
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jun 13, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. He also checks my stories for screw ups, like any kind of errors. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story.

Jetta ((Year 550 B. C))

I looked at the battle feild, so much chaos, so much death. The gods were attacking the humans once again. I couldn't stand the thought of losing more of my race to them. I had challenged their king to a fight. I knew that I wouldn't win, but I could end this with my death. I was the reason they had started this little war, they feared me. I was one of the twelve born to destroy them. They had already killed most of the others, only a few remained. I pulled my swords out slowly, I looked at him their king. He was the strongest of the gods, and the most dangerous. I knew that he could strike me down with one small attack. "I am the tenth warrior of the stars, I am the Libra. Know this Jupiter, I may die today, but so will you." His smile was frightening, I could talk big but I didn't feel all that big. "I'm not going to kill you Jetta, I have something else in mind for you. Out of all the twelve warriors, I respect you the most. The others ran from me, but you face me, man to man. So I won't kill you, but you won't be in my way any longer." I prepared myself for his attack, bringing my swords up like a shield. I didn't even see him move, but I felt the dagger enter my side. I lashed out striking his chest with both of my swords.

The look on his face was priceless, so filled with pain. I had the power to kill a god if I could get close enough. He wouldn't die from that wound but he would always carry the scar. I opened my arms as wide as I could. My side no longer hurt, but it felt different then I thought it would. I looked down to see my side slowly turning to stone. I looked back up to see him smiling at me brightly. "You are one of the four that must remain alive. I'm still hunting the other three, I'll find them soon enough. So turning you to stone for all of time should work out." Half of my body was now stone, it didn't hurt. I was soon frozen in place, my arms out stretched. I now looked like I should be holding some scales. I could still see and hear everything that was happening. Time started pass and a forest grew up around me. Then a Goddess walked up to me slowly, her face was filled with pain. "You didn't deserve this punishment, but I cannot reverse it. I know you can hear me brave warrior, I know you see me. I can help you, but it comes with a heavy price. I can give you hope that someday you will regain freedom. I can split your soul in two and set half of it free. Then when that half is reborn, it will search you out. Once your soul is once again whole you will be free. The problem with this is, it could take a very long time. I will also leave the riddle which will be the door for the key." I couldn't tell her I wanted this to happen, but she knew.

She was the Goddess of love, she could read the hearts of the human race. I felt a slight amount of pain at first. Then the pain got stronger with each passing second, I could feel my soul being torn. Then it stopped and I was on a large rock with writing on it. Venus was gone, my soul wasn't whole, and it hurt. I could see more now even hear more. As time passed I learned so many things, half of my soul had been born again. I thought that I would soon be free, but I was proven wrong. I found that I could look through the eyes that held half of my soul. I could hear and understand what she did and said with her life. Never once did she look for me, she just lived her life. Then she died, I was so heart broken, I thought I had lost my chance. Then years later I found myself looking through someone else's eyes. I now understood why she had told me it could take a long time. This no longer bothered me, I had all the time in the world to be set free. I noticed that some people had found my body. They looked at me with amazement, I guess for a piece of stone I looked alive. If I could have smiled I would have, they looked so happy. I wish I knew what year it was, then I could tell how long I had been sleeping. One of the people that had found me tried to touch me. The person was thrown back into a tree, fear stretched across his face.

I now wondered what the riddle said, was this the reason no one could touch me? If that were so then how could I be set free. Fear coerced through my soul and mind, how could this happen. I felt something hot on my cheek, it's the first time I had ever felt anything in so long. The people backed away, their eyes were open wide. Some started screaming something in a languish I didn't understand yet. I understood three or four of the words. It was something about tears, and sent from heaven. What was heaven, I had never heard of this place? The tears had left my face, I wished so hard to leave this stone. I felt something give slightly, then a whisper from an unknown force. "A gift from those who wish you well." I could then move outside of my body, not to far but I could move. I knew that my body remained powerless, but I could move at least ten feet out. For me that truly was a gift, I had spent so much time as stone. I know that no one could see me, or even feel me. I didn't care I could now look at the riddle, it was in my languish. I was impressed, not only did Venus try to help me but she even kept me safe. The riddle was simple, and somehow beautiful in the same sense. It told of how I had become stone, and how to set me free.

********Nick ((Year 2001))

The dreams seemed to be getting stronger the closer I got to Rome. The guys were starting to get a little worried about me. I told Brian to relax, that I didn't need a mother hen watching over me. He still refused to let me sleep alone, that wasn't so bad. I had always liked Brian, I just couldn't be with him. My dreams weren't scary or anything, just filled with pain. I dreamed a man that waited for me to set him free. His eyes were filled with pain and sadness. I dreamed of his life, a life that couldn't exist. He was once a warrior, so strong and brave. He even faced a god, he was then turned to stone. That's as far as I get in the dreams. I wake up crying reaching out for him, only to find myself with Brian. Now Brian was always by my side, even if he was married. He didn't mind me holding him through the night, in fact I think he liked it. I knew he was Bi, but I would never have sex with him. He was a married man and I wouldn't cross those lines. I had come so close one time, and he wanted it to happen. I had started kissing him, but then I remembered a promise I made to myself. I backed away and told him that I was sorry that I just couldn't. I promised I would never take that step, not with him. He was my best friend and Leighanne was a really nice girl.

I looked out the window of the hotel room. I could feel something pulling at my soul, almost calling out. I had to find this guy, he was so close, he was somewhere in this country. I pulled on some hiking clothes and left a note for the guys. I told them that I just had to look for this guy. That I knew he was here somewhere, and I just had to look for him. I grabbed my cell phone and left, I let my heart lead me on my path. The feeling was getting stronger by the second. I had been walking for the past two hours, I wasn't even tired. I found that the stronger the feeling got the more energy I had. I was in some strange forest, nothing seemed real anymore. My cell phone started ringing, it took a few seconds to answer it. "Hello" I head Brian yelling for the others, it was an interesting sound. "Nick where the hell have you been, we've been looking for you all day?" His voice sounded strange to me, almost alien. "I'm in a forest, but I don't really know where. I'm so close Brian, I know he's in this place. I can feel him reaching out to me Bri, he's so strong." I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, it was like his voice. "Nick tell me where you are and I'll come and get you." I had already told him that I didn't know where I was. "Brian I don't know I've just been walking toward him, he knows I'm coming." I dropped the cell phone and continued on my walk.

I found myself in a clearing, he was standing on a stone. He was beautiful, his body looked perfect, but there was a cut on his side. It didn't belong on him, it just ruined the whole picture. I walked up to him, a hand fell on my shoulder and pulled me back. An older man was talking to me, but I couldn't understand him. "I'm sorry but you're not making any sense to me." His mouth opened slightly and he almost laughed, it was interesting. "I'm sorry, but you shouldn't touch him, it's very dangerous." He had a very thick accent, but now I could understand him. I was slowly coming out of the daze I had been in. "You dropped this in the woods, I believe someone is yelling into it." I picked the phone back up to hear Brian screaming. "Bri, I'm ok now really, here I'll let this guy tell you where I'm at." I handed the phone to the man and walked back to the stone man. I looked at the base of the stone to see some writing. I didn't even come close to understanding it. I looked back at the man he was talking to Brian, which wasn't all that easy. The guy was handing the phone back to me, I just hung it up. "Could you please tell me what that says?" The man looked at the writing and smiled brightly, then took a deep breath.

"The riddle is very old and sad, it tells a a great warrior. I'll just tell you the riddle and then the story behind it. One stands alone to guard time, one holds the balance. One gives his life to save all, once flesh and bone, now stone. He stands alone to guard all, once a warrior, now frozen in time. His heart torn in two, his soul ripped in two. Half is free to see the world, while the other guards all. When the two become one, both shall truly be set free. But first you must find the key, love is the key to set him free. That is the riddle that has always been there. I've watched over him since I was a young man. Before me my father, after me my son. Those that have tried to touch him are thrown into a tree. It is believed that he is guarded by the goddess of love." I didn't know why but now I felt that I had to touch him. He continued to tell his story, but it didn't matter anymore. I knew the story I had lived it every night in my dreams for as long as I could remember. The world seemed to slip away, all I could see was him. I could hear a voice in the back of my mind. It whispered for help, it whispered for freedom, it whispered for me. The old man had just stopped talking and looked on in awe. I don't know when or how, but I was now touching the base of his feet. I moved up the stone until I faced him, he looked back.

I cupped his face in my hands, slowly I brought my face to his. Our lips touched slowly, so cold so unmoving. The ground started shaking, the wind was blowing hard and fast. I heard screaming coming from somewhere but that no longer mattered. The stone started chipping away, under the stone was skin. I could hear lighting striking all around us. I was thrown back to the ground, I kept my eyes on him. The stone fell off, his head was now looking upward. He was laughing, his whole body shook with laughter. I looked to the old man, he was on his knees holding his chest, he was praying. I noticed that the guy had got here in time to see the light show. They all stood at the base of the clearing. The man looked down at me and smiled brightly, then he jumped down. "I've been waiting for you a very long time. What took you, Venus set you free just years after my imprisonment." He spoke almost perfect English, it didn't make sense. "Have you nothing to say to me, have I not filled your dreams every night?" Now everything was starting to make sense, he was the one. "You can't be real, you were just stone." I looked over at Brian who looked scared out of his mind. He was still moving closer, he had guts. "Watch yourself little one, I'm very real. As are my weapons you do not belong here." I looked at the man or should I say boy, he couldn't be that old.

Brian didn't stop moving, he only looked more determined. "I warned you, but I will not kill you, since my counter part cares for you so much." I looked up at him again, he was very scary looking. It wasn't that he was ugly just how strong he looked. He was in fact one of the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Brian was now at my side picking me up slowly. The man started laughing loudly, then dropped his swords. "I've been so rude, I'm sorry but I'm a little cranky and hyper. Not a good mix, my name is Jetta, it is nice to meet you." He held his hand out but no one took it. "Have it your way, but I go where he goes." Jetta said while pointing to me, Kevin had moved behind him. " That wouldn't be all that smart Kevin, you might get hurt." I didn't understand how he knew Kevin's name. Kevin froze in his tracks most likely thinking the same thing as I was. "Your little Nicky is me and I am him. After I was turned to stone half of my soul was set free. I have waited since then for it to rejoin me. Two bodies one soul, one heart, two minds but still the same. I have lived through him since he was born, I know everything about him. I know everything he knows, that stops now. I'm no longer connected to him like I once was." He looked back at Kevin and smiled brightly. "What I know could destroy you all, in a very short amount of time." His smile seemed to darken, his eyes flashed.

As I looked at him closer I noticed that he couldn't be over seventeen. "How old are you, I mean you don't look that old?" He looked at me and smiled lightly before taking a seat in front of me. "That's an interesting question, very interesting in deed. I don't really know, I've been frozen for so long I lost track. I was fifteen or sixteen when I was frozen, or at least I think I was." I almost choked on the air I was breathing, he couldn't look like that and be that young. It wasn't like he was naked, but his body was just so well defined. He was wearing something that looked like leather. It was like a skirt, but a little more manly. Besides that he had no other clothing or armor, his skin was lightly tanned. His hair was a very long and dark brown, almost black. His eyes were gray with a light hint of blue, almost an ice blue. He stood about six feet and most likely wouldn't get much taller as time passed. "Wait you were sent off to war so young that just isn't right." I looked at Brian who seemed to have softened up a bit. "I chose to die, not be frozen, so many people were dying. They died in my name so the Gods rain of terror would end. I failed them all in so many ways, but they lived longer lives. I am or was one of the twelve born to destroy the Gods." I was starting to get confused, nothing he said was making sense. I had dreamed his life but not his memories.

He was shaking his head slowly, the old man had left some time ago. "In my time twelve people were born to save the human race. We were known as the children of the stars that we were born under. I am the Libra, guardian of the innocent and warrior of time. It won't make to much sense to you, you would have to have lived in that time. The Gods were so cruel, so filled with rage and hatred, not all of them but most. So a stronger being pulled us into being. I and three others are the only ones to survive, they are frozen like I was. I don't know how to find them, nor do I really care. I'm free and rejoined by my other half." He smiled at me, I didn't like the way he looked at me. To him I was only a body carrying half of his soul. I knew that may have been true, but it wasn't now. I slowly stood up and moved away from him, he looked worried. Then he stood up and moved toward me slowly. "Where are you going, it's not like I know my way around this world?" I looked at him, he was starting to get on my nerves. "I don't owe you anything, I don't know what put that thought in your head. So you can just go screw yourself, cause I don't give a damn about you anymore." He looked hurt, tears brimmed his eyes, slowly falling to the ground. "You're right, you owe me nothing, and I owe you everything. I'll leave, maybe I'll find someone else to help me." He started moving away I wasn't feeling to sorry for him.


I left them where I had once been imprisoned, Nick was right. He owed me nothing and he never would. I picked my swords up and continued to walk, I looked at the riddle once again. It no longer made sense to me, and in some ways it lied. It said that the key was love, but Nick didn't love me. I guess that I never really loved him either, it would be like loving myself. I looked back one last time, the world had changed so much. I left the clearing behind me and walked deeper into the forest, I knew this place very well. As a gift for some reason every year that passed I could move further and further away. I had walked these paths so many times, so this time was no different. Someone was following me, it didn't bother me that much. It wasn't like I couldn't fight, and I had two very good weapons. I looked up at a tree and started climbing, once high enough I waited. He walked below me and stopped suddenly, it was Brian. I had to ask myself why he was following me of all people. I pushed both of my swords into the tree and jumped down behind him. He turned around so quickly I almost punched him. He grabbed his chest and took a few deep breaths. "You scared the living hell out of me, were you always so sneaky?" I smiled to him and did a little dance around him. "I was taught by the best, so yes is the answer you'll get." I liked talking in rhymes, I don't know why I just did.

He laughed at me softly and held his hand out slowly. I took his hand and shook it gently, he was an interesting guy. "Sorry about jumping your case Brian, but I'm not really a people person. I've been cut off for so long that I believe that I've lost those skills." He was shaking his head slowly, he had such beautiful eyes. "I don't know why, but I think you should come with us. Nick won't be so bad when you get to know each other better. I know that you were connected to him and all that, but you don't really know him." I nodded slowly, maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought. "Plus there is that little fact that your a kid and couldn't make it on your own." I looked up at him, I could make it on my own. "I may not look that old, but I'm a lot older than you will ever be." I smiled to myself, regardless of anything I had been on this world for a long time. He started laughing lightly, even his laughter was cute. Then again it could be that I had just been trapped in stone for a very long time. "Come on the first thing we need to get you is some clothes. And some shoes, wait first you need a bath, that comes first." He put his arm around my shoulders and led me back to the others. I left my swords in the tree they would be safe there. I was the only person that could touch those swords without losing an arm.

I was finally sitting in a car, I had always wondered how they worked. Brian had taken me under his wing so to speak. If he hadn't talked to the guys when we got back I wouldn't be with them. So I guess I owed him a little, not much just a favor. We pulled up to the building they were staying at. I didn't understand why they had pulled up to the back of the building. Brian held my hand in his as we got out, he led me through the back door. I felt chills run up my spine, this place was colder then it was outside. I looked around slowly, I could see the walls. Brian continued to pull me along and down the hallway. I didn't mind it as long as I got somewhere warmer. Then we went into a little room that started moving. I knew what it was but my memoire was a little fogy, well maybe more than a little. It was almost like I was forgetting everything I had learned from Nick. I hoped that wasn't true, if it was then I wouldn't be able to talk anymore. Well, that wasn't really true I could still talk but it would sound really funny. Before Nick my soul had been born into a British man. That was close to ninety years ago, those memories still hunted me. When the little room stopped Brian took me to what I was guessing was his room. The rest of the guys were right behind us, they didn't look to happy.

I took a seat on the floor while Brian ran around the room. He was looking for his suitcase, I didn't understand why really. I took my last bit of armor off, the rest was lost a long time ago. I had taken it off to fight Jupiter, it had been a huge mistake on my part. I laid my armor on a chair and waited for Brian, he didn't really look at me. He turned around slowly to hand me a something, but he froze. His mouth dropped open as he looked at me. He looked like he was about to say something but he didn't. I was then showed to the bathroom, it looked nice. "Ok these control the water, and this turns it into a shower." I just looked at him, what did he think I was a little kid? "Ok I'll turn the water on for you, then you can take your shower." I just shrugged at he turned the water on and kept messing with it for a while. Then he pulled a little silver piece up that sent the water through the top. He showed me where the shampoo and soap was then left. I got in the shower and washed off. I had to admit I liked this a lot better then the old days. I washed my hair and body then hit the silver piece, water started filling the tub. Once it was high enough I turned the water off and laid back for a while. I was about to fall asleep when the door opened slowly. "Jetta are you ok, you haven't made a sound in a while?" I pulled the curtain back and looked at Brian, then smiled slowly. "Why don't you join me it's very relaxing. Plus theirs enough room for two, I could use the company." He started nodding slowly as he backed out of the room.

He walked back in with shorts on, he was shaking slightly. I moved to the far side of the tub and went back to relaxing. I knew that he was now beside me, his arm touched mine. "See it's not so bad, and the water is just amazing. I've never been in a warm bath before, it was always a lake here or a pound there. Always so damn cold, and since I was on the run for most of my childhood I didn't get this chance. I would look through my counter parts eyes and wonder what they felt. I could see and hear everything, even understand it all, but I couldn't feel. I could never feel, and it was always so cold, but it wasn't in the same sense. It was cold to the mind and heart, not the body." I let the thought trail off, it was to painful to remember. I found it interesting to have the gift of speaking again. Brian hadn't said anything for a while he just listened. I looked over to my side since Brian was asleep. It didn't look too safe to just leave him like that, so I got out and started drying off. I then picked him up in my arms, he was a little heavy. I carried him out off the bath room and laid him on the floor. I dried him off the best I could and then started looking for some clothes. I took his shorts off and then replaced them with some boxers. I then took him to the bed and laid him down covering him up. I took a sheet and wrapped it around my myself while I laid down on the floor.

I woke up a few hours later in Brian's bed, I wondered how I had gotten there. Someone was knocking on the door softly. I pulled the covers back and walked to the door, opening it very slowly. Nick was on the other side and he didn't look to happy to see me. "Where's Brian, we need to head to the arena?" I looked behind me and shrugged my shoulders. Nick walked into the room and looked around for a short amount of time. "You know, I'm happy he isn't here, now we can have a little talk." I looked at him and smiled as I took a seat on the bed. "As far back as I can remember, I've dreamed of you and you alone. I use to think that I was in love with a phantom, then I find out that you're real. As soon as you stopped being a dream and became real, I stopped caring about you." I nodded slowly, for some reason it didn't hurt like I thought it would. "That's ok with me Nick, but just so you know. I don't think I ever cared about you, you were just a piece of meat. A piece of meat that had half of my soul trapped inside of it. I'm thankful that you found me, truly I am. If you hadn't I could still be waiting to be released from my prison. So thank you for setting me free, now with that said you can leave." I looked up at him, he looked hurt beyond words. I tilted my head slightly and looked into his eyes. I then moved to the door and opened it.

Nick moved so slowly it was almost painful to watch. He looked like a little puppy that had just lost it's bone. "Don't worry Nick, only half of you belongs to me. The other half I couldn't care less about. So take care of yourself, wouldn't want my soul damaged or anything like that." His head shot up at that last statement, I closed the door. I smiled to myself, I could be just as mean as the next person. I went back to the bed and laid down again. I just couldn't remember how I had gotten into the bed. I was normally a very light sleeper, then again I have gotten a little rusty. I looked to the door as Brian walked in carrying a few bags. I jumped up to help him, I grabbed two of the bags. "Thanks do you think you could get the door too?" I nodded and kicked the door shut, I followed Brian to the table and set the bags down. "I got you some clothes, I'm normally pretty good with guessing sizes. I just hope some of it fits, I also got you an appointment to get your hair cut. Don't worry about the money I've already paid for whatever you could want done. Someone should be coming to get you shortly, and then they will take you to the arena. I'll meet you backstage before the concert, which reminds me I have to go." Then he rushed out of the room, I felt a little dizzy.

I went through the clothes and found some stuff that I liked and got dressed. When someone knocked on the door I opened it. "I'm looking for a Jetta Littrell, would that be you?" I nodded slowly, I guess I now had a last name. "Could you help me pick some clothes out real quick?" The guy smiled sweetly and nodded as he entered the room. "I want to look really nice tonight but I don't know what to wear." The guy nodded slowly and looked at the clothes. "Tell you what, let's get your hair cut first then pick out some clothes." I nodded and followed the guy out of the room. We went down in the elevator, I now remembered what it was called. Then got into a limo, the ride was very short and silent. I was then showed to a seat and a woman asked what I wanted done. "I want something that's in style, but not over the top." The woman smiled brightly and went to work. First she washed my hair, I wondered why it felt better then when I washed my hair. I almost fell to sleep when she started drying my hair. "You have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen." I thanked her for her kind words, then she started cutting my hair. She paused about twenty minutes into cutting my hair. "That is the most interesting tattoo I've ever seen." My eyes widened slightly, that was no tattoo it was my birth mark.

She touched the back of my neck and traced my birth mark. "I've never seen one with this detail, or color." I smiled lightly and asked how much longer it would take. She went back to work talking about my so called tattoo. Once she was done my hair was a lot shorter and styled nicely. It looked like it was spiked, but messy and unkempt. I liked it, I thanked her and found that the limo was waiting for me outside. I got in and back to the hotel I went. I was then again following the guy to my room, he kept looking back at me. I opened the door to the room with the card Brian had left for me. Then the guy helped me pick out some really good clothes that matched up. I got undressed as he watched, his eyes seemed to glow as he watched. Once I was dressed again I asked him to take me you the arena. He nodded very slowly, then I was once again following him. Once in the limo he moved to my side letting his hand rest on my leg. I looked at his hand as it moved upward. "That wouldn't be the best move, my friend wouldn't like it to much." He looked at me and smiled lightly, then he was pinning my hands over my head. "I don't really care what your friend thinks, your ass is mine." I smiled to myself as I brought my forehead to meet his. He fell back onto the floor of the limo, he looked dazed.

I jumped on top of him holding him down like he had done me. "You seem to have mistaken me with someone else, someone who's weak." I raised my fist and slammed it down on his face a few times. I noticed that he was out cold, that was nice of him to do. I sat up and looked out the window, we were crossing a bridge. I set him up and opened the door, then he went flying. I closed the door and stopped worrying about him, he was food for the fishes. Once the limo stopped I slowly got out beating the driver to the punch. "Where's that other guy, I could have sworn he was in there with you." I looked at the driver and smiled sweetly. "No, he got out right after he spoke with you, I thought you saw him?" The driver just shrugged his shoulders and told me where to go. I stood at a door and knocked loudly. A very large man answered the door, he looked like a wall. "Hi, I was told to come here, could you please get Brian for me?" The guy started laughing, then he went to shut the door. I stopped him with my foot, he then gave me a dirty look. "Look kid, I don't care if the pope told you to come here. Your not getting past me and that's final, now move your damn foot." I moved my foot all right I took it straight up to meet his chin.

Next: Chapter 2

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