Legend of Bellancia

By Line One

Published on Jul 17, 2001


This story is the component story to Legend of Bellancia. This story will feature only the women in the first Legend story with the possible exceptions of some crossovers. The Legend Story will focus on NSYNC.

Disclaimer: I don't know Britney Spears, as much as know NSYNC so what I write is definitely not accurate on her more so than what I write about NSYNC is accurate. Which is not since I don't know NSYNC. I wish what I wrote about them was true that would be so cool but its not true, think. Well it could be BIG MAYBE but then that would only be luck/coincidence.

Lidanjer Story Part One By Line1

... to another world. The five women were shocked when they realized their spell worked.

"This cannot be magic does not work as it does in Hollywood. This must be a dream." The oldest women said clutching her breast in disbelief.

"The Hallen's blood is old in the ways of Wicca. Blessed be we have our boon." The second oldest woman said. Around them was a magnificent forest setting. Apple trees, sparrows, pixies fluttering high above.

However as she spoke and took in the scenery a woman appeared from the forest. She was dressed as though she was a child of the forest. Yet, her nature themed garb had a sense of majesty and she carried herself regally. Immediately the three eldest women recognized her.

"Great Lady it was you who brought us her." The three remarked. There thoughts seemed to be plain to one another now in this strange knew land. They all felt that magick worked differently here somehow.

"You four are children of my own flock in a world I had long forgotten. I wish I could have done something in your world to aid you. My powers are weakened however, in the last millennia many things have happened here in Lidanjer, my world." The woman said looking at all the females except the second eldest virgin.

Turning to the one not of her flock she said, "You where with them when they asked for my aid yet you do not fully understand me. I am curious virgin child as to why?" The goddess spoke gently.

"Ma'am I meant no disrespect." The young woman began.

"I take no offense child, you heart is open to me. I have no reason to question that. I simply wish to know why you chose to help them call for me when your faith lies in another." Mierna goddess of the forest asked.

"I cannot say I truly understand why. It just hurt so much to see the town persecute my two great aunts and Aunt Jenny, and my cousin Libby and Jenny's soon to be daughter. Why should they have to feel so much pain? They just moved to Tindale and it already started again. It's the twenty first century in the U.S. of A. and this is still going on...." The girl burst into tears. Immediately her three elders swallowed her in a hug.

"Don't cry Britney, it ok now. We're finally safe." Jenny told her niece.

"Child I am truly sorry if this curiosity I have brings you pain. You need not continue if you want not." The goddess responded placing a comforting hand on Britney.

"No its ok, you've done so much that I feel I owe it to you." Britney began to compose herself, trying not to disgrace her family to the goddess who helped her family. "I'd just gotten sick of people who had the same God as me doing such horrible things. I knew very little about Wicca and when I heard Great Aunt Penelope say they were going to do a spell of understanding I wanted to help. She said I would be welcome in joining them. I thought spells were just like prayers though and the goddess never really answered them in person."

"She doesn't my child. While I am a goddess I am not the only goddess nor am I the goddess to whom you were praying. Now my children of the forest I know only four of your names."

"I am the sister of Penelope. My name is Lilith." The second eldest said.

"Good well Penelope, Lilith, Jenny, Britney and little Libby I welcome you to Lidanjer. This country is called Greon the nearest city is one built by my followers: Mirnetica."

"I'm not willte." The four year old pouted.

"I'm sorry child. I did not intend to upset you. Are you hungry?" Mierna asked.

Libby's eyes lit up. "Do you have any candy?"

"Libby, don't be rude." Jenny chastised her child.

"As a matter of fact I do. How would you like taffy?" Mierna produced the candy and gave it to the little girl.

Libby immediately took the candy and hugged Mierna leg. "Thank woo."

"Your welcome."

"Goddess Mierna. I mean no disrespect but it is getting dark." Penelope asked.

"Oh why it is." Mierna scanned the area with her mind and found a stone dwelling in the forest that had not been used in three years not far from them. "There is a cottage only twenty minutes from here. It is uninhabited and has been so for three years."

"Do you know what happened to the old owner? We do not want to steal their home." Lilith asked.

"Worry not he was a follower of mine and is now my herald-chief liaison of Mierna in the mortal realm. He has not time to spend in one place for long. I will tell him of you. I know him well he will not mind." Mierna started to fade from their view and return to her realm on Lidanjer.

"Wait where is the cottage? You did not tell us." Jenny called after the now transparent goddess.

"You found me you'll find it just follow the magick trail I lead my own not astray." Mierna was now gone.

"She is right I can feel the cottage." Penelope exclaimed.

"As can I, let us go Hallens." The five women embarked through the forest and to the cottage. Britney taking her somewhat frightened niece's hand. "Don't worry Libby we'll be safe I promise." The older women took the hands of Jenny supporting the eight-month pregnant woman traverse the step parts of the path.

After exactly twenty minutes of hiking the women found a wonderfully built cabin that was in need of cleaning. Sitting down with his back to and outside wall of the cabin was a man dressed in a similar fashion to Mierna.

"Sir, are you a god?" Penelope asked the man.

"No I am Yent the liaison of Mierna this is my cabin. I was sent here to show you the ways of this land and of Lidanjer. I had some time so I cleaned the inside and brought some food. The beds are freshly made."

"Thank you, you are kind sir. Well, you've been up long enough time for bed now. Jenny scooped her daughter into her arms and headed inside.

"Can I have a bed time story mommy?"

Stopping at the doorway to the cottage she answered. "Sure sweetie what do you want mommy to tell you."

Pweeez!" Libby definitely had a killer pout.

"What not a story about your super star cousin, Britney Spears? You always ask for those." Jenny tickled her child.

"Well if the girl would like a story I cannot refuse such a pretty young face. Would you like a story about love and magic young one?" Yent asked.

"Thank you Yent but you don't have to." Jenny said.

"I'm sure you will all find this story very useful." Whispering to Jenny--"Besides its a little dull and may put her to sleep faster."

Yent began to tell the story of Lidanjer and Bellancia

Lidanjer is divided into three parts the mortal realm, which had all sorts of magical creature and races like humans, gnome, elves, trolls, etc.

The other third is the where the dead live.

The final third it the residence of the gods and goddesses.

The god area is separated from the other realms by a magical force barrier. Not physical thing may pass it all energy including magic reflect off the barrier.

The realm of the dead is separated by impenetrateable gray wall.

All gods and goddesses power is a force called manna. Manna is composed of three parts: magick, mystic, and astral. The force called magic limits manna in and of itself. Magic is like the natural laws that govern science. Magic is the gravity and inertia that help practitioners of one aspect of manna understand how there spells will work i.e., how much power can a specific spell have. All spell casters: elementalist for mystic, wizard for magick or witch, and psychic for astral can use arcane spells that use all the forces of manna. Certain casters specialize in the arcane and are capable of not only using full manna but also in focusing magic itself. These casters are called counter-mages or protection-mages. The counter-mage basically uses magic to cancel (remove an existing spell), counter (stop a spell from taking effect), warding (preventing certain spells from being cast in an area, reversing (shifting the spell's effect from its original to a 180 degree opposite), and binding (preventing a mage from casting certain spells).

The world of Lidanjer was once ruled by the three manna mages. The elementalists were the elves who protected the lands from evil monsters and forces. The gnomes relished their astral abilities being the great thinkers and tinkerers and traders. The humans were the witches and wizards using magick. They were the leaders of the religions of the land. These three races along with the builders and antimagical dwarves ruled the mortal domains of Lidanjer. The main country to which all other countries pledged loyalty and their right to be defended was Greon. The capital being Alsahts. The world was not without peril however the lands were virtual safe. In time the dwarves in their vast underground realm discovered the art of counter-magic. After only millennia of this discovery Venrix a human broke into the Alsahts Library of Magic taking with him the books of fundamental manna magic. He took these books and began to learn the secrets of the other manna mages. This destroyed the natural balance of power. Where each race had enjoyed the natural division of magic power now it became apparent that manna magics could be mixed. Venrix taught others the secrets of manna and magics were mixed. The great council of Greon was determined to stop Venrix and followers and wanted to maintain the purity of Lidanjer's magic. New types mages sprung forth like wild fire and the evil races got their hands on the books Venrix stole. Necromancy, curse-magic, enchanment, and conjuration the forms of mana-magic the council feared came to life. The gods and goddesses were unable to aid as they openly warred over what to do with the balance of magic. Justice was no longer present in the mortal realm Vallance the god of justice had very little spiritual power. In time nearly all of his life force had been drained. His wife Samile made the ultimate sacrifice. Being the goddess of life and creation she could not bear to see her husband waste away, she would have rather died than see that fate and she did die rather than see Vallance die. Summoning all of her power into to one drop of the life giving water she wept a single tear giving Vallance her souls might and manna power. However the energies of Vallance returned when Samile gave him her life force but upon receiving the life force he also gained her manna powers in addition to his own. The balance of magic within him was greater than another god. Now the already fragile barrier of magic on Lidanjer was stressed even more. Not only was the mortal realms magic changing rapidly but now the god's realm was an unstable power structure. Vallance's body was not meant to hold as much power as he did with two god's manna powers. Magic did not allow for such things and it seemed that Samile's sacrifice might have been in vain. By giving Vallance her life force she also gave him her manna powers which were part of her as a living goddess. This factor was not lost on Vallance who in these short moments of renewed life look forward to death and seeing his precious Samile again in the realm of the dead; he was sure the stress of both mana powers would kill him. Debal, Vallance's father, however, saw the potential implications of Vallance's current condition. The prophetic god knew that Vallance was rupturing the laws of magic and would destroy all of the god and goddesses as well as the humans whose manna was granted to them by the gods. Vallance was immediately aware of this fact since his father the god of thoughts thought he should know. Debal and Mierna knew what their daughter Samile would want. Debal used his manna to create a portal using all the astral energies he and his wife could manage, the two sent Vallance into space far enough from Lidanjer to cause any harm. Mierna fearing for her son's death used all of the magic her creation goddess daughter gave their son Vallance and realized it making all of Samile's energies incarnate, thus Vallance was now able to contain the mana powers within him. The result was Lidanjer's sister planet Bellancia. Bellancia is the name for Vallance in Elvin tongue. Still an infant at the time Chombus, Vallance's son wanted to see his father desperately. Vallance took his son and together they set out to form order in the new world of Bellancia teeming with new life. Without the aid of other gods and goddesses to aid in the natural order of manna and magic in the world however this became a most daunting task. Vallance saw that creating sentient beings would be virtually impossible without other gods and goddesses. Lidanjer was not producing any other gods or goddesses however. Magic on that world couldn't support them nor could it afford to lose any as all them were busy trying to maintain magic, as they still are today ten million years after the birth of Bellancia. Sentient beings however are necessary for the life of a planet's magic. Manna must be realized somehow. Unable to create any children Chombus and Vallance had to find someway of regulating manna for they could not perform such a feat alone and someone would have to as the planet and they would die without sentient life. Knowing this Chombus a time god thought that perhaps an aristocracy in the truest sense of the word, literally ruled by the best, could help regulate manna. The damage of having no regulation in manna would not set in for one hundred thousand years Chombus saw. Therefore allowing only ninety thousand years the best mages of all of Bellancia could be found and given powers over the manna stream and support the form of Bellancia's magic. These mages would each be a chylde of Bellancia, they would be the chyldes. In the beginning there were five hundred chyldes the same number of gods and goddesses on Lidanjer before Samile died. Each chylde is equal in power. As mortals there power lies not in them self but in the token that each one bears. Since the chyldes are mortals, they have warred with one another. Each chylde using the citizens of the city they dwell in to show their power, rarely engaging in actual combat themselves. This has lead to twelve chyldes becoming the most powerful of the now remaining one hundred and two chyldes. All chyldes are either White Chyldes, Dark Chyldes, or loyal to the justice and wisdom of the two gods of Bellancia Chombus and Vallance, these are the Gray Chyldes. The twelve most powerful Chyldes are the six White Chyldes and six Black Chyldes all other chyldes are Gray Chyldes. The world of Vallance is unique in its design as Lidanjer is. The world is one massive continent with some islands not far off its coast. Vallance exists in six locations on Bellancia. He is present all of the six locations at all times. Four locations are on the northern, southern, eastern, and western most islands. The other is in the direct center of the continent on the highest peak of Bellancia. The final point is on the opposite side of the globe as the last one I mentioned. It is in the center of the magic of Bellancia. Bellancian magic is unique for it can be seen. It is the second half of the world the continent and the ocean being the other half. The other half, the magic cannot be reach by normal travel. Going to the edge of the mortal realm of Bellancia you would end up on the opposite end of that realm as if the mortal realm were the entire globe (think of this as a video game where if you go on the too far on the left most part of the screen you end up on the right most part of the screen if that helps any.) Only through astral travel or space travel (which is only possible for psychics) can one reach the magic of Bellancia.

Yent stopped and Libby was fast asleep. The other three women also went to bed while Yent promised to keep guard to ease their minds into safety even though they were in no danger being in the sacred pine grove of Mierna.

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