Leo and James

By J J

Published on Nov 5, 2012


The following is a story based on reality - names have been changed but incidences are real.

Chapter Five - Losing the Girl

All day on Monday my mind was on how I was going to tell Lisa that I no longer wanted to pursue a relationship with her. Would I be truthful and tell her that I had a gay experience and enjoyed it, or come up with some bullshit to make it easier on me? The day crawled but memories of having sex with Leo made it tolerable. I figured I'd gauge her mood and go from there. I still had no plan when I met her at a local pub to have drinks and get dinner. She sat by herself, looking beautiful, wearing a different hairstyle that made her look more innocent than before.

"Hi." I said as I sat down.

"Hey, how's it going?" said Lisa.

"No complaints here, just have a lot on my mind."

"Oh yeh? It sounded like you were preoccupied when we spoke last night."

The waitress took our drink orders. I ordered my usual Jack and Coke and Lisa ordered a diet soda.

"What, not drinking today?"

"No, I'm laying off the alcohol James."

"Any particular reason?" I asked.

"Sort of. But you go first."

"Ah okay. Lisa, something happened that really changes our relationship." I looked at Jeannie to see if she was picking up what was coming. She looked unexpectedly nonchalant. I went silent.

"Go ahead James."

"Maybe you should go first." I was getting cold feet.

"No, absolutely not, you seem to have bigger issues."

I took a deep breath. "Lisa, the reason I said our relationship is different is because I had sex with someone." I thought to myself "damn, so much for the baby steps."

Her reaction was that of disappointment but not the shock I expected.The waitress sat down our drinks and asked if we were ready to order.

Lisa sat for a moment. "Uh, sure. I'll have the chicken wrap, no fries."

The waitress looked at me but I was still silent. Lisa nudged me. "James, your order."

"Oh, sorry, I'll have the same." She was actually playful and sending me into a train of thought that was headed for nowhere.

Jeannie repositioned herself so that she was looking directly at me, giving me a serious look. "James, it's okay. I don't mind terribly. I'm glad you are being honest. To be honest I was going to tell you that I was not interested in having sex with you and we should consider seeing other people."

"Damn. So I fretted all day for nothing?" I joked.

She laughed a bit. "It's just not there James. I really like you but our chemistry has gone bad. We're just not for each other in the long run."

"You found someone else." I guessed.

"No, not at all. Right now I'm too busy for anyone, even myself."

"I've noticed."

"Oh, poor baby," she reached over and grabbed my cheeks. Her hands felt cold and small compared to Leo's huge paws that worked me over last weekend. "So who have you been seeing?"

"Nobody." I lied.

"Look James, I really think we make a good couple, just not now."

"I'm really glad we agree on this."

For the rest of the evening we made small talk, mostly about work, and ended the evening with a hug, but no kiss. It was a good evening, stress free, especially since our break up seemed to be mutually needed. But now that I was free of Lisa I could not wait to see Leo again, this time without the worry of having to come up with an excuse to have to cut things short, or having to answer the phone when I didn't feel like it. The whole episode went too well – nothing like the break-ups I has seen on TV or heard about in person. But I was going to miss Lisa. She was a good person and fortunately we had not taken our relationship any further considering my new found sexual appetite. This was the end of my heterosexual life - the beginning of a tumultuous homosexual one.

Next: Chapter 6

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