Leo and James

By J J

Published on Aug 4, 2013


Chapter 13 -- The Roommate

Bringing in friends who are hard luck cases seem like the humanitarian thing to do, and Leo always willing to help those in need. Brian, a college buddy of Leo's, called to say he was going to visit New York and wanted to stop and see him. He would be there the next week and stay for a few days. Brian was a straight, single guy who lived with his ultra conservative parents in southern Alabama and often did not see eye to eye with them. They were very wealthy and didn't care too much for people of color, which obviously caused problems within the family. Leo was obviously close to Brian and frequently talked about their escapades in college -- most of which included alcohol, drugs and late night partying. I was anxious to meet Brian and hoping we could develop a friendship ourselves to further strengthen the bond we had.

Brian arrived late in the evening and quickly settled in. He was a very handsome guy, about 6 feet, and muscular build, but not overly so. I could see why Leo would like this guy -- strong, pleasant personality and could carry on a decent conversation. Apparently they had not seen each other in over a year so they spent the first night catching up while they consumed several beers and whiskey shots. I felt like a third wheel and went to bed after having too many drinks myself.

"Well Leo, I'm off to bed."

"Alright baby, I'll be in there in a few." He kissed me and slapped my ass as I headed to the bedroom. Having a straight friend did not affect Leo's open affection towards me. I was still a bit uneasy with it but figured this was a good time to overcome the uneasiness that I felt when Leo displayed public affection.

Moments after I got settled in Leo came in to talk.

"Well what do you think of Brian?"

"Nice guy -- and hot. I can see why you like him."

"He's cool. We did a lot of partying in college. I really enjoyed those times."

"So how sure are you that's he's straight?"

"If you're wondering if we ever had sex, or if I'd ever want to have sex with him, the answer is absolutely fucking not." At first, yeh, I was attracted to him but after becoming roommates, I will never touch him. Straight folk can be nasty."

I laughed. "Well you have fun with nasty Brian. I got to get some sleep."

"You know I want some booty tonight. Be naked when I come in." Leo kissed me and left out of the room. While I was tired I always love Leo's ability to sex me up.

Within a few hours I felt my dick getting sucked. Still half asleep I laid back and enjoyed Leo's expert blow jobs. He stopped before I was about to come, raised my legs and slowly slid his fully engorged dick inside of me. This always caused me to moan, fairly loudly, but this time I held back, knowing we had company in the next room.

"What's wrong baby, you're not enjoying this" said Leo as he slowly started his thrusting.

"Fuck yeh Leo, this is good."

"You're awfully quiet."

"I don't want to wake our company."

Leo pulled out completely and lay next to me, leaving me open and wanting more. We were breathing heavily. "Brian was my roommate for a year -- he's used to it. Besides, he's passed out."

"I feel a little funny about it, you're best friend listening to us fuck."

"I don't care so you should not care." With that Leo raised my legs again and fucked me until he poured his seed in my hole.

It was the usual hot sex, and I had to admit to myself that Leo could have any guy he wanted. I was lucky to have him wanting me so much. I was certainly glad we had our own bathroom as I routinely cleaned myself while our guest had a different bathroom to use. Upon returned to the bed Leo was already asleep in his naked glory. I joined him and held his furry hot body next to mine as I fell asleep.

Brain was there a week before he called asked to speak with us about something important.

"Well, it finally happened -- my parents put me out and told me I wasn't welcome to come back."

"What prompted that?" asked Leo.

"My dad called me to ask, rather tell, me that he needed me home right away to do some work with him. I told him I needed a couple more days with my friends. When I told him I was staying with you, he blew up."

"Man, you know your old man is a bigoted jerk. I don't know how this hasn't happened before."

"Yeh, well right now I don't have a place to stay and would really appreciate you guys letting me crash here until I get my own place."

"You're not even considering trying to go back home?" asked Leo.

"No, I can't."

Leo looked at me for a hint of what I was thinking. I had my reservations but at the time didn't find any reason to not let him stay for awhile longer. I shrugged my shoulders, which Leo interpreted as noncommittal.

"No problem man. You can crash here until you get your ass a job and get your own place."

Brian was very appreciative and gave both Leo and I hugs and his gratitude.

Within a month Brian found work at a local grocery store as a clerk -- not enough money to get his own place but he showed the willingness to work and stay busy. He became a fixture in our circle of friends and often went out with us, even finding a girlfriend that Leo had introduced to him from his place of work.

Things were working out well for awhile until I noticed him becoming increasingly demanding of Leo's time. He was hanging out more and more with us instead of his girlfriend. During times in which Leo and I were making out on the sofa he would not leave as he once did.

One evening when Leo was fucking me I saw Brian looking through the bedroom door which we had carelessly left open a crack. He left quickly when we stopped. I didn't interrupt the moment and never did share that with Leo. I did, however, confront him the next morning when he was up making coffee.

"Hey Brian."

"Hey. Coffee should be ready in a few." He showed no indication of knowing I saw him watching us.

"Cool. Listen Brian, I saw you watching Leo and I last night."

"Watching what?" He sounded genuinely surprised.

"Have sex man, I saw you watching us."

"No you didn't see me." I noticed he was turning red and looking down. He wasn't expecting me to confront him.

"Look Brian, if you're going to live here we have to have our time and privacy. You have been taking a lot of Leo's time lately."

"We go way back." Brian responded, turning to me. "Leo's always been there for me -- he's a good friend."

"That's cool. You guys have been spending a lot of time together and I guess I'm a bit jealous."

Just as he said that, Leo walked in, wearing his robe that didn't cover his enormous dick that pushed out his boxers.

"Good morning babe." He reached over and kissed me.

"Good morning sweetie." I said as I kissed him back. I looked over to see if Brian was watching but he showed no interest in our interaction.

What happened next I didn't expect. Leo walked behind Brian, hugged him and dry humped him jokingly. "And good morning to you." he said to Brian while he rubbed up against him.

"Get the fuck out of here." Brian managed to release himself and get into the dining room. "Freak."

"And don't forget it." Leo poured his coffee and sat down at the table with Brian.

Again, I felt abandoned and went to the bedroom to watch TV. I heard the door close and walked into the room to see it empty. I was getting pissed, especially since I had no idea where they were. After sitting and thinking I decided that maybe I wasn't showing my affection for Leo enough and sat down and wrote a poem. Not very good at it, it took me along time to put it together but was anxious to see Leo's reaction when he read it. I laid in on the coffee table with his name on it, went back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

I awoke with the sound of talking in the next room and got up to greet Leo. What I saw when I walked in disturbed me to no end. Leo and Brian were doing lines of cocaine and drinking shots. Next to Leo I saw my poem unopened.

"What the fuck?" I said, sounding disappointed.

"Hey baby. Come sit down and join us." Said Leo, sounding obviously fucked up.

"No thanks. This is wrong Leo."

"What? Just having fun on my day off, you need to learn to do that."

"Fuck that. I put something on the table for you." I was foolish for thinking Leo would be able to read a poem from me at the time and knew it. I wanted to see his reaction.

He opened it up and read it, then tore it up and threw it on the floor. "A damn poem." He told Brian, who started to laugh.

I was too angry to do anything but turn around and walk away back into the bedroom. While there I considered leaving but figured it was my place so someone other than me had to go. It was about 30 minutes before Leo came in and sat on the bed.

"You alright?" He sounded much more in control.

"Not really."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I lost it right there. What ensued was an argument that brought out all latent feelings that we had been harboring against each other. Leo felt like I was crowding him too much and I felt like he had the wrong priorities by spending more time with Brian than me. By the time it was over I left the apartment and walked around for over an hour to clear my head. I loved Leo very much but thought that his relationship with Brian was dividing us. He didn't understand how I could feel like that and that frustrated me even more. When I returned to the apartment everything was quiet. Leo was sleeping soundly so I stayed up and watched TV. I decided that I'd have to ask Brian to leave, but would first talk it over with Leo when we were both awake the next day. I fell asleep on the couch distressed, hoping Leo and I could work things out the next day.

I got home from work the next day in time to catch Leo before he worked a late shift. He was very quiet and not in the mood to talk but I felt it necessary.

"Leo, we really need to talk about a few things."

"Go ahead, I got to get to work in a few." His tone was dry.

"About yesterday, first of all, I'm sorry about how things turned out. I think we ought to be able to discuss things without arguing. I feel bad about that."

He didn't say, anything, just mindlessly watched TV.

"I didn't like seeing you doing coke with Brian. It upset me, as would anything that I think will do you harm."

"So is this where you tell the story of a guy you once knew who got addicted to coke and he died a tragic death and left you wanting to rid the world of drugs? I can take care of myself James."

His sarcasm was annoying but I continued. "I think Brian is a destructive guy. I hate seeing you doing things with him that get you involved in that. I want him to move out."

Leo sat backing his seat, head back, putting his hands on his head. "If that's what you want James. I'll ask him to leave."

"It's got to be about what we want Leo. We need to agree on something. You obviously don't want him to leave."

This upset Leo. "Motherfucker, you reading my mind? You don't know shit." Leo grabbed his coat, slamming the door behind him.

The entire day went by slowly as I agonized over the latest events. The next few days Leo did not talk to me at all, nor was Brian saying anything. Everything was disturbingly silent for a week before I decided to break the silence, again.

"Leo, this has to stop. I can't stand this silent treatment anymore."

"What's there to talk about?"

"Number one, us. I love you Leo and hate that we aren't communicating. This is killing me."

"Well say what you got to say, I'm listening."

"I'd like to know what you're thinking -- about us -- about Brian."

"We're cool. I talked to Brian and told him no more drugs in the house and that he'd have to find his own place."

"How did it go?"

"Alright I guess. He's looking."

"Thanks Leo. I know that was hard to do."

"Whatever." Leo was dry and cold.

We spent the next few days talking but it wasn't the same -- just formalities. At least we were talking. Sex was nonexistent until one evening when I was so horny I decided to suck his dick while he was asleep. He got hard but never came after me sucking him for about 15 minutes. I'm not sure to this day if he knew what I was doing.

The next day as I was getting ready to go to work I noticed I was missing $200 from my wallet. After frantically looking for it I decided to check Brian's room. I had suspected he had been taking money as I had been missing a few dollars here and there. I knew I was wrong to snoop but I had to end suspicion. Brian was at work so this was a chance. In his pants pocket on the bed was $200. I knew it was mine and I took it. I thought about not saying anything and watch how Brian reacted but I decided to talk it over with Leo. He was also missing money and concluded it was Brian since we both were experiencing the same thing. When Brian got home that evening, we waited on him.

He came in and rushed to his bedroom but before he could get in, Leo stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Brian, I need you to be upfront about something."

Brian was upset and tried to get away from Leo. "You need to let go of my fucking arm man."

"Not until you answer this question - Have you been taking money from this apartment?"

"Hell no. Let me go." Brian got away from Leo and slammed his bedroom door behind him. Seconds later he came out with a baseball bat.

"Who took my fucking money?" Brian was very upset and had the bat raised, ready to swing.

"Hold on Brian, that wasn't your money." Leo was calm and collected.

"What the fuck you mean that wasn't my money. One of you motherfuckers better give me my money back."

"Put the bat down Brian, we can settle this without all that." said Leo, calmly approaching him.

When Leo got close, Brian took a swing at him and hit him on the shoulder. He would have hit his head had Leo not turned. With that Leo tackled Brian, wrestled the bat away from him and pinned him down. The speed at which he was able to it was very impressive for such a big man.

"Call the police James."

Brian shouted. "Go ahead and call the fucking police. You all stole my money."

"What about the drugs you have Brian, the police will find it. And you did attack me." Leo was definitely aware of the situation and handled it well.

I wasn't sure about calling the police at that point. "You sure Leo about calling the cops?"

"What do you think Brian?"

"Fuck you." He managed to say while Leo had his arm on his throat.

"I'm going to let you up Brian but you got to get your shit and go without problems. Understand?"

"Yeh, I understand asshole."

Leo let go of Brian and he went to his room, slamming the door behind again. Shortly after, he came out with most of his belongings, which didn't amount to much, and headed towards the door. He managed to get a "Fuck you fags" comment on the way out.

"We better change the locks." Was the first thing that entered my mind.

Leo sat down, looking discouraged. "Man I would have never thought."

"That your best friend would fuck you over?"

"Not like that James. I am so disappointed."

"Like your mom says Leo, `The more people I meet, the more I like my dog."

Well let's enjoy a drink together, looks like you need it.

"Come here baby." said Leo, his soft, loving tone returning. I went over to him, handed him his drink and he kissed me softly.

"Go take a bath, we got some catching up to do."

"Yes indeed." I took off my clothes right there and walked naked to the bathroom."

"Goddamn I missed that." said Leo as he watched my ass.

After preparing myself for what promised to be a long night of lovemaking, I took a long bath, enjoying the soothing water and the feeling of returned warmth between Leo and me. Leo walked into the bathroom buck naked, his dick at full mast, standing with his hands on his hips before me while I was in the tub.

"Suck it boy." I knelt in the tub before him, slowly taking him into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat, then opening up, getting it all the way in my mouth. I was determined to deep throat Leo without gagging. I amazed myself as to how much I was able to get in my mouth without the usual gag reflex. I felt his head pop past my throat and Leo felt it.

"Oh God that feels good. Damn boy."

I reached around and grabbed Leo's large cheeks and encouraged him to put more in my hungry mouth. His entire dick was in my mouth. He grabbed my head and starting thrusting. I lasted a bit but when I started to gag Leo pulled out.

"That was good. Stand up" Leo commanded. I stood up.

"Where did you learn to suck dick like that" asked Leo.

"I just want to please you."

"Shit that was good as hell. Now turn around and bend over."

I did as told. Still in the tub I bent down and waited for whatever Leo had to give. His hand met my wet ass with a large smack. I wasn't expecting that and I stood up from the pain. Leo forced me back down.

"I said bend over bitch." He smacked my ass again before I felt him soaping up my hole. Leo entered me quicker than usual causing me to try to squirm away but his hand administered another punishing whack across my ass. I said bend over."

After watching him manhandle Brian in a matter of a few seconds I knew he was a strong man and gave him no further resistance. This was what was called make-up sex and Leo made up for every lost minute. He ferociously pounded me, wet groin against wet ass, making a loud sound that echoed throughout the bathroom. I was stood up against the wall while Leo stood in the tub and with a final thrust, shot his load inside of me while I was in a choke hold. He stayed in me for a bit, kissing my neck and rubbing my dick until I shot my load all over the wall. We stood together for a few minutes, catching our breaths. I felt his dick soften to the point where it slipped out.

"I love you James."

"I love you Leo. Let's not fight like that again."

"But the make-up sex was good, right baby?"

"Fuck yeh."

"Let's go to bed." Leo helped me out of the tub, dried us both off, and led me by the hand to our bed. We slept spoon fashion like we once did. We had our first fight, but everything was ok.

Next: Chapter 14

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