Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Jan 10, 2023


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-+-{Lincoln's Pride}-+-

-'[Part 11]'-

"I have a ticket though! I'm all packed up! I want to come home!" I protested angrily and felt my hand shaking as it held the phone. I had come home for Christmas to see my family for two weeks. It was the first time I had been home since I left.

My family had just moved into the new house Samir had built for them. It was huge and had room for everyone to spread. My father was able to retire and get the medical help he needed. He looked ten years younger and the weight of the world wasn't on his shoulder. Being able to take care of them, provide for them, make them safe; it was everything to me. I felt like a man.

"I know, my love," Samir said from the other side of the world. "But it isn't safe here. The Arizen tribe has claimed our territory. Father has gone to meet with the tribal elders for their help. Our troops were overrun and outnumbered. It is fortunate no one was seriously hurt. Until this is fixed it isn't safe for white boys here. The Arizen troops are patrolling everywhere. They do not like the west. They are traditionalists. They haven't come to our compound yet, but we got the boys out just in time."

"I should be there to fight with you! It's my home too." I felt panic rising in my voice.

"You are safer there, Lincoln. It kills me to be away from you. However, My family isn't powerful because we are wealthy. We are powerful because we are tribal leaders. We have a responsibility to the people in the city. They look to us for protection, jobs, education, everything. The Arizen have been through a terrible drought. They are claiming we do not share our resources with them so they are trying to take it by force." Samir sighed.

"I don't care. Fuck them. Fuck them all! I'm not staying here while everything we love is in danger." I yelled and pushed through the kitchen door and out to the backyard.

Winter had settled in early on our mountain village. While it was sunny and warm just twenty minutes south in Los Angeles, the weather up here was biting cold with snow on the ground. I crunched across the frozen grass towards my brother's new SUV.

Samir had picked it out for him and had it delivered. It had warm leather seats, thick snow tires, and every safety feature known to man. My brother had been the one to take care of the family and push my dad to take better care of his health. In my absence he had stepped up and Samir rewarded him handsomely.

"Lincoln, you know I never want to be away from you, but I have a commitment to my people. I have to stay and fight, Ali does too. I promise I won't take any chances with my safety. You can't come here. I already canceled your ticket and travel visa. I knew you would act impulsively out of love. You will stay put as told." Samir used his fatherly tone that told me the time for arguing was over. His mind was settled.

"You canceled my visa," I sighed as I climbed into the SUV and turned it on to warm up the heater. My body shivered, but the seat quickly warmed. I laughed at that. I used to run around in the snow in shorts and a t-shirt when it was this warm.

"I had to. It is not safe for your here. Besides. I need you there. I am sending Emerson and the boys to you for protection. Ali is sending them to California until this is settled. I need you to collect them from the airport when they arrive and shelter them until the rental house is ready. You are the man now. I need you to protect them." Samir said.

Emerson, Emi as we called him, would of course be frightened and worried for his children. They would need me to step up and be the alpha here. They needed me.

"He needs me! Of course I'll protect them," I affirmed.

"Good... Emi doesn't know how to survive like you do, Lincoln. He has been sheltered in our compound. Ali is coming back here to help and we will join you there soon if it gets too dangerous. I promise we will, but if we leave too soon, the Arizen will see it as a forfeit of our territory. Our people would lose their freedoms." Samir swallowed hard at that thought.

"Rent a house? Will we be here that long? My classes!" I flared up again.

"Ali doesn't want his boys in a hotel. They are already upset at leaving the only home they have ever known. They need a quiet place to get back to their routine. The university is on a day-by-day schedule and students are being searched by the Arizen troops. Many classes have been canceled, all the ones that teach liberal subjects. The Arizen believe in only religious teachings and no females are allowed on campus. I'm pretty sure your semester is already over, my love," Samir informed.

I held out my phone in front of me and we switched over to the video chat. His face looked tired and our bedroom was dimly lit. It was late night over there and I ached to crawl into bed with him and lay against his bare chest.

"You look hot," I said and brought a smile to his face.

"It looks cold there. Why are you in the car?" he asked. From his vantage he could see the white snow behind me outside the car windows.

"I didn't want to disturb the house and I was ready to go to the airport to fly home," I laughed.

"I promise I'll be with you as soon as possible. Hopefully it's at the airport and I'm bringing you home. If not... Los Angeles isn't so bad," Samir tried to joke.

"I'm not staying here forever!" I said and sighed.

"You are my everything. We will be together again soon," he insisted.


Two days later found me waiting for Emerson's flight at a juice bar near the airport. I kept refreshing my phone app to see the airplane icon make its way over Arizona. I texted Samir that their flight was coming soon.

"Please remember to be calm so the twins won't get anxious. They are smart little boys." Samir wrote. He hadn't given me any information on how things were going. He just said it would be ok and they were working on it. I tried not to text him too often, but we still did our video chat every night before I fell asleep.

When they got out of customs, the twin boys ran to hug me. Emerson looked sad and tired. He perked up when he realized he could pass off the boys to their Uncle Lincoln. They each hugged one side of me. They were growing up so fast. I could still lift them, just not both together.

"Jai didn't come with you?" I asked through sign language. Jai had been the male nanny who helped Emerson with the boys. He had been with them since the night they came home from the hospital.

"No, Ali couldn't get a visa for him. He went home to India until we can get things back together," Emerson signed back with an exhausted sigh. He came to my hug and it felt good to hold him again. He fit perfectly in my embrace. My arms always felt stronger when they wrapped around him.

"Are you hungry? It's a long drive home. We live far up in the mountains," I signed.

We drove all the way up to the valley where Emerson had grown up. He signed excitedly when he saw the exit for Sherman Way. He directed me through a series of foster homes that had cared for him until we arrived at a pizza place he loved. He hadn't been here in 8 years, but signed that the place looked the same.

We got the boys settled with their slices and Emerson shared a pepperoni pizza with me. We hadn't had it since it wasn't allowed in Satra. They had some weird beef pepperoni that just wasn't the same.

Emerson filled me in on more details from back home. The tribes were supposed to share resources and the Arizen were increasingly poor. A severe drought had laid waste to their crops and their people were hungry. Satra had ignored their cries for help and several tribal elders were accused of embezzling the financial aid meant for Arizen people. The Hamads were working to find out who took the money and prove that they had intended to share the wealth. Until then, the Arizen were roaming freely and taking what they wanted from Satran businesses, people.

"That sucks!" I signed. "What if they can't prove their innocence?"

"Then they will have to find a way to repay the Arizen, make things right plus pay penalties. I felt bad for them, they looked so hungry and angry. I felt guilty that we live so well when people just across the mountain have so little. I told Ali we have to help them. What if it were our children in need? It isn't right," Emerson signed away from his childrens' eyes.

We finished eating and then packed the boys back in the SUV and headed home to my father's house. There was awful traffic getting out of the valley and we had to stop for the boys to use a restroom. It was a tough and slow climb up the mountain. We had to stop at a police checkpoint to show that our tires could make it up the snowy roads. It was late when we got to the house.

I spent the previous day buying things they would need. I got ski suits and jackets for the boys and Emerson. They had spent vacations in Switzerland, but I knew they wouldn't think to bring those things with them. I went to an Arab specialty market in Encino to get food they would recognize from home. I wanted them to be comfortable there.

Emerson called Ali on video chat when they got settled in. He looked as tired as Samir had. He thanked me for taking care of them and then I left them to their privacy. Emerson snuggled in on the bed with one of his boys under each arm as they talked with their father. I closed the door and left them to it.

The sight of them, their little family trying to act as though things were ok, it made me miss Samir and my life back there intensely. I didn't belong here anymore.

As though sensing my thoughts, my phone rang with a videochat of my own. Samir was up, it was early morning there. He stroked his beard and peered at me with those big brown eyes.

"I miss you," I said as I settled into my bed. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I could see down to his huge pecs and pointy brown nipples.

"I ache for you," he responded as his eyes narrowed with concern. He always had to outdo me with the sweet talk. It came so naturally to him. I still felt a small hesitancy feeling that way for another man.

"You have to help the Arizen! Emi told me what's going on. They need your help!" I started to unload on him. Emerson was upset so I was upset.

"We will, Link. But they aren't always honest people and they have long desired our land, our prosperity. We have helped them for years and they squander it on building bigger mosques while their people suffer. There is much to the story and I don't feel like teaching you right now," Samir sighed.

"You look tired... did you sleep?" I asked and watched as the tension eased from his face.

"You know I can't sleep well without seeding my boy first. I need to fuck my Lincoln," Samir admitted. I watched his hand slide down his chest and I knew it was headed to his cock.

"Finish your war then... or bring me home to help," I laughed. I needed him too. My neck felt tense without his touch, our time together.

"I will, now take off your clothes. I need to see you," Samir said. I hopped off the bed to make sure my door was locked. I turned on some music so we wouldn't be heard and then returned to my bed to find he had pushed the phone away from him so I could watch him stroke his cock. I missed it, the taste, feel, smell, size. It filled my mouth, my hole, my need.

"Fuck," I whimpered at the sight of it. "I need it," I begged.

"I know, my heart, as soon as it is safe, you'll have it again," Samir assured. We spent the next hour exploring ourselves for each other to see. It wasn't the same, but it was the best we could do.


I woke up to Emerson nudging me and pushing his phone in front of my face. He looked excited and signed "Read it!" It was a series of texts from his husband, Ali. It said that they had brokered a deal amongst the tribal elders and the Arizen were being ordered to withdraw. They will receive food and new housing units will be built for them along with a healthy financial sum. If the agreement held, we could go home. They would need time to see how the Arizen respond, but it looked like this could be over soon.

I searched desperately for my phone and found it under the pillow. I had a similar text from Samir, but he sounded less optimistic and was staying in Satra to make sure they left. He said a man named Bilaal was coming today to help us get set-up in the rental home.

I showed my phone to Emerson who had settled in on the bed beside me. He shivered so I pulled back the covers so he could warm up with me. I was dressed in warm pajamas so there was no reason to hide myself.

"B-I-L-A-A-L" Emerson fingerspelled to me with a questioning look. I shrugged and signed that I didn't know him. I felt bad for changing his happy mood with Samir's more melancholy assessment of the situation.

We went downstairs to find my sister feeding the twins. They liked her pancakes and she liked playing mom. She sent me off with Emerson to eat our pancakes and talk about plans.

I realized from Ali's texts that he wanted his husband calmed. He liked to control Emerson's world, keep things simple and peaceful. But Emerson wasn't a boy, and he had two children to protect. He seemed comfortable with the bubble Ali kept him in, but he seemed ready to be realistic about what we were doing here.

"I'm worried," he signed. "What if they can't work this out or Ali gets hurt? It's been so long since I've been away from him for more than a day of work. Even when he travels for business he likes to bring us along if he can't make it back before bedtime."

"I'm sure they'll work it out... I miss Samir too... but they must have a reason for keeping us here where we are safe. Is there anything you want to see today? We can see your old sights in LA," I offered.

"No. I hate it here. It was a different life, so much harder and lonely. My world is in Satra, it's my home. I never planned to return to California. It's not my home anymore," he signed with a sad look.

"There's a deaf restaurant in LA! Everyone signs. I looked it up. Why don't we go there for lunch and do some shopping? Samir put extra money in my account last night," I said.

"I know! Ali gave me new credit cards that will work here. He said they are moving money to secure accounts," Emerson signed.

We got ready and headed out. Bilaal called us while we were heading into LA. He had a hint of an Arab accent, but sounded like a polished business man. He had a very serious tone and wasn't much for pleasantries. He agreed to meet up with us for lunch and then show us the new property.


"Lincoln, I recognize you from the pictures," a handsome face said to me just after we ordered lunch. He came up to our table dressed in an expensive black suit with a dark blue tie. He clapped a hand to my shoulder and smiled warmly. His dark eyes and chiseled looks matched the deep, commanding voice I'd heard over the phone.

"Bilaal?" I asked as though it weren't apparent.

"Yes, Samir sent me to take care of his family while he cannot be here," he said with a reassuring smile. He shook hands with Emerson and asked me to translate for him in signs. The two of them shook hands, and Emerson looked a little disappointed that he didn't know sign language. I guess on the short notice of war, finding a capable Arab man to look after two families who also knew sign language was a tall order.

"I apologize for not knowing your signs, but I will protect you with my life. Your husband cares deeply for you, and has spared no expense for your protection. I assure you no harm will come to you or your precious children," Bilaal said and I translated into sign language. Bilaal kept his eyes trained on Emerson with an unwavering look of strength and care.

It put Emi's mind at ease and I watched as his body released the tension of the long journey. He had an Arab Alpha in charge again and could relax. It stung me to watch. I was just as capable of protecting them. I was just as strong as Bilaal.

Bilaal went to greet the boys and spoke to them in their native Arabic. They quickly lit up as he spoke and did a magic trick for them, pulling toy cars from behind each boys ears. They were instant friends. As usual, the Hamad men provided the highest level of service for us.

"Please, enjoy your lunch while I check on things. I will take you to the new house. I took an Uber here so may I have your car keys? We have another family car being delivered to the house so we can return this SUV to your brother," Bilaal said and extended his palm.

I reluctantly gave him the keys. I was sure this was the last time I would drive for awhile. Samir didn't like me driving, and I'm sure Bilaal wouldn't relinquish the control either. I gave him the keys and he responded with a polite nod before stalking away to make his phone calls.


An hour later we pulled off the freeway into Calabassas. In Spanish it means "pumpkins," but in California, it means "big rich celebrities in hiding." I hadn't been out here since my high school team played a private school. It was a place of large homes and big walls in heavily forested canyons. Every celebrity under 40 had a home or ranch out here though no one, besides the shrewdest of paparazzi, knew exactly where.

If I could have pictured a place for the Hamad family to hide out, this would be it. Bilaal pulled up to a gate and punched in a code. I watched his eyes bulge as he took in the luxury surroundings that he would keep watch over. It was a modern Spanish villa with a driveway that circled around a big fountain flanked by a huge stucco mansion.

"I'll check the perimeter for anything compromising. You boys go ahead and take the kids inside," Bilaal said when we got to the front door. He looked around as though there would be a group of Arizen assassins who had traveled across the globe to hunt us down. I chuckled at his seriousness with this mission. A poor tribe from the arabian desert would not go all the way to California to hunt us down.

I watched Bilaal play out the action fantasy in his head. He certainly was cute enough to star in it. I guessed he was from the San Fernando valley, a lower-middle-income Arab family. I was sure Samir and Ali had charmed him with big dollars for keeping their family safe. Maybe they had promised a future position in the kingdom and untold wealth for his family. He just seemed to be taking this with deadly sincerity.

Still, if it provided reassurance for Emerson and the twins, I would play along with James Bond.

Bilaal came and found me in the second master bedroom. I was trying to figure out the remote control that lifted the shades and turned on the lights. Everything was automated but a different system than the one Samir had set up in our place.

"I dispatched a team to your home in the mountains to return the SUV and pack up everyone's things," he said. He saw me fumbling and took the remote from my hand. He pushed one button and the room began to fill with sunlight.

"Oh... thanks man," I said and noticed he was uncomfortably close to me. I inhaled a healthy dose of his cologne and for some reason my cock stirred. He was about Samir's height and handsome enough in his own rite.

He looked like them, had their confidence, my body was confused.

"Lincoln," he said and tossed the remote on the bed. He put his arms around me and brought me into his chest. "You don't have to be the man here. I'm not going anywhere and I will keep you safe." He whispered this into my ear and then kissed my cheek. It was hokey and I guessed Samir had told him I was his little needy pussyboy who only looked like a muscle jock but was really fragile on the inside.

I rolled my eyes to the beige wall.

"Dude..." I started and pushed away from him.

"Yes, little one?" He said and confirmed my thoughts. Samir had even told him what to call me.

"That right there! I'm not little. I'm not a scared boy. I know how to fight and keep myself safe. I'm here to help protect Emerson and the boys too. He's used to being treated as the fragile one, but the only one who gets to treat me like a boy is halfway across the world right now. I'm a dude and I don't need you reassuring me every few minutes." I said.

"I understand," Bilaal said and pulled away, "But Lincoln... I am here to protect all of you."

"Sure... You're security, but I'm in charge," I said. He left with a huff. He didn't want to argue with his new client's "boy." I laid down on the bed.

I texted Samir that we were in the home and I took a few pictures of the room and me on the bed to send him. He chuckled at my assessment of Bilaal.

"I know baby, but he takes this seriously and that is what we need to put our minds at ease. Let him play war if it means my loves are safe. I need you to play along, he is the Lion while I am not there. He acts on my orders," Samir wrote. He wasn't happy that I had challenged Bilaal. It was late over there so I let him get to sleep and decided to explore the house.

The place had everything. There was a pool, three living rooms including one with the largest television I had ever seen, an industrial kitchen, and more bedrooms than we had people. I encountered Bilaal looking through the security cameras while seated at a desk in a small alcove. He noted my presence when I passed by.

"Are you ok, Lincoln? Can I help you with something?" he asked as though he thought I was lost.

"Just exploring... This place is almost as big as our compound back home," I laughed.

"Really?" he said with surprise and delight.

"Almost... but ours is divided up so Emerson and the boys have their own little house with Ali and Samir and I have ours out behind the pool. Ours has a lot of house staff as well, so this place just feels empty," I said.

"Oh, well there is a chef coming and a housekeeper. I'm in charge of them though," Bilaal noted with pride.

"You're in charge of all of us," I said with feigned respect. I laughed inwardly, but I knew Samir would be proud of me treating Bilaal as the man of the house. I would try to play along.

"Yes," he cleared his throat and adjusted his bulge. He noted the change in my attitude, "Of course."

"I hope we're not here long though. I miss Satra. You're our only Arab here. We're used to more. They make us feel safe, take care of things," I said to stroke his ego. If he was acting on Samir's orders then I wanted him to send back a good report.

"You are safe with me, Lincoln," he said and swiveled his chair to me. His face lit up at the respect I was giving him. He kept his legs spread wide as all of them did. He held the air of superior authority.

"I'm glad you're here," I agreed and leaned against the doorway. Bilaal's chest puffed out and a satisfied smile crossed his lips. It made me sorely miss Samir. He always got that look when he did something that made me proud of him.

"I will be here until your men come to get you," he said with a nod. I nodded back and walked away before my cock led me to do something dumb.


Our things arrived and Bilaal helped two other men deliver things where they went. Emerson directed them. He had one of the master bedrooms that was connected to a smaller bedroom with bunk beds for the twins. With all the room in this house there was no need for stackable beds, but the boys seemed to prefer that arrangement and would want to be near their father.

Bilaal set the twins up in front of a video game station in the corner of their room while Emerson and the two Arab delivery men put their clothes in the drawers. I watched and then helped Emerson put away his own clothes and a few of the souvenirs he'd brought from home.

He had the boys citizenship and medical information along with books he had professionally printed of the million pictures Ali and he had snapped of the boys since their birth. They were the most celebrated children outside of British Royalty.

I noticed Bilaal had left us. I thought he had gone to check on security, but a few minutes later I found him in my room unpacking my things for me. He took out some shirts and began to refold them precisely before putting them in the drawers.

"Wow, you're definitely not a Satra man. I don't think I've ever seen them fold anything, much less put something away," I laughed. Bilaal turned and smiled at me with a shrug.

"I want to get everyone settled in quickly. I used to work in my uncle's suit store in Northridge," he said with a confident grin that probably melted a lot of hearts and sold a lot of clothes.

"It shows. Feel free to refold anything you want!" I laughed.

"A briefs guy? I thought you'd go for something with more coverage," he laughed as he held up a small green pair that Samir liked me in. They only had two straps across the back so my hole would be accessible to him.

"That's not for... I'll finish up," I said and yanked them out of his grip. He gave a short laugh and just shrugged.

"No need for modesty here. You like to display your best asset," Bilaal joked and gave a nod to my ass. I felt the anger rising in me again.

"I don't pick them! Samir likes... certain things..." I said with a deep blush. I checked my phone to see he hadn't texted me in awhile.

"They really control just about everything with you... cubs," Bilaal sneered as he decided we were just controlled boys.

"They earn that right," I said. His tone struck me. He looked at me like I was nothing more than Samir's kept boy. It wasn't like that. He had us wrong. Or did he? Was that what I looked like from the outside? He nodded for me to finish putting my things away.

"I know, Lincoln. I'm just trying to keep things familiar for you. Samir cares so much for you. I want you to feel safe here, but also happy. He wants all of your needs taken care of," Bilaal said and moved behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pressed against me. I felt the familiar cage of muscles around me, the bulge pressing against my ass.

"Thanks... I guess I'm just worried about him, our home, my life there," I admitted and relaxed under his hands.

The mood had shifted and he understood what I was. He understood that while I was the protected boy of his employer, I was also subservient to them. He wanted to fill-in for Samir and be the alpha I would respect.

"Well don't worry. I'll take good care of you while your master is saving your country. Samir filled me in on all I need to know about you," Bilaal said. He let go of me and went to sit on the bed while I finished putting things away. He watched me as he laid back, propped up on his elbows behind him.

"Like what?" I asked with sudden curiosity at the thought of Samir writing a pamphlet on me. I turned to look at him, interested in what Samir had said about me.

Bilaal roused and patted the spot beside him on the bed. He pulled his phone of his pocket as I sat down. He held it in front of him so that I had to lean into his side to read what he was looking at. He turned and gave me a surprised smile as though he didn't expect me to put my head on his shoulder. He quickly adjusted to it though and slipped his arm around me. I hesitantly relaxed into his power. His chest felt warm and strong like Samir's.

"Let's see, I took notes from our conversations and emails. This was all rushed obviously, but I wanted to provide a safe home for you and the other boys. I take this job very seriously. I have a file on Emerson and the twins, but Ali simply wanted them left alone. I got much more information and a lot of instructions for your care," he laughed.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Your owner," Bilaal began.

"Partner... um boyfriend... uhhh... Lion?... Samir" I interrupted Bilaal but then wasn't sure what exactly Samir was to me.

"Right, your partner-boyfriend-lion-Samir gave more personal information on you. Ali simply wants me to ensure Emerson and his boys are kept safe, security-wise. He wanted me to maintain distance from them though, leave them alone to their routine. Samir, however... he was much more explicit about your needs and how I was to take care of them. I got a list of your allergies... Oh! And I got two epi-pens in case you meet with a bee. I did make sure that this property is far from the areas where beekeepers are allowed to operate," Bilaal assured.

"I haven't had to use the Epi-pen since Samir and I were here in LA," I said.

"He told me about the park where you nearly died from a bee sting because you failed to mention your need to him. He learned to open you up more and earn your trust. He said you talk too much when you're nervous, you love adventure sports, you're very competitive, sometimes cheat, and don't always lose with grace," Bilaal laughed.

"That's me," I laughed and thought back to all the times Samir had beaten me at cards, soccer, wrestling. He was always better than me when it came to brains or strength. I only won when what mattered was speed... or baseball since that's my sport.

"He said sometimes you give up too easily on things, but a little bit of encouragement, a nice massage, and fatherly advice usually gets you back on track. You are very proud and stubborn. You can be a hard shell, but open easily when you know that a real man is behind you, supporting you. I will be that for you until your man is finished with this war," Bilaal said and slid his hand across my pecs to squeeze my shoulder, hug me back against his chest.

"Yes sir?" I said and felt my voice go up as his words filled me. Samir had chosen him well. Bilaal was strong, handsome, irresistible. His hand slid down from my shoulder across my stomach and rubbed to cup my bottom. I felt my cock stir.

"He also said that you respect a man of authority when you know your needs will be met, your boy pussy satisfied... You respond well to a forceful love who knows how to work your hole and make you light up. He told me the techniques that make you whine and beg like a good little boy... And he has given me authority to meet your needs," Bilaal brushed his lips over my cheek. His hand rubbed over my ass and a strong finger rubbed up and down between my cheeks. It made my hole twitch and quiver in anticipation.

I felt a shiver through my body and I let out a sharp whimper. I felt Samir's authority in Bilaal, but then felt a sharp pain of guilt. Samir and I had played with others, but it was always with someone who was my class, not his. No one else had ever owned my hole like him. This was so beyond hot but yet so wrong. He wasn't my... owner.

"I can make you feel good, Lincoln; give you what you need," He whispered and bit softly on my ear just as Samir did. He was good.

"No... He's halfway around the world and I... You're not him," I stammered as I stumbled to my feet. I left him there on my bed. I saw a full lump in his pants. He was enjoying this too. I needed to get away from there. I ran out and walked until my cock went down.

I wandered around the maze of a house until I could find the backyard. I needed some air. The weather was nearly 30 degrees warmer down here than it was an hour north at my father's house. There was no need for snow gear or even a heavy jacket down here. It was pure LA weather, sunny and beautiful.

I found Emerson on a side patio reading something on his tablet while he took in the warm sunshine. The twins were playing with toy cars and a playset Bilaal had brought them. They told me all about it when they saw me approach. Emerson set down his tablet and gave me a contented sigh.

"I showed Ali the rooms, he is pleased," he signed.

"I still haven't heard from Samir," I signed back. "I hope everything is ok with him."

"I'm sure he is fine. Ali would have mentioned it," Emerson tried to allay my fears.

"Emi... What if we're stuck here. What if something happens to them? To our lives back there?" I felt a weight of worry hit me. I checked my phone again and still had no message from him.

I texted Samir again. He still hadn't responded.

"Lincoln! You need a distraction. Why don't you go get a workout or swim. The pool is heated. I was going to test it out to see if the boys could use it," Emerson signed and pointed towards Ali and Amir. They were deep in play with Bilaal's gift and not paying attention to their father's signs.

"A workout sounds good," I signed. I needed to burn off some energy. I crept back through the house and avoided Bilaal. I didn't want to cause problems here. Samir had enough to deal with and I felt guilty already for sending angry texts. I found my room empty and changed into a pair of shorts. I found my earphones and headed down to find the gym.

Passing the kitchen, I saw two hispanic men engaged in a lively debate about a new movie they had seen. They straightened up when they saw me. I was shirtless and wearing small shorts and tennis shoes. They were small men but in decent shape, obviously gay, and looked to be in their 30's.

"Hi," I said when they froze to take me in. "I'm Lincoln."

"Oh! Hello sir. I'm Pedro, the chef. This is Jose, the housekeeper," one of the men said. He nodded politely and licked his lips as though the sight of me pleased him.

"Yes, Bilaal told me to expect you. Thank you for the help. I'm sure you're the best," I said and offered a genuine smile.

"It is our pleasure. Your caretakers left good instructions, and we have meals planned out. Let me know if there is anything special you would like," Pedro said.

"Thank you," I said again. I asked for a bottle of water and Jose quickly found a large supply in the pantry. I headed off to the gym.

I passed Bilaal in the small office. He was on the phone and checking the security cameras. I noticed one was tuned to Emerson and the boys on the patio. He was keeping his distance, but ensuring their safety. That put me at ease. On another camera there was a deer eating from a stone bowl just beyond the back fence. I noticed the fence was strung with barbed wire.

The gym was pretty nice. I figured out the sound system and put on some music. My phone had an app to tune in the stations from Satra so I put on the talk news one to hear familiar accents.

As I started my warm-up run, the newscasters were discussing the Arizen. They sounded guarded in their language and referred to them as the visitors. They said that the visitors were still on patrol in the streets, and not interfering with the daily business of Satrans. I read between the lines though, of course they wouldn't want to offend a group of armed men who may have tuned in to the station.

I kept up with their Arabic, my language classes had prepared me well. Too well, the news was making me upset. I worried for my city, my school, my... Samir.

I ran until my heart pounded in my ears. I wasn't sure if it was the heavy cardio or my anxiety about the situation back home. I wanted to be there, to help, but I knew I would only be in the way. It was up to Samir and the other leaders to protect their people. Why weren't the Arizen going home?

I hit three miles with sweat pouring off of me when I heard the talking go silent. I thought maybe the app was buffering, but then I looked to see Bilaal had turned it off. He frowned at me.

"I saw you were down here. You shouldn't listen to this, it will upset you," he said and came towards the treadmill. He turned the speed down without asking, and I glared at him. I slowed to a walk and my lungs tried desperately to catch up to my pulse.

"You will hurt yourself. You can't outrun anxiety, but you also don't have to increase it by listening to the news from there. Do you really think Samir put you safely on the other side of the world so you could worry yourself to sickness?" Bilaal asked.

I shook my head and took deep gasps of air. Bilaal put the treadmill on the cool down routine.

"I should be there to help him. How can I relax here? What am I supposed to do? Lounge and swim while my... Samir fights for our homeland?" I asked. I expected him to point out that Satra wasn't my native country or people, but he sighed and brought me a towel. I wiped the sweat from my chest and back before draping it over the arm of the treadmill.

"No, but you have to understand that he loves you enough to first fight for you. He put your safety first, then his people, and lastly his self. Don't make it harder for him. Let him have the comfort of knowing you are all right here. Be brave for him, little one," Bilaal said. He took the towel and wiped at my face as I walked.

"Do you want me to workout with you?" Bilaal asked though he was dressed in a business suit.

"I was going to do some weights. I'll put on some happier music while you go change," I said.

"Good! I went to the gym early this morning, but you shouldn't do weights without someone to spot you," he said.

I turned off the treadmill and went to my phone. I chose an Arabian pop station that filled the gym with happy, mindless tunes. I turned to see he was changing right in front of me. He had a small pair of shorts in his hand that he set down on the weight bench as he began to loosen his tie.

"Oh I know this one! My sister likes this group," he laughed and started to thump along to the beat as he slid off his tie. He opened one button at a time on his shirt as he danced for me. He was quite the entertainer and I laughed. I sipped my water and sat on the treadmill as he danced for me with a goofy smile.

"I feel like I need some dollars," I laughed as his shirt came off in one quick move. He rubbed his hand seductively down a healthy set of pecs and hard abs. He definitely wasn't Samir, he was bulky enough but with a hairless chest and lighter skin. He slid off his shoes and peeled off his socks while hopping to the beat. He showed his goofier side. He wanted to make me laugh. It was something Samir would do to cheer me up.

His belt slid out of the loops as he thrust his pelvis towards me and sang the chorus. He hopped towards me and put the belt behind my neck to pull me towards him. He leaned down over me and sang with a sexy smirk. He got an inch from my lips, but then pulled back and wagged his index finger to me.

Bilaal danced back a few steps and slowly undid the button on his black dress pants. He turned away from me and wiggled his ass towards me as he turned back to look. He slowly slid down the pants to expose red boxerbriefs clinging to two full globes of man. His ass stretched them as he wagged it to the beat.

I found myself hard in my shorts, he slowly pushed down his pants and backed up towards me to wiggle that ass in my face. That was one thing Samir rarely did. He didn't want me even entertaining the idea that I could do to him what he did to me, that he had what I had.

With Samir, it was as if we weren't even biologically the same. He was a real man and I was his boy. He had a cock to fuck and I had a hole that needed breeding. I never forgot what I was when I was with him.

The song ended and Bilaal dropped his pants to the final beet. He stepped out of them and turned to show me a fat bulge in the front of the red boxerbriefs. He reached in and adjusted himself so that his cock, thick and full, snaked to the side of this thigh. It was impressive, big enough to go against anyone in the Hamad family.

I bit my lip though and looked up at him with anticipation. I knew Samir would want me to make him feel like a big man, be respectful to my protector. He reached past me and grabbed his shorts. He pulled them up over his bulge and then nodded to the weight bench.

We went through a hard workout, he had done some personal training as one of the jobs that he took to pay his way through college. He was a pretty normal guy from a normal background. I had forgotten about what it was like to be a regular person. I was too used to the kingdom, the compound, the lions. He looked like one of them, but he was culturally one of me.

Bilaal grew up in the valley but said his family came from Saudi Arabia when he was six. That explained his subtle accent. He was about 8 years older than me so even though our paths had crossed in the same institutions, parks, sports leagues, we didn't have any friends in common. He worked his way through school and now sold real estate and helped out his family with their businesses.

He was taking time off from all of that to do this mission for Ali and Samir to protect us. He didn't say how much they were paying him or even how they got in contact with him. I didn't ask any of that. I knew better than to get into their business. Samir wouldn't have approved.

We finished up the workout and then went off to our respective rooms to clean up.

We all met up again for dinner on the big table in the outside tile courtyard. Bilaal came out in a long-sleeved white top that stretched over his muscles and showed off his heavy pecs. He had an open red flannel shirt over it, torn dark jeans and big leather boots. He looked like an Arabian lumberjack.

Emerson noticed that I couldn't take my eyes off him. He signed that I'd better be careful around Bilaal, but his laugh and wink told me was joking.

The night air wasn't very cold but Bilaal turned on a few of the outdoor heaters. Jose and Pedro brought out bowls of salad and grilled meat. It was Emerson's type of food. He liked clean eating and insisted his boys only eat natural, healthy things.

We ate while I translated between English and Signs so Emerson could ask Bilaal about his history. They both had crossed paths in the valley without ever knowing each other. Bilaal made pleasant conversation and kept finding excuses to put his hands on me.


I took a long, hot shower before bed. I cleaned myself thoroughly hoping Samir wouldn't let me fall asleep without our video time together. He liked to direct me as I played with myself though it never felt as good as when he was down there. He knew my body, knew how to own it properly.

I was settling into bed when Samir finally texted me back. He had a long day and had needed a good night's rest. It was late morning over there and I turned on the video chat on my laptop to see him lying naked in his bed with the sunshine coming through the windows.

"Are you well, my love?" Samir asked.

"I'm ok... I haven't slept well without you," I admitted.

"And where is Bilaal? He should be there with you to hold you!" Samir insisted after our normal exchange of greetings.

"I guess he's in his room, do we really need him for that?" I asked, unsure why he would expect Bilaal to do that. Samir took his computer and typed something in.

"He should be in shortly. I want him to help us tonight. It's been awhile since you've had an expert touch down there. I don't want my boy to forget an Arab's touch. Are you ok with him participating? I will guide him so you can feel what I normally do to you," Samir offered.

I thought about it for a moment. A lot could go wrong. I'd been with other guys, but they were always closer to my size, age, status. I wondered how Samir would deal with seeing me with another him. I didn't get a chance to answer, Bilaal knocked lightly at the door and then cracked it open.

"Lincoln? May I come in?" he asked respectfully. He poked his head in and scanned the room.

"Come!" Samir barked from the phone. Bilaal came in wearing a tight white tank and white, fleece shorts. He gave a two finger dude salute from his forehead to Samir who nodded in return.

Samir made no attempt to hide his nudity through the video chat. I noted Bilaal smile when he caught sight of it. It was Samir's not-so-subtle reminder of his dominance, superiority to me. Bilaal would know what I was used to, what I begged for.

"Did you access the security cameras ok?" Bilaal asked as he slid in behind me on the bed. He put a hand on my shoulder to indicate I was well-protected.

"Yes, they are a nice touch I will have to add more of them to the house here. Ali likes being able to check in on his boys whenever he wants. He is very pleased to see them happy and peaceful. Emerson looks well too. I enjoyed watching my boy get a shower and ready himself for me. How is my he behaving?" Samir asked. I was shocked that he had seen me. I scanned the room for security cameras but couldn't find them.

"He was a little resistant at first, but he is starting to comply," Bilaal beamed proudly as though he had broken me in. He hadn't.

"Well, as I stated, he may require discipline. He responds well to being taken over my lap. A sore ass reminds him who is in control. Don't be afraid to get in there and own it," Samir said with a straight face. I couldn't tell if this was a joke.

"I don't need that!" I interjected. Bilaal rubbed my shoulder lightly.

"There he goes speaking out of turn. That deserves a few pats at least," Samir urged. Bilaal slid his hand down to my bottom and then gave it two quick, hard slaps.

"Ow, Hey!" I turned on him and pushed him back against the pillows. Both he and Samir erupted in laughter. They already had shared jokes. This wasn't going to end well for me.

I laid there and Samir told Bilaal to pull me back against his chest. He started giving him instructions that felt a little too intimate. It was things Samir did to me, places he nibbled, stroked, tickled, kissed. Bilaal began trying them out as Samir directed. It felt weird.

I quickly succumbed to the sensations though and melted back against his chest. I was all into it until I realized what was off, his chest was smooth where Samir's was covered in thick fur. It felt different and I opened my eyes to watch Samir stroke himself.

"It's good, baby? You like that?" He asked. His eyes looked at me with lustful longing, and I knew he wanted this to feel good for me.

"It's not you. His chest isn't like yours." I noted.

"Oh... I shave it. But..." Bilaal started, but Samir held up a hand.

"He's not me, but he is strong, smart, and capable. He will do the job," Samir said. He seemed agitated that I questioned and critiqued his selection. Bilaal looked pleased at the defense.

"We've played with others, but never in the same way as we do with each other. It just feels... wrong," I whispered and bit my lip sadly.

"Of course, my boy. You open to me like no other. Your hole knows its owner. You are made for me. But think of Bilaal as an extension of me. He can hold you while you sleep and please you like you need. This will have to work until I can bring you home. Bilaal is a fine man who can ably do the job." Samir stroked himself idly.

I nodded.

Samir raised his eyes at Bilaal as if to tell him to continue. He led him through my sensitive points, tickle spots, places that quickly had me hard and hungry for his touch. Bilaal rubbed his hand down my stomach and then brushed over my lap. My cock was hard and fully tenting the pajama shorts.

"Turn him over. Wait till you see that pussy," Samir said. Bilaal nudged me and I turned to face him. I looked up at his face studying me intensely. It broke the veneer Samir had wanted of thinking of him as an extension. Bilaal was handsome in his own rite, and looking up into his eyes had me feeling confused but nonetheless hard. I buried my face against his chest, his stretched tank top.

"Yeah that's it," Samir urged behind me. I felt Bilaal's warm hand rub down my back and push at my pajama shorts. He pushed them down over my ass and I felt his finger drag up from between my thighs to rub up my crack and over my hole. My body gave a sudden lurch when he touched it.

"That's it. He loves that. Stroke that hole," Samir praised.

"Nice," Bilaal growled as his finger began to rub back and forth over my hole. He stopped and used his hands to pry my cheeks apart.

"Look at that. That's my boy," Samir said. I turned my head to look back at him. He eyed my ass adoringly but looked up when he saw my eyes.

Bilaal reached over to the nightstand and found a small bottle of lube in the drawer. Of course he had put it there in preparation. This whole things was planned by Samir. He pulled at my cheek with one hand and then squirted a healthy amount of lube over my hole. He set down the bottle and began to rub it in with one finger from each hand.

"Uhhh that feels... yeah," I mumbled against his chest as his fingers poked into me and began to pull open my hole from each side.

"He loves two fingertips just inside... Right... just put them a few millimeters in and swirl all the way around his pink chute, the slower the better. It drives him crazy," Samir directed and I felt Bilaal's fingers follow.

"Yessss... Oh! Uh! Yahhhhh," I hissed and my mouth opened wide like he was going to give me something. I felt my eyes roll back and fight to stay open.

"He loves it," Bilaal noted.

"Keep it going," Samir said and gave more directions. He worked his fingers in deeper as Samir told him the little spots to rub and touch. I was between Bilaal's legs, pressed into his chest, and under his control as he worked me into a frenzy.

I was on the edge of finishing for the longest time as his fingers expertly strummed me. Samir was sharing all the tips and knowledge he'd accumulated from his years of pleasing cubs.

"He really is just a pussyboy," Bilaal said incredulously as he began ramming two fingers inside me. I was so lost in the sensations that I'd absent-mindedly began to suck on his right nipple as I pressed against his chest. I looked up at him to see

"Looks like he needs something to suck on," Samir said.

"That reminds me!" Bilaal used his free hand to grab his phone from his pocket. He tapped around on the screen as he hummed and rammed his fingers into me.

"There we go," he said and turned his phone to look at me. "Now you can see him from both ends." Bilaal set the phone beside him on the pillow so I could look at Samir's face while he saw me from the front and back.

Seeing them side by side made me see how different they were. Bilaal was a few years younger, his face narrower and with a close-trimmed beard. Samir was a little older which seemed to work in his favor. He knew how to own a man without looking like it took any effort. This was probably also the confidence of being a wealthy tribal leader from an Arab kingdom. Bilaal was from here, had to figure out his power on his own. It showed in the way he looked at me as though searching for approval, unsure if he was getting this right.

"Shove your cock in his throat, he needs to learn you aren't just here to please him," Samir said as he looked into my eyes. He knew my look, knew I was getting too wrapped up in my thoughts.

Bilaal let his fingers slide from my hole. He put a hand to my forehead and pushed me down from his chest until I was eye to eye with his bulge. He was tenting the fleece shorts with his Arabian monster. I slid them down and the beast flopped up and hit my cheek.

"Is that enough for you, Lincoln?" Samir laughed. I looked up and nodded.

"Yes sir," I said and dove on his cock.

"Ahhh! Woah!" Bilaal jerked his body as I pressed my lips in a hard ring around his shaft and pushed straight down until his tip hit my gag reflex.

"He's pretty good at that. It took a lot of training," Samir laughed.

"Fuck yass," Bilaal hissed. His hand found the back of my head and he rubbed it encouragingly.

"Grab his hair. Get your fingers in there and guide him on you. He respects a firm hand," Samir said. I noted that he was telling Bilaal to be rougher with me than he was. Bilaal slid his fingers through my hair gently until he found a clump he liked. He gripped it and pushed me down slowly until I started to gag and then he'd pull me back.

"That's it, boy. Take that cock," Bilaal growled. I looked up to find two pairs of eyes intently watching me. Bilaal with pleasure, Samir with remembrance. I looked between them and then just lowered my eyes to Bilaal's trimmed bush. I couldn't imagine Samir ever trying to clean up his body hair like that. I paused to nibble on Bilaal's tip and then flattened my tongue against the underside of his shaft as he pushed me back down. The fat head of it fit my throat like a cork and made a plugging sound when he plunged me. He pulled me back off with a loud gasp and then pushed me back again.

"Mmmmm," I moaned in between gasps for air as he face fucked me. I kept looking up at the two sets of eyes, but I started to focus more on Bilaal. He was staring down at me and mouthing something with his lips as his eyes screwed up.

"Fucking great," Bilaal hissed as he guided me on his cock. He had that look guys get when we're on the edge like we're about to sneeze or something hurts. He kept his focus on me though and had one fist full of my hair, the other hand massaging my throat.

I was lost in the rhythm and animal instinct took over. Bilaal had a tight grip on my hair and tight control of my mouth. He looked at me with intense pleasure and lust like he was awakening to something new though I knew this couldn't be the first time he'd had this done. I gave in to it until I forgot Samir was there.

"That's enough!" Samir called angrily and we both froze in shock. We'd been so into this, into each other, that we must have missed some of Samir's directions.

Bilaal let go of my hair and I slid off his cock. It flopped out of my lips and landed against his stomach with a slick trail of spit and precum. The fat monster pulsed a few times and pushed out another glob of precum. I wanted to taste it, but Samir was already upset. I raised up from between his legs and sat back on my heels.

"Did he hurt you?" Samir asked me and I looked at him with confusion. In the reflected picture of me on Bilaal's phone I could see my face had turned a deep crimson from the lack of air and forceful sucking.

"No... not more than you usually do," I said. I realized from his eyes that he was making an excuse. He didn't like what I was doing. This was as confusing for him as it was for me.

"A little easier next time, he's my property and I don't want him broken," Samir said with a level of cold formality to remind us who was in charge. I caught a look of jealousy in him. It was the first time he'd seen me with someone who matched his size, strength, culture.

"Yes... sir," Bilaal said and picked up on the mood. I stared at Samir on the phone beside Bilaal's head while Bilaal looked past me to see Samir on the laptop screen. We both just waited there.

"Very well," Samir said, realizing we were waiting for his direction. "On your back, Lincoln. Pull your legs back behind your elbows so I can see that hole again."

"Yes sir," I whispered and Bilaal got off the bed. I laid back against the pillows and pulled my legs up. I looked like a crab on his back, but it showed off my hole to Samir. His eyes quickly softened again and his lips puckered in desire when he saw it.

"Kneel next to him and get back inside him. I want to see him finish," Samir said more gently.

"You want that, little one? You miss your lion's touch?" Samir asked in the soft fatherly tone he used only with me.

"Yes sir," I nodded. "Please."

Bilaal slicked up two fingers again and rubbed deliberate circles around my hole until I opened for him. I focused on Samir. He was watching me again with that smile of knowing his boy was being taken care of. I moaned and whined like he liked, but once Bilaal pushed back inside me I got lost again.

"Uhh yes, oh... fuck," I whined as his fingers found those spots that made my body hum. My cock was thumping again as he shoved into me and spread my hole.

"Yeah, that's my boy. He loves that. Bite on his nipples...," Samir directed. I looked to see him stroking his cock again as he watched us. He was fully hard and I ached to taste the precum that shot in little spurts over his chest. He flared his nostrils and bit his lip, aching to seed his boy.

Bilaal leaned over my chest and cupped my right pec muscle with his free hand. He squeezed it and leaned in to bite and suck on my nipple. He rubbed his fingers inside me and pushed in deeper as I thumped against the bedspread, losing control at his touch.

"Suck those muscle-tits... Fuck my boy," Samir growled. I forced my eyes to stay open, stay trained on his as Bilaal expertly worked me over. I was on the edge and needed to shoot soon.

"I'm so close," I hissed. "So fucking close." I reached down and gripped my cock. I didn't even get to stroke it though.

"No, Lincoln!" Samir said. I let it go, but the damage was done. My cock started to shoot. My nuts pulled up and I fired off several hot rounds as my body shivered and bounced against the mattress.

Bilaal turned his head to look just as a volley hit him on the nose. He didn't pull back though, he kept his fingers in me and started to ram them against my prostate as I shot off and yelled.

"Fuck... so fuck!" I growled. I saw a look of approval, satisfaction on Samir's face and he started to cum too. He shot all over his chest as he let out that deep, primal growl that made my whole body weak.

"Yes, baby! Yes! Cum for daddy!" Samir praised. He fisted his cock and gripped it tightly as he shot several rounds over his hairy, muscled chest. I got off another shot that hit Bilaal on the chin before I came crashing down in a weakened, light-headed daze.

"Ohhhh yeah," I whined as my chest rose and fell to gulp in air.

"Fuck, baby," Samir growled. He finished and laid back against the pillows. We stared at each other in cum-soaked lust. If I was there with him, where I should be, he would bring me into his chest then and kiss my forehead, tell me how perfect I was.

I reached out a hand towards the laptop screen knowing he couldn't pull me through.

"Soon, baby. Soon," he assured, reading my thoughts. Bilaal let his fingers go still and slowly slid them out of me. He sat back, staying out of the picture.

Samir and I laid there for a few minutes watching each other as we recovered. I felt this twist in my stomach. This was no substitute. I needed him.

"Finish Bilaal. Swallow his seed. He did well," Samir said. He was changing the subject, trying to put me at ease.

I looked over at Bilaal who was sprawled out against the pillows. His fat cock was rock hard and he stroked it quietly. I stretched out my legs and then crawled over to him. I turned the laptop so Samir had a clear shot.

I dove back onto Bilaal's cock and he gripped my hair again. He shoved back towards my throat but didn't make me gag this time. He didn't want to piss off his employer.

"Aww... shit that's so... fuck," Bilaal cursed as I worked his cock. He let me go at my own pace. I forced my lips in a tight ring around his thick shaft. His sweaty, worked up cock stretched my mouth and I tried to take as much as I could. I reached under his balls and rubbed that spot Samir liked. It made his cock give a few quick jerks.

"I can't last long," Bilaal said.

"Fill him. Give the boy what he begs for," Samir said. I couldn't see the screen, but I heard his approval. I looked up at Bilaal to see him nod to Samir. I felt his nuts tighten up and then his body started to thump as he shot cum down my throat.

"Fuck yeah. Here it comes... Take it... Fuck," Bilaal cursed as I worked his cock. He pumped his seed down my throat. I swallowed every drop. I missed the Arab taste inside me.

"Uhhhhh Shit!" He called as his hand rubbed my hair appreciatively. He fucked my throat a few times as his cock emptied inside me.

"That's my boy, swallow it." Samir sounded behind me.

"So... good," Bilaal gasped as he gave up the last few drops of his nectar. I bobbed a few more times and then laid my head against his thick thigh. He pet my hair for a few seconds as he recovered until Samir interrupted us.

"Well boys, I have a lot of meetings today. You two get cleaned up and get my boy to bed," Samir said.

I lifted my head and let Bilaal's cock slide out of my lips. I turned to look at Samir with a little cum on my lips.

"I hope it goes well... I love you," I said. Our eyes locked for a minute. I saw him swallow a lump in his throat as he nodded.

"I love you too. It will." Samir leaned up and hit something on his computer that made my screen go dark. He was gone.


We went off to shower and get ready for bed. Bilaal put on his shorts again and then went off to check that the house was locked down for the night.

He came back in with a tablet and a bottle of water.

"Let me know if this bothers you. I have the motion sensors on so it should only come on when there's someone moving about," Bilaal said. He set up the tablet on the nightstand that showed the camera feeds from around the property.

"So much security," I said.

"The house actually came with it. It's a secure rental place for VIP's," Bilaal said.

We settled into bed and Bilaal tried to pull me onto his chest. I rolled away and hugged a pillow. He slid up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to get out of his hold and we began to wrestle. I pushed him over onto his back and climbed on top to straddle his chest. I pushed his arms up over his head and pinned him back against the bed. He wasn't quite the strength powerhouse of Samir, we were more evenly matched.

"I guess you got me," he said as he looked up at me. There was just the barest traces of moonlight coming in through the drapes. Our eyes had adjusted though, so we could stare each other down. I wanted to show him that I wasn't just a pussyboy, as he had called me. He wasn't Samir, never would be.

"I guess I have to surrender," Bilaal said sadly, but then he got his arms free.

"Oh, wait! I forgot about this spot!" he said and his hands immediately went to the spots just below my armpits where I was most ticklish. Samir had learned this, he must have passed it on. Bilaal grabbed me there and began to work his fingers until I was convulsing with laughter. I couldn't control it and I collapsed against his chest. He used it to flip me over and pin me against the mattress.

"No! Not fair! You suck!" I laughed and tried to get away from him. I struggled helplessly for a minute until he stopped and leaned in to kiss me.

"Come on, tough guy. Are you done?" Bilaal asked. He brought me against his chest and we fell asleep in a tangle of arms.


"Damn, we slept in! He's early!" Bilaal said as he roused me. The sun was streaming in and I raised my head to see Bilaal rushing around pulling on jeans and a tight t-shirt.

"Who's early?" I asked with a loud yawn.

"Emerson's best friend. He's coming today," Bilaal said and pointed to the tablet set up on the nightstand. It showed the front gate opening and a car driving in. I watched as the red sportscar pulled up to the front.

"Oh no! Not him! Fuck!" I cursed. I saw a familiar guy get out of the driver's seat and take off his sunglasses. It was Caleb, Samir's ex-boyfriend. It had been months since I saw him. We'd left him in LA and Samir hadn't mentioned him much except to say that he was doing ok with the business. He never brought him up sexually or compared us. I was his cub now.

"Is he not safe? Samir and Ali both said he was ok to visit," Bilaal said.

"He's safe, but... Oh fuck is he staying? Why is he getting a bag out of his trunk?" I asked. I felt my stomach churn. I knew Emerson would want to see his best friend, but Caleb had a way of causing trouble, stirring things up.

"Go back to sleep, Lincoln. I'll let him in. It's only for a few days," Bilaal assured.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I texted a good morning to Samir and then shook my head. This was going to be a very bad day...


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