Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on May 20, 2000


Life Saver Part 18 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law, you know. Also, if you are offended by this type of writing (or being gay) then please go to another website. This story doesn't assume that either Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ McLean, Carson Daly, Justin Timberlake, or Joshua Chasez is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Preface: Wow, another BSB story. Well, this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again, please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Author's Note:

This is part 18 of my story. If you are just starting to read my story I would like to extend my warm I love ya's to you and I hope you continue to read my story. I am sorry for the lateness of this part. School has really been stressing me out lately and some social issues about being gay have popped up. Any of you guys reading this: it would be cool of ya'll to give me some advice on dealing with being gay! It is so hard when you are still living with your parents! Anyways! I hope that the next part comes out soon, but I can't make any promises because my time is limited and I have to be in the mood to write. Summer is quickly approaching and I should have a lot more time to write so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are reading this give me some comments so I can improve for the summer! I really do think this chapter is one of my best and most exciting so read it!

I am suffering from a major lack of motivation right now. I know everyone tells me not to write for comments but for myself, but it's not as easy as it seems. So I ask you guys if ya'll are reading this to drop me a line...good or bad. I need to know what I am doing wrong because I think it sucks!

I want to thank a very special person, Spoonroo, who so kindly took time to edit this part of my story. He's great and if u wanna send him your thanks his email address is . THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I also have a 17th birthday coming up in June...(the 17th actually) so wish me luck! If anyone has any ideas of more plot twists then email me! OR touch base with me at ICQ!

Also....since the last time I posted I got a new computer and I have ICQ again so if you wish to contact me by ICQ my number is:


I love all of you guys and I hope you are still loyal and reading! I am sorry for the late ness and I will post again ASAP!!! I love u!!!!

If you haven't read these stories please do: *Studio in the country!!!!!! REALLY GOOD *Millennium Love!!!!! Great way of presenting the story! *Steven and Brian!!!! Pretty good! *BSB and 'Nsync!!!!! A must read! *I just wanna be wit u!!!!!! This is my girl!!!! *The One!!!! JM twin! *Lucky Me!!!! Another girl!!!! *Brian and Cody!!!! Good first one.... *Brian and Keith.....although he doesn't email me and hasn't updated his story! I STILL LOVE YOU KEITH!!!! :-P

I am sorry for this part being so all of my readers: I love you guys and your comments are welcome! Also, I lost all the email addresses of my readers. If you are reading my story, please send me an email with your email address so I can email you about up-and-coming news on my story!


*****I have changed my story to 3rd person because it is a ***** HECK of a lot easier to write in third person


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please, email me guys!!!

"Why does the day always start without me?" Robert wondered, as he lay alone in Brian's bed watching the clock as it read 1:30pm. Robert threw the warm bed spread off of him and strolled over to the sink to wash the sleep out of his eyes. The door shut and the hot water went on, waiting for Robert to get in the shower and clean up for the rest of the day. The previous day had been hectic for Robert: His best friend Andy came out of no where for a surprise visit, he questioned his worth as a special person in Brian's life, and the memory of the accident had haunted him every minute of the day.

"This day is going to be so much better. It has to be!" Robert bathed himself and washed his hair. The warm water soaked into his tired body. Any regular person would never have to go through the emotional and physical torment that Rob had gone through during the past week. The water was slowly turned off and Robert grabbed a towel from the rack. He dried himself off and put on a pair of plaid shorts and a t-shirt with a vest. Rob walked down the stairs into the dining room and found Andy sitting at the bar eating an apple.

"Hey Robbie...Good afternoon sleepy head. The day is almost over! No wonder everyone else left ya!" Andy giggled as he bit off a piece of his apple.

"Yeah, I guess. Where is Brian? Did he go out with everyone?" Robert inquired.

"Yeah, Nick and Kevin pulled him along. They said it would be good for him. To go out with all the guys and that girl...Jennifer...I think?"

"Yeah, I don't know about her. Something tells me she is bad news." Robert said with a crooked brow.

"I dunno man...but anyways. Let's go out! I am so rarin' to have some fun right now!" Andy laughed as he threw his apple in the trash and pulled Rob outside and into his car.

"So where are we going smart boy?"

"I dunno, I just thought we would ride around until we found somewhere cool." Andy suggested with a smile. Robert agreed. Andy and Rob then proceeded to speed down the roads of Lexington for 30 minutes looking at all the stores, malls, and restaurants. They decided thatthey would eat first.

"I love Applebee's man...we have to eat there!" Rob insisted as Andy found a parking place and parked. The two friends went inside and were immediately seated on a high table in the bar section.

"Welcome to Applebee's, gentlemen. My name is David and I will be your server this evening. Our special today is Chicken Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans. Would you like an appetizer to start off with?" The waiter said with a smile and a definate lisp.

"We'll have the buffalo wings and two cokes to drink. And, actually, we already know what we want." Andy spoke for both of them.

"Well, go ahead then!" the waiter giggled.

"Umm...I want the chicken fajitas." Robert said.

"I'll have the chicken finger platter with extra fries. Thanks." Andy said as he grabbed our menu's and shooed the waiter from our table.

"Damn, can you say 'flamingly gay'?" Andy laughed.

"Shut up man, you're gay too, you know! What if he just has a lisp problem?" Robert laughed back. He punched Andy in the arm just as the waiter was bringing their drinks.

"Thankssss." Andy said lisping and winking at the waiter.

"Stop it, bastard!!!!" Robert laughed hysterically. " This is why I don't go anywhere with you!" Robert giggled as he gave Andy a short hug.

"Aww, you know Robbie, I have really have missed hanging out with you. I mean, I am happy for you finding love with Brian and getting the chance of a lifetime to play the trumpet in the BSB's band, but I miss the shit out of you, man." Andy said with a tear in his eye.

" I'm sorry dudie, it's just been so hard lately to think of anything else except for my immediate surroundings. So much shit has happened that I haven't been able to think about anything else and I'm guilty of that. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I can!" Andy smiled just as the food arrived.

"Uh, weren't we supposed to get the appetizers before our food?" Robert suggested.

"Yeah, but we figured you guys wouldn't mind. After all, you can take the food you don't eat home in a box!" the waiter informed us as he filled our drinks and left us in piece.

"I wonder what Brian is doing..." Robert pondered.

"So anyway, I said that you can't get with me because I still love Kevin and it's working out great!" Jennifer explained to Brian, who smiled genuinely.

"That's so great!" I would hope that Rob would say the same thing to someone that wanted him."

"He would, he's a great person and you're very lucky to have him."

"Yeah, he is. I love him so much. He doesn't even realize it. I don't even think I realize it. I have never and will never love a person as much as I do Robert in my entire life." Brian explained.

"You guys are meant for each other....If you ever need someone to talk to don't be afraid to come to me. I can help solve all of your problems!" Jenny said staring into his eyes.

"Hey Brian, look over here a minute!" Kevin called. As Brian turned, Jenny slipped a tiny pill in his drink. Brian turned back around and drank out of his drink and explained to Jennifer that they were leaving the pub and going to walk around the mall. Kevin, AJ, Nick, Carson, and Howie walked through the mall quickly as Brian and Jenny lagged behind. They approached the movie theatre and an idea popped up into Kevin's mind

"Guys, let's go see 'Final Destination'!" Kevin suggested as he gathered his friends in a circle.

"What's it about?" Jenny pondered.

"Basically, death is after these kids. One guy knows its plan and tries to fight back and save his friends, only nothing can stop death. It sounds pretty good from what I have heard about it."

"Sounds good to me!" AJ said as he bought a ticket. The rest of the group followed and when it was Jenny's turn to by a ticket she changed the pattern.

"You know what, you guys go and have fun. Brian needs to go home and take a nap he already looks tired from today", Jenny pointed out. Brian, meanwhile, dripped with sweat and seemed to be lulled into his own little world.

"Hey Brian, are you okay?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I just need to go home and take a nap. You guys can go watch the movie; Jenny knows the way to our house. You guys have fun, I'll see you later!" Brian gasped out as he slowly made his way towards his car with Jenny close behind.

"I hope Brian's all right. He looked like shit!" AJ commented.

"Yeah, Jenny will take care of him. She's a sweetie!" Kevin reassured everyone as they walked into the theatre.

Jenny quickly sped through Lexington to arrive at the Litrell house in time for the arrival of Robert and Andy. Jenny helped Brian out of the car and up the stairs into his room. There, she laid him down on the bed and locked the door behind her. Jenny sat at the head of the bed and brushed Brian's hair out of his eyes.

"You know, it's a shame that you're so cute." Jenny whispered.

"What?" Brian mumbled as Jenny took Brian's shirt off and rubbed up and down his chest.

"Jenny, wha, wha are you doing? I, I, mmmm.." Brian mumbled as Jenny began to slowly unzip his pants. Jenny threw off her shirt and her pants leaving her bare except for her bra and her panties. Somehow, Brian's pants had found themselves on the floor and Brian was on top of Jenny grinding her into the bed.

" Yeah Brian, I know you want me. You don't want Robert. You know I'm right; why don't you just say it? Robert is not for you! You aren't gay!" Jenny put the thoughts into Brian's mind as Brian rubbed his tongue over Jenny's neck.

"Hmmm...I guess Brian is home now! That is his Beemer, I presume!" Andy announced as he made kissing sounds that embarrassed Robert.

"Shaddup! You act like we're getting married! We just met a couple of weeks ago! It isn't really that serious! I barely know him for him. There is just something in him that is so pure that it makes me smile." Robert confessed as he opened the door to an empty house. Robert and Andy looked around the downstairs area and couldn't find him anywhere.

"Brian? Where are you? Baby? Are you hiding from me???" Rob called out.

"Oh I know, I bet he is sleeping! He's still pretty weak from the accident. I'll go jump in bed with him upstairs!" Robert giggled as he glided up the stairs. Robert slowly opened the door, taking care not to wake Brian. Instead, he saw his worst nightmare directly in front of him!

"BRIAN!!!!!!!" Robert screamed at the top of his lungs.

"There's my cue!" Jenny thought as she started to scream. "Get off of me Brian, eww please help me! Get him off of me! I love Kevin! I love Kevin! Get off of me Brian!" Andy ran and pulled Brian off of Jenny as she ran downstairs with fake tears in her eyes.

"How could you???" Andy asked in disbelief.

"I...I...I didn't do anything! I wasn't the one on her! She was the one on me! She came on to me! It was all her!" Brian slurred with real tears in his eyes.

"Bullshit Brian, maybe if you would have stopped drinking like Robert asked you to you wouldn't have lost the one person who loved you more than anything! You totally blew it Brian! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Andy exploded.

"But, it wasn't me! I didn't want to do it! I didn't do it! It was all a set up! I swear to you! Please believe me! Oh God, no! Please believe me! You have to! You" Brian trailed off as he thought of the uselessness of his crying. Andy walked towards the door and began to walk out when Brian spoke up.

"Tell Robert that I love him." Andy shrugged of the comment and strolled down the stairs hearing two people crying. Robert and Jennifer were hugging each other as their tears rolled down their faces.

"I can't believe he did that! I'm so sorry, Robert. We just came home and he had this funny look in his eye. He took me upstairs and threw me on the bed and started to rape me! God, I swear I didn't want it Robert. I hope you don't think that I came on to him! I am so sorry! Kevin's going to kill me!" Jenny cried as the tears ran down her cheeks.

"Don't worry Jenny, I don't think you came on to Brian. Kevin will be mad with Brian, I am sure of it. But no more mad than I am. Dammit, Brian! I can't believe that you would do this to me! I thought you loved me!" Robert yelled in agony.

"I'm sorry Robert. I'm going to take a nap. I can't stay awake through this." Jenny said as she wiped her tears away.

"Ok, I guess. You'll be okay, Jenny." Robert said without emotion.

"Thanks, bye guys."

Robert gazed at the blank television as he thought over his short relationship with Brian. "I meet him and two days after that we are boyfriends? What the fuck is that!? I should have known this relationship was too good to last. But, I wait. Dammit, I do love him. God! Why does this have to be so hard!?" Robert said, frustrated.

"It'll be okay, Robbie...I promise you." Andy spoke up as he sat next to Rob and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't know. It seems to be falling apart. Can you imagine the fight that will take place when Kevin gets here? It will be monumental!"

"Yeah, probably. You know, for so reason....I believe Brian." Andy commented.

"What? You believe that cheating, lying bastard?"

"Something about that Jennifer girl is weird to me. I dunno. Another thing is the fact that Brian has gawked over you and told everyone how much in love he is with you. Why would he do something like that?"

"I don't know. There's no way of knowing."

" Robbie, trust Brian. When I was leaving, he told me to tell you that he loves you. That doesn't sound like a guy that would cheat on someone. Besides, there is the whole fact that he is gay!" Andy illustrated.

Robert stared at the television screen again, thinking of the three words last spoken by Brian: "I love you". These are the most powerful words in the human vocabulary, and Robert knew it.

"I need to go talk to him."

Doorbell rings

"Okay buddy, I'll go answer the door and you go talk to your baby. Be nice now." Andy giggled as he helped Rob off the couch.

"Thanks Andy. Thanks so much!"

"Aww, don't mention it! That's what friends are for!" Andy smiled as he walked towards the door.

"Yes, they are here!" Jenny said as she put tear drops in her eyes and closed the curtain she had been looking out of. "One last step and this family is HISTORY!!!!" Jenny said as she walked out of her room bumping in to Rob.

"Oh I am sorry Jenny, I um..think they are here. Please try to calm Kevin down when he finds out."

"I sure will, where are you going?" Jenny replied urgently.

"Oh I am just getting some of my stuff out of Brian's room."

"How could you go in there when he just cheated on you?" Jenny asked in disbelief.

"I don't know. It's not like I am gonna talk to him. He is probably asleep!" Robert replied.

"Ok, well be careful!" Jenny said as she hurried down the stairs.

Robert slowly leaned on the door to see if he could hear anything and to know avail he heard a muffled cry. Slowly opening the door, Robert entered the room quietly and walked towards the bed where Brian had his eyes buried in the pillow.

"God, Jennifer, I can't believe she did that! Robert is the only person that I have ever cared about and you made me lose him! FUCK!" Brian cried out as he hit his fist on the table.

"Don't hurt yourself..." Robert warned as his outline was seen by Brian in the dark. Brian quickly wiped his eyes and straightened himself up.

"H..H...How long have you in here?" Brian asked curiously.

"Umm...since you started asking 'God, why Jennifer would break me and you up?'" Robert explained.

"Oh, I am sorry. You probably don't believe me anyway." Brian said lowly.

"I would like to believe you because I love you very much and I find it hard to believe that you would cheat on me." Robert grabbed his hand and knelt on the ground. "Help me to believe you." Brian broke down and cried into Robert's chest as Rob stroked his hair.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't do it! She was coming on to ME, Robert! I don't like girls! ESPECIALLY that one. Jennifer is Kevin's, why would I ever do something like that? I love you, Robert! Please! I would never cheat on you!" Brian begged with emotion. "Do you believe me?" Brian asked.

"Yes, but how are we going to get everyone else to believe you?"

"I don't know...I don't know." Brian trailed off and as soon as his last words were out his mouth Kevin came flying through the doors at Brian.


"Hey, Kevin!" Kevin turned around and took an incredible punch in the face sending him flat on his back. " DON'T YOU EVER, AND I MEAN EVER HIT BRIAN LIKE THAT AGAIN BECAUSE I SWEAR TO YOU THAT I WILL RUIN YOUR CAREER AND YOUR LIFE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE! YOU GOT ME?" Robert screamed as he held Kevin's neck to the floor.

"Robert, come on now. If Kevin thinks water is thicker than blood, that's cool." Brian said, wiping blood from his face. Robert let go of Kevin and the crowd that had assembled left. This day proved to be the longest one in the lives of Robert, Jennifer, and the Backstreet Boys. However, the true test of spirit and endurance would come much later. The sun set on the tragic day, seeing two cousins and friends at each other's throats and the heart of one Robert Jacobs...torn.

Next: Chapter 19

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