Leo and James

By J J

Published on Feb 17, 2014


Chapter 20 -- Things Go Terribly Wrong

Upon returning from our sex filled week in San Francisco Leo and I returned to our routine of work, TV watching and and bed. But our sex life was getting less satisfying after what was now 8 years of being a couple. Leo was having problems getting hard and our attempts at sex resulted in frustration. It got to the point where all we did was oral and I was being satisfied with a dildo because Leo knew how much I enjoyed anal sex. Leo finally agreed to see a doctor about his condition and once we knew what was wrong things were not the same. He was severely diabetic and had a incurable heart condition that required a transplant. At night I would lay on his chest and listen to his heart beat irregularly, wondering would I wake up one day and not hear his heart at all. Leo began drinking heavily and staying out all night gambling. He started smoking again and my plead for him to live a healthier lifestyle fell on deaf ears. He was giving up on life and uninterested in things he used to love -- music, sports, and in general, having fun with friends. Leo was not paying his bills and credit card companies frequently sent him late notices and his credit and money disappeared. What I thought was helping, I only hurt him further by paying his bills and hoping the problems he had would go away as long as I showed him my love. Nothing was working.

Then one day things went terribly wrong. Lawrence, whom I previously met years ago had been e-mailing me on a regular basis. We never met after the day we had sex but he never gave up. He now had a partner himself but would on occasion write me making small talk. Late at night, Leo came to bed looking very sternly at me and not saying a word. He lay down without taking off his clothes and looked blankly at the ceiling, breathing heavily. "Is something wrong Leo" I asked, not having the slightest idea what was going on. He didn't say a word, just kept staring at the ceiling. Something was seriously wrong. He finally turned to look at me but his cold stare remained. "You left your e-mail open." He continued his gaze into my eyes, penetrating my inner thoughts which were consumed of guilt. I was trying to figure out what e-mail could cause him to be in this emotional condition.

"Which e-mail Leo?"

"The one where Lawrence told you how much he loved fucking you." My heart raced and I got dizzy. I didn't know what to say. "Is that true?" he asked.

My lips were dry and I could barely get out the word "Yes".

"You lied to me James. You fucking lied to me."

"That was along time ago Leo -- I couldn't tell you because I was afraid of losing you." I was almost faint at this point -- I figured I'd better come clean at this point.

"Did he come in your ass?" he asked coldly.

Now I was really being tested at how truthful I could be. "Yes he did Leo."

Leo jumped up quickly and was furious. "I called that motherfucker and asked him did he do it and he said yes. Not only that, I heard his bitch ass partner say that you didn't use rubbers." Although not totally true we did go bareback and I was defenseless. All I could manage was a soft "I'm sorry Leo."

"You sure are sorry James. I fucking spent the last 8 years with you and your lies -- no telling what else you have done. I'm through man." Leo began to gather some clothes and putting them in his gym bag. I couldn't believe what was happening -- my deception had caught up with me.

"Leo, please don't leave. I fucked up -- please stay."

"Fuck you James -- I don't care if I die right now -- just regret that I have trusted your sorry ass. Never again." Months of frustration had built up and he was now letting loose -- on me. For the next 5 -- 10 minutes Leo laid into me about my character and how honest he was with me but he could no longer trust me. I felt so bad but deserved every word.

"Leo, I really wish you'd stay -- you're in no condition to be out right now, being as mad as you are. I'l sleep on the couch."

"You don't have to worry about me anymore James. I'm gone. Sleep wherever you want to, and with whomever you want to."

With that, Leo left. I spent the rest of the night crying and looking for Leo. I ended up falling asleep at around 6 am after giving up trying to find Leo. I missed work for the next two days, depressed, and worried. I tried everywhere, called every acquaintance. Finally, early one morning I heard the door open, fumble around with a few things, then sit on the couch. I got up and saw Leo sitting there, a blank expression on his face.

"Hey." I said softly. Leo looked at me, said nothing, then turned around, continuing to look ahead with a blank stare. "I've been worried Leo."

"I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself." said Leo dryly.

I didn't know what to say or what to do so I stood sheepishly, hoping Leo would say something to me. He did after a few minutes. "We need to talk James."

"Anything you say Leo. I'm happy you came home." I sat next to him but there was a cold feeling between us.

For the next hour or so I got an earful from Leo, sometimes angry, sometimes calm. But it was an attack on my character that I deserved. He was right about everything. I wasn't able to respond -- every time I tried I was silenced by his look. He was obviously still angry but softened his words by the time he was done with me. He told me to go to bed, that he would be sleeping on the couch until he found a place to stay. He was breaking up with me. I broke down and cried -- having realized how badly I fucked up and that there was no way out. I went to bed but could not sleep that night. I woke up the next day, quietly dressed and went out for a walk. It was bitterly cold but I didn't care. My whole world was collapsing around me because of my selfishness and dishonesty. I wished I had a second chance -- I told myself I had to try. I went back- telling myself to be totally honest and upfront. I waited until he woke up, about an hour after I came back.

"Care for breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeh." said Leo still half asleep. I was encouraged -- he actually spoke to me without reminding me of my fuck up.

"Great." is all I could say -- I did not want to push success.

I served Leo breakfast and we ate mostly in silence. It wasn't until I was doing dishes that I finally broke the silence. Although Leo became angry at first, he calmed down and actually had kind words for me. I was making some progress -- after I said what I had to say, I kissed Leo on his forehead, thanking him for listening. I got no response but wasn't turned away either. I was now hopeful. We spent the rest of the day making small talk, slowly warming up to our old selves.

That night I was hoping we could have make-up sex. I was so horny I was willing to do anything. I sat on the couch smoking weed, Leo sat next to me and joined me. He got up to go to the kitchen, returning with a beer. We sat,drank, smoked and watched TV for about an hour when I made my move. I removed all my clothes standing before Leo, knelt down before him, and kissed his feet.

"Get up." demanded Leo. I stood up, afraid that I did the wrong thing.

"You don't deserve me bitch." said Leo. "But I'm going to fuck you because I'm horny, no other reason. Understood?"

I was dumbfounded. Before I could get a word out Leo stood up quickly, grabbed me by my throat with his big hands. "You sorry motherfucker." said Leo, as angry as I've ever seen him. The drugs and alcohol weren't working in my favor -- or so I thought. I noticed his dick was hard but was about to pass out from being choked when he let me loose. From there was the wildest sex I've ever had. I can't say that I enjoyed any of it -- just that I knew Leo was releasing his anger and at the same time knowing I was the center of his attention -- that's all I wanted.

Leo grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up so I was at level with his groin. With one hand he lowered his sweats while he continued pulling my hair with the other. His dick smelled bad - like he had not washed in days so I hesitated opening my mouth. Next thing I felt a strong smack on the side of my head, causing me to lose my senses for a minute but I felt my head being pulled back up by my hair. This was getting bad -- I was a bit dizzy from the hard hit to my head but didn't have time to recover before I felt Leo's hand on my jaw.

"Open your mouth bitch, you're gonna suck me like you did your buddy." I opened my mouth and realized what was happening -- payback. I went to take Leo's half hard dick in my mouth when he pulled back. " Is this how you sucked him -- on your knees bitch?" I remained silent -- not knowing what to say. Again I felt a hard smack,this time on my face. I fell backward and lay, partially conscious, in pain. Leo spit on me adding to the degradation.

"I fucking hate you bitch." said Leo as he pulled up his pants, gathering his bag.

I put my head down, trying to recover from the smack down while at the same time trying to respond to his anger. I managed to get some words out. "Leo, please -- don't leave again." "What did you say bitch? Don't leave? Why not bitch?"

"I love you Leo." I said, slowly sitting up. My head was throbbing.

With that I heard another long string of obscenities directed towards me -- calling me everything from a slut to a common whore. I just sat and listened. I was getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. I finally had to say something.

""Leo I said I'm sorry, I don't know what more can say or do. If you hate me that much then just go."

Then things got worse. "What the fuck you just say?" He put his bag down and stood over me. I just shook my head and said nothing knowing it would make him even angrier. Then I felt a kick to my side. The pain was excruciating and I screamed out. But he didn't let up.

"So that hurt huh? Not nearly as much as me finding out you giving up ass to strange niggas. And didn't bother using a rubber -- damn. You going to suck my dick bitch." Leo said, almost falling over to get to me. He was very drunk and high. I had never seen him, or anyone else like this. I wasn't sure how this would end. He yanked me up and put me on my knees while he lowered his sweats. His dick was fully engorged and I opened my mouth to receive him. The smell was awful and I gagged but it made no difference. He pushed the entire length of his dick in with a quick thrust, forcing me to gag again except this time making me vomit some beer. But he kept on face fucking me and I did my best to take him but had to struggle to get away. I didn't want to hurt Leo -- I had done enough to ruin his life so I tried to get way. I headed toward the bedroom to try and lock myself in but not quick enough -- just as I was about to slam the door Leo pushed it open.

"Leo -- stop. You're hurting me badly." I tried to reason with him but he was completely out of control. I'll never forget the look on his face -- anger, determination and rage. I was truly scared and thought I'd better give in. Already naked I got in front of Leo and begged his forgiveness and for him to stop hurting me. His dick was still fully hard. Leo bent down, took me by the arms, lifted me enough to push me onto the bed where I landed back first. I watched as Leo completely removed his sweats, seeing the familiar club like dick fully erect. He raised my legs hard, causing my chest to hurt again from the earlier kick. Leo was going in without lube or spit -- I tried to get away but he was too powerful. The pain as Leo forced his dick in my dry ass was enormous -- I knew there was going to be some damage. The more I struggled to get loose the worse it got -- Leo's hand was on my throat as he fucked me, causing me to have breathing difficulty so I had no choice but to try and pry his arm off of me. Luckily due to our sweat I was able to get his hand off of my throat and get from underneath him. But there was no where to go - Leo was between me and the door, standing, breathing hard.

"Leo -- please stop. I am hurting so bad." I begged him.

"You leave out of here -- you will never see me again. Now there's the door." Leo stood back and opened the door. As much as I was ready to go due to the pain, I remembered how badly I wanted to see Leo -- and there he was -- standing before me, naked with a hard on. I did what I thought was best, knelt before him and took him into my mouth and sucked. I sucked his dick like I had never before, had no trouble deep throating him. Leo's moaning was encouraging -- I wanted him to cum because my ass could take no more. Within minutes he ejaculated into my mouth -- I was relieved that this ordeal was about to be over. He pulled out and immediately laid on the bed -- still breathing very heavily. I didn't know what to do at that point -- his hatred for me was obvious.

"Mind if I sleep with you Leo?"

"I don't care James -- do what you want."

He was still angry but at least willing to put up with me in the same bed. After taking a few aspirin I laid next to Leo, being careful not to touch him. We fell asleep that night, waking up late the next day -- good thing it was a Saturday. I heard Leo get up to use the bathroom and realized how badly I felt -- physically and emotionally. Leo got back and stood at he side of the bed.

"Damn -- I did that to you?" I wasn't sure what he was talking about -- I knew I was knocked around pretty good but wasn't aware of any signs of it. I just knew I could not sit up due to the excruciating pain in my chest.

"Did what?" I asked innocently.

"You're full of bruises and you got a black eye -- damn."

I tried to sit up but couldn't -- the pain was too great. And my ass was stinging as well. "Damn I'm hurting Leo."

"Fuck man, I'm really sorry -- no one deserves what I did."

"We were both pretty fucked up Leo. I guess we're even now?" I tired to infuse some humor in the situation.

No James -- this got out of hand." Leo placed his hand on my chest where there was apparently a large bruise. I winced with pain. "Let's get you to a hospital."

"Hospital? Damn -- its that bad?"

"You have broken ribs James."

"How you know?"I asked before I remembered Leo was an X-ray tech.

Leo gathered some clothes and tried helping me get dressed. When I finally got up I heard Leo say "Damn -- turn around."

When I turned around I saw blood on the bed." I turned around and Leo gently bent me over -- nothing like last night.

"Motherfucker -- your ass is tore up. Goddamn James." Leo was in a bit of a panic -- rushed to the bathroom and brought out washcloths and towels and began attending to my sore asshole. I could see they were red when he finished. This was not a good situation -- all I could think is what the hospital workers would think -- I was badly bruised, had broken ribs and my ass was bleeding. This was what rape felt like.

After we finally got dressed Leo helped me get into the car where he rushed me to the hospital where Leo worked. I sat in ER for about an hour when a doctor came in to examine me. Obviously he was an acquaintance of Leo -- which I was relieved about.

"Well we've got a few things going on James. You have anal fissures which will require surgery -- and we have to get you in to X-ray your chest looks like you have a few broken ribs." the doctor went on to explain all that will go on for the next week or two. I was indeed in bad shape.

Leo and the doctor left out and talked for awhile before I was wheeled into X-Ray where it was discovered that I had 2 broken ribs and 2 fractures. I had surgery the next day to repair my anus and spent 3 days in the hospital -- with almost every minute being with Leo at my side. After weeks of recovery all was good again. Leo and I never mentioned the events that led up to the beating, or the beating itself. We were back to the loving couple but there was still something strange about Leo's behavior -- he was depressed and not eating well. One night I discovered him doing lines of cocaine which explained everything -- no sex, mood swings, and Leo staying out all night. I was losing Leo to drugs -- I blamed myself.

Next: Chapter 21

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