
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Dec 29, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story.


There was only so much time left before the fateful war started and Arthur died. It would be the only time his sword would ever betray him. I had found myself wondering if I could beat him, it was always on my mind. I decided I would find out for all time if I was truly the chosen warrior. I entered Arthur's war room, he looked happy to see, then looked back to his charts.

"Arthur, I would like ask you to fight me with your sword." He looked a little shocked, then he slowly nodded his head.

"I can understand why you would want this, you are a great warrior." He took his sword out, and I could have sworn a heavenly light had surrounded him. I held my arms out and summoned my swords to my hands, then I looked at Arthur. The other knights had never seen me truly summon my armor or my swords. They backed away quickly, but then formed a wall in front of Arthur, it was touching.

"No matter the victor of this fight no one will die, I do not wish to take Arthur's life." Arthur moved the knights out of the way and pulled a chain mail over his head.

"Summon your armor Jetta, I would like my men to see a holy warrior." I smiled and summoned my armor to me, the men looked frightened.

"You know if I use this armor I will move faster than your eyes can follow. My strength is increased beyond human standers, all of my natural gifts are heightened." Arthur nodded and waved his hand toward the courtyard. We moved to the courtyard and stood before a large crowd that was gathering.

"J what the hell are you doing, you two can't fight." I looked at Kevin and waved him off, then smiled to Arthur. He looked at me and smiled wildly as he charged toward me, he had so many flaws in his attack. I moved effortlessly to right, but he changed his attack and moved to the right with me. I flipped backward so his sword would miss it's mark, which would have been my leg. He wasn't trying to really to hurt me, but this was a fight of honor. We were both out to prove who was stronger, who was the greater warrior. I had to give him credit, he was countering every move I made. His fighting style was messy but it worked for him. I had yet to try and attack him, he had managed to keep me on defense. I decided it was time I took advantage of my armor, so I jumped up as highly as I could. I landed on top of the castle wall, Arthur looked a little irritated.

"You do a wonderful job when you're on the attack. Let's see how you do when you have to defend yourself." I jumped high into the air using the sun to blind Arthur from my attack, I had no problem seeing him. He wasn't a fool, he had jumped backward until I had touched the ground. I began my attack on him, he was doing a pretty good job, but he left his side open. I made it look like I was going for his side knowing him well enough to know it was a fake. When he blocked I spun spinning my blade toward this throat, I stopped one inch from his skin.

"I didn't see that one coming Jetta, very well done, it seems you are the better warrior." I shook my head, it wasn't true, my armor gave me the edge that I needed. He had fought me without any armor, he could have won if I had no holy armor and I knew that.

"No, my lord, it is you who is the greater warrior, thank you for the match. I'm sorry to be so short but I must speak with Merlin in private, I bid you farewell." Arthur nodded lightly and I ran back into the castle, then up to Merlin's tower. I was grateful that he was alone, I then shed my armor.

"I need to ask you a favor, it's really important." Merlin looked at with those old sad eyes like he already knew what my request would be.

"You do realize that if I break the last link to Nick you will never regain that part of your soul. When you die you will become a lost soul, and you will never enter heaven or hell. Nick won't have that problem since his half was joined by his true soul. Jetta, you are a great warrior, and deserve so much more than what you have received." I looked at him and nodded slowly, it was the only way I could live with myself. I couldn't stand the thought of ending Nick's life when I died. It had been on my mind since my fight with the god named after my son. Even now I wondered if that god had been my son. I was thinking about asking Merlin, but I didn't know if I could handle the truth.

"I know Merlin, but I could very well die when we return to my time. I don't want to cost Nick his life, he is far to important. I have never really belonged anywhere, while Nick has a place in time. My death will come and go, if I'm doomed to walk the earth forever so be it." Merlin nodded then moved toward me with amazing speed for a man his age.

"I will do what you want, but know that there will be other prices to pay." I nodded and closed my eyes as Merlin began chanting. I had never heard the languish before, it must have been from before my time. Then I started feeling a small amount of pain in my chest. I opened my eyes to see Merlin's body glowing with a blue light, my own body was doing the same. We had both lifted off the ground, the blue light seemed to flow back and forth. He wasn't doing what I had asked him, he was trying to do something else. I also found that I couldn't move, Merlin had a small smile on his face. The pain in my chest got stronger, and I heard the door behind us open. I could feel that it was Nick, he was being drawn into this. I let the scream in my throat rip free as did everyone else in the room. I felt something enter my chest then leave my body. Then something else filled my chest, this time the pain was to much. I saw dots floating through my vision, then everything went dark, it was peaceful. When I woke up I felt different, I didn't feel empty anymore, I felt whole like I was complete. I looked around to see the others waking up, along with Brian's tear streaked face. He was holding my hand and yelling at everyone else to do something, he was panicking.

"I'm fine Bri, so are the others, or at least I think their all right." He looked down at me, then kissed me. I broke away from him then looked at Merlin, he was starting to stand up.

"I know you didn't do what I asked, well not exactly what I asked. What did you do Merlin, I don't feel the same, I feel better and I should feel worse?" I had confused Brian, but he was starting to catch on that I had meant to do myself harm.

"I couldn't let you become a lost soul, you've done to much for me to simply allow that to happen. So I did what you asked and made sure Nick would never again suffer from anything that happened to you. Now on the other hand I couldn't just let you go, so I gave you half of my soul." I felt odd and didn't really know how to reply to his kindness. I could now enter heaven, but Merlin would become a lost soul, doomed to travel earth for the rest of time. I stood up slowly and shook my head, I couldn't let him do this to himself.

"It's to late to undo, I'm sorry but you'll have to live with it. Now you should know that there is still a price to this. I told you before that there would be, only now the price has changed slightly. The spell I've been working on for you is complete, and in my words it was perfect. The spell will send you back to your time, and you will all regain the years you've lost here. Well, now Jetta will not regain those years, he is outside of time so to speak. The others will regain what they've lost, but you Jetta will remain the same. I've also decided to ask you to stay for the war, since it won't matter anyway. When I send you back it will be as if you were never here. Only you will still carry half of my soul along with you. I had to make sure that my last spell stood outside of time. So now you all understand, so shall we begin preparations for the war?" I looked at him with amazement and confusion, he had lost his mind.

"Sure, might as well get ready to fight, I could use this to get the violence out of my system." I smiled at Brian, he looked worried and I could see the questions behind his eyes. He knew what had happened now, and he was starting to understand why I had wanted it. He started to speak up but I placed my finger on his lips and shook my head. Later that night as I laid beside Brian, I listened as he tried to talk. I could tell that he was having a problem telling me what he had on his mind.

"Jetta, why do you want to make sure that if you die Nick doesn't?" I took a deep breath and looked at Brian, his eyes held so much pain.

"Because I don't know if I'll be alive much longer, and I don't want Nick die because I have to die. Let's not pretend that I'm going to make it through my battles without death. When we go back, I'm going to die one way or another. At least this way Nick doesn't share the same fate. Brian, I'm going to have to fight my own son, and he is my son. He doesn't remember me, but that doesn't mean I don't love him. I know that when we get back, he'll kill me and I can't even raise my hand to fight him." His eyes now looked distant, it was like he was trying to decided something.

"I can't let you do that Jetta, maybe you should stay here where's it's safe. I could stay with you, and we could live a good life together. We could be really happy here, just think about it." I stopped him with a kiss, his body shook lightly as the tears fell from his eyes.

"You know we can't do that, it would change history. I have my destiny, as you have yours, let's just enjoy the time we have left." Brian nodded and moved closer to my body, he rested his head just below mine.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, the sun was just starting to rise. I knew something was wrong the second my head left the pillow. There wasn't a sound coming from anywhere, I had a really bad feeling. I jumped out of the bed and ran toward the window, a mistake I won't make again. I jumped out of the way just in time to dodge a ball of fire. When I regained my footing I turned to see the room in flames and no real escape. Even with my armor my head would still catch fire and I would die anyway. I looked at the window and wondered if I could make it through without being hit. I peaked out the window, all looked clear so I leaped out. I summoned my armor only seconds before my feet touched the ground. The earth shook below me, and looked around for my friends. I could see Nick and Merlin on top of a tower launching fire balls one after another. What surprised me was that Nick didn't have on any of my armor. I guessed that it was finally over, he was free of me. I looked around the castle, the others were fighting the intruders. Brian hadn't seen me yet, or the flames coming from our room with the others. What I didn't understand was why I didn't hear any of this happening, it was so sudden. I jumped upward reaching the wall and then I jumped over the wall and down to the ground. I planned on attacking this little army from behind, not jumping into another army all together. They looked surprised to see me, well I was surprised to see them.

"Well, it's kind of odd running into you here. I guess you plan on helping the guys in the front, sorry but you stop here." I raised my hands and my swords came to me only seconds later, I charged forward. None of the men made it to the front lines to help the others that were now being defeated. There was only one small problem, I had gotten a small cut on the side of my fore head. The blood was interfering with my sight so I couldn't move at my normal pace. That didn't stop me from attacking the men attacking from the front, they didn't last long but I had gained another gash on the side of my face. I knew that it wouldn't scar, it wasn't deep enough. When I reentered the castle all of the guys were surprised to see me. Brian ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me, he was crying heavily. I had forgotten about the room and almost dying in the flames, and I had forgotten Brian. All I had thought about was stopping these men from making it into the castle.

"I'm all right, I made it out the window then went over the wall to attack them from behind. I ran into a small army that was supposed to be reinforcements for the frontal attack. I'm sorry that I worried you, I should have made sure you knew I was ok." Brian looked up slightly and the site shook me to my core. His beautiful blue eyes were like oceans of sadness. He loved me with every fiber of his being, and I didn't know if I felt the same. I loved him that I knew without a shadow of doubt, but I didn't know if I loved him as much as he loved me.

"When I looked back toward our room, all I could see were flames. Then I looked to Nick, and he didn't have the armor on, I thought that you were burning to death. We decided to get up early so we could help Arthur plan his defense and attack. Then all hell broke lose, we ran out and started fighting, then I turned back, the window was filled with flames." Now I understood everything, so I hadn't really missed anything. I had woken up just before the attack, then everything started happening.

"We should get ready and go on the attack, if we keep defending we're going to lose." Brian nodded slowly, but something was behind his eyes, I just couldn't tell what. I walked with the others to the thrown room, Arthur was waiting for us.

"We should attack now, do your men know where their camp is?" Arthur nodded slowly, but like Brian there was something in his eyes. I pushed my worries out of my mind and turned around to talk with the other knights. I planned the attack and Arthur and I would lead the men into battle. Hours later we were ready to attack, and I had to admit the army he had was impressive. The other army was still a lot bigger, and the men looked to be better trained. I was a little worried about Brian and the others, they had been trained but still they lacked a great deal of power.

"I'll go in by myself at first I want to take as many of them out as I can." Arthur looked at me and shook his head, he was ready to fight.

"I know what you can do, but I also know that you're still human. You still have blood on your face, and I know it's yours. So we go together, there is no need to die in this war if you don't have to." I smiled and agreed, I just hoped that his men didn't get in my way while I was on the attack. So we went together, Brian was at my side along with the others. Each held a shield, and what I hadn't noticed until now was that there was a seal on the shield. It was the mark of the Libra, it touched me that they took this upon themselves. Nick was standing with Merlin, he was wearing his own armor since mine no longer helped him. Arthur screamed charge at the top of his lungs and everyone ran forward. I was further ahead then the rest of the men, not much but enough. I didn't worry about cutting men in half as I ran into battle.

The fighting seemed to last forever, and I couldn't use my full strength. I had to watch over my friends while I fought. That and I had to make sure I wasn't attacking one of Arthur's men while I fought. I saw an arrow flying straight for Brian's head, in seconds I had knocked him to the ground. He looked dazed until he looked at me, then fear raced over his face.

"Your throat it's bleeding, oh god, we have to get you to a doctor." I stopped him, he had to remember that there weren't any real doctors here.

"It's just a small cut, it'll heal and I'll be fine." I stood back up and pulled Brian with me, only I was starting to get dizzy. I put my hand on my throat to find it wasn't such a small cut after all. Then there were black dots in my vision, I hit my knees seconds later. There was something in my throat, and it was getting harder to breath. I felt hands on my arms and legs, then I was being lifted into the air. I could feel movement as some people carried me away from the battle.

"I can't do anything for him, not with his armor on, I'm sorry Brian." The voices were getting distant, and I knew I had to let the armor go so I did. That was the last thing I remembered as the darkness took hold of my soul. There was light coming from everywhere, but I turned away from it. I looked back into the darkness knowing somewhere out there my body was waiting for me.


I stood beside Brian, as Merlin tried his best to save Jetta. He had taken an arrow to his throat when he had shoved Brian out of the way. Merlin was shaking his head as he tried everything he knew to help him. Brian's eyes looked distant and shocked, he had to know that this didn't look to good. I don't even know if the doctors in our time could have helped him any. His skin was as pale as mine was, and his skin looked something like wax. Merlin stood slowly and looked at Brian, his eyes told me what I needed to know.

"I've done all I can Brian, it's up to him now, but I will say that it doesn't look good." Brian nodded slowly then moved to Jetta's side, I hadn't seen him so heart broken in my whole life.

"Wait, what if you send us back, it'll be like this never happened Jetta will be fine." Merlin shook his head slowly, Jetta was outside of time now, nothing could save him. I moved my hand to my throat and thought that it could have been both of us dying now. Jetta had made sure that wouldn't happen to me, now I wished that he hadn't. I had fallen in love with him over our time together, and apart. He wasn't the only one I loved, I loved Brian as well and this was killing me. To see one man that I loved dying and the other in so much pain.

"Brian, I'm here for you if you need me, I'll be with Merlin." Brian didn't even look up he just looked at Jetta's body. Merlin pulled me outside of the tent and led me to a more active place. Just because Jetta had died didn't mean the war had stopped, it continued. I stood with Merlin and launched fire balls at the other army, they were losing. That was thanks to Jetta, he had killed at least a hundred men alone. Now he was dying, in some ways he was taking Arthur's place in death. It made sense, that if one true hero was to live another had to die. The worst part was that it wouldn't matter in the end, because we would have never existed here. So now the world lost two hero's in one battle that should have only taken one. I promised myself that I would find a way to honor Jetta and his death. I already had an idea about how to go about it, I would find Coran and tell him the truth. I had heard Brian and Jetta talking that night, and I knew what he said was true. So at least if I could tell Coran the truth he would know how great his father really was. I heard Brian scream out from the tent, and my heart ached with knowledge that I now had. The battle was ending, and Arthur was still alive, I could see him in the clearing. A few hours later the battle stopped and all of the knights gathered in a great hall.

Brian wasn't with the rest of us, he was with Jetta's body. I hadn't looked at Jetta's body since we had gotten back. When I had returned to the tent before we left the battle ground I had found that Jetta was dead. Brian refused to leave his body even for a second. He kept saying that he knew Jetta would come back, but we knew it wasn't true.

"Today many of our friends and brothers died, but now we stand in victory. Among the warriors to fall was the greatest warrior I have ever had pleasure of meeting. So for our lost friends and brothers, let us have a moment of silence." I closed my eyes and knelt my head downward, I had a weird feeling wash over my body. It was like the wind had decided to dance on my spine. I opened my eyes to see nothing, it was just so strange. I looked to the others, Kevin had tears falling down his face as did the others. We left the other knights to go see Brian, he was in Merlin's tower with Jetta's body. When we entered the room we were in for a surprise, Brian wasn't in the tower, neither was Jetta.

"I couldn't stop him without hurting him, I'm sorry, but he took Jetta's body and left." I ran out of the room and down the tower, I had an idea where he was. I could hear the others following me as I entered what once had been our room. I could see Brian sitting in the middle of the room with Jetta's body. He was holding onto him like a lifeline to his heart.

"Brian, come on man, don't lose it on us now, we need you." He looked up at Kevin, his eyes were red and puffy and still had tears falling.

"I need him, I really need him Kevin, I need him to come back to me. This is my fault, if I hadn't been in the way he wouldn't have gotten himself killed." I closed my eyes briefly then moved to Brian's side, he just looked up at me.

"Brian it isn't your fault, you know that in your heart. He wouldn't want you to do this to yourself, he loved you." Brian slowly nodded and released Jetta's body, but his body didn't move. I guess the muscles were starting to get hard and freeze up. That was until the wind in the room picked up, it wasn't a normal wind it had strength. The wind seemed to have some strange power over Jetta's body as the eyes opened up. Merlin walked into the room that very moment, his eyes were wide with confusion. Jetta's eyes glowed brightly with what looked like a blue light, then it all stopped. Jetta's body fell back and Merlin fell as well.

"He's not gone, I don't understand it, how could he hold on after this much time has passed?" Merlin looked so upset and confused it had me worried.

"Then there must be a way, but how could I bring someone back to life, I'm not god, I haven't that power?" Brian's eyes were starting light up as he listened to Merlin. Even I couldn't help the total amount of joy I was starting to feel, now there was hope. Merlin was moving around his room like a rabbit searching for food. When He finally stopped moving around the room he had what looked like a very old scroll. He had a huge smile on his face as he read the scroll then he looked toward Brian.

"There might be a way to bring him back since he's still holding on. There's only one problem, I can't really help you with it. You see you're going to have to go back to your own time for this to work, and I can't follow you there. Now on top of that you're going to have to talk a god into giving you ambrosia. I don't really see that happening, so in some ways it's hopeless to even try. To add to this, you only have four days to get the ambrosia into his system." Merlin looked at me, his eyes told a lot more than his words did. He didn't believe that there was ever any real hope.

"How is Jetta holding on, I mean it doesn't really make any sense." Merlin looked at me, and for a split second I could see that he had been trying to hide something.

"When I gave Jetta half of my soul it did more than make him whole again. It made him more than human, more like me in some ways, but that's a good thing. It's given him the power to stay on earth, I only fear that he can't follow you back. I'm sure he can hear and see everything were doing right now, or at least I hope so. If he can't follow you back, he may have to just travel back to the place where all this started. What I mean is he would have to wait in the place where you left until you returned. That's a long time for a sprit to fend for itself, he is in danger while he's without a body. He is in some ways what I feared he would become, a lost soul. In that he will be hunted by both demons and angels. The angel's to drag him to heaven, and the demons to drag him to hell. After all a soul is just that, a soul for the taking, I fear he may not make it back. All I can do is send you back to your time with Jetta's body, after that the rest is left up to you, and Jetta. If he can survive, and you can get the ambrosia, then he has a chance. Other wise, all is lost now and forever, so shall we start, or do you want to wait a little longer?" Everyone was ready to go, I just prayed that Jetta was with us when we left. Merlin nodded and then knelt his head down slightly looking at his hands as he spoke softly. A pool of light was starting to form in the center of the room, it was blue as the sky. Merlin nodded toward us then pointed to the portal when it was the size of a door. Kevin and Brian picked Jetta's body up and went through the portal, the others followed I stayed behind.

"I wanted to thank you for everything you've taught me, it's really meant a lot to me." Merlin smiled and pulled me in for a hug, then pushed me gently toward the portal.


I had watched them all disappear in the blue light, I was happy for once. Coran was looking around the area, he looked really confused.

"Mother, are you still there mother, where are you?" I looked around to see my son standing in the gateway to my prison.

"I'll set you free, then we can start doing things the right way again." I had never known that my son had cared so much for me. Now seconds after I had used my powers to send Jetta back I was being rewarded. My son shattered the crystal that had held me for so long. I could feel my strength returning to me, it was like I had never used any of my power to help Jetta.

"We must hurry there is a great deal of work to be done, take me to Coran." He nodded and we both faded away like ghost, soon I was standing behind Coran.

"Coran, we really need to have a nice long talk you and I." Coran spun around and looked at me, he looked shocked to see me free.

"I don't know how you got out but I'm going to send you back." I laughed at him, he couldn't hurt me if he wanted to.

"I'm a full god, I was born a god, you on the other hand, you were born human." That was when a pool of blue light started forming. Four men ran through, they were caring a lifeless body with them. The light was far to bright to see who they were, but I was ready to fight them just yet. Seconds later another person came running through the gate, then the light faded.

I could see it was the men I had sent back with Jetta, only now they were dressed differently. I looked at the body and my heart started aching seconds later, it looked like Jetta only older and dead. I moved to his body, but four men stood in the way like guards. Each had a sword and behind them, stood a man with a fire ball in his hand, he didn't look happy.

"Stay away unless you're here to help, and I don't think any of you really want to help." The man that held half of Jetta's soul was now talking, but I found this confusing. I moved closer knowing I could simply knock the swords aside and catch the ball of fire. I knelt down and looked at Jetta's body, he had been dead for less than twenty-four hours. The only thing was he had aged so much while the others looked the same as the day they had left.

"How could this happen, he was the greatest warrior I had ever known? How are you still alive, you share the same soul, how is it you live while he died?" I couldn't understand this, and I couldn't stand the thought that Jetta had still been cheated.

"He had a friend make sure I wouldn't die because he did, he tried to make himself a lost soul. But the wizard wouldn't let that happen, so he gave Jetta half of his soul. So me and Jetta are no longer connected to one another, it was his choice." I looked at the boy, he wasn't lying, I could see it in his eyes, and hear it in his heart.

To Be Continued......Maybe

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