sounded nice." He said taking a shot in the dark.

"Good choice, the only non-junior college."

"Ok let's go." Lance said wanting to get the night over and done with as little humiliation as possible with one of his band mates. Asking a lot? Yes, but he can still hope. ___________________________

Jon sat outside the Millennium Student center against a wall studying for his killer music history class. Even thought the test was not for another two weeks he knew what waiting would mean.

He only stood 5'6 maybe 5'7 and weighing 130lbs. His hazel eyes and auburn red hair served only to complement his pale complexion and dusting of freckles giving Jonathan a classic Irish look even if he was of more German ancestry.

He glanced ever so often at the passers-by or the other people sitting in the vicinity, a favorite past time of Jon's. He thought "nothing really note worthy so far" and resumed his studies.

Next: Chapter 2: Story of Lidanjer

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