Life on Their Own

By Scott Davis

Published on Jun 5, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story follows two of the characters in Mr. Shepherd series. You can find the other stories here on Nifty.

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Back to reality

Thomas and Lucas returned to the restaurant and met with Leo. Thomas thanks Leo for helping out Jimmy and keeping it on the down low. Leo was glad to help and said he had another opportunity and thought of Lucas.

The boat club across the lake has fallen apart since you left and the owner is looking to sell. Leo said they could buy the club and the marina manager said he would be excited to have you back managing. Lucas winced a bit as he didn't want to deal with the manager of the marina where the boat club was housed. Leo went on to say the manager was a real jackass. He told me what he made you do to keep him happy and I told him he could fuck off! Lucas and Thomas were thrilled!

Leo said you would not be a manager, you would be an owner, just like the restaurant. My group would be the investors, but you two would own it and run it. You have already done very well with the restaurant and the investors are very pleased! The boat club can generate a lot of revenue and I have already reached out to a few contacts who are ready to sign corporate agreements.

Lucas asked if we didn't use the marina where would we house the boat club? Leo lifted up a long tube and unrolled a set of blueprints. Say hello to Billy's Boathouse and Marina. The plans showed expansion of the current dock and an addition of 500 boat slips. We are going to put that jackass out of business. Leo pointed to another portion of the plans which included a hotel and convention center. When all of this comes together Billy's is going to be a destination!

Thomas and Lucas were thrilled with the plans and Thomas asked if Leo would like to seal the deal in their office. Leo smiled and said as much as he would like to get at his cock he had a few men waiting for him at his house and couldn't wait to have his new cook make them dinner! Hopefully he isn't too shy because he is going to get an eye full of some kinky sex tonight! Lucas told Leo to be gentle. Leo laughed. We will be until he tells us not to be!

Back at school Ryan was excited to show off his Christmas present. He drove into the school parking lot with the top down and his dick out. He drove by Mr. Shepherd, who was shocked at first, but realized it was Thomas' old car. He smiled with memories of all the sexual encounters they had with the top down! Ryan put his dick back in his shorts and headed into school. Mr. Shepherd couldn't help but notice the bulge as Ryan walked by.

Erik and Kelvin, Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Parks to the students, brought their group together and explained there had been an incident with the track team and another school. Ryan knew there were several members of the track team who were gay, but there was always a ton of support for them so wondered what the problem could be.

Erik continued saying that the other team made a few comments and things got out of hand when our team defended each other. The other school's administration is appalled with their students and have suspended the entire team from participating in any more meets. Mr. Parks suggested that they consider implementing a program like ours and they loved the idea and would like us to model the program to the students involved. The entire class nodded with approval and turned when the door opened.

Five scared/angry looking teenage boys walked in along with two very serious looking adults. The adults shook hands with Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Parks. Class these are some of the students involved with the incident at the track meet. Surprising the boys all of Ryan's classmates stood and went over to shake their hands and welcome them to their school. Even the adults didn't expect the boys to be welcomed like that.

Mr. Shepherd asked if Ryan would be interested in explaining the program. Ryan agreed. He stood and walked around the classroom like a professional explaining that a couple years ago the school had multiple bullying issues around students of other religions, races, and sexual orientation and this group was created with those who bullied to develop understanding and tolerance. We built a community that respects others by understanding others. Then Ryan stopped and leaned in looking each boy in the face. Plus, if you don't participate it sounds like your hopes of getting any scholarships and even graduating are at risk, so consider this a win-win, so buckle up boys because we don't put up with this kind of shit so get over yourselves. The boy's faces all went white and Ryan's classmates all applauded his speech.

The group was to meet three times per week. Ryan and his friend, Kris were first paired with Mike. Mike was a beefy guy that threw shot put. After a few meetings he admitted that he was mad that one of the girl's threw farther than he did and only called her names because he lost to her. He was truly sorry! The next boy was Matt. The next couple meetings didn't seem to get anywhere. Ryan asked if he could talk to Matt alone. Kris excused himself and Ryan turned to Matt. Ok, it's just you and me. What gives? If you don't participate you don't graduate. Why are you not giving this a chance? Matt's face became very red. Ryan knew there was something deep here. Ryan suggested they go for a walk outside. Matt quickly left and Ryan followed.

When they were a few feet from the school Matt stopped and turned to Ryan. You're not all the same are you? Matt asked. Ryan was confused. Gays, gays are not all the same. Matt explained. Ryan nodded. Correct. Matt explained that his family had always said that gays were perverts and sexual predators that just wanted to get into boys pants. Ryan shook his head. No, gay does not equal pedophile. Ryan's face got more red. Then why did those men do what they did to me? And he broke down crying.

Matt confessed he had been abused and ever since he struggled because he liked the feeling of what these men did and maybe he was gay. His parents never talked to him about the whole thing and told him he should just forget about it. He had been confused and didn't know what to do to figure it out. He was pacing back and forth and then he asked Ryan if he could kiss him. Ryan was shocked and asked why. I need to know if I like it. If I like men. Ryan wasn't sure but agreed. The two men kissed. When they pulled apart they stared into each other's eyes. Then they both busted out laughing. NOT gay. They both said.

Matt said he didn't understand because he remembered liking the sex with the men. Everything they did felt incredible! Ryan nodded. Of course it felt good. Sex feels great! Ryan said he could give Matt a blowjob and he would get off, but that doesn't make him gay. Just horny. Matt thought about it and it seemed to make sense. Ryan asked if he had ever kissed a girl. Matt blushed and shook his head. I have been so confused and just buried myself in my track and studies. Ryan said as he is suspended from track maybe now would be the time for him to go on a date. Matt admitted there was a girl he liked. Ryan patted him on his shoulder. Go for it! All she can do is say no.

The next week Ryan was excited to hear that Matt had asked the girl out and admitted he was definitely not gay, not that there was anything wrong with that! He leaned in and told Ryan that he got a boner when they kissed. Ryan laughed. Too much info dude! Matt laughed. You're just jealous I didn't bone up when we kissed. Ryan acted like he was deeply hurt.

The five boys had completely embraced the understanding of the people they had hurt. There was a true transformation and Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Banks were impressed with how they all came together. So much so that he had contacted the district superintendent and they will be holding a special award presentation for each of you. The group was very excited and proud of what they had done and the new friends they had made.

Jimmy's dinner was a huge hit. Leo and his guest couldn't compliment him enough about the entire meal. When Jimmy was finishing up he noticed a couple of the men making out on the sofa. He had taken a few things in the kitchen and when he came back there were more men making out and they had stripped out of their clothes. Jimmy could feel his dick stir but wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Jimmy stayed in the kitchen for a while, but could hear the men and from the sounds they were really going at it. His cock was straining in his pants and he needed release.

He was done with his clean up and he knew he was supposed to check with Leo before he left but didn't know if he was supposed to do it while they were doing what they were doing. He looked around the corner and saw Leo fucking a guy doggie style like he was a mad man. Leo saw him, smiled and waved him over. Leo never stopped his thrusts and told Jimmy he was free to go, unless he wanted to stay. Jimmy looked around the room and rubbed his crotch. It was all a bit overwhelming but a huge turn on. Jimmy looked back at Leo who pulled out of the guy in front of him. Jimmy looked down at his cock. Leo nodded. Jimmy reached out and stroked the wet cock. Jimmy wanted to replace the guy that Leo had been fucking. Jimmy wasn't sure what to do. Leo stepped over and put his arm around him. I'll be gentle. Jimmy's knees buckled and Leo scooped him up and laid him on the couch.

Leo undressed Jimmy and gently stroked over his body. Jimmy took Leo's hand and placed it on his nipple. Leo smiled and as he pinched his dick slid inside Jimmy's wanting ass. Leo was fucking slowly, but the harder he pinched the harder Jimmy wanted to be fucked. Jimmy moaned and groaned for Leo to fuck him. Leo loved seeing this young stud taking his dick. He wanted to feel his balls empty in his ass. He thrust and thrust and his load sprayed into Jimmy's ass.

Jimmy sighed in relief and Leo wiped sweat from his brow. Jimmy felt Leo's dick slide from his hole and then he felt a mouth on his cock and ass. He looked down and two men were servicing his cock and ass. He didn't last long and his ass and balls were cum free. Jimmy smiled at Leo and thanked him for the job and place to live. Leo smiled back. The thanks is very mutual! Jimmy watched for a bit as men fucked and sucked and then headed back to his room. He smiled as he stepped into his shower.

Thomas and Lucas watched as Ryan drove away. Thomas smiled as Ryan exclaimed...Dick's out! Lucas just shook his head. The two men stood in the yard and looked across the lake with their arms wrapped around each other. Lucas felt uneasy like something was wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it and then his cell phone went off and it was Anton. Lucas answered. Hello, UNCLE Lucas. Would you want to come meet your new nephew? The two men headed to the hospital and met Anton Jr. Lucas and Lucy hugged and Anton hugged Thomas. Anton kept his arm around Thomas and asked if the two of them would be Anton's Godparents. The men were astonished and they were all crying and hugging.

Thomas pulled away from Anton and looked down at his bulge. Anton laughed. Haven't had sex in over a month. I am about ready to let you have it! Lucy looked over and told him it was ok with her because he wasn't getting anywhere near her for a few months! Anton looked at Thomas and raised and lowered his eyebrows. Thomas looked at Lucas and wiped some drool from his mouth! Thomas and Lucas stayed for a bit and then the nurse said the mom needed some rest. They said their goodbyes and Anton grabbed Thomas' ass as they hugged. Thomas' cock responded and Lucas pulled Thomas in the nearest restroom and took care of it.

Lucas suggested they get some groceries and meals for his sister and Anton. They went shopping and let themselves into his sister's house. They were just about to leave when Anton walked in. He said Lucy wanted a few things from the house and he planned on coming home to release some tension. He grabbed his crotch to make his point. Thomas looked at Lucas. Lucas laughed. Go for it. I have a couple errands to run so I will come back and pick you up. Lucas gave Thomas a kiss and told him to enjoy it, he may not ever get another chance.

Lucas left and when Thomas turned Anton already had his dick pulled out and was stroking. His cock was a masterpiece. Thomas stripped and Anton whistled at Thomas' cock. Anton said he had never met anyone with a cock as big as his. Thomas stepped up and they compared. Thomas was surprised, they were almost twins except Anton was uncut and dark. Anton stroked his cock and precum oozed from the slit. Anton looked at Thomas and then down at his cock. Thomas dropped to his knees and Anton gasped as he felt Thomas take his entire cock down his throat. NO WAY! No one has ever taken it all! Thomas smiled knowing the feeling very well!

Thomas sucked Anton's cock, shaft and balls. Anton was moaning in delight but said getting sucked would not get him off. Thomas stood and Anton pulled him into the bedroom. Thomas crawled up on the bed and positioned his ass in front of Anton. Anton pulled a bottle of lube from his night stand and lubed himself up. He added lube to Thomas' ass and Thomas moaned loudly. His moans increased when he felt the monster head press into his slicked up hole. Anton grunted and continued pressing forward. Thomas was so ready he told Anton to just do it. Fuck me. FUCK ME NOW! Anton was so ready to fuck. He had an extremely high sex drive and the past month had been brutal! Jacking off just didn't do it! He thrust his cock inside and felt himself bottom out in Thomas. Thomas pressed back and repeated himself. FUCK ME! I can take it, just fucking do it! Anton grabbed Thomas' hips and started pounding. His cock screamed with delight! His balls couldn't hold back and Thomas told Anton to do it. Breed him like he did Lucy. Anton's balls released and filled Thomas' hole as Thomas released his own load on the floor beneath them.

They both collapsed and Anton took several deep breaths before telling Thomas that if he knew that fucking a guy could be that hot he would have done it years ago, and how the hell did he deep throat his cock? NO ONE has ever done that! Lucy gives a great blow job and swallows my load, so I am not complaining, but feeling your throat wrap around my shaft was amazing! Thomas rolled on his back. They both looked at each other's spent cocks. Anton whistled. We are two hung mother fuckers. He pushed himself up and told Thomas to come with him so they could shower off. He rubbed his cock and said he probably had one more load he could get rid of before he headed back to Lucy. The moans echoed loudly in the bathroom.

When they were done they walked into the livingroom and Lucas was flipping through a magazine. Anton winked at Lucas and told him he was one lucky man! Thomas sat next to Lucas and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Anton said he needed to get back to the hospital and took off. Thomas looked at Lucas. HUGE, FUCKING HUGE and fucks like a stallion! Lucas smiled. Yeah, Lucy tells me everything. She thinks it's funny that her and I both have men with huge cocks. She always joked that Anton should do porn and that he would probably be a huge star, literally. Thomas said he had never seen a fuck scene like they just had and rubbed his ass. Lucas frowned. Too sore for me? Thomas pulled Lucas in for a kiss and the two were stars in their own porno, cum scene and all!

Ryan met up with Jimmy at his new place. Jimmy told him that Leo had given him almost free reign of the house while he was out of town. Almost? Ryan asked. He told me to not go into the three bedrooms down the hall. He would show me one day, but for now they were off limits. Ryan looked down the hall and his curiosity went wild.

But, we can use the pool and it is completely private! Ryan looked and jumped up, ran to the pool, stripping his clothes off along the way. Jimmy was right behind him. The two both cannonballed into the pool and then swam over to each other and wrapped their arms around each other. Ryan told Jimmy all about Matt and said he would like to get together with him for a double date and thought he and Jimmy would get along real well. Jimmy got a smile on his face. Ryan laughed, not like that! Jimmy told Ryan about his dinner. Ryan felt his cock grow as Jimmy shared the details for the party. Jimmy said these were all older men, but FUCK they were hot! Their cocks and bodies and just the uninhibited sex they were having. Jimmy told Ryan that Leo carried on a conversation with him while he was fucking some guy like it was no big deal! Ryan reached down and rubbed their hard cocks together.

The water wasn't conducive to a good stroking so they moved to the edge of the pool. Ryan took Jimmy in his mouth and in moments was feeling the warmth of Jimmy's load filling his mouth. Jimmy pulled him in for a kiss so they could share his load. Jimmy then returned the favor and the two lay in the shallow end of the pool enjoying the evening. Ryan wished he could spend the night, but that was another house rule. No overnight guests. Ryan asked how would Leo know and then Jimmy pointed to multiple cameras all over the house. Ryan smiles. Maybe he was watching us have sex! Jimmy looked around and smiled back at Ryan and leaned in for another makeout session. After they each released another load it was time for Ryan to head home. The two kiss goodnight and Leo licks up his second load from his live stream porn show.

Erik called and invited everyone over from dinner. They had gone on their trip to the Galapagos Islands and had gifts for everyone. They enjoyed dinner and Erik was filled in with details of their trip over winter break. Erik looked at Thomas and Lucas with a bit of envy in his eyes. Erik asked how Jimmy's new living situation was. He said he loved it and Leo was a very nice man. Ryan said it was a great house, but was curious about rooms that Jimmy was told to not go into. Erik and Javier both smiled knowing from personal experience what was in each of those rooms.

Ryan brought up his 17th birthday party and that he would then be legal to get fucked here in the states and asked if Erik and Javier would like to fuck him. Javier was not used to Ryan's bluntness, but Javier and Erik licked their lips and looked at Thomas and Lucas. Looks like we will be hosting a birthday party. Ryan smiled and twitched a bit in his seat.

The night of the party there were several employees from the restaurant and other friends. Thomas had invited Anton and Lucy, but Lucy was still not feeling up to socializing, or anything else, according to Anton. Leo was also invited. Ryan was thrilled with the party and when he opened his gifts became embarrassed and turned on at the same time by the amount of sexual items he received. Erik and Javier gave him a variety of lube and condoms and Thomas and Lucas gave him a blindfold and handcuffs and told him he should head to the bedroom and Lucas would show him what to do.

Ryan's cock became hard instantly and he kissed Jimmy before heading down the hall. Jimmy was hard as hell as he watched men heading in and out of the bedroom. Jimmy enjoyed seeing all the naked men walking around the house, but stood in awe of Thomas and Anton as they stood next to each other.

Thomas came over to Jimmy and told him it was his turn. Jimmy smiled. It will just be you and Ryan. He is still blindfolded, so it's up to you what you want to do. Jimmy smiled and walked in the room. Ryan looked towards the direction of the door. Jimmy looked a bit concerned. Ryan's body was covered with cum, his lips were puffy from all the cocks he had sucked. His cock was still rock hard. Jimmy wasn't sure what to do. Ryan moved a bit and spoke into the darkness. Let me cum please! Jimmy felt bad for him. Jimmy approached the bed and sat next to Ryan. Jimmy could see a lake of precum oozing from the tip of his cock. He leaned over and took Ryan's cock in his mouth. Ryan moaned loudly, YES. Thank you! Jimmy felt the hardness. Harder than Jimmy had ever felt. Ryan lifted his head. Please take my load! Jimmy sucked hard and felt the first pulse of cum enter his mouth.

Ryan was louder than he had ever been. He couldn't do anything but let the unknown cocksucker drain his cock. It was the best release he had ever felt. He was not in control. The other men had controlled him all night. He just had to let them do what they wanted. It was an incredible feeling. He loved being used to pleasure other men. The men had all been awesome and gentle, well, until Ryan begged then they fucked him harder. This man finally let him finish. He was coming down from his orgasm when he felt fingers caress his skin. He felt movement on the bed and then lips touched his. Cum coated his lips, his cum. This man kissed him gently then passionately. When their lips separated Ryan smiled. Hello, JImmy! Jimmy's eyes opened wide.

Jimmy pulled off the blindfold. When did you know it was me? Ryan said he thought maybe during the blowjob, but the kiss gave him away. Just something only you do with your tongue that I love! Jimmy kissed him again. Ryan asked if Jimmy would undo the cuffs. Jimmy found the key on the side table and Ryan stretched and shook his arms a bit. Jimmy curled up beside Ryan and asked how he felt. Ryan smiled as he gave Jimmy a detail of each man who fucked him. Some just let me suck them, but most fucked. Ryan pulled Jimmy's face to him. But, I want you to be my last fuck of the night. Will you fill my ass?? Jimmy pushed Ryan on his back and climbed on top of him. His dick slid in very easily and he felt the warm wetness inside Ryan's ass. Jimmy said he had been hard since the first guy came in the room with Ryan and knew he wasn't going to last long. Ryan nodded. Do it! I just want your load in me! Jimmy thrust a couple more times and then cum shot from his cock overflowing on the bed below them.

They made out for a bit until Ryan said he wanted a shower. The two went in and Jimmy washed all over Ryan's body. There was an attachment that Ryan knew how to use. He inserted it and cleaned himself out. He spent extra time soothing his worn ass. Ryan's cock responded and Jimmy sucked another load from his boyfriend's cock.

They finished the shower and when they entered the living area there were a dozen naked men that started applauding and singing happy birthday. They all walked over with a cake for Ryan to blow...out the candles. He smiled at all the men and thanked him for an awesome birthday but his wish had already come true! He smiled at the men who were hooting and hollering, but also gave Jimmy's hand a firm squeeze.

Next: Chapter 8

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