Lenny, Alex, Ronald and the Cops

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Dec 24, 2019



Lenny, Alex, Ronald and the Cops

by Christopher Trevor

My name is Lenny Brusco; most of my buds call me Len. I work as a sub-contractor for construction companies throughout the state, so most of the time I use my private van to go to and from meetings with company owners and to jobsites...

...which usually means I wear construction boots instead of dress shoes.

Safety first you know when it comes to any kind of construction sites.

AND, because I wear construction boots my feet, by the end of a long day tend to really ripen and stink to the highest heavens and lowest depths of hell.

So, to spare my wife and two daughters having to experience the scent of my stinky socked feet at the end of a long day I usually stop in a park on my way home.

Once there I take my construction boots off and air my socked feet out a bit by dangling them out the passenger side window of my van, as I lay back on the front seat to catch a quick snooze before driving the rest of the way home.

Why all this talk about what I do for a living and my construction boots and smelly socked feet? I'm getting to that...to all of that...buds...

Now, just for the record, I want to make it clear that any time I ever stopped in that park to air my socked feet out and catch a quick snooze before heading the rest of the way home I never encountered ANY kind of trouble...the park is hardly frequented by anybody, seeing as the park a few miles away has all the things needed for kids, swings, seesaws, slides, and other things...so as I said I had NEVER encountered any kind of trouble in the park where I go to air out my socked feet...

...until that day...

...what I came to call that fateful day.

It was mid-August and the temperature outside in New York City was in the high nineties with one hundred percent humidity. I had spent the better part of my workday at a construction site that had yielded no shade whatsoever...

...so you can only imagine how sweaty, rancid and moist my socked feet were in my construction boots that day. AND, to make it even worse, all my thick sweat socks were in the wash so I was forced to wear a pair of thin black nylon dress socks with my construction boots that hot day.

As I drove toward the park I figured I would spend a little extra time in the park that day airing out my socked feet...

...and taking a lengthier snooze than usual, seeing as the heat of the day had really beaten the shit out of me at the jobsite.

Like any other time in the park I situated my van under a nice big tree for maximum shade, rolled down the driver's side and passenger side windows, left the air conditioner on a medium setting and leaned down to unlace my big construction boots and get them off my huge smelly feet.

As soon as I pried my black socked feet from my boots the scent from them assaulted my nostrils.

Grinning wickedly I sputtered, "WHOA!!! My dogs are really beyond ripe today! These thin fucking nylon socks didn't absorb any of my foot stink!"

I tossed my boots into the back seat, stretched myself out across the front seat and dangled my stinking socked feet out the passenger side window.

"Ah, nice, real fucking nice," I said out loud, folded my arms over my chest, wiggled my toes a bit under my socks, closed my eyes, and quickly nodded off...

...enjoying the feel of the cool air from the air conditioner as it caressed me.

From my best estimates it was about ten or so minutes later when I heard a macho sounding voice say, "Holy fucks Ronald, how lucky could we have gotten today?"

"Sure as shit Alex, a nice pair of smelly black dress socked feet just dangling here and just waiting for us," the guy whose name was Ronald said agreeably.

I opened my eyes, looked up at my feet dangling out the passenger side window of my van and saw two guys standing there, but to be more precise, they weren't just standing there...

...the two fuckers, one of them a tall lanky looking blond dude and a dopey looking stack of muscles with brown short cut hair were leaning down over my rancid socked feet and they were sniffing AND licking them!!!

I could not fucking believe what I was seeing buds...two fucking dudes licking and sniffing my damned stinking dogs!!

I quickly climbed out of my sleepy nod, figured to get my socked feet back into the van and make short work of the two jokesters...

...but before I could pull my feet away from the window and into the van the two jokesters each grabbed one of them at my ankles...

...and I have to say that their grips were like iron...FUCK!!!

"HEY!!! FUCKING PERVERTS!!!" I roared. "Let go of my damned feet!!"

But instead of doing what I had just demanded the two degenerates yanked my feet further out the window, making them more accessible for them.

With my eyes now opened wide in disbelief I watched then as the two guys now each held one of my feet by the calves, with two hands each...

...as they lifted my feet to their mouths and began sucking and slurping at my toes through my stinking black socks.

"HOLY SHIT!! HOLY fucking shit!!!" I reeled crazily, feeling totally helpless. "WHAT- what are you guys doing???"

The blond dude, the one named Alex stopped what he was doing for a moment, held me super tight by my socked calf and snidely asked, "What does it look like we're going big man?"

"FUCKING fucks, it looks like you and your dopey bud there are sucking my goddamned toes through my rancid socks!" I rasped, trying unsuccessfully to pull my feet out of their grasps.

"Smart you are big man," Alex chirped through a grin, leaned down and quickly resumed sucking my socked toes, alongside his buddy.

"Stop it, fucking stop it!" I ranted at the two men as they began slurping their tongues over the bottoms of my socked feet. "What's the point of this???"

This time it was the brown haired dopey looking guy named Ronald who replied by saying, "C'mon big man, most dudes just love a good pair of stinking silky dark colored dress socks, it's s primal sort of thing, a guy thing, "and like Alex before him, he quickly resumed working my foot that he had in his beyond strong grasp...

"JEEEEEZZZZ!!!" I roared crazily and watched helplessly as the two guys licked and lapped the bottoms of my socked feet, chills beginning to course through me as they did their dirty work. "Fuck that shitty explanation you just gave me man, no dudes I know love doing to another guy's socked feet what you're doing to mine right now!! And for the record my name is Lenny, not big man!"

In response Alex glanced in the back section of my SUV and said, "With construction boots that big I would say that the nickname big man is just what the doctor ordered," and then he went to work kissing and dribbling over my socked foot, from my toes to the bottom of it...

...and when he sucked his saliva off the bottom of my socked foot more chills seemed to engulf me...

...and lo and fucking behold those chills seemed to spread to my cock...

...and I felt my pride and joy, what my wife calls my jumbo sized joystick, betray me and begin engorging in my boxers under my jeans...

"AWWWWWW, fucking fucks again, what's happening here?" I said to myself in total disbelief...

...as my cock hardened and engorged.

A few short minutes later the two guys were holding my captive socked feet by my toes and heels in their colossally strong grips...as they licked, dribbled on and sucked up their saliva from the smooth bottoms of my black socks...they planted loud slurpy kisses on the bottoms of my feet and as they licked and lapped at them more and more the looks on their faces were that of sheer ecstasy...and to my chagrin and utter incredulity my cock had engorged to full mast in my boxers under my jeans...JEEEEEZZZZ...

As they bent my socked toes back and slid their tongues under them and sniffed that area next of my socked feet I balled my hands into fists and desperately sputtered, "GUYS, please, PLEASE fucking stop this!!! I have never before in all my life had anyone do to me what you're doing here!!!"

"Then I would say today is your lucky day big man Lenny," Alex quipped, nicknaming me some more.

I watched from my helpless splayed out position as the two men pushed my jeans up my legs till the tops of my black socks were revealed, showing off some of my hairy legs as well.

"Calf length socks, real macho man we got here," Alex said to Ronald and together the two men started kissing AND bighting at the tops of my socks.

"Never thought of calf length socks as macho man socks you perverts, fucking de-fucking-generates!" I rasped. "In my world my socks are just that, my socks!!!"

"HEH, then welcome to our world big man Lenny," Ronald said as he and Alex held my calves tight and went and on kissing and bighting at the tops of my socks...

...FUCK, they even kissed my hairy exposed leg skin...FUCK...

...and as they did and as they did and as they did some more my cock, erect as a flagpole in my jeans started pre seeding...JEEEEEEZZZZZZ...

When they'd had enough of the tops of my socks they again went back to sucking my toes through my socks...and pressing their thumbs and fingers hard against the balls of my feet, massaging them...

"Looks like he's enjoying all this after all Alex," Ronald said as he held one of my feet tight, dribbling nastily over my socked toes. "Check out the chub in his jeans..."

As Ronald quickly slurped my socked toes back into his craw Alex said, "Yeah, all men love having their socked feet worked this way Ronald. Even big man Lenny here, even though he won't admit it...HEH..."

I sat up on my elbows, clenched my teeth and railed at the two guys, "MAYBE if it was my wife doing to my feet what you two are doing and causing that chub in my jeans as you just called it I would be happier about it...but you two are freaks, fucking sock freaks at that! JEEEZZZ!!!"

As I ranted I tried again to yank my socked feet from the two men's grasps but it was impossible. It was as if my poor feet were locked in vises...

"Your wife would never do this for you big man Lenny, Ronald chuckled. "Like I told you, this is a guy thing..."


The two men yanked me farther forward yet by my calves...

...till my feet were TRULY dangling out the passenger side van window, the backs of my knees perched over the rolled down window...

Alex and Ronald had hunkered down on their haunches, they were now holding my totally exposed socked feet by my toes and upper calves and even though because of the position I was in I couldn't see them, I could feel what they were doing at that point...

...the fuckers were now working the tops of my socked feet, kissing them, licking them, sucking on them...and playfully rolling my damned socks up and down, of all the blasted things to happen to a guy...FUCK...FUCK...

"GUYS, PLEASE, how much longer do you plan to do this to me???" I barked loudly. "I have to get home! I have a wife and kids waiting for me!!!"

"They'll wait I'm sure," Alex said in a snarky tone of voice...

"Bastards," I whispered and as I felt their tongues slithering up and down the fronts of my socked calves I was ashamed to admit that my cock was hard as steel at that point...

...and my balls were literally churning in their sac...

I felt the fronts of my socks pulled a bit away from my toes and then the two men were sucking the moist silky material as they caressed my muscled calves...

"AWWWWWW GAWWWWDDD none of my buds will EVER believe this!" I said out loud and in response Ronald said, "Maybe if you told your buds about it they would service you as we're doing now big man Lenny...'

"SERVICING ME??? You call this servicing me???" I railed, once again up on my elbows and looking out the passenger side window of my van as the two men outside did unspeakable things to my socked feet. "I call this having been kidnapped by you two perverts!!!"

But no matter what I said or protested what they were doing to me, to my socked feet to be exact, they just didn't seem to want to stop... I then felt them kissing round and round my socked calves, JEEZZZZ...it seemed the more they worked my feet the more creative they became...

...until...a ray of hope appeared...

...in the form of a police car that was obviously patrolling the park...

"FUCK!!! WHAT LUCK!!!" I roared happily and hefted myself up further on my elbows.

I leaned my head back toward the driver's side window and bellowed, "POLICE!!!! POLICE!!!! HELLLLPPP!!!! POLICE!!!"

I thought for sure that once the police car appeared and I began hollering that Alex and Ronald would let go of my damned feet and hightail it the fuck out of the park...but no such luck. I simply figured that the two jokesters were so fucking stupid that they would even risk going to jail for what they were doing to me...

To my joy and utter delight the police car stopped directly next to my van and the two officers stepped out of their cruiser from the passenger and drivers sides...

...and made their way over to Alex and Ronald...and my socked feet of course...

"OFFICERS! Thank fucks you're here!!" I railed from my helpless position in my van.

I saw that the cops, who had left their uniform caps in their patrol car, due to the intense heat I supposed, were, just like Alex and Ronald, one blond and the other brown haired, but definitely not dopey looking...

...and like Alex and Ronald the two cops were on the muscular side, their upper arms sticking out of the short sleeves of their uniform shirts attested to that...

"OFFICERS, HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!" I bellowed again.

"What's going on here guys?" the blond cop asked, directing his question not to me, BUT, to Alex and Ronald...

...as they were now standing there holding my damned socked feet in their iron-like grips...

"Well, you see Officers," Alex began, hoisting my foot that he was holding higher yet, higher and toward the blond officer's face...much to my further disbelief. "We found this guy; his name is Lenny, with his socked feet sticking out of the passenger side window of his van here."

"FUCK THAT Officers!" I reeled and watched as the two cops took my feet in their hands from Alex and Ronald...and held them as tight as the two jokesters had. "These two dudes have been perving all over my socked feet! I only stopped here to air my socks out before I headed home and..."

"Well you know Sir," the dark haired cop began, looking in my van at me and holding my foot tight by my calf and around the top of it. "Airing out your feet, or any other body part for that matter is not legal in a public place."

"OKAY, okay, then just let go of my damned feet and I'll be on my way and..." I began, but then, to my utter and TOTAL shock...

...the two cops hoisted my socked feet to their mouths and slurped my socked toes into them...and began sucking them harder than Alex and Ronald had done...

"HOLY FUCK! OFFICERS, why, why are you now perving on my damned socks???" I sputtered miserably...

...and my throbbing erection leaked more pre seed in my pants...

"Just collecting evidence Mr. Lenny," the blond cop said and quickly slurped my socked toes back into his craw.

"Collecting evidence??? COLLECTING EVIDENCE MY ASS!" I reeled. "Fuck that, you two are as degenerate as those two are, OR, you're not cops at all! SHIT!!!!"

The brown haired cop stopped sucking my socked foot for a moment, said to me, "I assure you Mr. Lenny, we are indeed police officers," and he quickly began licking and slurping the bottom of my socked foot.

"DAMN, DAMN, what a day this turned out to be..." I muttered in disbelief.


I watched as the two cops and Alex and Ronald began taking turns sucking, licking and kissing my socked feet...I watched as the two cops held my socked tootsies tight and Alex and Ronald feasted on them...AND...I watched as Alex and Ronald held my socked dogs tight and the cops chewed on them...collecting their so-called evidence...

"GUYS please, PLEASE, finish up already; I really need to head home at this point!" I pleaded, wanting not only to get home but to relieve myself sexually as well...FUCK!!!

How could it have happened buds??? How in all hell could I have laid such a boner in my pants from having two perverts and two cops working my socked feet over mouth-wise???


...after what seemed like a goddamned eternity the four men stopped mouth-working my damned socked feet. I watched helplessly as the two cops each peeled one of my black dress socks each off my rancid feet.

As I pulled my now freed, but bare feet, into my van and as I sat up in a proper positon behind the driver's seat, I barked at the cops, "Why in all hell did you take my socks Officers???"

Holding up one of my socks, the blond cop said, "Evidence Mr. Lenny. You can come to the precinct on Fifth Street Rockford Avenue to claim them tomorrow, if you wish."

"Yes, and you can also pay the fine for airing your socks out in a public place," the brown haired cop said and handed me a ticket he had written.

"JEEZ, I do not, DO NOT believe what happened here today," I muttered as I watched the cops get in their cruiser and drive off.

I looked out the passenger side window at Alex and Ronald, who were still standing there grinning.

"You fuckers, not only did you somehow cause me to chub up in my pans, not only did you perv all over my damned socks, but you caused me to lose my socks AND get a ticket as well, SHIT!!!" I roared at the two jokesters.

Alex chuckled, and, glancing down at my now naked feet, said, "Looks to me like your bare feet could use a little airing out as well big man Lenny..."

I clenched my teeth, looked down at my definitely sweaty stinking bare feet, and looked back at the two guys outside my van...

...and a few seconds later I was again splayed out over the front seat of my van, my now bare feet sticking out the passenger side window...

...as Alex and Ronald held them tightly and sucked my toes, licked the bottoms of them and kissed and chewed them as well...

I pulled my cell phone from my pocket, called my wife, and told her I would be getting home a bit later than usual that evening...

/The End/

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