Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Apr 15, 2016


Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think. Please donate to Nifty! :)

Check out my other stories:

Noah's Starship (Not Science Fiction): Under Interracial and College, last updated April 7th.

Emerson and the Lion: Under Authoritarian, last updated October 17th (I'll get back to this soon).


-+-{Lincoln's Pride}-+-

-'[Part 10]'-

"Lincoln, little one," I stirred in his arms and blinked up to see Samir looking down at me with concern. The morning sun was beginning to peek in through the windows. He was out of the bed and dressed for work. But today was Friday and we had planned to spend the day hiking through a canyon well outside the city.

"I let you sleep in as long as I could. I have to leave and catch a flight to Riyadh. There is urgent business. I left clothes on the counter for when you wake up. Zaid promised to look after you for the day so go and find him. I will be back before your head hits the pillow tonight. I promise," Samir kissed my forehead and brushed back my hair as I stared up at him with confusion.

I nodded with a little disappointment. We were supposed to hike to this adventure center deep in the wilderness where they had ziplines and kayaks. I'd read through their entire website twelve times in Arabic. He'd pretended to be interested when I flipped through the pictures on their site on his tablet over dinner.

He put a hand under my neck and arched it up so he could bury his lips onto mine and slide his tongue inside. I sucked at it greedily since it had been a full 8 hours since he'd last fucked me. He slid another hand under my ass and squeezed it roughly, poking a finger into me to feel for any leftovers from last night.

"Be good, little one, make me proud today and I will do the same," he held his lips an inch above mine as his eyes stared into me. He gave one last kiss to each of my nipples, still sore from his pinching and sucking the night before.

"I love you," he said as he pulled away. He didn't hesitate. He wasn't waiting for me to say it back, but I did anyway as he went towards the door.

"I love you too," I whispered and rolled over into his pillow. It was still punctuated by his cologne and sweat. I inhaled softly and the comforts of his aura lulled me back to sleep.


Zaid was working on his laptop and arguing on his phone when I found him in one of the small offices next to the kitchen in the main house. I'd been here for almost two months now and still hadn't explored all of the endless house. I'd had to ask one of the servants who just looked at me nervously knowing he wasn't supposed to address one of the house cubs. I kept saying, "Zaid, Zaid!" and finally he took me to him.

Zaid was arguing with someone in Arabic about a business deal. He was wearing a crisp button-up shirt and black dress pants. I had learned so quickly in my classes that I was able to keep up. I'd done so well, in fact, that I had moved up to the shorter language classes which left me time to take two business classes. Samir was very impressed by how hard I worked and how quickly I caught on with things.

"You really do amaze me, little one," Samir had said in Arabic two nights ago after filling me with his cum. "You breezed through the language classes and today I got an email that you Aced tests in both of your business courses. Soon you will be ready to start interning in my office while you work on your degree."

"Thank you sir. You keep me focused," I'd mumbled sleepily as I fell into his chest.


"Fucking Saudis!" Zaid cursed loudly as he slammed down the phone and snapped me back to the present.

"What's wrong?" I asked in Arabic as I leaned against the doorway. The servant had scurried away quickly in fear of Zaid who wasn't very nice to them.

"Ahh, the little prince has finally awakened," his face softened into a smile as he leaned back in his desk chair. He had actually been pretty cool with me since his argument with Samir in the kitchen and his help with freeing Anders from his awful master.

"Can I help? Tell me what happened?" I asked and walked towards him. Zaid leaned forward and his frustration softened into a half-smile as he put his hand on my arm.

"Well you wouldn't be of any use here, but the firm we work with is insisting on screwing with our land deals. Samir is there since they fuck up less when it's face to face. They are a bit sore that we are disposing of all property in the kingdom. I was trying to resolve it before he got there, but now we will hope that he can accomplish something on his own." Zaid rolled his eyes.

"You should have some confidence in him. He's very smart." I felt defensive of my lion.

"I hope so..." Zaid let it drop. "There's nothing I can do about it right now anyways. What would you like to do today?"

"We were supposed to go on a hike to a place that has zip-lines and kayaks. It's in a canyon! It looks like fun, but maybe I should wait for Samir. He seemed excited for it," I said.

"Samir wanted to zip-line? That's news to me. He used to be so afraid of everything when he was little. He'd say he wanted to do whatever Ali was interested in, but then we'd get up to the front of the line and he'd chicken out. I always had to be the one to wait with him while Ali got to ride the coaster or do the slide or whatever it was." Zaid laughed and stood up from his desk.

He took my hand in his and led me out to the kitchen. A servant was putting away the morning dishes and he quickly finished when he saw Zaid come in.

"No, I think he really wanted to try it. He's the one who came up with the idea!" I insisted.

Zaid went to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water. He handed me one with a shrug.

"Ok then, let me put on some adventure gear and we can go do that. It'll take our minds off of this disaster for awhile. Come on, sport. You can watch." Zaid took my hand again and fit his fingers between mine. He squeezed it firmly and pulled me along. He was shorter and skinnier than I am, but he had his brothers' confidence. I felt the Hamad aura of power and I followed him.

Zaid unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it across the room. He had a nicely toned chest that made up for his lack of over-muscled mass that his brothers shared. He slipped off his pants to reveal a small pair of electric green briefs that hugged an ample package. The pants had done no favors for his ass which bubbled nicely as he turned to walk towards the closet.

I sat on his bed and unthinkingly rubbed my bulge. He came back out with a small pile of clothes and stopped to look at me.

"Already hard? Samir hasn't even been gone that long. He didn't satisfy you enough before he left?" Zaid laughed.

"Uhh, oh. No, sorry, just habit around an Arab guy," I said feeling not completely awkward. I was getting used to losing my pride amongst them. They certainly didn't expect me to control myself.

Zaid set down his clothes and walked up to me. He got between my legs and put a hand on my shoulder with his bulge just inches from my face. I didn't know what he was going to do, but then he leaned forward a little and raised his left leg behind himself. He reached back and slipped off the black sock he'd had on and tossed it towards the other dirty clothes. He switched hands on my shoulder, keeping his bulge in front of me, and then took off the other one.

"I don't think my little brother would approve of your interest," Zaid laughed and I saw his bulge thickening up, straining the briefs.

"No, I guess we should get going," I mumbled, heavily intrigued to see what he was packing.

"All right then," Zaid pushed away from me and reached for his clothes. He pulled on a pair of workout shorts and a tight, white tank top that had a faded French flag across the chest.

He sat next to me and put on a pair of running shoes that looked just like the ones Samir had.

"I guess I'll be driving then. Do you know how?" Zaid asked.

"Of course, but I don't have a license here," I admitted.

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Do you want sports car or sedan?" He asked.

"Really? I can drive? Are you serious? Samir never lets me!" I literally jumped off his bed at the thought of taking out one of the Hamad's souped up racers.

"Yeah sure. When the boss is away, you should have a little fun." Zaid shrugged with his normal, unbothered air. I wondered what it took to get him excited about something.

We headed down to the garage and Zaid picked out a red Camaro that looked like an American macho stereotype. He got the keys out of a lock box and tossed them to me after unlocking the doors.

"Fuckin A dude! I'll be careful. I promise. Oh shit!" I had the dopiest grin across my face that I caught sight of in the heavily-tinted windows.

"Tear it up, little boy. We're insured," Zaid said and pulled on his sunglasses as he slid in next to me in the passenger seat.

We pulled out of the garage and went down the long, winding driveway that snaked down the hill. He kept telling me to stop being a pussy and give it some juice. But then Samir's voice kept sneaking into my head telling me to be careful and remember who my master was. He would want me safe and cautious and probably wouldn't want me leaving the house at all without him.

"Go right here," Zaid said when we drove past the guards at the gates of the neighborhood. I watched them reset the big roadblocks and wondered why there was extra security today.

"I think the canyon is to the left, right?" I asked as we pulled up to the main highway.

"The highway is to the right though. I thought you wanted to see what this car is capable of? We can go down the coast a little and then circle back," Zaid offered.

"Yeah? Ok let's do it!" I pushed on the accelerator and we started to fly down the road towards the freeway. Everything here was new and modern unlike the big potholes and shoddy roads of Los Angeles. We hit the flatland and then did a circle up a ramp that merged onto the freeway.

It was mid-morning so the traffic was light and Zaid encouraged me to "punch it!" The car roared to life as I zipped around a delivery truck and past an orange taxi. We were already close to the southern end of the metro. Once we passed the last exit of civilization, the three lanes narrowed to two and the traffic disappeared. I pushed down on the pedal and watched the speedometer climb quickly. 70, 80, 90, there were no cars in sight as the engine roared.

"Fuck this is awesome!" I yelled and Zaid started playing with the radio as though he were bored. The freeway began to climb a hill that jutted out towards the sea. The car responded as though it were on completely flat land. We zipped up and I watched the speedometer hit 100.

"This is too fast. Maybe we should..." I started, but Zaid interrupted.

"Daddy's not here, Link. We have seatbelts and airbags. Go nuts, kid." He urged without looking up. I pushed it to 120 and we were headed on the downslope where the road curved slightly back towards the sea. My heart was pounding as I watched the world fly by. No one was near us, no trees or animals or other cars. It was open highway on the flat, desert floor.

We zoomed along, much farther from the city than I had ever been. It was the middle of nowhere, an ancient route of places many had traveled but none had settled. It was exhilarating and a little scary to go so fast, but Zaid seemed to think it was ok. I hit 130 and then let off the gas and coasted as the speedometer settled back down.

"That was fun man! Thanks! Where can I exit to turn around?" I asked with nothing ahead of us.

"Uh, Oh! We're almost out of the kingdom. We can turn around at the border checkpoint. That's all there is ahead of us," Zaid said and started playing on his phone.

Sure enough, we went over a hill and then I saw a hundred warning signs and a cluster of armed men about a mile ahead of us. There was literally no way to turn around with thick cement barriers between us and the oncoming traffic. Zaid's phone rang and he answered it as though I wouldn't have any problems dealing with the border guards.

"Hey man, I don't think I can. Dude?" I poked Zaid as I slowed down. We were coming up towards the guards and Zaid didn't seem to care.

"Shh," Zaid told me and went back to his conversation in superfast Arabic. I picked up that he was getting an update about the business deal.

I slowed the car to a crawl about 200 feet from the guards. They started to stir as they noticed me and one of them said something to the other with a sneer. They both laughed and raised their guns towards my direction. I rolled down my window as I coasted towards them.

"Hi. I need turn car back," I said in my Arabic with gestures of turning around. It was majorly failing me as my nerves were rattled. They ignored me and five of them swarmed around my car. They must have had a slow morning, I was getting the full check-up.

One of them tapped on Zaid's window and he just shooed them away angrily as he spoke on his phone. That didn't seem to deter the guard who again tapped and nodded towards me. I fumbled with the controls and figured out how to roll down Zaid's window. They weren't interested in addressing me. I didn't have the skin color for authority here.

Zaid paused his phone conversation and glared at the guard. He pulled his ID card from his wallet and handed it to him with an insult. I think he called him a son of a donkey.

"Dude, don't get us in trouble! Please," I begged Zaid as the other guard leaned into my window to eye me with interest. He sniffed close to my cheek and then laughed. He turned to the others and made some joke. They laughed at whatever he had said as the guard with Zaid scanned his ID.

I wasn't asked for anything, but I took out the special ID card Samir had given me that had my information and his.

"I turn car back please," I said to the guard in my best attempt at Arabic. His face was inches from mine and I felt the heat of his breath, the smell of his mint gum.

"You American?" He asked me in heavily accented English.

"Yes sir. I belong to Hamad family of Satra," I said and showed him the ID card with Samir's picture and information. He took it and an odd smile spread over his lips. I knew the look. He instantly knew what he was dealing with.

"Your owner has not taught you to keep silent?" He barked in Arabic this time and kept uncomfortably close to me. "Pets do not talk to men. They whine or purr. Which you do, kitty cat?"

He reached as though he were going to scratch under my chin, but he didn't touch me. He knew from the car and my ID that it wouldn't go over well to touch another man's property. But to make up for that he found other ways to intimidate me.

"Please, sir. I turn back please," I said in his language and lowered my eyes.

"Let me hear you, kitty cat," He said in a low, commanding growl that made me shiver in fear. I watched his other hand adjust himself between his legs. He was getting off on this and wasn't about to let me turn around.

Zaid had gone back to his phone call and seemed to think this situation was just a minor nuisance. The other guard handed him back his ID without a word and nodded.

"Meow," I whispered and then mimicked the noise I do when Samir finds the right spot inside me. It's the one that makes his eyes snap up to mine and his eyes light up in accomplishment. It felt awful but I gave him what he wanted. I wanted to go.

"You are good boy," The guard said suddenly and pulled back from the window. "Next time don't wander so far in daddy's car."

I wanted to punch him, but I also wanted to cry. My fight or flight dial was stuck in get-the-hell-out-of-there-before-you-piss-yourself setting.

"Yes sir, thank you," I stammered. He backed away and motioned with his gun for us to turn around in a small opening in the barrier.

I steered through the opening and then got the hell out of there as fast as I could. I put a few miles between us and the border before I slowed down. Zaid finished up his call with a sudden burst of happiness.

"It is done! We are good! Samir is taking the officials out for a nice dinner to celebrate and then he will come home. We should get some lunch!" He said cheerfully.

"Dude what the fuck? Are you fucking crazy? You almost got us killed back there!" I released the dam of emotions. I realized I was yelling, but I didn't know any other way to talk to him right then.

"Killed? Oh Link, don't be dramatic. We pay for good soldiers to keep out the unwelcome neighbors! There is trouble next door and they can't just let anyone through there. Don't be a scared little American," Zaid laughed like it had all been a joke.

"He had a gun in my face and made me do cat noises while he touched himself! You didn't even set down the fucking phone to help, but I'm being dramatic?" I pushed down on the gas as I yelled and made record time back to the exit where we'd gotten on the highway.

"You knew what you had signed up for after your first week here, right Link? You aren't stupid enough to have missed the fact that you're just above housecat here. Are you? Your job is to keep silent and look pretty. If you hadn't engaged him, I would have handled it all by simply showing my ID when I finished my phone call. The guards are intimidating, but they know their place and would have waited for me. You talked to him first and showed you needed to be put in your place. That's the rules here, Lincoln. You need to learn them if you're going to be a kept boy." Zaid wasn't yelling back, in fact his voice seemed oddly caring in a way that didn't match his words.

"I am not a kept boy!" My voice sounded whiny. I guess there's no masculine way to say that. Zaid pointed the way up the road to head for the canyon park.

"Of course you are! He lets you play school, buys you little pens and office supplies. You are his pretty toy, surely you know this. You're not so stupid, are you? Every day he chisels a little more on you, here and there to craft his subdued mate. Soon you'll be raising his children and practicing yoga like Emerson. That's what you signed-on for," Zaid noted.

"That's not true. Maybe that's what you people had planned for me, but I'm getting an accelerated degree from a damn good school... and putting money away each month. My father is already able to retire and get the medical care he needs. In a few years I'll be able to start my own business and have enough money to do it. I will be able to take care of my family on my own," I said.

"Except, three years with our family has a way of breaking boys. You really think you can walk away from Samir and just drop him like that?" Zaid asked and his voice sounded like he actually cared about my answer, about his brother, about me.

"It's not a choice I have to make. I love Samir. He is the kindest soul I've ever met. He is taking care of my family, even in ways he doesn't share with me. My father told me he is helping them get into a decent house. I don't have to leave him to be a success. I wouldn't leave him. I couldn't leave him. I love him." I admitted as we started to wind up a narrowing canyon road.

We pulled up to the park entrance and of course there was another guard with a gun draped across his chest. He came towards me and said the entrance fee. Zaid reached across me and handed him a large bill. He told him to keep the change and the guard's face lit up in gratitude.

We took a narrow road through a desert canyon of oversized pink boulders perched precariously above us in a pile. To the left of the road was a small stream of water snaking its way through the ancient path. We turned a corner and the canyon opened up to a lake with a manmade water park. Strung across it, from cliff to cliff was a series of ziplines. I pulled into a parking spot as we watched a guy zip across the sky from one cliff to the other.

"This is what you want to do? You know Samir will be angry with both of us," Zaid said as he snapped a picture with his phone.

"He'll get over it. C'mon!" I slid the keys into a buttoned pocket on my shorts and jumped out. I needed to do something to erase the creepy feeling from the guards. Zipping off a cliff sounded like it would do it.

We got to the base of the cliff and there was a series of stairs carved in a zig-zag up the side. There was a check-in booth with a guy who took our money and then gave us a lock-box for our wallets, keys, phones, etc... I guessed they didn't want things falling from the sky as people zipped across the park.

Zaid had to sign release forms for both of us. Since my ID indicated that I belonged to his family, the ticket guy wouldn't accept just my signature. Zaid asked me again if I was sure and I just glared at him. He was already looking for an out.

We hiked up a million stairs as the sun blazed down from above. Zaid kept up with me with only minimal complaints. A dust storm was blowing in the distance as we made it to the top and met our zip team. I could see for miles and miles from these heights. It was pretty amazing to watch the endless, barren landscape.

I handed them the tickets we'd bought at the base and they handed me a helmet with a small camera stuck to the top of it. One guy wrapped a canvas harness around me and secured a million little straps across my stomach and chest. It felt like I was wearing a lifejacket with a diaper.

"You don't want to go first?" I asked Zaid. He was starting to look nervous and he kept creeping toward the edge to look over at the canyon below us. A guy was securing the straps on my helmet while another guy radioed to the other side to say he was sending someone.

"I don't know about this, Lincoln. It's a really long drop to the bottom. Maybe this wasn't a good idea for today." Zaid was psyching himself out before we'd even started.

"I thought Samir was the chicken. Isn't that what you said?" I laughed as the guy nudged me to the platform and started to clip me onto the zip.

"Yes but I'm the smart one. I play around, but if anything happened to you, Samir would never forgive me... I'd never forgive myself... I don't like having to babysit someone. This is why I give my boys free reign over their decisions outside the bedroom. Why don't we wait and do this when he comes back. You're his boy and it should be his choice to put you at risk." Zaid started to tell the guides in Arabic that we had changed our minds.

"No, it's my choice. Not his or yours or anyone else's. Mine, me." I interrupted him. I turned to the guides with a smile and told them in Arabic, "Haya Bina Linadhab! Let's go!"

They shrugged at each other uncomfortably and waited for Zaid to give a nod. I hated that. Once again I didn't have the right coloring for authority.

"I paid for my ticket, come on dude!" I glared at Zaid and felt like a child. He nodded and the guys radioed the other side that we were a go.

The guys double-checked my strappings with a nod to assure Zaid I was going to live. He had his arms crossed over his chest. It was odd to see him look worried.

"Wait! Fuck!" Zaid called just as they pushed me off the platform. I turned back to look at his horrified face as I went sailing off the cliff and felt the sense of floating and falling.

It's weird not to be near a surface, the ground, a wall, a ceiling. It's like coming unboxed. Just me and my harness. I hugged the straps as I sailed out over the park below. There were ants that were probably people splashing about in the lake. I saw a kid zoom down a waterslide and a couple behind a wall holding each other too tightly. They were probably fucking, but I was flying.

Usually when people do this they yell and scream, but I went silent as the world flew by with my mouth open. I watched the dust storm inching closer across the valley and wondered if it would hit us before we finished. I passed a bird who glared at me like I was a total poser. I reached for him, but he wasn't interested. At the edge of the park there was a construction site for what was likely a new hotel. This kingdom was under perpetual construction.

It was all over way too soon and I quickly had two guys grabbing my legs to stop me from running out of line. The two congratulated me and then unhooked me as I turned to look for Zaid to come sailing after me. I'm sure they waited until the line was clear to send the next one though. I probably had a few minutes to kill and took in the view of endless sand.

"Thanks guys," I said in Arabic to the guides on this side. One of them handed me a slip of paper with a website I could visit to see the video from my helmet. I'd definitely forward that to Samir. I knew he would be pretty proud of me.

I waited for a few minutes, but Zaid didn't come. I asked the guys and they radioed over. He had apparently said he wasn't feeling well and would meet me at the car. "What the fuck!" I yelled.

When I got down to the base of the other cliff there was a stand that sold pictures they took of the zip liners somewhere along the path. They had our lockbox of personal items. There I was on the photo wall giving a rockstar pose with mouth agape. I looked pretty bad ass even with the dorky helmet. My bird friend was floating just past my shoulder with a curious look on his face. I bought two copies so Samir could have one for his desk in his office.

Zaid was waiting at the car for me and sure enough he had excuses for not zipping behind me.

"Samir has run into a bit of trouble. I had to talk him through it. Sorry, Link. But you did great. How was it?" Zaid was hoping I'd give him a pass... I did.

I told him every second of it and showed him the pictures they had taken and the website where we could view my helmet cam footage.

"Thanks for taking me, man. I couldn't have done this by myself. I had fun today," I said and Zaid gave me an eyeroll to show he was back to his prickly self. I'd gotten too close to his core.

I didn't care though. I'd had my minute of freedom, of adventure, of fuck it all. I just wanted to be back with Samir now. He'd understand. He would have come barreling after me with a proud laugh. He wouldn't have let me go alone and then chickened out.

We went for a very late lunch at a seafood place on the water and then headed home.


Ali and Emerson were cuddled together on the big couch in the home theater watching some nature show with the captions on in English.

Ali was a his usual hulking mass of dark muscles with his blonde, yoga-toned, deaf husband cradled in front of him under a sea-green blanket. They looked half-asleep on lying on their sides facing the screen.

I showed Emerson my picture and signed with him all about the adventure while Zaid caught Ali up on the business events in Saudi Arabia.

"That's so dangerous! I can't believe Samir would let you do that, he's so cautious with you. Ali would never let me," Emerson signed.

"He didn't exactly let me... But it's cool. I'll tell him when he gets home," I signed with a mischievous look.

"I'm proud of you. I wish I had set some boundaries with Ali. It just made him so happy when I gave in and went along with what he said. You are really setting boundaries with Samir," Emerson signed with a sad look that didn't fit his normal happy peace.

"It's not too late. You're only 25," I signed back and moved closer to him.

"With two kids and a ring on my finger. But don't get me wrong. I love my life." Emerson was resigned.

"Looks like Samir did well for us. He even got the price down," Ali said to Zaid. It was in Arabic, not intended for my ears.

"They knew I would come next to deal with them. I wouldn't give Samir too much credit. It was my deal," Zaid sounded a little hurt at his brother's praise going to Samir.

"And it fell apart. Maybe give him some credit when he comes home. He is growing into a good businessman," Ali shot back. I caught the anger in Zaid's eyes as they flashed at me.

"Why don't we go tomorrow? I was going to kayak. That's safer. I'm sure he'd let you. We could go together with the guys!" I turned back to Emerson.

"The boys have a dentist appointment and there's a charity event for hungry kids in India coming up. I have a meeting with caterers. Plus I promised Ali I'd pick out new clothes for him for our trip to the islands coming up. Face it, Link, I'm a dad, a houseboy. I love my life, but it would be nice to have a little danger once in awhile..." Emerson turned away from me and rubbed Ali's shoulder.

Ali gave a confused look and pulled his husband close. He kissed Emerson's forehead and gave me a look like I'd done something to upset his boy. Emerson snuggled in under his arm and signed to Ali that he was fine and happy that I had a good adventure today.

I went to shower and change my clothes before dinner. I set the pictures from the adventure on the kitchen counter near where he always dropped his keys. The four of us found ourselves together for dinner sharing a pizza and watching a movie in the home theater. Zaid invited me to sit next to him but I picked the empty area on the other side of Emerson.

"So what time is Samir expected back? It's getting late," I said and looked around Emerson towards Zaid and Ali. He had only been gone 14 hours, but it already felt like days.

"He's on his way, but it may take some time. You can crash with me tonight," Zaid said and brought his plate of pizza over to sit by me.

"No, I can stay by myself and be there when he comes," I said and signed so Emerson was included.

"You can stay with us," Ali offered. "The boys are sound sleepers now and won't disturb you."

"Really, thank you, but I'm ok. I think I'll go get ready for him." I took my plate of pizza and cup of juice and left while they all sat there looking at each other. I don't know why it all hit me that day, but I couldn't take any more of the housecat treatment. It wasn't who I was; wasn't what I wanted.

I got about ten paces out of the room when I realized just how often I was escorted around in this house. I knew the way and knew the access code to our little apartment, but it just felt strange not following behind a Hamad or going to a prearranged place or activity.

The courtyard was quiet as it was getting late. I walked a few feet before I heard Zaid behind me.

"Link," he started, "I'll keep you company until he gets here." He caught up to me.

"I don't need company. I don't need a minder or chaperone. I'm not a pet. I'm a guy... and an adult... and I'll be just fine waiting alone for Samir. I promise not to burn the place down." I wheeled on him and nearly spilled my pizza. I wasn't hungry, but it did look good.

"I know," Zaid whispered and put his hand in the center of my chest. He stepped into my comfort zone and sniffed at my neck. He was letting himself look weak. It looked so foreign on him. "I know you're a man, and a very handsome one. I just so rarely get to talk to you without Samir around to guard. You're a lot more interesting than I first thought. We have a few hours before he comes home." He slid his hand down my chest and over my abs.

"Your brother is gone for one day... on a mission to help your family business... and you're already scheming to take what is his? I was just starting to think we were cool, you and me. your brother wouldn't use someone you loved just to hurt you. He'd never try to hurt you at all. You're a shitty friend and a shittier brother." I backed away from Zaid's stunned look. I wasn't the idiot he expected.

"It's not like that. I just thought..." Zaid started.

"You just thought Samir has had too good of a day and you need to take him down a notch. I'm no notch, bro," I turned back towards Samir's quarters and walked away.

I didn't look back. I wasn't his prey.

I finished the pizza and juice while watching an old adventure movie on a satellite tv channel that had way too many commercials. I took another shower and prepared myself for Samir to come home. I needed time with him, time to show him how much I needed him.


I'm usually a pretty sound sleeper, but the pings of the door unlocking awoke me. It was like my body knew when its master was near.

I sat up on the couch from under the heavy blanket. I jumped up and ran at him. He got one foot in the door before dropping the bag he carried and reaching for me.

He lifted me up into his chest and I laughed because for him I really was a house pet. I didn't care though. With him there was no sense of pride.

"I did it, my boy. The best part is coming home to my love," he exclaimed and then yawned against my cheek. He let me go and I reached for his bag to help him out. He looked exhausted and his tie was loosened, his sleeves rolled up.

He went for the bag he had dropped. He pulled out some files and set them on the table. He dug around for a few minutes before pulling out a small wrapped box tied with a blue ribbon. I went for the counter and took the picture from my zip line.

"We both bring gifts?" He asked. "Here, you first. I still feel guilt for leaving you today." He lifted the box towards me and I set the picture face-down.

"Can I come with you next time? I have learned a lot in my business courses and it would be good to get out there and see you do it," I implored.

"I think that would be a good idea. But you would have to be silent and let me do my work. It would be good for you to gain some experience and insight into our family business," Samir said.

I untied the bow and the brown paper box unfolded to reveal a set of small, carved camels. They were about the size of a quarter. They were nearly identical and carved from some shiny stone, but one was white while the other was a light brown.

"It is us, in my culture the camel is a symbol of patience. You are patient to put up with a man who demands a love from you that is foreign and not understood by your culture. You have changed for me, to be the boy I need. I hope you will always know how grateful I am for this. I love you, my Lincoln." Samir leaned down to kiss me.

"Thank you, they're really cool. I can tell which one is me and which is you," I laughed.

"And what is your surprise, my heart? You had a good day with Zaid?" He asked as he kept his arms around me. His tone hinted that Zaid had been a good brother to him, protected me as he would. I knew I couldn't tell him what Zaid had tried to do.

"It's nothing. My day was ok... It was good, we didn't do too much. He said he didn't want me to get hurt," I said and tried to nudge the picture along the table away from his reach. But he remembered it and reached past me to swipe it off the table.

"Oh," he said in disappointment when he picked it up and saw my excitement.

"I should have waited for you, I know. Zaid thought it would take our minds off of the situation we couldn't help you with." I deflected his let down onto Zaid who definitely had it coming.

"No, it's not that, Lincoln. You look so excited and free. I've never seen that look on you. I wish I could have been there to feel it with you. I thought I knew all the expressions your face makes. This is a new one. I am sad to have missed it and missed being the one to put it there. But I'm happy you got to have a fun day. I always want you to be happy. I promise I will take you to a bigger and scarier one next time. I'm sure they have one we can do as a pair. I will research it." Samir leaned in and kissed me.

"And Zaid took care of you ok? I was worried he might bother you, but he's my brother and ultimately protects what is mine," Samir looked at me with eyes that said he had no idea how twisted his brother was.

"He was great. He chickened out and didn't do the zip line, but we had fun anyways," I decided not to shatter his peace and upset him with the troubled parts of my day. More important than the truth, than my need to release from feeling icky from the border guards and Zaid's already flawed reputation, was Samir's image of a happy and peaceful home. He deserved at least that much. He loved me.

I set the camels down on the kitchen counter, the white one following the brown. I pulled Samir by the hand over to the big stuffed chair next to the couch. I pushed him down and then went for the bottle of lube. He was still wearing a dark suit with the coat off and tie loosened. I knelt between his spread legs as he laid back in sleepy accomplishment. He looked down at me with anticipation as I rubbed his thigh and reached for his belt buckle.

"You look so desperate for me, for my prize. You missed me today," Samir noted happily.

"Of course I did... I need it. I always need it. It's so hard to be away from you. Spending time with your brother just reminded me how lucky I am to have you," I looked up at him with wide eyes and lost pride. I fumbled with his belt buckle and then the button on his pants.

"I am lucky to have such a beautiful and obedient boy. You need never worry though, my love. I will always come home to you. I promise." Samir's smile had faded and he looked at me with serious eyes. He put his hand on my head, messed up my hair and then rubbed down my cheek. He put his thumb against my lips and I sucked it in greedily.

I slid down his pants as he kicked off his shoes. I rubbed over his bulge which was trapped in a pair of black briefs with little green penguins. I had picked them out for him when we were choosing new clothes on his computer. He filled them nicely. I leaned in and he had that smell of sweat and hard work that told me he hadn't had a shower since this morning. His cock was thickening up and stretching the little penguins.

"Wait," Samir put his hand on top of my head and grabbed my hair gently to stop me as I was rubbing my lips along the outline of his shaft. "Did he do something to disappoint you? You said spending time with Zaid made you long for me. Has he done something?" Samir was on to me.

"No, I just meant that being around him and Ali... they are pieces of you, but not the complete puzzle," I looked up at him with hopeful eyes. He nodded and slid his hand to the back of my head. He pushed me into his bulge and my lips gripped the shaft through his briefs.

"Take it out and get it wet. It wants so badly to be inside you," Samir helped push on his briefs as I tugged at the waistband with my teeth. We slid them down until his cock flopped up and hit me on the forehead.

I dove onto it as I pushed down my own shorts and briefs. I sucked him into my mouth and let his sweaty cock his the back of my throat. His fingers gripped my hair again as he started to lift and then drive me back onto his cock until I gagged on it. I reached for the bottle of lube and slicked up two fingers so I could open myself for him.

"Lincoln, that is my pleasure to open you. You could hurt yourself. It is the man's job to ensure safety," Samir said half-heartedly when he saw me pushing fingers into my ass. He tried to stifle a yawn. He was exhausted from his day, but moaning happily as I slurped on his cock.

I ignored him and started to work two fingers inside me in the same circling, spreading motions he did when he worked my hole. It was opening me up, but I didn't hit all the little spots he knew how to do. This was about making Samir happy though. I just wanted him to fill me with cum and then get a full night of sleep. He deserved that.

"Fuck, you feel so good on my cock. You want daddy inside you? You want me, my love?" Samir raised my head off his cock and locked his eyes on me.

"Yes sir. Please fuck me. I'm ready for it," I begged and dove back onto his cock. I squeezed his heavy balls with one hand, gripped the base of his shaft with the other, and fit the rest of it in my mouth.

"You ready for me? You want to go to the bed, my heart?" He rubbed my hair and gasped as I sucked him with growing expertise.

I shook my head as his cock filled my throat. I eased off of him and crawled up onto his lap with my knees on either side of his thighs. His confusion faded into a sly grin as I straddled his cock. I leaned in towards his chest and kissed him as he slid his strong arms around me. My cock was rock hard and flopped against his stomach. He reached for it as he kissed me and pumped my cock a few times.

"Ahh!" I laughed, not used to him paying attention to my cock. "Dude, I've been on the edge of cumming since you walked in the front door!"

Samir just laughed and let go of my cock. He kissed down my neck as he gripped my ass and pulled at the cheeks. He guided me down until his tip poked inside me. I breathed in and out in slow rhythm as I pushed back against his cock. It slid in slowly and filled me. I slid my arms around his neck and breathed against his ear. I licked up the edge of his outer ear and he shivered and gasped. I was learning his sensitive spots.

"My boy feels so good bouncing on my cock. You want daddy to fill you?" He growled.

"Yes sir, please fuck me." I slid down another inch or so. I knew I couldn't get much more than half of him inside me. I started to raise up slowly and let him slide out of me. We did this a few times until it started to slide easier.

He was so hard inside me and it felt weird being in control. It didn't feel anywhere as good as when he was working it until suddenly I got him in deep enough to hit the right spots. The pain started to fade and his tip was rubbing over those places inside me that make me melt and beg. He had his hands on my ass and was starting to lift and then drop me as his cock pushed stubbornly against my pleasure sensors.

"Ahhhh Fuck, uhhh fuck," I started to whine and collapsed into his chest. He held me valiantly as he drove inside me. My own cock was thumping against his abs, trapped between our sweaty tight stomachs.

"Yes, my baby. You feel so good." Samir was definitely not falling asleep anymore as he raised and lowered me on his cock.

He decided to stand up with me balanced on his pole and my arms around his neck. He lifted me with him and carried me over to the kitchen. He bounced me on his cock as he walked. Sometimes his strength amazed me.

He set me down against the counter and I yelped from the contrast of cold marble on our hot, sweaty skin. He leaned down into me and sucked and bit against my neck as he started to fuck me. He really did like to be in control, no matter how tired he was.

There was a desperation in his fucking. He was speeding it up and urgently grunting as he chewed along my jaw. He slid his tongue past my lips and kissed me as he started to drive in deeper.

"Settle, baby, relax," He gripped my side and rubbed his thumbs over my abs to relax me and let more of him inside me. I tried to relax and let him in deeper. His cock was so big and thick I could never get more than half of it inside me.

He rubbed a hand up my chest and took my jaw in his hand. He slid his thumb in slow circles over my lips as he stared down into my eyes.

"So sweet and innocent, those eyes of my boy," He noted and pushed his thumb into my mouth. I sucked it as he cupped my cheek. His thumb explored my teeth and pushed down on my tongue.

"Uhhhh" I mumbled around his thumb. I needed to warn him that I wasn't going to last like this. My cock was rubbing between our abs as he hunched over me and drove his cock deep into my hole and swift motions that bumped along the right spots.

"I am deep inside you. I am so proud of you for taking it. Your body opens for its master," He praised me and pushed his thumb back towards my throat as I sucked on it with pursed lips.

"I am so close, sir," I said when he finally took his thumb from my lips and brushed a trail of my spit against my cheek. His hand slid around to the back of my neck and he massaged me with force that made my head fall back and my body open up more for him.

"Cum for me, baby. Cum while your master fills you with your reward. Your are mine, Lincoln? All for me?" He breathed against my ear with low growls.

"Yes sir, all for you! Of course," I whined and my body started to shake under him against the hard marble counter.

"That's my good boy," he growled in my ear as he leaned down over me, pressing his weight against me as my cock was trapped between our abs with his stomach massaging it up and down. His sweaty, furry chest pressed down against me as he sped up and was fucking me fast, rough, and deep.

"Fuck sir, Can I cum now?" I begged, knowing I wasn't going to last with his piston fucking. His consent was a mere formality as his dick was in full control of my pleasure at the moment.

"Yes, my boy. I cum soon too," Samir growled as he pushed into me as far as it would go. I felt that moment of being right on the edge.

"Uhhhhh!" I let out a deep groan as I felt the tip of his cock hit the farthest point inside me and then lock on as my hole tensed around him. My cock started to fire off between us as he started to unload inside me. He was buried deep and just held it there, slid his arms around my back and hugged me to him.

We growled like animals as our bodies spasmed together in the deepest level of intimacy two people can share. He held on to me as my eyes fluttered, my body shook, and my cock emptied the day's contents out between us as he filled the deepest parts of my hole.

"Uhhhh," I whined in an awkwardly high pitch as he crushed me and filled me. My cock slimed our chests as we rubbed together in ecstasy. He started to fuck me again as he kept shooting inside me. Our bodies jumped together in these synchronized spurts. I melted into him and bit down on his shoulder.

"Fuck yes," he growled against my ear as he milked the last bits of cum from his cock. He never left me half-filled.

"Fuck, best pussy ever," he laughed as he recovered in a sweaty mass of muscles on top of me. He breathed a few times and then stood up, lifting me with him as though I didn't weigh much. He carried me over to the couch and then collapsed against it and brought me into his chest.

I was drenched and breathless, but satisfied in a way only he knew how to bring.

"Not a pussy," I mumbled against his neck and relaxed in his arms, his adoring glow, his loyal heart.

"Right," he laughed and kissed my hair. "I own that pussy. I can call it what I want."

"Sounds good," I said and then my eyes closed and sleep overtook me as his cock still filled my pleased hole.

We fell asleep there on the couch in that awkward position that seemed to work well for us. He held me as the sun came up and we slept there until almost lunchtime the next day. He took the next day off from work, Zaid would finish up the last details.

We spent the day together at the gym, in the pool, and then a few visits to the bed.


Check out my other stories:

Noah's Starship (Not Science Fiction): Under Interracial and College, last updated April 7th.

Emerson and the Lion: Under Authoritarian, last updated October 17th (I'll get back to this soon).

Let me know what you thought: Thanks! :)

Next: Chapter 11

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