Lesson at Rock River

By Dudley Jarvis-North

Published on Nov 6, 2018



Hi, fellow Nifty readers and writers. Thanks for reading my stories. I'm a retired journalist living in Boston and Fort Lauderdale. I've enjoyed many of the tales on here. Lots of hot, entertaining writing.

Please donate to the site, as I have, as it relies on us to stay vibrant and alive.

Other stories I've posted are The Bass Player, The Pact, James (all Encounters), Drink It (Urination), Aaron's Basement (Adult Youth), Taken in the Woods (Authoritarian), the 4-part Camping with Josh (Camping, September 2018), William the Great (High School, October 2018).

Be glad to hear from you if these stories excite you. doctordestiny@comcast.net mailto:doctordestiny@comcast.net


By Dudley Jarvis-North

There is a place in southern Vermont called Rock River, just north of Brattleboro and not far from the Massachusetts border. Guys drive there from Boston and all over New England and northeastern New York.

They hike the one-mile trail on a mountainside high above the river and when nude males can be seen below in the narrow waterway or lying on the rocks, they have found a bit of paradise.

After making their way down a steep slope, they wade across the river, careful not to slip on the rocks, to a small beach. Is it worth the trouble? That's for you to decide.

On this warm day in August, I see two handsome guys -- one in his 20s, one in his 40s -- splashing around in the shallow cold water.

Most of the guys are naked, although Joe, the older of the two, wears a white Bike jockstrap while Jimmy has on red Speedos. They are horsing around in the moving stream that is only about 3 to 4 feet deep, even less in places.

Jimmy has long dark hair that brushes his shoulders in a Prince Valiant cut. Handsome in an all-American boy way, he has white skin, a tightly cropped beard and blue eyes, fine nose, straight teeth, full lips. His body is lithe with just a trace of chest hair that leads to a curly and inviting treasure trail.

At 6-1 he is taller than Joe, who is about 5-10 with rugged looks, a muscular build, perhaps about 185 pounds. Joe has swirls of reddish body hair on his chest and stomach. The top of his head is curly and reddish with a hint of brown, and he has a thick beard that is more red than his head or body hair.

His treasure trail disappears into his jock that has a tantalizing, inviting bulge. In back, his globes stretch out from the straps of his jock and are generously hairy as are his thick legs.

Suddenly, Joe backs off and whispers to Jimmy that he has to take a piss. Jimmy wonders why he is telling him this. It's hardly a surprise event as the guys have already consumed more than a sixpack of beer. When guys need to piss at Rock River, they just pull out their dicks or, if nude, let it fly in the water.

"Be my guest, Joe," Jimmy smirks, "Who's stopping you?"

Joe grips the bulge in his jockstrap, pulls it upward, and gives Jimmy a stare worthy of Dracula.

"You know, wiseass, if you can't be civil, I may have to teach you a lesson."

Jimmy just laughs and brushes him off with a "get out of here" wave of his hand.

"What are you gonna teach me -- how to take a piss? I figured that out when I was 3 hours old."

Joe is stung by the snarkiness and also ticked off. He rushes at Jimmy, wraps him up, spins him around, and puts him in a headlock, making his knees buckle. Joe is stronger than his young friend, who finds himself being pushed down into the freezing water so that only his head is above the surface.

"So you don't think I have anything to teach you; we'll see about that," Joe brays, "And the guys on the beach are going to watch it."

Jimmy, wondering what is coming next, suddenly isn't so sure of himself; he fears being embarrassed in front of the other guys; he knows he went too far and changes his tune.

"Sorry, Joe; I didn't mean anything. I was being an asshole. You can let me go now."

Joe holds him in the lock. "I told you I needed to piss because, before you interrupted, I wanted to share how good it feels after I've held it in for a while. It feels like such a relief, almost like having an orgasm."

Jimmy, chastened after being forced down into the water, is freezing under the water and doesn't know what to say.

"You want to know what feels even better, little friend?" Joe continues. "Taking a guy's mouth and forcing him to drink my piss after I've been holding it."

Jimmy is taken aback. Joe has never mentioned watersports before, at least the kinky kind. "Knock it off, Joe. You've had your fun. Now let me go."

Joe removes the headlock, turns Jimmy around so that he is facing him, pulls his head close to his crotch so that his nose is brushing his jock as Jimmy kneels before him. Joe keeps his arms on Jimmy's shoulders so that his friend can't stand up.

"Have you ever tasted a guy's piss, Jimmy?"

"Joe, that's gross. Cut it out."

"But you love sucking me off. You glue your mouth to my dick when I'm shooting. It doesn't matter how much I shoot, you swallow every drop."

"That's a different story, Joe. It completes the act of giving a blowjob. When I'm sucking your dick, I'm thinking about your man-seed, how it tastes and the reward I'm going to get for a job well done. I'm thinking about you making that loud orgasmic noise you make, of you sharing your load with me."

"Think about what you're saying, Jimmy. My piss is also a load. It comes out of my dick the same as my semen. Only much faster."

"I haven't thought about it at all," Jimmy says, annoyed. "And I'd rather not. It must taste weird -- bitter, acidy. I've smelled piss at urinals. It smells horrible."

"Did you like the taste of cum the first time a guy unloaded in your mouth? I bet you didn't."

"To be honest, I spit it out the first few times. I was just a kid -- 15 when my cousin Stevie came off in my mouth. I didn't like the flavor -- salty, too strange for me."

"But eventually you did swallow."

"Yeah, maybe the fifth time we did it, Stevie held my head on his mushroom cap and wouldn't let it go. I remember he ordered me to eat it."

"And you did?"

"I didn't have much choice. He looked me in the eye menacingly and told me I better not spit it out. It tasted starchy -- like paste, like nothing I had ever drunk before."

"And you loved it?"

"Not exactly, but I didn't hate it either. It was manly, slightly sweet, tasted like chemicals or vitamins."

"And you let it slide down your throat. When did you start to love it. I know you do now because you love swallowing mine. You can't get enough of it."

"Maybe the seventh or eighth time Stevie shot in my mouth. I remember he no longer had to hold my head, no longer had to order me to swallow it. I had stopped fighting it. I started to like the taste.

"And why do you think it would be any different with piss?"

"I dunno. I told you I never thought about it. It's not the same, Joe."

"You're a pussy, Jimmy. You're too chicken to try anything new. Then when you do, you love it after you get used to it."

"That's not true, except for eating cum, Joe."

"Oh, what about getting fucked? I had to push you for months till you finally let my dick up your ass." Joe mimics Jimmy's voice but adds a femmy tone. "Stop, Joe, please, it hurts.... take it out. Please take it out."

"I didn't whine like that, but, yes, my butt was tighter then, and it hurt."

"Until it didn't. After you let it happen, you wanted my dick up there all the time."

Jimmy is blushing now. "Something happened that night. I had too much to drink. I was very relaxed. I started to feel what you said I was supposed to feel. That amazing feeling of letting go, of surrendering my ass. I could feel your fat dick banging against my prostate. I never knew anything could feel that good. But I probably wouldn't have done it if you weren't so insistent."

"I'm thinking you need me to be insistent again. I think you need me to insist that you drink my piss."

Jimmy is silent as he mulls the possibility.

Joe holds the back of Jimmy's head and pushes his jock into his face.

"Why don't you pull my meat out of my jockstrap? You know how much you love it."

Joe's dick has always excited Jimmy. It was the first uncut one he had ever sucked on. It's about 6 ½ long and very thick -- a beer can of a dick. Joe's foreskin is soft and velvety. It stretches beautifully over the head, not too loose or tight -- just right. When Jimmy tugs the skin downward, the head pops into view and it's as big as a tennis ball.

Joe's retracted skin sits around the base of the head in a way that fascinates Jimmy, who is completely circumcised, without any semblance of skin left over.

Joe knows his dick turns on Jimmy, makes him crazy, but he ups the ante. He reaches down in the water and pulls a bottle of poppers out of the little pocket in Jimmy's Speedos. He notes that Jimmy's dick is so hard that his dickhead has pushed up against his belly.

He holds the open bottle under Jimmy's nose and Jimmy takes a deep snort out of one nostril, then the other.

The poppers are so intoxicating that Jimmy doesn't notice that a gang of 9 or 10 guys has circled the pair in the water to watch the action.

While Joe's dick is only semi-hard in its flaccid state, it's still a sight for voyeurs.

Joe rubs his fingers over Jimmy's lips and uses them to pull open his mouth.

The combination of poppers and Joe's exquisite dick have Jimmy too excited to refuse anything Joe wants. "Open it and leave it open."

Jimmy obliges as Joe lines up his dick with his mouth but keeps it a foot from Jimmy's face.

About 30 seconds go by that seem like life in suspension as Jimmy waits with some anxiety and much anticipation for this new adventure.

The voyeurs wait as well, eager to see a hot show.

Then it happens. At first a slow trickle escapes the pucker of Joe's foreskin and doesn't make it to Jimmy's mouth. It dribbles on his bearded chin instead.

Then, as the onlookers play with their dicks, the stream begins in earnest, a strong, light yellowish line arching from Joe's dick past Jimmy's lips, onto his tongue.

Jimmy feels Joe's stream enter his mouth. It is warm as it hits his tonsils. It is nothing like the oozing slowness of taking cum. There is not a lot of time to savor this liquid the way he does semen. And there is a faster decision to be made about whether to swallow.

Jimmy knows he can let it dribble into the water, but oddly, he doesn't want to. He has gone this far. It seems wrong not to experience the full catastrophe.

Joe is using his dick like a hose aiming and watering Jimmy's mouth.

Joe suddenly, insistently verbalizes his role as the top in this pairing. "Drink it, Jimmy. Drink my hot piss. Let me see your Adam's apple vibrate as you gulp it."

By now Jimmy has tasted the full flavor of Joe's urine. It is less salty than he imagined, but it tastes strong and has a flavor he can't put his finger on. Not unpleasant. And because it has come out of Joe's beautiful dick, he wants to take it, to have it in his body. Jimmy swallows.

Joe appreciates Jimmy's transformation into a piss drinker from the look on his face. The apprehension has given way to satisfaction and pleasure. He eases up a little to let Jimmy catch his breath and savor the aftertaste.

"You're a natural. There's more coming. Put your lips on my dick but not too tight." Joe unscrews the poppers and gives Jimmy another hit. This time he takes a couple of hits himself and puts both hands behind his head in a preening pose, mostly for the circle of watchers.

Jimmy is in another dimension as his lips wrap loosely around Joe's dick. He suddenly feels that Joe's piss is the thing he wants most in the world. He sucks down another mouthful.

"You like it, don't you, Jimmy?"

His mouth full, Jimmy nods a grateful yes.

Joe is chuckling as he concentrates on feeding Jimmy as his dick has gotten hard. That means it will take longer to piss another stream into Jimmy's mouth.

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, 40 go by with Jimmy waiting. His eyes are now pleading with Joe.

Joe gives Jimmy what he wants, filling his mouth and bulging his cheeks. Joe stops the flow to let Jimmy swallow.

It's Joe's turn to needle Jimmy, by addressing the onlookers.

"Guys, are you watching my personal piss drinker take my piss? I should have known he'd get into it. He'll drink anything that comes out of my dick."

Jimmy bristles at the boastful putdown, and he doesn't love performing for an audience.

But he ignores the voyeurs and talks to Joe. "You know it tastes nothing like I thought. Nothing like cum. It has an aftertaste, for sure."

Joe nods and adds some words from experience.

"It's not about the taste, Jimmy, as it is with cum. When a guy is giving a blowjob, it's mostly about the cocksucker. He loves the feeling of man-tube in his mouth and sniffing sweaty pubes as he takes it to the base. He loves the taste of precum, a precursor of what is to come if he works hard enough, if he's talented enough to get a guy's cum from his balls. He's in control, ultimately.

"Drinking piss is a whole other story. It's about the top forcing the bottom to do this taboo thing that many guys live a lifetime without even thinking about doing. It's about him using a guy as his urinal, whether he wants to or not, whether he can deal with it. I've let piss seep out of my dick while a guy is sucking me off, just to let him know I'm calling the shots. I love watching the shock on his face when he realizes he has my piss in his mouth. That's a powerful feeling."

Jimmy is taking this in and, while it makes sense in theory, he's wondering if it always works that way. A bottom could turn the argument around, if he wants to.

He looks up, squints his eyes and loudly prods Joe, "You got any more piss for me? Why'd you stop so soon?"

Joe is chuckling at Jimmy's flight from reluctance to eagerness. "If you spill any, I'll never give you any more. Understand? And you'll be begging for it."

Joe's pushes his dick back in Jimmy's mouth and watches his Adam's apple signal that his piss is making the journey to his belly. This time Joe doesn't measure the flow. He lets a continual stream loose, forcing Jimmy to swallow fast, lest he never get another taste of Joe's nectar."

So both of these guys learned something.

Jimmy got a lesson in being more open to accepting something new in his sexual education that Freud never thought of.

And Joe learned that sometimes a punishment can turn into something else.


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