
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jun 14, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story.


He staggered back a little and I charged forward. I knocked him on the ground and started punching him. He picked me up and tossed me into a wall, that hurt a little. I stood back up and circled him a few times. He moved forward as I jumped into the air bring my feet to his shoulders. I used his own speed to send him sailing into a wall. I then found myself on the floor with my back to him. I stood up and continued to walk down the little hallway. I heard foot steps behind me, I didn't turn around in time. He had me pinned to the ground, his fist raising. I smiled at him which only seemed to make him madder. I kicked out with my legs and then brought them up to wrap around his neck. He looked surprised, that lasted about a second then he went flying into a wall. I stood up and looked at him, he didn't look like he was going to get up. So I waited a few minutes, no need to make the same mistake twice. I then turned my back and continued to walk down the hallway. As I looked around it was like everyone was moving at once. I didn't see the guys anywhere, and I really didn't want to fight all these people. I walked toward the front of the area, where most of the screaming was coming from. I walked out onto the stage and looked at all the people.

They looked back at me with what looked like confusion. I just smiled and waved slightly then turned around. I walked backstage and continued to look for the guys. Brian was moving toward a white metal door. I ran up to him and tapped his shoulder lightly. He turned around and smiled at me brightly, then he hugged me. "Good to see that you made it, what took so long?" I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled again, he just continued to smile. "There he is, someone grab that little monster." I turned around to see the same guy running toward me. I laughed to myself, he really didn't know when to give up. I ran toward him, this was going to be fun. This time he jumped into the air and kicked me in my chest. I fell back to the ground with a loud thud. I jumped up and stood in a stance, Brian was yelling for both of us to stop. The guy looked at Brian with a confused look in his eyes. "What are you doing attacking my guest?" The guy looked at me then Brian, I couldn't help but smile. "You mean to tell me this guy is your guest?" Brian slowly nodded his head then draped his arm over my shoulder. "I told you at the door, you shouldn't have given me a problem. Then maybe you wouldn't have been hurt so badly." The guard looked at with this look of total hate. I just laughed to myself, he had no idea how lucky he was.

After that little show Brian showed me around the backstage area. It was really interesting once I understood how most of it worked. Then he got me a chair where I could sit and watch them perform. Once the show started I was really given a gift, they were amazing. I had heard their songs and seen them dance before. All of that was through Nick, I had never witnessed this myself. Through my own eyes and ears it was so different, so much more beautiful. The way they sang their hearts out was simply amazing, never had I witnessed something so wonderful. Their singing was really different then what I was taught as a child. Our songs were only for certain things, like war or a death of a loved one. Their songs were of love and loss, and sometimes they spoke truths, and great lies. All in all they changed people for a short amount of time, made them feel something. I had known for a long time that humans had lost the power of love and kindness. So for that short amount of time that they sang they brought that back. I know that they aren't the only ones with this talent. But I do believe that so far they are the most talented. I didn't know which one I liked the most yet, they were all so different. Brian was sweet and kind, he reminded me of the people of my time. I even found myself looking at Nick every so often.

In truth I found myself looking at all of them for different reasons. I knew that Kevin could be trusted once you gained his trust. I knew that Howie could be your best friend and someone you could always count on. While AJ was a lot more then he seemed, so much more than anyone knew. I was born with gifts so to speak, nothing like the gods but gifts. I could look into others souls, into their hearts. I could also summon my swords to me from anywhere in the world. I could do a few other things, like summon a holy armor. I now understood what heaven was, what a lot of the new world was. I now knew who had brought me into this world so long ago. Right now none of that mattered, I had many things to worry about. I didn't exist in this world, I was a being from another time. I had no birth recorded or ID so to speak, I wondered how I was going to get around that. The concert was almost over they were thinking the crowd for coming to the show. I knew that Brian and Nick meant what they said, I wasn't sure about the others. I found myself wanting to get know all of them. Something told me that I was going to need them more than I thought. I was tired of using people, I needed to find something that I could do. I had to find something to earn my way with them. I had a few talents, like maybe I could be a body guard.

After the concert Brian pulled me straight out to the bus. They were almost running, it was really funny to be apart of the gang. "I thought your music was great tonight, the most beautiful sound that I have ever heard." Brian looked at me for a few seconds, I wondered what he was thinking. "You are all very talented, thank you for letting me watch." I now had all of their attenion, I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. "Do you really mean that, like you really like it?" I just looked at them, people always told them they liked their music. "Yes, I thought it was the most beautiful music that I have ever heard." I looked at each of their faces, looking for answers. I didn't understand why they had asked such a strange question. "So you're telling us that in all the time you've been alive you like us the best?" I just looked at them, what was up with this age thing. "Yes, but I really wouldn't call being a rock alive." They just had no clue what it was like to just be frozen. "We all started off on the wrong foot, I'm sorry for being so rude. I have never really been a people person. That wasn't what I was trained to be, so it's not easy changing in one night. I would like to work for you, if you would let me. I have a few skills that may come in handy. I don't really need a room to sleep in or anything, I can handle sleeping on the floor." That seemed to throw them all for a loop.

Brian walked over to me placing his arm around my shoulder. "I'll share my room with you, you can even share my bed if you want." I looked at him and smiled softly to myself. I wonder if he knew what he had just offered to me. "Well, the first thing we need to take care of is getting you an ID. Then maybe some other stuff that way we can take you back to America." I looked at Howie, it was the first time he had ever spoken to me. I nodded slowly, they had brought it up not me. "I remember when you didn't need no stinking pass to travel." That little comment of mine seemed to send them all into laughter. "He sounded like my grandfather just then, oh my god." I looked at Nick, maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. The thought of family sent pain raging through my heart. It had been so long since I had even thought of them. The other guys seemed to notice the change in my mood. "What's wrong, you were all cheerful a second ago?" I looked at Kevin, damn why did he have to be nice now. "I use to have a family too, I even had a little boy. His name was Coran, he had blue eyes like the sky. The last time I saw him he was three. He was so innocent, so kind and everything I wanted to be. The last night I saw him, he was sleeping by my side. I had left him that night, it was the only way to keep him safe." There was silence in the bus, it was an odd silence.

"I remembered the first time he called me Daddy. My wife had died in child birth, we were both so young. He would run up to me in the middle of the night asking for her. I never knew what to tell him. I would just hold him while we both cried at her loss. He was one of the main reasons I decided to fight Jupiter. I had to keep him safe at all cost, nothing was to high to pay. He wasn't the only one I had left behind, I also left my husband behind too. He was a great man, and he tried so many times to change my mind. I made him promise to take care of my little Coran. He had said that no matter what he would watch over him. That had been all that I needed to fight Jupiter, those simple words." I found myself crying, losing the control I had once had. The tears fell silently, had I really been holding this in? I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, for some reason it shook me to my core. The tears fell harder and my body rocked with pain that I hadn't known existed. It was like I was being thrown back in time, to that of innocence. I felt like such a child, for the first time in so long I felt young. I let myself fall into the arms that held me gently. At some point I must have fallen to sleep, the pain had only started. I found myself in the world of twisted dreams and pained memories. The memories themselves weren't that of pain, but of times I would never have again. They were the memories of my son, of my lover, that I would never see again.


I found myself with mixed emotions about Jetta. There were times that I found myself hating him, then loving him. I could tell that Brian was falling for him, as were the other guys. All of them looked at him with wonder and amazement. Kevin had been the first to wrap his arms around Jetta. Then Brian followed along with Howie and AJ, it was weird. When he had fallen to sleep Kevin had carried him to a bed. He was having an affect on everyone including myself. He had some weird mix of man and child in him that was just amazing. He looked that of a teenager, but he was older than any other living being on earth. I could see his age in his eyes, but only for short amounts of time. His age was replaced with that of a child's eyes. When he had told of his son, it had made tears fall from my eyes. I had never known he had a son, but now that I thought of it he did. I did remember a little boy always running into my arms. I just thought it was his little brother or something. The dreams had stopped all together, but I still held the memories of the dreams. It was a weird feeling, it was like I had lost something when they stopped. Now my dreams didn't come, or I just didn't remember them. I now found myself looking at him, he was in our spare bunk. He looked so innocent and child like, he looked like the man of my dreams again.

He could be so mean sometimes, it was like a second nature to him. He had attacked one of our body guards because he got in his way. From what I understood of the whole mess, he had pretty much kicked his ass. Not that one of our guards was down for the count no way. He had come after Jetta to only be stopped by Jetta's new guardian. Brian watched over him like a big brother. The problem with that was simple, Brian was falling for him. I didn't know if Brian knew he was falling but if he didn't he was blind. The rest of us had already seen that coming. Jetta was what everybody looked for in a guy, he was beautiful. That wasn't his only good point, he was smart and could kick anyone's ass. Then you had the other little details about him. He was kind when it was needed, and so innocent, but then guiltier than sin. I liked him more than I wanted to admit, which was also becoming a problem. I knew the other guys had their eyes on him now. He was or could be a huge problem for the band. I could see it happening, and I was powerless to stop it in any way. I could see him starting to wake up slowly, he was so childlike. One problem with the whole child like thing. He just looked like the perfect guy, if you could just see the way his body moved. It wasn't like he was covered with a ton of muscle, but the definition he had.

I couldn't really take my eyes off of him, he was just so interesting. He let out a soft moan as his eyes slowly opened. The sound itself did things to my body that shouldn't have been done. I could just see myself holding him in my arms as he slept. Then again I wouldn't really mind him holding onto me as I slept either. If I really wanted him I could play dirty and call a few people. I could call both Leighanne and Kristen, they would be here in hours. There was one small problem with this idea, Brian could chose Jetta over Leighanne. It was the same with Kevin, which would only cause a lot of problems. The best guy out of the group would have to be Howie. He would be the most faithful and trusting out of all of us. AJ may be the wild card, but he also had the biggest heart in the world. Not many people had seen him at his best, which wasn't that often. Jetta was looking at me with his gray eyes. They looked like that of stone, so cold yet they held warmth. He was starting to smile slowly, it was an interesting picture. "So are you still mad at me, or are we friends?" I just couldn't help myself, he looked so damn serious. "We're friends as far as I'm concerned, that's if you want to be friends." He smiled and did the little kid thing again by hugging me. I found myself not wanting to leave his arms, ever.

He was jumping around the bus like a little kid. I wondered if he had gotten into the sugar or something. "Sorry about that, it's just I really want us to be friends. You have no idea what it mean's to me. I've lived part of my life through you Nick, you've showed me so much. Out of everyone that has held onto my soul for me you were the best. I got to see the world and hear amazing things. Then you broke me free of a curse, it was like the light at the end of a road." He looked so happy, I found that I liked him this way better. I just continued to smile until Brian walked back to the bunk area. Jetta's whole face lit up like the forth of July. Brian didn't look to unhappy either, in fact he looked overjoyed. "Hey guys, I'm just guessing but it looks like you two made up." I nodded slowly, maybe Brian would get the hint and leave. "Yeah isn't it great, I mean everything is so perfect." He was starting to bounce around again, I couldn't stop the laughter. I left Brian and Jetta alone for a while, I had to pull a plan together. I found the rest of the guys sitting around in the lounge area of the bus. They were talking about how they could get a few fake ID's. Kevin seemed to know a lot about the whole subject which worried me a little. "Anyway I was thinking that maybe I could get a hold of a friend of mine. He could get us some really good stuff for Jetta. Then in a few days we could take Jetta back to the states." I was about to say something when Howie jumped out of his seat and looked behind me.

I slowly turned around to see Jetta standing in the doorway. The only problem was, he was naked and smiling. He walked up to the rest of us, giving us a strange look. Then he sat down on the couch and leaned back. "So where are we with all of this planning?" He was smiling again, I noticed how much he didn't look like a child now. "Do you realize that you don't have any clothes on?" It was most likely the dumbest question I had ever asked. He looked at himself and then back to the rest of us. "Yeah I noticed, this bus is a little hot. So I decided that I would strip down for a little while. I hope none of you mind, I feel better this way." Kevin slowly stood up and took his shirt off slowly. "I think you have a very good point there Jetta." Howie then looked at Kevin, I wondered how far this would go. "I don't think any of us mind one bit J, in fact I think Kevin's really happy about it." I knew it was a mean thing to do, but it got the effect I was hoping for. Kevin turned five shades of red, and the smile he let lose. The guy's cracked up until Brian walked out of the back with just a towel around his waist. His hair was wet as well as his body. Brian first looked at Kevin, then over at Jetta. His whole face dropped, he looked like he was trying to swallow.

Brian soon turned around and went back the way he came. I think that maybe it was the little fact that the towel started to tent. The laughter started up again just as soon as the curtain closed. Jetta had the most confused look on his face, it was so cute. Then the laughter was brought to a sudden stop by AJ. He had moved beside Jetta draping his arm over his shoulder. "You would look so cool with a tattoo somewhere on your body." Jetta looked at him and smiled brightly, then he turned away. "Look at the back of my neck, and tell me how that looks." I watched as AJ traced what looked like a really nice tattoo. I got closer and looked at the strange design, it was beautiful. I noticed that it stuck out of his skin. I had never seen a tattoo that was anything like that before. It almost looked like a burn with the way it stuck out. But it couldn't be a burn the design was to detailed. Then when you looked at the colors it was just amazing. The blues and reds, and what looked like a little silver and gold. I noticed that there was more than one design, it looked two designs. "It's not a tattoo, it's my birthmark, the mark of the Libra. I've never really seen it before, but I understand it's something to look at." I found myself falling into confusion, how could someone be born with that mark?


I didn't know what was coming over me, but I found myself really happy. I felt like a little kid, then I felt like I was as old as stone. I knew that in some ways I was both, but right now I was happy and carefree. I was letting all of the guys look at my birthmark. AJ had moved away a short time ago to let Kevin look. All of them traced the mark like it was impossible for someone to be born with this mark. I had met some of the other warriors. All of us shared the strange mark, not the same one but a mark. It told the world who we were with one simple look. The problem with that was simple it made it easier to track us. So we decided that we would hide it with our hair, it was a simple answer. I hadn't had my hair this short in a very long time. Once everyone was done I faced everyone again. I noticed that Brian hadn't come back out to join all of us. I would have to show him the mark later, I really wanted him to see it. "So besides the mark, is there anything else that you have that's a little weird?" I looked at Nick and smiled, he should know the answer to that. "Yes, but it's not something I can hold really." He looked confused, but understanding at the same time. "The dreams were all true Nick, none of it was false." His eyes seemed to widen then glow slightly. "You mean that armor, it wasn't something I made up?" I shook my head, maybe it was time to summon it.

I stood up slowly and closed my eyes tightly. It had been so long since I had worn my birth right. I stretched my arms out as far as I could, then brought my legs together tightly. I pushed my chest outward and let the air flow out of my body. I opened my eyes to see Nick mimicking my every move. I didn't understand what he was trying to do. I closed my eyes once again and prayed silently. I felt the warm glow flow over my body slowly. I brought my hands over my head then down to my sides. I opened my eyes to see that Nick and I shared the armor. It was almost like looking into a mirror, then I understood everything. He carried half of my soul, so he gained the armor as well. He was looking at himself with amazement. I knew that I had changed slightly myself, my hair was now blond. My skin was slightly paler then it had been minutes ago. Not that much of my skin was there to be seen. The armor covered my whole body, leaving only my head to be seen. I closed my eyes and pulled with mind once again, my swords were once again in my hands. Their blades were silver and gold like the armor. I opened my eyes and looked at Nick, he didn't have any swords. I shrugged it off and smiled to myself, I felt at home. Nick's mouth was hanging open like a big fish, I couldn't help but to laugh.

Nick looked at me and started smiling like a little kid. "What else can you do?" I just looked at him confused, wasn't this enough? "Nothing more, well not really, I can fight and the armor increases my natural gifts. I can move quicker and I'm stronger, stuff like that." I wondered if Nick carried the same gifts that I now had. Brian chose this moment to rejoin the group. His mouth dropped as he looked at Nick and then me. For some odd reason I wanted to just return to what I once was. The look in his eyes wasn't amazement, it looked like fear. I closed my eyes again pushing the armor away. I was once again nude, but I wasn't the only one. I looked at Nick and noticed that his clothing was gone. It was a small side effect the armor had on any that dawned it. I dropped both swords on the ground then looked back at Brian. My heart raced and my eyes blurred, I couldn't lose his friendship. He meant to much to me to lose him now, I just couldn't lose him. I walked to him slowly hoping he wouldn't turn away from me, that he wouldn't run. "Are you all right Brian, you look a little shocked." I smiled as his eyes turned to me, they held a great deal of confusion. "What was that, are you even human?" The worlds hurt, almost like a dagger. I looked at him, he had no right to ask such a question. "I'm human, but I don't know if you are." I turned and walked away, I had been hurt without him rasing a hand.

No one got in my way as I headed toward the front of the bus. "Stop now I want to get off." I felt a hand on my shoulder, Nick stood behind me shaking his head. "What are you doing, you'll be lost in this world?" I looked at him taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. "I've spent a good amount of my life frozen in stone. I gave up everything I ever had so the human race would not be destroyed. I had a son, now he is dead, I had a lover he too is gone. I have nothing now, all because I was born to save my race. I gave my life freely so that others may live. I have paid many princes in my life I will not pay another. He has no right to say anything along those lines to me." I tuned back to the bus driver how had not even once looked at me. Nick looked at me with sorrow and understanding. I couldn't understand why he wasn't jumping to his friends defense. "I didn't mean it like that, I thought you were an angel. I'm so sorry, you have to forgive me, it was just so scary. I thought that maybe you would soon grow wings and fly away forever. That I would never see you again, I couldn't stand that thought." I turned to see Brian standing just a little behind Nick.

Nick had left both of us alone, which for some reason I found odd. "I over reacted, I'm sorry for that." It was all I could get past my lips without revealing my feelings. Brian slowly nodded but when he went to move away I stopped him. It was like my body had a mind of it's own. "I should have given you a chance to explain yourself. I shouldn't have said what I had said about you. I know that I'm acting really childish, it's just a little hard to not to. I keep finding myself looking through someone else's eyes. Only now those eyes are my own and I have no idea how to use them. For a very long time I only had those I shared my soul with. Now I'm thrown into a different world where I can move freely and feel. I don't know how to act or feel, when I should fight or run. None of it makes any sense to me. I just don't know what to do anymore, I don't belong here and I never will." Brian had wrapped his arms around me, I felt so safe in those arms. "You belong with us, other wise you wouldn't be with us. As for the other things, I'll make sure I'm here to help you get through it." I nodded slowly accepting that I couldn't make it in this world without them. "Now if you wouldn't mind, could you put some clothes on?" I looked at him confused, no body else had seemed to mind. "The others don't really care but it makes hugging you a little harder." I smiled to myself and thought about what he really meant.

I moved back to the sleeping area of the bus and grabbed some clothing. I got dressed and walked back up to the sitting area. Kevin was in his boxers, and most of the other guys were down to very little clothing. I felt highly over dressed so I went back and found a pair of boxers. They had to be the most beautiful color I had ever seen. They reminded me of the night sky, they were such a dark blue. I changed and went back to the sitting area. I felt much better in this small amount of clothing, more at home. In my time I only wore clothing during the winter months. In the summers I wore nothing, as did most of the other people. Clothing was never really a big thing in my time, that had changed very quickly. I watched as Brian rolled his eyes, then shook his head as if giving up. "All of you are setting a bad example Jetta. Do any of you realize that with him thinking it's ok to run around half naked he might do it in the pubic?" This didn't seem to help him any, if anything I think it only made things worse. "So does that mean if we run around naked he will to?" I looked at each of them, all of them talked as if I weren't even in the room. "For one I like running around naked, for two I won't in pubic, I do know something of the new laws. I think that there is nothing wrong with the human body, if there was then why was it chosen for me?" This seemed to confuse all those in listening range, I decided I wouldn't explain further.

I stood up and left the room quickly, I went and put some clothes on. I was fully dressed when I walked back into the sitting area. "Besides, I don't mind being in clothing not anymore anyway. I find that I like this new style of clothing, it is a lot softer and more colorful." I smiled brightly then looked at all of them smiling brightly. "Jetta you do realize that your wearing Brian's silk PJ's don't you?" I looked at the dark blue pants and shirt, I liked them. I didn't care if it was sleep wear, it felt good and I was sure I could wear it in pubic. "So, it feels good, besides, isn't that a wonderful word, anyway. I should be able to walk around in clothing like this. It covers every part of my body, and it looks pleasing to the eye." Brian walked up and draped his arm over my shoulder, I was glad he was on my side. "You have to admit it look's good on him, and it gives him that American look." I smiled and pulled Brian closer to my body, he was so warm. I liked the idea of having him by my side. "Now all I need are some shoes, but I don't know where they were taken?" Brian looked at my feet for a minute then looked to Nick. "Nick I got him some shoes could you go get them?" Nick nodded and went back toward the bunks. Nick walked back out holding my shoes and a pair of socks, he handed them to me.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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