
By Dark Smoocher

Published on Apr 21, 2001



Life at Balamb Garden By Dark Smoocher

Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction based on the videogame Final Fantasy 8.This does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the characters appearing in this story.All characters,as well as the Final Fantasy name belong to Square.If you are offended by sexual activities between two consenting teenage males,then you're obviously lost,and should run away screaming in terror.The story may contain also contain mild violence.If those things do not offend you,by all means please proceed and enjoy yourself.

Author's Note:This is my first story,and I would like to thank my friend Roy for getting me to write it.English isn't my first language,so I apologize in advance if any word or sentence may seem funny or make little sense.It may take a little while for the action to start,so if all you're interested in is the sex,please don't be shy and skip the first part ;) For those of you who enjoy a little more in the way of storyline,I hope I have produced something worthwhile.Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome,and so are suggestions.Senders of flames will on the other hand be hunted down and beaten to a bloody pulp to make sure they never bother any other author with pointless put-downs on their work.Consider yourself warned.

Squall gasped in pain as the Grat's tentacle hit him hard on his left shoulder.His left side was nothing but blazing fire for a few seconds,until Squall gritted his teeths and the pain subsided....a little.He had been training for hours,and his reflexes were getting slower,which gave the monster he would have ordinarily slain in a single blow a chance to attack."I gotta get him fast,or I'm in trouble",he thought.Seeing the monster ready to hit again,Squall made a sidestep,dodging the tentacle at the last second.He then ran toward him,grasping his gunblade with both hands,and slashed hard at the monster, pressing the trigger at the appropriate moment.With a flash and a blasting noise,the monster collapsed,defeated by the breathless teenager's blow. Exhausted, Squall headed out of the training center,planning to shower and then rest to recover from his intense session.

-Squall,wait up!

Zell hurried,starting to run in the hallway of Balamb Garden leading to the dormitories,trying to catch up with him."Oh,not now Zell,it's not a good time..."Squall thought.He started walking faster.

-Yo Squall,wait for me! he yelled again.

This time Squall could not pretend he hadn't heard him.He stopped,and turned toward the petite man.He was,as always,mesmerized by the beauty of his young colleague.Zell was small, about 5'5",but toned up,without being overly muscular.His pale skin was perfect,and his perpetual smile showed all his teeths.His lovely face and blond,spiky hair made him look somewhat younger than he really was."Damn,this tatoo really makes him look exotic",Squall thought.The young man was now close enough for Squall to see his well-defined chest going quickly up and down,as a result of the running he had to do to catch up with Squall.

-Can't believe you didn't hear me the first time,he said,panting.

Squall stared at him for a moment,contemplating his beauty."God,Zell,if only you knew..." he though.

-Yo,man,you listening to me?

That made Squall come back to reality."Damnit!.I hope he didn't notice me staring,the last thing I need is someone thinking I'm checking guys out.If that got out Seifer would never get off my ass" he thought.

-Yeah,what do you want?Squall snapped,more agressively than he had meant to.

-Hey,c'mon Squall,chill,I ain't done anything to you,Zell said defensively.


"Damn,if only I could tell him,tell him how much I love him...No,I could never do it,he'd just laugh at me....Or even worse,he'd tell everyone.No,I have to make sure no one ever knows about me,I can't talk of this to anyone,I'd be the laughing stock of the Garden forever".Squall then decided to do like he had always done,act like the insensitive jerk everyone thought he was.

-Listen,if you won't tell me what you want with me,then don't waste my time.I've got other things to do.

Squall then walked away,leaving an stunned Zell behind.As he headed toward the locker room,he felt miserable about the way he had treated him.He sighed."He was just trying to be friendly",he thought,"Zell,why can't you act cold toward me,it would make things so much easier...".He entered the locker room,finding it almost empty,except for a huge dark-skinned man heading toward the door.

-Hey Squall,I heard Seifer really kicked your ass at yesterday's practice.He said he marked you forever.Whoa,pretty cool scar all right!,he exclaimed when Squall turned toward him,and therefore letting him to see the red line going across his forehead.

-Hey Fujin,Raijin was looking for you,and she looked angry,Zell said,entering the room .

-Oh damn,I better go now,Raijin can be very dangerous when she gets angry,the huge man answered.He headed toward the door,almost running in his haste.

-Why are you following me Zell?And why did you lie to Fujin? Squall turned to him,angry of his intrusion,exhausted from his training and fearing he might let his guard down.

-Hey,what's with you Squall?For the past few weeks you've acted all cold to me,and I think you've even been avoiding me!What's the matter with you?

-Hey,I don't have to justify myself to you,go find someone else to bother!Squall told him angrily.He then tried to get around Zell toward the door,but the small man was blocking the way."Let me through!".

-Not before you tell me what's going on,Zell responded,not moving an inch away.

Squall then tried to find his way around,but Zell raised his hands,pushing Squall back.When Zell's hand made contact with his left shoulder,Squall let out a small yelp of pain as the pression reawaked the pain from the wound caused by the monster just a few minutes earlier.Zell's face flushed with concern when he saw the look on Squall's face,and motionned him toward the nearest bench to have him sit.

-Oh,Squall,damn,I'm sorry man,I didn't know you were hurt,so sorry...

-Yeah,it's nothing,just a scratch I caught during training,now leave me alone,I have to...

-No way man,Zell interrupted,you're gonna show this wound to me,or I'm dragging you directly to Dr.Kadowaski's office,by force if I need to.Zell was feeling guilty about hurting his friend unvolontarily."Get that jacket off,while I get my medikit,I'll see if I can fix you up.

Zell hurried out,and Squall just sat there motionless for a moment,lost in his thoughts,as usual. "I can't go on like this,he already knows I've been avoiding him,what if he finds out?What if he finds out I'm.....God,I can't even admit it to myself,how can I have these feelings for Zell?Of all poeple,why did it have to be him?I've been acting like a real jerk around him,even though all he's been trying to do was to be my friend...but I know I couldn't pretend anymore if he was, not if I had to see him smile the way he does,not if I had to hear his soft voice everytime he burst out in laughter...And now he wants to take care of my wounds,why is he so kind to everyone? ... Oh,right,my wound,I'm supposed to take off my shirt and jacket...There's no way I'm going to Kadowaski again this week,I'd look like a wimp to everyone...No,I have to let Zell handle it,even if it's a torture..."Squall moved his right arm around,reaching for his left sleeve,and started to move his left arm to get it off,but he couldn't move it without having the pain flaring through his shoulder down all the way to his elbow."Looks like I'm more hurt than I thought",he realized."Maybe I should go to Kadowaski after all,it would at least save me from Zell's heart-breaking good intentions..."

Zell interrupted his thoughts by coming back in the locker room,carrying a small box.

-Hey Squall,I thought I told you to remove your jacket,I need to see the wound to know what to use,he said,after seeing him still dressed.

-I...I can't remove it,my shoulder is numb...Squall uttered almost inaudibly,embarrassed by his weakness,especially in front of the boy he secretly loved.

-Man,let me take care of that...Zell said,moving closer,and helping Squall undress.

His touch was soft and tender,like he was holding something very fragile and feared of breaking it.Squall's breath quickened,and he let out a small whimper,but fortunately Zell mistook this for pain,and his face flushed red with guilt,as he proceeded with even more care as he previously had.

-Wow,this is one nasty bruise you have here...

And it was.Squall's pale,well defined chest was now bare,and you could clearly see a bruise of the size of a fist on his shoulder and the base of his arm.Zell removed his fingerless fighting gloves,and started feeling around it,trying to determine the gravity of the wound.

-Nope,he said,nothing's broken,although it's gonna hurt for quite a while before disappearing.I think this should do the trick,he said,holding out a tube of BenGay.Now let me rub this on it,and you'll feel better in seconds.

He poured a generous amount in his hand.He placed himself just behind Squall,and reached down,applying the medicine on his back and shoulder,then on the wound.Squall felt all his day's tension fade at the expert touch of his friend,and even the pain from his bruise appeared to subside.His buddy's touch felt electrising,and small shivers went down his spine as he totally surrendered to the soothing feelings of the boy of his dreams touching him,taking care of him.Squall relaxed,leaning backwards and letting his back support itself on Zell's flat stomach.The latter looked a little surprised,but smiled,happy to relieve his friend of the pain he still felt a little responsible for.

-Feeling better already huh?He said,having to bend down a little more to reach his a little further and start massaging the upper part of Squall's chest as well."I bet you're wondering where I learned to do this",he added."Actually a cousin of mine who lives in Galbadia is a massotherapist...."

Zell's chatter escaped to a corner of his mind while Squall was enjoying completely the massage he received.Zell's face was now inches from his,since his friend was speaking directly in his ear. "If only this could last forever"he thought,"I could just pretend that.....pretend that he loved me back...".Squall closed his eyes,totally relaxed and content,resting against the small but strong body he loved.He could feel the heat Zell was radiating,and he inched his head closer to the blonde's.He opened his eyes,looking at Zell's pretty face still blabbing about something meaningless,and pressed his lips on Zell's mouth softly,kissing him like he had always dreamed of,in the middle of Zell's sentence.He was feeling totally detached,as if he was looking at someone else,yet he knew it was him that just finally gave in to the love that was burning him from inside.

He snapped.Coming back to his senses,the realization of what he just did hit him in the face.The look on his blonde friend's face was one of pure surprise and bewilderment.The little man was just staring at him incredulously,seemingly incapable of emitting a single sound,so shocked he was by what had just happened.Squall heard a deep moan of despair,and knew after that it had come from his own throat.Zell still wasn't reacting,and Squall seized this opportunity to grab his jacket and run out of the room,tears flowing from his eyes.

After escaping from the locker room,Squall headed toward the training center.It was nearly a miracle no one saw him like this,running half naked along the corridors of Balamb Garden,crying and sobbing,and by the time he reached the center,he had regained a semblance of composure.He entered the center,and headed directly for the secret spot where students gathered after the curfew.At this time of day it was sure to be empty.Upon reaching his shelter,he collapsed against a wall,still horrified by what he had just done.He barely believed he did such a thing: kissing the sweet boy he had had a crush on for months.Even though the kiss was better than anything he had ever imagined, he felt miserable,unable to understand why this had happened,after all the trouble he went to deny his feelings."How did this happen?How could I?" he though.

-Damn you,Zell! he cursed aloud

"Why did he do everything to make things worse for me?Now I'm finished,he hates me, everyone will know about me..."Overcome by his feelings,Squall started crying again.He couldn't keep his facade anymore.His repressed feelings were all coming out at once,and he just sat there on the ground,sobbing,thinking of how much he had messed up everything.Squall then felt a hand land on his arm,and he heard a soft voice talking to him.

-Squall,I was looking for you,you weren't to your room,but after having looked everywhere I figured I would find you here.Squall,are you listening?Look at me,Squall!

That was Zell's voice,of course,but Squall was too afraid to look,he knew he couldn't take it,he would be crushed when he finally saw the accusing eyes of the one he loved,he knew Zell would despise and reject him...

-I can't,I know you hate me,I'm sorry I kissed you,I'm so sorry,I never meant to...

-Shh,it's okay Squall,it's no big deal,just look at me.

The hand moved up his arm and grabbed his chin,slowly but firmly raising his head toward the eyes he feared.Squall was still motionless,avoiding the other boy's gaze.

-I don't hate you Squall,far from it...I've waited...I've waited for you to kiss me for so long,I thought...I thought you wouldn't be interested,I thought you despised me,I just wanted to get your attention...

"Impossible",he thought,"He can't possibly feel the same way,can he?No,he's trying to trick me,he just wants to make fun of me..."

-I love you,Squall,I've been in love with you ever since we met for the first time.

At that moment,Zell forced Squall to face him,and Squall didn't see what he had expected in his eyes.What he saw was not rejection,it was... love.The idea slowly crept its way through Squall's clouded mind."He really meant that,he meant every word of it",he realized.

Zell brought his face to his,and kissed him tenderly.It was just like what happened in the locker room earlier,except the roles were switched.And that this time,they didn't break the kiss.Zell's lips were getting more passionate,pressing firmly on Squall's,his tongue trying to break in his mouth.Still dazed,Squall gave in to the intruder,his cheeks still wet from the tears he shed moments ago.Zell then motionned toward those tears,kissing and licking them away,making his sadness disappear.His body was pressing hard against Squall,and Squall noticed that both of them were hard.

-Oh,Zell,I can't believe you feel the same about me than I feel about you.I've wanted this for so long,but I'm scared,and I don't know what to do....

-Shhh,I know you're scared,I am too,but there's no denying how we feel,not anymore.I love you Squall,and you love me,that's all that matters.

With that,Zell was back on Squall's mouth,and this time Squall was ready.He responded to the kiss passionately,and the young men's tongues danced in their mouths as their bodies rubbed against one another,exciting their senses.Squall then leaned backwards,lying on the ground,and dragging Zell down with him.They started unbuttoning their clothes,undressing each other,without ever breaking their embrace,until finally Squall had a sudden shudder of pain.

-Oh,Zell,I'm sorry,I can't get my jacket off,my shoulder....

-Sorry,I should've remembered,let me take care of everything...

So Zell continued to undress both of them,until they were finally naked in front of each other.Squall stared at the beautiful man in front of him,who was revealed to him in all his glory.His creamy complexion made his skin look perfect,and the muscles could clearly be seen everywhere on his body.He had a nice chest,his well-defined pectorals flexing slightly with each of his deep breaths,just above his perfectly flat washboard abs.His hands were slowly stroking his very excited member,a long,thick beauty of what seemed about seven inches long,which Squall was discovering for the first time fully erect ; he had seen him naked in the showers before,but that had been different.Squall wasn't to be outdone either : while Zell was relatively small and heavily built,Squall was taller,with long,slender legs,and a developping six-pack abs.His cock was thinner but he must've been about half an inch longer,more or less .His brown hair was falling on his forehead as he eyed hungrily the body of the one that had been the objet of his lust."I can have him now" he thought.It seemed so unreal to him,like his wildest fantasy had just come true.He stared at his newly found lover in the eyes,and brought his left hand behind his head,drawing his Zell's mouth to his once more.this kiss was sweeter,and they moved closer to each other.Their chests were now pounding as Zell laid on top of Squall once more,their erections rubbing between them.

-Don't move,you're hurt,let me take all the trouble...said Zell at his ear.

He started going down on Squall's chest,licking and kissing his neck on the way,teasing his nipples by rubbing and pinching them softly.Squall was starting to feel light-headed as Zell kept going down,making his abs glisten with saliva,his cock rubbing against the petite man's own stomach,oozing a good amount of clear precum.He panted,pressing down slightly on his Zell's head,urging him to give his attention where it was needed.Getting the hint,Zell left his abs and finally got to his throbbing member.His engorged cock was pulsing at the same rythm as his heart.Zell licked his lips,looking at the beautiful organ before him.His tongue darted out,and he flicked it at the head,tasting the clear fluid coming out of it,savoring the manly taste he had dreamed of.He then licked along the shaft,slowly,up and down,using one to hand to play with Squall's balls while the other sped up on his own dick.He looked up,and as soon as he caught Squall's glaze,he swallowed his cock as deep as he could,but still coming short of an inch or two.Squall moaned and arched his back,trying to feed more of him to the hungry mouth servicing him.

Zell was enjoying it almost as much as Squall did.He was finally having a taste of the quiet boy,and he loved it.He went up and down slowly at first,being a little awkward,but he soon got the hang of it and started building speed slowly,when he got a steadier rythm.The idea that he was sucking another guy's cock for the first time was a great turn-on for him,and he jacked off fiercely as he got drunk off the wonderful taste of Squall's pre-cum.Both boys were starting to breath heavier,and sweat was pouring from all their pores because of the intense heat their rubbing bodies produced.Feeling that Squall wouldn't last much longer at this pace,Zell released the throbbing member to go down on his balls.He licked them thoroughly,and sucked them,one at at time at first,then taking both in his mouth.After a while,he got back to his cock,and resumed his sucking.Every time he would feel Squall tense and approach orgasm,he would stop,taking time to explore more of his body,or just to kiss him passionately.

Squall was soon driven crazy by this sexual torture.Everytime Zell took back his cock in his mouth,he would start to hump his face,trying to relieve himself.He could feel the cum already boiling in his balls,but every time he was near shooting,Zell would draw back,causing Squall to emit whimpers of disappointment while trying to get Zell back to the great blowjob he was giving him.But the small man was strong,and Squall was pushed back each time,being unable to use his left arm much.

-Zell,he moaned,I can't take any more of this.Make me cum,please,make me cum!Squall was begging,his entire body shaking from all the built-up sexual energy trying to get out.

And Zell finally gave him what he wanted.When he felt Squall tense and his balls tighten,he drew back,but instead of letting go of his entire cock,he kept the head in his mouth,swirling his tongue around it,applying succion at the same time.Squall spread his legs,and putting his hands on the back of Zell's head,tried to shove his member as deep down his throat as he could.But Zell resisted,wanting to have a good taste of his lover's cum,and kept teasing the head,rubbing Squall's sensitivitized balls with his free hand while going wild on his own cock.Suddenly,Squall was driven over the edge,and he exploded in Zell's mouth,filling it with his hot,creamy cum.Gushes after gushes went in his mouth,and Zell swallowed wave after wave,until he just couldn't keep up with it,and some of it dribbled out the corners of his mouth.Delighted by the wonderful taste,he rubbed his member with renewed passion.

Squall was still in an ecstatic state,the last of his load still being milked by the little blonde,when he felt something warm and sticky dripping down his tights.Looking down,he saw Zell's cock spurt a big load as well,all over his legs and the little guy's abs.Raising his gaze a little,he saw a very satisfied Zell,cum dripping on his chin,let go of his cock and give him that cheerful toothy smile only he is capable of.

( The end?It's all up to you readers! )

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