
By Namab Mas

Published on Jun 11, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty

Liam got home from work a couple of days later horny and desperate for the toilet. He'd started to need a shit just after lunch. He was horny already, and when he went into the toilets he'd found Callum just emerging from a cubicle. They exchanged knowing looks as he went in there for a piss, sniffing discreetly – there were other guys about – at the harsh smell. He wished Callum wasn't so exclusively a bottom, for he'd have given a great deal to take one of his big dumps in the face, but there was no help for it. He said quietly to Callum outside that he was starting to need a shit and asked if he fancied coming back with him, but Callum was driving his mum, who was ill, to the doctor after work and couldn't make it. He went back to work fantasising about what he might do alone instead, enjoying the mounting pressure in his bowels. By the time he finished his shift he needed a shit badly, and he briefly considered going to the toilet. But no, he wanted to have some fun, and he set off home with the vision of doing it in his pants and sitting in it in his mind.

He walked quickly, clenching his bottom, letting out little farts as he went. By the time he reached the town centre he was starting to turtle's-head, and again he considered finding a toilet. But what if he just did it? Dare he just let it all go in his pants in public? He was wearing old pants he didn't mind ruining, after all, and shitting himself in the street would feel deliciously naughty. He wouldn't do it in town, he thought, but he might in his own street, where he didn't have far to walk. A few minutes later he got there, heart pounding in excitement as he psyched himself up to shit himself there and then. He stopped, breathing hard, and stuck his bottom out discreetly. Then he saw someone coming towards him. It was the elderly lady who lived a few doors up the street, and no way was he going to do it with her about. Worse, she was bound to want to stop for a chat. Sure enough, she kept him talking for a few minutes, asking about how his degree was going and whether he'd met a nice girl yet, as he squirmed and clenched and tried to hide his desperation, and the bulge in the front of his jeans.

Finally he could excuse himself, and he nearly ran the last couple of hundred yards to his front door. He was on the verge of losing control as he fumbled in his pocket for the key, and as he unlocked the door his bowels lurched uncontrollably. He was touching cloth, and he could feel the sticky lumpiness of a turd between his cheeks as he slammed the door behind him and locked it. Gasping with relief he tore his trousers down, stuck his bottom out and let go. His shit was thick and firm, and it packed his crack and bulged out his pants in one long rush.

'Oh fuck ... oh that's better,' he sighed as it ended.

He sniffed at the smell, reached around behind him to feel the firm, lumpy mound he'd done, then stuck his arse out once more and pushed out the rest of his load. His turds were hot and slimy against his bum as he bent to unlace his boots, and they pushed about pleasurably as he stepped out of his trousers and pulled off his T-shirt. Naked aside from his pants, he made his way upstairs, admired his big load in the mirror, took a few photos on his phone, and wiggled his arse again to enjoy the sensation.

The urge to sit in it hit him then. He scuttled into the bathroom, put down the toilet lid and reached for the poppers. Head rushing, he turned around and sat down hard. Moaning, he rocked to and fro and wriggled around, covering his bottom and revelling in the hot mass tickling his most sensitive parts. He fumbled his dribbling cock out of his pants, took another hit of poppers and relaxed. Just at that moment his phone bleeped loudly, and when he picked it up he saw his old mate Ed's name on the display.

Hi mate. What u up 2 later? Fancy house party 2nite? Got some treats in... ;-)

He wasn't working the following day, he thought vaguely through his spinning head. Besides, a messy night with his old mates sounded fun. He texted Ed back to say he was up for it, put the phone down, and reached again for the poppers. He sat there for a long time, bouncing and wriggling and rocking until shit was squashing out of his waistband and legs and his bottom was plastered in it, and when he came he shot right across the room.

Late that evening Ed turned to him and grinned, his eyes wide and his pupils like black pools. It was a warm night and they were sitting in the garden of a big house on the far side of town, smoking and chatting and looking out over the shadowy fields beyond. Groups of lads and lasses were sitting all around in the garden, smoking and talking. Inside, someone was playing some brilliant tunes on the decks in the living room to a crowd of dancing people, and he was moving in his seat in time with the music.

'Brilliant party, innit,' Ed said. 'Glad you came? It's good to see you again mate – seems like ages!'

'Yeah,' smiled Liam happily. 'It's brilliant. Lovely place too. Whose is it?'

'Oh, it's that lad over there ... see him? I've only met him a few times, but he's sound enough. He's mates with Jo, my ex-girlfriend.'

'Oh ... I didn't know you'd split up.'

'Yeah, a few weeks ago. Just wasn't working. Never mind ... onwards and upwards and all that. Anyway...' he dropped his voice. 'Fancy a bit more Mandy?'

'Er ... yeah.' Liam fingered the wrap of MDMA in his pocket. 'Yeah, let's, and then we'll have a dance.'

'Cool. Er ... too dark out here though. Let's go inside.'

They picked their way through the dancing figures in the living room and headed down the hallway to the kitchen. A young guy was sitting at the kitchen table, playing a guitar to a group of his mates. Taking the opportunity Liam picked up an empty glass, rinsed it out in the sink and got himself some water. He wasn't drinking: it'd just take the edge off his drugs. Ed shot him a look. For some reason Liam noticed then, and not for the first time, how handsome he was; tall and slim and dark, with a fine-boned face and such a knowing smile.

'Not here,' he said darkly. 'That lad over there ... he's been asking me if I've got any spare, and I ain't got enough to let him have some. Let's go to the bathroom and do it.'

The downstairs bathroom door was shut. They waited outside, chatting. A couple of girls joined them in the queue.

'Someone must be having a shit,' Ed commented to Liam. 'And I'm starting to need one too...'

Liam was too wired just then for that to register. They waited a few minutes more, and Ed started to look a bit uncomfortable. Eventually the toilet flushed and a couple of minutes later a young lad came out, slight and blonde and round-faced, and obviously very high. Ed and Liam looked at one another and went in. It smelled a bit; the faint but fresh aroma of that pretty boy's turds. Despite the drugs Liam was slightly turned on.

'Oh fucking hell,' Ed said suddenly, pulling his wrap from his pocket. 'I really need a shit.'

'What? Now?!'

'Yeah. It's just come on real sudden. It's the Mandy, always makes me need to go. I've got to ... er ... sorry mate, do you mind?'

'Nah, go on. Gimme the wrap and I'll do yours as well.'

'Yeah, okay. Take 'em both out of mine.'

Liam was glad to sit down on the edge of the bath, for he'd have a visible bulge in his jeans before long. Through his rushing head he couldn't believe his luck. He picked up a book from a shelf of toilet reading near the cistern, opened the wrap and started chopping lines with his bank card. Just a few feet away Ed undid his belt and pulled down his pants. His bottom was exquisite, Liam noticed; firm and full and smooth, in contrast to his hairy thighs. He sat down. Liam had always loved the sight of a guy on the toilet: there was something so sexy about a hot young man sitting with his trousers around his ankles, showing off the gorgeous curves of his legs and back and arse. It was so erotic and so taboo, and the fact that he was watching his sexiest straight mate doing it was horny beyond belief. Ed grunted, and over the muffled music Liam heard him fart softly. Then came the faint, slimy crackling sound...

'Plip ... plomp! ... ploop, ploop ... plop!'

Ed exhaled; a soft, relieved sound. His smell rolled out around the room. It was really strong; thick and rank and sultry, and it made Liam's cock twitch.

'Bloody hell man,' he said, feigning disgust. 'Ugh, that stinks!'

'Yeah ... sorry,' said Ed bashfully, starting to piss. 'Jesus, I really needed that.'

Liam reached in his pocket and pulled out a twenty pound note, rolled it up and bent to take his line. As he sniffed and the harsh powder tore at his nose Ed grunted again,and another solid-sounding turd hissed and crackled from his arse and plopped into the water below him. Liam looked up, his head starting to spin from what he'd just taken, and he gazed in awe at the sight of his hot mate having a shit. As he watched Ed pursed his lips and did another gassy little fart, and then a couple of soft ploops. The smell grew even more potent. Liam bent and sniffed again, then got up and took the book over to Ed, bending to hide his erection. He couldn't help noticing as Ed reached out to take it that he had a big, thick cock, sprouting from his dark pubes and hanging down into the bowl. Looking past it Liam could just about see his dark logs floating in the water below him. Then Ed bent and took his own line. Another little turd dropped from him as he straightened up.

'I'm done,' he said, handing the book back. 'Can you ... I gotta wipe.'

Liam dabbed the last of the powder from the cover, licked it from his finger and wrapped the rest back up. As he did so Ed tore off a few sheets of toilet roll and shuffled forwards on the seat. Liam watched surreptitiously as he hitched his shirt up, leaned forward, reached around behind him and rubbed gently at his hole. He looked round at the long dark stain on the paper as he brought it away. He tore off some more and did it again, and then again, slowly at first but then more vigorously as each pad came away cleaner. He was moving in time with the music as he did it, lost in his own little world as he wiped his bum. Eventually he stood up, showing off that meaty cock of his once more. He bent and pulled his pants back up, and then reached around behind him to press the button and flush his shit away.

'Sorry about that,' he grinned as he washed his hands. 'When you gotta go...'

Liam faced slightly away from him to disguise his hard-on, sniffing discreetly at Ed's heady stink, but he managed to sneak a quick look at the big, dark skidmarks he'd left as Ed went to open the door. Then they headed back out into the party, past the queue for the toilet Ed had just stunk up, and into the living room, where the music was louder and more intense than ever and a group of their mates were already dancing.

Later on he went to get another glass of water, then went for a piss. He was as high as a kite, all loved up and friendly, and he smiled and chatted with a few random people in the kitchen and in the hallway. The atmosphere was lovely, he thought. There was a queue for the toilet again, and he stood and chatted with a couple of girls whilst he waited, and then with the lad in front of him in the queue. He was about 18, Liam guessed; slim and athletic, with the most gorgeous smiley face and ecstasy-wide eyes.

'God,' he said impatiently. 'Wish those lasses who've gone in would hurry up. I really need a poo!'

'Yeah, pain there only being one bog,' Liam agreed. 'I'm busting for a piss! Er ... mind if I go first?'

'Oh mate, no,' said the lad, wiggling his hips in discomfort. 'I really am fucking desperate! Pills always do this to me. I'll be quick though, I promise.'

At that moment the two girls came out and the young lad scuttled in, looking relieved. Liam stood and waited, picturing the lad having a shit and listening intently. Over the music he heard him fart loudly, and then drop his load in a series of rapid-fire plops. Good as his word, the lad flushed the toilet and came out just a couple of minutes later.

'Sorry mate,' he said coyly. 'Stinks a bit in there!'

It really did, all thick and nasty, and there were big, light-brown streaks in the bowl. Liam sniffed eagerly at it as he pissed. He was tempted to help himself to another little bump of MDMA. But no, he thought; he'd had enough for now, and anyway, people were waiting. He flushed and left quickly.

'Hiya Liam!' said a familiar voice next to him as he edged his way through the crowd in the hallway.

He looked round, and there was Aston. He was wearing a white shirt that showed his body off beautifully. His eyes were wide – evidently he'd been on the drugs as well – and he was smiling pleasantly. He looked absolutely gorgeous.

'Hi Aston! Didn't know you'd be here!'

'No, I didn't either. I met the guy whose dad owns the place a couple of days ago and he invited me. You having a good night?'

'Yeah, really good. Not been out like this in ages. You...?'

They got talking, sitting down in the side room with a few other people passing joints round. Aston was such a nice guy, Liam thought vaguely at one point; so nice, and so handsome. It was hard to believe they'd only met twice before, and he smiled as he remembered what they'd done together a few weeks ago. He turned back to Aston, to see him looking at him closely.

'What's up...?' Aston asked, smiling knowingly.

'Oh, just thinking about ... well, y'know, what we did.'

'Heh, so was I. So good, wasn't it! We'll have to do it again sometime...'

'Yeah. Oh yeah ... I want it again, for sure, your shit...'

'Tonight? Wanna come back with me? Pills always make me need to shit, and I haven't yet. Not for a couple of days. Go on ... come back with me and we'll have some fun.'

Aston rolled another joint and they sat back, slightly apart from everyone else now. He began to talk again; pure filth about how he loved shit, and how he'd been planning to go home at the end of the night, curl out a huge pile in his bathroom and stuff his face into it. He was gonna get his face covered in shit, and eat til he was sick. He quietened down as Ed came over to say he was leaving and wish Liam good night ('You've pulled, ain't you, you crafty bugger! Wondered where you'd got to,' he said cheekily, little knowing what was going on), then pawed discreetly at himself through his pants as Liam related how he'd watched Ed sit on the toilet earlier.

'He's so sexy,' said Aston. 'I can just see his arse over my face, pushing it out into my mouth, and the smell and everything ... ooh yeah, I wanna eat shit tonight. Will you give me yours when you need to go? Bet your pill-shit would taste so fucking good...'

'If I need it, yeah, but I went this afternoon. Did a big turd in my pants and sat in it and got a messy arse. I really want your shit, though. Never done anything dirty on drugs before ... be so intense, you shitting on me when I'm buzzing like this. And ... I love being fucked on E. You can fuck my arse when I wanna go ... or when I'm done...'

The party was beginning to thin out, as people drifted off home, and couples who'd met that evening got up from where they'd been talking and kissing in corners and set off for their beds. One or two had got carried away, and from the bottom of the garden came the sound of a lad fucking a girl in the bushes. Then Liam felt it inside him. Finally the big meal he'd had before he came out had caught up with him, and he was starting to need a shit as well. He was as horny as he'd never been before, high as a kite, and the prospect of as filthy a session as he'd ever had was opening up before him. He and Aston took another little bump of MDMA together to fortify themselves for the walk, and set out into the night.

They walked quickly, tense and buzzing, both with hard-ons bulging out the front of their pants. Aston farted as they went, and they stopped to sniff at it in the still night air. Liam's cock pressed uncomfortably against his pants and his head spun. Suddenly he was craving Aston's shit like he'd never felt before. He wanted to see it and smell it and feel it, maybe even taste it, and he wanted to be fucked. The thought of Aston's cock inside him awed him almost as much as the thought of his shit.

Aston put some music on back at his house; really dark, dirty drum and bass. He rolled a joint and they took some more drugs. Then as they smoked together Aston reached out and touched him without a word, and before he knew it they were all over each other, tearing one another's clothes off until they were writhing naked on the sofa. Aston's fingers were in his crack doing wondrous things to his arsehole, and then he turned around and thrust that gorgeous arse of his right into Liam's face and farted on him. He did it again, long and loud and smelly. Then he needed to fart too, and he sat on Aston's face and let him rim him, and farted in his mouth. Aston was moaning loudly with desire, and the feeling of his tongue around Liam's hole made him do the same. The drugs and the sex and the smell of their farts and the growing urge to take a dump throbbed in his veins as he buckled forward and sucked Aston's cock. The exquisite pressure inside him became stronger.

'I need a shit,' he whispered. 'I wanna do it now ... want my shit?'

'Yeah ... oh yeah! Come on...'

The light in the bathroom was harsh and bright, in contrast to the blackness downstairs. Everything felt hard and clean and cool. Liam's turds pressed impatiently at his hole, now that he was in this place where it was natural to shit. Aston kissed him on the lips, tongued his way down his body and lay down on the floor, looking up at him with burning eyes. The only sound was their breathing as Liam knelt down with his full arse over Aston's face. He felt that warm, lapping tongue in his crack again.

'Feed me,' breathed Aston. 'Give me your shit.'

Liam loved shitting on pills. His heightened senses seemed to feel everything so intensely as his bowels relaxed and his shit slid down the chute, and its cracks and contours slid slowly through his hole. In that moment he could feel nothing except his own arse; Aston's lustful hoarse breaths hot and moist against it, and the wondrous pleasure of his shit starting to come out, and then the sound. He focused all of his energies on doing it slowly, spinning out the ecstasy for them both. Beneath him Aston gagged softly as his mouth filled with Liam's shit. The smell rose up around them.

He clenched up to stop the flow. Below him Aston was moaning and chewing, and his cock was going crazy, bouncing around without even being touched. The moment seemed to go on forever, before he began swallowing.

'Oh!' he gasped thickly. 'Oh this is mad ... fuck! Your shit's like nothing else ... oh Liam ... I gotta do mine too!'

'In my hands ... do it in my hands.'

Aston drew his legs back, until his knees were against Liam's body and his arse was sticking out. As he did so Liam curled out another turd, and listened to the sound of him chewing, retching, moaning, and fighting to swallow. He reached down and cupped his hands under Aston's arse, and whispered that he was ready. Below him Aston grunted, and moaned as he began doing a solid log. It touched Liam's hands almost at once, all hot and slimy, and began to curl around in his palms. The feeling of it was amazing. The smell was really strong too, all harsh and sharp and nasty, and it drove Liam mad. He sighed in lust and relief as he too began to shit again, and gave Aston another reeking, lumpy mouthful. Above the soft little farts and the crackle of shit coming out of both their sensitised, relieved arses came the sound of Aston chewing. The bulky, lumpy mass in Liam's hands grew larger and larger, until finally it tailed off. Liam lifted it slowly to his face, until he could feel its heat and the smell overpowered him.


In that moment Aston's shit was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. He studied it intently, awed by its size and its curls and cracks, and the seeds and bits embedded in it. As he did he pushed out more of his own, gasping in pleasure. Once more he lifted Aston's pile to his face, sniffing deeply, wanting to get closer to it than he ever had before, willing himself to push his face into it; taste it; bite into it; try and eat it. Slowly, oh so slowly, he opened his mouth, heart thumping as he faced up to the perverted urge now seizing him. Then Aston gagged and puked into his mouth, gurgling and groaning, turned his head to the side and spat.

'You okay?' breathed Liam.

'Yeah ... can't eat any more ... you done?'


'Do it on my face. Go on, finish now...'

The urge to eat Aston's shit faded away. Instead he sniffed deeply at it again and looked at it closely, mesmerised by its obscene beauty as he began to shit again, and Aston reached up and began to wank both of them. He was going to cum, he realised as he finished, and Aston was moaning and gasping underneath him. The stink of what they'd both done hung around them as they got off. Then suddenly Aston cried out and shot, and Liam held his shit down and spunked all over it.

'Oh fucking hell, that was fucking mad,' whispered Aston as Liam climbed off him.

They had a long shower together, getting affectionate with one another as they came down from the highs of drugs and perverted sex. When they were finally clean they went downstairs and smoked another joint together to finish the night, went to bed together and cuddled up as the morning's light played across their bodies.

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Next: Chapter 21

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