Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Oct 3, 1999


Life Saver Part 13 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, or Carson Daly is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part twelve. I've been getting some good comments from my readers and it is great to know that I have some fans out there. I am going to continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school NOW IN SESSION! and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. As all of you know it has taken a couple of weeks to get this part out...actually longer than that so if you are reading this story please send your comments for encouragement....I need all I can get! If you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? A few people have told me they don't like AJ being gay. Does anyone else feel this way? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers!

If you didn't read the results of the 2nd bi-annual BSB-NSYNC awards I didn't win anything but, that is ok. I know I have a lot of faithful readers and people like Keith keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH KEITH..... If you don't know Keith his is an author and his story is really good so if you want to read it is called...'Keith and Brian'. Now...all of my reader.

As I have been writing I have lost track of time and I don't know what day it is in my story and I am a lazy man....SO, I am offering an early edition of the next part of Life Saver for the person who tells me accurately what day the story is currently in Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday....and I mean ACCURATE.....So, whoever emails me first with the correct day will get an early edition of Life Saver Part 11.

Well, the above paragraph only two people responded and one person was right but, he didn't want an early edition of the next part of my story. So now that I have the answer I am still holding the question open. Whoever can tell me what day the story is on you will receive an early edition of Life Saver Part 12.

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok ????...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Also if you think the story is boring because of the lack of sex tell me that also! Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

Hurricane Floyd is expected to hit just North of where I live. I live in Savannah so if you want to know where that is just look on a map! I won't be writing for a while. My house my get destroyed and I might not be writing for a REALLY LONG TIME. If you read my story send me your email address so I can email all of you when I get back online to write. I hope my house is ok through the storm and I pray for all of those who are being hit by the Hurricane other than me! I tried to get this part out before I evacuate. It is 2:40 on Tuesday and we are leaving my house at 5! Anyways...I still want you to comment about this part! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

: I asked people about the weekly question thing and people said it was stupid and they said that the only reason to do something like that is if people aren't reading my story. If people aren't reading my story I am sorry that you don't like it. I will continue the weekly newsletter though so If you want to get it please email me with your comments or just your email address!

*********NEW MESSAGE: I am so sorry for this part being out so late! School has tied me up so much. I am sorry for this part being so short too. I just seem to have no time on my hands. The past three days have been bad for me emotionally too. I don't know why. I just haven't felt to great about myself. Hopefully, I can get over that. Well, as many of you may know, Hurricane Floyd missed Savannah so I am all right. Thank you all for being so considerate and sending me notes of love. My ICQ is not working so I don't know when I will be back on ICQ. So that means if you have comments PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them to my email address. Some parts may seem stupid because I was just in a bad mood. I am sorry for this part being out so late and I don't think that other parts will be prompt either. All of your encouragement helps me greatly though. I may end this story because I feel like no one is reading it and because school doesn't allow me to work on it as much as I would like to. So if you think Life Saver is done for tell me. I'll end it in the next chapter if you guys want. I don't want to clutter Nifty up with a bad long story! Well anyways, please send your comments! I love all of you guys!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

It had almost been a week since I met my favorite band and my idol. I was sleeping in the same bed as Brian Litrell and I had met his parents. My life seemed to be shot through a cannon and was going at the speed of light. I had gone to bed ending my day in an argument with my boyfriend and I fell asleep upset; knowing that Brian was just as upset.

I woke up to an empty feeling as the sun shined through the open blinds. I turned to look at Brian and found that my bed was empty with a note in the place where Brian has slept the night before.


I woke up early to help my mom fix breakfast for everybody. Im sorry about last night. I'll make it up to you Robbie, I promise. When you wake up come downstairs ok? I miss you baby!

Love ya


I held the note in my hand and smiled at the though of Brian's kindness. I pulled the heavy covers off of my body and crawled out of the warm bed I had slept the night before. I pulled on a shirt of Brian's and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to find everyone else sitting down eating their breakfast. I walked over to the table and pulled a chair up next to Brian. Brian noticed my presence and pulled away from the table and took me into another room.

"Good morning baby....I'm sorry about last night. I just wasn't feeling well and I took it out on you.", Brian said as he hugged me.

"It's ok Bri. I forgive you and I am sorry for not understanding better."

"Cool. Did you get my note?", Brian asked smiling.

"Yep. I sure did! You are so cute when you want to be!",I said as I kissed Brian on the lips.

"UHHHHH!!! Morning breath!",Brian yelled as he laughed out loud.

"SHUTUP! You are the one that asked me to come down when I woke up!"

"I know. I still love you though.", Brian comforted me as he we gave each other a quick kiss. "You want so breakfast?"

"I will pass on that Brian. I am not a big breakfast eater. I think I am gonna take a shower and get cleaned up. Will you die if I am away from you that long?", I asked sarcastically.

"Of course! I am just gonna shoot myself now to save myself from the pain!", Brian joked.

"Don't say that stupid! I would die if you killed yourself. You mean to much to me ya know!", I chastised him lovingly with a kiss on the nose.

"You know you are just too irresistible!"

"Whatever Brian...I am gonna go take that shower. I will see ya in a little while! I love you Brian."

"See you in a bit Robbie...", Brian whispered as I walked towards the bathroom and Brian walked back to the kitchen area.

Brian walked back to the table and sat down next to his mother and Nick. Everyone was in their separate conversations at this point and Brian had no one to talk to.

"What are we suppose to do today Kevin?", Brian finally asked.

"Well, we have to practice at the arena today at 4 and we have to meet with the record company about gross sales but, other than that we are pretty much free. Although, fans will be everywhere since that were told about the surprise concert we are giving tomorrow!", Kevin said annoyed. looking in Carson's direction

"Hey! Don't blame me! I was only doing my job guys!", Carson justified himself to Kevin.

"Just don't do it again lover boy!", Kevin teased Carson and Nick.

"Anyway! What do you wanna today Carson?", Nick asked his boyfriend.

"How 'bout we go to the mall and shop? I wouldn't mind getting some new clothes for your tour.", Carson smiled.

"Ok, maybe Brian will bring Robert and he can show us some cool stores! Ay Brian?", Nick said poking at Brian.

"Yeah, sure Frack. I'll ask Robbie and if he wants to then we can go.", Brian gave into Nick' request.

"Just don't forget about practice and our meeting with JIVE records aight!", AJ reminded the other guys.

"No problem AJ! Come on baby! Let's go take a shower and get some clothes on!", Nick proposed as he pulled Carson out of his chair and ran off to one of the showers in he massive house.

I walked downstairs once I had finished my shower and getting cleaned up for the day. I saw Brian sitting by himself on the couch watching tv. I slowly made my way over to the couch and I laid my head in Brian's lap and gave him a puppy dog look. Brian couldn't contain himself and began to smile uncontrollably.

"What! What are you doing! Why are you so cute!", Brian screamed in laughter.

"I dunno....I guess I am just in love.", I said innocently.

"Yeah...I would hope so. Because I know I love you more than anything in this world!", Brian said as he kissed my forehead. "Nick and Carson want me and you to go to the mall with them today. Wanna go?"

"Sure...but, don't we have other things to do today?"

"Yeah, but, we should have enough time to go to the mall anyway."

"If you say so then sure! I would love to go to the mall. As long as you get to go!"

"Well, Nick and Carson are getting ready to go so I think I need to go find some nicer clothes then these and I need to go get a disguise. If anyone recognizes me then our day at the mall is ruined.", Brian said cautiously.

"Well, ok. Let's go find you a disguise and get my shoes on and we can go.", I stated as I helped Brian off the couch and we walked hand in hand up the stairs to his room.

Once Nick and Carson had gotten ready all four of us piled into Brian' car and drove off to the mall. Brian parked the car in a reserved space for him and his family and we all exited the car. Brian had selected a Kentucky University cap and dark Oakely glasses while Nick just tied his hair up into his hat. Carson felt that no one would recognize him so he didn't disguise himself. We all followed Brian into the Abercrombie and Fitch store and started to browse throughout the store. I went with Brian and Nick went with Carson.

"I love this store Brian!", I said as I looked at the rack of plad shirts.

"Yeah, I like this store too. What do you think of this shirt?", Brian asked as he held a shirt up to himself.

"Well, I think it is too dark for you. I think you looked better in light colors. But, whatever you like, I like so if you want it get it!", I gave my opinion.

"Well, I don't like it anyway!", Brian laughed.

"Brian! You are such an idiot!", I said punching him lightly in the stomach.

"Yeah, Yeah, I try for ya!", Brian sighed as he kissed me quickly on the cheek. I touched my cheek where Brian had kissed and went into a daze. Brian waved his hands in front of me and I finally woke up.

"You ok baby?", Brian asked concerned.

"Yeah, you just surprised me Bri.", I said gasping for air. I walked over to another rack of shirts and saw one I particularly liked. "How about this shirt?", I asked as I held one up to Brian's chest.

"Oooh. I like this one a lot!", Brian said staring at the shirt.

"Me too! You wanna go try this one on?", I asked smiling heavily.

"Sure, would you like come with me?"

"Yeah, but, what would the people already dressing think when they see two guys going into the same dressing room?"

"Oh, yeah, I never thought of that. Well, I let's find some more clothes and then we can go in the dressing area together but, not in the same room aight?", Brian suggested lovingly.

"Sounds like a good idea to me!", I agreed. Brian and I continued to rummage through the store and we found many clothes that we liked. We piled the clothes into a cart and carried them into the back where the dressing rooms were. I got into one and Brian got into the one adjacent to me. I hung up the clothes I had selected on the hook and took off my clothes so I could try on the new clothes. As I pulled on the shirt and shorts I felt like someone was watching me. I stopped in my track and looked up to see Brian peering over into my room over the wall.

"Will you get down!", I screamed, laughing hysterically.

"Sorry...." Brian whispered as he hopped down and began trying on his clothes. I had finished changing on my clothes and picked out the clothes that I was going to buy. I opened my door to see Brian sitting in a chair, just outside the dressing room. I walked over to him and sat down wondering why he was being so timid.

"Im sorry for yelling at you.", I apologized.

"You didn't yell at me. You were just punishing me; in a way.", Brian spoke with a sarcastic grin.

"I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just look out for you. You know I still can't believe the things that have happened to me lately and everything you do is a surprise to me. I don't know how to react sometimes. Will you forgive me?", I asked cautiously.

"Uhuh, I wasn't mad at you. I just like hearing you talk." Brian confessed as he laughed and gave me a quick hug.

"You are so know that?", I giggled.

"Crazy for you babe! Anyway, let's go buy these clothes and get out of here. We have practice and that meeting to go to.", Brian reminded me. Brian and I went up to the cashier and bought our clothes. Nick and Carson followed behind us and we all headed out to Brian's car to head over to Rupp Arena for practice and the meeting.

We arrived at Kentucky University and got out of the car quickly as to not get caught up in the crowd of screaming girls. Brian held my hand tight as we ran towards the Arena and got through the back door in record time. Brian quickly kissed me goodbye as we went our separate ways. I went towards the stage to practice as Brian went into an office to meet with the record company.

I walked into the Arena to hear the band warming up. I walked on the stage and saw Tim on the drums making sure they were all in tune. I grabbed my trumpet and went over to my stand with my music I began to warm-up with lip slurs. It was good to play the trumpet again. I went into my own world as I did the one thing I love to do. Tim tapped off each song as we went through them with ease. I was getting more and more used to the routine as we went through it time and time again. I knew exactly when to throw in a trill or when to improvise. After a break we went through the show again and fixed all of the kinks. As we finished our practice I saw Brian walked onto the stage with the other guys laughing and playing with each other as they came towards me and the rest of the band.

"You've got a pretty talented boyfriend there Brian.", Tim commented on my talents.

"Yeah, he's pretty good at what he does. I'll give him a treat for being a good boy when we get home.", Brian teased me. I stared at Brian angrily and he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well boys! What are we gonna do for entertainment tonight!", AJ said excitedly.

"Yeah Brian! Are there any good clubs here in Lexington?", Howie asked curiously.

"Well, yeah but, none that Robbie can get into.", Brian said disappointedly.

"I am sure we can get him into a club Brian. Come on! We are the BSB! And you and Kevin are from here!" Howie complained.

"Yeah, I guess so. Let's go back to my mom's place and eat before we go aight?", Brian proposed.

"Good idea, Frick. Come on guys! Let's go and get to Brian's house! I am starvin!", Nick said in a southern accent.

We rode to Brian's house and ordered pizza's for all of us. I at Pepperoni with Brian and everyone else had everything on it. We finished the pizza and got cleaned up to go to the club.

We had all gotten ready and decided to take two separate cars. Brian took his own car with me, Nick, and Carson while Kevin took his car with AJ and Howie. It took about 30 minutes to get to the club and by the time we were there it was about 9. Brian and Kevin walked up to the front of the long line waiting to get inside and talked to the security guard. Brian waved over to us and we were all allowed in. As I passed the guard he grabbed my arm tightly and pushed me aside.

"Where do you think you are going boy? You think you can use the Backstreet Boys to get in here free? I don't think so! Go home kid!", the man yelled at me.

Brian stopped inside the club and made sure that everyone had made it inside ok. The guys all got in a huddle and waited to be seated at a private bar table.

"How many people do you have in your group Mr. Litrell?", the woman asked trying to keep her star-struck emotions in check.

"Well we have 5+2 so that makes 7 of us.", Brian stated.

"I only see 6 people Brian...I mean Mr. Litrell.", the woman stuttered telling Brian that his counting was wrong. Brian looked around and noticed who he was missing.

"Hold on! I'll be right back!", Brian yelled at the girl as he raced to the door. Brian exited the club and saw me sitting down across the street on the curb with my hands crossed.

"Why didn't you let him in with us?", Brian asked the security guard angered.

"Because he was using you to get in this place for free!", the guard stated his position.

"That guy is one of my best friends. He was suppose to get in here with us!", Brian screamed at the man.

"I am sorry Mr. Litrell. It won't happen again.", the guard recoiled.

"That's right it won't happen again!", Brian yelled at the guard a last time. Brian walked over to me sitting on the curb and sat next to me.

"You left me out here Brian!", I said sarcastically mad.

"I am sorry Robbie. It is all my fault. I understand if you hate me.", Brian said as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Brian, you are such a ditz! You actually left your boyfriend outside the club! Geez!", Brian insulted himself.

"You aren't a ditz. You are just a dork!", I teased him. Brian looked up from his sob and smiled.

"Shaddup! I didn't too!", Brian complained.

"Well, we can fight about this all night but, I wanna have a good time so let's get in there!", I suggested forcefully.

"Good idea baby!", Brian agreed as he gave me a hand off of the curb. We walked towards the door as Brian eyed down the guard with an evil star.

"Let is go baby! We are here to have fun ok?", I whispered into his ear.

"Alright...come on babe.", Brian finally gave up as we walked in the club and sat down where the young woman had sat the other guys. Brian and Carson were on the dance floor and the rest of the guys were drinkin' it up. Brian slid into the booth and I sat next to him.

"Did you get left outside Rob?", AJ asked laughing.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that.", I said looking at Brian.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but, I am gonna go dancin' SEE YA!", AJ screamed as he ran out onto the dance.

"I guess I am gonna go with him...see you guys later.", Howie said as he followed after AJ.

"Do you want anything to drink?", Brian asked sincerely.

"I'll just have some water."

"Ok, Is it ok if I have a beer? I am really stressed out right now.", Brian asked timidly.

"I don't care. You are old enough to make your own decisions.", I said matter-of-factly.

"Ok, thank you baby.", Brian said as he pecked me on the lips and went towards the bar to get our drinks.

"You better watch what he drinks. Because when Brian gets goin' ,he has a hard time stoppin'!", Kevin warned me taking the final sip out of his beer bottle.

"Looks like you aren't doing to well there yourself Kevin."

"Yeah, well I warned you so don't go running to me when Brian does somethin stupid.", Kevin said as he walked out on the dance floor.

Brian walked back over to the table with my water and his beer. I scooted over and took a sip out of my water taking what Kevin had said to heart.

"I am not really in the mood to be here right now Brian.", I yawned out of boredom.

"Why not?", Brian asked surpisedly.

"Because, I am not a dancer. I never was and I never will be. I am a musician. I can't dance as good as you can Brian and I am not going to make a fool out of myself by trying ok.", I said taking another sip out of my drink.

"Well, let me teach you how to dance.", Brian asked.

"No. I don't want to. I am tired and I would like to go home.", I said pushing Brian's hand off my arm.

"How are you gonna get home?", Brian asked angrily.

"I could walk. Or I could catch a cab or bus. But, I would prefer that you take me home."

"Well, I am not going home.", Brian said standing his ground.

"Why not?"

"Because I am here to have a good time. I have had a boring day and I haven't been to a club to have fun in a while. I am in my hometown and I have seen a lot of my friends that I haven't talked to in a long time. So, you can stay here with me and party or you can be a party pooper and go home. You don't like to have fun?"

"I don't call drinking having fun Brian!"

"I have had one fuckin' beer and don't even start that shit!", Brian warned me.

"I wasn't implying anything Brian. Kevin warned me about you and drinking and I just don't want to see you get drunk."

"Yeah, well, whatever, I don't have a problem with drinking! So get over your concern. I am going to dance so you can come with me or stay here."

"I want to go home Brian."

"Go home then!", Brian yelled as he went on the dance floor. I sat in disbelief as to what had brought this fight on. I didn't know he was mad at me. I thought he would respect my wishes but, as he had shown tonight he can't. I left a tip on the table and walked out of the club towards the road. I waved for a cab and gave the driver the address of Brian's house. I walked into the house to see Brian's parents sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Hi Robert. Where is everybody?", Jackie asked smiling.

"They are at a club. I wanted to go and everyone else wanted to stay so I left and caught a cab home."

"Even Brian didn't want to come home with you?", Jackie asked curiously.

"Yeah, even Brian didn't want to come home. Well, Mrs. Litrell, I am going to go to sleep. Goodnight.", I whispered as I walked upstairs into Brian's room sat on the bed. I was still in shock from what had happened earlier at the bar. This was the first real fight of me and Brian's short relationship. I had no idea where Brian was coming from and I was too tired to figure it out. I took off my shirt and my shorts and slipped into the bed with my boxers on. I fell asleep wondering if Brian was still mad at me and wondering if we would make-up the next day.

Brian pulled into his parents drive-way with Carson and Nick making out in the back of his car. It was 4:30 in the morning and Brian was drunk out of his mind. He had had an angel watching over him as he drove to 10 miles from the club to his house. Brian walked up to his house and was laughing uncontrollably. He found that his house was unlocked as he opened the door and he found that no one was awake. Brian took off his jacket and climbed up the stairs to his room and pushed open the door. Brian turned a bedlamp on and saw that I was in his bed cuddled to a pillow.

"You are such a baby Robert. I can get drunk when I want to and I can have a good time when I want to.", Brian giggled out drunkenly.

"Oh yeah? Well, I can slap you when I want to and I can kick you when I want to and I can even break-up with you WHEN EVER THE HELL I WANT TO!", I screamed at the drunken Brian on the floor.

"Oh shit, Fuck you ok. I am goin to bed!", Brian yelled back pulling of all of his clothes so that he was naked. Brian pulled himself up onto the bed and tried to cuddle with me.

"Did you hear what I just said Brian?", I asked furiously.

"Yeah, somethin about slappin and...and....break-up...", Brian stuttered.

"Yeah, B-R-E-A-K U-P! BREAK-UP! Understand?"

"Break-up....break-up...", Brian repeated to himself trying to make sense of the words he just heard. "NOOOOO, please, Robert....I am sorry. Don't leave me! Please Rob...", Brian cried out as he realized what had just happened.

"Good Night Brian.", I said as I turned the bed-lamp off and rolled over not thinking twice.

I woke up to a bright morning and to an exhausted Brian still asleep. I looked at him in disgust and went over to my suitcase to get some clothes for the day. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower and did all of my cleaning up for the day. When I got out of the bathroom Brian was still asleep so I walked downstairs to see if any of the other guys were here. I saw everyone eating breakfast just as the day before so I decided to join them. As I sat down Kevin whispered something into my ear.

"I told you so." I looked Kevin in the eyes and he understood the pain I was feeling. He leaned over to me and hugged me.

"I hope he didn't do anything stupid.", Kevin said trying to console me.

"Well, let's just say me and him aren't on the best of terms right now."

"Did you break-up with him?", Howie asked curiously.

"No but, I made him think that I did. So don't tell him that I didn't break-up with him. I hope he learns something from this.", I said as I finished up my cereal.

"Knowing Brian, there is a 50 50 chance.", AJ commented.

"Here's for hopeing.", I whispered to myself as I crossed my fingers. I walked into the living room and as I walked past the stairs Brian was at the bottom. I stopped in my tracks and stared into his eyes. I woke up from my trance and walked past him and sat down on the couch.

Brian shook off the chill that he got from seeing me so angry and sad at the same time. He could tell that I was extremely upset and he could do nothing about it. Brian walked towards the kitchen grasping his head.

"Momma, do you have any asprin?", Brian asked in pain.

"Yes sweetie, are you ok Brian?", Jackie comforted her son.

"Yeah mom, I just have a killer headache.", Brian explained.

"From what?", Jackie asked knowing the real answer.

"I dunno...I just woke up with it.", Brian lied.

"I think it was something else but, I am not going to doubt my son. I hope you feel better son.", Jackie said hugging her son and kissing him on the forehead. Brian poured himself a bowl of cereal and ate it staring off into space. After he had finished eating he ran up the stairs and proceeded to take a shower and get clothes on. Around 130 Brian came downstairs to join the rest of us and he sat as far away from me as possible. I kept a disgusted look on my face as Brian buried his face in his arms. The day flew by as Brian and I stayed away from each other as much as possible. When we ran into each other we would stare and then move on.

We got ready to leave Brian' house to go to the Arena and Brian tried to came up to me as if he wanted to ask me something.

"Do you wanna ri...", Brian was cut off by me asking Kevin if I could ride with him to Rupp Arena.

"Nevermind then. Come on Nick!", Brian yelled as he drooped his head and slowly walked to his car.

"I think you and Brian need to talk before the concert. Brian is not going to have a good concert if he is like this.", Howie commented as he again blamed me if the concert went bad.

"If I forgive him now, then he is going to think he can get away with it again. I don't want him to get drunk again. He insulted me and he insulted himself! I can't take that again!", I answered Howie' comment.

"Here we go boys! Off to another concert!", Kevin said excitedly.

"OH Whoopy!", I said sarcastically.

"Oh cheer up Robbie! You get to show off your skills!", AJ said laughing.

"What do you want me to say! OH BOY I AM SO THRILLED!!! Is that better?"

"Uhuh!", AJ answered pleased. The ride to the arena was not so great for me. I found myself staring outside the window very often and I saw thousands of girls screaming as we passed by getting closer the the venue. Kevin parked the car and we all went through the back gate with our passes. The Arena was already packed with people and it was a good 2 hours before the start of the show. I warmed up quickly for about 30 minutes and got my lips nice and mushy. I saw Brian sitting on a couch in the dressing room crying with Nick by his side comforting him. I couldn't do anything to help Brian. Brian made a mistake and everyone knows you have to pay for your mistakes. Show time was nearing faster and faster and Brian was still crying off and on the whole time. The band got together for our final warm-up and then we got into our circle to pray for a good show. Brian led the prayer while sniffling:

"Heavenly Father, We come to you in our highest blessings as we pray for another great show. We pray that you give us the power to come together and give performance of a lifetime. Also, I pray that you forgive me for everything that I did to the one person I truly love. And I pray that that person will forgive me as well.", Howie continued the prayer and as the prayer ended Brian walked over to me.

"I am sorry Robert. Please forgive me.",Brian pleaded.

"I don't care Brian! No!", I said not changing my decision. It was time for me to run on the stage and get ready for the show.

The lights went out and the Rupp Arena went crazy. The BSB ran out on the stage as the volume level went up and we began "Larger than Life', the song went great as Brian belted out his part. He was mustering up all the emotion he could to get through the concert. His dance moves were slower and he seemed to be staying mostly stationery. We went through ' I Want it that Way' and 'Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely' with ease. We started 'It's gotta be You' and ran through it perfectly at the end of the song fireworks were suppose to go off right in front of the boys. The song was at the end and the fireworks exploded as we ended loudly with a lot of metal guitars and drums. I was smiling at the other band member because I knew we had nailed that song. Then I looked over at the boys. Brian was on the ground and everyone was screaming as Kevin yelled for help.

"Oh my god.......OH MY GOD!!!! BRIAN!!!! NOOOOOO!!! PLEASE GOD NOOOOO!!!", I screamed as I ran towards Brian.

Next: Chapter 14

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