Leo and James

By J J

Published on Apr 5, 2014


Chapter 22: Starting Over

Before "the fight" I tried talking to several people at bars, all causing me to lose faith in humanity. The first person, Dave, struck up a conversation with me which quickly ended when I tried to talk to him about Leo. After he feigned interest he said for us to go back to his place and fuck. End of conversation Then there was Sam, who looked around the room the entire time I was trying to talk to him about losing a loved one. His cruising eventually led to him getting up in the middle of a sentence to talk to someone else. Then there was Steve who listened intently and said he knew just how I felt because he recently lost his great aunt.

"I'm so sorry James." he said disengenuously, followed by "I'll meet you in the bathroom so I can suck your dick." I politely refused.

Finally there was an older queen who wouldn't stop touching my leg as I tried to talk to him,leanin gover to kiss me. "I'm not here for that." I said.

"Well honey, I am so why don't you just give in." as he continued to touch and grope me.

"No thanks. I've got to go." I said.

"What I'm not good enough for you?" he said as he grabbed my arm, not letting go.

I warned him to let go but he refused. The next few minutes were a blur. I remember pushing the guy off his bar stool and wrestling with the hunky bouncer before waking up in a strange room, belly down, cuffed. Shortly after waking up someone came in the room, a large Latino man covered in tattooes.

"You up?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Yes I am but damn my head hurts."

"That because Randy knocked you the fuck out after you swung at him."

"Fuck, what the hell did I do?"

"You were out of control man, we had to do something. You ready to get out of the cuffs?"

I had never been cuffed and it hurt like hell. "Yes please."

"My name is Jose" he told me as he removed the metal rings around my hands.

"Thanks Jose, and I'm really sorry if I caused problems. Where am I?"

"At the bar man. We took you back here and you fought us."

"Damn. That's fucked up – I'm really sorry."

"No biggie – but it's time to go home. Need a cab?"

"No thanks." Not having a home I didn't know what to say.

"Man you're not walking home. Not in this condition." Jose helped me up and put me in front of a mirror – I had a serious black eye developing. "I'll give you a ride. Where do you stay?"

I made up a street intersection nearby not wanting to admit I was homeless.

"Unless you're living on the streets you got the wrong address." said Jose.

My silence told the story. Jose saw the situation I was in. "You're shitting me. You're homeless man?"

Before I could get the words out I broke down and started crying uncontrollably. Jose stood silently by, obviously affected by my state of mind. "Damn that's fucked up. Well you can't stay here man."

I got myself together long enough to tell him it was okay, that I would find a place to go. As I got up to leave Jose took me by the arm and sat me down. "I can't let you do that man, not like this. If someone kills your ass I'll be thinking I could have done something. You're coming home with me."

I really didn't want to put him out, nor did I know where he lived but I was glad to have a place to lay down other than concrete or a hard cot. "Thanks Jose, I really appreciate it. My name is James."

"Let's go, they're about to lock up." We left the back room and walked through the bar where a large Black man was sitting. Jose stopped. "I think you owe this man an apology. He kept you from getting arrested. Randy – this is James – I'm taking him home."

"Take his white ass home then instead of drinking with us. You're always such a fucking bleeding heart Jose."

"I'm really sorry man, and thanks." I said extending my hand for a shake which he refused.

"Go on home, and stay the fuck away from here." said Randy as he turned his back to me and continued drinking. Jose led me away out into the cool air.

We walked in silence to his car in the alley – a beat up Pontiac that was very messy. He tossed stuff aside, giving me an indication he didn't have too many people in his car. We made small talk for the 30 minutes or so it took us to get to his place in Brooklyn. All I could tell was that he was quiet and reserved. He stayed in projects and I did feel uncomfortable walking past several shady looking young people on the way to his apartment – but it was definitely a lot better than where I was living. His apartment was a mess – clothes laying all over the place, newspapers and food plates. Obviously he was alone. He knocked the stuff off the couch making room for me. "If you decide to leave in the middle of the night just be sure to close and lock the door."

He was very dry toward me but seeing that I was a homeless stranger I was truly lucky to have him any way. "I'm thirsty, can I help myself to water?"

"Sure, go ahead. I'm off to bed – later dude." said Jose as he disappeared into his bedroom.

The cockroaches were everywhere in his kitchen but , once again, I reminded myself how much better this was. I found a clean glass and downed a a lot of water before laying on the couch. I sat up thinking about Jose and wondering: Was he gay? He sure didn't give any indication, nor could I find any proof in his place. Why was he being so friendly? Would I be given the opportunity to stay more than a night? Just then Jose came out of his room, stripped to his boxers to go to the bathroom. The bathroom door was left open just enough so that I could stare at him as he brushed his teeth. He had a beautiful body – chunky but solid, his brown skin covered in tats, nipples pierced. His close cut haircut and goatee made him very handsome. After brushing he took his dick out to pee but it was out of view. I hadn't had sex in over a year since Leo died but I was beginning to get the drive back after watching Jose. I got up from the couch to get a better view. His dick was enormous, uncut and fat. After a few shakes he left out of the bathroom before I could get myself settled on the couch. I was caught and looked guilty.

"Can't sleep?" asked Jose as he went into the kitchen to fix himself a meal.

I had vowed to be totally honest with people since my days of telling lies to Leo ended up in disaster.

"Sorry man, I was checking you out." I said. Jose laughed. "Damn, at last you honest." He showed no indication of being upset nor interested.

He continued to fix his meal and went back into the bedroom. The door would not close all the way so the light and sound from the TV was noticeable. I watched as he lie on the mattress on the floor while eating and checking out TV which was on a Spanish station. I debated whether or not to initiate conversation, eventually getting to his sexual preference. I decided not to push my luck – within minutes I was asleep on a soft surface. One day I would properly be able to show my gratitude. Hours later I awoke to sunshine knowing that I had to leave. Jose was sound asleep, loudly snoring. I checked him out through the open door, he slept on top of his covers on his belly. His ass was gorgeous, round, firm and definitely protruding. The crack of it was clearly visible through his boxers that were drawn down. I missed this. I quietly showered (finally hot water) and dried myself from a washcloth that was left on the floor. His housekeeping was horrendous – a sign that he was most likely straight. I got dressed and left out into the sunshine with a new attitude and hopefully, new acquaintance.

Next: Chapter 23

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