Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Oct 19, 1999


Life Saver Part 14 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, Carson Daly, Justin Timberlake, or Joshua Chasez is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well guys! This is part twelve. I've been getting some good comments from my readers and it is great to know that I have some fans out there. I am going to continue to write but, I am going to be extremely busy with school NOW IN SESSION! and the more support I get will encourage me to get these parts out ASAP. As all of you know it has taken a couple of weeks to get this part out...actually longer than that so if you are reading this story please send your comments for encouragement....I need all I can get! If you guys are reading this please e-mail me and tell me if you hate it or like it. Do ya'll like my addition of Carson Daly? Do you like the fact that Nick is gay? Any suggestions on where I should take this story? Even if you think I should throw it in the gutter? A few people have told me they don't like AJ being gay. Does anyone else feel this way? I will get back to you I promise ya! Just write to me PLEASE I love all of my readers!

If you didn't read the results of the 2nd bi-annual BSB-NSYNC awards I didn't win anything but, that is ok. I know I have a lot of faithful readers and people like Keith keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH KEITH..... If you don't know Keith his is an author and his story is really good so if you want to read it is called...'Keith and Brian'. Now...all of my reader.

As I have been writing I have lost track of time and I don't know what day it is in my story and I am a lazy man....SO, I am offering an early edition of the next part of Life Saver for the person who tells me accurately what day the story is currently in Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday....and I mean ACCURATE.....So, whoever emails me first with the correct day will get an early edition of Life Saver Part 11.

Well, the above paragraph only two people responded and one person was right but, he didn't want an early edition of the next part of my story. So now that I have the answer I am still holding the question open. Whoever can tell me what day the story is on you will receive an early edition of Life Saver Part 12.

Ok...the last time I had a question about the sex scenes....I didn't get any response so I guess I am doing ok ????...if you think my sex scenes suck...PLEASE TELL ME and give me suggestions....Also if you think the story is boring because of the lack of sex tell me that also! Thank you for reading and enjoy this part of Life Saver!

Hurricane Floyd is expected to hit just North of where I live. I live in Savannah so if you want to know where that is just look on a map! I won't be writing for a while. My house my get destroyed and I might not be writing for a REALLY LONG TIME. If you read my story send me your email address so I can email all of you when I get back online to write. I hope my house is ok through the storm and I pray for all of those who are being hit by the Hurricane other than me! I tried to get this part out before I evacuate. It is 2:40 on Tuesday and we are leaving my house at 5! Anyways...I still want you to comment about this part! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

: I asked people about the weekly question thing and people said it was stupid and they said that the only reason to do something like that is if people aren't reading my story. If people aren't reading my story I am sorry that you don't like it. I will continue the weekly newsletter though so If you want to get it please email me with your comments or just your email address!

OLD MESSAGE: I am so sorry for this part being out so late! School has tied me up so much. I am sorry for this part being so short too. I just seem to have no time on my hands. The past three days have been bad for me emotionally too. I don't know why. I just haven't felt to great about myself. Hopefully, I can get over that. Well, as many of you may know, Hurricane Floyd missed Savannah so I am all right. Thank you all for being so considerate and sending me notes of love. My ICQ is not working so I don't know when I will be back on ICQ. So that means if you have comments PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them to my email address. Some parts may seem stupid because I was just in a bad mood. I am sorry for this part being out so late and I don't think that other parts will be prompt either. All of your encouragement helps me greatly though. I may end this story because I feel like no one is reading it and because school doesn't allow me to work on it as much as I would like to. So if you think Life Saver is done for tell me. I'll end it in the next chapter if you guys want. I don't want to clutter Nifty up with a bad long story! Well anyways, please send your comments! I love all of you guys!


*******NEW MESSAGE: Well guys! Here is Part 14! I know it has been a while and I am extremely sorry for that! My ICQ has not been working for about 2 months now so I have no way of talking to you guys that have ICQ! So if you guys wanna talk to me in real time download AOL Instant Messager! It is free just like ICQ and you can talk to me! Also, I would love for you guys to EMAIL me about this part! If you are a new reader email me also so you can get on the list of the my newsletter that I TRY to send out every week but, it doesn't get out! I have added Justin and JC from NSYNC into the story. Now please read this part before you say OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ADDED NSYNC IN THAT IDEA IS SO USED UP! If you don't like the addition of NSYNC then tell me and I will take Justin and JC out. But, if you like the idea then send me an email saying you like the idea and of course I will leave it in. REMEMBER PLEASE EMAIL ME! I LOVE GETTING COMMENTS ON MY STORY! I love all of my readers and I hope to get the next part out ASAP!!!!!!!!!


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

I threw my trumpet down and ran over to where Brian was lying on the ground, unconscious. I quickly pushed everyone out of the way a protected Brian from the screaming fans and the mob that surrounded him.

"WHAT HAPPENED!", I screamed as tears streamed out of my eyes. Medical personnel had rushed to the scene and were tending to him on the stage. Kevin grabbed me by my arm and pulled me away from Brian as the EMT's were putting him on the stretcher.

"WHAT HAPPENED!", I screamed at Kevin. Kevin looked at me blank in the face and I knew he didn't want to tell me what had happened.

"Umm, the fireworks exploded into Brian. His mind wasn't on the show Rob. He just wasn't thinking and...BOOM!", Kevin explained to me vividly.

"What do you mean his mind wasn't on the show Kevin?", I sobbed quietly.

"He was too busy thinking about you.", Howie broke into the conversation. "Maybe if you weren't worried about revenge this wouldn't have happened but, you had to let your ego get in the way!", Howie chastised me. I turned around and slowly began to walk towards Brian, starting to cry even harder.

Brian had been strapped into a stretcher and had regained consciousness. I kept my distance away from him knowing that it had been my fault that he was hurt. An announcement went through the arena that the remainder of the show wasn't going to take place since Brian had been hurt. All of the shocked girls stormed out of the arena worried and crying as their idol was being rolled out on a stretcher. The EMT's rolled Brian out to the ambulance and sped off towards the hospital. I stared down the road at the ambulance who held the love of my life. I turned back towards the Arena and began to stumble towards the dressing rooms. On my way Nick and Carson saw me and grabbed me before I collapsed on the ground.

"Hey, hey,'s not your fault Robert.", Nick comforted me.

"Yeah dude, it was a freak accident! It could have happened anytime anywhere.", Carson reiterated.

"Listen Rob, I am gonna go grab my things and we'll go to the hospital ok?", Nick suggested. I nodded as I put my face in my hands and began to cry all over again. Five minutes later Nick returned and we went to the hospital.

Kevin met us at the door and escorted us to where Brian had been placed. We walked through the halls of the hospital and slowly I realized where we were at.

"This is the ICU hall...", I whispered to myself.

"What did you say?", Nick asked curiously.

"Nevermind...", I whispered softly as I feared the worst. We walked past the desk and Kevin pointed to where Brian was.

"The doctors are in there working on Brian and assessing his injuries. The nurse said that the doctors should be out soon. The main doctor is Dr. Reynolds, he knows everything about Brian and he knows about you too so don't worry about acting 'straight' around him ok?", Kevin informed me.

"Whatever...", I said as I went back to crying and depression.

"Robbie! Don't be so hard on yourself! You need to calm down ok buddy."

"Kevin, you don't understand! I have caused Brian to get seriously injured. Hell, for all I know he could be dead! It is my fault and I will never forgive myself!", I screamed loudly in anguish.

"That's right! It is all your fault and if I get my way your ass is mine!", Howie's voice arose as he and AJ walked around the corner to where we were all sitting.

"Howie, get a life! You are such an asshole!", Kevin spitted at Howie.

"Well, he is right! I should be killed; I have no reason to live.", I sobbed as the doors to the ICU room opened and Dr. Reynolds appeared.

"Hello folks! I am Dr. Reynolds and I am Brian' doctor. I suppose you are all interested in Brian' status.

"Yes we are doctor.", Kevin replied politely.

"Well, let me start off by saying that Brian does not have any fatal injuries and he will be at 100% again.....", the doctor informed everyone as a sigh of relief was felt through the room. "However, there are so major injuries that Brian has attained through the explosion accident.", the doctor finished his statement.

"What are they?", Nick asked curiously.

"Well, Brian has minor burns on his body and face which we have repaired and he will have no scars. Then, there is the concussion that Brian has received from the heavy amount of fireworks that bombarded him. This concussion is a mild one ,but there still needs to be caution used at all times.", the doctor explained.

"Is that it?", AJ asked.

"No, I am afraid not. There is one more thing that has happened to Brian in the explosion. Brian seems to have completely lost sight in both of his eyes. I don't know if it is a permanent blindness or if his eye cells have just been fried but, he cannot see at present. If he is to regain his sight, it will be in a week. If he hasn't gained back his sight by then; there may be reason to believe that he is permantely blind.", the doctor explained as the entire room went silent except for me. Kevin held me as I cried my eyes out.

"Brian would never be able to see the world again because of me! Because of my stubbornness!", I screamed in agony.

"Now, now, Mr. Jacobs. I did not say that Brian' eye sight was permantely gone. What I did say is that he may gain his eye sight back. For him to lose his eye sight, something would have had to get in his eyes to burn them or cut them. There is no evidence of this so I would most likely say that this is just a temporary blindness.", Dr. Reynolds explained as I sat up at attention listening to every word. "Nonetheless, Mr. Jacobs, I believe Brian asked to speak with you, if you weren't mad with him."

"Did he?", I asked suprised.

"Well, actually, he insisted to see you but, I was gonna leave that out. You can go and talk to him if you want to. Just remember that he has a mild concussion and he can't see you. Don't be frightened of him Robert. He needs your support. Believe me, he told me.", the doctor informed me as a sliver of happiness entered my life again. I slowly walked towards the room that Brian was resting in. When I reached the door I looked back at Kevin and he urged me to go in.

I turned the handle to the room and edged my way into the room. I saw Brian lying on the hospital bed with headphones on. His head was slightly rocking up and down to the music he was listening to. His eyes were covered with thick gauze and part of his arms were wrapped loosely with bandages. I walked closer to Brian and grabbed the CD player to turn it off. I took Brian's headphones off and kissed him on his forehead.

"Robbie? Is that you Rob?", Brian called out concerned.

"Yeah, it's me sweetie. Are you ok Brian?", I asked as tears spilled out of my eyes.

"I am doin' pretty good. I just have a really bad headache and then there is always that seeing problem!", Brian said laughing at his dark humor.

"Don't say that Brian! You are gonna be able to see again baby!", I sobbed as I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"Rob, please don't cry. It isn't your fault. I should have been focused and I wasn't. It was my fault that I got hurt and you shouldn't worry about it. I am sorry that I didn't come home with you yesterday. I shouldn't have drank so much and I shouldn't have snapped at you. I am so sorry and if there is anything I can do for you to go back out with me name it because I love you so much Robert.", Brian said as he sniffled.

"I love you too Brian ,but I can't go through something like that again. You totally disrespected my wishes you know? It is ok though Brian; I am not upset about it anymore. I am more upset about you and your condition. If you promise me to get well soon then I'll be your boy again ok.", I said giggling as I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"That I think I can do. Dr. Reynolds thinks that there is a 90% chance that I will gain my sight back so, I am optimistic.", Brian said happily.

"I know, he told me...Well, Brian, I am going to let you rest ok?"

"Robert, don't go. I want you to sleep with me. I am not gonna be able to rest without you baby.", Brian complained.

"But, the doctor said...", I said as Brian cut me off.

"I don't care what the doctor said. You are staying here!", Brian demanded.

"Yes sir!", I saluted. "I am gonna go tell the guys they can come in here and see you ok?"

"Ok baby...Don't take too long. I am gonna miss you too much!", Brian said as he put his headphones on and turned the music back on. I walked out of the room with a great big smile on my face. I had not been more happy in then past two days then I was at this moment. The guys ran up to me and started to bombard me with questions.

"How is he?", they all said in unison.

"He is doing pretty good. I came out here to tell you guys that y'all can go see him. He is in there listening to music. I am gonna go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. Do you guys want anything?", I asked.

"Sure I'll have something. I'll go with you to keep you company.", Carson said.

"Aww, you aren't gonna spend time with me?", Nick whined.

"Baby, I spend a lot of time with you anyways. I am only going to be gone for 10 minutes. I am not gonna cheat on you with Robert!", Carson explained as he kissed Nick on the cheek. AJ watched on in envy and just sighed and sat down on the couch in the hall.

"Do you want anything AJ?", I asked.

"Yeah, can you bring me back a boyfriend and a side of love?", AJ said sarcastically. Nick looked over at AJ as they stared each other in the eyes. Nick knew exactly what AJ was referring to and was slapped by his remarks.

"Just get me a hamburger, fries, and a coke.", AJ said seriously.

"Howie? You want anything?", I asked nicely.

"Sure, I'll have the same thing AJ is having.", Howie said in a pleasant voice.


"Naw, I already had something but, thanks."

"No problem...ok Carson let's go!", I said as I pulled Carson off to the cafeteria.

"Well guys, let's go in there and see Brian.",. Kevin suggested.

"Yeah, let's see how Rok is...", Nick agreed. Nick, Howie, and AJ followed Kevin into Brian' room where they saw him listening to music with a grin on his face. Kevin went over to the CD player and switched it off just as I had before.

"Rob? Are you back so soon?", Brian called out.

"Naw bro! It's the guys Rok!", Nick screamed happily as he saw his best friend was doing all right.

"Frack! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!", Brian yelled laughing as his air was being cut off by Nick.

"Sorry Brian. I am just glad you are ok!", Nick said happily.

"Well in case you haven't noticed I am not ok!", Brian reminded his friend.

"Yeah, well at least you are all right man. We were worried sick about cuz.", Kevin said as he wiped his tears in happiness.

"Yeah didn't look good for a while there. I am just glad to see you are all right. If it weren't for that SOB Robert we wouldn't be here right now.", Howie complained.

"Hey! That SOB you are talking about is my boyfriend and if you don't like it I will beat your ass blindfolded! No pun intended!", Brian yelled at Howie.

"Well if you weren't busy thinking about Robert you would have never made the mistake of standing on the fireworks cage. Before the concert he told us that he was going to take you back after the concert but, he just wanted to pay you back for what you supposedly did to him. If he would have just been mature and made up with you you wouldn't be in this hospital bed!", Howie pleaded his case.

"Howie, I deserved this. This has been a wake up call to me. I did a lot of stuff I shouldn't have done last night and I lost the person I loved. I am in love with Robert and he is the only person that will make me truly happy. Now if you have something against him tell me because I want to know."

"Just forget it Brian. You wouldn't understand. Your life has been all peachy. You are good-looking. You have gotten all the sex you wanted and then some. You are in a decent relationship and you are in love. Number one, I want what you have and I will never have it. Number two, I see your boyfriend using you for the popularity and the sex. He doesn't love you Brian. Just take my advice and end it before he destroys you and us.", Howie again explained his point.

"No Howie, you don't understand. Brian and Robert need each other. They are in love and nothing can tear them apart. Robert is not the type of person who would use Brian for his popularity and sex. Brian and Robert have had sex only a couple of times and I don't qualify that as being a lot. You need to realize that Brian has the right to be in love. And so do you Howie. You need to give up your grudge against Rob because it just isn't justified.", Nick explained.

"Why are y'all talkin about me?", I said as I walked in the door with all of the food. I gave the food out to the respected owners and slowly made my way over to Brian's bed.

"Hey baby. I am here right next to your bed."

"Hey Robert. I missed you sweetie.", Brian whispered as he stretched his arms.

"Are you hungry?", I asked lovingly.

"I am starving!"

"Good, because I got you some real food!"

"Yummy!!! What is it?", Brian inquired curiously.

"I got you some Mac and cheese and some chicken fingers. Is that ok?"

"That's perfect baby...Come here...I wanna tell you something.", Brian motioned me to his mouth.

"I love you baby...Can you give me a kiss? I've been wanting to kiss you all day long.", Brian softly requested.

"I sure can Brian.", I whispered as I sealed my lips with his. As we kissed the guys looked up from their food and stared at us silently. Everyone had a smile on their face. Even Howie had a happy grin. I released my lips from Brian's and gently rubbed his face.

"I love you..", Brian whispered.

"I love you too wanna eat now?", I asked.

"Uhuh...You are gonna have to feed me though.."

"That is no problem.", I agreed happily. I grabbed a fork and stabbed some mac-n-cheese and guided it into the waiting mouth of Brian.

"Do you want any sauce on your chicken?", I asked, kissing Brian on the forehead.

"Did you get any ketchup?", Brian inquired.

"Yep...You want some ketchup?", I asked him as he nodded his head. I cut the chicken up and dipped it in the ketchup and guided it into his awaiting mouth. As soon as the fork left Brian's a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in...", Kevin called towards the door. The door creaked open slowly and in the door sill stood Justin Timberlake and JC. The room went silent as everyone saw who it was that had been knocking on the door.

"Hey guys, I came as soon as I heard what happened.", JC spoke softly looking directly at Brian. Justin stood silently behind JC with his head towards the ground. JC walked towards Brian's side and pushed me out of the way to see Brian.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't see you there.", JC said glaring at me.

"No, it's my fault I didn't pay attention.", I lied. JC brushed me off like a fly and looked at Brian lovingly.

"Brian, it's me...JC. When I heard I was really worried about you. It never hit me until then ,but I think I still love you Brian. I know that we went through some tough times ,but I can never lose you. I have been crying ever since I found out that you got hurt. I am so sorry...I love you Brian...", JC whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks. I stared in amazement at JC as he hugged on to Brian as if they were boyfriend or have been. I threw down the plate and stomped out of the room quietly with Kevin in hot pursuit. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone and I was going to make sure I didn't have to. I ran down the hall as fastly as I could and I went into the lounge where I balled myself up and sat quietly thinking my life over.

Back in the room

"Dammit JC look what you have done now!", Nick screamed at the confused man.

"What are you talking about?", JC asked mind-boggled.

"Where is Robert?", Brian asked feeling that I had exited the room.

"He ran out of the room after he heard JC express his love for you.", Nick said heated at JC.

" love me? I thought you hated me!", Brian refuted JC' confession.

"Well, I came to realize that I couldn't live with out you. The past year has been horrible for me Brian. It is so hard not to be at least friends with you.", JC cried out.

"That's all it will ever be! Is friends! Brian is taken and is madly in love!", Nick screamed at the emotional JC.

"Nick, will you let me speak for myself! I am can't even see so I at least want to talk for myself ok!", Brian snapped at Nick.

"Are you seeing someone Brian?", JC asked.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.", Brian said hopeful of JC's approval.

"Who is this guy? Some fan you picked up off the street or some hooker?", JC screamed in anger.

"Don't call him that JC! You don't have respect for me or anything I do! How do you expect me to get along with you!", Brian yelled at JC.

"I just don't understand how you could take someone else over me Brian. I am not meaning to be cocky ,but I just love you and I want you so bad!", JC pleaded.

"I'm sorry JC. I love Robert and no matter what you say or what you do I will not break up with him for you.", Brian stated firmly.

"We'll see about that...So since you are so in love with this guy why isn't he here? Some relationship you guys have! At least I care about you!", JC spoke hatefully.

"JC, why don't you think before you speak. Who do you think that was that you pushed out of your way to get to Brian?", AJ said slapping JC in the face.

"YOU GO OUT WITH THAT DORK! OH MY BEJESUS!", JC bellowed out laughing. Brian grabbed JC and squeezed him tightly.

"Listen to me you little prick! I may be blind right now ,but if you EVER insult Robert, me, or our relationship are gonna seriously regret it GOT IT?", Brian yelled at JC.

"Y....Ye....Yeah...", JC stuttered out. "I'm sorry Brian, I just...I love you.", JC whispered as he kissed Brian on the head and walked back.

Kevin ran around to the corner and found me balled up on the couch in the lounge. Kevin sat down next to me and pulled me close to him.

"You ok bro?", Kevin asked lovingly.

"Yeah, I'm ok I guess you could say...but, I am not your bro!", I giggled.

"Well, to me you are pretty cool. Kinda of skinny but, very cool!", Kevin teased me.

"Will you guys ever quit bothering me about being skinny?"

"Uhhh, maybe when you get some muscles and from what Brian tells me you have a couple!", Kevin giggled again.

"Yeah, well he seems to be preoccupied right now with one chunk of a muscle.", I said as my eyes trailed back to the ground.

"You are that upset about JC?"

"Uhhhh, yeah!"

"From what Brian says about you I do not think you have anything to worry about.", Kevin comforted me.

"Yeah, but I mean we are talking about Robert Jacobs versus Joshua Chasez here!", I justified my depression.

"And with Brian; Robert Jacobs always wins!", Kevin once again comforted me.

"You know you are full of shit!", I laughed.

"I am serious! Brian and JC were just young dumb lovebirds. They will never go out again."

"Oh so Brian and JC were boyfriends?"

"Is that what you are worried about? They were only boyfriends for a little while and all I saw them do is kiss. Believe me Rob, you are Brian' first.", Kevin comforted me.

"How would you know when Brian fucks someone?", I asked doubtfully.

"Because I am his cousin and we are tight like that. He tells me everything ya know. Brian broke up with JC because he couldn't trust. I guess you could call JC a sex freak."

"Does Brian still love JC?", I asked curiously.

"To tell you the truth, Brian will always love JC. JC was Brian's first love. He really loved JC and he betrayed Brian. But, Brian has vowed to all of us that he will never g out with JC again. You don't have anything to worry about Rob!", Kevin assured me.

"Well, I don't feel on good ground with Brian right now so I felt and I still feel vulnerable.", I explained.

"Brian will not cheat on you dude! He loves you very much! Believe me, he told me and he has been upset all day about making you mad. But, don't fret bro, let's go see you boyfriend aight?", Kevin suggested.

"Ok.", I happily conceded. Kevin helped me up from the couch and we walked back towards Brian's room. I opened the door to see the guys watching the Braves kick the asses of the New York Mets.

"Sorry guys, I had to take a step out for a second.", I said glaring at JC. I made my way over to Brian's side and grabbed his hand tight.

"I'm here Brian. I'm sorry I overreacted. I am just not used to this level of competion.", I whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry about it babe. I love you Robert."

"I love you more....", I whispered back as I kissed Brian on the cheek.

"Well, Robbie, I would like you to meet two of my friends. I am sure you know them. This is JC and Justin from 'NSYNC.", Brian formally introduced me.

"Nice to meet you guys.", I said as I extended my hand to shake theirs.

"You too...", Justin spoke up as JC ignored my hand. Just as I let go of Justin's hand the nurse walked in to the room.

"I am sorry guys but, Mr. Litrell needs his rest. You can come back and visit in the morning.", the nurse informed us.

"Um, Nurse, I would like Robert to stay with me tonight if that is at all possible.", Brian kindly requested.

"Well, I suppose so but, no one else! Dr. Reynolds will kill me if you have a sleep over in here!", the nurse giggled.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to kick these goofy guys out of here ASAP even if I can't see!", Brian teased himself.

"Good Night Mr. Litrell.", the nurse said as she left the room.

"OK guys! Let's get outta here now!", Kevin ordered everyone.

"Awwww, but we were just starting to have fun daddy!", AJ said as he jumped on Kevin' back.

"Yeah, well daddy is gonna spank dat ass if you don't get off of me!", Kevin taunted AJ. AJ quickly jumped of Kevin and walked out of the room towards the elevator.

"Hey cuz. You stay strong and keep faith alright? I love you dude.", Kevin said to Brian and hug him tight. Howie was next and looked as if he were confused.

"Hey dude. This is Howie man.", Howie spoke up as he grabbed Brian's hand.

"Hey D. wassup?", Brian said as he perked up.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for being such and asshole with you and Robert. Tonight made me realize that Robert is for real and that he really does love you. I am happy for you bro. Get well soon ok amigo?", Howie requested.

"Thanks Howie. That really means a lot to me!", Brian said as he reached out to hug his friend. Howie let go of Brian and along came Nick and Carson.

"Frick, if you don't get better I am gonna have to kill you!", Nick kidded as he hugged his friend.

"You are my best friend Brian. I hate it when you get sick or hurt like this. You mean so much to me...", Nick said as he broke down sobbing. Carson wrapped his arms around Nick and rocked him back and forth. "If you won't get better for me get better for Rob. I know that he loves you more than anything and he help me find this great guy. Well, I better be headin' out. See you tomorrow Bri...", Nick said as he kissed Brian' forehead and walked out of the room with Carson leaving Justin and JC in the room.

"Well JC, we better get goin'.", Justni suggested.

"Hey, Robert. Can you give me and Brian a little time alone?", JC requested forcefully.

"Um, what for? Do you wanna go out with him or something?", I asked sarcastically.

"Robert, I am not gonna do anything with him. Trust me ok?", Brian said tiredly.

"Fine." I walked out of the room quietly and Justin followed me and shut the door.

"I don't like this anymore than you do Robert.", Justin confessed.

"What problem do you have with it?", I asked annoyed at his remark.

"Well, to tell you the truth. I am in love with JC and I want to be his boyfriend. JC doesn't have any idea I am gay or even like him like that. He has been slobbering over Brian ever since they went out and he is still obsessed. I am so tired of this that I am about to go crazy!"

"Why don't you just tell JC you like him?"

"Because I am scared of being rejected.", Justin responded bluntly.

"I may be inexperienced but, you will never know until you ask him. If you like JC then by all means tell him. He is causing pain for me and you when he is going after Brian...WHO HAPPENS TO BE MY boyfriend!", I suggested to Justin.

"I guess you are right but, how can I pop up the subject?", Justin asked.

"Well, I dunno. I guess flirting a little bit would help. Maybe when you guys are driving home you and try and cuddle with him and see what happens.", I suggested.

"That's a pretty good plan! You are pretty cool Rob. I am so sorry that JC is being such an asshole. If he doesn't get what he wants he gets like this.", Justin said.

"Well, I feel like I have no chance over JC with Brian.", I told Justin.

"From what I have heard and seen, Brian likes you a lot. I don't think JC will mess anything up between you two guys. Now I could be wrong but, let's face it. Justin Timberlake is never wrong!", he boasted.

"Oh shut up! You are worse in person than you are on TV!", I teased him. "On TV you are always lookin' like that preppy confident guy. Not to mention you are kind of sexy.", I said giving him my opinion.

"You aren't too bad yourself Rob!", Justin commented as he winked his eye.

"Excuse me...I know Justin Timberlake did not just wink at this ugly boy right here!", I laughed.

"Yes Justin Timberlake just did wink at this good looking guy right there!", Justin giggled back.

"I wonder what they are talking about in there?"

*****Back in the Room

"Will you just give me one more chance Brian?", JC pleaded.

"No! What don't you understand about the word NO!", Brian yelled at him.

"Why can't you just drop that boy and go for me? I really have changed Brian!", JC begged.

"JC, if you loved me you wouldn't ask me to do something like that. I am in love with Robert ok? I wish you would just support me for once. Like I said before and I am gonna say it one last time. I love Robert and I am not going to break up with him for you.", Brian gave his last word.

"I do love you Brian....I do."

"OK! Alone time is over!", I yelled as I burst into the room without knocking.

"Come on Josh....let's leave these two guys alone. I am sure you are tired flying all the way out here in one day as it is.", Justin persuaded his friend towards the door.

"Bye JC...have a nice night and thanks for visiting me.", Brain thanked JC and Justin.

"Bye Rob...thanks for the advice dude...", Justin thanked me as he and JC finally left the room.

"Bye guys!", I said happily as me and Brian were alone for the first time in a long time.

"Everyone is gone...", I whispered into Brian's ear.

"That's good..I am so tired emotionally and physically...not to mention I can't see a damn thing.", Brian complained lightly.

"Don't worry about'll be able to see again.", I reassured him.

"I hope so...I miss seeing your face. I miss seeing your smile. I miss seeing your hair and your nose and your ears and your eyes. I miss you Robert...", Brian sobbed softly.

"It's ok Brian...Please don't cry.", I pleaded with him.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?", Brian asked.

"Uhhhh...well you can't see to do anything so I am gonna have to take a rain check.", I replied.

"No silly! I mean sleep as in night night sleepy time sleep!", Brian restated.

"Oh...sure I guess...Scoot over...", I told Brian as I hopped in the bed and put the covers around me and Brian.

"Thank you...", Brian whispered.

"Don't mention it...I love you.", I whispered.

"I love you too.", Brian said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep as I held him there hoping that tomorrow would bring wellness to man who was sleeping in my arms.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet for Justin and JC. JC was busy thinking about his past relationship with Brian while Justin was thinking of the future that was possible JC. Justin thought over his advice and began to lay hints for JC.

Justin closed his eyes and leaned towards JC. Justin's head reached JC's shoulder and Justin sighed as if he were sleeping. JC looked over at his friend and giggled.

"Is the baby boy tired? You know Justin you are pretty cute when you are sleeping.", JC said as he looked back and forth from the road to Justin. Justin moaned and snuggled closer to JC.

"I love you JC....", Justin said in his sleep although he was not sleeping.

"Excuse me?", JC said in surprise. Justin didn't answer for fear of rejection. Justin opened his eyes and saw JC staring down at him. Justin quickly shut his eyes and JC immediately knew what Justin was doing. JC pulled on to the side of the road and stopped the car. Justin did not stir as JC tapped him on the shoulder.

"Um, Justin, I know you are awake so quit playing and let's talk!", JC commanded.

"WHAT!!!!", Justin moaned as he acted as if he were waking up.

"Oh, don't play dumb. You said you loved me and I know you didn't say that in your sleep!", JC confronted Justin directly.

"Hmmm, I don't remember saying anything like that.", Justin lied.

"Yeah right! Justin, is there something you need to tell me?", JC asked as he stared deep into his friends eyes.

"Kinda.", Justin responded looking away from JC.

"What is it Just?", JC asked putting his hand on his friends shoulder.

"I am not gonna tell you...", Justin resisted.

"Please...", JC begged with a puppy dog face.

"Josh, don't do this to me please!", Justin asked nicely.

"But, I want to know...Justin, do you like me?", JC asked smiling. Justin paused for a minute and thought over his options of telling JC. JC might turn him away but, he might also be happy and reciprocate the feelings that he had for JC. Justin opened his mouth and began to form words." I....I...I do like you JC. I am so tired of you drooling over Brian and I have been wanting to be your boyfriend so bad. I don't understand why you have to have Brian. I want to be your boyfriend so bad that it hurts and you will never listen to me....", Justin's words were cut off by the lips of JC.

JC softly kissed Justin's lips and silenced his friends words. Justin was overfilled with joy. Justin slowly massaged JC's head and kissed him with more passion than he had ever kissed any girl before. JC let go of Justin's lips and started the car once again. JC had a smile glued on to his face and he put his arm around Justin to secure his feelings.

"Does that answer you questions?", JC asked as he kissed Justin on the forehead.

"No ,but that was nice!", Justin giggled.

"Yeah, well I like to be spontaneous."

"You sure did surprise me!", Justin smiled.

"Well, youngin's like you are easy.", JC teased him.

"You are gonna get it when we get to the hotel you asshole!"

"Ohh, sounds kinky!"

"Yeah I'll kink my foot up your ass and turn it sideways!", Justin threatened JC laughing. "So are your escapades with Brian over?", Justin asked JC hopefully.

"Yep, completely through!", JC said as he thought over his words silently knowing that he still loved Brian.

Next: Chapter 15

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