
By Namab Mas

Published on May 6, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty-Seven

Only a couple of days later Liam was as near to heaven as he'd ever get in the toilets at work. He'd only gone for a piss in the middle of his morning shift when he'd found himself following Matt into the toilets. Matt was back at the factory for the first time since early summer, and the sight of him had Liam remembering the time he'd encountered his shit before. He was the thin, quiet, fair lad whom Liam couldn't help fancying despite his big nose and quite pointed chin, and Liam well remembered the long, slow shit he'd heard him take, and his sharp little smell. This time he needed to go more urgently, and when he sat down and lifted up his heels he grunted in satisfaction.

'Ploop ... ploop ... plip!

He let go a long piss, plop-plopped again a couple of times, and went silent. Then the toilet door banged, footsteps came nearer, and someone came into the cubicle on the other side of Liam. Peering under the partition he saw Sam's distinctive boots come into view, and as he bared his sturdy arse and sat down Liam pricked up his ears once more. Sam farted.

'Plomp! ... Plop! Plop! Plop!'

Matt stood up and began to wipe at once, as if he didn't want to listen to Sam's big, splashy shit. He only used a couple of bits of toilet roll before he pulled his pants up, flushed and left. For his part Liam sat there in silence and listened to Sam take a long piss, grunt, fart loudly again and then finish his shit in a long series of ploops and sploshes. He could smell it in his own cubicle; a thick, nasty reek that made his dick grow hard. He was tempted to wank there and then, but he was hoping for some fun when he'd finished his shift so decided to save it. Even so, he waited around until Sam had wiped and flushed and gone back to work, then went and sat for a few minutes on the toilet seat that was still warm from his bottom. As he did so he imagined straight, sporty Sam back on the production line, his bowels now empty and relieve,. completely unable to imagine that Liam was still in the toilet getting off on the smell of his shit.

A few hours later he was at Callum's place, both of them horny, waiting impatiently for Nick to get there. Liam had started to need a shit in the last hour of his shift, and it was starting to get uncomfortable. Then, to his surprise, Callum said he needed one too.

'Best go to the toilet,' he said. 'Before Nick gets here.'

'Can I watch?' Liam asked cheekily. 'Get me in the mood for when Nick gets here, like...'

'Oh,' said Callum awkwardly. 'You know I don't like my own...'

'Yeah, but I do! Go on, just let me watch. I won't touch or anything. Just do it on a piece of paper or something so's I can see.'

'Fuck it, yeah, okay. Come on!'

In the bathroom Callum took his jeans and pants off and sat down backwards on the toilet with his arse hanging over the front. His turds were long and dark and snaky, and they piled up on the carrier bag Liam had placed under him with a series of squelchy thuds. His harsh, bitter smell filled the room and made Liam's cock twitch. As he farted wetly and began letting out another one the doorbell sounded. Liam left Callum sitting there over his pile as he went to open the door.

'Ooh, Callum!' Nick said teasingly as he came in. 'You should've waited! Such a big shit ... I'd love to fuck your dirty arse now you've done that. Or fuck it right out of you. Someday you'll let me do that...'

Callum looked away, his face very red, and reached for the toilet paper.

'You like shit-fucking?' Liam asked, his heart fluttering as he saw an opportunity.

'Yeah!' said Nick enthusiastically. 'Fucking love pushing my dick up a guy's arse as he tries to shit. Only ever done it once, but it was so fucking horny. Was Simon who let me do it...'

'I need a shit now. And I love having a cock up my arse as I'm trying to go. Want to...?'

'Cor! Serious? I'd fucking love to! Er ... Callum, wanna lie underneath as I fuck him, and I'll do mine in your mouth.'

'Er ... yeah, cool.'

A few minutes later Callum lay down on the bathroom floor, with his cock pulsating. Liam knelt down over him, facing his feet with his clenched, full arse over his chest. His heart was racing and his mouth was dry. He'd had Nick's cock in him once before, on one of the few occasions in the past when they'd met for ordinary vanilla sex, and his head was full of memories of how he'd squealed and squirmed and cum three times whilst impaled on it. He quivered with desire as Nick finished putting on his condom, knelt down behind him, took his hips in his hands and pressed his lubed head against his tight hole.

'Ooh!' he squeaked as Nick pushed forward. 'Slowly!'

He relaxed as best he could and his shit started to move. Then Nick forced his way in, and his head met Liam's shit. He held it there for a few seconds as Liam whimpered and squirmed, and then thrust forward, driving his shaft deep into Liam's turds, forcing them back up his chute and around the sides and making him squeal with pain and ecstasy.

'Ooh yeah!' grunted Nick. 'You're so full!'

He pulled back slowly, and Liam's shit surged forwards once more, drawing from his lips a gasp of relief that turned into a little groan as Nick stopped with his dick still inside him, and then thrust forward again. All of a sudden he could feel shit in his crack, all sticky and warm, and his own smell began to thicken around them. Nick began to hump him slowly. It hurt a bit, he squirmed and moaned, and Nick held his hips firmly to keep him in position. His crack was full and his arse was smeared, and Callum began to whimper and writhe as lumps peeled away and fell onto his chest. As Nick fucked harder he lost control completely, and only Nick's dick plugging his chute stopped him from emptying out all over Callum's chest. Then suddenly Nick pulled back out of him, and he did just that. He threw his head back and cried out loud as he shat copiously, with Nick biting into his neck and Callum's dick going crazy right below his face. Then Nick nailed him again, thrusting right into him in one quick, squelchy movement that made him cry out again.

'Now,' grunted Nick. 'I gotta take a shit. Open wide!'

He pulled Liam with him as he knelt back, lowering his arse down until it was right over Callum's open mouth. Maybe it was just his imagination, but Liam could almost feel what he was doing through his dick as the crackle of a log sliding out sounded behind him, and then Callum began to chew, groaning and retching with his dick starting to dribble as he wanked. So was Liam's, and even more so as the smell of Nick's shit reached him.

'Yeah!' grunted Nick. 'Oh I needed that. Big fucking shit. More...?'

Callum gasped for breath, and then Nick farted on him and his arse began to crackle once more. Looking down between his legs Liam could see the big log extending from him, dropping lump after lump into Callum's brown mouth until the pile stuck up above his lips, rocking to and fro as he chewed, sicked into his mouth, swallowed frantically and kept on going.

'Keep eating,' Nick ordered him. 'Hurry ... I can't hold this in much longer.'

Callum groaned as Nick began to do more. It went on and on, until Callum was gurgling and retching constantly, and he gave up trying to eat any more and let Nick cover his face in the rest of it.

No sooner had Nick finished than he knelt up hard, depositing Liam back on his knees with a sharp little cry of pain, and fucked his filthy arse until he was squirming and yelping madly, and then he came. His orgasm went on for ages, and his vision went all blurry as his dick bounced and spurted, and oozed great splashes of spunk all over Callum, who gave a muffled scream and shot all over himself, at just the same moment as Nick bit into Liam's neck and growled as he shot up his arse.

A few days later his phone bleeped at him as he was packing his bags, ready to go back to university the following day. His heart raced a bit as he read the message:

Hi Liam. Are you still around? Got the house to myself again this afternoon and I'm starting to need the loo! Ross

Thankfully his mum wasn't working that day so he could borrow the car. He packed the last of his things hastily and set off. As he drove he cursed the fact that he'd been that morning; a big hangover shit after a final evening out with his old mates. His thick turds had smelled potent and splashed his cheeks with water as they plopped into the toilet. How much better it would have been if he'd been able to hold it and do it with Ross! Oh well, it couldn't be helped, and it was good that the chance had come up to see Ross once more before he went back to university.

'I really need a poo,' Ross said softly an hour or so later, as they sat drinking tea in his room. As he leaned back in his seat the bulge in the front of his jeans was very obvious. 'Would you like to watch me on the toilet again?'

'Mm, yeah, could do! Or how about you squat for me? I'd love to see it come out.'

'Would you? Um ... yeah, okay. In the bathroom? I could just squat on a bag or something?'

'Sounds good. Shall we...?'

They stood up slowly and began to strip, and Liam took in Ross's gorgeous body as he stood naked; his shapely bottom and big cock, and cutely hairy chest. He was so handsome, and the fact he was standing awkwardly with his hole clenched up tight, holding in a big smelly dump, made him hotter still. He cast an approving glance at Liam as he too took off his pants and stood naked. The two of them looked at once another with wide eyes, and Liam noticed that Ross was trembling a little again.

'Shall we...?'

He couldn't take his eyes off Ross's arse as they went through to the bathroom, his dick rock hard. Ross put the bag he'd brought through down on the floor and looked around at him.

'Gonna do it? Can I kneel behind you and watch...?'

Ross nodded, watched as Liam knelt down, and then squatted in front of him, reaching down to position the bag directly underneath his arse. Liam got down lower still, til he was lying on his front looking up at Ross's tight hole, nicely fringed with dark, wiry hair. It puckered out slowly, and he let out a soft, rasping fart before it pinched back in again. The rank smell wafted into Liam's face.

'Mm!' he breathed, sniffing eagerly.

'Okay?' asked Ross hoarsely. 'I'm gonna go ... really gotta shit now.'

'Yeah,' Liam breathed back. 'Go on, do it now. Let me see you shit...'

Ross's hole rippled, then puckered out slowly, and he grunted softly as the tip of his turd emerged; a sharp little point at first, filling out into a thick cone as his hole opened wider. It jutted from him for a second or two, then he grunted and pushed it out further, and the end began to break off. It pulled away slowly at first, then snapped off and thudded to the ground. Liam studied the end still plugging his pink hole, all jagged and broken, with flecks of something light embedded in the dark brown matter. Then Ross grunted once more, his ringpiece pushed out further and his log began to slide slowly from him. It was dense and cracked, and it crackled sexily as it grew into a thick column hanging from his flaring lips. Then it broke off again and dropped to the floor with a loud 'thud,' leaving another broken end jutting from him.

'Ooh,' he murmured coyly. 'It smells.'

'Mm, yeah! Smells good!'

It was harsh and bitter, wonderfully nasty, and it made Liam's cock go crazy. He reached down and pawed at himself as Ross strained again and the ragged plug in his hole grew slowly into a long turd that tapered off to a point as it slid cleanly out, and then flopped lightly onto the ground, curled across the first one. Liam leaned his head in closer, sniffing deeply, and Ross twisted round to look down at him, a sexy little smile playing across his lips.s

'You really do like the smell of my shit, don't you!'

'Oh yeah! Christ, it smells so good. Mm! Have you got more?'

'Yeah. Loads, I think.'

'Go on then, do it now. Push out another one.'

Ross grunted, and his dirty little hole puckered in and out a couple of times. He let out a satisfied little sigh as his turd slid down the chute, and then again as another chunky log pushed his arse-lips open and crackled its way out, curling slightly forward as it came. The first few inches dropped, and then as it kept coming it got smoother and thinner. Two more curled, brown sausages dropped from it, and then it tapered quickly off into a raggedly, slim worm. Liam realised he was close to cumming, turned on beyond belief by the sight and sound and smell of gorgeous Ross finishing his shit. A last little lump fell onto his pile.

'That's it ... I've finished.'

He moved aside and turned around to face Liam as he knelt up and came forward until Ross's shit was right below him. His eyes wide, he stared in wonderment at the pile, with the first thick turd covered in the curls he'd dropped on top of it. The stink gassed him.

'Oh,' he moaned. 'Your shit's beautiful.'

'Go on,' whispered Ross. 'Wank off over it. Go on, cum all over it ... yeah! That's it, fucking spunk all over my turds.'

Liam needed no second bidding. He grabbed his cock and milked it furiously, until he cried out loud as he fired great gouts of sticky white cum all over Ross's shit. A minute later Ross did the same.

Liam thought back on Ross as he sat on the train north the following day. After they'd cleaned up the mess, and opened the bathroom window to let out the smell, they'd sat and talked for a bit. Shitting together that first time had opened Ross's mind, he admitted, and he'd been fantasising about scat sex ever since. The reality of it still freaked him out a bit, but the buzz he got from it was like nothing else, and he wanted more. They'd sat and made plans to talk on Skype as one or other of them sat on the toilet, and Ross had said he might even join the video site Liam was on and make a couple of videos. Whatever happened, they'd certainly meet again when Liam was next at home. In the meantime they'd have to content themselves with talking online, trading fantasies and making plans, and looking forward to the time when they could make them happen for real!

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Next: Chapter 38

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