Leo and James

By J J

Published on Oct 19, 2012


Interracial - This is the second part of a true story.

Chapter Two - The Waiting

For the next few days I made a daily effort to see if I could find Leo. I checked out the courts when I could, went to Charlies on a regular basis but to no avail. I had not even seen Ricky or John to inquire about him. Then it turned into weeks and I was beginning to wonder was it all a dream, until September, 3 months after our meeting when I turned my ankle playing basketball and had to get X-rays taken. A friend helped me to the hospital emergency room which was about a block away.

After being wheeled into the X-ray room I was told to wait until the technician came in to take the X-rays. After about 15 minutes I heard a familiar, deep voice talking outside the door. When he entered I recognized him right away -- Leo. He appeared not to recognize me so I called him by his name which caught him by surprise.


His brow furrowed as he gave me a hard look. "You look awful familiar. How did you know my name?"

"We met backing August on the basketball court outside my apartment building. You had to carry me to my place. Remember?"

Leo closed the door. "Let me see." He bent down to look at my behind sitting in the chair. "How could I forget?" he laughed. "James!"

"You had to go there didn't you?"

"Believe me. I've been wanting to go there since we met. But this is business so let's see what's going on." Charlie studied the chart. "Damn man, you better quit playing basketball before you become permanently handicapped."

"Did this myself, turned it making a move."

We made small talk while Leo set up the equipment to take the X-rays. He was very good at getting me on the table without pain. "Well, this feels familiar." He said as he positioned me with his big hairy arms.

"Yeh, we have to stop meeting this way."

Leo laughed and avoided the obvious.

"So you're an X-ray tech. How long?"

"This is my 15th year man. Seen a lot of bones in my life." He joked as he winked. This time he did not avoid the obvious.

"I'm sure," was all I could say.

After he finished he got me back in the chair. "So you still with your girl? And if so, how are things going with her?" he asked.

"Yeh, and OK. She's good company."

"Company? Don't tell me you still haven't hit it."

"No man, she won't get off the marriage issue."

"Have you tried getting some?"

"Not really." Lisa and I did a lot of kissing and cuddling but never to the point where either of us got aroused. I was worried myself that we would not reach that point.

"So besides the marriage thing, what's holding you up? Man your porn collection must be huge."

"Not sure man -- just not as attracted to her as I have other girls. She's nice and all and has a great body but just does not have that sexual presence."

"Why don't the three of us go out and I'll see what's going on. I'm pretty good at these things you know."

"So I've heard." I let slip.

"You've heard what?" Leo appeared to be surprised.

"Never mind man."

"Oh, hell no, too late for that. Give me your number and we'll get together after work."

I gave him my number and he wrote it down. "I've got to know what you've heard."

"OK." was all I could come up with. "I looked for you after that night so we could get together and talk again."

"About what you `heard?'" Leo asked dryly.

"No man, just wanted to thank you again and go out for a few drinks. You seemed really cool."

"Well I've been working 12 hour days, 7 days a week so that's why I haven't been around."

"Damn, all work and no play."

"Well apparently you have not `heard' everything." Leo said as he wheeled me out. "But we'll catch up on things."

"Sounds good man."

"I'll get the X-rays to the doc right away. That looks pretty serious."

"I twisted it pretty bad."

"Talk to you later. Good luck" said Leo as the nurse wheeled me out of the room.

I felt really good despite the throbbing of my ankle. I finally had a chance to see where my thoughts about Leo would take me.

The doctor gave me the bad news. I needed surgery to repair the ankle and would be in a cast for a month or so.

Following the surgery Leo came up to my room and visited often. He was a great help with his ability to converse and joke around. Meanwhile my girlfriend was there everyday and very attentive. I introduced her to Leo and they seemed to get along fine which was a relief. I badly wanted both of them in my life.

After being released from the hospital I stayed at Lisa's for a couple of months until I was able to get around on my own. During that time Leo and I talked on the phone but never met. Lisa and I were getting along but still no sexual moves despite some very awkward situations where I had to bathe and needed help getting dressed. I never got aroused and she never showed any interest in my sexual organs. When she was away at work I would talk about it with Leo and he agreed that the chemistry between Lids and I just wasn't at all sexual.

By December I was back in my own place and Leo informed me that John had moved in with him and that things between them were getting serious. We never had that talk about Leo's sexual prowess so I was unaware of the arrangements they had. I didn't think a dom/sub relationship could be a loving one but apparently I was wrong. John had told Leo that he loved him and wanted them to be partners. I wondered where that left me. Leo still had not made any physical sexual advance towards me but on several occasions indicated that he was very interested. I no longer ruled out the possibility that it could happen and this made things interesting, and confusing.

The four of us had agreed to meet at Charlies for their New Year's Eve party. John and Lisa had never met and I was anxious to see if they would connect. Lisa was very open to people's lifestyles and had no problem with Leo and I being friends. But neither Lisa nor John were aware that the sexual tension was building up between Leo and I and that my desire for him was increasing.

It was that night that Leo made his move. Having rung in the New Year we all had gotten drunk. Lisa and I exchanged kisses while Leo and John did same. Well into the morning Leo began to discretely rub my thigh and eventually unzipping my pants. When he felt that my dick was rock hard I saw him flash a huge grin and wink.

A few minutes later Leo announced it was time for a bathroom break and motioned for me to go with him.

"I got to go too, be right back." I said.

Once in the bathroom Leo took a piss while I went to the urinal next to him. When the only other guy left Leo grabbed my ass before I had a chance to sneak a peek.

"Let's go to the stall." He said, looking at me in a strange way.

"For what?" I asked.

"C'mon." He took my arm and led me to the handicapped stall. He closed the door, pulled me to him and started kissing me on the lips, which completely caught me by surprise. I pulled away but he pulled me back, forcing an open kiss in which his tongue searched mine. I gave in and returned it with equal passion. He took my hand and placed it on his dick. Ricky was right. It was humongous.

"I want you bad boi," said Leo as he pulled away for a minute, looking me straight in the eyes with his. Before I could say anything he was kissing me and pulling my pants down over my ass.

"No, not here Leo." I said as I pulled them back up.

He pulled them back down and grabbed my cheeks with such a force that I knew I was going to be bruised.

"I want to fuck you." he whispered.

"Not with that thing." I said as I held his enormous bulge.

Just then the door opened and in walked two bar patrons. They stood at the urinal and relived themselves while Leo and I stood quietly. When they left I gathered my pants and fixed my shirt which Leo had began to open.

"We better go." I said and opened the stall door.

"FUCK!" said Leo as he slammed his hand on the stall wall, scaring the hell out of me. He was breathing hard and sweating profusely.

"You're going to be mine." Said Leo as he adjusted his dick and walked out with me.

We washed our hands in silence. Leo splashed his face with cold water, and stared into the mirror. "We got to get together." He mumbled.

I was seeing side of Leo for the first time. As a closeted man I was uncomfortable with his openness but my desire for him was getting so strong I was willing to risk certain behaviors. I attributed his current behavior to drunkenness but had no idea until now how strong his sex drive was. This man wanted me -- wanted to fuck me with his huge dick, and wanted me to be "His." I was open to give it a try as long as I could stay in my closeted existence.

Once back at the table Lisa asked what took so long. John looked suspicious.

"Went out for a smoke." Leo responded. Smoking was bad, but it did make for convenient excuses. Leo was still sweaty and wiping sweat from his brow.

"That must have been some smoke sweetie, made you sweat." said Leo's boyfriend, John.

"Well it's hot in here, very, very hot." Said Leo as he grabbed my thigh again.

After a few more minutes of idle chat we decided to head home. We were all pretty drunk but did not have far to walk. Leo and John lived about 5 blocks from Charlies and Lisa and about 2 blocks. We hugged each other before heading our separate ways and I expectedly got a long, firm hug from Leo.

That night I was so horny I tried to make a move on Lisa before she settled in to her apartment. While kissing I reached in her blouse to feel her breasts.

"No James." she said softly.

"I do want you Lisa."

"We discussed this and you know what we agreed."

Exasperated, I assured her I respected our agreement, pecked her on the cheek and headed towards the door.

"Night baby."

"Night honey. You do know we're both going to have serious hangovers right?" said Lisa as she plopped herself on the couch in her studio apartment.

I laughed. "Yes indeed. Talk to you when I wake up."

"Oh that will be next week sometime." she garbled as I closed the door and went up to my apartment for the night.

The next day I went to Leo and John's place after being invited to watch college football bowls. Leo was a sports fanatic, which was something else we had in common, but John was indifferent and played along with him. I felt that I could impress Leo with my football knowledge and make our connection stronger. I fully realized how this was putting their relationship in jeopardy but my philosophy was always, "may the best man win." Lisa had freaked out when I told her that I would not be upset if she found another guy. I wasn't going to change who I am to compete with anyone.

When I arrived there were about 8 -10 other guys. Leo's place was beautiful. A loft apartment it had a huge floor space and large windows looking east towards the skyline. It was divided into four other smaller rooms, including what Leo called "The Dungeon" and that he would have to show me later. The décor was masculine and comforting. Obviously Leo made a lot of money. I thought how lucky John was to have such luxury accommodations, and a hot man. The beer was definitely flowing and despite a slight hangover I joined the crowd.

Leo looked really good in his shorts and football jersey. He played football in college and was drafted into the pros but a knee surgery ended his career. A large scar on his right knee was clearly visible. His legs were like tree trunks, with a fair amount of hair covering them.

He introduced me to his friends, most of which seemed straight. But my "gaydar" was never very good. One guy, Anthony, seemed especially friendly towards me. Seeing that I had not been around many gay men I could not conclude that he was trying to make a move but he sure did sit close to me on the couch. He was a stocky fellow, nowhere near as large as Leo, brown-skinned and fairly handsome. I had not been sitting next to him for very long when I felt his hand brush against my neck, then rub it. He kept focused on the game the whole time but got up when Leo called him into the kitchen.

"You making a play for James." Leo asked Anthony.

"Yeh man, you see that ass on that white boi? Whooooeeee!"

Yeh I know man. I want to hit it so bad. Last night at the bar I almost raped the dude."

"That ain't cool man. You're shit is way too big for that virgin."

"Don't matter. I'm getting some."

"And what does John think about that?" asked Anthony.

"Tell you the truth, I don't care."

"Damn man that's fucked up."

"So what makes you think he's a virgin?" asked Leo.

"Man look at that white boi. He is fresh! I was feeling on him and he pretended not shit was happening. So you think he'll give it up to me?"

"Man I want that myself. Could you imagine how tight that shit is? But wait a minute, if I let you hit it first, that little dick might help my cause."

Leo laughed but Anthony didn't.

"That wasn't funny motherfucker. My dick is not little, it's average."

"If you say so man."

"Next to your shit anyone is little." Said Anthony just as John walked in.

"I hear you talking about our new guest, James." Said John as he walked over to Leo, hugging him.

"Yeh, Anthony's trying to make a move on him."

"Really? What's stopping him? I never knew Anthony to be shy. I'll introduce him." John shouted for James to come into the kitchen.

Leo gave John a definite look of disapproval but it was too late -- I heard my name and walked in, carrying my beer.

"What's up?" I said.

John took the lead. "James not sure you formally met Anthony."

"Yeh, we met, sort of." Laughed Anthony as he stuck out his hand to receive mine.

"Nice to meet you Anthony."

"Oh the pleasure is mine.... I hope." They all laughed, including myself, uncomfortable and not knowing what to say. At this point I figured it best to play the straight card to get out of the situation. Not that Anthony wasn't attractive, but the look on Leo's face was an indication that he was not pleased.

"I guess this is a good time to let you all know I have a girlfriend."

"And...?" said John.

"And I'm straight."

"And I'm his friend and got to look after him" interceded Leo as he broke away from John and led James out of the kitchen.

"Damn look at that ass." Said Anthony, with a lustful look.

"Um, Anthony, from what I know you are a total bottom. What are you doing looking at that man's ass?" questioned John.

"My face belongs in there man." John and Anthony once had a slight fling that ended in Anthony's disinterest in being a top man. But he was said to be an expert ass-eater.

"Well let's see what we can do." Said John, knowing his man was also interested in the new kid on the block -- with the best looking ass around. James's ass looked like a Black man's. It protruded out from his lower back and had round, firm cheeks. Although the girls never seemed to care for it James was finding out that Black gay men loved it.

As the afternoon progressed into early evening, the food was gone and empty beer bottles indicated that the party was wrapping up. By now it was clear, thorough conversation and behavior, to James who was straight and gay. What pleased James most was the fact that no one cared. They joked about each other's sexuality without judgment. All of the guys here were invited by Leo -- John seemed to not have any friends in Leo's circle, except for Anthony. This was a testimony to Leo's personality -- open, fun loving, caring and apparently the alpha male. I loved the way he took care of his guests, making sure everyone had what they needed. I could tell they respected him quite a bit by their mannerisms and calling him "Sir" throughout the night. Meanwhile John stayed in the back ground, not saying much.

While coming out of the bathroom I heard someone in the bedroom close by.

"Pssssssssst." I looked over to see Anthony motioning me in. "Come here man."

I glanced towards the TV section of the room and saw everyone into the last few minutes of a close game. Leo and John were cuddled up and another gay couple was doing the same.

Anthony reached over, grabbed my hand, and tugged at it for me to come join him. I figured, what the heck, let's see what he wants. When I went in Anthony closed the door behind him. "

"Damn, finally got a chance to get you by yourself without Leo hovering over you. You know you are a fine white boi." Said Anthony, coming within inches of me.


"Don't thank me until you have a reason to."

I laughed softly not knowing what to say or do.

"Whats funny?"said Anthony as he rubbed my chest.

"Man I'm not really comfortable with this."

"Because Leo will find out? He's got a man and ain't giving him up." Anthony pulled up my T-Shirt and felt my nipples.

I was definitely at a crossroads. Anthony was turning me on but if I let him continue it would mean that Leo would not be my first, which is what I wanted to happen. Also, it would be my first gay experience, period, and by a man whom I never met before. My inaction was interpreted by Anthony to mean acceptance. He began to suck on my nipples which is my super sensitive part.

"Mmmmmm I love your chest James." Said Anthony as he licked all around before he returned to sucking my nipples. It felt really good and I was getting an erection. He took off my shirt and worked on my chest for a few more minutes before he unzipped my pants.

I had gotten blow jobs a couple of time, by females, and often heard how much better guys do it. I was about to find out. Although not huge my dick has an impressive thickness to it, and bout 7-8 inches long. I looked down and watched Anthony lick all around the head, then suck on it. His lips slowly traveled over the shaft until I was completely devoured.

"Oh my God" I muttered as I had never been deep throated before. It felt incredible. He slowly slid his lips off until my dick popped out, wet and wanting more.

"How was that?"

"Fucking incredible." I gasped.

He took the length of me in his mouth again and began to swirl his head, creating a sensation that I could not describe. I unexpectedly started to come in his mouth.

"Damn man I'm coming" I warned him.

"MMMmmmmmm Hmmmmmmm" he garbled as he buried his face all the way into my pubic hair, forcing my dick even further into his mouth.

I released several spurts of cum like I never had before. I would swear I shot a good 6 to 8 times before being drained by his continuous sucking. I held my hands on Anthony's head to keep balance and pulled out of his hot mouth. Anthony licked the drops of cum off the tip of my dick until I was completely drained. I continued to rub his head, feeling how unexpectedly soft his hair was.

"Wow." I said, breathing hard.

"Damn baby, you came a lot, and quick."

"It's been awhile." I said, putting my now soft dick back in my pants and pulling my T-Shirt back on. "I guess we better get back there."

"I understand. Normally I would expect a return but I'll take a rain check." Said Anthony as he stood up, revealing a hard dick poking at the fabric of his pants.

Damn, what did I get myself into? I thought. I hadn't planned on making this regular but Anthony's statement implied we'd do it again. Although it was by far the most pleasurable blow job I had ever received I had not planned on it happening again, at that moment.

I walked in as the game was in its last minute, oblivious to the guys who were glued to the TV awaiting the game's final outcome. Anthony came in shortly after and like me, acted like nothing happened. The game ended on a last minute field goal, much to the chagrin of Leo, whose team lost causing him to lose the bets he made. After more idle conversation we all said our good-byes and headed home.

I walked home that night concerned that my getting with Anthony would cause problems later with Leo. I wasn't sure how this whole thing worked. Were gay couples just as prone as straight couples to jealousy? Would my attraction to men cause problems for Lisa and me? Were these feeling just a phase or would it become a lifestyle?

I had trouble sleeping that night with multiple dreams about people I know finding out about my romp with Anthony. I also woke up with a raging hard on and masturbated to the thought of the good head job from Leo's friend. I was definitely hooked sexually but not sure how to handle it on different levels, socially and emotionally. I just know I wanted more.

Next: Chapter 3

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