Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on May 23, 1999


Life Saver Part 1 Written by:

Legal Disclamer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website.

This story does not imply that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! I know I had bad tense shifting and stuff but, I hope you will give me a chance. The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts. Thankyou. Oh and yes there will be sex in upincoming parts :-) Love ya

Rob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

Part 1-

Chapter 1

By now I know that everyone had heard of The Backstreet Boys. You know with A.J, Howie, Kevin, Nick, and Brian. Even I know about the Backstreet Boys and I am a guy. My name is Robert and I am a 18 y/o.....I goto to high school like all other 18 y/o and I am in love with BSB. Now when you are a guy in high school you tend to have this label that you are "gay" if you like BSB. Now, my favorite thing in the entire world is music and I really enjoy everything about music. Now when BSB came along I was in love at first site because first of all they were great singers and second of all because they were so FREAKING CUTE!!!!

The one that caught my eye was Brian L.[ yes another story about Brian Litrell:-) ]. Anyways, I think he is just the cutest guy in the world, and so does half of the United States so I would never have a chance with him. Especially since he had got to be the straightest guy on earth. Another thing about me that would probably scare him away even if he were gay is that I am a "dork". I guess that just comes with life. I don't think I am a dork but, let's just say that I am REALLY REALLY smart. I mean I like sports and everything but, school has just been a sinch to me.

Every day of my life is boring. I goto school and then come home. I have like one good friend and she is a girl and even she calls me gay. HOW DO THEY KNOW???? I guess I act it. I dont think I do though. When you look up the word low self-esteem up in the dictionary there is a picture of me right next to it. I really need some help in that department. Of course, I looked to the BSB to help me through everything. Their music is such and inspiration to me and some day I hope to meet them and thank them. But, I am such a dork and they probably wouldn't even want to look at me. Well, I sure have done everything in the world to meet them. Hopefully, I can win the tickets to their concert here. Anything is possible....

Chapter 2

Today is going to be the day I know it. Here in Savannah we are having a contest with the radio to see who knows the most about the backstreet boys. They are sending out a test to see who can get the most trivia about the Backstreet Boys right. Whomever answered the most questions would get backstage passes to the BSB concert in Atlanta. Well I am pretty sure I had that in the bag so I signed up. I got the test in the mail and I filled it out. While I was filling it out I was amazed at how much I knew. I knew everything!!!! I sent in the form and waited for the results to come out on the Friday before the concert that was the next weekend.

I listened to the radio and I heard the words that would end up changing my life forever. **** THE WINNER OF THE BACKSTAGE PASSES TO THE BSB CONCERT IS.......ROBERT JACOBS!!!!**** I was in shock! I couldn't move. The tears began rolling down my eyes in happiness. I ran down to my parents and said I was going to the concert next week and I was going to meet the BSB!!! My mom and dad were happy for me because they knew how much the BSB inspired me to go on. I was so hyper that day that I slept like a rock that night. The thought that was with me when I fell asleep was....I was going to meet Brian Litrell.

The following days went by quickly. Imagine that...I thought they were going to go by slow but, they didn't. All of my friends kept asking me to take them with me but, I need to take someone that knew I was gay. So I went to my best friend Andy and he totally flipped on me. I thought he was going to die but, luckily he calmed down.

I didn't goto school Thursday. Me and Andy just drove up to Atlanta. The drive was only about 4 hours since we live in Savannah. When Andy and I got to the hotel we just crashed for awhile. It had been awhile since me and him had talked. Andy has a boyfriend and we just sat and talked about his boyfriend and we talked about "gay" things. And then the subject of Brian L. came up. Andy asked me why I liked Brian so much and It was so,easy why. The first and foremost reason I like Brian is because he is so adorable and he is extremely funny, which is the my favorite thing in a guy. Secondly, Brian is the best looking out of all the guys by far. Andy just sat there and smiled. He knew how much I loved the Backstreet Boys and he knew that I deserved this.

Andy and I got a couple of drinks and just lazed around all day. We ordered out pizza and finished up the last couple of beers. Andy was so cool. I could have never gotten away with drinking at my house. I think Andy knew how uptight I was about the next day and he wanted to calm me down. At about 740 we turned on the braves and watch them whip up on the Chicago Cubs. I didn't really pay much attention to the game because I was in my own little world. Right after the game we went to sleep. I think I drank to much so I passed out right there. If I have a hangover tomorrow I am gonna kill Andy! Andy woke me up around 7:30 so I could get a good start to the day. I was so excited about seeing Brian Litrell for the first time in my life that I forgot to take my boxers off when I got in the shower. I was so tired. I never realized what alcohol can do to you! hehehe. I got out of the shower and turned on the tv. I was flipping through the channels when I stopped on a commercial advertising the concert. When the tv showed a picture of Brian my eyes lit up. Brian is the most beautiful man on this great planet! I looked at my watch and saw that it was 9 more hours til the concert started....but I would be there 3 hours before.

The day went by finding me rambling on about how excited I was about meeting the Backstreet Boy's. Finally, I just let out a yell and went crazy. I was going to meet the coolest band in the whole world in 7 hours! Andy told me I should take a nap so the time would go by faster. I took his advice and I fell asleep. At about 400 I woke up. WHAT AM I DOING AT THE HOTEL!!!! I ran to find Andy dressing himself up. Andy looked at me and said he was just about to wake me up. Sureeeeeeeee. I str8end myself up and flew down to the rental car we were given. We flew down I-75 and got to the Georgia dome where the concert was being held. We went to the backstage entrance and showed them our passes. The guard said that no one will be able to see the guys until the concert is over. I was a little upset but I quickly got over it. Andy and I made our way to our front row seats and waited for the show to start. This was going to be great!

Chapter 3

The lights went out and all the girls screamed....girls UHHHHHH. I got a lot of dirty looks from the damn bitches that only cared about what they looked like and not what they sang like or meant to people. Oh well, I guess that is part of the game. Smoke filled the stage and the song to "Everybody" started to play. Then all of a sudden a guy rose up from a elevator thingy and began to dance. Then another and another. This was so awesome. I was about to go crazy. Then the lights came on and they began to strip off their dangling clothes. Brian was the last to take his off and boy was it worth the wait. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing it was all too good to be true.

About half way through the concert the guys got together with 5 stools and my favorite song was coming on. Brian began the lyric of "I want it that way" and I was entranced by him. Every move of his mouth and his body made me warm inside and I couldn't help but smile. Brian looked over my way and saw me staring at him. He just smiled and went back to singing. Wait. . . did Brian just SMILE at me? Oh my god! Brian smiled at me! This was too good to be true! The rest of the concert went by so fast and I had a tear at the end when they said their thankyous and good byes at the end. Thank god I had backstage passes. Andy and I made our way back to the back stage entrance and showed them our passes. The guard said that we were the only ones who got these. I was shocked that we were the ones who were able to see them. All by our lonesome. I couldn't stop smiling:-)

I walked down the long dark hall and got to the door that said BSB. My hands were sweaty and I knew what was about to happen. I was about to fulfill my life's dream. I was about to go where no man had gone before. The Backstreet Boy's dressing room! I could hear them talking from outside. I looked across to Andy and looked at him as if I were lost. Andy nodded his head at me and said '"go ahead". I slowly put my hand on the door knob and turned it. This was it.

To be Continued

Read Author's Note at beginning if you didn't please!

Next: Chapter 2

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