
By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 18, 2017


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Three

Not long afterwards Liam got talking to a guy on a scat website. Olly had been a student at the same university as Liam, and when he'd graduated the year before he'd got a job and stayed in the city. He was gorgeous; 22 years old, tall, slim and athletic, with a sweet face and a radiant smile. He'd always been turned on by shitting, he said, and like Liam he loved seeing and hearing and smelling other guys doing it. There were a couple of photos of his shit in the toilet, which got Liam hard at once as he looked at the big logs he produced. He sent a link to his profile on the same video site Liam used. In the first one he squatted naked on the floor, grunted and curled out a series of long, beautifully-formed turds that grew into a big pile beneath him. In the other he sat on the edge of the bath with his gorgeous bottom hanging over it, reached around behind him, and wanked off as he took a dump in his hand. Liam came at once.

They met in a pub a few days later. Olly had said when they were exchanging messages that he'd want to meet socially before anything happened, so they agreed to have a drink together and see how they got on. Liam was quite nervous as he walked across town. It was weird, he thought, that he was more nervous than when he'd gone to meet Neil. That had just been a quick shit to fulfil someone's kinky fantasies, whereas this felt as if it might be more serious. Perhaps that was why. Either way, he was dry-mouthed as he walked into the big city-centre pub Olly had named. He looked nervously around him, and there was Olly, sitting in the corner looking at something on his phone. He looked up, saw Liam by the door, and smiled.

'Hi,' he said pleasantly, holding out his hand as Liam came over. 'How you doing? Want a drink?'

Liam's nerves faded fast as they sat and chatted about his degree and Olly's job. Like Neil, Olly was just normal. He was pleasant and friendly, and so very handsome as well. Looking him up and down when he went to the bar for another round of drinks, Liam noted his lithe figure and sturdy, peachy arse. He'd look great sitting on the toilet, thought Liam, and wondered how best to raise the subject of why they were meeting. In the event he didn't have to.

'So,' said Olly softly, putting his pint down. 'We're both into... well, you liked my videos, then? You not tried making any?'

'Oh yeah! They're very hot. I've not done any of my own, no. I keep meaning to, but never get round to it, somehow.'

'You will. Your pictures are well horny though. Your shit in the toilet, and those ones where you've done it in your pants... Do you do that a lot then?'

'Nah, not that often. Only at home, when I've got the house to myself. Can't really do it at uni. I've got my own bathroom, but the smell, and having to get rid of everything afterwards...'

'You'll have to do it at my place sometime! Perhaps we both could. I've never done it before.'

'Oh yeah! That'd be awesome! Have you ever ... er, ever done scat with anyone else?'

'No. I've talked about it with a few guys, but they've always backed out. Have you?'

'Once, yeah. I had a shit in front of a guy, someone I got talking to on Craigslist.'

'Wow! What was that like?!'

'It was good. I didn't really fancy him, though. It was just ... something we both wanted to happen. I'd...' He plucked up his courage. 'I'd love to do it for you, if you want?'

'Oh yes!' Olly dropped his voice. 'Yeah, I'd love to watch you. See it and smell it, and ... I bet your shit smells really good. Er, sorry, is that a bit weird? I've a real thing for the smell a hot guy makes...'

'Nah, it's okay.' Liam found himself grinning. 'I like it too. I love it when I get to go into a toilet after a fit bloke's taken a dump, and it really smells...'

'Yeah, me too, 'chuckled Olly, and drained the last of his pint. 'Love guys who leave skids too! Anyway, I'd better get home. Can't have another pint as I'm at work early tomorrow. I'll text you.'

He smiled, shook Liam's hand again, and left, leaving Liam to wander home daydreaming sweetly of what might happen next!

Liam woke up the following Saturday with a tremendous hangover. He'd been out with the university pool team the night before, and as he lay in bed groaning and rubbing his temples he realised he had no recollection of getting home. He had the usual hangover horn, though, and as his headache subsided he lay and fantasised about Olly, and what might happen when they met up. A bit later he and a couple of his mates went out to the local Wetherspoons for breakfast, and as they sat with a coffee afterwards he started to need a shit. At first he ignored it, hoping to wait until he was home, where he could film himself doing it for the first time, and put the video online for Olly to enjoy. But the pressure in his bowels built up quickly, and eventually he excused himself and went to the toilet. All three cubicles were occupied when he got there and he had to stand and wait, feeling very self-conscious as he shuffled from foot to foot in desperation with his bum clenched tight, listening to the farts and plops coming from behind the doors. Eventually whoever was in the end cubicle began to wipe his bum. Liam crossed his fingers discreetly, hoping it was one of the many hot students in the pub and not one of the red-faced old men who spent most of their days drinking and reading the Daily Mail. Then the toilet flushed, and the door opened. His heart raced a little when a lad he'd seen around the university came out. He was quite cute, in a rugged sort of way; a stocky, ginger lad with dark eyes and a ready smile. He looked a bit embarrassed as Liam dived into the cubicle. It smelled really thick, and he'd left big reddish-brown skidmarks in the pan. Liam pulled down his pants, sat on the seat that was still warm from the lad's sturdy bottom, and let go. He grunted aloud with relief as his big, slightly loose shit surged out, water splashed up on his bottom, and his own smell mingled with what the handsome lad had left behind. Then someone – a young guy, judging from the trainers – took the cubicle to his right, and his dick stiffened a bit as he listened to him drop a big, solid-sounding load. He was still sitting there when his phone bleeped.

Hey. U free today? Am horny and going to need a shit! How about u? Olly

His heart pounded and he swallowed nervously. Another little turd slipped out of his hole and plopped into the water. This was it, he realised; his chance to have a proper scat experience with someone he really fancied. If only he hadn't had to go! He texted straight back:

Hi. Yeah I'm free. I've had 2 shit already though. :-(

No prob. We can have sum fun anyway! Wanna cum str8 over?

An hour later he was dry-mouthed as Olly showed him into his flat. It was light and airy and very tidy, and once again he was struck by the weird contrast between the normality of everything and the sheer kinkiness of what had brought him there. Olly made a coffee, and they sat in the living room and chatted, just friendly at first, but then their fingers touched as they both reached for their coffee mugs. Liam turned, in time for Olly to lean in and kiss him, and then reach in and start to pull his T-shirt up. Olly's body was gorgeous, and his cock was thick and meaty. Liam knelt and sucked on it eagerly, until Olly was breathing heavily and filling Liam's mouth with the taste of his pre-cum. Then he led Liam through to the bedroom, laid him face-down on the bed, and licked his back and neck and fingered his arse.

'Fuck me,' Liam whispered. 'I want your cock in me...'

'Yeah, I'll fuck you. I'll take you from behind, nice and slow, but...' He thrust his mouth right by Liam's ear. 'I wanna take a shit.'

'Oh!' Liam realised he was close to cumming. He was more turned on than he'd ever been in his life. 'Oh wow...'

'I need a shit,' Olly hissed in his ear. 'A big fucking shit. Really fucking smelly too. My shit stinks. Want that? Wanna see it?'

Somewhere inside Liam the dam broke. He didn't just want to watch Olly go to the toilet: he wanted to be the toilet! He wanted to lie there and let this gorgeous man shit on him. In that moment, if Olly had challenged him to try and eat his shit he'd have done it. Visions of lying there with Olly squatting across him flashed through his mind, setting him off whimpering in anticipation.

Suddenly he was on his back, pulling Olly round to kneel over him, arse crack right in his face. It wasn't all that hairy; just a light fringe around his hole, and it smelled musky and fiercely sexy. Sensing what he wanted Olly relaxed a little, his tight hole easing slightly open, and he let go a little hissing fart. Liam felt the puff of gas, and then the smell exploded in his brain. Olly did it again, drawing little sighs from Liam, whose cock was trickling pre-cum as Olly stroked it.

'Wanna see it?' hissed Olly. He let his hole open just a little wider, until the very tip of his turd showed. 'See it? That's my shit.'

The smell grew stronger, all rich and meaty and unbelievably erotic, even as Olly clenched up again and the turd receded. It tipped Liam over the edge.

'Shit on me,' he moaned. 'Will you shit on me?'

'Yeah,' breathed Olly. 'I'll give you my shit.'

He opened up again to show Liam what was coming, farted softly, and clenched his hole once more. He did it again and again, teasing Liam, who lay there moaning in anticipation amid the smell, worshipping Olly's arse and wanting his shit more than anything he'd ever wanted.

'Oh man I really gotta take a shit now. Come on!'

Liam's legs felt soft and his head was spinning as Olly led him through to the bathroom, laid him down on the floor and stood over him. He was going to be Olly's toilet, and he couldn't wait! His heart pounded as Olly straddled him and squatted slowly down, putting his hands on his hips to guide him down until Olly's peachy arse hung above his chest.


'Yes! Yes! Make me your toilet ... I want your shit Olly!'

'Yeah ... oh here it comes!'

He opened up to show his turtle's head once more, but this time he didn't clench up, and Liam's heart pounded as the head of a thick turd started to emerge. It was quite light in colour, solid and cracked, glistening as the light caught it. Liam listened intently to the little slimy crackle as it slid out, and then the smell hit him. Olly hadn't been kidding: his shit really did stink, all thick and meaty and cloying. Olly paused with three or four fat brown inches sticking out, perfuming the air, then beginning to pull stickily apart. Liam tensed in anticipation. Then suddenly it dropped, with a thud so intense it felt as if he'd been punched. It was surprisingly heavy, hot and sticky on his skin.

'Oh! Oh my God!'

'Okay?' asked Olly hoarsely. 'More...?'

'Yes! Yes!'

Olly nodded, reached down and stroked Liam's cock, and as he did so his arse relaxed and his turd began to move again. Its broken end curled to the left and smeared the inside of his cheek, and then began to grow from him, his hole rippling around it, until a great brown tail dangled from him, swinging slightly to and fro as he shuffled position. Liam could feel its hotness and sense its weight, and the stink battered at his nostrils. He was moaning constantly now, lost in the perverted thrill of being Olly's toilet like this. He yelped aloud as that great log dropped, and toppled over across his right nipple with a hefty thud. Then Olly pinched his hole shut. The broken stump jutting from it fell from him and landed on top of what he'd already done. Liam lay there dazed, head spinning, staring in amazement at Olly's arse, the shit around his hole clicking softly as it rippled in and out. A bit of piss trickled from his hard cock.

'Yeah,' breathed Olly, looking down on what he was doing. 'You're fucking liking this, aren't you ... being my toilet, having me take a shit like this.'

Liam could only moan and nod in reply.

'I haven't finished ... I do big fucking shits. Stinks, too, doesn't it. Ooh, yeah, another one's coming...'

Olly's filthy hole pulsed, and then began to open once more. He grunted so sexily as he pushed out another thick, cracked log, and Liam yelped and whimpered again as it tapered off, slid cleanly from Olly and dropped heavily onto his chest. He was struggling to take it all in; the weight and the sensation of that great pile on his chest, the rank smell, and the overwhelming sense of exquisite, unbelievable degradation. Even as his brain struggled to process it and his cock leaked and dribbled everywhere Olly began to grunt and strain again, and then curl out a long, smooth brown snake that snapped and broke and dropped lump after lump onto Liam's chest. The pile grew heavier and heavier and the stink hit him all over again, and as Olly finished he came. He couldn't stop himself, and he cried out as his cum shot everywhere. As he lay gasping Olly spun round, gave a few tugs of his cock and shot all over Liam's face and the beautiful, obscene pile of his own shit.

'That was fucking awesome, wasn't it,' Olly smiled half an hour later, when they'd cleaned up together and were sitting on the sofa with a coffee. 'We gonna do it again sometime?'

'Fuck yeah! Can't believe how good that felt. I wanna be your toilet again!'

'Any time! But I wanna see you do it too. You can shit on me if you like, or ... I'd love you to shit your pants for me. Perhaps we could both do it!'

They sat and traded fantasies and ideas for ages, before Liam had to leave. He was meeting some friends that afternoon to watch the football in a nearby pub, and even though he hadn't really recovered from the night before yet he still wanted to go. He smiled inwardly as he walked through the light afternoon rain, thinking back on the awesomely horny thing he and Olly had just done, and looking forward to the next time.

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Next: Chapter 4

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