Lifes Turns

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Nov 6, 2010


This is a fictional story involving sexual relations between two or more males. If you are under the legal age of consent to read such material, or if you are offended by the subject matter, then you are in the wrong place and should not read any further. This is a Fictional story and any Relation to any real person is purely coincidental.

Remember that in this fantasy world, there are no sexually transmitted diseases. We are not so lucky in the real world, so remember to play safe and wear a condom when performing the acts mentioned in this story. Feel free to email me at

I woke up to smelling something burning; it took me a minute to remember that I was in Chris's bed. It was now dark outside, this morning I was being consoled by a good friend but ended up with a sore from all the loads I dumped in Chris's holes. Even though the sex was incredible in the back of my mind I thought of Ian. Before I could think about him my cell phone rang, it was Ian's dad Craig. I pressed call and said hello.

Craig: Hey Mike how's it going?

Mike: I'm good sir how are you?

Craig: Well that's what I want to talk to you about. Ian came home last night distraught, he's been in his room all day and he finally came out and asked me to get all his things from you guy's place cuz he moving out.

Mike: Did he tell you why???

Craig: Actually no, but whatever it is he'll tell me when he wants too, well unless you want to explain first.

Mike: I think it would be best to hear it from him, but could you tell him that all I really wanted was to be his friend and nothing has to change about that unless he wants it.

Craig: Well I'll tell him but I don't like being in the dark especially when it comes to my son, I'm going to be at you guy's place soon and I don't have a key, so I didn't want to surprise you by coming over unannounced.

Mike: well I'm not there but give me fifteen minutes and I will be.

Craig: I'll be outside waiting.

I ended the conversation and tried to find my clothes. I scoured Chris's room but couldn't find them. It was at that moment that the memories rushed back of my clothes in a pile in the basement but I had grabbed my cell phone in case Ian had answered any of my text. Well I grabbed some clothes out of Chris's dresser and hauled out of there. I began to speed through traffic as if my life depended on it, when it dawned on me that what I was doing to Chris was the same thing Ian was doing to me, leaving without any notice. I called Chris and told him the situation and even though I couldn't have dinner in bed with him now that I really enjoyed the time we had and hoped it would continue. He seemed disappointed but understood, before I could get off the phone with him I saw flashing lights in my rearview mirror. It was a cop, I looked forward and down and saw that I was going forty miles over the speed limit.

I pulled over, "sir do you know how fast you were going," the policeman asked me. "Officer it is an emergency, I'm trying to save a friendship," I plead with the guy. "License and registration," I gave him my registration but I remembered that my license was still in my pants in Chris's basement. I told the officer where my wallet was, he raised one eyebrow and asked why all of my clothes were at my friends house. The expression on my face told him everything. "You fags are all the same, always dramatic and always in need of a big cock, get out the car." I was shocked by his statement, never in my life had anyone ever called me a fag and yet here I was being insulted by a cop. I got out the car and put my hands on the hood of my car. "Spread you legs, do you have and drugs or weapons on you," he asked me. "No sir, these aren't even my clothes." He started patting me down; he brushed his hands through my hair pulling my head back. Then he moved close to me where I could feel his hard on pressing into my ass crack. Next he felt up my chest, casually tweaking my nipples making me gasp from his rock hard body. "Is this necessary," I hesitantly asked. He pinched my nipples even harder; I tried swatting his hands away. He pulled out his handcuffs and cuffed my hands behind my back. Then he felt up my shoes and slowly went up my legs, he went further up my legs. "Wow you've got some strong hamstrings here; you must like to work out?" I didn't know if I should answer or not so I just remained silent hoping he would hurry this up. That's when I felt him grab the sides of my ass. "What do we have here," I forgot that I took one of Chris's jockstraps forgetting that it wasn't even mine. The cop began to play with the straps plucking them like strings to a guitar. "Is this yours or your friends too," I lowered my head and told him the truth. "Alright I need to make sure you're not keistering any drugs" I had no clue what he meant until I felt his index finger enter my butt cheeks. "My finger isn't big enough to ensure you're not withholding anything from me. So he sunk his hand in the front of my jock as an anchor and sunk two fingers up my hole. With those two movements my dick instantly became hard.

He walked me from my car to his, if it was in the daytime surely cars could have seen the giant bulge in my pants during my perp walk. He placed me in the back seat. He went to his trunk and got some hazard cones; he surrounded my car with them and jumped into the front seat of his. He began driving down an older road where it was pitch black, my heart started racing "Where are you taking me?" he didn't answer. Finally we stopped, "get out the car," my mind began to race with theories of why we were even out here. I started to think that this could be the place where they would find my body thirty years later through some cold case. He walked me up to a tree; he released one of the handcuffs and wrapped it around the tree. I was bound, fucking bear hugging a fucking oak tree. He got a flashlight and pointed it at his face, he looked like Addison, you know on that gay porn site that killed some tattoo artist, it was in all the news. I was on the verge of crying, when the cop started sniffing me then he licked the side of my face. "I love the smell and taste of fear when I'm fuckin. My eyes must have bulged out my face like a Looney toon. He walked up behind me and slowly peeled my shorts off, leaving the cool air to sting my ass. Then he started playing with the jockstrap I was wearing, pulling the straps to give me a wedgie. The guy was 6'1 and pure muscle, even if I wasn't cuffed to the tree there was no way I could take him.

He scooted my feet with the leather steel toed boots he was wearing. I was at his mercy. Once again he began to tweak my nipples; my shirt must have been getting in the way because instead of puling it up over my head he tore it in half with one try. The dirty pig started feeling my abs counting my six packs while whispering it in my ear. I was shivering partly because of the cold weather but mostly out of the shear terror of what he was going to do to me next. No matter what he was going to have his way with me, he pulled the jock out of my ass and replaced the straps with three of his fingers. I winced in pain but I relaxed my hole thinking if I am going to die tonight at least I'm going to enjoy knowing it was with a really hot guy. (Wow I must really be turning into a cock hungry fag.) After that he spat in the palm of his hand and wiped it around his giant dick. "Spit in my hand," he commanded me. I refused. "Look you're about to have twelve inches of thick meat enter your tight little hole so you can do it the easy way or the hard way." I must of spat in his hand until my mouth ran dry. He slapped it on my asshole, and stuck a couple fingers in for good measure.

I braced myself for impact, the head of his dick made its descent, at first it wasn't so bad until more and more of him started to enter me. He must have had a tapered dick, the type that's skinny at the top but gets thicker as it reaches the base. "Breathe out I'm only half way in," only half way in, only half way in! My mind began to panic, maybe it was kindness or maybe he just wanted an easier fuck but the cop started to massage the pouch of my jock turning me into a docile sow. Instantly I became hard, then I felt his pubes touch my bubble butt. "BAAH, BAAH" I couldn't Mary really had a little lamb because I was mimicking the sounds perfectly. He stuffed his precum soaked fingers inside my mouth like a baby's pacifier. I was transfixed by the cock entering and leaving my hungry ass no by the way he was working me my ass had become a cunt. Whenever he would plunge inside of me I would hump back meeting everyone of his thrust. "You really like my dick don't you" instead of answering him I would tighten my clit in appreciation of this macho man. I learned so many tricks that I couldn't wait to try on Chris's lovely ass. This cop really knew what he was doing; he would pull all the way out to where just the tip would be lodged in my crack and thrust forward. I could feel his eight pack resting on my back, it felt like the belly of an alligator pressing me into the tree. "You like my dong fucking your pussy little bitch?" I was still sucking on his fingers; he pulled them out and began stroking my cock. "You got a nice mouth next time you're sucking my cock." I was shocked I didn't think that there was going to be a next time. I had resigned myself to believe that this was going to be my last fuck on earth. "Little bitch I want you to cum for me." My willy was so hard it hurt, but I didn't know if I had anymore cum in me after fucking Chris so long.

The cop's cock was hitting my prostate so hard that I knew I was going to cum but I was so full of dick I didn't think my body would understand. I grinded my ass on the base of his cock, I could feel every vein on his mammoth dick rubbing into my cold skin. Then he pulled my head back and stuck his tongue inside my mouth. Like his cock his tongue felt like the size of a baby's arm. I was just his receiver; he was turning me into his bottom bitch ensuring that his dick would be the thing I would sleep thinking about. With that passionate kiss I finally came, I thought I was going to be deaf when he roared like a lion in my ear. My orgasm had squeezed his dick into submission, bending it to its will. Before I could even come down from my high the cop started to jizz up my ass and it wasn't a couple of spurts. No it felt like a gallon of cum was flowing inside of me; it was so much that I thought he was pissing inside of me. My stomach looked like a woman in her second trimester and it was definitely a boy. There was no time to bask in the afterglow of such a wonderful nut; I began to shiver from being exposed to the cold air. He pulled out of me and I could swear that his dick looked liked the curve switched to a different direction. The officer took the cuffs off of me and pulled me into his arms. We looked at each other face to face, and then he gave me this tender kiss on the lips. I was too weak to walk back to the car, so he hoisted me over his shoulders and put me in the front seat. We drove back to my car holding hands; I think I was falling for him badly. "So my name is Mike and yours is," he laughed and said Rand. To think we had just had this incredible fuck and I had just learned his name afterwards. We arrived at my car; he entered my cell number in his. Just as I was about to get out the car it dawned on me that my shirt was in shreds. He said that if I get his undershirt he would get my cum soaked jockstrap. I told him that it wasn't mine but he thought that's what would make it sexier. I relented and peeled the jock off, I threw it at him. He place the pouch up to his nose and inhaled my scent, the he unbuttoned his shirt. His muscles were so large that he was struggling just to get his uniform off. Then he took off his undershirt, I gasped in admiration of his bulging biceps, his rock hard abs and his succulent pecs. I walked to my car with the sound of swooshing at my feet. The soles of my shoes were soaked with his cum that leaked out of my ass.

I got my phone and saw that there were twelve missed calls from Ian's dad and Chris. I called both and told them I was on my way home. Rand honked his horn and waved goodbye to me then we drove in different directions.

I made it home and there Craig was standing outside my apartment. I explained that I was pulled over and had a little trouble with the cops. I was surprised that he took so much interest in me; I mean our relationship had been maybe a few words at best. We walked up the stairs, "hey mike your shorts are soaked in the back." "Yeah lately I've been working out nonstop." "Oh really is that why you have a shirt saying protect and serve on your back." I laughed nervously "don't worry your secrets safe with me" as he padded me on the ass. I winced in pain remembering the wrecking I just went through with Rand's tube steak cock. We got inside I offered Craig a beer, he readily accepted. "So Mike are you gay?" I almost spat my beer out of my mouth. I told him if he had asked me that a week ago I would have said something different but for now I didn't know.

Then came the awkward silence, Ian really took after his father. They both had really defined jaws yet soft eyes; they looked a lot like Rob Lowe. I decided to break the tension by getting Ian's luggage. I put all his clothes on his bed and told Craig which side was Ian's. I told him I needed to take a shower and if he needed anything holler. I ran my bath water thinking that either I would find another room mate or move in with Chris. I jumped in the hot water, letting my muscles soak in the heat. My dick started to rise thinking of Rand pummeling me with that horse cock. I pushed two of my fingers up my chute feeling the thick cum leak out of my asshole. When in the corner of my eye there Craig was standing naked with a giant hard on.

"Is there room in there for two?"

To Be Continued...

Thanks for all then positive feedback, a lot of people wanted me to continue writing this story. If you want to leave a comment my email address is

Next: Chapter 4

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