
By Namab Mas

Published on Aug 24, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Four

A week or so later found him unpacking his boxes and putting armfuls of books onto the shelves in his bedroom. In the bathroom next door he could clearly hear his mate Haydn taking a shower. As he finished the books and started filling the wardrobe with his trousers and shirts the splashing of the shower stopped, and when he listened carefully he could hear Haydn towelling himself down vigorously. Then there came a sharp 'clack' that sounded like a toilet seat being lifted. He stopped what he was doing and leaned nearer to the wall, through which he could hear Haydn pissing loud and clear. He'd got lucky, he mused, as the toilet flushed and he went back to unpacking the holdall with his clothes in.

He hadn't planned on moving in with friends. Until quite late in the last academic year he'd intended to stay in halls of residence, but then Haydn, who was doing the same course as him, had raised the subject over a coffee between lectures. He'd signed a contract on a house he'd chosen with their mutual friend Will, Will's girlfriend and Louis from the football team, he explained. But then Will and his girlfriend had gone through a difficult patch and decided that living together for the following year wasn't a good idea, so she'd stayed in halls, and the rest of them were left looking for a new housemate. At first Liam hadn't been keen on the idea: he liked living in halls, with lots of his friends around, his comfortable en-suite room and no housework to bother with. But when they'd shown him the house, newly refurbished and immaculate, and a fair bit cheaper than his halls, he'd softened a bit. After a bit more thought he'd concluded that living in a lads' house with his mates might be fun for his final year, and he'd gone for it.

Strangely, another advantage of living with three straight lads in a house with just one bathroom and toilet hadn't occurred to him until much later. Even when he'd sat with his dick hard in his pants as he watched Louis shitting behind the bush by the motorway the thought hadn't occurred to him. It was only in the summer that he'd started to contemplate the prospect of going into that bathroom just after Louis had sat on the toilet, and smelling again that deliciously nasty aroma that had wafted across to him on the motorway embankment. Then he'd started to wonder what Haydn's shit smelled like. Haydn was very handsome; a tall and solidly-built young man, but somehow slightly fragile-looking with his pale, smooth skin, his soft lips and thick, dark hair, and the faintly wary expression he often wore. Will was if anything even more handsome; very tall and thin and quite dark-complexioned, with deep brown eyes, messy hair that was nearing being black, and a friendly smile. Girls threw themselves at him, but he was too much of a gentleman to take advantage; of which Haydn was jealous, since despite his own good looks he had little luck with women. For his part, Liam had got hard as he imagined him sitting on the toilet. As he'd thought further on it, during those long days at the factory, he'd realised how lucky he was to have ended up in the smallest bedroom that had originally been earmarked for Will's girlfriend, at the back of the house between Will's room and the smart little bathroom. The house had clearly been remodelled inside to fit in another bedroom, and he suspected a lot of the internal walls were just plasterboard. Could it just be that he'd be able to sit at his desk, just on the other side of the wall from the toilet, or even lie in bed and listen to what his housemates did in the bathroom...?

He and Haydn had moved into the house a week before the other two were going to arrive, and before they'd been able to unpack their own things they'd had to make a trip to the supermarket for food, cleaning products, toilet paper and countless other bits and pieces they'd needed to set up home, keeping the receipt so they could demand their share of the costs from Louis and Will. Liam had given the bathroom wall a few discreet taps as he'd started unpacking his own things, and found that it was indeed plasterboard. And now that Haydn had had a shower and a piss he knew that he'd be able to hear pretty much everything that went on in the bathroom. He'd certainly be keeping that to himself! For a brief moment he wondered whether he might be able to fix up some sort of spyhole, or even a camera, before pushing such thoughts firmly away. That was just too risky, and anyway, although he was quite happy to watch other people's spy videos on the internet he couldn't bring himself to violate his mates' privacy quite that badly. He started a little as Haydn knocked on the door.

'Hi mate. I'm off in a bit,' he grinned, sticking his head around the door.

'Oh!' said Liam. 'Oh shit, I'd forgotten you were going back home again. So I'm here on my own, then?'

'Yeah, sorry mate. It's my little niece's birthday party tomorrow so I gotta be there. I'll be back tomorrow night. Dunno what time, but not before eight I don't think.'

'You off now?'

'In a bit, yeah. I'm booked on the 4.30 train. See ya tomorrow!'

Haydn went back to his room to pack his overnight bag and Liam began setting up his computer, kneeling under the desk as he sorted out all the cables. A few minutes later footsteps sounded on the landing, and the bathroom door closed. Liam stopped what he was doing and leaned right up to the wall as the toilet seat 'clacked' again, and there he heard the faint jingling of Haydn's belt, and his jeans being pulled down. He listened in silence.

Haydn farted sharply, and then, after a long wait, came his plops. They were heavy and loud and slow, and Liam grew hard as he pictured in his mind's eye the thick logs emerging from Haydn's sturdy arse. He began to wank slowly through his jeans as Haydn sat in silence for a long time – he was probably pissing, but he couldn't hear enough to tell – and then did a couple of squeaky little farts and a big 'plop-plop.' Over the next few minutes let go another few ploops, lighter and at longer intervals as he emptied his bowels completely. In the long silence that followed Liam thought he could hear wiping a couple of times, but it was probably his imagination. The flush of the toilet took him by surprise. Quickly he went back to his computer, willing his raging erection to subside.

'I'm off mate!' Haydn called as he walked by and clattered down the stairs. 'Seeya tomorrow!'

No sooner had the front door slammed behind him than Liam was in the bathroom. There was no fan and Haydn hadn't opened the window, and it stank. His shit smelled so fucking dirty; a thick, cloying reek that had Liam pawing at his pants all over again. Then he felt the warm seat and looked down on the big skidmarks and the screw of crumpled, stained paper Haydn had left in the pan. His shit was a lovely, chocolatey dark colour. So, Liam could clearly hear his mates having their shits, and Haydn's sounded and smelled better than he'd dared dream of! He tore his pants down and plonked himself on the toilet seat, dick in hand, wanking hard.

Then he stopped and forced himself to calm down. He had the house to himself, he thought, probably for the last time for two months. He knew that Olly was away with work and he doubted Toby would be about – although he'd text him and find out – but he hadn't been for a shit yet that day, and he hadn't done it in his pants for ages. The sheer naughtiness of doing it here in his student house was tantalising. He pulled his pants back up and went to make himself a coffee before he finished his unpacking.

As Liam expected, Toby wasn't back yet, but by the time his text arrived Liam was already lying back on his bed, sniffing at his own farts and holding in what felt like a huge load. Now that he knew what was happening he went and got the disinfectant and cloths and bin-liners he and Haydn had bought earlier, took up the bath mats, and took another long look at Haydn's skidmarks. Visions of handsome Haydn taking a dump whirled through his mind, and his own shit pressed urgently against his arsehole. His heart was racing and his dick was tenting out his jeans as he went back into his own room. The sense of unreality descended on him again as he stripped slowly to his pants, as if he was watching someone else do it. In the silence he turned around and knelt down on his bed.

For a minute or two longer he held it in, sweating and trembling all over, with his heart racing and his dick bouncing, and then he gave in. He moaned out loud as his shit forced his hole open, tensed himself up and knelt for a space longer, concentrating intently on the sensation of teetering on the brink like this. He was almost touching cloth, but he could still just about make it to the toilet if he wanted to. He didn't want to. Instead he relaxed again and abandoned himself to it. He shat himself very slowly, gasping and yelping with each little push he gave, and the hot, sticky shit that bulged out the back of his pants and spread all warm and gooey across his bottom and forward towards his balls. The filthy ecstasy of it seemed to go on forever, and he bucked his hips and wanked through his pants, and sniffed deeply at his own stink thickening the air around him.

When he was finally done he stood up slowly, trembling again, and reached around to feel the bulge he'd made. It was hot and lumpy and firm to the touch, and as he stood and wiggled his bum slowly it pushed about on his bottom and made his cock bounce again. He moved a bit harder to feel it all the more strongly, and half-squatted so the end of the fat, solid turd he'd done first tickled him behind his balls and made him gasp ecstatically. Suddenly there was only one thing he wanted to do. He grabbed his poppers from the bedside cabinet, took the few steps through to the bathroom, and sat in it.

Sometimes he lowered himself down slowly, spinning out the pleasure of squishing his turds across his bottom. Not this time: he put the toilet seat down, turned around and sat down firmly; a great big meaty squish that sent softer shit squashing across his bottom and made the lump between his legs hit his balls. His head went down and he moaned as he began to rock and wriggle, pushing his hot reeking shit all around in his pants. Pre-cum began to leak through the front, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered but the sensation of squirming about in his own turds, wriggling and rocking and edging, and...

'Oh! Oh fuckin' hell!'

Cum oozed through the front of his ruined pants as he sat and composed himself. He'd got carried away, he thought hazily: he didn't normally cum nearly so quickly, but sitting in it like that, for the first time in so long, had felt so good he couldn't stop himself. And now he needed to clean up, and unlike Haydn he'd open the window too!

That Friday evening found him in the kitchen, stirring a chilli he was cooking for Haydn and one of his friends, a guy called George whom Liam didn't know, who was staying over that night before moving into his place over the weekend. He was slightly put out that Haydn had left him to cook for the three of them whilst he went to meet George in the pub, but he didn't mind too much: he was quite a good cook when he put his mind to it whereas Haydn could hardly manage beans on toast, and anyway, it was cheaper and healthier than getting a takeaway. He turned the heat down quickly as his phone rang, with Olly's name flashing up on the screen.

'Hi Liam, how you doing?' Olly greeted him. 'You back now?'

'Yeah, I got back here on Tuesday. I'm good; just waiting for term to start.'

'You free tomorrow...? we could go for a beer, and maybe, well, y'know...'

'Oh yes,' chuckled Liam. 'Yeah I think I am about. Most of the lads aren't coming back til Sunday, I don't think. Say 3ish?'

'Cool. See you there.'

He'd not long put the phone down and gone back to his cooking when Haydn and George turned up, and he started in surprise when George walked in. It was the lad he'd seen in the toilets in the lecture theatres and the student union last year; the gorgeous, clean-cut one with the oval face and neat brown hair. He was a really nice, pleasant guy too, Liam realised, as they sat down with a beer. It was just a shame he'd mentioned his girlfriend back home! The chilli was good, and then they moved through into the other room for a few drinks and a movie. Liam was pleasantly tipsy by the time he went to bed, leaving the other two up talking. He was in a good mood: it had been a nice evening, and he had seeing Olly to look forward to the next day.

He was in his room the next morning when George went into the bathroom. It had to be him, since Liam had seen Haydn in the kitchen only a few minutes before, and he certainly hadn't come back upstairs since. He remembered vividly how he'd listened to George shitting before, and those solid plops he'd done. Glancing over to check the door was shut he stood up and sidled right up to the wall, just in time to hear the sound of the toilet seat being put down. Just a couple of feet away from him behind the thin plasterboard George pulled down his pants and sat down on the toilet. His shit didn't sound so solid this time: it dropped from him in a quick series of plops, a wet little fart, and then after a few seconds' pregnant silence another couple of farts and soft splashes. He came out a few minutes later, and headed downstairs. Liam couldn't help himself. George had opened the window when he washed his hands and the smell was dissipating fast. It was still there, though; that same fresh, gently sexy aroma, but this time with a harsher, nastier edge to it; the smell of a hot guy's hangover shit. His dick was stirring a bit as he went back to his room, both at what he'd just experienced and the memory that suddenly came to him of that other hot lad called George taking a dump in the factory toilets, which all of a sudden seemed ages ago. Then his phone bleeped.

He'd missed Olly over the summer, he realised as they sat in the beer garden of a local pub that afternoon, nursing a pint and catching up with each other's news. He'd forgotten how fit he was too, and how well their dirty minds sparked off each other. Olly had got turned on as Liam related some of what happened over the summer: now it was Liam's turn to feel his cock getting hard as Olly told him about the guy he'd met up with a few times.

'His name's Aaron,' Olly grinned, 'He's quite chavvy, but he's really a sound guy. He's got such a nice body too; really hot, muscly arse!'

He showed Liam a photo on his phone. Aaron was tall and slim. His tight T-shirt showed off muscular arms and a nice chest and abs, and his shorts emphasised his shapely legs and showed off his package. His face was thin and fine-boned, with almost-black hair cut short. He was clutching a can of Coke and blowing out smoke from the cigarette in his other hand, smirking cockily at the camera. Olly leaned in a bit closer.

'He does really nice shits too,' he said quietly. 'You should have seen how excited he got doing it in front of me! He's one of these guys who had hang-ups about shitting that ended up turning into a fetish, you know? Like, he couldn't bear anyone knowing he was doing it; couldn't go for a shit anywhere except at home and all that, and when he really had to he was one of those who puts bog roll down the toilet to hide the plops. But he was obsessed with other guys doing it. Even now he gets some kind of buzz just from doing it just in a public loo!'

'What, so you got him to shit for you?!'

'Yeah. Well, not at first. He'd put an ad out on Craigslist saying he wanted to watch a guy shit, so I did it for him first. It was kind of make or break for him, he said. He'd been fantasising about watching a guy shit for so long, but he didn't know whether he'd find doing it for real a turn-on, or if it'd put him off for life.'


'He came all over my arse while I was doing it. Couldn't stop himself! Anyhow, he watched me shit a couple more times after that. He's like you: his dick jerks about when he's watching, and he cums without touching himself. I made him kneel with his hands behind his back and he still came all over my shit before I'd finished. Then I managed to talk him into doing it for me, just last week. He was really nervous about it, but when he saw how much I was loving it he got hard and came, while he was still doing it!'

'Cor! And he did a good one too, you said...'

'Oh yes. Man, you wouldn't believe how nice it is. He does such nice logs, and the smell... Mm!'

'I wanna see him! Reckon he'd do it for both of us?'

'I've already asked him! And yes, he will. He's really good at controlling when he shits too, he says, so he should be able to do whenever. I reckon he might want to go a bit further too. He's hinted at having scat fantasies. Not said what, really, but I think he's quite bottom in other ways, so...' Olly grinned, shuffled in his chair and farted softly. 'Anyhow, have you been for a shit today?'

'Yeah,' said Liam regretfully, heart pounding a little. 'I had to go this morning. Big hangover shit. But ... do you need to?!'

'Yeah. Wanna come back to mine?!'

Liam came half an hour later; one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had. He remembered everything about Olly's place from before the summer so clearly that it was as if he'd never been away. He remembered how Olly did his shits too; the rippling of his slim pink ring around the cracks and lumps of his turds; the beautiful light-brown, chestnut colour of his shit; the sound of his little gassy farts. Yet he'd forgotten just how good Olly's shits were, and how wonderful it was to be his toilet. His heart was racing and his dick was bouncing as Olly squatted across him, giving him the toilet's view up his smooth arse and wrinkled little hole. He almost came as Olly grunted and sighed above him and started growing a thick, slimy tail, and he found himself whimpering aloud as its knobbly end touched down on his taped mouth and it began to curl back towards his nose. The thick smell gassed him and set him reeling, realising all over again just how madly exciting Olly's stink was. He lay helpless and moaning as Olly grunted, pushed a little and curled out more. It was heavy and hot and sticky, covering his nose and mouth and coming back towards his goggles. In the pause between turds, as Olly pissed on his tummy and puckered his hole in and out, he teetered on the brink of cumming. Then Olly farted on him and began to shit again. He curled out a big, slimy, gassy stream of turds that blinded him as it covered his eyes and buried him under a reeking, filthy pile. He moaned loudly, his dick bounced uncontrollably, and before Olly had even finished he shot all over his tummy and chest.

He met Aaron that weekend. Olly called him early that Saturday afternoon, when he was out shopping with Haydn. His phone rang just as they were standing in the queue for the supermarket checkout.

'Aaron's coming over,' he said. 'He's gonna take a shit for me. Wanna come and watch? I told him you might, and he wants to meet you!'

'Er ... yeah,' said Liam quietly, aware of his mate next to him. 'When?'

'Soon as you can. He's got a couple of things to do then he's coming straight round. He's getting desperate, he said.'

'Oh shit, I'm out shopping. Er ... I can be there in three quarters of an hour or so?'

'Er ... yeah, okay. Have you been...?'

'Nah, not yet. Look, I've gotta go. I'll text when I'm on my way. See ya later'

'What's up?' asked Haydn.

'Oh ... just a bloke I'm meeting later,' lied Liam awkwardly.

'For a shag,' laughed Haydn.

'Er ... yeah,' admitted Liam, feeling his face going red as he said it.

Thankfully at that moment they reached the front of the queue. Little did Haydn know, mused Liam as they packed their bags. On the walk home he fended off questions about who it was and what he was up to, uneasily conscious that he wasn't a good liar and it was probably all too obvious he wasn't being completely honest about what was going on. As soon as they got home he dumped his shopping and went straight back out. Olly had texted just a few minutes before telling him to hurry up, because Aaron was there and desperate to go. Liam walked quickly, realising as he hastened along the main road that he too was starting to need a shit. He left a couple of ripe little farts behind him in the afternoon air as he went. His heart raced as he rang Olly's door buzzer.

He fancied Aaron as soon as he saw him, looking gloriously toned and cocky and sexy as he sat on the sofa. He looked a bit uncomfortable as he stood up to shake Liam's hand, eyeing him coolly as he did. His grip was firm and manly. Then he winced as he sat back down.

'Fuck me,' he said, squirming a little. 'I really need a shit!'

'Wanna go now?' asked Olly.

'Er ... yeah.' He turned to Liam. 'You wanna watch too then? Olly's told me a bit about you an' what you like...'

'Yes, I'd love to. And ... well, I need to go too.'

'Ooh!' Aaron's eyes widened, and he looked Liam up and down. 'Love to see you shit! You desperate?'

'Nah, not yet. I can wait. Go on, you go...'

Aaron got up and peeled off his T-shirt, saying he liked to shit naked. His body was gorgeous, with nice, slightly prominent chest muscles and a cute fuzz of dark hair between his nipples. Then he pulled down his shorts. His cock was big and thick and tube-like, semi-hard as it bounced free of his pants and then swelling up fast until it stood up proudly. Then he turned around to show off a beautiful, smooth, well-defined arse. Liam noticed he was trembling slightly, and breathing hard as Olly put a plastic bag down on the floor and a toilet roll next to it.

'Go on,' said Olly softly. 'Take a shit for us now...'

Aaron hesitated, biting his lip nervously, and for a second Liam thought he was about to back out. Then he steeled himself, stepped forward and squatted. Hearts thumping and cocks well hard, Olly knelt down behind to watch, and Liam joined him. He stared intently at Aaron's hole, all tight and pinched up as he held in his shit, thinly fringed with wiry black hairs.

'I gotta shit,' he said in a hoarse whisper, twisting round to look at them. 'Ready...?'

'Yeah!' breathed Liam. 'Go on, take a shit...'

Aaron looked ahead of him again, tearing his eyes away as if he were ashamed he was about to take a dump right in front of Liam and Olly, as they watched and sniffed and listened and wanked. There was a second's total silence. Then he bowed his head slightly and grunted. His hole puckered slightly out, hairs parting around it; clenched up, and then began to push open. He gave a third soft, manly grunt as it opened wider still, and then a little sigh of relief. Then Liam saw his shit, as the little tip of a turd peeped out. He grunted again, and it nosed out a little further, pushing hairs aside. It was a dull, dark brown, all hard and knobbly, and as he strained a couple of little round lumps fell away and dropped onto the floor, like little rabbit droppings. He grunted and pushed and a few more lumps dropped from it, and then a larger one. He paused, breathing hard, with a plug of shit still in his flaring hole.


'Bit ... yeah.'

He strained again and a thick, lumpy inch pushed out of him, dropping another couple of brown marbles. Then another manly grunt tailed off into a low sigh as his shit began to slide slowly out. The hard, knobbly end fell away with a loud thud. Behind it his turd was firm and smooth and cracked, glistening slimily as the light caught it. It hung from him momentarily like a thick dark tail, then snapped off and thumped to the floor.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Oh yeah...'

The raggedy end sticking from his hole twitched as he pushed, and he curled out another crooked brown finger that tapered off and dropped onto the first log. His smell began to thicken the air. It wasn't all that strong, but it was harsh and pungent and beautifully dirty, a bit like Will's. As it tickled the back of his throat like smoke Liam realised his dick was starting to pulse with excitement. Right in front of him Aaron gave another strain, and another solid turd curled from his flaring pink lips, crackling and hissing, until it tapered off and dropped, banana-shaped, onto the floor.

'Mm!' sighed Olly, sniffing deeply.

'You like...?' His gorgeous, pink little hole rippled once more. 'Liam ... like it?'

'Yeah ... your shit's fucking beautiful! Smells so fucking nice too! Oh yeah, do another one ... yeah, like that ... oh that's a big one!'

Liam realised he was dribbling pre-cum as he watched that horny chav lad taking a dump. Aaron's shit was smoother now, but still firm, like glistening brown plasticine that came from within him in a steady flow. It crackled softly as it slid through his hole, and lump after lump broke off it, like curled, broken-ended sausages . The smell grew richer and nastier as the pile grew bigger. Finally the steady stream of turds came to an end. Aaron gave another soft grunt as he strained, and a last little morsel curled from his hole and fell onto his pile.

'That's it ... I'm done.'

He rocked forward onto his hands and knees and turned to face them, all wide-eyed and amazed as they looked at one another. His cock was fully hard, all swollen and purple at its end, pulsing and jerking and trickling. He was very obviously on the edge of cumming. As if he couldn't resist it he went to wank, but Olly put a hand on his arm.

'No, not yet ... Liam, you need to go as well?'

'Yeah,' said Liam softly.

He wasn't desperate, but the slowly mounting pressure in his chute had turned him on even more as he'd watched Aaron shit, and as he let out a little gassy fart it grew suddenly stronger. He reached out and pulled the plastic bag towards him, heavy with Aaron's shit, turned around and stuck his arse out over it. Olly and Aaron came closer.

'You're gonna enjoy this,' Liam heard Olly say. 'His shit's so nice...'

He bowed his head then, gave a little strain, and then let out a soft sigh of enjoyment as his bowels began to empty. His shit was firm and lumpy by his standards, and he bucked his hips and grunted as he pushed out his turds. The thud as the first one hit the floor seemed to echo in the room, and he looked down between his legs to watch his turds drop, building up with one squelchy thud after another into a big, curled pile. Behind him Aaron was wide-eyed, his dick like a ramrod, sniffing eagerly as the smell hit him.

'Oh fucking hell,' he breathed. 'I can't believe how ... Christ that smells so good ... oh fuck I'm gonna cum!'

He knelt up suddenly and grabbed his cock, and he shot so hard that his cum spattered across Liam's arse, even as he was still pushing out his last slim turd. He drew back, panting, as Liam turned around with spunk trickling down his unwiped arse and looked at the glistening beads of cum spattered all over the curled, golden-brown pile of his shit, and the bigger, darker load that Aaron had done. Seconds later he and Olly came all over them too.

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Next: Chapter 25

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