Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on May 1, 2017


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE) and Life's Little Lies (LLL). This story is standalone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





LUS – Chapter 9 Taxon 1

Today was a day! Not a day that parents get here, but a day that they give us some news on it. Like seriously who knows what's going on with my parents. They haven't been taking to Dash or I about when they are going to get here.

"Daaaaash!" I whined at my sister. "When are they going to call?" We were in the middle of doing our homework or rather should have been.

Dash was lying on the couch playing with something on her phone. "Don't know, should be soon," and like that Dash's phone goes off. "Speak of the parents, and they shall call. Hello, parents." She answered the call.

Dash quickly set it to speakerphone. "Hello Dash, is your brother there?"

"It's on speaker mom!" I called out from across the room. "What news do you have for us?"

You could hear her laugh a bit as she spoke. "I will be there tomorrow to look at a few houses." Our cheers almost drowned her out. "You two are more than welcome to come with me."

"I'll go!" Dash volunteered. "Tax will come with us too. He's being voluntold by me to do so." I have no gripes with this; I want to see the houses too.

"Would you like to go Tax?" Mom asked me.

I nodded. Then realizing she couldn't see me nod, I spoke. "Ya sounds cool. I'd like to see my possible future home." I'll be able to claim my room before Dash could, in theory. "When are you getting into town tomorrow?"

"You'll be at school when I get into town. If you two would like I can pick up guys up?"

"YES!" Both Dash and I shouted at the same time. Twins will be twins.

Mom laughed. "Okay, I will be there. Tired, but I will be there. Well, my flight is early, so I'm off to bed. I'll see you tomorrow, love you both."

"Love you too mom!" Again we spoke together. "See you tomorrow!" It's quite crazy how we speak the same, twin magic I guess.

Anyways we hung up the phone and went about finishing our homework. Well I did, Dash continued playing with her phone. When I finished my work, she had barely even started hers. Like a good brother, I helped her with it.

Once finished she shoved her book off the table. "So done with all this homework. How can you do it?"

"Because it's for school."

Dash shrugged. "School's lame. What do you think mom will think of Hunter?" she perked her eyebrows up, twice. "Because we know somebody has a thing for him."

"Mom will just be happy I found someone here."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever loser. I'm getting ready for bed. Don't get too nasty tonight." I glared at her as she walked away up the stairs. Sometimes my sister is such a loser.

Hunter 2

"Do we have to?" I whined at Lucas. "Nick's family is nice and all, but I don't know any of them!" Nick's mom is having a family dinner, and EVERYONE is going to be there. I was the oldest kid out of the lot.

Lucas smiled. "You know Liam, and Nick's parents." I flopped myself down on the couch. "Gage and Sam will be there with their sons Fredrick and Aaron. Plus you'll finally meet Clair and Ricky, Liam's parents. It will be fine."

"And Lame. Family dinners are never fun."

"Why do you say that Hunter?" Nick came around the corner fixing his shirt in the mirror. "Family dinners have always been fun in my experience."

"Family dinners have always been with Gran and Grandpa, Mom's parents. They need to relax a bit honestly, always so serious in their conversations." Lucas nodded, and Nick continued to fix his shirt.

"Shyla's parents were always a bit serious, especially at dinner." Lucas laughed. "This will be much different though, promise. Brittney and Hector entertain in a much different way, you'll enjoy yourself."

"Why is Nick getting all dressed up then?" I remained in my pj's trying to protest the dinner we would inevitably go to. "Do I have to dress up too?"

"Nope!" Nick finished looking at himself in the mirror. "Mom doesn't expect it of anyone. I just think it's respectful to come well dressed to dinner." Well, that's only slightly weird, but whatever.

"So please go get dressed and bring your game or something. You'll be coming to dinner if you like it or not." Lucas brought down the heat fast. Guess I'm going to dinner with Nick's family. I did end up bringing my game with me; have to have something to do while I'm there.

I was mostly left alone while I was there. Liam was occupied by his younger cousins, Fredrick and Aaron. That left me to playing my game for a few hours. Well until Nick's mom Britney came over and sat down with me.

"How are you enjoying the stay with your father?" She sat watching her grandchildren play.

"It's been cool. Very different from staying with my mom and Jayce." I didn't look up from my game.

Britney pointed towards one of the boys. "Liam there stays with us more than his parents. They are in the middle of what looks like it'll be a very messy divorce." Wow, I had no idea...

This time I actually looked up from my game. "How come Ricky is here then? If they are in the middle of all that, why are they together if they are breaking up?" That didn't make sense to me.

"They don't see it; they think they are just in a rough patch. Liam knows a bit though; he knows his parents aren't getting along." That must be rough for the little guy. "Did you know Jayce used to have a thing for Nick?"

Sudden change in topic has caught my interests. "What!? No!"

She laughed. "Yes, Jayce tried to get Nick's attention when Lucas was in a bit of a rough patch. They never did get together though." No surprise there. Jayce and Nick don't look like they would work out anyways. "How did your mom and Jayce end up together?"

"You change topic often don't you?"

"Well, I share as much as I need to about subjects, and get a little glimpse into your head." God, she is such an adult! "But how did they meet?"

"Mom and I were out on the town, and Jayce walked up and asked if mom was mom. From there they started to hang out a bit and became a bit more than friends." It's been almost three years since that happened and Jayce has just made mom and me happier. "He's really helped out and makes us very happy."

"That's good." She rubbed my shoulder. "How do you like it here? Not having any trouble in school?"

"Nope, I've stayed out of trouble so far. Tax actually asked me out, which is more than I got when I was at home." I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"I'm happy you have a date, Hope it goes well for you. Taxon is a very nice boy." His sister is a little less nice and more demanding, but nonetheless good to be around. "Dinner will be ready shortly; would you gather the young ones and get them washing their hands?"

"I'll try." I got up, getting a pat on the back. Britney went back into the house while I went and somehow corralled the children. They listened a little better than you would think. They almost all wanted to get inside and get cleaned up; the food is super good after all.

The table was filled with food! Everything you could think of for a holiday dinner was there. Ham, turkey, scalloped potatoes, and my personal favorite stuffing. There wasn't even much of a reason for the extravagance; it was just a day the entire family could be together.

It was nice sitting at a table full of conversation. Parents making sure their kids eat family sharing stories about work and life. Liam had been talking my ear off about his friends and school.

The entire table went quiet when Britney spoke up, "There's has to be something with the boys in this family, more than half of you are gay or bi."

"Gage, Nick, Sam, Lucas and Hunter... That just leaves the three youngest boys." Hector continued.

I raised my hand awkwardly. "I'm technically not of this family by blood."

Hector waved it off. "You're still my grandson. Lucas and Nick are partners. Therefore anything of Lucas' blood is of our blood." I could feel the blush hit my face. They have known me for just a few months, and I'm already family. That makes me very happy. "Say, Lucas, has Hunter met your parents yet? Blake?"

"No sir, they haven't had the time yet. Mom is always busy with work and dad is almost always out of town. Blake only visits once in a while, so it won't be until maybe Christmas when they meet." We've tried to meet my grandparents, but it's exactly as he said. Blake... Uncle Blake? I've spoken to a bit on the phone.

"Well, maybe we can have a triple family Christmas Dinner," Britney suggested. "Ours, Lucas's and Isaac's. Isaac's sister is moving back to town, and we can bear the burden. Oh, and we could have the Rieus too."

Hector shook his head. "You're making way to much work for yourself you know that?"

"It makes sense to have all the families here. We have the space for them all, and we are all connected. Hunter, let me explain it all to you." She must have seen my face and my thinking of how the hell they are all connected. "You can see all of us here, plus we usually have Isaac's family over for Christmas dinner. Antoine's brother, Mattieu, is Blake's roommate, so we'll have two of five possibly at dinner."

"Are you sure you can handle all that honey? That's..." Hector thought, using his hands to count the number of people they would host, "twenty-seven people to have dinner for."

"Only if they all accept!" I pipped in.

Gage laughed. "True, but being realistic, they all will."

"We will do the turkey and stuffing, and then we'll potluck the rest," Britney suggested. "Would make things much easier for everyone." Twenty-seven people in one house for dinner... that is bound to be chaos! But I wouldn't miss it.

Taxon 3

"This room would be mine!" Dash exclaimed as the Realtor brought us into a bedroom. "And there's a walk-in closet; it's perfect for me!" She's been at this all day. Dash keeps trying to claim the room mom and dad will obviously have.

"Welcome to the master bedroom. It has, as Dash just mentioned, a small walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom." She walked over to the second door in the room revealing the bathroom.

Mom laughed. "I don't think this would be your room little lady." Dash gave a cheerful smile. "What about other rooms? How many are there?"

"There are three other bedrooms in the home. More than enough space for your family." One room for Dash, myself and then a guest bedroom. So far the house is much better than the other two we have seen today. "Shall we see the other rooms?"

"Just one moment, I wish to check out the bathroom." Mom was taking pictures with her phone to show dad all the photos. Have to get his opinion too. In less than a minute she joined us back in the room. "Okay, lets go see."

Out of the room, and down the hall was two doorways. The Realtor spoke again. "Two of the rooms are up here on the second floor; the last one is down in the basement."

I turned to mom immediately. "What's the chances either of us getting the room in the basement?"

"Just look at the rooms, we don't even know if we're getting the house." More likely than not that means hella no!

We went into the rooms, and they were basically the same just backwards. I could see most if not all my stuff fitting into either room. But let's face it; it's up to which room Dash wants. If I take the room she wants, she'll make my life a living hell until she gets the room.

"These rooms are boring; I don't get anything more than Tax." I glared at her.

Mom laughed at my glare. "I think the rooms are perfect that way." Mom is very neutral when it comes to getting us things. We have the same beds, bed frames, shelves... Pretty much everything big in our rooms was the same. "Neither is better off than the other." Mom's motto when it comes to us.

"But it's so cool to have better things than Tax."

"Whatever Dash," I yelled from the other room. "The house is pretty cool, but I don't know which of the three I like better though."

"The house is just outside your price range..." The Realtor spoke from out in the hallway. "But they have countered with prices on the high end of your range. If you give an offer, it will be the fourth offer, and they should be more than willing to drop the price."

"That's not a guarantee though, but nice to know." Mom typed out some notes on her phone. "You two stay up here, can we go down to the basement?"

"Of course, follow me." They left Dash and I upstairs looking at our potential future rooms.

Dash sat down in the middle of the hallway looking into both rooms. "I don't know which one I would want... Which one do you want Tax?"

"You'll just want the room I want." She showed off her shit eating grin. "You're evil you know that?"

"Oh of course I am. This house is the best honestly, as much as I like the idea of having a better room than you, its closer to everything overall." That I would have to agree with. "We'll have to convince mom and dad to get this one."

"It's on the edge of the budget Dash..."

She rolled her eyes. "You heard the lady; the owners are likely to accept a lower price. I bet you we can get this house." I couldn't help but laugh. "You with me Tax?"

"Sure, let's get it."

"Dash, Tax! Time to go." Well if Dash and I have anything to do with the choice, this is our new house. Maybe Uncle Isaac will help out if it gets too much. Who knows.

4 Regal

It's open mic night!!! Can't wait for my time to sing again. Addison was saying goodbye to his sister, so we ended up leaving a bit late. That was fine though, the beginning is usually the one good singer and then a bunch of bad ones.

"What are you going to sing tonight?" Addie asked me as he pulled out of the driveway. "Are you gonna go rock or pop today?"

"I was thinking something different actually."

He looked over at me shocked. "What?..."

"Don't worry; it won't be that bad. Promise." I laughed as he shrugged it off. He's going to be so surprised when an acoustic guitar starts to play. I plan on playing Through Glass by Stone Sour. It's one of the few, probably the only song by them I listen to.

Addison shook his head. "You're crazy sometimes, but I love it."

"You better!" We shared a laugh and continued on our way to the open mic. The ride was quiet with me singing to myself in my head. Can't let Addie know what song I'm going to sing, considering it's one of his favorite songs.

When we arrived, I could hear someone singing inside. Couldn't tell what song it was from outside. The moment we got inside though, it was clear what song was being sung, and she sounded amazing.

Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful

Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara, one of my favorite songs. Plus it's a song Addison's family plays together often. Whoever this lady was singing sounded damn good!

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing The world could change its heart No scars to your beautiful, we're stars, and we're beautiful Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh And you don't have to change a thing The world could change its heart No scars to your beautiful, we're stars, and we're beautiful

When she fished, I clapped with all my might. Addie even gave a whistle to her. With a bow, she left the stage and walked off the stage and over to her company. The MC came on stage smiling. "Wow, Linda that was amazing. Please come back for more, maybe later on?" The whole place went up in cheers; I could only assume she was blushing.

"She was amazing!" Addie somehow got to me with all the noise going on. "You have to get up there and show off your skills."

"Ya I will in a bit."

I waved to the MC until he noticed me. "Our resident celebrity, Regal is in the house. We'll get to you later Regal; now we have another newbie coming on stage." he took a moment to look at the paper. "Linda, is Vega, your son?"

"Wait, the only Vega I've ever known is that new kid, Vega Mills. Is that singer his mom!?" Addison spoke mostly to himself. If that Vega kid is anything like his mother, he's going to kill it.

"Well Vega seems to be a little shy still, so we'll move onto the next name on the list. We'll be back though Vega!" He went back to the person taking names for who will perform. "Okay, Kade Wilken the stage is yours!"

I grabbed Addie's arm and pulled him towards where Linda had headed. I needed to see this Vega kid and get his story. Pretty sure Addison figured out what I was doing before I even said a word.

When I found him, I headed straight to the table. Linda noticed our approach and ended a conversation before we arrived at the table. "I assume one of you is Regal." She smiled towards us.

"That would be me. This is my boyfriend, Addison." Addie gave a small wave towards her. Vega perked up when I said 'boyfriend.' "I wanted to tell you how amazing you are. Your voice is gorgeous. We only came in at the end, but it was one of our favorite songs, and we loved it."

"Well thank you, Regal."

"It truly was a great performance" Addison added in. "Where did you learn to sing?"

"Most of it is raw talent, but I had some singing lessons when I was young." Linda kept looking over to Vega. "Vega here is just like his mother. Raw talent with his voice."

"I look forward to hearing it later on tonight." I smiled towards Vega.

He just shook his head. "I'm not going up there tonight." Vega kept looking at the performer on stage, not losing focus at all

"How come?" Addison asked.

"Don't want to."

Addison got a confused look on his face. "Why was your name on the list then?"

"Mom put it there."

"That must have meant that you wanted to perform at one point..."

Linda shook her head. "No, I put it there even though Vega said he wasn't sure. I told them it was likely Vega would not perform."

Vega's attention finally moved from the performance to his mom. "I'm just not ready yet..." Then he turned to us. "I used to put on shows at school, but I'm not feeling it anymore."

We went silent for a bit after Linda welcomed us to their table. We sat just listening to the singers. There were some good, some okay, but most were super bad. It wasn't long before the MC looked over at us. "Okay Regal, it's your turn next to get up here!"

I turned to Addison. "I won't be singing the song in the plan, but I got a good one."

"Looking forward to it Regal." I heard Addison say something to Vega and Linda as I headed to the sound tech. After figuring out a few things with my USB and the song it was all set up and ready to go.

"EVERYONE! IT. IS. TIME. Regal take the stage!!"

I was handed the mic and waited for the house to calm down. Once it was quiet, I spoke into the mic. "For all the people who need a little help... this is for you."

I think I need help I'm drowning in myself

Help by Papa Roach... As the music started, I bounced on the stage with it. My left hand is holding my hair in place, so it didn't run to wild. I entered full-on rock mode singing this song.

Did someone turn the lights out? Or is it just another dark cloud in my head? Cause I'm cut deep, my heart won't beat Deep down low it's killing me If I wanna scratch out yesterday I've got so much I need to say

I think I need help Cause I'm drowning in myself It's sinking in, I can't pretend That I ain't been through hell I think I need help I'm drowning in myself

I almost screamed into the mic during 'through hell, I think I need help.' Like I said full-on rock mode. I didn't care if I didn't sound my greatest, Vega needed a little help right now, and this is how I was going to give it.

They're preying on my weakness Believe it I'm thinking to myself "No not again" And I won't keep listening When temptations creeping in If I wanna make it another day I've got so much I need to say

I think I need help Cause I'm drowning in myself It's sinking in, I can't pretend That I ain't been through hell I think I need help I'm drowning in myself

The song enters a solo piece here. So I gathered myself and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Full on rock mode take lots of energy. How the hell does Jacoby do this regularly?

Jacoby is the singer of Papa Roach by the way.

I think I need help Cause I've put myself through hell

The calm before the storm. I spoke so softly; it was like a different genre. Just to burst out all over again bouncing around while singing. It's the last chorus, after all, gotta give it your all.

I think I need help Cause I'm drowning in myself It's sinking in, I can't pretend That I ain't been through hell I think I need help

I think I need help I think I need help

The song finished and I was just exhausted. Standing there on stage, sweaty and panting, I smiled because even if my goal didn't work out, I had one hell of a good time on the stage.

5 Elijah

I was just sitting in my room, chilling out, while finishing up the last bit of homework. You know, minding my own business, and then my door opens up. "Hey, Elijah, your mom and I are heading out for a bit. Breston and you okay by yourselves?"

I nodded. "Ya, we'll be fine. Where are you two going?" I asked Brandon.

He gave a chuckle. "We're having a night to ourselves, going on a little date."

"You treat her nice, young man!" I scolded him jokingly. He smiled and walked off. It wasn't long before I heard the front door closed and it was clear Breston, and I was alone for the first time since we moved in.

I remained lying on my bed and doing my homework. When the sounds of footsteps came down the stairs, I couldn't help but give off a grin. The footsteps stopped in my doorway which was left open.

"Eh, Elijah..." Breston called my attention. I turned to see an almost naked boy in front of me. All he had on was his purple trunks, and he had a pretty clear bulge. "We're alone." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Indeed we are. We are also brothers now." He waved me off, rolling his eyes. "'But Elijah we're not blood-related' right?"


He came into my room strutting his stuff like a looser. Breston came up behind me, my legs between his, and lay on top of me. "Come on, sure we're brothers, but I'm sure some brothers do this sometimes." I could feel him grinding his nearly fully grown piece against my ass.

Whatever, why not? I turned around and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Breston got a great big smile on his face before unbuttoning my shirt. Once my shirt was completely unbuttoned he quickly undid my fly and got my pants off.

Breston stopped and looked at me from head to toe. I was wearing a pair of black briefs, and I guess that he got caught up in my good looks. "What, am I too good for you?"

He blushed. "If you weren't legally my brother you would be my boyfriend."

"Oh, would I?" I giggled jokingly at him.

"Oh hell ya!" Breston laughed as he tickled me. "You are an amazing person Elijah; one lucky boy will get to marry you one day." My cheeks felt warm from Breston's compliments.

"Thanks..." I spoke shyly.

Beston gave me a quick peck on the lips before pulling my underwear down. My uncut 4.5-inch cock lay in clear view when my underwear got thrown across the room. "Do you want to just skip straight to sex?" I nodded fiercely.

Breston took off his trunks showing his cut, 6-inch cock. The beat red head almost had me drooling for it. The cock was soon covered in a condom, and Breston's fingers lubed up.

My legs rested on Breston's shoulders, with a wink I saw his hand move down. My hole twitched as it was touched. I felt his finger fill my insides up, and then a second joined it. Being finger fucked felt so nice when it was being done by someone else.

When his fingers left I felt so empty, but only momentarily. I watched as Breston lubed up his cock and set it into position. The pressure of his cock opened me up as I was pulled close to Breston. With a little work, I found myself impaled on his cock.

Breston tightly gripped my legs and thrust. I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure. With a grin on his face, his pace quickened and became much harder. I grabbed hold of the blanket as my body bounced on his cock.

My homework fell off the bed in the midst of our sex. I was pushed back onto my bed, with Breston joining soon after. He pushed my legs to my shoulders, and his cock re-entered again, pounding even harder. My hand immediately went to my cock to pump it.

"I'm gonna cum!" Breston panted as his thrusts persisted. With a grunt from him and a really rough thrust deep into my bowels. I was pretty sure Breston was releasing his load; I know I was shooting mine.

After a moment to collect himself, Breston looked down at me. "You've made quite the mess there."

"Yep! It's okay though; I have a cum towel under my bed. Could you grab it for me?" I laid my head back and got my cum towel thrown onto it. "That is kinda gross... thanks."

"No problem, little bro." With a wink, he also tossed me my underwear. "Wanna play video games or something in our underwear?"

"You sure you can handle that without getting horny again?" He just laughed and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and headed up to his room with him. At least I can count on good sex with Breston until I get a boyfriend.

6 Regal

You could see Vega's gears moving in that head of his. He was thinking about getting on stage, I could tell. Performer after performer went up on stage. I was even asked to go back on stage at one point.

Addie and I would talk with Linda, while Vega stayed rather quiet. We spoke about the people up on stage. It was mostly on how they could have been better, but there was a few that were just plain bad.

In the middle of us talking Vega suddenly got up and walked off. I tried to follow him, with my eyes but lost him in the midst the crowd. I figured that he headed off to the bathroom or something and thought nothing more of it.

Then I saw a keyboard getting set up and Vega talking with the sound tech. "Eh, Vega is going to perform." I pointed towards the sound booth to show Addie and Linda.

"He's actually going to sing." Linda sounded so happy; her eyes never left Vega.

Before long the MC came back on stage. "It's finally time for Vega to come up on stage. With the help of a trusty keyboard, he will sing for you all."

Once set up he hit a couple of notes and found his place. With a signal from the sound tech, Vega closed his eyes and belted out his song.

There's a fire starting in my heart

Just his voice echoed through the room causing chills down my spine.

Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark Finally, I can see you crystal clear Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare

When a single note was struck on the keyboard, another set of chills filled my body. I was covered in goosebumps from head to toe. A regular beat of the piano

See how I leave with every piece of you Don't underestimate the things that I will do There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark

The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling

You could see he was preparing to give it his all in the chorus. I sat there sitting in anticipation for what was to come.

We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand And you played it, to the beat

The room filled with applause for Vega, but I don't think he noticed. He was too caught up in the song to notice everyone else.

Baby, I have no story to be told But I've heard one on you And I'm gonna make your head burn Think of me in the depths of your despair Make a home down there As mine sure won't be shared

The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling

We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand And you played it, to the beat

You could see how much emotion he was putting into the song. Pretty sure I could see a tear strolling down his face. There was so much emotion in the song; it was hard not to be caught up in it.

We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it, with a beating

Throw your soul through every open door Count your blessings to find what you look for Turn my sorrow into treasured gold You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow

You're gonna wish you never had met me Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep You're gonna wish you...

You could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it You played it You played it You played it to the beat

The entire place echoed in applause and cat calls. Linda was clearly proud of her son. Myself... I saw competition in front of me. Vega, whether you know it or not right now, we are now rivals.

7 Breston

Dad and I were finishing up the unpacking as Elijah, and his mom was in bed. There were just a couple of boxes left to look through, so we were up late going at it. It was quite awkward since Elijah, and I had been fucking mere hours ago.

"Dad... what is this?" I took out a folder with Elijah's name on it.

Dad offered his hand out, while still looking through his box. "Let's see it."

I opened it up before handing it to him. "Dad..."

"Let's see it." He sounded a little impatient. Then he looked up at me and must have realized what I was looking at. "Breston..."

"Does Elijah know?" He shook his head. "He doesn't know he's adopted!?"

Dad hushed me. "Keep your voice down, Breston!"

"Sorry but seriously? He's thirteen and doesn't know, but you do? How does that even happen?" I was keeping my voice down, but my anger was still very much there.

Dad sighed. "Elizabeth told me after we got engaged, but with the condition, I never tell either of you. It is not for me, nor you to tell him. It's up to Elizabeth, do you understand?" I said nothing. "Breston?"

"Yes, I get it," I grunted out. "Won't be happy about it though. Why hasn't he been told?"

"Elizabeth has just been too nervous to tell him. Just give her time, and he will find out. Has he made any comments about anything?" Dad took the folder from me.

"No, nothing."

"That's good... Well, let's get this finished up." I might have promised not to say anything to Elijah, but Elizabeth and I are going to have a serious talk. That sounds weird how I'm referring to my step-mother. Nonetheless, I think Elijah needs to know.

Chapter End.

A whole lot of chapter! Hope you enjoyed reading it all. Looking forward to seeing all of your reactions. Email me and let me know what you think! Or send a message to me on Facebook. Or even a tweet will do. All of those links can be found below.

The songs performed in Regal's Parts were chosen based on the performance of these YouTube videos. Scars to your Beautiful: Help: Rolling In the Deep:

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

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