Library Story

Published on Mar 16, 1999



He had spent more then half of his life there, or so it seemed. Law school was not nearly as difficult as he had was worse, far worse.

Scoring in the highest percentile of his class in high school, even his 4.0 average in undergrad years hadn't prepared him for the constant pressure, the long hours, the beratting professors and the idiotic study groups he was enduring.

Around him, other suffering students would groan, sigh, stand, stretch and he knew he was not alone. Otherwise the library was quiet...a welcomed relief form the noise factory he called home.

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Four hunky, horny, fun loving guys sharing an apartment, woas, parties and problems. But he seemed to be the only one who wasn't holding up well under the strain of classes. The other three seemed intent on drinking, having sex, yelling at innane sporting events on television and constant nudity.

Ok, the nudity part, he liked. He was gay afterall. Eventhough his roommates didn't know it, he loved seeing their bare butts, paraded erections and bodies around him. It was as if they were purposly taunting him. But, no, they were just being brazen, baudy and butch. Many nights after he heard the steady snoring of the one he shared a bedroom with, he'd grasp his cock and pump unitl visions of his roomates and others battled in his brain for attention..and he'd explode....sigh and wipe himself clean. He wondered if it would ever be more then fantasy.

He stood and stretched..his tee shirt rising out of his jeans baring his flat belly to any who were watching. His eyes scanned the room to see if that were the case, but there were not takers...not lusty glances, no stares of obsession and no smiles of recognition.

Sighing he sat back down for more hours of "this name vs the state" or "that name vs the government" or "one name vs another name". His brain soaked up as many facts and underlying motives as he could. Class would be hell once again and he'd be called on only for the answers he didn't usual.

He slept. He always fell asleep after the printed pages became blurs. He woke suddenly and felt the hand on his shoulder. It squeezed. The face pleasant, smiling and boyish. The guy patted his shoulder and moved on.

Students took care of each other here. Eveyone knew the strain, the deadlines and the need to be get their work done.

He nodded and smiled his thanks to the departing man. As he watched the boys back the muiscled back seemed to undulate seductively. The blue jean covered buttocks, firm, had natural dimples in both sides...and he could only imagine what lay underneath. Probably a smooth, lean, muscled body...on kept that way by running, or swimming or genetics.

The figure stopped and turned. Once again that boyish smiling face looked at him and he seemed frozen in the moment. As if magic, the figure returned and unbuttoned his shirt revealing a smooth body...a boy's torso with a young man's definition.

He wanted to reach up and touch the man..but his arms wouldn't move. Instead the stranger reached towards him and slid a hand down under the loose tee shirt...sliding and exploring.

He was fixed..his breathing was deep...he could only sigh as the fingers felt for and lightly pinched each of his nipples. His crotch begam full strained agasint the confines of his levis.

But they too gave way as the mans hands unuttoned them from the waist all the way down his fly. He was free. He rarely wore underwear and so his entire excitement was clearly visable to the young man.

Looking around him anxiously, he realized all the others had left. There was only him and this stranger with the smile and roving hands. He closed his eyes as the hand surrounded his cock and pumped. He had no control over what was happening. The man had taken possession of him.

He was squirming in the hard chair, and almost falling on the floor. But the hands that grasped him kept him in place..and he could only spasm, writhe and gasp as the hands brought him to the brink then stopped adruptly.

He felt the twinge deep inside him...felt his testicles tighten, but no emission....he hurt. There was a knot deep inside of him demanding to be hurt bad.

He heard his own breathing..snoring...and woke up. Across from hjm him a girl looked and giggled. He blushed and shook his head.

There was no use. He closed his books and began to pack...stretching again, this time out of need, not to attact anyone. Again his tee shirt rose and he felt the cool breeze of the room agaisnt his skin. He looked down and caught the eyes watching. The boyish faced student sat at the same table but too many feet away for whispers. The guys' lips smiled but the eyes were looking at the bared skin, or lower.

He blushed again and smiled..nodding back.

Sweater on, coat on, books in bag, scribbled notes shoved into a notebook, notebook crammed into the backpack..he relunctantly had to go home and sleep. He needed sleep..and hoped the apartment would be quiet enough to allow that.

Looking around he saw others leaving too. Even the boyish faced guy had gone. Another typical night of too much work...and too little time. As he turned to leave he saw the note on the table next to his bookbag. There was nobody around...perhaps the note was left by someone for someone else.

It read "Sam" and a phone number. Who was Sam? he wondered and at the same time hoped. "the one who woke you up" told him what he wanted to hear.

There wouldn't be time for sleep that least not for a few hours. He knew it was time for reality to replace fantasy. And he left the library, suddenly awakened, full of energy...and yet that knot of pain inside him still nagged him for attention.

And the smiling face filled his head......perhaps it was time to find a new roommate, a new part of his life and what he had needed for years.

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