Liberal Rednecks

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Oct 23, 2017


This is a fictional tale about a group of comedians that I have actually chatted with online once or twice. Well at least one of em'. Trae Crowder and his funny and 'liberal' have given many faith that some people in the South are Gay hating Hicks.

And it helps that Trae and his crew are cuties. All sorts of adorable and possibly big dicked rednecks. One of em at least you can tell as his jeans inmany pics shows a substantial bulge.

Anyhoo. This is purely fiction as even though Trae and crew are gay friendly. It don't mean they would get down and fuck like gays. I wish I could have that gang bang.

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Liberal Rednecks (Chapter 1)

I am someone worried at the state of the USA as of late. I don't know about the president, but there are many in the administration that blatantly hate gays. So with these people in power one does worry.

But this isn't about the white house or who is in it. It's about those unexpected allies of the gay community. Some in places you never assumed you would find.

I was on social media one day. Just reading the political craziness going on. When I saw on a friend'spage a guy talking. I was both schock and surprised atwhat iIwas hearing. This guy, Trae Crowder is his name calls himself the 'Liberal redneck'. I found that strangely odd and funny as I have never heard of such a thing. I always assumed rednecks were conservatives and assholes who hated gays.

But here was the southern as all get out redneck championing for the gay community. Instantly Ilinked to his page. This liberal redneck. He qwas funny and serious about the issues all at once.

"Nice guy" I said as I watched one of his videos

He was constantly on the attach at conservatives pushing hate agendas. Especially against gays. And it was appreciated that such a guy would do so. It shattered my view of the South and it's people.

I continued to watch Trae on every post he would put out there against the haters. And as each post showed him I began to like the guy more and more. Then one day Trae came out on a post that really changed my views on rednecks. He came out looking totally unredneck in this post. He wasromoting his comedy show with his two friends.

As I mentioned, Trae looked a lot less redneck white trash than usual. Even.though I loved the guys views. He always looked like white trash. But the guy looked hot in the new post. No ball cap. Nice comes hair a more trimmed and cleaner beard. Trae was a hottie. I got a strange twitch in my shorts as I watched his post video.

"Catch us on tour in yer area" he said

I decided to look I to his site. There I found lots of pictures of Trae and his buddies Cory and Drew. Drew was very hot. Bearded and obviously haory from the fur on his arms. Cory was the stockier of the three. But Cory gave me an instant hard on. This heavier set hillbilly was wearing jeans that were showing a substantial crotch bulge.

"Holy fuck man" I said aloud as I looked at the picture

The three guys were standing in a pose next to one another. trae looking all shades of adorable in a dark blue T-shirt. Arms crossed, and looking yummy standing there like that. Drew was in a white T-shirt showing off his hairy forearms. His thicker beard looking almost gingery in hue.. Cory stood there in his own lighter blue T-shirt to Trae's. But his stance showed his jeans and the tube running down his thigh.

"Holy horse cock" I said to myself.

"That guy can't be that big. It's an illusion"

Well I went to Cory's page next. The guy looked ore the redneck type. White boy. A bit heavy set. Not fat but an obvious beer gut. But he wasn't unattractive. He had pics of his wife and new baby. But again several pics showed his jeans sporting a nice bulge in them.

"Damn. He must have a nice dick" I said again

Well I found myself watching all I could on the funny guys. Because they were funny. Alot of political jokes about the current administration and it blundering views. I was laughing so hard so times, I thought I might bust a gut. But I would catch certain angles of Trae and Drew, seeing how handsome the two really were. I found myself grabbing at my crotch alot.

"Damn man" I then would say

"Wouldn't mind aa hot man sandwich with those two"

"Maybe all three"

I would add Cory everytime he would move in a way or Satin a way that showed off his bulging crotch.

"Damn. Wanna eat his dick" I said

I had actually had a brief conversation on social media with Trae one day. He was just the nicest guy too. I saw a post of his the attack on the LGBT community by some members if the GOP party. He went out to defend my community in his quaint southern way. So after I saw his post, I decided to send a message to his page. Thanking Trae for saying the nice things he had said about the gay community. I hadn't even expected him to answer but he did.

"As I said in my post." He started

"Ya'll are good people."

"And I find it abhorrent that these political hoo-has want to stiffle you"

"Power to my friends in your community"

I wanted to give the guy a big hug. Amongst other things.

"Hope you nguys come to my area soon" I sent

"Would love to see your show"

He came back with another message mentioning their tour dates and when they would be near me. I thanked the guy and went online to look. There was some dates near my area in a few months. So I went to the site to get a ticket. I wanted to see then in person.

So I got my seat and then dated to send him another message telling him I was going. I don't know why I did. But again to my surprise I got another message back from Trae.

"Cool buddy" he asked

"Don't get a whole lot of gay folk to the shows."

"Would like to meet a gay fan"

When he sent that message I got very excited. The chance to meet this guy. To be around him and his southern charm. And to be around his friends Drew and Cory. That turned me on. I went back to images of the guys on their pages. Traelooking all shades of cuteness in them. Then more pics of Cory were posted. Oñe I a pool with his dropping his shorts and showing his butt.

"Omg. Look at his hott butt" I said

But it was the ones I saw of him and Trae one top of one another that made me jerk off that night. There were a series of three pics. One with them standing next to a bed. Trae in a choke hold by Cory. He hapead pulled down not to far from a crotch bulge Cory always had. That dick of his pressed against the thigh of his jeans. Trae's head pointed in the direction of it.

"Damn that's hot." I said

"Give me a head lock like that Cory"

"And I might bite you"

Then they were on a bed wrestling. Then the final one had Trae laying face down on the bed. He head turned towards the camera. But Cory was laying on him in a position that had my dick raging. His body was in mim and his crotch was pushed against Trae's butt.

"Bet he can feel that big dick against him" I said again


I ended up cumming as I flicked through the images over and over.

"Yeah guys." I said

"Wanna be in the middle of that sandwich"

"Ughnnn. Awee fuckk!"

And I splattered on my self from it..................


To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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