Leo Goes to College

By Jeff Moses / Chainedcoot

Published on Feb 20, 2017



This is a work of fiction, honest. It includes bondage and light SM. No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended. If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now. Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV. Please play safe--I don't want to lose any fans!

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Leo Goes to College

"So who's been cutting your lawn?"

Leo was no longer the high schooler who had moved next door a few years back, no longer the eager young man I'd coached through driver's training, no longer the high school jock who spent Saturday afternoons making me his faggot slave in my own basement. But his hair was still blond and wavy, his voice a confident baritone, and his all-American young man's face still topped a trim, muscular body.

And even though it was a warm spring day, he was wearing his black engineer boots.

"Leo! You're home! Come on in!" He accepted my invitation and strolled confidently into my living room. "When did you get home? How was your freshman--"

Leo wrapped his arms around me and pressed his mouth to mine, and for a few seconds we just let our bodies rediscover each other. Then, he pulled his lips away and put his hand over my mouth. "Yesterday afternoon; college is tough, but I love it; and hold the rest of your questions. Mine first, got it?"

I nodded. God, he feels good, I was thinking, and then he said

"You ever heard of a website called 'Nifty'?"

My gut clenched. "Ummm...yes. I've read some stuff on it," I answered carefully.

"Did you ever, maybe, contribute a story?" His left arm tightened around my lower back.

"What do--"

"Something about a kid named Leo and a horny old asshole called Rog, maybe?"

Oh shit. "I was very careful not to reveal anything that would--"

"I thought those were...private times, just between us."

"They were! They are!"

"You put in a lot of details!"

"And I left a lot out. I was care--"

Leo kissed me again and pulled away, laughing. "I loved it! I wish it had really been that smooth."

"It was smooth!"

"Yeah: 'Oh look, leg irons! Let's fuck!' Real smooth!"

"You wouldn't really have wanted me to go into all the excruciating details, would you? And my asshole isn't old!" I added, defensively.

"Well, 'pre-owned,' at least. I guess 'Leo' is okay for my name. 'Rog' feels a little forced, though." He closed his eyes and recited: "Roger, a slang word for intercourse, common in the early 18th century." He opened his eyes and growled, "and what the hell is 'Environmental Science?'"

"I didn't think it would matter!"

"Maybe not. But judging from your garden--"

"I think of it as 'natural landscaping.' Would you like a drink, or something?"

Leo chuckled and gripped my hair. "I would love a little 'Roger.'" His meaning was unmistakable. I was in for it. We headed for the basement.

"I missed you, Leo--Sir," I said, as I watched him strapping my legs to the workbench. "I just wrote that story to sort of keep the memory warm. I really didn't mean to--"

"It's all right, faggot." My ankles and legs well-secured, Leo began strapping my thighs down. "In fact, I'm going to give you more material. But change my major to History, or something like that."

"Nobody under thirty majors in History! Sir!" I added quickly, as Leo pulled the strap across my stomach a little too tight.

"You have my order, faggot! Change my major!"

"Yes, Sir."

Leo worked silently for a few minutes, chest, arms and wrists, until I was thoroughly strapped in place. "Feel good, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Good." He smeared lubricant on my cock. "Did you miss me, faggot?"

"I sure did, Sir."

"Well, I brought you a little present. How about you write another story about me--Leo, that is."

"Yes, Sir!"

"I'll give you the raw material." He worked my cock for a few seconds. "And you can turn it into a story, okay?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"One thing though, faggot. You better not come until I say you can. You just lie back and listen." Leo's strokes abruptly got faster. "Remember, faggot, you do not come!" He started using both hands.

"Yes, Sir," I gasped.

"I met a guy," Leo started. "You can say we met in the Student Union: maybe I spilled coffee on him, or something."

Leo was still learning his way around the campus when it happened. "Oh, geez, I'm sorry!"

The tall stranger danced back a couple of feet. "Damn!" he said, then looked at Leo. "It's okay, I was almost done with it anyway."

"Let me get you cleaned off," Leo said, grabbing a handful of napkins from the condiment bar. "I swear, I don't know what happened."

"There's some on my boots!"

Leo dropped to one knee and began wiping the man's cowboy boots. "I'm really--"

"Hey! Enough apologizing. Get us more coffee and let's sit down."

Leo rose to his feet and really looked at the man for the first time. He was taller than Leo, thin, wearing jeans and a red plaid shirt. His dark brown hair was disheveled, probably uncombable. And he had green eyes. "Sure," Leo said at last, then hurried to the counter, wondering why his brain was suddenly scrambled.

The guy had chosen a small table, isolated from the other occupied tables in the Union. That's nice, Leo thought, and he hurried over and handed him a fresh cup of coffee.

"Thanks, man." He nodded at the chair opposite him. "Sit down. My name's Tex."

Suddenly feeling incredibly awkward, Leo started to reach for the chair with the hand that held his own coffee cup, then set it on the table, then used his other hand to pull the chair out, which somehow forced him to turn in a circle, and at last sat down, somewhat surprised to find himself winded.

"Guess you don't get much exercise," Tex laughed, and reached out his hand.

"Leo. My name's Leo." Tex's grip was solid, his hand warm and dry. "I'm really sorry about the spill."

"Don't be. It'll dry pretty quick."

"But your boots--"

"Have had lots worse on them."

Leo waited anxiously for his brain to come up with something to say.

"Nice leaves, this time of year," Tex prompted, casually. "Don't get this kind of color out west. Not so gaudy, you know?"

"I've never been out west," Leo said, gratefully. "Unless you count California. Went to Disneyland with my folks when I was ten."

"Well, California is west." Tex laughed. "Way west. Full of...surprises."

"Lots of surprises right here," Leo said. "It's a big change from southern Illinois."

"You getting along all right?"

"Yeah." Leo sipped his coffee. "It's just...you don't really know what you left until it's gone, like they say. Which is all right, once you find someone--something to replace it."

Tex narrowed his eyes. "You missing someone? Girlfriend?"

"Yes." It will never be easier to tell him than right now, Leo thought. "And No. I'm gay."

"No shit! Me, too."

For a moment, they looked at each other, then burst out laughing. "Never would have guessed," Leo said.

"Don't know if that's a good thing, or not," Tex answered. "Thanks for just spitting it out like that. Have to be sort of circumspect, back in Nevada. Be easier if everyone didn't just assume everyone else was straight. Or if you could, you know, ask a guy without getting into a fistfight."

"Has that happened to you?"

Tex nodded. "Nothing too big. I got a pretty solid set of abs. Gotta keep moving, is all. How about you? You get in any fights?"

Leo nodded. "About a girl, though, so that doesn't count."

"You sleep with girls, too?"

"Once." Leo sighed. "Lots of fun. But not LOTS of fun, you know?" Tex nodded. "And things change, get more complicated."

Tex chuckled. "They sure do. First, it's just poke anything with a hole. Then you get picky. Now, I pretty much focus on--" Tex stopped suddenly. "Never mind."

"Was that a subtle hint, or something?" Leo's tongue seemed to suddenly have developed a mind of its own.

Tex leaned forward and stared into Leo's eyes. "Subtle? How about 'you wanna get laid?' My room should be free for the next hour."

"Lead on, then."

"Our first month or so was crazy," Leo said, massaging my balls. "As vanilla as it gets, and really quick, usually. It's not easy, coordinating our class schedules with who's roommate was guaranteed not to wander in at the wrong moment. And all the time I'm trying to come up with a way to sort of throw out a hint or two. I started wearing my boots all the time, hung my jacket out where you could see it, nothing. But then Tex did it."

"You ever go to any sex shops?" Tex mumbled, as the two of them rolled apart, chests slick with come.

"Sex shops?"

"Yeah, sex shops. Adult toys, stuff like that."

Leo shook his head. "Always found what I wanted close to home."

"Then it's time we went!"

"God, it was funny, Rog--both of us trying to get the other one to say it first." Leo pinched my nipples and laughed. "The thing is, the more I watched him, the more I was sure he was a bottom, like you, just waiting to be set loose."

"Waiting to be set loose? I'd have sworn that was you."

Leo replied by sliding his palm around the head of my dick in quick circles. "Anyhow, I decided to find out if I was right. I waited until he was really absorbed in the DVD racks, and snuck up on him..."

Leo whispered into Tex's ear, "I think you would look good all tied up, on your knees with my cock in your mouth."

Tex froze, then his shoulders slumped. "You got me. Sure would like to do that. Where and when?"

Leo sighed: that was always the problem. "We need more than an hour. I want it to be right, you know?" He took a body harness from a rack and held it up. "What do you think?"


They looked at the price tag, sighed, and put the harness back. "Let's get out of here," Leo said.

They walked along the shadowy street quietly for a few minutes, then Tex grabbed Leo's shoulder. "Ever had sex in an alley?"


"Leo, I'm so hot I could bust my jeans! You gotta let me suck you off, at least. Just thinking about doing that kind of stuff with you, ropes and shit--Just thinking about it--there! He pulled Leo into an alley and then behind a trash bin. "Please?" He dropped to his knees. "Fuck my face, man, like, like you were a bully and I was a kid, or something."

"It stinks back here, Tex."

"Come on, man! Fuck me!"

Leo smiled, and gave in to temptation. "On one condition, kid. You make me one promise, and I'll fuck your face."

"Anything...Sir. Can I call you Sir?"

"Nope. Sir's already taken. Think of something else. Shh! I think someone's coming!" The two of them crouched behind the bin. Someone was walking down the alley, muttering. They pressed into the shadows as a drunk stumbled past. When he was out of sight, Leo stood up. "We got a deal?"


"You can't come."


Leo gripped Tex's head--a high school bully terrorizing a younger boy. "You make me feel real good, kid," he snarled, "and you better not come. Got it?"

"Whatever you say, Boss. Just don't beat me up. I'll do--"

Leo tilted Tex's head back "If I wanna beat you up, kid, I'm gonna beat you up. You take my cock out, and you swear you ain't gonna come 'til maybe tomorrow, if I let you. Got it?"

"Yes, Boss. I swear I won't come until you say."

"Good, kid! Now get my fuckin' cock out and make it feel good!"

"Okay, Boss." Tex fumbled Leo's crotch opened and started to pull his cock through his underwear.

"Get my balls, kid. Put my fuckin' waistband under my junk. Do it!"

Tex quickly obeyed and took Leo's cockhead in his mouth.

"Not so fast, kid. Lick my nuts first!" Leo settled back against the brick wall, staring at the strip of night sky above him, feeling his cock grow as Tex--as the kid's tongue explored his balls. He waited until he was hard, then, "Suck me, kid!" he hissed.

Even though he was whispering, it seemed to Tex like a god was talking. He took the bully's cock, working the underside with his tongue.

The bully let him do this for a bit, then grabbed the kid's head again. "Take it, kid!" he commanded, and began furiously fucking Tex's eager mouth.

Tex was lost in feelings: Leo's hands gripping his skull, Leo's cock plunging into him, fear--or the tangle of lust and fear--of an elementary school bully, the acrid stench of the garbage, the rough pavement against his knees, the surprising breeze that sprang up to explore the alley, and the painful pressure of his own cock against his jeans. Suddenly, the bully's grip tightened as--

The bully drove his dick as far into the kid's throat as he could, mashing the kid's nose into his crotch. It seemed for a moment as if all of him was pouring into his kneeling victim. The rubbish bin, all of it, simply disappeared. Then, as the world reassembled around them, Tex stood and embraced Leo, kissing him furiously.

"I'm holding you to our agreement," Leo said cheerfully, as they left the alley. "No coming until I say you can."

"Okay, Boss," Tex sighed, and the thought of enforced celibacy turned him on even more.

Leo ran a fingernail along the bottom of my straining dick. "You ever used one of those chastity things, faggot?"

"No, Sir."

"They had some of those under the glass at the counter. Pretty expensive, though, for college students, at least," he sighed, and went back to stroking my cock, very slowly.

Tex grabbed Leo the next day and held up a key. "I got a buddy who works Buildings and Grounds. There's a shed out on the edge of campus we can use tonight."

Seeing students doing minor maintenance work wasn't unusual, so nobody paid any attention to Tex as he cleaned the shed and crowded its contents into a corner. And nobody saw him put several hanks of rope, short to long, in a neat line along one wall.

That night, he led Leo to their playroom. "Come on in. We will have to hold the noise down, so Campus Security doesn't interrupt the fun. But we can be here all night--we just have to be out by sunrise."

"No problem, kid," Leo laughed.

"Oh, and one other thing, if it's okay," Tex said, as he bolted the door. "Can I call you Sheriff instead of Boss?"

"So... we're done with the bully?" Tex nodded, staring at the floor with his hands behind his back. "Okay. Not quite sure who you're going to be, but I'm the Sheriff, and you're my prisoner. Get your clothes off, prisoner! Time for a cavity search!"

Tex responded with the biggest smile Leo had ever seen, and began stripping. In five minutes, Leo had him naked, his hands tied to a rafter. "Spread your legs, prisoner!"

"Yes, Sheriff. Can I ask a question, Sheriff?"

Leo nodded. "But don't expect an answer!"

"Do you think I'm a Nancy-boy, Sheriff?"

Leo thought for a few seconds, then swatted Tex's butt. "You ain't pretty enough to be a whore!"

"Yes, Sheriff!"

"But I just may turn you into my own private Nancy-boy. Would you like that, prisoner? Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff. Whatever you say, Sheriff."

Leo pressed his jeans against the Nancy-boy's butt, reached around his body and grabbed his tits. Tex moaned. "That's right, Nancy-boy--whatever I say! Now spread your legs wider!" Tex obeyed and Leo tied his ankles to the sides of the shed, then flicked his balls with his finger.

Tex gasped. "Please don't torture my stuff, Sheriff!" His voice quavered, but whether in fear or excitement, Leo couldn't tell.

Now imagining himself The Sheriff, Leo put his face close to the prisoner's. "I'll do any damn thing to those little grapes of yours that I want to, Nancy-boy," he sneered, grasping Tex's nuts and pulling them down. "Understand?"

"Yes, Sheriff. Thank you, Sheriff!"

"That's better! Now there's been some cattle missing, last few days. I think you know something." He yanked the prisoner's balls again. "Talk!"

"I don't know nothin', Sheriff! I swear!"

"Oh, yes you do, Nancy-boy!" the Sheriff growled. He pressed his mouth against Tex's chest and took his prisoner's right nipple in his teeth.

Tex hissed. "Oh, yeah. Oh, Sheriff, take my tits. Yeah!"

The Sheriff pressed the prisoner's swollen shaft down to the floor and let it spring back, once, twice, three times, while he continued to torment his captive's nipples, pulling at them while his helpless prisoner moaned. His own cock was eager for release, so he undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, then stepped back abruptly. "Look what you did, Nancy-boy! Look what you did to my cock!" he said, thrusting his hips forward so it looked like his shaft might slice right through the fabric of his briefs.

"No, Sheriff, I swear I didn't do nothing down there!"

The Sheriff grabbed his prisoner's face. "I say you did! Understand, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"Gonna have to punish you for that!" He shoved two fingers into the prisoner's mouth. "Suck on that! Get 'em nice and wet. That's the way, Nancy-boy." He pulled his fingers free and slid them into the prisoner's ass crack. "Feel that, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"Does it feel good, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff!"

"Tell me where to put my fingers, Nancy-boy."

"Wherever you want, Sheriff."

"Close, but no cigar. Where do you want these fingers?" The Sheriff slapped the Nancy-boy's butt. "Answer me!"

"Are you gonna put them in my butt, Sheriff?"

"That's where you want 'em, isn't it, Nancy-boy? Beg for 'em, Nancy-boy!"

"Please fuck my asshole with your fingers, Sheriff."

The Sheriff pressed his fingers against the prisoner's anus. "This where you want 'em, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff. Please don't hurt me, Sheriff!"

The Sheriff forced one, then both fingers through the hole. "That didn't hurt, did it, Nancy-boy?"

"A little, Sheriff."

"You've had bigger things than that up there, you little whore! Maybe a cattle-rustler's dick?"

"Please, Sheriff, I don't know--"

Leo pressed his fingers in as deeply as he could. "Talk, Nancy-boy!"

"Oh, please, Sheriff! I don't know nothing!"

"Stupid kid!" Leo pulled his fingers out and immediately pressed them to Tex's lips. "Clean 'em, Nancy-boy." The prisoner sucked the fingers into his mouth. "That's the boy. Now listen. I got something a lot bigger to shove into your asshole, boy! So you better tell me what you know!" He pulled his fingers free and slowly pulled his belt from his jeans. "Talk, Nancy-boy."

"I swear, Sheriff--"

The Sheriff pressed the belt against his prisoner's lips. "Talk."

"Honest, Sheriff, I don't know shit about cattle rustlers."

The Sheriff took the belt in both hands, pulled it taut, and draped the ends over the prisoner's shoulders. Then he slowly walked behind the Nancy-Boy and pulled the belt across his neck until it slid off of his right shoulder. "One last time, Nancy-boy. Talk or you're gonna get a whipping!"

"I don't know anything, Sheriff! Please don't whup me."

The Sheriff lightly tapped the prisoner's butt, then shifted position and swung the belt. "Talk! Or you're getting ten of those!"

"Please, Sheriff. I don't--"

"One! Two! Three..." The blows fell across the prisoner's butt. The Sheriff was careful to cover the cheeks evenly, taking his time, moving back and forth behind the prisoner.

THe Nancy-boy clenched his teeth, desperately trying not to scream.

"Eight! Nine! Ten!" The Sheriff paused, and then, "And one more, just because I can!"

"Shit!" the Nancy-boy gasped. "Please don't whup me no more, Sheriff."

"Okay, Nancy-boy." The Sheriff started untying ropes. He released the prisoner's ankles first, then tied them together and slowly lowered the prisoner's hands until he was on his knees. He retied the prisoner's hands behind his back. He stood in front of his prisoner and slowly stripped, then walked forward until his rigid dick was almost touching the prisoner's face. "One more time, Nancy-boy. What do you know about the missing cattle?"

"Nothing, Sheriff! I--"

The Sheriff forced his cock into the prisoner's mouth. "You know what to do, Nancy-boy. Show me what you can do!" He gripped the prisoner's head and jammed his cock as far in as he could. "I'm not big enough, yet, Nancy-boy. Work it!"

Tex gasped for air. He'd discovered on their very first night that Leo's cock was everything he'd hoped it would be. He closed his eyes and imagined himself in a jail cell, Sheriff Leo in rawhide chaps, cowboy boots and spurs, fucking his face through the bars. He sucked eagerly, drawing the shaft in, deeper and deeper, felt it slowly slide back, then plunge in again.

"Fuckhole," the Sheriff growled.

It seemed to be going on forever.

At last, the Sheriff pulled his cock out and sprayed come all over his prisoner's face, watched him trying to catch the gism in his opened mouth. "That's right, Nancy-boy. You get that juice! Eat it!"

"Careful, Rog. We've got a long night ahead."

I groaned: Leo was not about to make things easy for me. "Please Sir! I'm getting real close."

"Well, you just stay close, faggot. How does it feel, being under my control again, huh? Big boss man lying there helpless while a college punk just does what he wants to him." He grabbed my balls and rolled them painfully in his hand. "Whatever I want, faggot. And you can't even shoot without permission!"

"No, I can't, Sir. Thank you, Sir!"

The Sheriff took his time, draining himself onto his prisoner's come-spattered face, loving the power surging through him and his Nancy-boy's submission to it. He stepped away at last. "Face on the floor, butt up, Nancy-boy!" He strolled over to Tex's clothes and picked up a boot. What the hell, he thought. Why not. He grabbed his socks and pulled one boot on. It was a bit of a struggle, and his toes felt strange, forced together by the boot's pointed toe, but it was manageable, so he pulled on the other one and walked back to the prisoner. "Hey, Nancy-boy! My goddamn boots are filthy. Clean 'em!"

Tex looked up in surprise. "Sheriff?"

"You heard me, Nancy-boy! Lick those boots clean!"

The prisoner's eyes widened. "Yessir, Sheriff!" He spread his knees so he could get to the boots that had now become the Sheriff's. He had never actually done this before--any of it--but it was as if Leo was in his mind, reading his fantasies like a guy in a library. He began licking the boots, tracing the carving, the point of the toe, the stitching, smelling the mixture of leather and boot oil, and in his imagination, they were in the Sheriff's office--the shed floor was perfect: pine planking--and the Sheriff was towering over him in jeans and a brown leather vest with a Sheriff's badge over a denim shirt. And he was naked, like a prisoner ought to be. The Sheriff was wrong, of course--he didn't know a thing about the cattle, he was only a kid, an orphan, maybe, but what was he supposed to do? He raised his head. "I'll do whatever you say, Sheriff, anything you say. But I don't know nothin' about no cattle!"

"Get your face back on my boots, boy! You'll talk, eventually. And even if you don't, I can still get my rocks off!" Leo was almost hypnotized by the muscles in Tex's back. It was a paradox: here he was, the Top, the bossman, the Sheriff, the man with all the power, lording it over a naked, helpless prisoner, and he was expected to do, had to do, what that naked prisoner wanted. But the bottom wanted to be taken, used, treated like..."Follow me, Nancy-boy! On your knees!" He walked around the room, stopping, suddenly changing direction, speeding up and slowing down, while his Nancy-boy struggled to follow with his feet tied. "Don't know what I'm going to do with you, Nancy-boy. Of course, if you talk, I'll have to let you go. Got something to tell me, yet?"

"No, Sheriff. Please, Sheriff, I don't know nothin'--"

"Stand up, Nancy-boy," the Sheriff snapped, and watched as his prisoner struggled to obey, rocking back until he was squatting, then starting to lift with his legs, only to topple onto his side.

"I said stand up, Nancy-boy!" the Sheriff growled.

The prisoner tried again, and once more, his legs gave out.

"You better do as I say, Nancy-boy, or you're going to get whipped again! UP!" This time, the Sheriff grabbed the prisoner's hands, which gave his Nancy-boy an additional balance point, and he made it to his feet. "About goddamn time, Nancy-boy," the Sheriff sneered. "You're pathetic." He tossed another rope over the beam above them, then tied it to the prisoner's wrists and pulled them up, forcing his Nancy-boy to bend forward. He stood next to the prisoner's hip and started stroking his ass. "Seen any strangers in town?"

"No, Sheriff."

The Sheriff slapped his prisoner's ass. "Yes you did, Nancy-boy. I seen you, hangin' around outside the saloon, looking for horny cowboys who might be more interested in you than those whores inside. Strangers come into town, they'll head for the saloon. You saw 'em." The Sheriff gripped the boy's ass cheek.

"I...maybe I some some guys I didn't know, a few days back."

"What'd they look like?"

"Just cowboys. You know."

The Sheriff walked over to the pile of clothes and came back with a bandanna. "See if this helps, Nancy-boy." He blindfolded his prisoner, then went back to gripping his ass, digging his fingers into his prisoner's muscles. "How tall?"

"About your height, Sheriff."

"What were they wearing?"

"Jeans, Sheriff. And shirts. Old shirts, kinda torn so you could see their chests, some. And bandannas."

"What else?"

"Cowboy boots. With spurs."

The Sheriff squeezed the prisoner's butt even harder.

"One of them had a vest, black."

"Bet you wanted to crawl right over and suck some cock, huh, boy? You like cowboy cock, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"How about my cock? You like Sheriff's cock?"

"Yes, Sheriff. I like your cock, Sheriff."

"You want my cock up your Nancy ass?"

"You can fuck me, Sheriff."

The Sheriff suddenly slapped his prisoner's butt cheeks. "I don't need permission, Nancy-boy. But you can beg me, if you want."

"Please fuck me, Sheriff."

The Sheriff studied his prisoner for a few seconds, then turned his attention to the pile of things at the end of the shed. "Not quite yet, Nancy-boy," he laughed wickedly. "You just wait right there."

The prisoner heard the Sheriff rummaging through the pile, heard footsteps, felt the Sheriff tying a rope around his balls, and then felt them being pulled to the floor.

"Just hangin' a few things on your nuts, Nancy-boy. Stretch 'em out a little. You ready to tell me more about those rustlers?"

"I ain't sayin' they was the rustlers, Sheriff. Just strangers is all."

"Think a little harder, Nancy-boy," the sheriff replied, and slapped the prisoner's butt.

First, there was the sting, and then the tug of the swaying load on his balls.

"How's that feel, Nancy-boy? You like that?"

"No, Sheriff."

"That's torture, Nancy-boy. I can torture you as long as I have to, 'til you tell me what I want to know!" And he slapped the prisoner's ass again.

"Please, Sheriff! I swear I--"

"Don't need swearin' Nancy-boy. I need information. Spill it!" And he slapped the prisoner's ass a third time.

"Please, Sheriff!"

"Jeans. Old shirts. Nice chests. About my height. What else, Nancy-boy?"

"Cowboy hats. Old ones, beat up. One had silvery things on the band."

"That's more like it, Nancy-boy. Keep it up."

"One of 'em had a mustache. Real black."

"It's comin' out now, isn't it, Nancy-boy? Guess a little torture stimulates your memory, don't it?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"You better thank me, Nancy-boy!" The Sheriff lifted his hand off the prisoner's butt.

"Thank you, Sheriff! Thank you for torturing me!" his prisoner said, quickly.

"You're learnin', Nancy-boy. How's your back feel?"

"Kinda achy, Sheriff."

"Want me to loosen your arms, Nancy-boy?"

"Wh-wh-whatever you want, Sheriff."

"Getting' kinda horny again, Nancy-boy. Not sure what to do about that."

"I'll suck your cock, Sheriff. Please let your Nancy-boy suck your cock, Sheriff."

"I got a better idea." The Sheriff untied his prisoner's hands and took off the blindfold. "You can stand up, now, Nancy-boy. Stand up and turn around."

"Yes, Sheriff. Thank you, Sheriff." His prisoner turned carefully, his ankles still tied. The weight on his balls began to sway.

"You see that crate over there?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"You scamper on over there and bend over. Rest your top half on the crate, Nancy-boy."

There was no scampering, of course. Instead, the Sheriff's prisoner shuffled over to the crate. The weight hanging from his balls struck the side of the crate as he at last rested his torso on the top of it.

"Gonna fuck you, now. Make your Nancy ass feel real good. Reach your hands over the crate. Atta boy, Nancy-boy. You're learnin' to follow orders real good." The Sheriff tied the prisoner's hands together, then used another rope to anchor them to a partly dismantled riding mower. Next, he retied the prisoner's legs so they were spread wide, then worked some lube into the exposed asshole. "Doin' this just because I want to, Nancy-boy. I figure you get a lot of ass action, anyway. You're a little whore, ain't ya?"

"Yes, Sheriff. Whatever you say, Sheriff."

The Sheriff's rod slid into his prisoner's asshole and began fucking his helpless Nancy-boy. His body slammed against his prisoner's, again and again, brutal. The weights slammed against the crate. The Sheriff dug his fingers into his prisoner's hips for leverage.

"We fucked before, of course," Leo said. "But this was different, somehow. I just took that ass like...I don't know, I just wanted that punk to remember me forever. I wanted Tex to remember me forever. I must have poured a gallon of come into that ass! After, I just lay there on his back, you know, for about five minutes."

And that did it, that image of an exhausted, satisfied Leo collapsed on his helpless prisoner. "Please, Sir," I gasped, "I really don't think I can--oh, shit!" Come arced out of my cock, flew up and rained down on my thighs, my chest, and Leo's arm--a drop even hit my face! For a moment, it was heaven, and then hell took over: Leo just kept right on pumping. My leg muscles spasmed, I tried to inhale and exhale at the same time, made animal noises, tore at the straps, which held tight, of course, whimpered while Leo just laughed and kept on pumping. What I don't know is why a guy would go through all this, and then come crawling back, panting for more. And if anybody should know, shouldn't it be me?

"Good boy," the Sheriff said, rubbing Tex's head as if petting a dog. "Good little Nancy-boy." He untied the prisoner's arms and legs. "I want to sit down: turn yourself into a bench, over there." He pointed to the middle of the clear area.

The prisoner dropped to his hands and knees, grateful that the weight on his balls was eased--until he started crawling. Still, he had at least a little more control of it.

"Good. Right there." The Sheriff sauntered over and sat down on his prisoner's back, slapping his Nancy-boy's ass as he did. He was rewarded with a whimper and a gasp. "Now, the way I see it, I got me a Nancy-boy slave until that cattle gets found. You want to go back to being the town cocksucker, you tell me what you know, and if it helps me get the cattle back, you can go back to whatever the hell you were doing before you got caught. Otherwise," he swatted his prisoner's ass again. "Well, you can guess, can't you, Nancy-boy?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

"Good. Now you just sit there and be a bench." The Sheriff pulled his boots and socks off, set them on his Nancy-boy's back, and strolled over to the crate. He boosted himself to a sitting position.

"Please, Sheriff--my balls are hurtin' really bad."

"What'll you give me if I take the weight off, Nancy-boy?"

"Whatever you want, Sheriff."

"You know what I want, Nancy-boy."

"I don't know if they was the rustlers, Sheriff. They might have been. And that night I heard cattle runnin'. I thought it was just, you know, normal."

"Ain't normal, cattle runnin' at night, Nancy-boy. Maybe you don't got no balls." The Sheriff walked back to the prisoner and untied the weights, leaving the boots on his Nancy-boy's back. He returned to the crate, with his Nancy-boy's thanks following behind him. "Now get those damn boots over here! And don't you dare drop them!"

"Yes, Sheriff." The prisoner crawled across the room slowly, feeling the boots wobbling. Just as he got to the Sheriff, one of them tipped over and the prisoner jerked, which sent the other boot toppling to the floor, as well.

"You're pathetic, Nancy-boy. Good thing for you that I'm horny. Bring your miserable face right up here to my damn feet. That's right, Nancy-boy. Now I want you to start with the little toe on my left foot and suck each and every one of my toes. Don't switch toes until I say. Understand, you little queer Nancy-boy slave?"

"Yes, Sheriff." And he went to work.

The Sheriff grabbed his prisoner's hair and pulled his head back. "You like the way my feet smell, Nancy-boy?"

"They're kind of ripe, Sheriff."

"Thought they might be. Clean 'em good." The Sheriff pushed his Nancy-boy's head back to his toes, and silently counted to thirty. "Next toe."

His Nancy-boy obeyed. "I would like to see you in a cage, Nancy-boy," the Sheriff said, softly. "Keep you in a cage someplace where nobody could find you, except me. Hide you in a barn somewhere, just bring you out and torture you, rape you, use you like a toy, then hose you down and put you away until next time."

Ahem...ah, Leo didn't actually say that, or say he said that. But there were times I imagined him doing that to me. I don't think he would, though, even if he had the chance. I don't think.

According to Leo, what happened was, Tex worked his way through his toes, then licked his feet for a while, which Leo discovered was a definite turn-on. Satisfied, the Sheriff ordered his prisoner to work his own cock--but not to come, or else. Apparently, edging is one of Leo's favorite games. After watching his Nancy-boy get hotter and hotter, the Sheriff had another raging hard-on, so he put his Nancy-boy back on the crate and fucked him again, a long, slow fuck, the kind you can only do after the animal in you is calm enough to take his time, pay attention to details. Maybe tease a little bit, pull the rod all the way out and use it to slap ass a few times. Make your bottom beg for you to get back in there, fill him up.

You know.

Both boys were covered with sweat when Leo at last pulled his cock out of Tex's ass. "I love your ass," Leo whispered, then quickly added, "Nancy-boy."

"Thank you, Sheriff," Tex replied dreamily. "I love your cock. Sheriff!"

"Good, Nancy-boy. You're going to get a lot more of it." Leo grabbed the bandanna and wrapped it around the prisoner's head again, blindfolding him, then untied him. "Gonna play a little game, Nancy-boy. On your knees! That's good, Nancy-boy, nice and quick. Fetch my boots and bring 'em here. No hands, Nancy-boy," he snapped.

Tex started searching the floor with his head. He found one of the boots pretty quickly.

"Bring it here, boy!" Leo snapped. "Move your scrawny ass!" Tex was getting tired, so when he started looking for the second boot, the Sheriff began giving hints: "Warmer, warmer, cooler, warmer." On and on it went, until the Sheriff's Nancy-boy toppled over, gasping.

Leo hurried over to him. "You all right?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm sorry, Sheriff. I ain't strong enough, I guess. Your Nancy-boy ain't strong enough!"

Leo poked his foot into Tex's crotch and began teasing his cock. "How's that feel, Nancy-boy?"

"Real good, Sheriff. Thank you, Sheriff!"

"Don't come, yet!"

"I untied Tex and got him to his feet, and we kissed," Leo continued. "Then I realized he was crying, I mean there were tears on his cheeks! So I took off the blindfold and just held him for a few minutes."

"I can't--wow!" Tex said. "It was weird. I just knew the Sheriff was going to really tan my hide for fucking up, and I was scared shitless, but there was nothing I could do. It's like I was really there, and maybe fifteen years old and all alone in a town that hated me and I knew...wow!"

Leo trailed his finger along my body. "Does it get like that, Rog? I mean, to where you're so into...into what we're doing that you sort of forget it's make-believe?"

"It can happen, Sir--Leo, I mean. That's one of the things a Top has to watch out for." And there we were, Leo and I, with me strapped down to a workbench, talking about all the mysteries, as if I understood them.

Leo's dad had arranged a job for Leo's summer vacation, working for a landscaping contractor. It was exhausting work, usually in the hot sun, and often carrying heavy loads, since the outfit built a lot of retaining walls. For the first couple of weeks, Leo woke up every morning with painfully aching muscles. But the pay was good, "and the guys, Rog! Talk about built! You ought to see them!"

"Well, I could if I knew where you were working, you know. Do a drive-by?"

Leo gave me an approximate address, and the next day I cruised down Prairie Street. It was a sight to behold. The rest of the crew was older than Leo, and they made him look almost scrawny by comparison. I pulled over under a tree across the street, where I hoped the shadow would make it harder to see that I was watching. I kept my phone to my ear, so people would assume I'd pulled over to take a call, or something.

There were five of them, including Leo, and they were putting in a four-row retaining wall next to the sidewalk in front of the house. There were two pallets of stone blocks on the street, and they hiked back and forth carrying the blocks, then setting them in place. It apparently took a little time to get the blocks to sit right--unless they were stalling until their muscles were ready for the next one.

"Did you see the guy with the red hair?" Leo asked, excited and sweaty, when I picked him up at the landscaper's lot at the end of his work day. (Leo had persuaded his dad that it would be better for me to pick him up, than to take the city bus. I told him I certainly wouldn't mind sharing a bus seat with a hunk like him. He blushed, adorably. Must remember to take that last sentence out before I submit this story.)

"Is he hot, or what?"

"Beautiful," I smiled. "But they're all--"

"They're all nice guys, and all, but Ryan is..."

"Is what?"

"I'd suck his cock in a minute, if...you know."

"Something about everybody not assuming every other guy was straight?"

"Yeah. Exactly."

"So," I said, as we headed home, "you never told me about the rest of your night in the shed with Tex."

"Not so fast, faggot. First, get our leg irons. And handcuffs." I made it to the house in record time.

"You want to take a break, Tex?"

"You know what you should do?" Tex replied.


"You should make me eat your ass while you play with my cock."

"Yeah," Leo said. They used some canvas tarps to pad the floor a little, then the Sheriff ordered his Nancy-boy to lie down. He stretched Nancy-boy out so his ankles were tied to one wall and his arms to the opposite.

"I swear, Sheriff, I don't know nothing about rustlers, honest!"

"Don't care, Nancy-boy. After that nice job you did on my feet, I'm gonna give you a chance to use that nice tongue on my ass." He straddled his prisoner and settled his butt on his Nancy-boy's face. "You lick my ass, Nancy-boy. Show me how good you are! Get your tongue in my butt. Yeah," he sighed, as his Nancy-boy went to work.

After a few minutes, the Sheriff started playing with his prisoner's cock. "You're going to spend the rest of your miserable life in the dungeon under the jail, Nancy-boy," he said, just loudly enough for Tex to hear him. "Nobody knows about the dungeon but me. It's got chains, so I can chain up your neck, and your arms, and your legs."

Tex's cock was growing rapidly.

"I'm gonna feed you garbage and piss, and rape your sorry ass and make you take my cock any way I want to, Nancy-boy. Don't you stop that tongue, boy. You make my hole feel good, or you'll be sorry, Nancy-boy. I can whip you 'til you scream and nobody's going to hear you. Nobody's going to know where you went. And I'm never going to let you jack off, or anything. You're just going to be my personal fuck-hole, Nancy-boy. I'm going to fuck you to death!" Swept away by his own imagination, Leo shot a load of come onto Tex's hand and cock, draining himself. And then, to his own surprise as much as his Nancy-boy's, Leo got to his knees, pushed Tex's hands aside, and plunged his mouth down on the rigid, dripping cock before him, taking every drop of his bottom's come.

"Oh, my god!" Tex gasped, "oh my god! I never did anything like that before. Oh, my god!" He rolled over and plunged his face into Leo's lap. "I'm never going to tell you about those fucking rustlers," he sighed.

The boys woke up a couple of hours later, dressed, and began putting the shed back to its original, chaotic state. At last, Leo stood next to Tex, watching him close the lock in the moonlight, and then turned to face him, dropped to his knees, and pulled Tex's cock from his jeans.

"Not here, man--somebody will see us." But almost before he stopped speaking, he felt Leo's mouth on him, and leaned against the shed, closing his eyes, as his cock rose to fullness once again. He stroked Leo's hair gently. A few minutes later, a last spurt of gism hit Leo's tongue. Tex slid to the ground, and the boys woke to morning sunshine, then raced to their dorms.

"The end," Leo said, and slapped my face with his shaft. "Show me how much you missed me, faggot!"

On my knees in front of him, cuffed and shackled, I managed to catch his cock. I rocked back and forth, reveling in the taste of him, then feeling his hands on my head, forcing me to suck to his rhythm, plunging his rod deeper and deeper. "Mine," he whispered, over and over.

Or was it "Ryan"?

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