
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jul 3, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. He also checks my stories for screw ups, like any kind of errors. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was already feeling more at home, the guys on the other hand looked scared. "You killed those men, why on earth did you just kill them?" I looked at Kevin like he was the biggest idiot I had ever seen. "Do you have any idea what those men had in mind for us?" Kevin shook his head and looked at the others with confusion. "Let me give you a small hint, it doesn't involve asking permission. You have to understand something guys, in this time you most likely would have been slaves. With your look's you would have been forced to be whores. To both men and women, just depending on who had the most gold. Now that was the worst that could have happened, but it would have happened at some point. Now some other things might have been being pulled away from one another. Then you have the endless work, poor sleeping areas, and no baths. Now if they couldn't sell you, they would have killed you. If you would have fought instead of me, you could have been killed and they wouldn't have thought other wise." All of them looked depressed, I could understand their mood. "This isn't really my time, but it is like my time, do you understand?" All of them nodded slowly and looked away almost like little children. "I understand the people and the ways better than you do, don't worry I will take care of all of you." That seemed to help slightly as I got off the house and let my armor flow away.

I knew that in this time I couldn't just run around naked, but that didn't stop me. "Much better, Kevin why don't you give Nick you jacket, he doesn't like being naked." Kevin did so without a second thought, he didn't even look at Nick. I watched as Nick tied the jacket around his waist sideways. "Well, there are only two horses, so two of us are going to have to walk. Since I'm use to it I'll be one of those two, so who else is going to walk?" Howie walked to my side and draped his arm over my shoulder, I nodded and turned around. "Since the traders came from the direction I think we should walk that way." The others agreed, Nick and Kevin got on one horse, Brian and AJ on the other horse. We started walking, I just wished I had a better idea on where we were going. When the sun started setting I stopped the group and got a fire going. I went hunting for a few hours, I could only get a few rabbits. I was a little disappointed in myself, I use to be able to find a lot of other animals. I skinned the rabbits with Brian and Kevin's help, then found some sticks to cook them on. Soon after that we were eating, the others didn't look all that happy. After the food was gone we all went to sleep in our separate spaces. I was having a little bit of a hard time getting to sleep, I guess I had gotten a little soft. I really wanted one of those beds right about now.

I woke up the next morning to someone holding a sword against my neck. I looked up see about ten men with their weapons on the others. "Those horses over there belong to me, what are you doing with them?" I looked up at the man and smiled lightly, he didn't seem impressed. "We found roaming the land, we didn't know that they belonged to you my lord." I was hoping that I had chosen the right words, I guess that I hadn't. I couldn't summon my armor, the others would be dead before I could even try to attack. "Well, since you've decided you want to steal from me. I'll take you as my new slave boy, I could use the others on the market." I looked toward Nick, he looked really scared, and I could understand that fear. "You have no right to just take us as slaves, we are free and plan to remain that way." Right after the words left Brian's mouth his mouth was punched. "It's all right Brian, just give it a little time, it's not like we don't have it at the moment." I was willing to let these fools lead us to a city, then I could deal with them when the others weren't in danger. One after another we were strapped down to a horse with our hands and feet tied. I had to give the trader a little credit, he wasn't a complete fool after all. I was at a disadvantage, which only got on my nerves a little more than it should have.

I watched as the others traders touched Nick's body. Nick hadn't made a sound yet, he just kept his eyes closed. I looked to the others that were looking at me with what I considered lust. "Just try, and I will promise you this, you will die." I smiled after that only to be hit squarely in the jaw. I tasted the blood and let it leak from the side of my mouth. "Leave them be boys, if you keep messing with them you'll decrease their value. As for mine, do you what you want with him, he look's sturdy enough." I looked at my so called owner, he would be the last to die. I was pulled off the horse and thrown onto the ground hard. It knocked the wind out of my lungs, my vision was also slightly blurred. My hands and feet were tied differently before I could understand what was happening. Seconds later a pain filled my lower body, but I refused to allow it to enter my mind. I knew what was happening, I was being raped, but that only fed my anger. I kept my eyes closed and thought of ways to slowly kill them all. In the distance I could hear the others shouting their approval. I could hear my friends shouting for it to end, I could hear Brian's pain filled voice over the others. I could hear the tears deep within his heart as he screamed for them to stop. The trades took turns until all of them had their fill.

When it was over I was thrown back on the horse, still I kept my eyes closed. My body ached as the horse moved forward. My hands and feet had been tied back the way they had been before. I didn't want to move for a while, but I knew that soon enough I would be forced to move. I finally opened my eyes after hours of travel, I could see a small fortress in the distance. Once we entered that the others were thrown into a cell, soon after I joined them. I refused to talk, even when they tried to gain my attention, I just couldn't. I felt odd, like everything in my world had just fallen away, only this time I didn't want to come back. Now that I knew the others were safe I summoned my armor and my swords. The guys looked at me with worry written all over their faces, I didn't understand it. I didn't care to try, so I broke the door's doors to our cell down, then slowly walked into the middle of the fort. Seconds later I was surrounded by a dozen men holding weapons. "I don't know where you got that armor, but it's not going to save you." Those were the last words that had left his mouth, since his head was now on the ground. I don't remember what really happened next, I just remember fighting and not stopping. I could feel blood flowing over my skin, but it wasn't mine, it was the traders. I continued to kill them one after another. I wanted their blood and I would never be satisfied, until all of them were dead.


I had watched as those men had raped Jetta without mercy. Now I watched as Jetta killed them without mercy. He didn't even look human anymore, he was covered in blood from head to toe. Still he continued to kill anything that got in front of him, which wasn't all that hard. He would turn in circles looking for his next victim, then charge after them. I couldn't blame him for his anger, but I feared he was losing his mind. He wouldn't talk to any of us after he had been thrown into the cell. He just kept looking outward, then he summoned his armor and swords. The traders had tried to fight him, but their blades and arrows never touched him. Now the man that was behind all of this was at Jetta's mercy. The man was shaking and calling Jetta the devil, Jetta only smiled. The man tried to stab Jetta in his stomach. The blade broke off like it was a wooden tooth pick, then Jetta's smile got larger. He picked the man up off the ground, I heard a soft crunch as he crushed the man's throat. Then this dark laughter left Jetta's throat as he dropped the man. He looked toward us, he scared me, his eyes were so lifeless. The smile was slowly leaving his face leaving something that looked like shock. He slowly turned around in a circle looking at all the dead bodies. I had counted close to thirty, but I knew there were more.

When Jetta faced us again I could see the tears falling from his eyes. He looked so lost and hurt, like nothing mattered anymore. Then slowly he fell to the ground, his swords fell to the ground. His armor slipped like it had never been leaving his naked form unprotected. He wouldn't be attacked, there wasn't anyone left to attack him. Brian was the first to run to Jetta's side. Brian had picked him up and had started to carry him to us before any of us realized what was happening. "We have to get him somewhere safer then this fort." Jetta was holding onto Brian so tightly that it looked like he would crush him. His whole body was shaking, tears streamed down his face but his eyes were blank. It was like he was seeing everything, but he wasn't there anymore, he was somewhere else. "Let's get him inside, wash up him then get him and Nick some clothes." Kevin took the lead as we entered the fortress from the main doorway. We followed him up some stairs until we reached a doorway. Kevin slowly opened the door and looked inward. Then he walked in motioning for us to follow him into the room, we did so. There was a bath tub, with what look liked some used water. It was clean enough so Brian set Jetta into it and started washing him off.

Brian was whispering into Jetta's ear, Jetta wasn't moving. His eyes remained lifeless his body had stopped all motion. Then slowly he looked at Brian, tears continued to fall his voice sounded horse. "Why do I feel so weak, I'm just so tired of all of this." Brian was crying softly while he washed Jetta's hair free of the blood. "It happens when someone takes advantage of you. Sometimes they use your friends against you, others threaten to take your whole world away. You just gave in to save us Jetta, trust me when I say I know the feeling all to well. You'll heal in time, if given the chance to let them slowly fade away." I looked at Brian in a new light, there was something going that I didn't know about. I looked toward Kevin, he looked just as confused as I did. I looked at the others to see the same look on all their faces. "Brian, will you help me please, help me forget what's happened?" Jetta looked at Brian with so much love flowing from his eyes, it was amazing. Brian simply nodded and held onto Jetta, I grabbed Kevin's hand and pulled him out of the room. The others followed seconds later, it was a given that Jetta had made his choice. "Kevin, I remember that you once told me that Brian hated Leighanne. Then all of a sudden he announces he's in love with her, then they get married a few months later." Kevin was nodding then his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"So you're trying to tell me that somehow Leigh blackmailed Brian into the marriage?" I nodded slowly it was starting to make sense, I cursed myself for not seeing it sooner. "No, that wouldn't make sense Nick, she's always been so nice to all of us. She wouldn't do something like that to Brian, she loves him." I looked at Kevin, he had a really good point, but I wasn't ready to give up yet. "She's an actress Kevin, think about it, she was trained to fool others. Look at half the shit we were put through just so we would be ready for the pubic. Now we were just trained slightly, but Leigh on the other hand was trained for years." I think Kevin was starting to put everything together for himself, well at least partly. "Then why hasn't he said anything to us, I mean it's not like we wouldn't have tried to help him?" I was just about to answer when Brian walked out. "It was apart of the agreement, none of you ever found out. She didn't want to be treated like an outcast so none of you were to know. She said that if I told you it was off and she was going to the press." I looked at Brian and shook my head slowly, how did he get himself into this? "She caught me with a guy after a concert, she got a few pictures. I didn't even realize what was happening. She took off before I could stop her, a few hours later she had me by my balls." I closed my eyes and thought of all the signs that I had missed.

I had to give Brian a lot of credit, he was a good actor. "How's Jetta doing, is he any better?" Brian looked toward the room, he had this really sad look on his face. "He will be, it's going to take a long time, but he'll get there. We should leave this place as quickly as we can. No use waiting for more people to show up looking for slaves. I don't think it would be a good idea to have Jetta around anyone like that. He would most likely lose it again, I don't think I could handle seeing that again." We all agreed that it was something someone should only see once in a lifetime. That was only if it was forced on a person, it was just the way he killed them. I knew in his time he had done similar things to stay alive. I knew that in this time he would be called on to do it again, I just couldn't tell the others. Jetta was a warrior, he was born a warrior and he would die a warrior. "Brian, you have to understand that Jetta is what he is, he will kill again. In this time, he's all we have to protect us. I know we can defend ourselves against normal people. Well, these people aren't what we would conceder normal, we're useless." Brian sighed and looked back toward the room with sadness building on his face. "He shouldn't have to fight like that, no one should." I agreed with Brian, but that was a big part of life, sometimes you had to fight.

If there was anyone in the world that knew the meaning of fighting it was Jetta. He was given life for that very purpose, to fight, to die for a greater cause. I was starting to understand him more now than ever before. In some way's it made me jealous that he had chosen Brian. I had to give him credit, Brian was one hell of a guy there was no doubt there. I knew that there was still a small chance that I could get him to fall for me. I just couldn't let myself sank that low, I couldn't hurt Brian like that. Still the idea was highly tempting, maybe more than it should be. Jetta walked out of the room, only this time he was fully clothed. The only real skin that was showing was that above his neck and his below his wrist. My stomach twisted into knots, it was like all of his innocence was taken from him. He use to hold so much pride in his body, he didn't care who would see him. Now he hid everything, his eyes hadn't really left the floor since he had left the room. He would look up every so often, but never into anyone's eyes, not even Brian's. "Let's head out, try to find a real city or something." Jetta looked like he wanted to say something be remained silent. I walked past Jetta and into the room, there I found two sets of clothing. I took both of them, knowing that most likely Jetta would have to use the armor again.

I got dressed and walked back to join the others Jetta was nowhere to be seen. The guys looked worried, Brian looked heart broken. "He's gone, at least for now, he said he would stay close by." I looked at Kevin wanting more information, I raised my arms slightly. "He said that he had to have some time alone, we couldn't talk him out of it. Then he took off like a bat out of hell, but I think he'll be ok." I looked at all of them like they were nuts, I took off down the stairs. I had to find Jetta, it wasn't a time he should be left alone for any length of time. Once I got outside I looked everywhere I thought he could be. I finally gave up and started back toward the others, they were getting some horses ready. I couldn't believe them, and more importantly I couldn't believe Brian was just standing by. He looked saddened, but besides that he looked like nothing had happened. I just did what the others did by getting on a horse, then heading out of the gates. No one really talked while we started our journey to find a real city. We traveled for a long time before we decided it was time to get some rest. Brian and Kevin had gone off to find something to eat, they came back with three rabbits. The rabbits were already skinned, and looked like they were ready to be cooked.

I was slightly worried that Kevin had or Brian for that matter had stolen them. "We found these just a little outside of the campsite, look's like Jetta's closer than we thought." I just agreed and tried to start a fire, it wasn't as easy as it looked. It took close to an hour to get a good fire going. After that we cooked the rabbit's and started eating as quickly as we could. I wasn't really looking forward to falling to sleep any time soon. For the next three days we traveled in the same direction, every night we would find food near by. I didn't know how Jetta was keeping up with us, he wasn't using his armor. I didn't know if he had taken a horse, but if he had he wasn't leaving any tracks. I had kept my eyes out from them the whole trip. I was hoping that I could follow them to him so I could talk him into rejoining us. I woke up in the middle of the night, there were noses coming from the forest that was only a few dozen feet away. We had stayed close just in case we needed to run and hide. I had a feeling it was Jetta so I followed the sounds into the forest. After twenty minutes I saw a small amount of light behind some trees. I looked over some bushes to see Jetta looking into the fire, his eyes looked so distant. He started taking his clothing off, then he looked at himself, he started crying.

I wanted to reach out and help him in someway, but I didn't know how. I watched as his hands flowed over his body. He was looking at himself like he was dirty, then he started scratching his skin. He wasn't drawing any blood, but I could see the angry red marks. He started moving away slowly and I followed him as quietly as I could. When I finally caught up to him he was in a stream. I watched as he washed himself continuously like he couldn't get clean enough. Then he just fell backward letting his whole form fade into the water. When he came back up he looked different, he looked around. "I know someone is here, come out or so help me I will kill you slowly." I stood up and cleared the small amount of area that was between us. He looked up at me then looked away slowly. "You have nothing to be ashamed of Jetta, trust me on that." He looked up his eyes were filling with tears. "Nick, you can't phantom what I feel right now, and I hope you never do. I have lived my life always thinking I was untouchable, unless I chose to be touched. I never allowed anything to ever interfere with that, until a few days ago. I allowed myself to be taken advantage of so I could save my friends. I gave in and let myself be raped, at first it was ok." Jetta had started shaking lightly, tears were falling from his eyes.

"Then it just kept happening, over and over again, I didn't think it would ever end. I just kept thinking of ways to kill them. Then I finally got my chance and I killed them, all of them. It didn't help any, I thought it would help if I could stop the source of my pain. It didn't and I can still feel everything that happened. It won't stop, even when I sleep my mind is filled with this pain. I look at myself and all I see is what they did to me, I may have kept my eyes closed, but I could still see it in my mind. I knew what they were doing to me, and I can't forget that. I've tried so hard, but nothing I do will allow me to stop thinking of what I could have done. I could have stopped them, I could have killed them all before they laid a finger on me. I know good and well that I had reasons not to attack them. It would have gotten all of you killed, I know that, but still I can't help wishing I had tried to stop them anyway. I wish that I had tried, even if it had cost all of you your lives. That's why I want to be alone Nick, because I can't look at you, or the others. I see what I use to be, strong and not worried about being hurt. I know that all of you fear what could happen to you, but do you know why?" He held his hand up to stop me from answering his question. Then he stepped out of the stream and moved toward me with so much grace.

He took my hand in his then pressed it to his chest. His skin was so cold, it was almost like ice. He slowly started taking my hand lower, his eyes never left mine. "Have you ever been touched in a way that made your blood turn to ice?" He continued to take my hand lower until it was just above cock. "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to no have control over your own body?" He use my hand to cup his balls, then his cock. He was starting to get hard as he forced me to hold him, all I could do was swallow. "Right now I have control over myself to a certain degree, but I can't force myself to stop liking it. I like the feeling of you holding my cock in your hand, even if it shouldn't be there. Slowly I'm losing control over myself, not that bad really since I know you don't mean me any harm. Since I'm the one who's getting you to do this, now imagine me not wanting this. Just imagine that it was happening to you, that you couldn't control yourself." He moved his hand to where he was now cupping my balls in his hand. I had almost pulled away, but I forced myself to remain right where I was. "Now don't get hard, just stay limp." I couldn't do what he was asking me as he slowly moved his hand. I couldn't stop the rush of blood to my cock, or it getting hard in his hand.

"How does it feel to lose control Nick, does it scare you?" He pulled his hand away and then mine, he looked into my eyes. "Now think of this and multiply it by one hundred, then add pain that your body isn't use to. Then have that continue to happen over and over again until you think of nothing but vengeance. Then get your vengeance, but you find out that it doesn't help. Then you'll know what I feel, you'll have an idea why I need time alone. Like I told Brian and the others I'll stay close by, and when the time comes I'll rejoin you. I'm not ready for that yet, so get back to camp and think about what I just said." I just nodded and walked back the way I had come until I reached the others. Brian was awake and looking at the fire, he looked relieved when I got back. "I guess you finally tracked Jetta down, what did he have to say?" I looked at Brian and just shook my head, I was still trying to understand it. Jetta had given me a lot to think about and I was going to do just that. I had to try and put myself in his shoes, I use to live my nights in his shoes. I had a pretty good idea on where to start, a little journey into my mind. So I laid down and closed my eyes, what I felt and what I saw didn't make sense. It was just a bunch of images in my mind that made me want to cry.

Every second that passed over the next few days I pushed myself deeper into my mind. I was willing to do anything to understand Jetta, then maybe I could help him through this. It was all that I allowed myself to think about while I was with the others. I had no clue how I was I going to get to that point, but I hoped I would reach it soon. The guys would look at me oddly during the day. It may have been the fact that I really didn't talk to them all that much. All I could think about was how Jetta had said that he regretted not fighting. I knew that we would have died if Jetta had fought, but then again maybe I wouldn't have. As soon as Jetta summoned his armor I would have had a set myself. The others would have been helpless and most likely would have died before Jetta could have killed them. I would have survived, but could I have lived with myself knowing I had cost them their lives. That was what Jetta must have been feeling when he was being raped. Now he was starting to wonder if we were worth his sacrifice, so was I. I didn't owe him anything before his rape, and in truth he didn't owe me anything, the same went for the others. Still he took on a large amount of pain for us, and what did we give him back. Now I owed him so much I didn't know if I could ever repay him for his sacrifice.

I knew we were getting closer to some kind of city, the land was starting to clear up. There wasn't a forest near by, just a whole lot of hills and stuff like that. I didn't really know how Jetta was staying out of sight. He was still leaving food for us to find, but no one saw him. I tried to wake up during the night hoping I would hear something, but it wasn't happening. Brian had started following my lead every night until we just started searching. I refused to give up until Jetta was traveling with us again, it just didn't feel right without him. We finally reached a city, and it was huge with a castle in the middle of it. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen in my whole life, it was like magic was fueling it. The city had a wall that went all the way around the city and castle, then the castle had a wall that went around it. The stones that were used in building the walls were white and seemed to sparkle. As we entered the city we were greeted by the guards, they had many weapons. "I wouldn't raise your weapons against them if I were you, I might have to hurt you." We all turned around to see Jetta standing by the gates he didn't look to happy. The guard laughed slightly then moved toward Jetta, he just smiled lightly and looked at me.

I knew instantly that I had better get my clothes off and soon. Jetta was already stripping down, which had the guards confused. Once I was out of all my clothes it was like the armor just replaced them. The guards looked confused, but not all that scared which worried me. "Nice trick boy, but I've seen the master of magic perform. Compared to him your nothing but a trickster." Jetta nodded slowly and soon he had swords in his hands. "I would like to meet this master of magic, where is he hiding?" The men laughed hard then moved in toward Jetta. "I can fight my own battles thank you very much men." All heads turned toward an old man who was wearing a black robe. He looked like a monk only his hair was far to long. His hair was solid white and almost reached the ground on which he stood. The old man raised his hand and seconds later he was holding a ball of fire. The old man threw the fire ball at Jetta, he simply used his sword like a bat. He sent the fire ball right back at the old man, who simply caught it and laughed. "I see that this is going to be harder than I thought, you might want to leave the area men." After those words left the old mans mouth Jetta was gone, then he reappeared behind the old man. "It'll be much harder than you thought old one, since you'll be dead in seconds." The old man was quicker than he looked as he moved seven feet away from Jetta.

The old man looked interested in Jetta, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight him. The man threw balls of ice and fire at Jetta, he only dodged them with ease. He would throw his sword at the old man every so often. Seconds later the sword would come back to his hand. "Merlin what are you doing, just kill the boy, or do I have to do it." I looked over to see a man wearing a crown. "Trust me when I say that I am trying to kill the little brat." I felt the air catch in my chest as I looked at the men we were facing. Jetta was fighting the most powerful wizard that had ever existed. While we looked at the greatest king to ever rule the land. "You can try all you want, but you can't kill me, none of you can. I have faced gods and taken their lives, you are nothing to me, nothing but insects." Merlin looked to Arthur who looked worried for the first time since he had come. Then before the eye could catch it Jetta was behind Merlin and bringing his sword down on Merlin. Merlin was turning while the sword fell toward him with speed and impossible strength. Merlin moved just a split second before the sword would have hit him. Jetta's sword went deeply into the ground splitting it open like a shell, Merlin looked scared. Jetta turned quickly bringing his sword back up and moving toward Merlin.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 5

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