
By Namab Mas

Published on May 13, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Nineteen

'Don't be having any parties while we're away,' Liam's dad said as he put the last bag into the car. 'Or at least, if you do, don't let them get out hand. If we get home to a broken window like last year you're paying for it!'

'Don't worry Dad,' grinned Liam. 'It won't happen again. Phil's parents are away too, and his house is better for parties anyway!'

He stood and waved as the car backed out of the driveway and set off down the street, leaving him alone. The house was his for ten days whilst his family were away. He was working for some of the time but he had a few days off as well, and he planned to make the most of them. Already he was starting to need a shit, and he certainly didn't plan on doing it in the toilet! He went back inside, lay on his bed and grew slowly hornier as the pressure in his bowels mounted. He was going to do it in his pants, he decided, and have the kind of long, messy session he could only ever have when his parents were away; the kind that had him sitting on the toilet lid, squirming around and moaning in ecstasy with his arse covered in shit. Presently he got up and made his preparations. Then his phone rang, and his heart pounded a little as he saw Connal's name on the display.

'Alright mate,' said Connal. 'What are you up to? Was gonna come over cos I'm off work today, but Callum's working.'

'I'm just at home,' Liam replied innocently. 'Got the house to myself...'

'Cool! Are you ... have you been...?'

'Nope. Need one now, and I'm well horny. How about you?'

'Same! Shall we have some fun...?'

'Definitely! Come on over. I ... I was gonna do it in my pants, but...'

'Ooh, shall we do it together? I've only done it a couple of times on my own ... be so horny doing it with you.'

'Yes! Come on over!'

He gave Connal the address and rang off, and went back to lying on his bed, watching porn and fantasising about what was going to happen, and sniffing at his farts as the need to shit slowly got stronger. Half an hour later he heard a car pull up in the street outside, and went down to answer the door.

Connal was even hotter than Liam remembered. He smiled pleasantly as he walked up to the front door, and no sooner had Liam shut it behind them than he grinned slyly and farted.

'Been holding that in,' he said softly. 'Thought you'd like to smell it!'

'Mmm, yeah, so nice! You really need to go...?'

'Big time mate. I've not sat on the bog since yesterday morning, and I'm gonna do a proper toilet-blocker. I've got some nice tight trunks on too!'

They sat down in the living room, talking about pants-shitting. Connal pawed at his cock through his jeans as Liam described some of his messiest sessions, and again when Liam got out his laptop and showed him some pictures.

'You do really big ones too!' he said approvingly, as he flicked past a picture of Liam's turds in the toilet. 'I bet your shit smells good. Love your messy arse pics too! I wanna get like that, and ... oh man, I really need to go soon!'

He winced, clenched his arse and squirmed a little, and then their eyes met. As if propelled by some sort of invisible force they both began to strip, peeling off their clothes until they stood in Liam's bedroom in just their pants, huge erections fighting to get out. Connal let go another little fart, and Liam sniffed eagerly as his dirty little smell hung around them.

'Gonna do it...? Go on, do it now...'

Connal hesitated for a few seconds, squirming a little in his discomfort. Then he turned away from Liam and bent forward a little, stretching his tight, striped trunks over his peachy arse. He bent his legs a bit and put his hands on his knees. For a space more he held it, jigging slightly from foot to foot and breathing hard, and then he gave a gasp, tailing off into a sigh as he bowed his head and gave in. He farted again, a soft crackle came from his arse, and then then he pushed out a thick, firm turd that tented out the back of his pants, curled to the right and collapsed into a big bulge which swelled up further as he gave another grunting push.

'Oh that feels so nice!' he gasped. 'It's filling up ... oh yeah!'

Liam sniffed deeply and sighed as the smell hit him, not all that strong but rich and fresh and dizzyingly erotic. He stroked his hard-on through his pants as Connal grunted and pushed out another hefty turd that made his bulge grow to the right, bucked his hips a bit and straightened up.


'Nearly. You go now though. I can wait...'

Liam's heart pounded as he turned away and knelt on his bed. As he did so his full bowels gave a spasm that was actually painful, and as it passed he realised he was turtle's-heading. He gasped aloud with relief as he eased himself, and his big shit surged out, packed his crack and bulged out his pants. He pushed a little as it began to slow down, and his mouth fell open in shocked ecstasy as he let go another huge load that spread hot and slimy across his bottom and forward towards his balls.

'Fuck...' breathed Connal behind him. 'Fucking hell that's so hot, you shitting yourself like that. Oh it really smells too ... phew, that smells so fucking nice!'

Connal came up behind him and pulled out the back of his pants, just as he farted wetly into what he'd done, his filthy hole opened once more and he filled his crack and plastered his bottom with a load of mushy shit. Connal knelt next to him, saying softly that he needed to finish too, and Liam watched his face intently and listened to the sounds from behind as Connal began grunting and straining slightly, and then came the soft squelching sound of him adding to his pile. Connal's mouth fell open in a gasp of pleasure and relief as the filthy sound died away. Then he did the same, loving the sense of intimacy as they knelt side by side, finishing their shits with the stink hanging around them like gas.

'Oh...' sighed Connal, giving one last strain. 'Oh I'm done.'

'Yeah ... so'm I.'

They stood up and looked at one another, wide-eyed, stroking their erections through their pants, wiggling their arses to feel their shit pushing about on their skin. Then Connal straightened up, breathing hard with a splash of pre-cum starting to soak through at the head of his cock.

'This is so fucking hot,' he breathed. 'Makes me so hard ... I can't believe how good it feels ... oh! Oh God I gotta shit some more!'

He turned away from Liam, bent his knees and stuck his arse out. Then his mouth fell open and he gasped and whimpered as he farted into his shit and pushed out another couple of squelchy turds. He turned around again, his face intense, wiggling his bum and moaning softly in his ecstasy.

'Let me see it,' whispered Liam. 'Turn around, let me have a look...'

Connal's load had pushed his trunks out into a great lumpy mound. It was firm to the touch, with just a little give, like plasticine. Then Liam pulled out his waistband. His shit was that beautiful chocolatey colour again; a great cracked, glistening block of it, with a ragged cone on top pointing back into his arse. His cheeks were well smeared with it, and the smell came up at Liam all the more strongly. He sniffed deeply.

'Mmm! Mm! Phew, your shit smells so fucking good!'

Connal whimpered in reply, and Liam let his waistband go and began to fondle his bulge again, pushing it lightly to and fro. Connal's mouth fell open once more and he moaned constantly as Liam played with his shit, and begged him to keep on doing it.

'Have you ever sat in it?' he asked softly.

'No ... oh! Oh God, stop or I'll cum! No ... no I've not ... oh yeah let's go sit in it ... wanna sit in my shit...'

Liam led him through to the bathroom, his head spinning and his dick so hard it hurt. There he reached for the poppers bottle on the windowsill, and as his head rushed madly the stink of both their shit assaulted his senses all the harder.

'You first,' breathed Connal. 'Go on ... sit down. Show me what it's like...'

He stood and watched and stroked his big cock as Liam put down the toilet lid, turned around and lowered himself into his pile. Hot, slimy, lumpy shit squashed across his bottom and up between his legs, tickling his balls and making him gasp and groan. As he rocked to and fro he began to edge, clenched up and sat still to stop himself cumming and looked around to Connal.

'Fuck... Fuck that's so nasty! Your arse is covered....'

'Yeah! Feels so fucking nice.' He stood up and stuck his brown bottom out. 'Now, your turn...'

Connal was breathing hard and trembling all over, and his hand was sweaty as Liam took it and pulled him over towards the toilet. He lowered himself down slowly, Liam watching intently as his pants tightened around his cheeks, pushing that great brown block more firmly against his skin. He stopped as it almost touched the toilet lid, all stained from where Liam had sat, looked up and swallowed nervously.

'Sit in it. Go on ... sit down in your big dirty shit.'

Connal hesitated for just a second, took a deep breath and sat down.

'Oh! Fuck! Fuck!' he cried out. 'Oh my ... oh ... oh ... ugh ... oh I'm gonna cum ... gonna cum!'

'No, hold it...'

But he couldn't. Overwhelmed by the sensation as he sat in his own turds, Connal cried out again and shot his cum all over the floor. As he sat and regained his composure Liam wanked off too, then hauled him upright and shot all over his sticky brown arse.

'Fucking hell, that was mad!' Connal said later, when they'd cleaned up, opened the windows to disperse the thick smell, and settled down on the sofa with a beer. 'Sorry I came so quick ... couldn't stop myself! Awesome feeling!'

'Isn't it! I always used to cum straight away too, when I first did it. Wanna do it again sometime...?'

'Fuck yes!'

Connal ended up staying over. They didn't really mean it to happen, but after another couple of beers he'd had too much to drink to drive home, and instead they ordered a takeaway curry, had a few drinks and got to know one another better. Connal was gorgeous, Liam noticed once again as he came back into the room after nipping for a piss; gorgeous, and starting to flirt with him too. What they'd done together earlier was almost forgotten now, and what was going to happen now was becoming obvious. Then Connal leaned in close and kissed him, tentatively at first but then deeper and harder; ran a hand down his back and began to fondle his arse, and Liam put a hand on his thigh, slid it up and began wanking him through his jeans. Then they were tumbling upstairs and into Liam's bedroom, tearing one another's clothes off. Liam dropped to his knees, pulled down Connal's pants, and took his gorgeous cock in his mouth. He sucked greedily, until Connal was sighing deeply and his mouth was full of the taste of pre-cum. All of a sudden he felt empty inside; that gay man's desire for a cock deep inside him. He drew back and looked up, straight into Connal's intense face, and his heart pounded.

Then he was on the bed, face down and moaning aloud as Connal licked and kissed down his back and nuzzled his way in between his cheeks, rimmed him long and deep and hard, thrust a finger up his yearning arse, and then two. Liam squirmed and whimpered as they hit his G-spot.

'Fuck me,' he moaned.

'Yeah,' said Connal. 'Ooh, you got a nice tight arse. Got a condom?'

'Yeah ... in the drawer.'

Liam put the condom on for him, kissing and licking his big cock as he did it, then lay down again, legs open and arse in the air. Connal daubed some lube on him, licked his way up his back, and whispered in his ear how he was gonna fuck his arse til he howled. His cock pressed hard against Liam's hole, and then he squeaked as he forced it in. It hurt, and it felt wonderful, making him squirm delightedly as it came deeper and deeper into him. He thrust his arse back as far as he could to drive it in further, until he was fully impaled, and then gasped as Connal drew back slowly and thrust forward again. He fucked him soundly, alternating long, sensual thrusts with a hard pounding that drew squeals of ecstatic pain from him as Connal bit into his neck and thrust his tongue in his ear, and grunted that he was going to cum soon. He threw back his head and let the whole world know his pleasure as he exploded and shot all over his bed, and Connal roared aloud and came deep inside him.

He was working early the next day, and his alarm went off well before 5am. Connal turned over sleepily as he got back from the shower.

'You gotta go?' he said regretfully. 'Guess I'd best get up...'

'You don't have to. Wanna stay here? I'm finishing at 2...'

'Er ... do you mind?'

'Nah, it's fine. Stay here, and ... well, we can have some fun when I get back, can't we?'

'Mmm, yeah! Er ... I wanna have another dump in my pants ... if you've an old pair I can use?'

'I'll have some somewhere. Anyway, I'd best go. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to something to eat ... and make sure you hold it in til I get back!'

As he walked across the still-sleeping town to work he grew hard in his pants as he imagined what they'd do later. He'd shit himself again, he thought happily. Connal would love watching him do it, and he was really into the sensation at the moment. He could just imagine it now; the hot turds spreading exquisitely across his bottom and the smell rising up around him as Connal watched and wanked. As for Connal's shit, there was just one thing he wanted. In his mind's eye he lay on his back, mouth taped up, with that gorgeous lad squatting across him. That gave him such an erection that walking became uncomfortable, and he made himself think of something else until he got to work.

He realised just before lunch that he wasn't going to make it to the end of his shift. The need to shit had begun to creep up on him that morning, much earlier than usual. Maybe it was his slight hangover – which did sometimes make him need to go in the morning – or maybe it had something to do with being fucked so hard the night before. He could still feel what Connal had done to him. Either way, by late morning he was clenching, and when he couldn't help letting out a ripe little fart other guys on the production line looked around crossly for the source of the smell. He cursed inwardly and tried to ignore the pressure inside him, if only to fight down the hard-on that was starting to make itself felt again. Then the need to empty his heavy, uncomfortable bowels kicked up even further, and he realised he was nearly touching cloth. He gave in and went to the toilet.

As he got there he spotted George going in. George was another student who worked there in his holidays, and Liam had always fancied him a bit. He had a very sweet, oval face, with bright eyes and quite prominent lips. His body wasn't all that special, Liam had noticed, but he did have a lovely round arse that he showed off beautifully as he worked. They'd chatted in the canteen on many a break and even mentioned the idea of going out for a drink together, though it had never happened. He was one of those guys with whom it was difficult to be sure, but Liam suspected he might be gay. Now he looked as if he was in a bit of a hurry, and Liam's dick stirred a little at the thought he might be going for a shit. Sure enough, the right-hand cubicle door was just shutting as Liam went into the toilets. The left one had an 'out of order' sign on the door, so, far from unwillingly, he went into the middle one and locked the door. He could see George's boots under the partition. He was standing facing the toilet, pulling bog roll from the holder and putting it on the seat, evidently one of those guys who has hang-ups about using public toilets. The thought that he might be shy about shitting turned Liam on a bit more as he dropped his pants and sat down. He couldn't help grunting with relief as his own shit began to move.

'Plop! Plop! Plop!'

He got a wet bottom as his thick turds hit the water. His smell was pretty ripe that day too, and he sniffed discreetly at it as he sat. Then George turned around and pulled down his pants, and he pricked his ears up to listen to the action. They were alone in the toilets. George breathed out; a long contented sound, almost as if he were sighing with relief. Through the silence came a faint, slimy crackle that paused for a second, then came again.


It sounded like a hefty log being lowered gently gently into the water, as if George had done a long one that didn't have far to fall. Liam's dick stiffened. He hadn't finished his own dump, but he was determined to listen to everything handsome George did, and to go in and smell it when he was done. Next to him George farted softly. As another lump turd began to slide from his own hole he leaned towards the wall, listening intently.

'Ploop ... ploop ... plop, plop.'

George began pissing, and over the sound of it splashing into the bowl Liam heard him exhale once more and drop another one. He was fully hard now, imagining cute George sitting there with his trousers round his legs, all coy and embarrassed about having to shit with someone in the next cubicle. Another soft plop and a faint sigh came through the wall. Then the toilet roll holder rattled. Liam could have sat longer and normally he would have done, but he didn't want to miss this. He looked down under the partition and watched George's boots swing back as he shuffled forward and began to wipe his cute bottom sitting down, and then reached for the paper. He listened as he wiped, clocking the fact that George only used a few sheets, which suggested a pretty solid shit. Hoping it smelled good all the same, Liam spun his wipe out whilst George flushed and went to wash his hands. He was ready with his pants up as the door banged, and quickly he flushed his own turds away and dived into George's cubicle.

He held his breath at first, as he reached out and put his hand on the seat that was still warm. There were skidmarks on the bottom of the bowl too; a couple of thin, ragged, dark-brown streaks. Then he breathed out and took a deep sniff. Mmm! George's smell was glorious; not strong, but very dense and pungent, and so dirty. Visions of that cute lad taking a shit on his face whirled through Liam's mind and he pawed at his cock through his trousers. Then came the sound of the door opening as someone came in for a piss. It jolted him back to reality, and the likelihood that the chargehand would give him a bollocking if he stayed here too long. He took one more quiet sniff to fix the aroma in his mind, and went back to work. He had a semi for the rest of the shift, both at the memory of what he'd just seen and heard and smelled, and the prospect of what was to happen when he got home. He'd texted Connal and admitted he'd had to go. That was okay, Connal had texted back: he hadn't, and he was as horny as hell. He was still in bed, nursing a hard-on and fantasising about what they were going to do. Liam fizzed with anticipation, watching as the clock on the wall drew slowly, oh so slowly, nearer to the end of his shift.

A few hours later he was back in the bathroom at home, kneeling naked on the floor, his cock twitching and bouncing excitedly. Connal stood before him, bending over with his arse sticking out. As he bent forward a bit further Liam leant in until his nose was right between Connal's bubbly cheeks, almost touching his pink hole. Connal farted, long and loud, and Liam whimpered as the hot gas blasted into his face and the smell roared up his nostrils.

'Phew,' breathed Connal. 'yeah ... ooh that stinks! Here comes another one...'

Connal was always gassy when he had a hangover, he'd said, and the beans on toast he'd helped himself to whilst Liam was at work had made it worse; or rather better. His farts were fantastic; long and resonant and much smellier than Liam had ever known him be before. He was in heaven as he buried his face in Connal's gorgeous arse and let him fart in his face time and time again.

'Gonna need a shit soon,' said Connal softly. 'I can feel it...'

'Oh,' moaned Liam. 'Do it on my face ... please ... oh fuck your farts smell so fucking good ... I want your shit ... give me your shit!'

'Yeah, I'll do that. I'll shit on you.' He farted again. 'Cor, smell that!'

Connal's farts grew even smellier as his chute filled up. Liam was edging constantly and his dick dribbled pre-cum on the floor as Connal's hole flared out once more with a low, hissing fart, and then a pointed, glistening brown tip peeped out.

'Oh God...' he whimpered. 'Mmm ... I wanna be your toilet...'

'Yeah!' breathed Connal, clenching his hole again so the turd receded. 'Oh ... oh I need a shit. Gonna be a big one.'

He stood up straight and twisted round to look at Liam.

'I need a shit,' he said again. 'A big fucking stinky shit. You ready?'

Liam stood up, realising as he did that he was shaking with excitement. Without a word he picked up his goggles and put them on, climbed into the bath and lay down. Connal stepped over, turned around and lowered himself down, until his hairy thighs were on the side of the bath and that perfect, shaved arse of his was right over Liam's waiting face. He sat there for a long time, listening to Liam's hoarse breathing, making him wait for his shit. Then he bowed his head and grunted, and Liam's heart felt as if it would burst through his chest.

'Here we go,' he breathed. 'I'm gonna shit. Oh ... oh yeah!'

He farted again as his hole puckered open. The smell reached Liam and set him off whimpering, just as Connal's turtle's head reappeared. It stayed there for a few seconds as Connal held back one last time, then grew thicker his hole began puckered out, until he had a rounded lump jutting from him. It was a much redder brown than normal, glistening greasily where the light caught it. Then it twitched as Connal grunted again, and began to grow a thick, smooth tail. The filthy crackling and little puffs of gas assailed Liam's ears as he watched it come nearer. Then suddenly it broke and hit him in the face with a squelchy thud, toppled over and landed across his mouth and nose and cheek. He moaned, and his dick bounced and dribbled on his tummy. Above him Connal was still shitting, sighing with pleasure and relief, and the obscene broken end of the turd coming from his flaring arse was rapidly getting nearer. It pulled slowly apart with a filthy, sticky sound, and another fat log dropped onto Liam, almost immediately followed by another as Connal pinched his hole shut.

'Oh,' moaned Liam, through tight-closed lips.

Liam had been shat on many times, but this was the dirtiest and nastiest yet. Connal's curry shit was dense and hot and sticky. His nose was almost blocked and the intense smell was making him gag. His cock was dribbling constantly and he clenched up to stop himself cumming.

'Phew,' breathed Connal somewhere above him. 'This fucking stinks. You okay? Yeah? I still need to shit. Ooh ... oh I'm gonna do another one...'

Liam took a deep breath and held it. Connal's brown, sticky hole puffed gas as it flared, and then he was shitting again; a thick brown lava flow from deep in his bowels that dropped lump after lump on Liam. He almost came as the first one landed, just managed to stop himself, and lay moaning as the mushy blows hit him, covered his face, blinded him, and rolled down his cheeks. Faster and faster they came as Connal emptied out, until suddenly the last one left him with a loud wet fart. Liam's head was spinning. He couldn't breathe. He was completely helpless. His face and neck were covered in shit and his cock was twitching and bouncing and dribbling pre-cum. Then Connal blasted out another wet fart and splattered him with gooey shit, and that was it. He came so hard his spunk spattered across the end of the bath behind his head.

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Next: Chapter 20

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