
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jul 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story.


Jetta quickly brought his sword high into the air and began to bring it down on him. A sword stopped him and pushed his sword back slightly. Jetta jumped back about ten feet and prepared to charge again. "Now wait just a minute young man, it appears we've made a mistake in your fighting capability." Jetta looked at Arthur and smiled lightly, but he didn't put his swords away. "I don't care what you've mistaken, you'll die for it. I refuse to be a slave to any man, that means you. I refuse to bow to any man no matter his status. I see that crown on your head, and I know what it means. You think you're better than the rest of us, well I'm going to prove you wrong." Before Jetta could move forward the area filled with knights. "We are here my lord, what is it you wish of us?" I noticed it was a blond hair knight who asked. "I think we should try to persuade this young man to join us." The knights looked at Jetta and his armor, they looked somewhat impressed. "My lord he is nothing but a boy, his armor is great as are his weapons. That doesn't mean he would make a good knight, certainly not a knight of the round table." Arthur laughed lightly and patted the knight on his back and pointed toward Merlin.

Merlin was standing up, he didn't look to upset with Jetta. "This boy just fought with me, he almost won. If it hadn't been for Arthur I wouldn't be alive right now, but that didn't stop the boy. In honestly I believe he still could have killed me if you hadn't shown up." The knights looked back at Jetta smiling lightly, then back to Arthur. "I would have killed you both, my armor and swords are blessed by god. I will not join a slave trader, but I will end your dark deeds. No longer will your kind hurt those innocent, I will put and end to all traders." Jetta was moving forward with his swords raised high in the air and his eyes on Arthur. Arthur went to speak but arrows were already flying at Jetta's chest, they just bounced off or broke and fell to the ground. One knight charged forward trying his best to strike Jetta. Jetta simply broke the knight's sword in half then kicked him in his stomach. The knight's armor bent inward with Jetta's blow to his stomach, the other knight's looked a little scared. "Wait a minute, wait just one little minute, we're not slave traders." Jetta looked at Arthur then to the man laying on the ground, then to us. "Then what are you, and if you have no slaves how did this kingdom get built. Are you trying to tell me that this place was built without slaves." Arthur looked to Merlin and then back to me and nodded.

Jetta looked doubtful but he dropped his swords to the ground. "What do you think of slave traders?" Arthur told him his thoughts on slavery, with each word Jetta seemed to get calmer. "So your kingdom stands for freedom and justice, all that good stuff?" The king nodded slowly while holding his hand out. "I believe that you would help me accomplish this goal much quicker." Jetta looked at him and slowly shook his head, then he looked to me. "I would love to do nothing more than help you, and I think I will but I can't exist here. There can be no record of me in this time, or the others that are with me. We aren't from this time, we were sent back in time by some force unknown to us. I think we might be able to help but only if we continue to be unknown to the pubic." Arthur was nodding while Merlin looked prefaced with the idea of time travel. "You say you were sent back in time, why do you think it was done?" Jetta looked at Merlin and shrugged his shoulders lightly. "I don't honestly know, what I do know is that may have saved my life. I was fighting a god who claimed to be my son, but before he could kill me we ended up here." Merlin nodded and looked around for something, he was a very strange man.

"Well, we should get to the castle so I can knight you in front of the other knights. I know that you wish to remain nameless but I would at least like to knight you." Jetta agreed and followed Arthur and the other knights. We just followed Jetta, none of us had any idea how to act. Arthur was just a fairy tale told to kids, but I never thought he was real. This place we were walking in was Camelot, but I had never seen this city in my own time. I had flown all over this area and went sight seeing so many times it wasn't funny. I had never seen anything like this city before now, so how could it exist? I had a lot of questions I planned on asking Merlin once I had the time. We watched as Arthur touched Jetta's shoulders and head with his sword. Jetta slowly stood up and looked at Arthur, then to us. "Your friends are they warriors like yourself, or just peasants?" Jetta smiled and walked toward us with a huge smile. "I think they could be wonderful warriors, if they would learn how to fight." He slapped me on my back, and I noticed that with the armor I didn't feel it. "Like I said before, we're not from this time, we're from the future. Well, kind of, this time is a little like the time I grew up in. Now their time that they grew up in is nothing like this time." I was about to say something, but Jetta stopped me with a hand movement.

Jetta got the king to give us each a room, then he called all of us together. "I'm really happy none of you said anything, it could have been very hurtful. Say nothing of your time to anyone here, not even Merlin. I know who they are, I knew the second you entered the city. I know that I could have destroyed history by fighting Merlin, but it had to be done. It was the only way we could earn his, or Arthur's respect. It's why I asked to remain unnamed, as will all of you. While we have to stay in this time we might as well live well." Jetta walked to the window then turned back to us, he had this darkness in his eyes. "I should I have said you, I'm leaving in a few hours, now that I know you're safe. I'm going to ask Arthur to train you, and to take care of you until I can return. I'll offer him my services in a war in return for taking care of you." He turned to leave but Brian was blocking the door, he had a distant look in his eyes. "Don't go, don't leave us again, please stay with us." Jetta looked at Brian, it was like he was asking Brian to add more to his request. "I can't right now, I still have to find myself, I'll be back someday. When I can look at myself in a mirror without wanting to shatter the image. I'll make sure that all of you are taken care of. I'll also start looking for a way back to your time." That was the last words we heard him say before he left.


I spent the next year traveling, I hoped the guys were doing all right. I knew I could trust Arthur to train them to be warriors. I had taken my armor off and refused to put it back on while I traveled. I had my swords and I could fight better than most men in this time, not much to worry about. I didn't have to watch out for anyone but myself, and it felt good to be on my own. I was even starting to get a following of men that wanted to train with me. Some even pledged their lives to me, I hadn't known what to say or how to really act. Six more months passed and I soon had twenty men that followed me from city to city. I would teach them what I could, but I couldn't show them everything I knew. I would try to help those that looked like they really needed it. I still asked them to never write anything about me down. After another year passed I decided it was time I returned to the others. I had spent two and a half years just wondering the land in search of myself. I still hadn't really found anything that helped but I noticed that I didn't think about it much anymore. I would still kill any slave trader that crossed my path, even those who didn't look all that evil. Every time I would kill one I would feel better about myself.

I soon got word that Arthur was in need of my services. I had been on my way back to Camelot anyway so it wasn't that hard. I turned to my men and asked them if they knew the way to Camelot. Once they confirmed that they knew that I got off my horse and took my clothing off. "I am going to fight a war soon, and I will not blame you for not following me. I'm going on a head to Camelot, it has been an honor riding with all of you." Once that was over with I summoned my armor, the men looked scared. I took my swords and put them into a rock. I would travel faster without having to worry about cutting someone in half. I started running as fast a could heading straight for Camelot, I never looked back once. I knew I was moving at an amazing speed, and soon found that I could run across water. I had never tried anything like it before, it was an interesting idea. In two days I was walking back into Camelot, the city walls looked like they were about to fall apart. As I walked through the city I noticed that many of the people would hide. As I got closer to the castle I could hear a war raging outside of the walls that protected the castle. I looked at the men as they tried to storm the castle, they looked strong. I could see Merlin in a tower of the castle, he was sending hell fire down on the invaders. I smiled to myself and summoned my swords to my hands, I would make short work of these men.

I charged forward alone, the men didn't even see what hit them. I was slicing men one after another, some were starting to understand they were being attacked. Soon dozens of men charged toward me with their weapons held high. I spun in circles moving as quickly as I could, but I wasn't hitting anything. I slowly stopped and looked at the men that had been running toward me. This look of pure fear was held in their eyes, I smiled and started to move forward. They were backing away, I also noticed the other men had stopped attacking the castle. All eyes were on me, I let the darkest laughter in my heart rip free. An arrow was flying toward my head, my sword knocked it out of the sky before it hit. Other arrows bounced off my chest, swords broke as they crashed down on the armor. I started fighting back ripping the men apart, their screams for mercy fell on deaf ears. I didn't leave one standing, even the ones who ran didn't make it far. I fought for more than two hours until I ran out of men to kill. I looked at all the bodies and smiled to myself. I was proud of myself, I was a one man army, I was unstoppable in this armor. I started counting the bodies, there were sixty bodies. I turned to see the gates opening, slowly Arthur walked out. He looked at the small battle feild, he looked shocked beyond belief.

He moved toward me with five knights behind him, I already knew who they were. "I can't believe you did this single handily." I laughed lightly and looked around, then smiled to the guys. "Thank you for keeping your word Arthur, I have kept mine as you can see. I know it isn't over but at least now we'll have less warriors to worry about." He looked at me like I was a different person than the one he had met a few years ago. "I see you've turned my friends into warriors, thank you." The guys looked a little confused, then they started removing their helmets. Kevin had let his hair grow out, much like my own hair, only a little shorter. Brian had remained the same, only his eyes were a little darker. Howie had long curly hair, AJ had shaved his head, but I had been mistaken. Nick wasn't with them, the fifth knight had normal armor on, and I didn't know him. "Where is Nick, he is all right isn't he, where is he Arthur." I looked at the king he almost back away from me. "He is with Merlin, he decided he would rather learn magick than sword play." I smiled then slowly nodded as my armor slipped away returning me to my normal state. "I came as soon as your messenger found me, I'm sorry it took so long." Arthur shook his head and placed his arm over my shoulders and led me back into the castle. The castle was in bad shape and would need a great deal of rebuilding done.

The guys were right behind us, still they hadn't spoken one word. "Arthur if you wouldn't mind I would like to have a word with my friends in private." He nodded and left me with my friends, not much had changed. "Nick should be down here in a little while, he might be looking for some new clothing." I laughed lightly as Brian told me what I already knew. "Do you have any rooms where we could talk a little more openly?" Kevin nodded and walked toward the main entrance. I followed them up a few sets of stairs until we reached five connecting rooms. "It use to be a large meeting room, it was given to us to live in. That's Nick's room, it has most of the cool stuff and that ones mine, just a few weapons. " I nodded and looked at Brian a little more closely, he had changed slightly. I could tell that he had now taken a life, he had that look about him, the guilt. I use to carry it when I was younger, those days no longer existed. "You've all gotten so much stronger, I knew you could do it." They all looked a little more distant now, something was wrong. Nick entered the room then, he looked exactly the same he had when I had left. I hugged him tightly and pulled back to see a confused look on his face. I looked to the others, none of them would make eye contact with me. "Nick was in an accident one night, he lost some of his memoire. He knows who we are, but it's like you never existed." I looked back at Nick, to say it didn't hurt would have been a lie.

I backed away slightly and took a seat on Brian's bed and just looked at Nick. He looked at me, then to the others, he looked frustrated. "Someone should tell Nick who I am, because I don't think I have the power to." Brian told Nick everything he knew about me, I just sort of dazed. I couldn't believe he had forgotten me and not everything else, in truth I don't know why it meant so much. Once Brian had finished Nick looked at me with what looked like amazement. Nick left a minute later, Merlin needed his help with something. "A lot of things have changed since you left J, a whole lot of things." I looked at all of them, I think I had already figured that out by now. "So why don't you fill me in on everything that's happened, it might help." It had sounded a lot colder than I had intended it to. "Well, we've changed, so have you, but I'm not for sure it was for the better." I stood up and walked to the door looking outward, then back to them. "I've grown up, something I never had the chance to do before. I've gotten stronger, and a lot wiser than I was before. I didn't mean to sound so rude, or cold toward you, I've gotten use to being a little harsh. I'm sorry, but look at you guys, you all look so amazing, real knights." Everyone seemed to calm down a little, well everyone but Brian, he only tensed.

I shook my whole body slightly trying to get the kinks out of my system. "I should grab a bath and get some of this blood off my body." I walked out of the room and headed toward the bathing room. I hoped it was still in the same place it had been the last time I was here. I found it without any problem, it had changed slightly, gotten a little more modern. I was worried that the guys had something to do with all of this, well I couldn't change it now. I found an empty tub and started filling it with water that was already heated. I got in and started washing off, once I was satisfied I got out. I found a robe and slipped it on then walked back to the guys room. Brian was the only one in the room, he was waiting for me I could tell. "So are you back for good, or did the messenger keep from completing your mission." I smiled at him, then slowly took a seat beside him, he looked worried. "I'm back for good, I was on my way back when the messenger found me. If we're lucky we'll have twenty more men to help fight in this war, but it could take a week or two before they get here." Brian nodded slowly and turned toward me, he was sweating. "I've been meaning to ask you something for a really long time now, I just couldn't find the right words until now." I looked at Brian, he looked really nervous, he was almost shaking.

I turned his head until he was facing me, he looked even more nervous. I slowly pulled his lips toward mine until they met. The kiss was light and innocent, but I think it helped Brian a little. "I wanted to know if you would go out with me, I guess this means you will." I just smiled and nodded slowly, I took his hand in mine and pulled him up with me. "Why did it take you so long to ask, are you blind or something?" Brian was blushing majority, it was really cute. "I just didn't know what you would say, and you've been through so much. I didn't want to push you into anything, why didn't you ask?" Now it was my turn to blush lightly and smile like a little kid. "Same reasons, well not exactly, I just didn't think you would want me. Brian to me your perfect in every way, why would you want me? I mean think about it, you could have anyone you wanted, while I'm just used. There were so many times the thought of you and I entered my mind, and I could only smile. Then all hell broke lose, and I lost so much control over myself. I just didn't think you would want someone that had been used so much. Plus I had to find myself, which didn't really happen. I just learned that life goes on with or without justice, I got my justice. Still it didn't ease the pain that filled my heart and mind every second of everyday." I was at a loss for words, I really didn't know how to describe the way I felt.

I shrugged my shoulders and let myself relax lightly. "I was losing my mind, and I didn't know where to really turn. Something told me that I could turn to you, but I refused to. When we first came to Camelot, I was thinking about staying, but you left something out of your request. If you had added yourself to the list of reasons to stay I wouldn't have thought twice about it. You didn't and that wasn't your fault, it was your choice. Still it helped me to at least find some kind of peace within myself." Brian had tears falling from his eyes as he looked at me. "I thought about asking you to stay for me, but it sounded so odd. I was use to keeping myself away from anything that would cause Leigh to expose me. So I stayed away from you, as much as I could, which wasn't easy. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, was to not ask you to stay with me. I'm so sorry now, if I could just go back in time, try to find a way to say what I needed to say." I placed my fingers on his lips softly, and shook my head slowly. "In my journeys I may have found up a way to send us back. We would walk right back into what we left then. It would mean killing that one god, or hiding for a little while." I didn't know if I wanted to tell him the rest, since it would mean ending what had just begun.

Brian looked really happy with my idea, there was only one catch. I couldn't find the strength to tell him the whole truth. The spell would send them back to their rightful time, but it would also do the same to me. I didn't belong in their time, I had never really belonged in their time. The spell would send me back to right before I was turned into stone. I would still be in the same body, so it would be like pushing out the old and in with the new. I would summon my armor and truly fight Jupiter, then I would change the gates of their kingdom. I would end their race forever leaving only the history books to tell of them. In doing this I knew that I wouldn't be turned to stone, that I would in fact die. I would never see Brian, or any of the others that I cared to much about now. I knew that Nick would still exist in his time. I just didn't know if he would still be himself, I would no longer be apart of his soul. I also knew that most likely he and Brian would find each other in new ways. I would go as far to say that they would fall in love with one another. I would miss them all, but it was the only way I knew to get them back to their time. They wouldn't even remember me, that thought hurt me so much that I could feel it in my very soul. No history book would ever tell the story of me and the other warriors that fought the gods. No one would ever know I even existed, my heart ached to tell Brian everything.

I stood up slowly and moved away from him, looking out the window. I would keep my word to Arthur and help him win this war. I just didn't think it would do any real good, because once this was over it meant I was never here. Everything in history would be as it should have been, and that was ok with me. I looked at Brian and did everything in my power not to let the tears fall. He stood up and moved to my side, he took my hand in his. He pulled it up to his chest and looked deeply into my eyes, that very second my heart gave way. "There's more you should know about the spell, but it changes everything." He looked worried, but I went on and told him everything I knew about the spell. "Then we can't do the spell, we'll just have to find a different spell. You can come back to our time, we'll help you fight the gods. We're warriors now, we could help you, and Nick, hell he's been studying magick. He could really help you stop the other gods, please Jetta, don't let this happen. I just got together with you, and now you're telling me that I won't even remember you. Look if you do this, I'll still be stuck under Leigh's control." Brian was giving me dozen's of reasons to not go through with this plan of mine. I just didn't know if there was another way to set things right, and I was tired of looking.

I wasn't in the mood to face the others just yet, not with the new news being told. I just stayed on Brian's bed and listened to them. "You're right Bri, we can't do the spell, not now anyway." When Nick entered the room and was informed, he was silent for a short amount of time. "Well, I don't see why we can't just do it, I mean think about it. It would end all of our problems, and we would be home. We wouldn't miss him, it would be like he never existed." I wasn't to shocked when the words left his lips, but it hurt. "How could you say something like that Nick, are you heartless?" I stood up and walked out to join the others in their conversion. "Nick's right, it would end a lot of problems and you wouldn't miss me. He isn't being heartless, he's only being real about it that's all." Brian looked at me and shook his head, then he looked back at Nick. "If you could just remember, then maybe you would be on the same page as the rest of us." Nick raised his eye brow and looked at me closely. "I don't really see the need in remembering him, when the spells done it won't matter." I closed my eyes and nodded slowly then left the room. I left the castle and walked outside of the city gates as quickly as I could move my legs. I knew the guys weren't that far behind me, but that didn't really matter all that much.

Nick was right and I should have just kept my mouth shut and done the spell. I could have done it alone and they would have never of known. They wouldn't have even have been pulled back to this time to begin with. I had the spell memorized, it was the only way I could keep track of it. I knew that I hadn't done the spell for a reason, now only it seemed childish. I had wanted Brian to change my mind, I didn't want him to forget me and move on. I had been selfish and childish, now I was going to do what I should have done in the first place. "I know what you're thinking about doing, and it isn't fair. Once you opened your mouth you made this a group choice not a solo." I turned and looked at Kevin, he looked determined. "No, because once it's done, you won't even care. You'll go back to living your lives as stars. I'll go back in time and do what I should have done and not be a coward. I could have fought Jupiter, I know that now, and I plan on making the right choice this time. Hundreds of men gave their lives up to help me before the end came. I should have at least put up a fight, I hurt him, but I could have killed him. If I had I could have taken on the rest of the gods and saved my son. I could lived my life out raising him the way he should have been raised. If not that then I could have at least gave him a better future." I looked at all of them, even Nick had decided to join us.

I walked up to him and smiled lightly, I owed him for clearing my mind. "Thank you for helping me see the light Nick." Right after the words left my mouth something covered my mouth. Then my arms were pulled back, the guys were trying to stop me. I pulled my body in, then pushed outward. I sent them all flying back even Nick had fallen. Only he wasn't getting up, his head had hit a rock. I could see blood slowly pouring out of his skull. I moved to his side and knelt down slowly pulling him into my arms, I couldn't believe what I had done. I picked him up and ran toward the castle, I had to get him to Merlin. I just hoped the old man could help him, the others chased after me. I didn't know if they had seen what happened or not. I ran through the castle gate and up the stairs to the tallest tower. I ran into Merlin's room he was sitting in a chair like he had been waiting for me. I sat him down on the bed, then looked to Merlin waiting for him to do something. "The bleeding will stop in about thirty seconds, he'll be fine Jetta, nothing to worry about." I looked at him like he was nuts, he had a small smile on his lips as he stood up. "I would have thought you would know that I could see the future. I know there are many book's written about me in Nick's time." I looked at Nick, now I could kill him, how could he let this information out.

I didn't care how good the old man was, he couldn't know about those books. "Nick didn't tell me anything Jetta, I know that's what you're thinking. For me tomorrow is as clear as glass, while yesterday is what confuses me." I looked at him a little confused, but I was starting to understand. "The future is constantly changing, how can you know about all the changes?" He smiled lightly and finally stood up and walked over to Nick. "Simple, when something changes, like say your arrival I feel it happening. It's how I knew you would be running up those stairs, and how I know that others will be here in two seconds." I counted it off and the others ran into the room looking a little worried. "Then maybe you know how to help us, maybe you could modify it." Merlin smiled and nodded his head, so I wrote the spell down for him. I knew that to speak the spell aloud would invoke it, not something I wanted to really do anymore. "It's a really simple spell, I've seen it used before, it normally works perfectly. Now changing will take a few days at the most, so check back with me then. Oh by the way when Nick wakes up he's going to be really upset with himself. He'll regain his memoire of Jetta, by the way you should get out of sight. I think Nick needs to feel a little bad about his actions, so leave now." I didn't even question him, I just left with the others right on my tail.

Two days passed, and everything was going great, Nick kept telling me how sorry he was. I told him it was ok, that he shouldn't really worry about it. Brian and I were getting closer with every passing second. We spent a good amount of time together just talking and working out together. I was trying to teach him everything I had ever learned over my years of training. He wasn't learning as quickly as I had, but he was slowly getting there and he was getting stronger. I checked in with Merlin, he was still working on the spell, but he was in a good mood. "I would really like it if you and your friends stayed until the war is over." I looked at him, there was something in his eyes that told me he was trying to change something. "Is it really that war, the one Arthur died in, is that why you want us to stay?" Merlin looked at me with very old and very sad eyes that spoke with so much love. Merlin didn't love Arthur like I loved Brian, but he did look at Arthur like he was his son. I understood him better than he would ever know, I would try the same thing. "I'll leave it up to you, if you really want us to stay then we will." Merlin didn't smile he just looked away as I left the room. I knew he had a very big choice to make, one that could change everything in the history books. He knew that as well, if he was still willing to carry it out then I would help him. He was going to send me and my friends back to our time, I owed him one.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 6

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