Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jul 24, 1999


Life Saver Part 7 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well, folks, here is the next part. I look forward to the BSB awards. I didn't get nominated for the upincoming author award which bugged me out. Anyways PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!!!!! Well, hopefully I can get the next part out soon. I am REALLY REALLY busy. PLEASE email me if you are reading this and tell me what you think. Please email me and all. See you guys laterz Love ya!

I have encountered a problem as I begin to write sex scenes in the story. As you have noticed my story is in first-person and I would like to keep it that way. However, it is extremely hard to write sex in a first-person manner, sometimes it doesn't even makes since when I read it. So, my question to you is: What do you think I should do? Do you think I should write the Sex parts in third person? ( Which is probably what I am gonna do) ...or do you have any other ideas? Please e-mail me with your thoughts on this question and other comments about my story...Thank you guys tons!!!!

This is the first part of the story that really has sex in it....please tell me if it is ok....I love you guys!!!!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Chapter 14

The night had gone by so quickly that is was day again. I woke up next to my savior and looked at the clock. I had slept for 12 hours. It was 12:30 in the afternoon but, the sun seemed to be hiding behind the clouds. I slowly slipped out of Brian's arms and went on to the balcony of our hotel suite and looked out over Washington DC. It was just one of those days where all you wanted to do was sleep. Yesterday had been a hard day on me, physically and emotionally. I was exhausted and I really wanted to sleep the rest of the day but, I knew that the guys couldn't do that because of the tour we were on. I stared out to the Potomac River and fell into a daydream.

Suddenly, I was awoken from my daze with a shock.

"Guess who!?!", Brian said as he covered my eyes.

"Oh, I wonder!"

"Damn baby, you are no fun!", Brian said as he uncovered my eyes and sat in the chair next to me. "I am so tired man! Why did we wake up so early?"

"Brian, look at the clock."

"12 fuckin 30? Damn! We have to leave for NYC at 3!", Brian said scrambling to get his stuff ready.

"Um, Brian???", I said. "Kevin called last night and said that we weren't gonna leave until 7pm since the concert isn't tomorrow.", I reminded him.

"Oh yeah!!! Cool! Well, I have got to go back to bed or I am gonna pass out. You wanna join me?", Brian asked seductively.

"How can I refuse?", I asked sarcastically.

"YEA!!!", Brian yelled as if he were a 5 y/o getting a toy.

Brian pulled me up from my chair and lifted me into his arms. I enjoyed letting Brian pick me up and lead me into his room. I had never felt so much love from anyone before and this was all too overwhelming. Brian gently placed me on the bed and laid next to me.

"So, what's on your mind?", I asked looking directly into his eyes.

"Some guy named Robert."

"Oh really, so you are cheating on me?", I questioned.

"Naw, I would never cheat on you! You should know that!"

"I know, I am just playin. So am I always on your mind?", I asked smiling.

"You know it! You will always be on my mind.", Brian stated proudly.

"Well, do you know what is on my mind?", I asked Brian.

"What?", Brian asked.


I slowly moved my head towards Brian's and touched Brian's lips. I laid my hand on Brian's waist and began rubbing him as we kissed ever so gently. Brian slowly opened his mouth to let my get a taste of his mouth. I slyly let me tongue enter his mouth as Brian began to moan ever so lightly.

"Baby, I want you....", Brian said as we continued to kiss.

"I know...but, I don't want to make love to you right now. Maybe later tonight?", I asked Brian knowing that he couldn't wait that long.

"Bu....bu....but...I want to now!", Brian whined while he began to suck on my neck.

"MmmmMMmmm, Brian, I know you want to but, I want our first time to be beautiful. I want to make love to you. I don't want to fuck you.", I said boldly.

"Your right. Lets just rest before we have to go.", Brian said lowly as he released my neck and turned to the opposite side of the bed.

"Brian? I am sorry ok?"

"Just forget it. We are both not ready to go that far yet. I want to so bad but, we arent ready and you pointed that out to me. Thank you so much.", Brian said in an annoyed tone.

"Why are you so mad? Why does everything have to be sex with you? I wish you would love me when you aren't thinking about me in that way. Not only when you are horny!", I said as I walked into the restroom.

"Where are you going?", Brian yelled after me.

"I am gonna take a shower. Is that ok with you SIR?", I asked sarcastically.

"That's fine.", Brian said embarrased. "I am sorry Robert. I always love you. No matter if it is day or night, rain or shine.", Brian whispered under his breath.

"Why does it have to be this way?", I asked myself.

Thoughts of breaking up went through my mind. I really didn't know if Brian truly was the right person for me. Sex is fun but, if a relationship is all sex then what is its purpose. I wanted to have a relationship what wasn;t just to get off. I wanted to be in love not lust.

"Maybe I am just over-reacting", I thought to myself.

I stepped in the shower and ran the hot water through my hair. I closed my eyes and thought deeply about what I should do. I ended up deciding to go with the flow and if I could ever not stand my relationship then I would get out of it. I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I brushed my hair and my teeth and shaved. After I put on some nice clothes I walked out of the shower and sat down next to where Brian had dozed off.

"I am sorry for snapping at you. I just want my first time to be special.", I whisperedt o him.

"I love you so much.", I said as I laid a kiss on his lips.

Brian slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Hey", he whispered.

"You really are that tired aren't ya?", I said as I rubbed his forehead.

"Mmmhmm.", Brian moaned.

"Well, when do you want to wake up?", I asked.

"I dunno.", Brian murmered.

"Well, that helps!", I said sarcastically. "I think I am gonna go down to Kevin's room and see what is happening until we leave at 7 ok?"

"Ok, I will be here!", Brian said closing his eyes.

"I love you...", I said as I walked out the door.

"I love you too.", Brian whispered back.

I walked over to the other side of the hall and knocked on Kevin's door. The door opened and I saw the guys sitting in the room chatting.

"Look who's finally awake!", AJ gawked.

"Yeah! yeah! Guess who is still asleep though?", I said laughing.

"Yeah Brok is a big sleeper. Especially when he does a concert!", Nick stated.

"Cool. Well the reason I came down here is because I wanted to know our plans since Brian wants to sleep forever. He wants to know when he needs to wake up."

"We ain't doin shit! We are just passin time til we leave for NYC!", AJ said excitedly.

"Ok, so what time do we need to leave for the airport?", I asked.

"Probably sometime around 530 because it will be rush hour and teh flight leaves at 715.", Keviun informed me.

"Ok, well we will be ready then. I guess I will see you guys later.", I said as I walked out of the room.

"Ok, Brian is usually always the first awake.", Howie said after I had left the room.

"Yeah, I know, I was just covering for him when I said he is a big sleeper.", Nick confessed.

"I wonder why he is still in bed?", Kevin pondered.

"Probably because he would rather spend time with Rob than be with us guys hollerin and hootin!", AJ said in a matter of fact way.

"Yeah well, he met us first!", Howie complained.

"Yeah but, Robert is his new boyfriend of less than a week. They need to be together!", AJ fought his case.

"Yeah and they can be together in here!", Howie fought back.

"D. You know as well as I do how annoying we all are. If I had a girlfriend here I wouldn't want her around ya'll!", AJ giggled.

"Oh thanks!", Howie said sarcastically.

"Well, I don't know about ya'll but I can't wait to get to New York and see that fox Carson Daly!", Nick said blushing.

"Yeah, he does act kind of gay maybe you have a shot Nick!", Kevin teased.

"Oh whatever, he is so str8! I will never have a boyfriend man!", Nick complained.

"We'll see Nick. I just hope you don't get yourself into trouble. You know you are young and very immature!", Kevin reminded him.

"Don't worry dude! Brian gave me a few pointers!", Nick boasted.

"Anyways! Back to the TV!", AJ wisely changed the subject.

I walked into my and Brian's room and saw him sleeping with his mouth wide open. He was so cute when he was sleeping. He looked like an angel. I slowly walked over to where he was laying and I got in the bed next to him. I got under the covers and I cuddled up against Brian. He stirred a little but, then went back to a deep sleep. Just like he was before except he had a grin on his face and whispered. "I love you".

I rubbed my hand over Brian's chest and knew that I could only let him sleep one more hour because we had to get ready to go. I layed watching Brian's chest rise for an hour and I woke up and saw that his grin hadn't faded.

"Brian....", I whispered.

"Uhhhhh", Brian whined.

"Brian, you need to wake up. It is 2 and we have to leave here at 530 since we will be in rush hour traffic.", I informed him.

"I want to sleep though!", Brian complained.

"Really? You have been sleeping all day!", I reminded him.

"I know..I just want to spend time with you.", Brian confessed.

"Is that why you have been sleeping all day?", I asked.

Brian just smiled and got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. He didn't shut the door while he took his clothes off and he invited me in.

"Baby, I don't know I really am not in the mood too.....", my voice trailed off as I saw Brian's erection.

I ran into the bathroom and stripped down while Brian starred in awe at me.

"What?", I asked with a smile.

"It's just I have never seen you like this.", Brian answered.

"Well, maybe I realized that my man deserved certain "things" from me.", I said while gently kissing him on the lips.

"What falls into the certain "things" cantegory?", Brian asked seductively.

"Use your imagination and follow me into the shower!", I said as I pulled Brian into the hot shower.

" are too much!", Brian said sucking my neck.

"Mmmmmhmmm", I moaned.

I slowly kissed Brian's lips and went down to his hard pecs. I had never seen a guy so tightly built. Brian's body was in perfect condition except for a scar on his chest. Of course I knew that he had had heart surgery but, it had never affected me as much as it did at this moment.

"Don't worry about that Robert I am perfectly fine. It is just a reminder to me. it's ok really.", Brian said trying to comfort me.

I stood up and hugged Brian for more comfort.

"If I ever stress you out...tell me and we can break up...even if I don't want to because I wouldn't be able to bear the thought that I made your heart mess up.", I confessed sadly.

"Robert baby, it really is ok. I am ok and I want you to know that it will never be your fault if my heart acts up again ok? I promise you it will never be your fault. Ok?", Brian said while hugging me.

"Maybe we should get out of here. I think I have woken up and I don't want this to upset you anymore ok?", Brian said while turning the water off.

"Ok....thankyou.", I said while stepping out of the shower for the second time that day.

We dried each other off and dressed each other. Brian walked out of the bathroom while I combed my hair. I was really excited about going to New York but, I wasn't excited about being around all of those people. I helped Brian pack up all of our stuff and by the time we had everything ready to go down staris it was 4:45.

"Doesn't time fly fast when you are having fun!", Brian said while wrapping his arms gently around me.

"Yeah it does.", I agreed.

"Well we need to get this stuff down to the lobby and into the truck to go to the airport.", Brian stated.

"Ok, let me check the room to see if we left anything and I will help bring the stuff downstairs.", I said going back into our room.

I checked under the bed and in the closet for clothes we might have left. I looked in the bathroom and I saw a piece of paper that read:

To: You From: Me. I opened it and read the message.

Will you sit with me on the plane ride to NYC? If you don't want to I will still always love you.

With all my love, Your boyfriend,

Brian Litrell

"How can anyone in the world be that sweat and cute?", I thought to myself.

I walked back to the door where our things and Brian was waiting for me.

"Did you find anything?", Brian asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I found some piece of paper and I threw it away.", I said smiling back.

"Oh yeah, I hate when people just leave paper layin everywhere!", Brian played along.

"Me too. Well shall we bring this shit down stairs or what?", I asked changing the subject perfectly.

"Yeah but, first I need to do something.", Brian stated with a huge smile and kissed me deeply on the lips. I moaned lightly and allowed his tongue to enter my mouth and show his love for me. The kiss didn't last long but, I knew it wouldn't be the last one today.

"That was nice!", I said suprised of his actions.

"Yeah it was. Maybe we can do that again in the near future. But, until then let's get this stuff downstairs before we miss our ride.", Brian said as he picked up some luggage and dragged it to the elevator.

Brian and I met up with the guys downstairs and put all of our luggage in the truck that would take our things to NYC. We all got in the limo that would be taking us to the Airport and drove off. The traffic wasn't too terrible so we arrive at the airport at 630.

"So, we have an 45 min until we leave. What do you guys want to do?", Kevin asked inquisitively.

"Let's go grub man, I am starvin!", Brian suggested as everyone else agreed.

We all walked to the food court in the airport and grabbed some fast food and brought it over to our private terminal. We got in a circle on the floor and ate our food while we chatted about no sense.

"So, Nick, are you gonna make a move on Carson when we are on TRL?", Kevin asked laughing.

"Whoa....what did you say?", I asked in shock.

"Umm...I kinda have a thing for Carson Daly.", Nick confessed.

"YOUR GAY!!!???!!!", I yelled in shock.

"SHHHHHH dude. We aren't in complete privacy especially when you yell.", Nick reminded me.

"I had no fuckin idea! I would have never guessed you let alone brian!", I said in awe of the situation. "So do you know if Carson is gay?", I asked in curiostity.

"No we don't know but, no one is going to ask. I think he is but, I am to chicken to ask him.", Nick said sadly.

"I'll ask him.", I stated bluntly.

"That's ok really. I don't want to put our group in jeopardy. Anyways he probably isn't gay.", Nick said dissapointed.

"Well, we will find out won't we!", I said to myself knowing that I would ask Carson once we were in NYC.

"Come on dudes! The plane is ready to be boarded!", Kevin said.

We all stood up and grabbed our carry-on bag. The plane ride wasn't going to be that long so we really could pass the time by talking. Brian took his seat and kindly let me have the window seat. He grabbed my hand and lightly rubbed his thumb against me. I quickly kissed Brian on the cheek and he looked up with suprise.

"What was that for?", Brian asked happily.

"Nothin.",I replied kissing him on the lips this time.

"Mmmm", Brian moaned as we continued to kiss.

I broke the kiss and laid my head in Brian's lap just as I had on the plane ride before.

"Nope baby! We gotta take off and then you can lay your head down.", Brian said concerned about the take-off.

"Ok, thanks for lookin out for me Bri.", I said disappointed.

"Don't mention it.", Brian insisted as he kiss my neck.

"Ba....babyyy...mmmmm..pleaseee stop.", I requested.

"Hehehe, I couldn't resist! I know what make your blood boil.", Brian said with another smile.

"Ok folks, we will be taking off in a minute here! I hope this ride is nice for you and I will try to get there so you guys can get to sleep ASAP. Without all of the temptations of NYC. Well, I will inform you of our landing when we get there! Thanks!", the captain informed us.

The plane's engine's began to roar and the plane began to move forward ever so slowly. We began to pick up speed and finally we were off the ground and headed to NYC!

"OK guys, you can take your seatbelts off and enjoy your ride!", the stewardess informed us.

"You can lay down now.", Brian told me.

"Well, do you want me to?"

"Are you tired?", Brian questioned.

"Kind of. But, I can sleep when we get to the hotel.", I conceded.

"Yeah but, I want to cuddle with you right now!", Brian complained.

"Me too.", I agreed!

"Well, come over here dummy!", Brian said as he pulled me close into his arms.

I let Brian put his arms a round me and I laid back. He kissed me on the forehead and I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to a wet sensation in my ear. I opened my eyes to see that Brian was nibbling on my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes so Brian didn't know I was awake. I slowly moved my hand down to his crotch and moaned as if I was being stirred in my sleep. I softly played with Brian's crotch and he started to go crazy.

"What is he doing?!?", Brian screamed in curiosity.

"Well Brian, maybe if you wouldn't suck on his ear while he is asleep he wouldn't grope your crotch while he is asleep!", Nick teased.

As Nick said this he saw my eyes open and saw me smiling. Nick started to bust out laughing and he quickly told my secret to the others. Once they all caught on to what I was doing the whole plane was a barrel of laughs except Brian.

"Look at this kid!", Brian laughed in amazement. "I can't believe he is doing this in his sleep! I guess I am just irresistable!", Brian boasted with a smile.

"Yeah I guess!", AJ hollered as he continued to role laughing.

"Yeah you are quite the irresistable one!", Kevin played.

"Shutup guys! Yall just wish someone would rubbed your package while they are sleeping!", Brian further boasted.

"What the fuck make you think I am sleeping!", I said as I rose up and suprised Brian.

Brian's face began to turn beet red and he started laughing himself.

"I can't believe you! Come here you bastard!", Brian yelled as he began to tickle me.

"AHHHH...hahahah Brian stop!!!! PLEASEEEEE!!!!", I yelled.

"Not until you say the magic words!", Brian said contiuing the tickling session.

"Ummmm....Im Sorry!!!! ok!!! STOPPP Hehehe Please baby!!!", I said runing out of breath.

"That's not the magic words!", Brian said slyly.

"I LOVE YOU!!!! OK???", I said as Brian gladly stopped tickling me.

"I love you too...", Brian said as he kissed me passionately.

"Awww, look at that. Aren't them two so cute?", Howie cooed.

"Yeah, I wish I had something like that.", Nick said softly.

"Well folks, we are about to land so if you will get your safety belts on I will be glad to let you off this bird! Oh and Welcome to New York!", the pilot said happily.

"Come on babe, let's get buckled in!", I said pulling Brian into the seat.

The plane landed softly and we were finally in NYC. We slowly got off the plane and picked up our bags from the baggage carrier. A limo was waiting for us and we were driven to the hotel. Brian and I were quite awake so we decided to put our stuff in our room and go to the indoor swimming pool. It was pretty late so the pool was only being used by us. I took my shirt off and jumped in the pool. I hadn't swam since last year. It was great feeling the water and feeling free. I loved to swim. On top of this my baby was with me. Brian sat in down and put his feet in the water. He just sat and watched me swim with a smile on his smile.

"You gonna come in?", I asked.

"Maybe.", Brian teased me.

"Let me hold your hands.", I demanded.

I grab Brian's hand and pulled him in the water.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!", Brian yelled.

"Hey! I just wanted to hold you.", I said with a puppy dog face.

"Ok....I give up!", Brian said as he swam over to where I was sitting in the pool.

"Thank you.", I whispered into his ear while I kissed it.

Brian turned his face towards mine and gently kissed me on the lips. I tilted my head and let the kiss get fired up. Brian released my mouth and began to suck on my neck. I began to moan lightly and breath a little heavier. I swam away from Brian and had him in hot pursuit of me. I got out of the pool and moved over to the jacuzzi where I found Nick, AJ, Howie, and Kevin staring at me.

"Tu vas Chico!", Howie said laughing.

"Oh god! Ya'll didn't see everything did you?", I asked fearing the answer.

"Um...well we saw enough to know how nasty you guys are!", AJ teased.

Brian walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey guys...", Brian said as he kissed my shoulders.

"Hi Brian! We were just discussing that photographer over there taking pictures of you two.", Kevin said.

"OH MY GOD!!! Where?!?", Brian said scared to death.

"Baby, calm down it was a joke! Come on, let's get in this jacuzzi. I am cold!", I said as I jumped in and sat in between Nick and Kevin.

"Roberttttt.....", Brian whined.

"Come here....", I gave in.

I sat down on the bottom of the jacuzzi and let Brian sit on the seat.

He put his hands down my chest and played with my pecs.

"So, are you excited about seeing Carson tomorrow Nick?", I started a new conversation.

"Oh yeah! But, I am just gonna get to see him.", Nick said sadly.

"You really like him a lot don't you.", I asked Nick.

"Yeah, to say the least.", Nick said with a grin.

"Well, I will talk to him for you. Right now if you want me to.", I proposed.

"How could you do that? He is at home and you don't have is phone number.", Nick contradicted my confidence.

"I can get it....", I told Nick.

"Whatever man...Well guys, let's not be wrinkly tomorrow. Besides we need to get some good sleep", Nick said changing the subject.

"I agree. Come on Bri. Let's go to our room and play a game.", I said as I winked at him.

"We're gone!", Brian yelled as he pulled me out of the jacuzzi and up to our room.

"BYE GUYZ!!!", I yelled as I exited the pool room.

Brian pulled me into the room and stripped his wet bathing suit off. His cock was rising and I could tell he needed to get off.

"Baby, will you take my virginity away tonight?", I asked Brian with a tear in my eye because I knew that this was my moment. "I would love to", Brian said as he began to kiss me gently.

I put my arms around Brian's waist and kissed him back. I let his tongue slip in my mouth and taste my mouth. He was being so gentle it was suprising. Brian turned my around and took my wet bathing suit off to release my raging dick. I layed myself on the bed and propped my head up with a pillow. Brian turned the lights down and got out some Astrolube.

"When it is time do you want me to use a condom?", Brian asked with care.

"I trust you....", I said as another tear of joy came to my eyes.

"Brian slowly inched his way towards my cock and groped it and played with my cock while he kissed me. I began to slightly moan from pleasure and Brian new he was doing a good job. Brian released my lips and worked his way down from my neck to my pecs and started to suck my pecs til they were rock hard. My moans became louder from the feeling of Brian's action. Then Brian licked his way down to my dick and started to tease my head with his ready tongue. He began to prod my cock with his tongue as his hand slowly inched its way to my ass. Brian went further down on my dick and began to suck my head and bob slowly up and down while he gently inserted his finger in my tight ass. I moaned loudly as his entire finger found its way into my ass and Brian stopped.

"Are you ok baby?", Brian asked with care.

"Mmmhmmm....I am just real tight and I need to loosen up some.", I informed him as he went back to sucking my cock. Brian was now bobbing faster and faster on my cock while he began to pump his finger in and out of my ass. My moans were getting louder and louder with the ecstacy that was filling the room. Brian took my cock out of his mouth and began to suck my balls gently and bring me closer and closer to orgasm. I finally told Brian to stop.

"I am ready baby....I want you to take my virginity away. Please?", I asked knowing the answer.

"Ok, I love you Robert.", Brian said as he grabbed the Astroglide.

Brian dobbed some glide on to his hard cock and began to jack off so make his cock nice and slippery. Then hedobbed some on to my asshole and began to finger me with force.

"Does that hurt baby?", Brian asked concerned.

"No...I can barely feel that...", I said happily in having no pain.

"Ok, well that was just a finger....", Brian informed me.

Brian opened my ass and slowly and gently pput his hard cock to my awaiting hole. Then he slowly entered my tight ass and filled my ass with his cock. Tears began to stream out of my eyes from the pain but, I knew that this is what it was all about.

"Are you ok now baby?", Brian asked with further precaution.

" just hurts really bad.", I said as tear free as I could.

"Do you want to stop? We don't have to do this.", Brian said with care.

"No...I want to do this. I want you to be my first and only one!", I cried as I loosened my stomach muscles and let the pain sunside.

"Ok, just tell me if it hurts to much....", Brian said as he began to slowly let his cock slide out of me.

Slowly Brian began to pump my ass and fuck me for the first time. After a couple of minutes the pain started to subside and pleasure started to enter the equation. I began to moan out of pleasure and I told Brian to do it harder and faster. Brian started to pump my ass a full force now and he was breaking up a sweat.

"Ohhh fuck feel so good....Brian said as he looked me in the eyes. "I love you Robert!"

"Brian was starting to get close so I tightened my ass muscles around his cock to make it feel better. Brian continued t opump my ass harder and harder while he jacked my hard cock.

"Oh fuck...I am close....oh shitttt....BABY....I AM CU..CUMMMIINNNNNGGG....Brian yelled as I felt hot jizz enter my tight ass for the first time.

Feeling the cum enter me set my cock off and I started to cum all over me and Brian. Brian continued to pump my ass as he entered his load into it.

"OHHHH...FUCK BABY!!! I am cumming too...AHHHHHH YEAH FUCK...YEAH BABY....FUCK ME.....SHIT!!!", I screamed as the last of my cum exited my now limping cock.

Brian laid down ontop of me and mixed our cum together...We were both exhausted now.

"That felt soooo fuckin good baby!", I said to my please lover.

" did.", Brian said as he looked up, smiled, and kissed my deeply.

We both got out of the bed and cleaned each other off. After we were all cleaned up we got back in our bed and Brian laid his head on my chest and we started to drift off to sleep.

"Brian?", I called.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Thank you for making my first time so special..", I said with a tear in my eye.

"Your welcome and thankyou for making my first time even more special.

I love you Robert"

"I love you too Brian. Goodnight!", I said as I kissed his head and fell into a deep blissful sleep.

To Be Continued!

Next: Chapter 8

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