Letters to a Boy

By James Heady

Published on Feb 23, 2008


Letters to a Boy By James


Below is Chapter Two. If it's illegal for you to read this type of material, or if it offends you, then find something else to do.

Happy reading, and by the way, I hope everyone had a great vacation.

Chapter 2

The photograph wasn't taken with one of those fancy digital cameras that everyone is in love with these days. Instead, the person used a regular disposable Polaroid. It showed several people. There was Donny, a much younger one at that, his mom Jena , a black haired kid, and the parents of that child.

Shaking fingers held the photograph, as the boy looked at it. He wasn't a small tyke anymore, but he was far from being a man. The young teen continued to stare at the picture, then a river of memories and homesickness flooded his mind and heart.

The dark haired boy was Richie Thompson. He was Donny's cousin and, as little urchins, his playmate and best friend. The two would stay over at Jena's (Donny's mom) house. She loved him as if he were her own son. His aunt encouraged her nephew to confide in her about everything that bothered him. This included the way his parents drank at home, and how they abused him whenever they got hammered. After he'd finish telling her his experiences, Jena would get a look in her eyes as if to say:

"Yeah, that's my 'good' brother and his 'whore' of a wife!"

The woman never mentioned that aloud, but the boy knew she was thinking it.

Richie Thompson was now fourteen. When he and Donny were six and seven years old, they'd often play with each other. The teen was poor at mathematics, English and some spelling, but he excelled in other areas. When he was seven and one half, both his parents were arrested for "DWIs", resulting in their incarcerationfor an extended period of time.

As a consequence, Richie was removed from his home and placed in temporary guardianship of Jena. Finally, the boy felt like he had a real family!

When he turned ten, his parents were released from prison. Custody of their son reverted back to them: He was forcibly removed from Donny and Jena'shome. This action left him feeling, like his heart had been ripped out and nothing but darkness remained.

From that date until the present the two cousins never saw each other again.

During the time the two boys lived together, Jena was still married to Donny's father, but they didn't live together.

After a while Ritchie's aunt and uncle received a divorce, and his cousin was turned over to his father. The man did everything he could to trash Jena. Fortunately, it didn't worked.

"Oh God! Richie said beginning to cry hard.

"I miss you so much!"

There was no one around to hear him save for the four walls of his room which was where he spent most of his time. Immediately after he had been returnedto his parents, the drinking, fighting, and screaming all started up again, and it was like nothing had ever changed.

Richie was mostly ignored in school. As a result, he didn't have many friends: Actually, he had none at all!

The skinny black haired teen had brown eyes which were devoid of light and happiness.

As a child the boy had been afflicted with Cerebral Palsy which left him paralyzed in his legs (this is a condition which causes there to be little orno communication between the brain and muscles of his lower limbs.).

Richie had the type of illness which caused severe spasms and cramping in his legs. The pain became so bad that he would cry a great deal. His parentsreaction was to scream at him: Sadly his suffering and their discomfort could have been avoided, because he had medication to control the problem. However,his parents, in their drunken neglect, rarely gave any of it to him.

The photo that Richie was looking at was taken when he was six and Donny was seven. That night, the two boys been rough-housing and having a lot of fun. That was one of many good times that Richie thought about every day.

"When he left, I felt like I had been scooped hollow!" I was saying to Scotty and Ryan.

We all were sitting on my bed after school, which had been in session for two weeks. It was a Friday and we were happy about that.

I had been telling them about my cousin Richie Thompson who lived with us until all of our lives got trashed by his parents, then by my father after heand my mom made their divorce final.

"I don't know if he's even still alive!"

I began to cry.

"We've tried to locate him, but private investigators and search engines on the computer have been no help. He's like my younger brother. That's howI always have thought of him. He's not just a cousin, I consider him the sibling I never had!"

Scotty and Ryan were holding me. And, for the first time in years, I gave voice to the deeply hidden fears I harbored as to Richie's eventual fate.

"We'll help you find him!" Ryan said.

"You have a right to know what happened to your cousin! And, whether he's alive or dead! You must find that out as well!"

"We won't let you down Donny!" Scotty added.

"Thank you both! You guys are great friends!"

"You're a good buddy, too," Ryan remarked.

"I agree," Scotty seconded.

Jena Thompson drove home from the hospital where she worked as a cardiologist. She had been thinking about Richie ever since the day that her bastard ofa brother and the trash he called his wife came and snatched her nephew from the only place he felt safe.

Ritchie's aunt knew all along that neither Bill nor his wife, Nancy, had sobered up.

"I'll find you and keep you safe again Richie!" Jena thought to herself.

"I promise you that!"

After finishing our dinner Ryan, Scott and I walked back to my home from the restaurant. The three of us enjoyed each other's company, as we had sincewe first met. We talked, joked and laughed until we arrived at my front door.

Both Ryan and I invited Scotty to spend the weekend with us at my house, but he said that he had a lot of homework to complete. It wasn't an excuse, ourfriend just wanted to make sure his grades remained high.

We said our good byes to Scotty, who then walked to his house.

Ryan and I were now sitting on my bed. I unfolded a piece of paper. It was one in a large series of notes that I had been getting from someone I onlyknew as Cute Angel Boy. This one I found when Scotty and I returned from using the rest room before we went to eat.

None of the letters had been threatening so I chose not to report them at the time.

I read out loud from the message:

Dear Donny:

I see within your eyes the sadness that is present when you talk about your cousin. I sit here at this table in the corner of the restaurant just watchingyou.

It pains us to see people we care about hurting like this, but it's even worse when it's someone we love so intensely. My feelings run deeper for youthan anything you can imagine! And, although I'm not yet able to tell you, I will say that I truly love you. I'm still trying to gain the courage to revealmy identity. I just hope that you can deal with it when you finally find out.


Cute Angel Boy

"Mr. Cute Angel Boy; who are you?!" I asked more to myself than anyone else.

"I don't know Donny!"

"The notes indicate that he really likes you! I mean, he doesn'seem to be dangerous.! Do you still think we should tell somebody?!"

"No! As long as the messages stay friendly, and the way they are, then I don't feel that anyone other than the two of us needs to know."

"Okay,... cool!"

My buddy put an arm around my shoulders and laid his head on my chest. It felt wonderful! I just held onto my friend! I loved embracing Ryan and runningmy hands through his soft brown hair. His sparkling blue eyes were great to look at as well.

Eventually, we decided to go out to the garage and work out for a while, as we had been doing for the past few days.

I completed a series of fifty lifts using a set of weights. They are the kind you employ when you want to strengthen your arm muscles. I had my shirtoff, as did my partner. It took a great deal of self control to keep from getting hard.

During the past weekend when Ryan stayed with me, we shared my bed. The close contact made me realize that I had become attracted to him. My friendis very sweet and gentle. When we were together at night he gave me massages. Then, I returned the favor (His back is smooth and unblemished as ismy own.). He moaned appreciatively whenever I kneaded his muscles.

My buddy's body had such a wonderful natural scent devoid of cologne. Thinking back I realized that I had been in love with Ryan for a long time: Infact, since the very first day we had met!

After I finished my last lift, I placed the weights back on the bars they rested on. My pal finished his sets as well, and, then, he came over to me. We faced each other and put our hands on our partner's shoulders.

"Donny, are you sore yet?!"

My buddy moved me closer to himself.

"Not really, are you?!"

"No. I'm fine!"

As I looked at my friend, I saw his upper body glistening with sweat and his hair clinging to his forehead in a way that turned me on. He didn't smellbad at all, and it was becoming increasingly more difficult for me NOT to get a "hard on": In fact, I was losing that battle!

I could see that Ryan was having the same issue. A large bulge was forming in the front of his own shorts, and I could even see a wet spot on them. Imoved in even closer and, then, hugged my friend!

I held him tightly and rubbed his back up and down. My pal did the same to me as well, and his breathing got more pronounced. I then pressed my hardnessonto his own, and my friend moaned enough so that I knew that he was enjoying it.

We then moved out of our hug and stood looking deeply in to each other's eyes.

"Donny, do you want to take a shower now?"

"Yeah!... I'll let you go first!"


Richie sat at his small bedroom desk. He was writing on an ornate piece of paper that he had found in the draw of an old computer stand in his parent'sliving room.

"Go ahead and send a fucking letter to Donny!" his inebriated mom yelled at him.

"But, he's not going to respond to you!"

So, finally, Richie sat writing his cousin!

Dear Donny:

Words can not describe the pain that is trapped within my heart every day. I never stop thinking about you. My sleep is filled with memories of us whenI lived with you and your mom.

I don't want to wake up in the morning, as I feel the dreams fading away, because in the end, I lose you all over again. The agony returns, and it is likea physical pain that hurts so badly. The only problem is that there's no pill that will ease the misery of you and your mother not being here for me.

I miss you every day! And, even if I somehow were removed from this living hell, I wouldn't know how to be happy again. My mom and dad are still drinking,fighting with each other, and with me, and breaking all my things.

I also have something to confess to you. I am gay: I realized that when I was twelve years old. I'm so scared that my parents will find out. They'vetold me that if they ever discovered that I were queer, they would throw me out of the house.

I try not to dwell upon it. When I'm in bed ready to doze off at night, I daydream about you. I almost feel too weird writing this next part, but I thinkabout you in those minutes before sleep. To be quite honest, I imagine you are making love to me. I've been able to get information from the schoollibrary. They're pretty lax on what content you may read. I signed out a book describing how gay guys have sex.

I think about you moving your cock in and out of me slowly at first and, then, with increasing intensity and speed. I picture us lying in your bed makingout heavily. We suck each other. Next, you hold me after our lovemaking and tell me how much you adore me: You really mean it!

I know I'll never be able to do any of those things with you. However, were I given even one chance I'd grab it quickly: letting you do whatever youwant with me!

Well, it's getting late, and I need to go to bed. I miss you and Aunt Jena so badly! I adore you guys more than you'll ever know!



After folding up the piece of paper, Richie put it in an envelope and placed the letter under his pillow. He entered his bed and fell asleep.

Thunder banged overhead, as Ryan and I slept. The month of September was ending, and it was dark and cool outside, but not cold. My friend slumberedcomfortably, but I tossed and turned

I could still see Richie's face clearly in my mind, as his parents ripped him out of Mom's arms. He had a look of extreme sadness and fear. I rememberscreaming for them to leave him there with us, but the my aunt and uncle didn't listen! The two grabbed him roughly and dragged him out of our home!

I sat up straight in bed sweating heavily. I felt Ryan's arms wrap around me from behind.

"Are you okay Donny?!"

My friend held me lovingly and engulfed me within his comforting body.

I lay back down and snuggled into the protective warmth if his embrace and began crying.

"I''' I''' I miss him so much Ry,"

I sobbed inconsolably.

"All these years its been so hard not being able to see him or talk to him. I just want Richie back!"

"We'll find him Donny!"

My beloved friend held me tightly rocking me gently.

Richie limped into the school's lobby and waited for his parents to pick him up. As he stood there, he began experiencing a change within his inner being. He was feeling an awakening in some deep part of his soul that had gone dormant when his parents had forcibly removed him from his aunt and cousin. The teen couldn't figure it out, but he just knew something good was about to happen.

As Donny's cousin continued to stand there, the boy looked up to see his father come barreling through the doors followed by the man's wife.

"Don't even bother coming home with us you fucking faggot!" the guy screamed at his son.

"I searched your room today and I found this!"

Richie's father held out the envelope for the boy to see. The teen felt a sinking feeling come over him. He knew that his dad had found the letter.

"Wanting to fuck your own cousin!" the mad man bellowed at the top of his lungs.

"How sick is that!

By then everyone was glaring at Richie, and the people all seemed as though they were staring at a deadly pathogen through a microscope.

"Get the hell out of my school Thompson!" the principal yelled at him. "Go now, or I'll have you thrown out!"

"I'll leave! But, first I have a present to give you Mr. Frank!" Richie calmly stated coming up to the man.

"What would that be?!"

The teen drew back his fist and slammed it in to the bigot's jaw with all his might! There was a sickly cracking sound, and Frank fell backwards.

The boy then turned around and smashed his fist into his father's stomach. The guy doubled over in extreme pain, and he began to vomit.

"There you bastard!" Richie screamed at him.

"Now you know exactly how it feels!"

"Get out!" the principal yelled as best he could through his broken jaw.

Richie turned to face his the bigot and hollered,

"Fuck you!!... You SOB!!"

Richie left the school. He knew that he had probably caused his dad to be in need of an appendectomy and Mr. Frank to require his jaw to be wired,but he could care less! Donny's cousin was not even concerned that the police might pick him up.

"At least in jail, I won't have to listen to the constant bickering!" he thought.

As the teen limped along, he heard footsteps running to catch up with him.

"Richie!... Wait!" a man called behind him.

He stopped and turned to face the owner of the voice. It was one of the officers who was on duty at that school.

"Here is the letter that your father had!" the cop explained, as he handed it to Richie.

"Wait! I'll let this incident slide: My report will state that two students got into a brawl, and your father and the principal were caught in the crossfire!"

"Stop!... I don't want to know anything! Just let me go!"

"At least permit me to phone someone to come pick you up!"

"For Christ sake! Look in my file! There's no one you can call! My parents made it that way!"

"Okay!... But, I can't leave you out here like this! I'm going to take you down to the station, and we'll go from there!"

Andrew, the policeman who had handed Richie his letter, suddenly recalled the boy's father resembled a person he had once known. He sat at his deskin the station trying to think of whom it was. He looked over at the teen, as the boy ate one of the sandwiches remaining from the Burger King foodthe cops had for lunch. Suddenly, the officer remembered the name of the individual Richie's dad looked like.

"My God!... Will Jena even remember me?!" Andrew thought to himself, as he called down to the Desk Sergeant. He had the man look up Jena Thompson addressand phone number, and within minutes the cop was in possession of her contact information. She lived on the other side of Sanger which was nicer thanwhere he worked every day.

"God!... I hate this area of the city!" Andrew thought to himself, as he dialed the woman's number.

"Hello!" Richie's aunt answered after the second ring.

"Jena!... This is Andrew Hill! We went to college together."

"Uh," Jena thought for a moment, then it clicked!

"OH MY GOD! Andrew, how are you!"

"I'm fine, but I've been better! I say that especially, because of the case I'm working on now! I'm a police officer covering the bad side of Sanger! Yeah, it's pimps, prostitutes, and crack dealers all the time!"

"So what's going on?!"

"Jena, are you sitting down?! I've been getting a very interesting and sad life story from someone, and that's what I meant when I said that today's casewas especially tough! Maybe you can help this person! He's sitting right here!"

"All right!" Donny's mom replied warily.

"I don't know what I can do, but I'll talk to him!"


Andrew handed Richie the phone. The boy had finished eating by now, and he smiled widely for the first time in years.

"He... he... hello!" the teen stammered into the phone.

"OH MY GOD!" Jena screamed joyously into the phone.

"Richie, is that REALLY you!"

"Y'''y'''yeah, it's me!... Aunt Jena! I've missed you soooo much!"

"We feel the same way!"

She then filled her nephew in on what had happened with Donny, and how he came to live with her again.

"I'm so glad he's there again Aunt Jena!"

"So am I!"

After a moment of silence, Richie began to break down. He related everything that had happened to him over the past few years, and he even mentioned howhis parents found out that he's gay. The boy also told her that they had disowned him.

"I'll be right there!"

Donny's mother then left the house and drove off to pickup and bring Richie home!

Ryan and I came back to my house after we bought some ice cream from the specialty shop that was down the road. The man who waited on us had added an extracup to our order which made four portions that we had. It was vanilla which had been Richie's favorite. It seemed that day, everything was remindingme of him.

As I entered the house, I didn't see anyone in the kitchen, so I went into the living room. Sitting there was Mom, and, then, I looked again thinkingthat my eyes were playing tricks on me.

"OH! For God's Sake!!" I bellowed out and ran to where Richie was seated on the couch beside Mom!

Donny !... I missed you so much!"

Richie held me tightly and cried.

"You have no idea how I longed for you, as well, Sweetheart!!" I replied through my own tears.

The three of us sat in my room, as Richie told us everything that had happened to him over the past few years.

"Fucking bastards!! I said through clinched teeth.

"I can't believe that they'd make you live that way!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Oh wait!... I can believe it!"

"So are you going to be here permanently?!"

"Yeah! I went to court with your mother when she picked me up from the police station, and we filed official charges against my parents for child abuseand neglect. We appeared before a judge involved with such cases. He he turned over permanent guardianship to your mom."

"I'm so happy about that!"

I grasped him tightly.

"So am I Donny!"

"You're safe now Richie!" Ryan proclaimed.

He moved away from me and stood to hug Ryan. They embraced for a moment and then separated.

"We all were so worried about you Richie!" my friend added.

"I was really scared that I'd never see you again!"

"I'm just glad to be back!"

Later that night, I got into my bed where Richie lay. He was on his back glancing at me. He had really changed physically and looked good.

I took him into my arms and held him closely.


My cousin turned to face me.

"I have something to give you! It's in the pocket of my shorts that I was wearing today when I came here. Will you please get it for me?!"

"Of course!"

I got up and found his shorts. I retrieved the object that he was talking about. It was a folded piece of paper, and I wasn't sure if I should look atit or not

"Open it up! It's okay! Just promise that you won't be mad at me when you read it!"

"I assure you I won't!"

I returned to the bed and read the letter that Richie had written to me that fateful night before. As I scanned it I felt my cock getting hard.

After finishing what he had written, I lay down beside my him. I took my cousin into my arms and turned him around so he faced me.

Then, I moved my body against his and began to kiss him. His lips were warm and soft. He tongued me back hungrily. We let all our inhibitions go, aswe continued to make out. I reached down to remove Richie's boxers, and he took off mine. Both of us moaned loudly, as our tools made contact for the very first time. Finally, I broke the kiss to look deeply into Richie's eyes and asked,

"Was this a part of what you had in mind?!"

"Oh Donny! I have wanted you to do that for the longest time!"

Richie was breathing deeply.

"Are you absolutely sure you want me to fuck you?!... It could hurt in the beginning you know! And, it's a very intimate thing!"

"I realize that, however I really want you to do it! If you rather not, or you feel like you can't, then I'll drop my request. But I've always desiredyou to be the one to take me for the very first time! You're sweet and gentle! I am certain you would never hurt me on purpose!"

"Okay!... As long as you're sure!"

We resumed kissing, and I moved so that I was on top of Richie. Our inflamed pricks met again dueling like jostling swords causing us to increaseour moaning. The need to come was becoming ever more pressing. To prolong the enjoyment of our building sexual passion we just lay there a few momentsgazing lovingly and lustfully into each other's eyes.

Finally I forced myself to get up off of him. I retrieved a tube of KY and a condom from the nearby night table draw. Then, I lay back down beside Richieand opened the container. I put some lube on my index finger and moved my hand down to his beckoning love chute.

"I need to prepare you first by loosing up your sphincter muscle. It makes it easier for my cock to enter you without hurting so much."

"Oooo!" Richie moaned loudly, as I slipped my digit in.

"Are you in pain?!" I asked worriedly.

"It feels a little uncomfortable! What should I do now?!"

"Just relax your anal muscles. Push a little."

He did, then he smiled.

I pushed my finger in deeper until I found his prostate. I pressed against it quickly several times: He started thrashing around and moaning loudly.

I added a second one, and he breathed deeper and faster. His cock started jumping and pre cum flowed from its tip like water out of a open faucet. I wasamazed at how huge his cock became! It had grown to between nine and ten inches.

After I added a third, he was really ready to explode!

"Donny Fuck Me Now!" he screamed excitedly.

"I NEED you sooo badly!"

I removed my digits from his love chute and put more KY in his hole. Next, I lubed up my cock making sure it was good and slick, I rolled a condom overmy dick. I moved into position and put Richie's legs over my shoulders. Aligning my prick to his entrance, I pushed a little.

His face showed a look of discomfort, so I stopped and asked,

"Are you okay!?"

"Yeah! Just go in slowly!"

I began to push a little more, and I caressed his cock and balls with my hand. Stopping for a moment I let him get used to the part of my prick that wasalready in him.

After a few minute he began to smile so I resumed my journey until I was all the way in him. Next, I pulled out until only Little Donny's head remainedin Richie: Reversing direction I again began gradually to enter him. I wanted my cousin to feel the love with which I was trying to fuck him, so I usedslow, gentle strokes.

Soon, he reacted by moving downward to meet my upward thrusts.

"Oh Donny! Please do it faster!... Harder!"

Responding I rammed into him with greater intensity. With each jab I was able to hit his prostate which caused him to tighten his anal muscles aroundmy dick. Feeling myself get closer I wrapped my hand around his member.

As I jammed into him a few more times, I started jacking his cock with an increased urgency. My partner let out a loud moan which brought me over theedge. I began to shoot with an intensity I never before experienced! I felt that neither Richie nor I would ever stop shooting!

After our passionate summit, I lay back down beside my cousin and took him in my arms. We kissed in the afterglow of our lovemaking : I knew he wantedmore!

"Donny, have you ever sucked a guy's cock before?!"


"May I do yours?!"

"Oh, yeah! But, just give me a few minutes to get recharged! Would you like me to blow you as well?!"

"You bet! That is, if you can handle it! I'm sure you've noticed that my snake is ten inches long!"

" How could I not!".

After about twenty minutes, I moved down to his cock, and I took the throbbing piece of flesh into my mouth. He tasted great! Slowly, I swallowed anever increasing portion of "Big" little Richie.

Becoming braver, I gradually imbibed even more down my gullet. Soon, I was "deep-throating" him at a steady rhythm, and he was moaning in appreciation.

I could taste his pre cum: It had a kind of salty flavor to it, which was still really good.

He told me to go faster: I was really putting a great deal of effort in sucking him well. After a few more minutes, his cock began to get even harder.Suddenly I felt him blasting his load down my throat: It was thick and a bit salty, but for the most part, it tasted good!

He continue to come several more times. After swallowing all of it, I pulled off of his prick. I tongued the head of it gently then moved back up to him.

We kissed for several minutes, and, then, he snuggled in my arms.

"Richie, do you wish to suck me now?!"

"No!... That's okay! I just want you to rest. You've done enough for me!

"Are you sure?!"

"Yeah! Let Ryan take care of that!"


"I can tell you like him. I hope I haven't messed anything up for you to begin a relationship with him!"

"Not at all! I haven't even told him yet that I like him!"

"You should! He's so perfect for you!"

"You think so?!"

" I certainly do! If I were to set you up with someone, he would be the one I'd pick for you!"

"That's really sweet!"

I kissed Richie on the cheek.

Soon, I heard my cousin snoring lightly. I pulled the covers over the both of us and fell asleep.

Ryan and I sat on my bed the next morning holding each other closely, as we had grown accustom to do. He sighed deeply, as I ran my fingers through histhick soft hair.

I started telling him about what Richie and I had done the night before. He moved his head up and looked at me.

"That's the hottest thing I've ever heard!"

I could see the large bulge in his shorts, and that he had been leaking!

"Ry!... You really liked that, didn't you?!"

"What can I say!! You two are the hottest guys I know ! The thought of both of you together doing things even if it were just for one night sounds reallysteamy to me!"

"It looks like you need to take care of something!"

I pointed to his hard cock that was straining against the front of his shorts.

"What here!?" Ryan asked skeptically.

"Yeah! It's just you and I! Scotty and Richie are out eating so there's no reason that you have to hide it! Besides, I've caught glances of your cock,and I think it's really sexy like you are!"

My buddy stood up and moved his hand to his cloth covered dick and rubbed it a couple of times.

"Well, okay! You're going to see me jerk off the real way, as if I were alone in my room doing it!"

"Ry, that sounds great to me!"

I was becoming quite the player!

My pal removed his shirt slowly as if putting on a show. Next, he took off his shoes and socks. He placed them, and his shirt, on the desk chair. Finally,my friend slowly pushed down and stepped out of his shorts, while standing momentarily flexing his muscles.


Ryan flashed that sexy smile that I fell in love with the very first day we met.

"Well, what?!"

"I'm not doing this alone!... Am I?!"

"Ry are you asking me to join you?!"

I felt my cock beginning to leak. My dreams were about to come true!

"Come here Donny!"

Feeling like I was hypnotized, I walked slowly towards my friend. He reached out for me and took my hands.

"You want to do the honors?!"

"I'd love to!"

I placed my hands on the band of his boxers and began to pull, then he stopped me.

"Wait! Let me undress you!"

" Fine!... I'd love that!"

He removed my shirt and then proceeded to touch me on my chest, sides, stomach, and back. His hands felt incredibly good! I was getting that throbbingtightness in my balls that occurs whenever I become super hard.

Next, he undid the zipper on my shorts and pulled them down.

"WOW! That's huge!... Is it dangerous?!"

"I wouldn't know, but you might want to be careful!"

Ryan removed my boxers slowly. Then, he stepped closer to me.

My buddy nodded his head, and I knew he wanted me to remove his, as well. I did so! I could see his hard cock pulsing up and down.

"That is so huge!"

I was amazed by its size.

"You're looking at about eleven inches!"

I stared at him and smiled.

"May I hold the big guy?!"

"He is yours to do with whatever you want!"

Ryan stepped closer to me.

I went to move my hand down to his cock, but he restrained me!

"I can't let you do that just yet! Please, come here!"

He pulled me gently to himself. I melted against my partner and felt the heat of his tool pressing into mine.


"SSShhhh!... Don't say or think about anything or anyone. It's only us! There is no one else in this room! We'll go as slow or as fast as you want Donny. I've always believed in saving myself for the right person: I've already found that man! It's you, Baby!"

I moved my head from his shoulder and looked deeply into his eyes.

"You've loved me all this time?!" I asked near tears.

"I've adored you since the moment we met! There've been so many occasions that I wanted to ravage you in whatever bedroom we were in at the time! AllI desire to do is make love to you: day and night! However, more importantly, I want to show, not only your body, but also your mind and spirit, howmuch I love you."

"I've felt the same way about you from the very beginning, too, Ry!"

I let my tears fall.

My "new" lover took me into his arms! I expressed my shear joy with sobs of happiness! . I knew he was crying, too! We just allowed our emotions toescape before we did anything else.

After a few more minutes, when our feelings were under control, I felt Ryan's hand lifting my head up.

"It's always been YOU Baby! I've only loved you!"

He started kissing me: Gently at first, but he became increasingly more lusty and passionate! ..

We started exploring each other everywhere: I couldn't get enough of him!

Moving over to the bed, I let Ryan get on top of me.

"I want to make love to you Donny!" he said breathing deeply.

"Oh Ry!"

I rubbed his back up and down, stating,

"I need you so badly! Please do me!"

We began to kiss and touch each other with abandon. I could feel our lower abdomens getting wet and slick with all of the pre cum we were producing. Thisactivity was getting me so e turned on that I began to grind my cock into Ryan's.

My lover broke our passionate kiss to ask,

"You want to hear something hot?!"

"I'd love to!"

I smiled.

He slid off of me and got on his back. My boy friend wrapped his left hand around his cock and began to stroke it quickly. I could hear the slick soundthat his tool made, as he rubbed it at an increasingly more rapid pace.

"I love that!"

"So do I!" he agreed.

My lover stopped, and he took hold of my hand.

"I'll let you feel my cock for real this time!"

Ryan smiled at me.

He guided my hand to his leaking hard member. I was flabbergasted that it felt as huge as it looked!

"Push the foreskin back! You'll find a lot of pre cum!"

I did as he requested, and I was shocked at how much there was. The quantity was so great that I was able to scoop it up and cover his cock with it. Then, I jacked him using a firm grip. He moved his hips up and twisted from side-to-side in absolute pleasure.

"Oh Donny! That feels terrific!"

I stopped jerking him and placed my lover on his side. Then, I turned to face my partner. We took each other into a gentle hug and just lay there.

"I love you so much Donny!"

Ryan kissed me.

"As I do you!"

Returning his passion, I pressed my lips against his and hungrily tongued him.

"Baby, there's something I have to confess to you! And, I'm really scared that you'll be mad at me!"

"I promise that I won't get angry at you, Ry,"

He paused for a moment then looked straight into my eyes.

"Donny! I,... Uh,... I'm the one who's been writing those letters to you!"

My baby began to shake uncontrollably.

Author's Note

I just couldn't resist giving you guys a cliff hanger. I'll have the next chapter out shortly. I'll also be posting Chapter Fourteen of "Deep Love" within the next couple of days so keep an eye out for it.

I've been forgetting to do this, but I want to thank Baruch for editing the recent chapters I've been writing. Thank you Baruch. I love you my friend.

Take care, and I'll see you in Chapter 3.

Editor's Note:

James is far more than just a gifted writer to me. He is also a beloved friend and remarkable young man. The fact that he is disabled (legally blind) has not kept him from writing, chatting on line, pursuing a higher education and being an active individual. The world would be a far better place if we had more human beings like him.


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