Leo and James

By J J

Published on Jul 29, 2014


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Part 23: Mysterious Jose The entire day after I spent the night at Jose's I thought about him and planned on returning to the bar to thank him again. I was able to borrow a few dollars from a guy at the gay homeless shelter with whom I had struck a friendship. We spent a lot of time together both having struggled with alcoholism and drug abuse. He had also lost his partner tragically so we were able to connect regularly for emotional support. He was much better at getting money off the streets than was I. Finally when the bar opened I was the first in. Jose, nor any of the other bouncers were there yet so I decided to leave and come back. While walking around the streets of the city I realized that I had to get back into the successful career person I once was to stand a chance at finding someone. A few hours later I went back to the bar where Randy was letting people in. I knew I was fucked. I handed Randy my ID and he looked intently at it, then back at me. "Go on -- but if you fuck around I'm kicking your ass." he said as I thanked him again for last night. I looked around for Jose and found him in the back bar, sitting on a stool, looking good as ever, staring into the growing crowd. I was hoping I would get a warm response from him seeing me. "Hi Jose." was all I could muster. "Hey bro', what's up?" I wasn't sure he remember me. "It's me James -- from last night." "Yeh I know. Hope you got some sleep last night." "Definitely. Man, how can I thank you?" "Don't worry about it." His quiet misdemeanor puzzled me. Was this his nature or was he trying to blow me off? "Maybe after work I can buy you a drink?" I asked, knowing I'd have to spend the next few hours without one to pay for it. "Sure." said Jose. I was cautiously optimistic. Although not convinced he was interested in me at least there was some hope. "Cool, I'll talk to you later." "Alright." he said calmly. Throughout the night I observed Jose as he interacted with the customers. He was no different with them as he was with me -- cold but in control. I still could get no indication of his being gay or straight. He worked at a gay bar but acted in a way that placed him in the totally straight category. Finally the bar closed and Jose assisted in getting everyone out. He started to usher me out as well as though I was a stranger. "Hey, how about that drink?" I asked. Jose shook his head. "Man I'm tired -- I'll take a rain check." I was devastated and realized I didn't plan on his refusal. "Damn. I hung around here hoping I could at least repay you with a drink." "Some other time man -- let's go." Jose led me out the door I left the bar disappointed and saddened at his coldness. It was raining hard and I had a 2 mile walk to the homeless shelter. I was fucked. "Yo -- James." I heard a shout. It was Jose. He handed me his car keys. "Pull the car around the corner by the grocery store - I'm ready to go." This was sudden turn of events. I stood dumbfounded in the rain. "You gonna get the car or what?" asked Jose, seemingly getting angry. I didn't question him. I went to the same place his car was yesterday and pulled it around where I waited a few minutes before Jose came out. I started to get out so he could get in. "Man you drive." said Jose as he got in the passenger side. "But I didn't expect to stay at your place tonight Jose." I was truly puzzled. "No biggie -- just drive." "To your place?" I asked while Jose gave me a bewildered look. "Yeh man -- my place." he said as he shook his head. I didn't know what was going on. Jose was a private man and difficult to figure out. While driving Jose got a call and from his conversation I could tell it was a girlfriend. She sounded disappointed that he wasn't coming over to her place that night. "I hope I 'm not keeping you from something." I said, "Nah -- that bitch gets on my nerve. Always wanting something." That opened the door for me to explore his sexuality. "Your girlfriend?" I asked. "Yeh, guess that you could say that." said Jose as he started to roll a joint. He didn't offer anymore so I explored. "So you don't mind working at a gay bar?" "Nah, it's a job." "Many guys try to hit on you?" "Nope -- it's a job man." I found that hard to believe. A hunk like this would turn any guy's head. As we pulled up to his building Jose lit the joint and leaned back, enjoying the rush that it gave him. He passed it to me and our hands touched awkwardly causing the joint to fall to the floor. I bent down to pick it up and found myself between his legs. I noticed he did not reposition himself so that I could get to it easily. This was encouraging to me in that he did not seem afraid to get physically close like many straight guys are. We finished the joint and headed inside, soaking wet from the still pouring rain. Jose quickly headed to his room, partially shut the door and came out shortly after with dry clothes on -- boxers and a T-Shirt that outlined his broad chest and shoulders. I was still soaking wet so I didn't want to sit down on the couch that I slept on the previous night. "Have a seat." said Jose. "I'm wet. I don't want to fuck up your couch." Jose took some discarded newspapers and set them on the couch so I sat there. "So you were going to buy me a drink?' asked Jose as he went into the kitchen to fix a sandwich. The fact that he didn't offer me any food didn't bother me -- I was still glad to have a place to stay. "Yeh I was." "With what? I thought you were homeless." He was beginning his inquisition. " I was able to borrow a few bucks from a friend." " So you still got the money?" asked Jose. "Yeh, ten bucks." "Give it to me." said Jose as he held out his big hand. I was not sure where this was going. I gave him the crumpled up, wet, ten dollar bill that Jose put into his pocket. He went to the refrigerator and brought out two beers. "This is better." I was relieved -- sign of sensitivity. While we drank our beers I listened as Jose told his story -- being jailed, shot in the back, getting girls pregnant and a host of other problems. I tried getting a few words in about my life but he wasn't interested. We finished the beers and Jose got up to head to the bedroom - not saying anything and again closing the door the best it could. I was hoping for more conversation but it was obvious Jose loved talking about himself. Not that his life wasn't interesting but one likes to get a few words in. The night repeated itself except this time I had to remove my clothes to dry out, leaving me with nothing to cover me with as I slept. Having been slightly high from the weed it din't bother me to ask Jose for a cover or two while I was naked. "Jose, you have any extra sheets or blankets?" "Damn man, cover that shit up." he said referring to my exposed genitals. I walked over to my clothes and placed my shirt in front of my nakedness. Jose came out of the bedroom with a sheet. This time he was shirtless. I noticed his boxers were somewhat extended. He was getting hard. "Here you go man." he said as he tossed the sheet in my direction. "Thanks Jose. I really appreciate this. Man I wish I could repay you." I was hoping this would turn into the typical porn movie where he would say "You can" and seductively remove his shorts. But instead he walked away mumbling "Not a problem." I heard the phone ring again and listened to his conversation with his girlfriend. Obviously they weren't getting along but, since most of the conversation was in Spanish I couldn't tell what was going on. After finishing with his girl Jose came out and got another beer. "You want another?" he asked, still frustration in his voice. "Sure." I was laying naked under the sheet, welcoming the chance to sit next to him. "But I'm out of cash." Jose came out handed me the beer and rolled a huge blunt. I heard him mutter "Fucking bitch." while doing so. "Girl problems?" I asked innocently. "Man she just won't let up. I told her awhile back I needed space but she keeps bugging me man." "I do know the feeling -- I was once straight." Jose looked at me cynically. "Man you were never straight." "Guess you're right." "Know I'm right." He was still obviously angry. We puffed on the blunt and drank two more beers each and finally got into a conversation about sex. "So you don't mind a gay guy staying in your place?" "Nah man, you're cool I know you won't try nothing." "It's taking a lot of self-control though Jose." I revealed. "What you mean? You thinking about molesting me? Better not motherfucking fag." His reaction did not surprise me -- that of a straight man who is curious about the same sex. But is still in the self-hating mode. I didn't want to press it so I remained quiet. Suddenly Jose started laughing. "Man you should see the look on your face when I called you a fag." I was speechless for a few minutes while Jose continued to laugh. He had beautiful white teeth. "It doesn't bother me -- being called a fag." "Well it should man. Don't let no motherfucker call you out of your name. Your name is James -- James the man!" He was obviously fucked up but in a cute way. "Alright, I'm no fag." I said, and started laughing senselessly with Jose. "Man I ain't laughed like this in a long time. I needed that." said Jose leaning back, now playing with his dick. We sat in an awkward silence while Jose continued continued playing with himself. His dick was growing. I did not make a move -- I was frozen with fear of doing the wrong thing. Jose looked in my direction -- his eyes were beet red. I thought he motioned with his head for me to go down on him but wasn't sure. I was petrified -- I hadn't had sex in over a year and was still conflicted. But I didn't want Jose to feel rejected. His dick was obviously at full mast and Jose leaned back, eyes closed. The words "raging hard-on" aptly described his condition. I couldn't ignore it much longer. I reached over and touched it to see if that would cause a reaction from Jose. Nothing. I began stroking it and still no reaction other than a good amount of pre-cum that began to ooze out. The feel of a hard penis was no stranger to me but if felt like the first time. I leaned over and licked it off the tip of his dick head which barely peeked out of his large foreskin. Still no reaction. Was he asleep?I thought to myself. I then made the big move -- leaning over to take him into my mouth. I pulled his long foreskin as far as it could go over his large head and gently licked the remaining precum, slowly working myself down to the point where I would have to deep throat -- which I did, remembering to take a deep breath. This caused a reaction from Jose -- putting his thick hands on my head to go further down, which I did until he was all the way in. He started groaning. "Goddamn papi that's some good head." He began thrusting himself into me, causing me to want to gag. I tried pulling off but his hands had a firm grip in my head and I felt him coming. I was able to relax and take his seed into my stomach, a good long orgasm. When I pulled off he didn't take long before getting up, going to his bedroom and shutting the door. His large dick still hanging out of his boxers. When I awoke the next morning I wondered what Jose's mood would be like the next day. A couple hours later he came out of the bedroom, took a piss, and silently drank orange juice out of the container "Good morning Jose." "Good morning." he mumbled. "Have to work today?" "Nah, but my girl's coming over so you got to go." He showed no indication of what went on last night but I accepted it -- learning not to push things. I started gathering myself so I could leave, hoping I could stay awhile but he said nothing. I left still wondering, also realizing I had no way of contacting Jose other than visiting him at the bar.

Next: Chapter 24

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