Leo and James

By J J

Published on Aug 13, 2014


Leo and James

Part 24 -- It Sucks Being Single

For the next few days I managed to clean myself up and find a regular job -- thanks to the people at the homeless shelter. I figured it would be a few more weeks before I could find a place of my own that I was proud of, or wanted to be there. But I had not heard from Jose all week so I decided to drop him a visit during the day, at the time in which he normally woke up.

I reluctantly knocked on his door, afraid that an unannounced visit might upset him. No answer so I tried again. This time Jose came to the door wearing only white briefs, looking sexy as hell. Before I could say anything Jose stopped me, whispering "What the fuck you doing here?"

"Just stopped by to see you Jose, have not heard from you all week."

"Man I don't want to see you now, gotta go." Before he could shut the door I heard a female voice call his name.

Damn I fucked up that one. While walking away I was confronted by a small group of young men who asked me if I had any money. I shook my head no and was stopped by one of them, displaying a pistol under his shirt. I tried to reason with him but ended up giving him the little money I had, about $40 to avoid any problems. He was satisfied and left me alone. "Damn I am lucky"I thought to myself considering what could have happened.

It wasn't until the following weekend when I was able to see Jose again and apologize. He was at the club on his usual night.I hesitantly approached him. "Hey Jose, good seeing you man."

"Hey bro', what's going on?" he asked, shaking hands.

"Not much man, I need to apologize for showing up at your place unannounced."

"Yeh man, that was pretty fucked up, but don't worry about it -- we're good."

"Good to hear Jose. Will you be around for a drink after work?"

"Maybe, check back with me later." That left the door open, which is all I could ask for. I was really liking this guy and wanted more time with him, though he appeared to be mostly straight. He was also a good guy to hang out with.

While sitting at the bar later that evening I felt a strong hand on my neck. "James?" I turned around to see Anthony, a friend of Leo's when we first met. "What's been going on man?" he said as he gave me a big hug from behind.


I wasn't sure it was really him it had been so long. He had lost some weight but looked good.

""You don't remember me?' he asked.

"Sorry man took me awhile. It's so good to see you." I said as I got up to hug him. A face from the past was comforting.

"Man it's been awhile. Where you been?"

"Long story Anthony."

"Well I got a minute or two" he said as he sat and ordered us a couple of beers.

I went to tell him the shortened version of the events that led to Leo's death -- not skipping the part about how my behavior was partly responsible. Anthony listened intently and offered his support. He wasn't at Leo's funeral because his job had taken him out of town.

"Man I wish I could have been here for you James. Look, you can stay at my place until you get a place to stay." Just then there was a flurry of activity, shouting and glass breaking. I saw Jose pulling apart two guys who were fighting. His strength and quickness was very impressive as he hauled one of the guys away while the other bouncer had someone pinned down.

"Damn, Jose got that man quickly." I said.

"You know him?" asked Anthony.

"A little. He helped me out when I was really destitute -- great guy."

"You better watch out James -- that motherfucker is dangerous as hell."

warned Anthony.

"How so?"

"Been in an out of jail -- worked for a shit load of bars that all fired him for dealing drugs. I heard he killed a man with his bare hands in a fight. But yeh he is a hot fucker." I was surprised by this information, and concerned that I was falling for a former inmate.

"Damn -- wish I had known that. He let me stay the night at his place."

"Boy, watch yourself, that's not the kind of guy you want to get involved with."

"But damn he's fine as hell." I said as Jose returned to his station, shirt tore at the side.

"So you all do anything?" asked Anthony.

I decided not to kiss and tell -- especially with the latest on Jose.

"Nah, just spent the night at the couch." Then I realized my vow to be honest with everyone. "Well just a little."

"What??? Damn you get the hot men James. What all did you do?"

"I sucked his dick."

"Fuck that's hot, I heard he's got a big one."

"Very big."


I still say be careful though man. Tread lightly."

For the remainder of the night Anthony and I caught up. He had been in an out of relationships and had given up finding a man. When the lights came on Anthony got up to go. "Well James, I really want you to come to my place -- got an extra bedroom you can use." I was wondering if he had an alterior motive. Problem was that I wasn't sexually into Anthony -- he was a bit too effeminate for me.

"I really appreciate that Anthony -- but hold on for sec." I figured I'd let Jose know again how appreciative I was for the times he saved me, and to let him know I had a place to stay.

Jose saw the last of the drunks out when he started straightening up the tables. I noticed his side was bloody. "Damn Jose, you're bleeding."

"No big thing -- dude had a knife."

"No big thing? Damn you're tough as hell." With that Jose laughed. "

I got to go, I want to thank you again for taking me in and for last night."

Jose stopped and looked at me. "Man, ain't nobody got to know about that." he said sternly.


Don't worry about me Jose -- I know you got a girl and I would not do anything to fuck that up."

"So where you staying the night?"

"A friend of mine offered me his place for a while so I'm going to take him up on it."

Jose looked Anthony's way who was talking to someone. "That queen?"

I laughed. "Yeh, he's cool though -- just a friend."

"Dump his ass man, come back to my place." I was surprised by his interest and was prepared to give my best wishes.

"Hate to do that Jose -- he did offer me his place for awhile, not just a night."

"Well, do what you gotta do." Jose said indifferently. The fact that he was offering me his place had my mind racing -- was he interested in sex or just liked my company? "What did you have in mind?"

"Nothing man, just go on ahead with your buddy." Now he appeared a bit angry, increasing my curiosity about his intentions.

"I prefer to be with you Jose."

"That's cool. Better tell your friend you won't be going with him."

I hated this part. Anthony was kind and caring enough to make sure I had a comfortable place and I was turning him down for the possibility of getting thug dick. I was again thinking with my sexual needs instead of logic.

"Hey Anthony, thanks for the offer but I'll be OK."

"You going back with that ex-convict?" Anthony asked with a quizzical look. He was obviously hoping he would have my company that night.

"Yeh, he did offer."

"Alright man well you be careful. I wouldn't trust him."

"Thanks for the offer Anthony, it was real good seeing you again."

"Love you man." Anthony hugged me emphatically. This was a good man -- but I was focused on other things. "Call me." he said as he left out.

I went back to Jose where he handed me his car keys. "Pick me up at the same place." he instructed. I really did like his quiet confidence. We met at the corner, away from where anyone could see him getting in the car with me, and drove back to his place. We stopped at a gas station for Jose to get some cigar papers. He was welcomed by a group of Latino guys as he went into the store. I wondered was he in a gang.

"I need some beer -- stop at the liquor store around the corner." We got there to what was a very scary place -- I was getting quite a few stares as we pulled up. "I need some money" said Jose. I only had a few dollars and was somewhat taken back by his request, knowing my situation. I pulled out the last $20 I had and handed it to him.

"Be right back."

The few minutes he was in the store was some of the longest in my life. I was getting that uneasy feeling that a white boy in the hood was going to bring about unnecessary attention. But Jose came out quickly and we drove off. I noticed he did not give me any change.

We got back to his place, walking past the normal gang bangers , some of which Jose acknowledged. I took my usual spot on the couch while Jose brought out a couple of beers and started rolling a blunt which he did expertly. We quietly smoked and drank our beers in what was increasingly awkward silence. The effect of the weed did not take long -- it was some good shit. I decided to take the lead and remove my clothes.

"What you doing man?" asked Jose.

"Just getting comfortable." I said, stopping after I removed my shirt, seeing that it made Jose uneasy.

"You can keep your clothes on man -- I don't want to see anything you got."

I was disappointed and rethinking the offer Anthony made. This wasn't going where I'd like it but it was too late. "Okay" I meekly said. Again we smoked in silence until I decided to break the ice.

"Jose, you do know I'm gay."

"No shit man."

"And as a gay man I have needs."

"So what you saying?"

"I want to have sex with you Jose."

"For real? I mean what kind of sex you talking about?" Jose was fucked up bad, slurring his words, eyes red. "I ain't gay -- just letting you know."

"But you let me suck your dick last time I was here."

"That ain't gay bro. I was horny and a mouth is as good as any."


If you say so." I sounded much bitchier that I intended.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I mean, you know I'm a guy. You could have just as easily had a female sucking your dick."

"Man, fuck you. That don't mean I'm gay."


Again, unintended bitchiness.With that Jose became angry.

"What's with the attitude motherfucker? I should have left your ass back at the bar with that queen. Maybe you like that shit." He was now visibly upset -- time for damage control.

"Look Jose, maybe it wasn't a good idea of me coming back here with you. I had different ideas."

"I guess so. I'm taking my ass to bed." With that Jose got up and went to his bedroom.

I started calling Anthony to see if I could meet him somewhere but his voice mail picked up so I left a message. Apparently Jose heard me talking on the phone and came out of the bedroom, now shirtless.

"Who was that you were talking to?" he asked.

"I called Anthony, I need a place to stay. Could I have the change back from the beer?"

"You ain't getting shit back motherfucker/" Jose's anger was very apparent. I was concerned, especially after what Anthony shared with me about his past run-ins with the law.

I was getting angry myself and didn't control myself. "So you're going to steal my money?"

"Bitch, here's your motherfucking change." Jose took money out of his pocket and threw it at me. I had no choice but to pick it up, I needed it to get back to the shelter. On all fours picking up whatever money I could find Jose approached me. Through his pants I could see he was hard. Before I could do or say anything Jose took me by the head and forced it onto his crotch. My cheeks pressed up against his hardness. "Where the fuck was this going? What had I gotten myself into?"I thought to myself.

Jose unzipped and pulled out his dick, inviting me to suck it. "You just gonna look at it? Do what you came here for bitch." That's all I needed to hear. I sucked Jose as well as I've sucked any dick.

Goddamn bitch you suck a mean dick." Jose started face fucking me and I was able to take it all. After a few minutes Jose pulled out.

"Shit, no one has been able to do that. Fuck, get up bitch."

Jose took off the rest of his clothes, sat back on the couch and spread his legs. His dick pointed straight up, reaching mid belly -- brown, uncut and beautiful. I knelt before him and sucked his dick for a good while until he pulled me off him. "Damn papi, you gonna make me want some ass." I continued sucking him until he gave the official word -- which soon came. "Get on all fours bitch." Jose tried unsuccessfully putting me into position on the couch, creating difficulty in him having access to my ass so I helped him out, giving him easier access. I realized we had no lube but too late to say anything. Jose was already probing my hole with his hard dick, trying to enter but having no luck. "Damn that ass is tight."

"We need lube Jose." Even with my saliva still coating his dick he couldn't get in comfortably.

"Don't have that -- be right back." I stayed in position, bent over on the couch, ass raised, hole hungry and ready. Jose came back and I heard him open a bottle of lotion and slab it onto my ass. "Better than nothing."I thought. Then I felt the familiar intrusion of warm hard flesh going inside of me. Jose didn't do this often -- he was going in too fast, especially for his length and girth. The pain was intense and I suddenly pulled away but Jose wasn't having any of it. "What the fuck you doing bitch? Get back on there." He slapped my ass really hard and slid himself back in, much too quickly. I buried my face on the couh cushion so my screams wouldn't be heard. Before I had a chance to adapt to his size Jose was thrusting. I tried getting away because of the intolerable pain. This was repeat of the last time I had sex with Leo -- aggressive, angry sex. But Jose was too strong and was about to cum -- he had his arm on the back of my neck putting my head in an awkward position -- I thought my neck was going to break. Jose was all the way inside, pouring his seed inside of me, enjoying an orgasm while I was in a great deal of pain. Even his pulling out caused discomfort because of the lack of proper lubrication. He got up and headed to the bathroom, allowing me to relax and recover. I laid there for a few minutes, ass burning, neck and jaw hurting while I hear Jose wash himself. I hadn't prepared myself so I was sure there was some unintended mess. But I would not find out, he went into his bedroom and closed the door, turning on the TV to his usual Spanish station while I quietly went the bathroom and washed myself with washcloths that were used and on the floor. I noticed blood on the washcloth but not enough to be concerned, other than a stranger having just deposited sperm into me. I went back to the couch and quickly fell asleep. Despite what had just happened, I was happy. Jose had taken an interest in me other than pity although I did miss the comfort of a warm body after sex. But I was moving ahead and starting a new chapter in my life.

Next: Chapter 25

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