
By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 11, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirteen

Liam woke up horny one day that week. He'd have lain in and had a wank had he not had a 9am lecture. As it is, he sat near the back discreetly eyeballing some of hot lads, feeling his dick stiffen in his jeans as he fantasised. As they were waiting outside before the lecture he'd overheard the cute, slightly Latin-looking lad to his left laughing about having walked in on his housemate having a wank in the living room: now Liam sat imagining him wanking, and spunking all over his toned torso. His eyes flicked to the left, to a lad from one of his seminar groups: in his mind's eye he watched him take down his trousers and sit on the toilet, and listened to the plops as he took a dump; him and the tall, rather cute lad with bushy ginger hair sitting next to him.

At the end of the lecture he gathered up his things and headed to the toilets. This was always a good time to occupy a cubicle, and sit and listen as all the guys who'd started to need their morning shits during their early lectures came in to relieve themselves. All of the five cubicles were occupied when he got there, the whole room smelled, and as he stood and waited whoever was in the left end one blasted the bowl with farts and a torrent of loose shit. Then the rattle of the toilet-roll holder and the rustling sound of someone wiping came from the middle cubicle. Liam just hoped whoever came out would be hot, and that he left a good smell behind him. Another guy came in and joined him in the queue for the thunderboxes. He was gorgeous; tall and slim and athletic, with a cute oval face and soft brown hair. He looked faintly embarrassed about standing there obviously waiting to do his business, and that turned Liam on even more. Then the middle toilet flushed, and the door opened. The lad who came out was slim and boyish and cute; bronzed skin and twinkly eyes and spiky brown hair. He looked a bit bashful as he clocked Liam and the other guy waiting and went to wash his hands.

Liam's dick sprang to attention as he went in. The smell was delicious; not super-strong, but sultry and slightly sharp, and the lad had left little dark skidmarks as well. Liam dropped his pants and sat on the seat that was still warm from his pert bottom, and watched his dick pulsing gently as he listened to the guy to his right drop a splashy load. Then came the sound of wiping from the cubicle immediately to his left, and then from away to his right where the occupant had had had his nasty shit. Liam prayed for the guy on his left to finish first. Sure enough he did, and looking down under the partition once he'd gone Liam saw the gorgeous lad's smart trainers come into view, moving quite quickly, as if he really needed to go. He turned away from the toilet, his jeans dropped down round his ankles, and he sat down. He did a squeaky little fart that ended abruptly, as if he'd tensed up to stop it, and then another one. Then he breathed out audibly.

'Ploop ... ploop-plop.'

Liam wasn't touching his dick, but even so it bounced and trickled pre-cum as the sound of that gorgeous boy's sturdy turds dropping from him rang in his ears.


Visions of being the lad's toilet and taking his shit in the face raced through his mind. The lad farted softly and let go another little 'plip-plop,' and then his shadow on the tiled floor moved as he tucked his phone in his pocket and reached for the bog roll. He wiped his arse standing up and he didn't use that much paper. As soon as he'd flushed Liam made a quick show of wiping himself, pulled up his pants and came out of the cubicle. The lad was washing his hands, facing away from him, and there was no-one else to see as Liam dived in. Another dirty, horny smell greeted him; fainter and much less ripe than where he'd just been, but no less erotic. There were no skids, though. Liam pulled his pants down again, sat down on another seat warmed by a handsome guy's arse, and listened a bit longer to the plops and farts of hot young students having their shits around him.

He couldn't think about anything else all morning. Thoughts of being a toilet for some of the lads he'd heard flitted through his mind as he tried to study in the library, and distracted him during his next class. He was meant to be going out with the football team that evening, but he sent Olly a text in the hope that he'd be up for some fun. He'd not seen Toby since he got back to university either, he mused, so he messaged him too for good measure. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat eating a sandwich in one of the campus coffee shops a bit later, and then again. He pulled it out and read the messages:

Hey. I've not been yet. Can prob hold it til I get in later if u wanna cum over? Olly x

Hi! Nice 2 hear from u! I can hang on til later if you wanna have some fun? ;-) Tx

He went outside and made a couple of quick phone calls, and came back in with his heart fluttering in excitement.

A few hours later he knelt on Olly's sofa with his bottom sticking out, and moaned out loud in relief and perverted pleasure as he shat himself. He'd started to need a shit during the afternoon, and the sensation in his chute had got him all horny again, and he'd got even more so when he went for a piss, and listened to some sturdy, handsome lad taking a farty, splashy shit in the cubicle next to him. He could smell it from his place at the urinal. By the time he got to Olly's he had a hard-on he couldn't shift and a turtle's-head jutting from his hole, and he was desperate to let it all go. His shit was massive. It packed his crack and bulged out his pants, and spread all warm and slimy across his cheeks as the smell thickened. Olly and Toby leaned in closer as he stopped dumping and tensed up to stop himself from cumming.

'Yeah,' breathed Toby. 'Cor that fucking smells! Go on, shit yourself!'

He bowed his head and abandoned himself to the sensations in his chute and the mess spreading across his cheeks, the sound and the smell, and the sheer perverted pleasure of taking a big dirty shit in his pants. When he'd finished he stood up and waddled through to the bedroom with his shit tickling his balls and rubbing about on his bottom, to stand in front of the long mirror and admire the big lumpy bulge he'd made, and then the others took him through to the bathroom. He was edging, whimpering in anticipation of what was about to happen. First they made him sit in it. He gasped and moaned and edged as he squashed his shit all over his cheeks and up between his legs, all hot and lumpy, and then wriggled about to spread it yet further. He fumbled his cock out of the flies of his ruined pants, its throbbing head glistening with pre-cum. Then Olly got him to stand up and bend over, donned a washing-up glove and began to rub his arse, pushing the mess about until his cheeks were brown all over. He moaned with the sensation, until Toby came around in front of him and made him suck his cock.

'Now,' said Olly behind him, his voice soft and dominant. 'I need a shit, and Toby needs a shit. Go and lie in the bath.'

Liam straightened up, breathing hard with his head whirling and his cock twitching madly. His mess squished further up his lower back as he lay down and pulled on his goggles. He was going to be their toilet, and the prospect was awesome. Which would be first? Olly? Toby? But no, he found out a few seconds later, it was both of them together. Olly sat down first, hanging his backside well over the side of the bath so it was right above his cock, and then Toby came and sat next to him, arse right above his face. Liam clamped his mouth shut and waited. Above him Toby grunted and his arse heaved a little, and his hole puckered slowly open. His turd was thick and dark and dense, a great column extending down towards Liam's waiting face. Then it dropped suddenly. The blow as it landed almost made Liam cum, and then another one thudded down right across his eyes. He was blinded already. The stink blasted into his brain and set him off whimpering again, and then a fat, greasy turd from Olly landed, and another and another. He yelped through his closed lips as the slimy warmth enveloped his cock and at the same time Toby's shit piled up on his face, and the two of them grunted and farted above him. Overwhelmed by the sensations on his bottom and his cock and his face, gassed by their smells and exquisitely degraded by what was happening to him he moaned and writhed and edged, and then fell off the cliff. He came uncontrollably, spurting his cum through the hot pile Olly had done, all over his tummy and chest, and right up onto his shit-covered face.

Liam couldn't believe his luck when the gorgeous lad who'd had a shit in the cubicle next to him came out of another thunderbox whilst he was having a piss in the student union one afternoon the following week. He eyeballed him surreptitiously as the lad washed his hands, noting his peachy arse and smiley oval face. When he left Liam was alone in the toilets, and he hastened into the cubicle. Here, without all those other guys' stinks to mask it, his smell was much more obvious, and it got Liam hard at once. It wasn't all meaty and thick like Olly's or dark and smoky like Toby's, nor ripe and nasty like Dalton, but something more subtle; soft and pleasant and somehow fresh. Liam sat down on the warm seat the lad had just used and wanked. In his mind's eye the lad was standing over him, and then his pert bottom came closer and closer as he squatted down over his face.

Liam had loved every kinky experience he'd had, but the times he'd taken it in the face had been the best of all. It was the sheer filthiness of having his face shat on, the helplessness as he lay there and the sense of submission that turned him on above all else; that and the feeling of the shit landing, the heat and the weight and the sliminess, and the stink roaring up his nose. He fantasised about it constantly. In his mind's eye every guy he fancied went to the toilet on his face. Toby did it to him again later that week. His shit was huge that day. He grunted as he let out a big sinuous log that landed right across Liam's nose and mouth, with its broken end half-way down his left cheek. One nostril was completely blocked so he could barely breathe, and every inhalation he did take gassed him with Toby's harsh smell. Olly watched and wanked as Liam moaned in his ecstasy. He loved this bit of being shat on, lying there with the first turd across his face and the stink overpowering him, waiting for more. His dick bounced and dribbled as Toby pissed all over his tummy. Then his wrinkled, dirty hole puckered out again, and he grunted as another log began to come out. Its slimy crackling rang in Liam's ears. Then it dropped, landed atop the first one with a soft squelching thud, and toppled back so its broken, tapered end was right over Liam's left eye.

'Yeah...' breathed Toby. 'Feels good ... like my shit?'

Liam whimpered again and held up his thumb. He was edging, clenched up tight to stop himself from cumming. Toby grunted in satisfaction and pushed out the thick plug still sticking from his open hole. Liam tensed himself again as it landed, and then lay hazily, looking up through one eye at Toby's brown-covered hole, pushing rhythmically in and out. Toby was taking his time, prolonging the pleasure of taking the shit he'd been holding for hours, spinning out the moment for both of them. More of his hot piss splashed across Liam's cock and thighs. The moment seemed to go on forever. Then Toby's hole pushed open once more, and a thick glistening brown rope began to emerge. Liam had barely taken in what was happening when a length of it fell, almost blinding him as it fell across his other eye. Another fat lump blocked the light out completely, and then another. Suddenly his nose was blocked, and he had to shake his head and let the shit roll off down his cheeks. Another slim turd dropped onto him as he did it.

'I'm done,' said Toby softly.

He began to wipe his bottom as Liam lay, fighting to breathe through the pile on his face whose stink was battering at his brain. He was edging again, dick jerking and dribbling, and as Toby dropped his used toilet paper onto his face he realised he couldn't hold back any longer. Only with a supreme effort of will did he manage to keep his mouth shut as his body writhed and he shot all over himself.

That Saturday he and Olly talked Dalton into doing it. Liam fizzed with excitement as he lay down on the usual plastic sheet and Dalton straddled him and knelt down. He wriggled back so that his arse hung right over Liam's face. Liam pulled his goggles on, stuck a stretch of surgical tape over his mouth, and poked in a drinking straw at each corner, sticking well out to the sides. That was an idea of Olly's: it meant Liam wouldn't risk ending up with a mouthful, and he'd be able to breathe even if his nose and mouth were completely covered. That might well happen: Dalton hadn't been to the toilet for two days again, and he'd been hopping from foot to foot with desperation.

'Oh I really need a shit!' he gasped. 'I gotta go so bad. You ready? Oh ... oh yeah!'

His hairy hole began to push open, and in the middle of the widening pink ring emerged a chestnut-brown lump, all hard and knobbly. It came out a little further as Dalton strained and grunted loudly, and then again. A small hard lump detached itself, dropped and bounced off Liam's cheek. Another couple followed it as Dalton struggled to push out his shit. Liam waited, dick twitching, sniffing eagerly at the faint smell. Above him Dalton gave another grunting heave, and then a long sigh of relief as the cracked lump jutting from his hole gave way to a thick, cracked log, glistening in the light and hissing softly as it came. He paused with four or five thick inches hanging from him, then grunted and pushed again. His smell hit Liam in full force, setting him whimpering in anticipation, then giving a muffled yelp as Dalton's turd snapped off suddenly and a thick log thudded hard onto his face. It stood for a second that seemed like an eternity before it toppled over across his mouth and slid off across his neck. The broken end hanging from Dalton began to move again, and he grunted contentedly as he grew a long brown tail that pulled stickily apart as it came, then dropped onto Liam's face. It landed right across his nose and mouth, all hot and slimy. Dalton's hole puckered out a bit further and puffed gas as he pushed out the rest of it to flop heavily down onto Liam, its tapered end with a bit of half-digested sweetcorn landing right above his left eye where he regarded it dully through the goggles.

'Oh man,' breathed Olly. 'That fucking stinks!'

So it did. The smell was ripe and intense, and Liam gagged softly as it filled his nostrils, only dimly aware that Dalton was pissing on him, spurting hot jets from his hard, throbbing cock. Then he grunted and farted wetly and began to shit again. Now it was softer and mushier, a crackling thin stream curling from his filthy hole. It piled up on Liam's face like a cowpat and slid down his cheeks and chin, and the stink made him retch. It went on and on. Liam whimpered and edged as Dalton covered his face. The filthy flow stopped for a second or two and Liam thought it was over, but then Dalton strained once more and finished his dump with a surprisingly solid, heavy log that squelched loudly as it dropped into the mess and tipped Liam over the edge. He shot everywhere, and Olly and Dalton came all over him.

A few hours later Dalton took down his pants and bent over the table. Olly stood behind him, dominant and controlling with his face hard. He tapped the cane lightly on Dalton's pale, trembling buttocks.

'You're a dirty fucking pervert,' he told him. 'Your shit stinks. You aren't going to sit comfortably on the toilet for a few days now. This is gonna hurt.'

Dalton got off on being pushed to his limits. Each caning he'd had had been harder and longer than the last, and every time he'd been rock hard when he'd stood up afterwards with his buttocks blazing and tears in his eyes. Now he clutched the edge of the table with white knuckles and gritted his teeth.


His bottom wobbled with the impact. The cane left a thin white line that slowly turned pink and then red, growing darker and angrier as Dalton squirmed. Olly stood and watched, letting Dalton really feel each stroke before he landed the next.


Liam stood and watched, naked, with his cock growing harder as he watched Dalton writhe and moan, his dick still hard despite the mounting pain in his bottom. He needed a shit, and he knew Olly did too.

'Swish-CRACK! ... CRACK! ... CRACK!'

'Keep still!'

Dalton was visibly struggling to hold position, squirming about with pain between the strokes with tears trickling down his cheeks, only just managing to bite back a yell as each one landed. After ten strokes Olly put down the cane. Dalton stayed bent over the table, breathing hard and whispering 'ow ... ow' as he tried to compose himself. Olly came up behind him and ran his fingers over his welted cheeks, reached in further and pushed a finger up his arse.

'Now,' said Olly. 'We're not done with you yet. We both need to shit. We've had to put up with your stink, and now it's your turn.'

He picked up a paper plate and put it on the table right in front of Dalton's face. Dalton looked up apprehensively.

'Liam's gonna shit on this, right in front of you, and then I'm gonna give you another eight with the cane. You're gonna stay still and take it like a man, and if you can't I'll push your face in it.'

Liam was conscious of Dalton's hoarse breathing right behind him as he got up on the table and knelt over the plate. Dalton had to lift his head back to keep it clear of the action, and his breath was warm on Liam's bottom. Liam grunted softly in satisfaction as his turds started to slide down the chute. Then it was coming out, and he looked down between his legs to see the lumpy golden-brown column growing from him. It dropped onto the plate with a hollow thud, and he followed it with another one.

'Ugh,' groaned Dalton as the smell filled his nostrils.

Liam began to push out some more, sighing with pleasure as his bowels emptied and piss trickled from his hard cock. He curled out a long snaky one on top of what he'd already done, and finished in a series of gassy lumps, sniffing as he did it at his own thick aroma. Then he shuffled forward a little and reached for the toilet roll. Dalton gagged softly as Liam wiped right in front of him. Then he hopped off the table again and turned to watch as Olly picked up the cane once more. Dalton looked down on the big pile Liam had produced and screwed up his face in disgust.

'Eight more,' said Olly brusquely. 'Hold still, or I'll rub your face in it.'

The swish and 'crack' of the cane rang round the room. Dalton yelped and writhed, and then he began to break. He howled piteously as the sixth stroke tore into him and sobbed as he tried to hold still for the next one. When it came he screamed and stood up convulsively, and danced on the spot clutching his wounded bottom, his semi-hard cock bouncing about as he gasped out his safety word.

'You okay?' said Olly softly, putting the cane down.

'Yeah,' he sniffed. 'Oh fuck that really hurts!'

'I bet. You took that really well. I wasn't tickling you then!'

Liam disposed of his shit and opened the window to let the smell out as Olly sat down on the sofa naked, and Dalton lay across him and let him rub his sore cheeks. His dick grew hard again as Olly did it.

'Do you ... er, do you still need a shit?' he asked coyly.


'Wanna shit on me?'


'Yeah ... go on. I wanna be your toilet.'

Dalton lay and wanked as Olly squatted over him and began to let go a long series of thick, sinuous turds. They piled up on his chest, all slimy and glistening, and Olly's piss rained down on him as he wanked. The stink made him gag. Liam came closer, wanking too, and Dalton opened his mouth wide. Liam came into it as Olly wiped his bum. Then Olly turned around, gave a few quick tugs of his cock and shot all over Dalton's face, just as he cried out and screwed up his face and shot all over himself.

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Next: Chapter 14

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