Leo and James

By J J

Published on Aug 17, 2013


Chapter 15 – The Funeral

Murphy's Law was in full force the day Leo's father was buried. To start out Leo's mom insisted that she be in the lead car to the church, and that I drive. This definitely was a problem for Leo's brother, Carlos, whom I had just met. I could tell from the beginning that he did not care for me – lack of eye contact, quick responses and inability to carry on a decent conversation – nit that I didn't try. Leo told me that Carlos was part of the Black Panthers movement in the 70's and never really cared much for white folk. I respected his obvious desire to not talk to me so I respected that. The day of the funeral was rainy and muggy, and the potential for disaster was at its greatest.

"Mama, get in the car." Leo Shouted to her as he got into the driver's seat.

"Let James drive." She responded as she approached the car.

"Mama, I'll drive."

"I want James to drive."

"Dammit mama, what difference does it make?"

"You can't drive, I saw you swerving down the highway. James – get in the driver's seat."

Leo got out of the car, angry and mumbling under his breath. "Go ahead and drive, I don't care." I reluctantly got into the driver's seat after helping Leo's mom in the car, which Leo forgot to do.

"See now, James is a gentleman." She told Leo.

"James this, James that, James can do no wrong." Leo said sarcastically.

After getting everyone in the car, Carlos approached us and motioned me to roll the window down. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Your mom wanted me to drive." I responded, looking puzzled.

"Oh hell no, you are not going to be in the lead car, get out."

Carlos's tone was angry.

"Son, I asked James to drive for good reason. Now go be with your family and follow us. ` "But..."


Roll the window up, rain is getting in."

"Leo was laughing in the back seat. He and his brother weren't very close and Leo enjoyed watching his mom dress Carlos down.

"That was cruel mother."

"Shit, if he gets in the car, that means his wife too. Drive on James."

Carlos's wife was a big woman who apparently took opportunities to get try to get money from Mrs. Patterson, much to her chagrin.

We drove off and got to the church minutes later. By now it was pouring rain so I parked as close as I could to get Mrs. Patterson in without getting too wet. Leo opened the door for her and wanted to help her into the church.

"James, help me into the church." She held her arm out after rejecting her son's attempt.

"Mama, this has gone too far. Get out of the car, I'm getting soaked."

"James, please help me into the church." Again I was put into the awkward position of going against Leo to do what his mom asked. But I did. I figured I'd pay for it later when Leo and I were back home.


said Leo. "I'll go park the car while your favorite son takes you into the church."

I extended my arm out to Mrs. Patterson and we walked as quickly as we could to the church. Since we tried to park closer we had to walk through the grass, which was wet and slippery. Sure enough, Mrs.

Patterson slipped and fell, and when I reached to grab her, took me down with her. Luckily for her she landed on her knees but I went down on my side. By now the grass had gotten soggy and muddy so we were both a mess. I felt terrible.


is all Mrs. Patterson could say as I helped her up, not an easy task with a big woman. But she was more concerned about getting in the church to get in the front row than her current condition.

"I am so sorry Mrs. Patterson."

"James, you know what this is going to look like." She laughed as we walked in to the church.

When we walked in the church I felt like the entire congregation was watching us. I wasn't sure if it was the fact that I was white or that we both looked like we had just mud wrestled.

"Everyone is looking at us." I said quietly.

"Sure as hell are. Just get me to the front row."


Patterson made room for herself in that front row, after nudging a few of Arnold's relatives to the side. Just then Leo walked up to us.

"Oh my God." he said as he saw our condition, staring in disbelief, then walking away.


Patterson said nothing, just looked ahead, proud that she was in the front row despite rumors that she would not be welcomed there. Then Carlos walked in, with the same look Leo had.

"Mama, you're a mess. What happened?"

"What the hell you think happened? I thought I taught my children better than to ask stupid questions."

"Never mind." Carlos walked away as Leo came back, with paper towels in hand. The sight of Leo on his knees helping his mother clean up was heartwarming. I knew their banter back and forth was out of love and they had the utmost respect for each other. After getting her cleaned up Leo and I headed to the back rows and awaited the services to begin.

I witnessed with awe the tribute that was paid to Leo's father. The sound of the choir singing beautiful gospel music, the thunder and lightning that surrounded us and the energy of the congregation despite the intense heat sent chills up and down my spine. One could never properly describe that moment, only experience it. To this day I never have been able to match the feeling I had that moment. Leo reached over and held my hand discretely. Afraid to get caught I did not return the grasp, but knew that Leo understood. Later on in the cemetery, which I managed to get Mrs. Patterson without incident, Leo's dad was buried with his loved ones looking on – some crying uncontrollably, some softly, and some with blank faces. I never knew the man but I recalled the time he told me to "Take care of that boy." with his deep country tone. I vowed again to do just that.

After the services the family gathered back at Arnold's girlfriend's house where everyone ate, drank, laughed (especially about our plunge in the mud) and reminisced. Jeremy, his wife and kids were there also. He joined me in the back of the house where I was getting a beer from the tub for Leo and I.

"Hey man how's it going? James, right?"

"Yeh, how's it going Jeremy?

"No complaints here man, other than the kids and wife." We both laughed knowing the situation.

"Where's Lil Bro? I didn't see him at the funeral."

"No man, he won't go there, too many folk he don't like."

"I see."

"So how long you going to be in town?"

"Leaving out tomorrow."

"Ah ok, was hoping you'd be around here for awhile." Jeremy looked at me in a way that sounded most provocative. This was a hot man and I was definitely turned on by him but knew better than to let it go any further.

"I enjoyed it here, other than the heat."

"Yeh, you get used to it though."

"Well Jeremy, I better get Leo his beer, he's probably wondering where I am."

"Well alright, maybe I'll see you later this evening – Lil Bro is having party."

"Great, I'll ask Leo if he wants to go." When I got back Leo introduced me to more of his friends and relatives. He had a wonderful family but the ice between his brother and I never broke. We passed each other in silence, not even acknowledging each other's existence.

Other than that I had grown quite close to Leo's family, which got bigger after the trip to Alabama.

That night we never made it to Lil Bro's party. Leo and I spent the evening talking with his aunt and mom and other relatives who were staying there for the funeral. Leo and I again had hot sweaty, silent sex in my room. I awoke at around 3 am with the sound of the rooster crowing. I was always under the impression that they made that sound when the sun came up. Between the roosters, the heat, the frogs on the walls and lack of things to do life in the country was not my thing but I definitely grew respectful of those who lived it.

Next: Chapter 16

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