Leo and James

By J J

Published on Mar 2, 2014


Chapter 21 -- The Final Day

I'm going to make the final day of Leo and I as short as possible because it still hurts to think about it. We were starting a new life of healthy eating and living. I fixed him breakfast every morning -- our relationship was much less sexual and more loving as we were becoming much more of a couple. I was no longer sleeping around nor did we party. This went on several years.

But one day his place of work called saying Leo was short of breath and collapsed in the hospital. They could not give me any other details because I was not a "relative." I rushed to the hospital and was told he was taken to ER -- no other information was provided but by the looks on the faces of his co-workers I knew it was not good. I asked to see Leo but was, again turned away. I was frantic and rushed past the nurse, looking behind the curtains for Leo until a security guard came and restrained me. A priest took control of the situation and brought a nurse to take me to Leo. When the curtain was pulled back I saw Leo laying on the table, his eyes open. He was dead. The next few moments are mostly lost to me. I remember crying loudly, hugging Leo while everyone disappeared. I was beside myself -- such a good man he was -- to me and everyone else. The next hours are a blur spent telling his family, friends and neighbors who were all in disbelief and extreme sorrow. His closest relative to us, a niece, did not believe me. She wanted to see for herself. When she arrived the pulled Leo of of a metal drawer, still wearing the clothes he had when he left that day. She lost it. The hysterical crying filled the cold room.

The next few days were spent with grief and fighting reality. The first night without Leo I awoke in a panic. I felt someone at the foot of the bed and woke up to see a shadowy figure, more like snow on a TV, standing. I rubbed my eyes, not believing what I saw, and it disappeared. To this day I still wonder if what I saw was a mental creation out of extreme grief or reality.

Eventually Leo's friends and relatives that filled the house disappeared. Our mutual friends were there to comfort me but the only was I was able to cope was through drugs and alcohol. I sunk deep into depression. I realized Leo was my life and without him I had a void. Then there came a year of drunken moments, losing my job and the respect of family and friends. I sunk to a new low and lost my apartment. I was in the streets.

One evening I managed to get myself together enough to go to a bar where I could talk to someone -- which is what I thought needed to survive. I was very fortunate that night to meet Jose, the bouncer who took a liking to me despite my introversion, unkempt look and boorish behavior.

Next: Chapter 22

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