Life changes

By marlin reed

Published on Nov 24, 2006



This is a story is fictional and based around fictional characters. It was written for my and hopefully your pleasure only. It about how one's life can change so drastically and how sometimes nature seams to be able work things out. Hope you enjoy it. I enjoyed writing it.

It all started 19 months ago. His name was Alan, age 26 and her name is Cindy, age 29 and they had been married for 4.5 years. They were a very happy couple, were so much in love with each other. They both had known that they were meant to be with each other for all of time. Life was good for them. Both wanted to start a family right away so they had been trying to get pregnant from the start but were unable to. Then about 19 months ago Alan went to a doctor and had some tests done. The results came back saying that the reason they could not get pregnant was because he had too many female chromosomes, they even thought his DNA said he was really female, but more testing need to be done to prove that for sure. He actually had more female than male. Well that devastated both Cindy and him. They both wanted a baby so badly that they would be willing to do anything to have one. Alan remembers thinking about how those test result kind of explained a lot of things to him.

Then about a month later Cindy called from work and asked, are you still willing to do anything in order for us to have a bay, one that would be part of both of us? He laughed and said well of course I would but you already new that. She then said that she might of found a way for that to happen but wanted to make sure first. She said it would mean some major changes in our lives. He said with excitement in his voice, tell me, tell me more! She said she had a couple more things to check on and one more thing to do first, but she would tell him all about it tonight when she got home... Well needles to say he was excited all day long, he could hardly wait for her to come home. When she finally did she wasn't alone. She had this gentleman with her. She introduced him as Marcus said he was a client from work and said he could explain it all much better than she could. So all three of us sat down in the living room and Marcus opened up his briefcase and pulled out a stack of papers and started talking.

He said that he had gone over the test results and saw no reason on earth why he could have a baby. Alan then said, well the doctors said there was no way I could get Cindy pregnant. He smiled and said, well they're right about that you can't get her pregnant but there is a way that Cindy could get you pregnant. He was shocked and said what in the world do you mean? Marcus then said, well let me explain the whole thing to you. He started by saying that he was a doctor in spells, and potions and that he had done more than a thousand spells in his life and all were very successful. He said that he new of a few that could help them out, if they were interested in hearing about them Alan looked over at Cindy and rolled his eyes thinking wear on earth did you get this quack! Cindy must have none what he was thinking for she said, hold on sweetie he is telling the truth and in a little while I can prove that to you but for now let him go one. Alan agreed to listen.

So Marcus said, well it would be very easy to turn your body into a female body and that way I could become pregnant and have the baby instead of Cindy. I said, what, me become a woman? He said well my dear, you already are, and at lest partially, that's what these tests results say hear. Alan thought for a moment and said well if you really could do that, witch I dought very much that you can. How would Cindy get me pregnant, after all she is all woman, I then winked at Cindy. That's when Cindy grabbed my hand and said, well I use to be. She then placed his hand on her crotch and he felt something there, wasn't sure what it was but it was something. He immediately pulled his hand away and said what the hell! Cindy giggled and said well, let me show you what Marcus has already done and this should prove to you that he is for real. Cindy then stood up and undid her slacks and lowered them. Then she pulled her panties down and out popped a cock, that's right she had a cock! Well he just sat there with his mouth hanging open not believing in what he was seeing! Cindy said see, Marcus gave me a potion this morning and this was the result. She had the biggest grin on her face while telling him and showing this to him. He was in a state of shock, could not believe in what he was seeing and hearing. He then asked, so what else did he change on you? Cindy kept that same smile and said nothing, everything else is just as it was. She then removed her blouse and bra to show him she still had her breast. She had a pair of breast that wear 38D and beautiful, she new how much he loved them, and he was pretty glad to see she still had them. She then said this is only temporary right now, but it could become permanent. He then asked, is that what you want Cindy? Do you want to have that forever. Cindy replied by saying, well Alan, that kind of depends on what you decide to do.

That's when Marcus spoke up and said, let me finish explaining things hear. As he looked over at Cindy, sitting there, she was totally naked by now. He had to admit, she was a bit of a turn on for him. After all she still had her beautiful body with her long hair and tiny waist and beautiful boobs, but now she had this pretty nice looking cock, it must have been 7 or 8" long, Actually the more he looked at her the more turned on he got.

Well Marcus must have noticed and said, Alan focus on me for a few moments and let me finished. He kind of shock my head and said, OH, sure go ahead, I'm listening.

He then said, you see I gave your wife and myself a potion this morning that allowed us to switch certain body parts. I said what? He then stood up and undid his pants and lowered them. Instead of having a cock he now had a pussy. As he looked at it closely he could see that it was Cindy's. You see she had a rather large birth mark just to the upper left corner of her slit and sure enough, it was there! He said, see we switch body parts. He then pulled his pants back up and sat down. He said this will only last for 36 hours though, after that everything will go back as it was before but if Cindy and you decided to make it permanent, it can be. He said he would explain how later on. Alan then asked, and your willing to do this, Marcus just smiled and said, don't worry about me, It's what you two want that matters.

Marcus said now let me explain your part. Since you already have so many female chromosomes, it acutely changes things a bit, in some ways makes it easier and in some ways make it a little more difficult, let me explain. I can give you 5 doses of a potion and your body will change to female, how you will look I have no idea and since you already have all those female chromosomes you should have no problem getting pregnant. SHOULD, being the key word, but there will be no guarantees that you'd be able to. Also all these changes would be permanent, with no going back. Then we could do it as your wife and I have. We could find a female that wants to become male and have your body and I do know of a view that would be very interested in this. Then we could have you two do as Cindy and I have, the plus to this method is you can pick how you will look. The only part that won't change is your face and hair, which will remain the same, that part will be up to you to change if you chose to. But everything thing else will change and look exactly like the person you do this with. Doing it this way we can know for sure that you'll be able to get pregnant, that is as long as the person you chose is able to and another plus is you get to try it out for 36 hours before it becomes permanent, this is the method I'd chose but I'll leave that up to you two. Either way your DNA will not change, it will remain the same. You will still remain who you are, bye that I mean you will still think, feel and be the same person you are now on the inside, the only part that will change is your outward appearance and how your body functions.

So now the two of you need to decide, do you have any questions at this point Alan? He looked at him and looked at Cindy and said, well, I guess not at this point but I'll need some time to think about it and we will need time to discuses it. Marcus gave a small laugh and said, well of course, this isn't something you decide in a moment. How would it be if we got together tomorrow night to discuses it further. He said sure that would be fine. He then said to Cindy, just remember you only have until 11:30 tomorrow night to decide and you only get one chance at this. So they all three decided to meet the next night, Friday at 8:00pm to talk about it again. He then walked him to the door thanking him.

After closing the door he turned around and saw Cindy standing there in the door frame of the dinning room in one of her sexy poses. He had to admit, she looked sexy as hell, really looked hot! With that cock hanging from her very beautiful and feminine body. She smiled and said, so baby , what do you think? He stood there thinking for a moment. He then asked, so can I touch it, looking at her new found cock. She giggled and said well sure you can sweaty. So he reached out and took it in his hand.

Well wouldn't you know it, it started growing. It was but a moment or two and it was rock hard. He said my god girl it's so huge, it has to be twice the size of mine. She giggled again and said well, it might be, just might be she giggled again. She then asked, do you like it? She was smiling from ear to ear once again... He said well hell I don't know; let me get use to the idea first .He did like how it felt in his hand though. She then took his hand and led me back into the living room, saying she wanted to talk about all this. He smiled and said; yes he thought that might be a good idea.

So they sat on the couch holding hands and Alan asked, so do you really want me as a woman forever? Cindy then said sweetheart I'd love you no matter how you looked or what you wear. Alan said, you know that all sounds fine but really me living and being a woman for the rest of my life, I'm just not sure, I'm not saying no, I'm just saying I'm not sure. It would be so nice to finally have the baby we have been wanting, I just never figured or saw myself as a mommy. Cindy said, I know but if we want a baby that is truly part of both of us, I don't think there is another way. She then said she could become all male if he preferred. Alan said, no, I don't think so, I kind of like you how you are. She then asked, so do you mean you like me having this cock? Marcus looked down at it and said, well it is a nice looking one and you do look pretty hot with it. She then laughed and said well thank you but do you like it enough to enjoy it? He then said, well I'm not sure, I have never thought of one that way. Cindy then said well maybe we should find out. He said, I suppose your right. She said we could dress you up as a girl tonight and see how it feels to you, I could run down to Wall-mart and buy you a few women's out fits and have you wear them tonight and tomorrow just to see how you feel as a woman and we could then play around with each other and see how we both like it. We need to be sure about this you. He agreed that would probably be the best thing to do at this point. Cindy then said, while I'm gone you could jump into the tub and soak for a little while and shave your legs and under your arms and so forth and I'll go and pick out just a few things for you to wear. He agreed, so she started his bath water and got dressed and headed out the door as he climbed into the tub of hot water.

As he laid, there soaking in the tub of hot water he started thinking about what it might be like to be a woman. He remembered how he use to feel different than most boys did when he was growing up, he just didn't like the things that most boys did. He remembered always wanting to play with the girls instead of the boys, he some how felt more connected to them or something. He use to dress up in his mothers clothes when he was younger, he really enjoyed doing that then he also remember how much he enjoyed dressing as a girl at Halloween, he did that almost every year during his teen age years but he never really thought about really being a girl. But now, hear was his chance to become totally female and even get pregnant and give birth to another living being. He had to admit, that part kind of excited him.

He wondered what it would be like to actually be a girl, and have a life inside of him, to actually have a baby sucking milk from his body. He kind of liked that idea. But to actually be female and for the rest of his life! He just wasn't sure, not yet anyway. He then tuck his small cock in between his legs, he thought you know it may only be 5" long but I still kinda like having it, Then he made it kind of look like he had a pussy, the best he could and looked at it and wondered, just really wonder what it might be like. Well he heard Cindy coming up the stairs, he figured he must have laid there thinking to long. She came into the bathroom and saw him laying there with his cock tucked away. She smiled and said, been thinking uh? He smiled back and said, well you know this is a pretty big deal hear. She bent down kissed him on the forehead and said I know it is sweetheart it is for both of us. She then said now stand up and let's get you all smooth and fixed up and see how it feels and see if we both like it. So he stood up and she started shaving his legs, she even shaved under his arms.... She then said, now let's go turn you in to Ellen. He asked Ellen? Cindy said, yes I've always liked that name, do you mind? He thought for a moment and said no, actually I kind of like it also. As he finished drying himself off he was amazed how it felt to have hairless legs, he liked how they felt and headed into the bedroom. Where she had several things laid out on the bed waiting for him, he even noticed along blond wig lying on the corner of the bed. .

The first thing Cindy handed him was a one of her bras, it was black cover with lace, and she said put this on and we will put these in. She was hold two pieces of what looked like foam rubber or something. So he put it on, Cindy fastened it for him and slipped the rubber inside of it, she said they wear called breast forms, after felling then he new he was wrong, they weren't rubber they wear something else wasn't sure what though. He was kind of surprised at how heavy they felt. He said something about it to her and she said they wear suppose to way about the same as real breast do. He asked and you got these at Wall-mart. She giggled and said, no, I stopped off at Victoria secrets at the male and picked up a few things. She said I not only wanted you see what it felt like being a woman but I wanted to make you sexy.

He was amazed it looked like he really had breast, they even had nipples that showed a little through the bra. . She then handed him a pair of black panties also covered in lace. He stepped into them pulling them up Cindy pushed his cock down and said, we need to hide this , she giggled as she finished pulling them up for him. She then said now sit down and let me do something with your face. After about 30 minuets of her putting makeup on him and putting that long wig on him, it went almost half way down his back, she fooled around with it for a few minutes, and then she said, Oh my god! I can't believe that I never noticed it before, Alan asked what? What at are you talking about? Cindy then said, you look exactly like Madonna, heck I know people will think you're her, Hear take a look and you'll see. He then looked in the mirror and was shocked! She was right, it was like looking at Madonna herself,. It was almost spooky. Cindy smiled from ear to ear saying I just can't believe that after all this time that we have been together that I never saw it before. Cindy was a big Madonna fan. . She then said, So Alan what do you think so far? Alan smiled and said, well, I have to admit, I kind of like how I look. Cindy said but how does it feel? Alan thought for a moment and said, I kind of hate to say. Cindy said why? Alan said, well I think I like it. I like how it feels have no hair on my legs, can't believe how soft everything feels and I love how these panties feel. She then picked up a black garter and fastened it around him and put the straps under his panties, she said now always remember to put these under the panties, makes it easier when you go potty. She then handed him a pair of stockings and showed him how you roll them before putting them on. He was amazed at how silky they felt on his legs, she then helped him fasten then. He liked how they felt. Cindy laughed and said. Well, go ahead and walk around a little and see what you really think. So he did. He was amazed at how natural it felt. Cindy watched him walking around and showed him a few pointers of how to move and walk like a woman. It didn't take but a few minuets and he thought he was walking and moving pretty good, just like a girl, at least he thought he was. Cindy then said, so how does it feel, he answered by saying, so far, so good, she smiled from ear to ear again saying Good! She then handed him a short black dress. She said hear let's put this on and as he stepped into it he could feel his own cock growing. Cindy noticed also and giggled again and said now, we will have none of that. But it kept growing. So Cindy said, you know if you keep doing that it will show. Let me solve that.

She let the dress fall to the floor and she dropped to her knees pulling his panties down. She then took his now rock hard cock in her mouth and started sucking on it. He loved it when she sucked on him, he new he would miss that. It wasn't long before he felt it starting to throb, and suddenly he came like he never had before! She looked up and smiled and said, now may we get back to what we wear doing? He could see through her slacks that her got had gotten hard also. So he said no, not yet. He then started removing her slacks. Then she took her panties off of her. He could not believe how hard and large that cock was. He started rubbing it and suddenly got an earge. He had her lay back on the bed and then he did id it for the first time. He took that huge cock in is mouth. And when he I says huge that's what he meant, it must have been 8 or maybe even 9" long and had to be at least 2" across, it was the largest cock he had ever seen in his life! As he took it in his mouth he almost gagged and he could get all of it into his mouth. As he started taking more of it into his mouth he figured out how to with out gagging. He found that he really enjoyed it; a lot more than he thought he would. He could fell the vanes in it and well, its hardness. He found he was enjoying it more than eating her pussy. Well it wasn't long before Cindy started breathing heavy and panting some. He could feel the cock starting to throb. He pulled it out of his mouth and starting kissing it and even took her balls in his mouth. He realized he was really enjoying it. He then took it back in his mouth and starting going to town on it. Then he felt it really starting to throb. He new what was next. He felt her shoot a load like none he had ever seen. It filled his mouth totally, he couldn't swallow quickly enough. Her cum was running out of the corners of his mouth. He found that he really enjoyed the taste of her cum, he notice it tasted a lot like she had always tasted. He looked up at her and saw that her eyes wear almost rolled back in her head. She was growling like an animal. He watched her as she finished Cuming. He found himself licking all of her cum up from her, didn't know why he did that it just seamed kind of the natural thing to do. When he was finished he looked back at her and saw she was laying there with her eyes closed and smiling. He raised up and kissed her asking how she liked that. She said it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She could not believe how powerful and with how much force she felt when she cam. He said but did you enjoy it. She grinned from ear to ear and said way more than you can imagine sweetheart! But how did you like it. He grinned and said just like you, more than you can imagine also.

They laid there holding each other for some time. Then Cindy said, well let's finish getting you dressed. So they got up off the bed and she finished helping him into the dress and then hand him a pair of black shoes, they had about 3" hells. He put them on and looked in the mirror. He could not believe what he saw. He saw a hot looking woman looking back at him. He was amazed at how great his legs looked. Cindy stood there staring at him. He then asked, so sweetheart what do you think? Could you live with me looking like this forever? She smiled and shook her head yes, he also notice there was a small tear running from the corner of her eye. He said why you are crying. She just half smiled and said because I like what I'm seeing more than I thought I would is all.

She then said, you know I have a thought. Why don't we go out some where maybe for a drink or two? That way you could see how you feel out in public dressed like this. He oh no, people might reconise me or be able to tell that I'm a guy dressed up. She laughed and said sweetheart, the only thing people will see is a very attractive lady. Now let's put these ear rings on and let's not forget about your finger nails. She then put some fake finger nails on me and painted then a pail red to match my lipstick. While my nails wear drying Cindy decided to change clothes also. She decided to wear something his favorite dress. It was white with a yellow print was cut so low in the front that you could almost see her nipples (but you couldn't) and was ever so short, showing off her extremely sexy legs! He loved how she looked in it. She even wore the white thigh high boots that he loved. She looked like a million dollars! He remembers thinking, Thank god; she still looks as hot as ever, maybe ever a little hotter. A few moments later Alan found himself walking out the front door as Ellen. He was so excited, more than he let on. He new right then and there that he was going to live the rest of his life as Ellen but he didn't want to let her know that he had decided, not yet anyway. Cindy then walked up behind him and said, Ellen, you forgot your purse. She handed him or maybe we should say her, a small black purse saying, I went ahead and out a few things it I that a girl should never leave home with out, she gigged again. Alan oh I mean Ellen loved Cindy's little giggle. So they were off for what ended up being a very exciting and enjoyable night out for the both of them.

So as they drove down the street Ellen asked if they could go some where that they are not known by anyone. Cindy smiled and said that Marcus had told her of a place and she thought that they would go check it out. Ellen said sure. Ellen kept looking over at Cindy as she was diving and asked her why she had such a big grin on her face. Cindy said, well do you remember how I told you I was Bi-sexual when I was in collage, Ellen said yes I do. Cindy then said well I'm thinking this just might be my chance to have my husband as my wife and as a real woman all in one and to tell you the truth it kind of excites me. Is that Ok with you sweetheart she asked? Ellen said, yes that's find sweaty, I'm enjoying this much more than I thought I would, so who knows at this point. She then said, so how do you like having that thing between your legs. She looked over at Ellen and said. Well I don't know how you guys ever walk around with it hanging there, sure seams to get in the way, but I do kind of like it and figure I could get use to it, in time.

Well it seamed like it took forever to get to this little club. But Ellen was enjoying the ride. They finally arrived and Ellen was as nervous as they walked into the little bar. To there surprise the place was much larger than it appeared from the outside. There was a long bar on the right, A dance floor at the fare end and tons of tables a booths all over the place, it appeared to be about half full. So Cindy found a booth that was kind of off by its self. So they sat down and pretty soon this cute looking guy came over and said, my I help to tow ladies. Well that made Ellen fell much better. They ordered two glasses of white wine. The drinks arrived pretty shortly and Cindy said you might as well and go ahead and bring us a couple more. The waited then asked, who you rather just order a bottle, it's cheaper in the long run. So Cindy said that's sounds fine go ahead and bring us one. You could tell Ellen was still nervous but she said she was doing ok. They made small talk for about 45 minuets or so. Then Marcus walked up and said. Hi, how are you two pretty ladies doing tonight? We both said hi and asked him to join them. He then asked what we were doing. Cindy told him that we were just seeing how it felt having Alan out as Ellen.

He said sounded like a fine idea. He then asked we would like to me a couple ladies that are very interested in trading with Alan. They looked at each other and said, well we haven't decided just yet. He said he new that and that was fine, he just thought it might help to see what you could look like, and he looked right at Ellen when saying that. So they agreed. He left and said, I'll be right back. It wasn't long before he came back with a nice young lady. She was maybe 5"1" nicely built, had short blonde hair ,kind of on the small side though. She could not of weight over 105lbs if that. They sat and made small talk for a while then the girl, her name was Marcy asked witch one of them was Alan. Well Alan smiled from ear to ear and said that would be me. She then said, so you're the one thinking about doing this trade. He shook his head yes. She then said you are a guy, right? Alan laughed a little and said, yes I can promise you I am. She then asked, what you would like to know about me. Ellen said, well the most important things are, are you healthy and can you gets pregnant? She said yes on both counts. Cindy then asked, are you pregnant now? Marcy giggled and said No, I never even been with a guy, nor do I want to be. Cindy then asked, you look pretty young, but just how old you are. She looked down towards her lap and said in a quite voice, well actually I'm only 19 but please don't tell anyone, ok? They agreed. Cindy then asked, may I ask why you want to do this. She said well ever since I was little I felt different, just felt like I should have been born a boy instead of a girl, felt like there had be a mistake made. I feel like one on the inside anyway. Said she wanted to be a guy and have a pennies and everything, said she was willing to do anything in order to. Cindy and Ellen said they understood but hoped that she understood that they weren't sure about all this just yet. She said she did and that if they decided to go through with it that she hoped they would chose her. Cindy said, well you are pretty cute and that they would keep her in mind. She said thank you and left. Cindy looked at Ellen and asked, so would you like to have her body. Ellen just smiled and said, I don't know, maybe. She is smaller than I thought I'd be, just not sure. Cindy said well she sure was cute.

They then ordered a second bottle of wine. Then Ellen said, I need to go potty, what should I do? Cindy laughed and said, well let's go to the little girl's room, and hear I'll go with you. So they got up and headed towards it. Needles to say Ellen was nervous, she had never been in a ladies restroom before and was still afraid some one would be able to tell that she was really a guy. Just as they went in Cindy said, just act natural and don't forget to set to pee. That made Ellen laugh and she said, ok, I won't. Well it wasn't as bad as she was afraid it would be. It was really no big deal at all. When they got back Marcus and this other woman wear sitting there waiting for them. He introduced her ass Linda then he left. They talked for a few minutes but neither one of then cared for her too much. They both thought she looked like a dyke, she had such huge arms.

So the evening went on. They both probably had a little too much to drink. Cindy even managed to get Ellen up on the dance floor. Cindy was a great dancer but Alan was just kind of so, so. Well to both of there surprise Ellen was a real good dancer. For some reason she said it just felt easier and maybe even a little more natural and it sure was more fun than it had ever been before. They meet a few more people, not for the exchange, just ordinary people. Cindy thought to herself, sure seams like Alan is enjoying himself. She couldn't remember when she has seen him laugh as much as he did that evening. Well finally they decided they better head home. Cindy had to be in court at 9:00 and it was getting pretty late. So they headed for home. Ellen was very talkative all the way home. She talked a lot about Marcy. Witch pleased Cindy because she really liked how Marcy looked.

The drive home seamed a lot shorter than going there. They walked in and Cindy said, well it's pretty late so we better get ready for bed, so they headed up stairs for the night.. Ellen started getting ready for bed, she took off her dress and stockings and garter and started to take her wig off and Cindy asked, what are you doing? Ellen said getting ready for bed. Cindy said you mean you're not going to stay my girl any longer. She was holding out a short lacy night gown. Ellen smiled and said sure if you want. Cindy walked up to her, was maybe 2" from you face to face. She said sweetheart, I wish you would be Ellen for the rest of our lives. Well Ellen was kind of surprised, she didn't think Cindy would really go for all this. She then said, let me get this straight, you want be to become a woman a REAL woman forever and you will keep that cock forever? Cindy said, Yes I would like that more than anything, and we would get to have OUR bay also. Ellen smiled from ear to ear, she then said, I'd like nothing in the world better than to become your woman your wife, forever and to be the mother of your child. They kiss passionately for the longest time. Then they both went back to getting dressed for bed. As they crawled into bed Cindy said I'll call Marcus before I go to court in the morning and tell him what we decided and see if he can get hear around 5:00 Ok? Ellen said that would be great! They drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

The next morning Ellen woke up early, it was 4:30 when he looked at the clock but he new he couldn't go back to sleep. He had a lot on her mind; he wanted to be sure about her decision before Cindy left for work, so he headed downstairs and started the coffee pot. He sat there smoking a cigarette while the coffee was being made. He sat there thinking. Maybe this is how I was supposed to have been he thought, after all his chromosomes were more female than male and maybe even his DNA was also. He was also kind of amazed at how commutable he was last night. One would think that a guy being dressed up as a girl and going out to a club would make him very uncomterbale, but he wasn't he even liked it. He really had some serious thinking to do. He noticed the coffee was done and got up and pored himself a cup. Ashe poured the coffee he looked down and saw just how pretty the night gown he had on was. He liked how it felt and thought, you know if I go through with this I'll get to were things like this all the time, he liked that. He then wondered if he would end up with breast as big as these were, he hoped he would. He then went and sat back at the kitchen table and lit another cigarette. He sat there thinking. I can hardly believe that I'm really thinking about become female forever. It kind of excited him but yet it was so permanent. What if he made the wrong choice? Then he thought about the test. He then thought maybe there had already been a mistake made. I guess that as he sat there thinking all by him self was when he really made the final decision to go ahead with it. After he did somehow, or some way he felt more at ease, like something had been lifted from him. He couldn't explain the feeling, somehow he just new he was a doing the right thing.

He then decide to be a good wife. He started breakfast for both of them. He saw it was 6:30 and new Cindy would be getting up any moment. Well it wasn't long before CINDY CAME STMBALING DOWN THE STEPS. She smiled when she saw Ellen standing over the stove. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the table drinking it. Ellen turned and smiled and said good morning hubby. Cindy smiled back and said morning. After Ellen put the plate of eggs and ham and potatoes and toast on the table they both started eating. Final Cindy said. So I guess you haven't changed your mind from last night, at least it looks like you haven't. Ellen smiled and said no, I haven't have you she asked. Cindy raise up and bent across the table and kissed her and said no, not in a million years. She also said it just felt right, like it was the right thing to do. Well that really made Ellen happy. She new that by the end of the day she would be a woman, a real woman. She was pretty excited about it.

Cindy then asked if Ellen could call Marcus and tell her what they had decided. She said since she still had some preparing to do and meet with the client before they went to court that she was afraid she might not have the time. Ellen said sure. So Cindy finished eating and got dressed and headed to work. Well she couldn't have been out of the driveway before Ellen called Marcus. He said that he was glad on there decision and that if he (Alan) could come over to his office he could explain the whole processes to him. He suggested he come as Allan though. So Ellen agreed and got the address and headed upostaiars to change. Well it was going on 10 and he needed to be there by 10:30 so he head out. Marcus was there waiting on him when he arrived.

Marcus asked him if he wanted something to drink and Alan laughed and said yes, do you have any scotch. Marcus said sure do I'll get it, maybe I'll get one for myself also. So as they sat there drinking there scotch Marcus started explaining. He said. No what we need to do with you is a little different than with Cindy. Since your wanting to change everything it has a couple extra steps. First off we need to find the right person you want to do this with and I have five people for you to choose from. We will talk more about then later. He then said this is how it works. You both have to agree and drink two different potions. It will put both of you asleep for about an hour. When you awake you will be in your new body. You then have 36 hours to decide if this is what you really want. If it is you then come back drink two more potions but you two will have to have sex together, twice, once before you change and once after. After you have sex the first time you both will sleep for about an hour. When you awake you have to have sex with each other right away and that is when it becomes permanent. Now this will be forever, for the rest of your life, I want you to understand this; there is no way in the world that it can ever be changed. You will be a woman forever, just make sure you understand that. IF you two do not have sex with each other it will not be permanent. Do you have any questions so far? Alan said so let me understand I have to have sex twice, once before and once after the change. Marcus said yes that is correct. Allen said, so that means Cindy has to have sex with you twice also. Marcus said, no only once since she is not changing everything it only takes once and it has to happen before the change not after. Alan then asked a bunch of questions on what all changes and how he would feel and think and what he would really feel like. Alan understood everything and asked if they had to do it for the 36 hours or could it become permanent right off. Marcus said no you didn't have to do the 36 hours but wondered why you wouldn't want to. Alan said well people don't get to chose how they look, there just born that way and that he was so sure of it that he wanted to get it done as soon as possible. So Marcus said that would be fine. Marcus then said, so would you like to start meeting the ladies in say, an hour. Alan said yes that would be fine. So Alan headed out, he went to local restaurant that he noticed around the corner as he came over to his office. He was hungry and thought it might help him calm down a little. Needles to say he was very nervous. He was sure of this but yet still nervous.

Well when he went back to the office there were four women sitting to waiting room. He sat down and they all stated talking. Just small talk. This went on for about 30 minuets, of course they were all eye balling each other this whole time. Them Marcus s came out and asked him to come into the office. Marcus said so you have met them all. Is there anyone that you don't want to meet one to one. Alan said yes there were two of them he didn't care to meet. So Marcus went out and asked them to leave and invited the first one in. They made more small talk and then got down to why they were there. Marcus asked so you both understand everything, correct. They said yes. He suggested that they remove there clothing so they both could see what they were getting. So that's what they did. Alan really liked how she looked but she wanted someone that had a lager cock. So she decided to decline. The second one came in. Alan liked her body also and she liked his, he thought maybe she would be the one. Then she went back to the waiting room and in came the last one. It was Marcy, the girl they had met last night. She removed her clothing and showed him her body. His first thought was no, she is just too little and her breast were so small, they wear maybe a B cup and he wanted large breast. But he really liked her but, it was so round, He couldn't get over how perfect her but was and she did have a nice hard body, except for her small breast and height. Alan asked if he could see both of then together. Marcus said sure and asked the other lady to come back in. Well after quit sometime Alan finally decided. It was to be Marcy. He liked everything about her body except her breast size but he thought she had the cutest nipples and they were so perky. Plus he just liked Marcy a lot and figured why not, it would also please her also.

So Alan called Cindy to tell her what all had went on. She was so excited and happy, she told him to go ahead and do it, but she was going to have to work until about 7:00 that court had not went well. She said I'll just come to Marcus's office when she's done. So it was agreed that he would go ahead with it and they would meet later.

So the design was made. Marcus asked that they both come back at 4:00 it would take that long to prepare everything. So Marcy and he decided to go get a drink and get to now each other a little more. After about two hours they headed back to his office. He led them upstairs to a room. They walk in and it was dimly lit and there was soft music playing. It kind of looked romantic. There wear four glasses sitting on a table. He said there is your potion. Each of you must drink two. Drink one and wait 30 minuets then drink the other. Then you two need to have sex with each other. I suggest you take your time and enjoy it, for it will be the very last time you have sex in that body. He then looked both of them right in the eyes and asked. Now this is permanent, for ever, no going back, are you both sure you want this 100% they both grinned and said yes were are. He said fine and just so you know, I think you both making the right decision hear. . I'll leave you two alone and please take as long as you n need. You will both fall asleep afterwards and awake in your new bodies. You both know what you have to do when you awake, correct? They both said yes and Marcus left the room.

Well after he left Alan grabbed both glasses handing one to Marcy. She said I'm scared to death. Alan said I know me to. Marcy then said, now you know I have never had sex with a man before. Alan said I know that was one of the things that helped him decide and for her not to worry that he would be gentle. So the both drank the drinks straight down. They wear surprised at how good it tasted. Marcy said this is going to be kind of strange, having sex with my new body. Alan said I know. But I guess we should do as Marcus said and enjoy it.

He then bent over and kissed her very passionately. It wasn't long before his hand for its way to her small breast and her hand found its way to his crotch. As she opened up his pants his rock hard cock made it's way to her hand, as he looked at it he could not believe how hard it was and thought, god that thing looks bigger that it ever has. She said she had no idea it got that hard and that big, she was very happy with it, she then took it in her mouth and had her way with it. As she was doing this Alan remover her shorts and started kissing her all around you little pussy while thinking, in just a little while this will me mine. Well I don't want to go into great detail about all that went on, let's just say that for the next two hours there was some of the most intents sex that ever happened, they both enjoyed it a lot. The both even were very oral with each other. Alan learned one thing, Marcy was a screamer, and he hoped he would be also. As they laid there both total exhausted Marcy said you were pretty good. Alan grinned and said you were wondewr5ful, hope I'm as good as that. They both drifted off to sleep.

When they woke up, the both woke at the same time. They couldn't believe it. It was true. Marcy now had Alan's body and he had hers. There faces looked just the same but they had each others bodies. They laid there side by side staring up into the mirror on the ceiling loving what they were seeing. They started having sex right away. It was almost automatic, like there was some force or something bringing them together for this and for some reason that neither one of them understood they both found themselves really wanting to . I t was a lot different than before. It was kind of like making love. They were at it for almost three hours. They fell asleep once again. When they woke Cindy and Marcus wear standing at the foot at the bed looking at them. Both of them had huge smiles on there faces.

As they got up they both had a hard time, they were kind of wobbly on the legs. Marcus said, now just stand there for a moment and you'll be ok, so they did, stood there looking at each other and themselves. Then Cindy came over to Ellen and gave her a huge kiss, every so passionately. She then said thank you sweetheart, I know we are going to be so happy!

Ellen said I know, I can feel it also. So Ellen and Marcy got dressed, Ellen asked Marcy what name she had picked out, she smiled and said Allan, I want to use it so I don't ever forget about you. She walked over to Ellen and gave her a huge kiss and said thank you so much. Ellen said its ok and thank you. Then the now Allan finished getting dressed, of course in the clothes that Alan had worn and Marcus walked her out. Ellen finished getting dressed in the clothes that Marcy had worn. She remembers thinking how much she like the halter top and shorts that Marcy had worn. She has kept them in a drawer to this day, they are very special to her.

Cindy then said now I have to go and complete my transformation to make it permanent. Ellen said so you're going to have to screw Marcus uh? Cindy said no, he has to me, see. She removed her skirt showing that she now had her pussy back. Ellen wondered how when she had gotten that back, but figured it just had to happen that way. Ellen asked would she mind if she watched. Cindy giggled and said, no not at all sweethearts.

Marcus came back into the room and asked, so are you ready Cindy. She smiled and said sure am. Ellen went and sat in the corner and watched then drink there drink, they only had to drink one. Then she watched Cindy and Marcus have sex. It really excited her, she could feel the wetness between her legs, a feeling she had never felt before. But then there were a lot of things she was going to be feeling that she had never felt before.

About an hour later Cindy and Ellen let the office on there new adventure in life. They were very happy with each other. Ellen ended up being a stay at home wife and Cindy became a partner with the law firm. Four months later Ellen found out that she was pregnant with Cindy's baby and 8 months after that she gave birth to a beautiful 6 lb baby girl. They live happily ever after and ended up having a total of three children. If you enjoyed this story and want to read more about what all happen after the change please e-mail me and if I get enough requests I'll write part 2. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. J.Marlin

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