Letter from Home

By D One

Published on Jan 7, 2009




You know the saying, "what stays in vegas, etc." ?. Well what happens in the dark, stays in the dark.

The other night, a bunch you know came over to hang out. We watched a DVD I got in and drank some beer. Don't worry, we toasted you again and again and traded old stories about you and us duirng our gap year.

Remember skinny dipping in the old High School pool? Man was Miss Garner pissed. But she seemed to watch quite awhile before yelling at us. At least that's what Hammer says. I was busy, as you may remember. I still am amazed I did that underwater...or you too for that matter.

Anyway, we got a bit drunk and wrote that letter you must have gotten thus far. I looked it over to use the pentell on some parts. I don't know if they censor your mail or not but just in case I figured you wanna stay in the service until discharged...honorably.

Hammer was a rage as usual. He decided to immitate Beyoncee's music video..hell he was good..I don't know how he does it, but he can immitate anyone. And he dances like a pro. He should be on Dancing with the Stars.

Mark was there too. You remember him I know. He wasn't in our class but moved in down the street from us that summer. A real nice guy, he had that hot cycle. You remember the cops pulling us over. They didn't know what to ticket us for since we both were wearing helmets and jocks. But the photo you took on your phone of us standing there made it to everyone on the net. Damn you. But don't worry my threat about the special photos I have of you at summer camp didn't get put on the net...at least not yet.

That summer was a hoot. We all were junior counselors and some of the older kids in the camp were bigger then we were. The mud wrestling day showed us they were stronger too. But I never told you what happened later that day.

Sufficet to say, I was in the shower with some of them getting all that mud off and ended up in the supply closet with Connor..you remember him? He was the very tall one with bright red hair and a very long......... uh legs. I hurt for days but man it was something I never thought I'd do. Good thing we were both under 18 at the time.

So anyway, we were laying around watching the video in the dark. The aroma or haze in the room helped us relax and joke around a bit. I felt what was going on but ignored it. Hell it was dark.

And I figured the other guys were just fooling around you know? Boy was I wrong. It seems they knew about you and me the summer befoe and even in high school.

Nobody was bashing verbally or physically. In fact they all seemed into it. I never got into doing so much at one time with so many guys..not even in the health club you and I went to before you got into uniforms.

Remember the Health Station? It got sold by the way. Some parking structure is going in there. I drove by the other day and just stared at the rubble. I wonder if they found anything unique there when they tore it down. Lord knows there was plenty of unique stuff going on there.

When Dark got us to go with him that first time, I thought he was kidding and it really was a gym. I guess the sight of the guys walking around in towels was more then a hint. But after the steam room, you and I knew better. So glad we discovered that place and other things.

So the room got really warm. I guess from all our breath, body heat and ...action. The video ended and the noises we all made were suddenly loud. I crawled over to the stereo and put on 104 FM..you know the one that has that old disco stuff. It smothered the sounds we made.

By the time there was light outside, I think I did and was done by everyone there. I hurt everywhere. We were mostly sleeping by that time. I awoke under Dark and next to Harkler. Boy is he huge! Did you know that? I think he's the one that hurt me the most.

I got up and hit the john. But afterwards I just went back and crawled next to them again. I liked the heat I guess...maybe I didn't want things to end.

But alas others awoke and we all got dressed and hit the IHOP. I think we ate so many hotcakes the cooks wanted us to leave. We did create quite a show, our jokes about the night before were hardly in code.

And Sammons kept trying to unbutton me under the table threatening to pour maple syrup and go for it. He was insatiable the night before. I know it was dark, but there was no hiding his southern accent as he kept looking for us by name.

It reminded me of that high school party you and I went to where we ended up in the closet with those two girls, Mandy and Claire. We were supposed to kiss and maybe get bjs but you and I ended up doing most of the stuff. Those girls kissed too, remember. Only the four of us knew what went on. Everyone thought we were studs. You kind of were..man you juced so much. You always do. Still do that over there?

A guy who's a friend of Hammer's said they have a special tent over there where you guys can go and handle things. Is that true? I guess, you have to do it yourself. So many guys there...what a waste.

Anyway hope you're ok and staying safe. We all plan a big party for you when you get home. And as of the other night, there's a bunch of your old buddies that plan to take you on in every way possible. I don't think you'll have a choice. You'll end up sore like I still am.

Until then, give em hell.


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