Leo and James

By J J

Published on Oct 8, 2012


Chapter One -- The Meeting

Leo and I had been friends for weeks before our relationship turned sexual. I knew Leo was gay and that he was attracted to me but I was too closeted to think about getting physical with him -- until New Year's Eve. While out drinking with Leo and my girlfriend at the time I felt a hand rubbing my thigh. I reached down and held the hand that was stroking me and felt that it was a large, rough, meaty hand, certainly not that of my girlfriend's. I always wondered when Leo would make a move as I suspected he was interested in me, and how I would handle it if he did. I looked at Leo to see a reaction but he kept his stare outward, without giving a clue as to his intentions. I quickly removed my hand from his, but the reason was mostly fear instead of distaste. My girlfriend, Lisa, was talking to someone at the next table, oblivious to what was happening. After having quite a bit to drink both Leo and I were pretty plastered. Leo had let his guard down, and I was getting a hard on. His hand traveled up to my groin and felt a growing penis, letting Leo know I was getting aroused. It was only the beginning..

I first met Leo on the basketball court outside my apartment. He was dominant on the court at 6'7" and about 350 pounds. For a big man he moved well and his big belly often cleared the way for a rebound. While going for a lay up Leo clothes lined me and knocked me to the ground, hitting my head on the concrete, and causing somewhat of a concussion. I didn't expect it but Leo helped me off the court. At 6 foot and around 230 pounds I'm a pretty heavy load myself but Leo had no trouble hoisting me up and making sure I was OK. He was deceivingly friendly for someone who just about took my head off.

"Hey bro, you alright?" asked Leo. He had a very deep voice and seemed genuinely concerned. He sat next to me on a bench and offered me a swig of water which I gladly accepted.

"Yeh, I'm fine, just a bit woozy."

Leo laughed, showing perfect, pearly white teeth. "Woozy huh? Well I've seen worse when folk try and run the lane on me." He put an extremely large hand on my back, rubbing it and massaging my neck. "Name's Leo."

"James here." I said, enjoying the feeling of Leo's gentle, talented hands as they loosened my neck muscles. His large, hairy arms rubbing sweat on my shoulders was a strange feeling. "Thanks for the water."

"Not a problem bro. But you need to take your ass home and call it a day."

"Agreed." I said as I attempted to get up, but had to sit back down because of dizziness.

"Whoa big guy," said Leo as he caught me. "You're going to need some assistance." Leo took one of my arms and placed it around his thick neck onto his massive shoulder. "Since I'm responsible for fucking you up, I'll man up and make sure you get home bro."

"Thanks." I could tell at this point that Leo was a considerate man.

"Where to?"

I pointed to where I needed to go. "Just across the street to the apartments."

"Not far. Let's get your ass home."

I tried to convince Leo that I would be able to make it home without assistance but he insisted on getting me all the way to my apartment. During the walk home Leo controlled the conversation, telling me the ropes of the game and critiquing my play.

Once in I offered Leo a beer which he gladly accepted. He noticed the picture of my girlfriend and commented on how hot she was. "Wow man, nice. That your girlfriend?"

"Yes it is. You like?"

"Yeh, she'll do." Leo said sarcastically. "How often you hit that?"

I tried to change the subject be cause I wasn't ready to explain why I had not had sex with Lisa as of yet. "I bet you get all the pussy you want." I commented to Leo as I lay on my couch.

Leo laughed. "Nah man."

"Aw, you're shitting me? I know you got females throwing pussy at you."

"I don't do fish." Leo looked at me and smiled and evil grin. Although a bit naïve, I knew what that meant.

I was shocked. Leo's deep, masculine voice, arrogant confidence, and carefree attitude did not match most of the gay people I had encountered. "Oh." was all could muster.

"Don't worry bro, it won't rub off." Said Leo as he downed his beer and tossed the bottle into the garbage which he had found under my sink without asking. "Another?" he asked as he headed towards the refrigerator.

"If you're trying to get me drunk and date you, it ain't going to work." I said, attempting to make the uncomfortable situation humorous. "But yeh, I'll have another." I was only half done with my beer but felt I had to keep up with the drinking habits of the big man -- squashing another notion of the gay man that I had developed..

Leo handed me another beer and sat in the chair across from the couch. "Well if you won't date me, not saying that you're my type anway, I have to drag your white ass back to the court and see if you can get home alone. Besides, I can tell you're mostly straight by looking at your place. This room was obviously designed by a female."

I was busy thinking about his "mostly" comment to respond to his claims that my girl decorated the apartment. "What do you mean, "mostly?"

"Seems like my gaydar is acting up, don't worry about it man, it happens." Leosaid, looking intently at me while drnking his beear

"What makes you think I might be gay?"

"The fact that you need for me to convince you otherwise." said Leo, matter of factly, guzzling his beer, looking me directly in my eyes.

Leo was obviously very smart. Although not sexually attracted to men I have found myself wondering what made sex so good to the gay acquaintances I had. I never had trouble performing with a female and fucked pussy but honestly, at this point, I questioned my sexuality. There was something definitely alluring about Leo -- very dark skinned, large frame covered with kinky black hairs and a handsome face with a tight beard. He looked like a large teddy bear.

"Well I'm not gay." I said, trying to convince myself and Leo.

"Whatever man." said Leo as he rose from the chair finishing his beer. "How about bi-curious?" he said too seriously.

"What the hell is that?" I asked, needing a lesson on the latest terminology.

"Means you were checking out my package when I was sitting in that chair." he said giving me a sideways glance.

"No way." I said unconvincingly. I did notice a rather large bulge under his sweats.

"Well I got to admit I was checking out your ass. Fucking beautiful man. Mmmmm mmmmm. You sure you don't have some Black in you? That's definitely a ghetto bootie." My round, protruding behind had been a source of jokes. Lisa never commented on it though and I was afraid to ask fearing she didn't like a big ass.

"Well thanks. I guess." I said as I got up. My blushing was adding to the awkwardness of the situation.

"Why you turning red man? I say something to embarrass you, or turn you on?" Leo said, approaching me.

"Nothing man. Embarrassed I guess. Never had a man comment on my ass."

Leo got behind me and glared at my ass. "Wow." He said, shaking his head. "Well man got to run. Headed out to Charlie's later on tonight man. Let's meet up so you can tell me why you haven't gotten any of that pussy yet."

Though I wanted to tell him it was none of his business I felt he would be a good drinking buddy and welcomed the opportunity to get to know him better. Charlie's was a popular drinking spot nearby that had a large crowd of younger people and a good DJ.

"Sounds good man." Before Leo walked out he gave me a hug and pat on the back I returned the hug until he grabbed my ass -- hard.

"Whhoooooooooooeeeee. Later James."

"Not if you're going to grab my ass like that again."

"Oh come on. Be for real -- you know you liked it."

Having a large, furry Black man wrapped around me with is hand gripping my ass did evoke a strange response from me but I couldn't let on to Leo that he had made me think about what it would be like to be with him on another level.

All I could do was laugh. "You're crazy man." As Leo walked out I felt like I met someone special. In a matter of an hour I got punished on the basketball court, and invited to a bar by a gay man who just grabbed my ass. But I really looked forward to tonight.

I called Lisa to see if she wanted to go out with me tonight but she said that she would be consoling her sister who was getting over a bad break up. My comment about that being a regular thing upset her and she told me to go and have fun. She gets mad at me often but the great thing about Lisa is she does not stay mad long.

While walking the half mile to the bar I was thinking about Leo said concerning my sexuality. Lisa and I had been dating about 6 months and we had yet to have sex. I get aroused when we make out but she has stated clearly that no sex before marriage. Lately I have not had the desire to have sex with her and our make out sessions have gotten fewer. One of the things we have in common is that we both like to go clubbing and dancing. But Lisa's family life seems to have more priority and I end up going out a lot alone lately. The good thing is Lisa is secure and does not get upset about that. But tonight I wanted to show her off. She has a vicious body and gets a lot of looks when we go out which makes me feel good because she likes to hold my arm when she feels someone is checking her out too hard. But tonight I was on my own and was wondering what the outcome would be.

I got to the Charlie's early, around 10, because I didn't know when Leo might show up. The crowd was very sparse because of it being so early so I figured I'd take my time with a couple of drinks before I either met Leo, or gave up and went home. Finally, at around midnight, Leo came in, saw me sitting at the bar, smiled and waved.

"What's up?" he greeted me with a strong hand shake and hug.

"Not much man. Good seeing you and thanks again for looking after me this afternoon."

"Oh yeh, how's your head?" asked Leo as he rubbed it.

"It's fine. Guess my head is harder than I thought. I hit the ground hard man."

"Well you learned a valuable lesson today if you're going to play at those courts. I control the lanes in case you haven't noticed. Give me a double bourbon Jay." Leo obviously knew the bartender. "What are you having tonight my man?" said Leo as he wrapped his big hand around my neck, massaging it, making me feel somewhat uncomfortable with all the physical attention I was getting.

"Beer is fine -- thanks."

For the rest of the evening Leo and I chatted about the usual stuff two people discuss -- work, family, and other interests, including sex. I figured I'd bring up the subject in an attempt to let Leo know I was comfortable talking about his sexuality. What I didn't realize is how uncomfortable I was talking about mine.

"So how long you know about your being gay?" I asked.

"Hell, since forever. I tried pussy but just wasn't feeling it. Just always had this thing for guys. Why you ask?"

"Just never really talked with a gay man on a social level before." I said softly in an attempt to not let the people on either side of us hear.

"It's OK James, you can talk. Everyone here knows." said Leo whispering in my ear. The fact that he did not try embarrass me made me feel even more comfortable with Leo.

"Cool. I definitely respect that."

"So how long you claim to be straight?" Leo asked. He again insinuated that I may not be straight which started to annoy me.

"Man, stop trying to claim me as one of your own. I'm definitely straight, want pussy, not ass, not dick.

"You ever do anal with a female?" asked Leo.

"Nope." I said, downing the rest of my beer.

"But you thought about it right? What it would feel like to slide up in there."

Not really man. Why would I when there's pussy."

"If you say so man. Fucking ass is not a privilege owned by gay folk. I know a lot of straight guys that love ass. Ain't that right Jay?" he asked the bartender who was busy mixing a drink.

"What's that Leo?

"That you like to bone a chick's ass."

The bartender gave him a look of disbelief and shook his head. "Man is that all you got on your mind?" You need therapy."

"C'mon now, just let my straight friend here know how that females like to take it up the ass too. He claims not to be interested." Well at least this time he referred tome as straight, not possibly straight, I thought.

"I'm leaving that one alone." said Jay as he continued his busy routine.

"I'd tell you to try it but damn bro, you haven't even gotten through the front door yet." said Leo, remembering what I had told him about my not having sex with my girlfriend.

"She's saving it for marriage." I reminded him.

"Shit, and what you saving it for?" Leo asked. "You must watch a lot of porn."

I laughed at him to replace what was true. I've only actually had sex with two women and my performance needed improvement. Porn offered me a world that I could fantasize about and I often did.

"See there, I'm right. You need to get some man -- soon." said Leo. "Speaking of which..." Leo got up off the bar stool and headed over to two young men conversing and laughing at a nearby table. He wrapped his arms around one of them and I watched as he affectionately opened his shirt caressed his chest. Charlies was a late night bar that catered towards clients of all races and sexually preferences. Lisa and I were here once and enjoyed the open atmosphere accepting of both gay and straight clientele. The owners of the bar had no tolerance of discriminatory behavior.

While watching Leo interact with the two men I couldn't help but notice how happy and carefree they were. The loud laughing and physical interaction seemed so natural.

"C'mon over here James." Leo shouted. I grabbed my beer and headed towards the happy trio.

"This is Ricky." Leo introduced me to a short, stocky Hispanic guy who was obviously gay by his mannerisms. "Ricky, this is James. I kicked his ass on the courts earlier today."

"Don't let him bother you James, he's really a gentle teddy bear. Nice to meet you -- very nice." said Ricky, eyeing me up and down.

"He's straight -- supposedly." said Leo, again casting doubt on my sexuality.

"I'm very straight." I reminded Leo.

"Well I'm sure this hoe will find out," joked Ricky looking at Leo. I laughed with them so as not to appear insecure but I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Here I was with three gay men without the presence of a female. "When did this happen?" I thought to myself.

"And this is John." said Leo, kissing him on the cheek. I wondered if this was his boyfriend or piece.

"Nice to meet you James" said John, in a very masculine tone and strong handshake. He did not appear to be gay at all by my standards but obviously was not fighting off Leo's affection.

"Nice to meet you as well." I said, returning his handshake.

After another round of drinks Leo and John got up and announced they were headed back to Leo's place.

"You fucking whores." said Ricky.

"Love you babe." said Leo as he kissed Ricky on the way out.

"Love you too." said Ricky as he returned his kiss.

"Can I get some love baby?" asked Leo as he opened his arms to me.

I stood up and hugged Leo. As we hugged he whispered in my ear. "Man I'm going to fuck this white boy silly."

I laughed as he headed out the door, winking at me while he smacked John's ass hard. So that left Ricky and me at the table and the usual uncomfortable ness of two people new to each other.

"He likes you" said Ricky, sipping his drink, looking at me.

"You mean LIKES me?" I let on that I didn't know but all indications at this point were that Leo's interests were purely sexual.

"Girl, that man is the biggest stud around here."

"Got that right. What do you think he weighs, about 350?"

"That's not what I meant. You really aren't gay, are you?" Ricky said inquisitively.

"No I'm not." I said after too long a hesitation to Ricky, about half a second.

"You waited too long to say that. It's Ok if you're curious. How old are you?"

"Turn twenty-one next month."

"Young man! Test the waters girl, sex with men is fantastic."

I accepted being called a girl knowing the vernacular but this guy was getting more effeminate as the evening progressed and the drinks went down. But I had a lot of questions about Leo that I wasn't able to answer when we met that evening so I pressed Ricky and his increasing lack of self-control.

"So was that his boyfriend?"

"No, that's his fuck bud, servant, sub, whatever you want to call him."

Now I was really curious. Servant? Sub? Ricky read the confusion on my face.

"Leo's a dom sweetie, loves to control his white bois."

"What the hell is a dom?"

"Damn, you are young and dumb... and possibly straight asking all these questions."

"I'm just curious man."

"I'm sure." retorted Ricky. "Anyway a dom in the gay world is someone who loves to dominate, physically and mentally, and make his boi do whatever the hell he wants him to.

"So John enjoys it?" I asked inquisitively.

"Oh yes! I enjoy it with the right guy but he must be a real man - can't stand the thought of a queen like me having his way. I'd love to have him do me but he only likes white bois - like you. So when you giving it up?"

I laughed at the possibility but did realize how much Leo enjoyed seeing me hurt on the courts earlier.

"He won't be getting none of this Ricky."

"So you say." Said Ricky in a bitchy tone, returning to his drink. Obviously Ricky was attracted to Leo but wasn't having any luck getting any. "Now that I told you everything, well almost everything, about Leo I bet I'll see you hanging with him."

"He seems like a cool guy -- someone I can be friends with."

"Mmmm -- hmmmmm. We'll see. Oh and one more thing -- his dick..." Ricky held up my beer bottle and extended his hand beyond its length. "Fucking huge."

At this point I was definitely curious. Most big guys I see in showers have small to average size penises. I never saw a big man with a big belly with a large dick.

"How you know that? I though you two never had sex."

"Bitch -- I'll never tell." said Ricky getting up. "Well I've said enough already. I'm taking my drunk ass home. Ricky kissed me on the cheek on the way out, stopping at several other people before he left the bar.

That left me by myself to think about the day's events. I then felt something I had never before -- an urge to see another man naked. Leo's physical presence was imposing - very dark skinned, tall, muscular with a layer of fat and hair that made him look like a big bear. I remember how soft his hairy, sweaty arm felt around my neck when he was helping me back to his apartment and how much strength he had. I couldn't imagine anyone playing a submissive role with him and not get hurt somehow. But I had to admit to myself that the idea was actually turning me on. But right now he was with someone and I wasn't sure I would see him again. We never did exchange numbers or arranged a meeting. My insecurities about sexual desire with another gender controlled my actions -- and that had to change. Ricky was right, I was curious.

Next: Chapter 2

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