Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jul 4, 1999


Life Saver Part 5 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! I know I had bad tense shifting and stuff but, I hope you will give me a chance. The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well, folks, here is the next part. I am so sorry for it's lateness. I look forward to the BSB awards. Although I might not get any votes. Well, hopefully I can get the next part out soon. I am REALLY REALLY busy. PLEASE email me if you are reading this and tell me what you think. And hopefully some author's will nominate me and ya'll can vote for me. For the ICQ users I just downloaded it for the fan forum thing and my # is 42396480 Please email me and all. See you guys laterz Love ya!

PS: Feedback is very warmly recieved so please email me guys!!!


Chapter 12

I awoke the next morning feeling really great for a change. It was kind of weird because when I was back at home I always felt like I didn't want to go through the rest of the day. I felt like I had no reason for living. I had no friends and I was gay. Being gay is a curse when you are in high school. I was so tired of playing the str8 game. While I was with Brian I wouldn't be playing that game anymore. I opened my eyes and saw Brian still sleeping with the cutest grin on his face. I didn't want to wake him but, I had to take a piss. I took my arm off of his chest and got out from under the covers. I got off the huge bed trying not to wake my sleeping beauty. He really was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I couldn't keep my eyes off of his chest rising and falling while he kept that cute little smile on his face. But, my full bladder reminded me that I had to take the longest piss of my life. I stepped in the bathroom and closed the door silently. I ran over to the stool and lifted the seat. Slowly but surely I emptied my bladder and in the procces forgot how much noise I was making. When I got done washing my hands I stepped back into the bedroom of our suite to find that Brian was gone.

"Brian!!!", I yelled.

I ran to the door and looed outside to see Kevin's suite's doot open. I walked down to his room and looked in to find all of the guys in there eating breakfast. "Yo, Robbie, come in here why dont", Kevin said in his southern twang.

"Hey babe....Orange juice?", Brian offered.

"No thanks, I am not a big breakfast eater."

"You don't look like much of an "eater" at all", Howie joked.

I looked at Howie like he was an idiot and I think he got the message.

"So, you and Brian have been alone so much all the other guys and me don't really know much about you. I mean Brian tells us stuff but, other than your ting with Brian we aren't great friends. I guess we aren't "tight" as a brother would say.", AJ said with enthusiasm

"Well, as you all know playing my instrument is my life. I have played my trumpet since I was in 5th grade and I continue to play it, obviously. Other stuff I like to do....ummm I played baseball for nine years, I like to bow; play tennis, basketball...."

"YOU PLAY B-BALL!!!", Nick asked excitedly.

"Um, yeah but I dont have any moves I can just shoot really well.", I said embarassed.

"No one! And I mean no one can beat me at H-O-R-S-E." Nick boasted.

"Oh, really? Well we are gonna have to see about that someday.", I challenged.

"Is that a threat?"

"That's a promise blondie!", I said laughing.

"OHHHHHH one point for the new kid!", Howie kidded.

"Yada Yada, he is all talk....I gotta be twice his height.", Nick boasted once again.

"Yeah butm he is three times your brains dude!", Brian kidded Nick.

"You bastard!", Nick yelled.

"Ok, Frack, don't make me take you down!", Brian laughed.

"Yeah, you couldnt beat yourself out of a wet paperbag Brian!", Nick poked back.

"That's It!"

Brian ran over to Nick and began tickling him like a mad man. Nick obviously had a height advantage but, Brian had more mass and got the better of Nick easily.

"Ok, Brian OK!!!!", Nick screamed.

"Not until you have a wedgie!!! Come on dude you know the routine", Brian said pulling Nick's boxer's futher and further up his ass.

"AHHHHH DUDE!!!! Brian that hurts", Nick said with tears in his eyes.

"I told you Frack....I will always win over ya!", Brian continued to laugh.

"Brian, stop man he ain't gonna be able to dance if that shit gets any farther", AJ pointed out.

I just sat in my chair laughin my ass off. Nick and Brian were best of friends but, they had to beat each other's ass to show each other off. Of course Brian would always win but, we ALL know that don't we?

Brian let go of Nick's cute boxer's and helped Nick off the floor. Brian came over to me and planted a kisss on my lips.

"Good morning.", he said.

"Good morning. Why did you do that to him?", I asked.

"I didn't mean to but, you know he was asking for it!", Brian pleaded

"Yeah, well don't do it so hard next time....look at him limping over there.", I pointed.

"Hehehehe, yeah I need to go apologize. He does look like he is in a lot of pain. I'll be right back ok cutie?"

"Ok, I am goin back to my room to straighten up and everything ok?", I told him

"Fine with me. I will be there in a few.", Brian responded.

I walked to the room while the guys hung out and Brian apologized to Nick. While I was in the room the phone rang...and like an idiot I answered it.


"Hey Robert.", the voice replied.

"Who is this?", I asked.

"Your biggest fan.", he replied again.

"WHO ARE YOU?", I asked forcefully.

"Guess.", the voice commanded

"No, how did you get this number? Who are you?", I asked a final time.

"This is your old friend Brandon!", the voice finally revealed.

"WHAT?!?", I screamed in disbelief.

"Happy? I know I missed you too. Well, guess what. I am here in DC and I am going to be at your first concert!", Brandon said with sarcastic happiness.

"Why?", I asked in disgust.

"To see you baby! You know that I am happy for your knew job as a band member and I want to apologize to the guys for what happened at six flags.", brandon said sounding sincere.

"Right, well where are you?", I asked not knowing I was being set up.

"I am in DC like I said!", Brandon said with increased sarcasm.

"Right, I KNOW THAT IDIOT! Look I will just see you at the concert ok? GO to the Backstage area afterwards ok?", I asked him.

"Sure, see you there baby!", Brandon said in his sexy voice.

"Quit calling me baby!", I yelled.

"BYE!!!!", Brandon yelled back.

I hung up the phone and stood there confused like a black guy at a Republican Convention.

"Why would Brandon call me and whu he fuck is he here?", I asked myself.

I went to the bathroom once more and took my clothes of to take a shower. I turned on the water and stepped in the hot shower. While I was in the shower I thought about seeing Brandon again. Was he actually serious or was he up to a devious plan? What am I going to do?

"Yo, what is taking Robert so fuckin long?", Kevin asked.

"I don't know but, I will go check on him!", Brian answered.

Brian walked to pur room and walked to the bathroom where he heard my shower water running.

"Robert? Are you still in the shower?", Brian called.

"Yeah. Go away ok?", I yelled.

"What? Robbie are you ok?, Brian asked.

"Yes! Please go away!", I told Brian again.

"Robert? Can I come in?", Brian asked.

"No!", I answered.

"Why?", Brian asked.

"If you can't figure out that the door was never locked then you don't need to come in.", I joked.

Brian opened the door and walked next to the shower door and sat on the toilet.

" to me.", Brian demanded.

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't even know why the hell I am worrying about this. It is so trivial. All I can say is that I am scared of what might happen tonight because someone is here and I don't want this person here ok. But, he seems to be sincere."

"Who is gonna be here tonight?", Brian asked inquisitively.

"You dont want to know babe....You dont...", I said scared to tell him.

"Yes! I do want to know...and I will find out so go ahead and tell me.", Brian said making me feel worse.

"It's Brandon....he is here and he is gonna be at the concert...", I said fearing the worst.

"Brandon!!!! Why the FUCK is he here?", Brian asked infuriated.

"I don't know. He said he wanted to apologize to you. I told him to be at the backstage gate after the concert. I really am sorry if you don't want him to be there. I can call him back and tell him not to be there.", I said sadly.

"Robert, this guy is bad news. He has already tried to break you and I up and he isn't going to do it again.", Brian said proving his point.

"Yeah I know but, he really is a nice guy. And I need all the friends I can get. Can we just see how this turns out?", I asked hopefully.

"Well....I dunno. I can't lose you. Not now anyways. I a, falling in love with you.", Brian said staring into my eyes.

"I promise you that nothing is gonna happen. If he tries to do something then security will take him away.", I said confidently.

"Ok, but if I am mean or rude DON'T say I didn't warn you", Brian said while giving me a hug.

"You know are a really great guy.", I said happily.

"Oh, babe, quit reminding me and get out of the damn shower. I don't want you to become all old and wrinkly.", Brian said worried.

"Ok, well get out of here so I can dick is small when it is in water for this long....", I said giggling.

"Oh shutup you are perfect! Anyways I am gonna go to Kevin's room. Hurry up and get out of the shower and get dressed. I need to take a shower and get ready too.", Brian informed me.

"Ok, well I will come get you when I am ready. I'll miss you...", I said from inside the shower.

"I'll miss you too. Robbie? Can I have a kiss?", Brian asked timidly.

"Of course!"

I slid open the shower door and stuck my head out. I closed my eyes and Brian moved forward to kiss me. Brian's lips touched mine and I could feel the warmth of them. I loved how Brian's lips made me feel comfortable. Brian released my lips and left the bathroom. I felt lonely but, I new that Brian was in the next room.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I brushed my teeth and my hair and shaved. I out on my white tshirt and baige vest. Then I put on my boxers and my plaid shorts. I really looked like a prep but, that wasn't what I was shooting for.

I walked to Kevin's room and sat down next to Brian. His hair was kinda wild since he hadn't taken a shower yet. But, he was still the cutest guy I knew.

"Shower is ready.", I infromed Brian.

"Okie Dokie. Well guys, I am gonna take a shower. Don't rape the boy now.", Brian said giggling.

"Oh yeah Brian we would do something like that!", Kevin joked.

"Ok, well touch him and you are it?", Brian said smiling.

"Don't worry we won't kill him....", AJ said evily.

"Maybe I should go with Brian.", I said while standing up.

"No babe, we are just playing...I will be back in 15 minutes and we can got to the MCI Center...AIGHT!", Brian said while laying a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok, hurry back...", I whispered as Brian left the room.

"You guys are cute...I mean not like I would fuck you or anything but, as a couple you two are cute together.", AJ stated stuttering the whole way.

"Um....thanks...I guess.", I said confused. "So what are we doing today?"

"Well we have a concert...", Nick said proudly.

"No...duh....blondie.", I spitted at him. "What I meant was, what are we doing before the concert?", I asked.

"Well, we are gonna go to the stage and make sure everything is set. I know the band has to practice sometime before the show so you will be busy with that...then we'll go eat lunch somewhere and chill til the conert....After the concert we usually go party or we go out to eat.", Kevin informed me.

"Am I gonna be riding with you guys today?"

"I don't see why not. I know that when the band practices we go outside and play b- ball or we sing along with the band.", Kevin stated.

"I see. So when do you think the band is gonna parctice?", I asked.

"Probably right after lunch usually.", Howie informed me.

"Cool, I will be spitting all of that crap in my instrument and ya'll can get me a new one!", I joked.

"There he is......Mr. America!!!!!", AJ sang as Brian walked in.

"Hey babe, you are lookin good!", I said admiring Brian's clothes.

"Wassup Robbie? You are lookin mighty fine yourself!", Brian said while sitting next to me. "It looks like I have a busy schedule today...not to mention "you know who" is coming to town...", I said sadly.

"Yeah, that "you know who" better come with a face gaurd or he is gonna get it if he tries anything.", Brian fumed.

"Who are you guys talking about?", Kevin questioned.

"You remember Six Flags cuz?", Brian said.

"Yeah......OH SHIT....Brandon is here?", Kevin asked suprised.

"Yep, and he "said" he wanted to apologize to me and spend some time with us.", Brian said sarcastically.

"Oh, bullshit! All that asshole wants to do is to get in Robert's pants. I am gonna get security to kindly escort his ass out of the arena!", Kevin stated.

"Guys, guys, I just think we need to at least give him a chance. I mean I can't abandon him as a friend. Maybe he didn't know how Brian really was. I don't know but, I think we need to give him one last chance.", I said with confidence.

"Rob, this guy tried to break you and Brian up. You don't think he will do it again? Come on man, it is obivous he wants you.", Nick stated his opinion.

"Man, all I want is to have some friends ok? When I came to Atlanta to meet you I would have never dreamed to tbe apart of this group and to gain all of you as friends. I don't want to lose friends I already have just because I gained five good friends. He was a good friend and he thought that Brian was gonna play me. He was wrong and he knows it. Maybe he really is sincere. I will never leave Brian for Brandon. Not in a million years.", I said with tears in my eyes.

Brian put his arm around me and i leaned on his shoulder. I had never been so embarrased in my life. It seemed like everyone was against me. Maybe they were right but, I would hate to think that they were right. I am so nervous about the concert. All of these emotions came to a point and I broke down.

"Dude, all we are doing is looking out for Brian here. We don't want him hurt ever. Brian is happier than ever with you and we are just making sure there is no way he can lose you. I am sorry for upsetting you but, if Brandon is there then he is dangerous and needs to be watched.", Kevin apologized.

"It's ok, I guess I just overreacted. I really am sorry for acting like this. Maybe I should just go back home.", I said sadly.

"NO, babe, you aren't goin anywhere. We can get through today with Brandon being in the way. I promise you this will work ok? You aren't gonna leave me here like this.", Brian comforted me, though tears were forming in his eyes.

"I love you Brian.", I whispered lowly.

"I love you too Robert.", Brian whispered back.

" hug!", AJ yelled while everyone puiled on to me and Brian.

"FUCK...KEVIN get off of my nuts!", I screamed.

"Oh sorry dude. Let's all get Brian since he is ticklish the most!", Kevin yelled.

Everyone including me started to tickle Brian and he screamed with laughter while tears were streaming down his face. Finally he screamed mercy and everyone let him get away. Brian laid down on the couch and caught his breath. I sat down on the end of the couch and let Brian lay his head in my lap. I rubbed Brian's head while he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He laid there with a smile on his face and he looked as happy as he could be sleeping in my lap. Tonight I was gonna be onstage with this guy in my lap. This guy who I loved so much was going to be giving an awesome performance with me on the stage. How more perfect could it get?

"Brian.....Brian......Wake up sweetie. We gotta go to the arena.", I said as Brian slowly woke up.

"Why????", Brian whined.

"Well, you are a BSB and you are giving a performance tonight and we do have to go.", I said as I layed with Brian's hair.

"I suppose you are right. Let me fix my hair and we can go.", Brian said as he got up from the couch and went to the bathroom to fix his hair. I stood up and stretched from my little nap with Brian. I grabbed my jacket and waited for Brian to join me on the way to the limo.

"Shall we?", Brian asked while grabbing my hand.

"We shall!", I responded while taking his hand gladly.

Brian and I walked hand in hand to the elevator and waited for it to come up and take us down to the lobby floor so we could get into the limo and drive off to the arena. Finally the doors opened and we went into the elevator car. We were zoomed down to the lobby and went out the back door to the limo where the other guys were waiting along with the band bus.

I got in the limo with Brian following close behind. I scooted over to the far side and Brian sat next to me with his hand still holding mine and lightly carresing it. I looked out the window the entire ride to the arena thining about what I was going to do and how I was going to handle everything with Brandon. This was going to be a tuff night on me and Brian.

We finally arrived at the arena and we all piled out of the car. I walked over to the bus to mingle in with the band and get the low down on the concert.

"Ok guys. We are going to be practicing after lunch today. Make sure you get to wardrobe an hour and a half before the concert begins so you anre't late. The rest of the information will be given out at the rehersal. You are free for lunch be here at 2 ok guyz?", Tim informed us.

I was glad the director was so cool. He was a good friend to have and a really cool guy on top of that.

I walked over to where Brian was sitting and took a seat next to him. He was staring off into space and looked worried about something.

"What's wrong Bri?", I asked.

"What kind of car does Brandon drive?", Brian asked still staring into the parking lot.

"A jeep why?", I asked as I tured to look in the parking lot and saw what Brian was staring at. "What the hell is he doing here so early?", I wondered.

"Um...he isn't eating with us is he?", Brian asked.

"I don't know. If he wants to I suppose he can. If you insist he doesn't then he won't. Okie Dokie?", I bargained with Brian.

Brandon walked up to where Brian and I were sitting and smiled.

"Hey Robbie! What's up man I haven't talked to you in a while. Listen man I am sorry about the entire thing at Six Flags. I am glad you found Brian and all." Brandon said to me. "Also, I need to apologize to you Brian. I am sorry for making Rob think twice about you. You must be a great guy if you got Robert. I am happy for both of you!", Brandon said smiling once again.

"See I told you!", I whispered to Brian.

"I don't know about this yet. Something feels funny.", Brian said nervously.

"Well, what are yall doin before you have to perform?", Brandon asked innocently.

"We are about to go get some lunch would you like to join us?", I invited.

"Sure, I would love to. We can go over to the mall by the Pentagon. It has a huge food court.", Brandon informed us.

"Well we will follow you there. Let us go get the otehr guys and we will follow your jeep. Ok?"

"That's cool. I will wait for ya'lls limo. See ya at the mall!", Brandon said.

"Ok, see ya there.", I said waving goodbye.

"I don't like this Robert. I really don't like this.", Brian stated.

"Don't worry ok? This is gonna be fine. Nothing is going to happen babe. Nothing!", I said kissing Brian on the forehead.

Brian and I rounded up the guys and headed to the mall following Brandon. It was 11:30 and we were suppose to be back at 2 so we had plenty of time. We got to the mall and met Brandon in teh food court. The mall was a good four stories and it was huge. I had never seem a mall this big. Brian, me, and Brandon went to Frankenstein to get corndogs and the other's wen to get oriental food. We all met at the center of the food court and sat at a big table. For the most part not a word was spoken until I got up from the table to use the restroom.

"I think I am going to use the restroom.", I stated.

"Yeah, I gotta piss like a race horse.", Brandon agreed.

"Anyone else got to pee?", I asked. "Ok then, come on dude let's go. Be right back Guys.", I said walking with Brandon to the bathroom.

"Wow man, I have a feeling they don't like me. They didnt say a word.", Brandon complained.

"Well you didn't leave a good impression on them last time they saw you.", I reminded him.

"Just tryin to look out for you.", Brandon said while opening the door for me.

"Yeah well, you almost broke me and Brian up. And I didn't want that to happen.", I told Brandon.

When I turned around to the urinal I didn't see Brandon lock the door behind me. Brandon went to the urinal next to me and started to pee shortly after I was done. I shook thrice and went to the sink to wash my hands. While I was washing my hands Brandon got behind me and started to squeez my ass.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?", I demanded.

"Nothin. Just feelin the love of my life up.", Brandon replied.

"Oh please. I should have known better than to think your motives were sincere. You are such an asshole!", I yelled. "So you think you are gonna break me and Brian up?", I asked.

"That was sort of the idea!", Brandon said smiling.

"ROBERT!!!! UNLOCK THE DOOR!!!", Brian screamed from outside.

Brandon quickly covered my mouth and started to moan.

"OH ROBERT....Yeah right there baby!!! OH FUCK MAN....What if Brian catches us baby!", Brandon faked.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!!! UNLOCK THE DOOR!!!!", Brian screamed again.

Tears started coming out of my eyes because I knew Brandon was going to succeed in breaking me and Brian up. Brandon continued to moan like I was doing something to him and finally let me go. I ran to the door and unlocked it. When I unlocked the door I saw brian standing there with tears in his eyes. He looked at me and then at Brandon and shook his head.

"How did I know?", Brian asked himself.

"Brian...he set me up. I wasn't doing shit to him. You have to believe me. You fuckin have to.", I said with tears filling my eyes.

"You promised me....You fuckin promised me and you do this!", Brian screamed. "Don't even talk to me! Go somewhere but, don't get near me!", Brian screamed once again.

"Br....Bri....Brian please. I swear to you I didn't do anything!!!! Ask Brandon!", I told him

"Did he suck you? Did he?", Brian asked in shame.

"I don't know how to say this dude. I told him I didn't want him to cheat on you. But, I couldn't resist it. I am sorry dude but, yeah he sucked me off.", Brandon lied.

"WHAT!", I screamed

"Goodbye Robert.", Brian said melancholy.

"He is lieing! He is lieing! Please Brian!", I yelled while Brandon walked away.

I turned and looked at Brandon with disgust while he was smiling.

"Why? Why? WHY?", I asked.

"Because I love you and I want you!", Brandon stated.

"Brandon, I will NEVER love you and I will NEVER want you ok?", I yelled at him.

"Whatever, dude. Well I will see you at the concert. Have a nice day!", Brandon said walking out with a huge smile on his face. Brandon had won.......for now.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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