Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Jan 28, 2023


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Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The one you most asked for is in this chapter. -Emri


-+-{Lincoln's Pride}-+-

-'[Part 13]'-

"You are so horny, my love. Bilaal did not take care of your needs?" Samir asked as I rubbed against him. The morning light was coming through the windows and I'd woken up to find him holding me and checking some things on his phone. He smelled clean and fresh, without the filth of the night before. He must have woken before me and went to shower. I rubbed a hand down his stomach until I found his hard, throbbing cock against his thigh.

"He did," I yawned and kissed his hairy, brown nipple. I rubbed my nose into his muscled chest.

"But it wasn't the same. He could not satisfy you as only your lion can?" Samir smirked and kissed my forehead. He pushed back my hair and his eager eyes locked on mine.

"What happened? And why is your hair so short? You look darker," I noted as I appraised him.

"I was in the sun a great deal. I had to sneak into the Arizen tribe to work things out with them. I had to pose as one of them to gain access to my contacts there," Samir confessed.

"It looks good on you, like a warrior," I praised.

"That is what I am, sweet one. A leader is first a warrior for his people, a protector of his tribe," Samir asserted. He studied me as his hand slid down to rub my ass.

"How did you fix things? What were all the papers I signed yesterday?" I urged.

"Did you want answers first or do I get to claim my reward of your hole?" Samir laughed.

"Answers! No... Cock! No... Do both," I begged. I kept pressing into his chest to feel that he was really here with me. I made a little whine. It disgusted me how desperate I was for him. I lost my dignity completely. I lowered my eyes, ashamed to look at him like that, but he put his hand under my chin and lifted it for a kiss.

"It's ok, Lincoln," he read my thoughts as usual. "I missed you too," he assured.

"You're alive! You're here! You're... naked!" A voice yelled as the door to our room flung open. Caleb bounded in and flopped down on the other side of Samir. Samir pulled the comforter up his stomach quickly. Luckily, Caleb was on top of the comforter since Samir was naked and aroused underneath. He pushed his head under Samir's right arm to lay against his chest.

"I could get used to waking up like this! Both of my boys. This is how it should be," Samir laughed. My face was inches from Caleb's as we rolled our eyes to each other.

"I don't mind if Link doesn't," Caleb rubbed a hand up Samir's chest.

He's about to tell us what happened!" I shushed Caleb and looked up at Samir who was all too taken with the sight of the two loves of his life, former and current, sharing space on his chest.

"I got to thinking about the Arizen claim that they were being cheated on the shared tribal payments. Each tribe who earns above average profits must share some of it with the tribes earning below average profits. It is similar to how your country does taxes. Satra is the richest, most developed of the tribes, but we get resources and military protection from the less developed ones," Samir explained.

"Get to the good part, did you shoot someone?" Caleb asked.

"I knew that if I could show which Satra families were not paying their fair share then we could resolve this with the Arizen. To do that, I needed to get in the database from the Arizen accounts. They use an antiquated system, but it is meticulous. I had to get to my friend who was assembling the best hackers. They could trace the payments all the way back to the original point before they all were combined," Samir informed as he pet us like... pets.

"Is that why you shaved your head? I like it," Caleb glowed.

"Yes, I had to sneak in to meet with them. Once I got their help, we were able to track the missing amounts back to one group of families. The Halabis, cheap bastards, they were putting in their payments but then diverting them back after the yearly audit. They made it look like the Arizen were spending their payments on products from the Halabi businesses. It was somewhat brilliant how they had set it up. But how can a starving people spend $100 million a year on cosmetics and specialty foods?" Samir shook his head.

"That's terrible! Will they be charged?" I asked. Caleb looked over at me. He was already bored with the story and making faces at me. He was very immature sometimes.

"Well maybe, but I decided to leave that up to the Arizen. I only wanted to prove that the Hamad industries, all of my family assets, were being rightfully shared with their people. I wanted them to leave us alone so we could get back to business as usual. This has been harmful to my villagers. They did nothing wrong in this," Samir sighed.

"And me! I've been bored with the shutdown. All I'm doing is apologizing," Caleb pouted.

"And yes, poor Caleb," Samir mocked. He kissed the top of Caleb's hair.

"I went directly to the Arizen leaders. I offered them the proof they needed, but we talked it over and decided revenge would be better. My family along with other Satra leaders have enough collective stock in the Halabi businesses to control them. We decided to all sell our stocks to the Arizen for a very reduced price," Samir noted.

"Is that what I signed for yesterday? There were so many papers," I said as my lip brushed his nipple. It made him shiver and he quickly lost all interest in Caleb. He turned to look down at me.

"Some of them. See, we couldn't let the Halabis on on what we were doing. So everyone sold off a few portfolios of the smallest junk they could find and threw in the Halabi stock. Then we spread the word that Satra leaders should liquidate and disperse our assets in foreign places before the Arizen could lay claim. It worked. Even tribal leaders not in on our plan dumped stocks and things that were too close to home," Samir said as he put his nose against my scalp and breathed me in. He loved my hair, my smell.

"That's genius!" Caleb said, feeling left out. I reached over to him and rubbed his cheek. He had been a good friend, and I knew a piece of Samir belonged to him.

"Well yes, that was step one. The next step is for the Arizen to assemble the stock and begin to exert control over the Halabi industries. I told them they would have enough to ruin them, but they are placing their top financial minister on it to instead extract what is owed them. They will need another week or so to accomplish this so we will stay here," Samir informed.

"You'll be staying?" Caleb perked up.

"Yes, until this is settled we have to appear as though we ran. The Arizen have promised to protect our home and allow our villagers safe commerce as a reward. They are honorable men so there is no reason to doubt that our people will be in danger." Samir rubbed his nose against my hair as I slid my hand down to his cock under the comforter. I needed him soon.

"Then why did you go silent on me? I was worried," I sniffed.

"Me too! I was so torn up," Caleb lied.

"I know, my loves. I am so sorry for that. The Arizen needed assurance that I would complete my mission and keep my word. Until Lincoln transferred the stocks, they silence my communication. They couldn't risk me double-crossing them. An Arizen guard held my devices and we flew to Mexico City while the deal was going through. When we arrived, he waited to confirm that everything had been accomplished. He gave me my passport and items and flew home while I got on the first plane I could find to Los Angeles. I found you as soon as I could," Samir assured me. I noted that he hadn't woken Caleb last night to assure him.

"So now we wait?" I asked. I had so many questions. I looked across to Caleb, he was happy we would be here.

"Waiting isn't so bad. I have a boy under each arm, both of them waiting to please me. I can think of worse places to wait." Samir gave a smug look that made it unsure if he was joking.

"It'll just be Link for the time being. I'm a little sore right now," Caleb informed.

"Why did I have to sign the papers though?" I ignored Samir's joke.

"When I hired you, that first week, I put you through tests to see that you were loyal and competent. I didn't expect you to be so good with my business or learn things so quickly, so eagerly. I was impressed with you. Caleb was as well. We both agreed to have you sign paperwork to handle legal affairs in my absence. It is why Ali had you do it. You are also an American citizen so it was easier to file things under your name," Samir said.

"It was my idea. I used to have to sign for things when Samir was busy," Caleb laughed.

"You trust me," I glowed.

"Of course, my heart. Caleb was very thorough in finding the perfect boy to carry out the things he did not want to do anymore. He is actually quite shrewd with research and professional matters when he is focused. Businessmen underestimate him to their own peril sometimes. He was quite focused in finding someone to replace him for the parts he didn't want to do anymore," Samir said in a hauntingly sorrowful note as though he missed Caleb.

"Like paperwork, obedience, boring little cub duties. Linky-dink can have it all," Caleb said with sincerity. He really did want me there.

"I'm ready to go home," I said and looked to see Samir's eyes flare with understanding. He knew what I meant. I wanted to be back to our lives together in Satra, my school, our home.

"We will, my love. It will be over soon... Ali is flying in today. I should go check on Emerson," Samir noted.

"You didn't check in on me," Caleb mumbled.

"I most certainly did. I peeked in last night and saw you were happily wrapped up with an Arabian boy! I assumed you were back to normal," Samir laughed.

"It's why I'm sore... Not complaining though," Caleb smirked.


Things were a little awkward at breakfast. Bilaal and the others had already eaten, but he joined us to give Samir an update on things with the house and setup he'd done here for us.

"I'm very pleased! You can take Emerson and the boys to the airport to pick up Ali this afternoon. They want to be there when he arrives. Caleb, you and I have a little business to sort out. You've done well managing things here, but we need to grow it. I've set up a meeting for us for a few local leads. We have to make up some of the money this shutdown has cost us. You'll handle things after I leave." Samir was in work mode. He was ready to get back to work.

"I can help with..." I started to say but Samir cut me off with a dissenting headshake.

"I need you to stay here, little one. Tonight you will be my sole focus, but there is much to do. They are going to show us some properties and business ideas. There won't be room for all three of us," he said as he put a hand to my cheek and looked at me with those eyes that said nothing else mattered.

We finished up our breakfast while Samir went over plans with Caleb. Bilaal and I looked at each other with shared unimportance. Samir and Caleb put on nice clothes and headed off to their meeting.

"Do you want to work out with me?" Bilaal asked when he found me trying to read a magazine in the quiet living room. I had on my workout shorts and a red muscle shirt. I looked over at him with awkward hesitation. We had an abrupt ending to what was building between us. I nodded.

We spent a good hour smashing it out on the weights and cardio. He kept the conversation light as though he had pre-planned several acceptable topics and comments. There was a professional callus that formed over our relationship. He was there for our security and well-being.

The house staff back in Satra was different. They treated me like a ghost. When I broke the wall and spoke or touched them, they jumped in fear that there would be retribution from the Hamad men. Cubs were off limits. When put through the cultural sieve of American equality, we changed from untouchable ghosts to children who needed to be pampered and protected.

Bilaal headed off to his own shower and got ready to take Emerson and his boys to meet Ali at the airport. I went to my room, cleaned up, and then found myself in an empty house. I texted Samir who said he still had a lot of business left and wouldn't be home for awhile.

I decided to head out. I couldn't sit around the house all afternoon feeling useless. I didn't have a car, but I had the rideshare app on my phone for emergencies. I knew Samir wanted me to stay put, but he was busy with Caleb.

I put on jeans, a tight blue muscle shirt that had "Owned Boy" written in Arabic, and red skater shoes. Samir had the shirt made for me as a joke, but it was tight in just the right spots with a low v-neck that showed my pecs so he liked to see me in it. My hair was a mess of blonde going in every direction, but Samir seemed to like it that way. He'd said it looked like I'd done a really good job and my head got too many pats.

The driver who picked me up was thrilled to have a passenger that would take her into LA where she could spend the rest of the day with more lucrative fares. She was proud of her ancient Honda Civic. I gave her a hefty tip.

I got dropped off in the area Bilaal had shown me. I'd remembered seeing a vintage surf and skate shop that I wanted to check out. I hadn't been on a board since junior high, but I used to keep up with my friends when we went. An older cousin had given me his ancient skateboard when he got his driver's license. If I was going to spend the next week or so trapped in the compound, it might not be bad to relearn some old tricks.

I was looking at the boards deciding between a short board and one that was a custom art piece with the California bear skating across the flag. It was something I didn't usually go for, but it was a souvenir I could take home. People always seemed to light up when I said I was from here. It carries its own culture.

"You again!" A somewhat familiar voice sounded behind me. I turned to see Jace, the smoky gay boy from the juice bar standing close behind me. He was tall, gangly and pale with small black plugs in each ear. He had black-framed hipster glasses on and his dark brown hair flopped in a swoosh across his forehead. He eyed me with an eager stare.

"Ahh hey man, what's good?" I asked with a wink.

"Nice shirt. What does it say?" He pointed to my chest with a lump in his throat.

"Gotta learn Arabic, no cheating bro!" I laughed. I brushed my hair back with my fingers and saw him squirm nervously.

"Are you getting that board? I'll put your name on it or whatever... if you want. You can pick different wheels too." Jace leaned around me and gave one of the wheels a flick. As it spun, I caught him sniffing my cologne.

"You work here?" I was impressed. He looked more like a barista than a skater.

"Part time. They like my art though. I made this one freehand." He traced a finger over the bear as he brushed against my chest.

"Wow! Now I have to buy it! It's really well done. You have talent." I picked up the board and looked around for the register.

"I just like to draw... Come in the back with me. I've got my air pens so we can write on it for you!" Jace hopped excitedly. I followed him back behind the counter. He had a tiny studio setup in the back room with big open windows for ventilation.

"Can you do Arabic script?" I asked knowing just what I wanted to put on the board.

"If you can draw it, I can do it!" He glowed at the chance to show me his craft. He handed me a notepad and pencil. "But you have to tell me what it means! Your shirt too!"

I told him it said "owned boy" as I wrote out my name as Samir did it. He always put it as `Lincoln Hamad' claiming he'd forgotten my real last name and that it didn't matter anymore anyways. Jace had a million questions and I noticed his pants tenting as I opened up about it.

"Holy fuck that is hot!" He was on the edge of his seat.

"I guess so. Some days though it just feels good to get out and be myself for awhile. It's really just like any other family," I shrugged and handed him the paper as it hit me that the Hamads were really my family now.

"Nah, nah, nah! You're going to help me, bro! This is your board. It needs your touch. I'll show you how easy it is," he declared and grabbed two white masks out of a drawer to cover our mouths and noses. He fired up a little machine and I picked out a gold paint to go with the red and green of the flag.

"Here, let me," Jace said. He raised up on his toes to pull the string behind my head and then secured the circular mask over my nose and mouth. He pushed back my hair as though he'd accidentally mussed it. He put his own on and then fired up the small machine. He loaded the gold paint and then secured my board on his table. He put the wheels into locking trays so it wouldn't slide.

"Ok. Just relax and I'll guide your hands," he said with a tone of authority as he got behind me and handed me the airbrush pen. He put his hand over mine and put his other arm around me. I'm not sure why, but his technique required his left hand pressing against my abs. Maybe he wanted to hold me still.

He had the notepad with my Arabic scripted name next to the board. He studied it for a second before clicking a switch in the pen and moving my hand to the board. I felt the tent of his bulge grind slowly against my ass.

"That's it, Lincoln, nice and easy. Let me guide you," he whispered as he put his chin over my shoulder and guided me. He absentmindedly rubbed my abs as he concentrated on painting my name. He pushed up against me again and I could have sworn he was bucking his hips.

The script started to come to life. Jace took on a buzz of power as he showed me his expertise in action. He had that light grace of a gifted artist. He cleaned up my lines and straightened my script as though Arabic was his native choice of letters. He fattened up the arcs and leveled out the lines of my sloppy writing. I relaxed into his skinny arms as I did with a man of power.

"That's awesome dude!" I praised as he finished up with my name. He kept on rubbing against my ass and I started to push back. There was something about seeing his artistry, his pride in creating amazing work; it made me feel submissive in his arms. Power has little to do with size or physical strength.

"Lincoln Hamad, owned cub," he laughed as he clicked off the pen. He paused before releasing his hold on my stomach. He gave a quick peck of his lips against my cheek. He pulled away from me with a rub to my ass. I turned and smiled as my cheeks warmed with blush.

"Thanks, bro! It looks so beast!" I was amazed by it. I admired people who could make something so perfect look so easy.

"You want to try it out? I get a lunch break and there's a small skate park out back! I'll ring you up and we can head over if you want!" Jace was ready to make a day with me. I followed him to the register and added a healthy tip to the price. His eyes bulged appreciatively when he saw it.

We went out back where there was a wide cement path along a branch of the LA river. I had done enough yoga with Emerson to remember how to balance myself on the board. We skated down the path to a small park that had an area with ramps and rails for a few skater kids.

Jace gave me a sample of his moves to show off. He wasn't exactly Street League quality, but he drew impressed nods from the other skaters. I rolled back and forth as I watched. He rolled over, jumped up, and then kicked his board up as he stood in front of me.

"Your turn, Linc," He smirked. I felt the challenge. He was wanting my approval on this as well. Maybe Bilaal was right when he said Jace was all over me.

I nodded and pushed off. I used to go up the ramp and then flip my board all the way around before landing on it. But that was five or six years ago and I'd fallen on my ass a hundred times before getting it right. Still, I wasn't going to back down from a challenge.

I got up my speed and hit the ramp ok. When I ran out of ramp though, my jump turned into a misstep and my board sailed away in a comical arc. I landed half on the edge of the next ramp and banged my ass really hard then rolled to land on my arm. Where it was already injured from my encounter with the prowler.

"Uhh!" I yelled as I felt it scrape against the cement. More cuts, more blood.

"Lincoln! Fuck!" Jace yelled and rushed to me.

"Ow!" I said simply. I sat up and he looked me over. He helped me up and I grabbed my board with my good hand. He helped me limp back towards the store.

"I can't believe you're not hurt worse! That looked bad," Jace said as he led me to the restroom. I washed the blood off while he grabbed paper towels and patted at my cuts. He put antibiotic cream and we tried to put a bandage on my arm as my phone started to ring.

I fished it out and answered it. I was attending to my cuts so I had to put him on speakerphone. I set the phone on the counter between me and Jace who pointed happily to Samir's picture that showed when he called. "Hot!" He whispered.

"Why are you out of the house? Bilaal got a call from the housekeepers at home who said you were missing. I told you I'd be all yours when I'm finished with this! Why couldn't you follow orders?" Samir barked.

Jace gave raised eyebrows of concern and mouthed, "psycho," in silence. I stifled a laugh.

"I needed to get out. It's rough being in prison. I needed a break, warden! I needed to hope again!" I joked. Samir was not amused.

"I know this is hard on you, little one. I forget how young you are. You waited when I was missing and still haven't had me inside you... but I am trying to build business here for us. I'll send Bilaal to come collect you," Samir sighed.

"I can take the ride-share service. I just want to stay out a little longer. I made a friend and we're hanging out." I felt like I was negotiating with my father.

"You're only eighteen years old, Lincon! You can not wander the city on your own meeting strangers! And what is all that noise you're making?" Samir fumed. He wasn't used to me pushing back.

"I'm trying to bandage my arm," I said as I fumbled with the tape.

"You're injured again? My perfect boy! Do I need to come there?" Samir sounded frantic.

"No, just cut it when I fell off the skateboard. It's all right. It stopped bleeding. I'll be home before dinner, I promise!" I noticed Jace looking awkwardly at me and I suddenly felt the embarrassment of an eighteen year old having to beg for a small slice of freedom. I'd been here on my own for a few weeks now and it felt weird to have to explain why I was out.

"I have to go, Lincoln. Be home before it's dark out," Samir stressed. I heard the disappointment and concern in his voice. He had been away from me for just as long and forgot that I wasn't the compliant cub that Emerson was.

"Can I get something pierced?" I added, hoping for a laugh.

"Lincoln! There will be no new holes or tattoos for my boy! You are already facing punishment for disobeying me and leaving without letting someone know!" Samir barked.

"Joke!" I swore. I paused for a second and then added, "I'm sorry... Love you."

"Be safe, my heart. Remember who loves you more than anything," Samir ended.

"I can take you home, man! It's no problem," Jace said when I hung up.

"It's Calabassas," I warned him. It was a little far out there.

"No prob, I get off in an hour if you want to hang out." Jace clapped a hand on my shoulder. I helped him with his work. I unpacked some wheels and trucks. I helped set up a display of crazy laces in the shoe area. I even helped a lady who was looking through shirts for her son.

Things were going well and I enjoyed being an employee until these two darker guys came in. I wasn't sure if they were hispanic or arabic, but then I noticed them looking at my shirt. I should have known better than to venture out to Bilaal's area and not expect to find more of his people. The suggestive shirt didn't help matters. They seemed delighted but shocked to find me in it. One pointed it out to the other and they both paused to laugh.

I tried to turn and walk the other way, but they started talking about me in Arabic. I hadn't heard it in a few weeks and a sharp pain of missing home stopped me in my tracks.

"Someone must have given it to him as a joke," one of them said in his language.

"Maybe he fucked him and is making him wear it. You know these light boys will do whatever they can to get our cocks," the other responded.

"You think he's a pussy boy? He looks pretty jock to me," the first one said. I pretended not to know what they were saying and I squatted down with my back to them as though I was fixing something on the shelf.

"You remember that guy in highschool I told you I used to fuck? He was the star pitcher, ended up with a full scholarship to UCLA. He had the tightest bubble pussy. He used to beg me to fuck him. That night they won the championships he was outside my window instead of out celebrating with his team," the second guy replied with a laugh.

I pushed out my ass for them to get a good look. They were getting downright filthy, emboldened by the safety of thinking that their language was private since no other Arabs were in the store.

"I bet he made the shirt, he probably begs for it," the first one said. I turned my head to see him give his crotch a rub. I was so horny and needed to pounce on Samir when he got home. These guys were reminding me of that.

"Did you guys need help with something? I can show you whatever you need" I asked in English with an innocent look.

"Fuck, those lips are made for cock. I bet he's pretty good," the other guy said in Arabic.

"Yeah he can definitely show me what I need, hot little fucker," the first guy said. He straightened up, gave a friendly nod, and added in English, "Just looking around! Thanks!"

They were around Bilaal's age and equally as handsome though not nearly as built.

I got up and leaned against the counter, bending to show my ass off and pretending to work a muscle cramp in my thigh. I looked at them as though I had hurt something and needed to rub it out. It forced my ass out and showed off my abs as I twisted around as though inspecting the injury.

"Are you seeing this? What the fuck? Where do these pussy jocks drop from?" The second guy inhaled sharply as he pursed his lips and took me in.

"Sorry," I said in English. "I think I pulled something when I fell off my board. It's sore all the way up to here!" I rubbed my hand up to my ass and slid my fingers up between my cheeks. I let my jeans slide down a little so they could see the band of my brightly colored briefs.

"I'd make him so sore... plant my cock so deep it would never find its way out! Hot little fucker and he knows it," the first guy bragged in Arabic. The biggest thrill was understanding them, knowing how much they wanted my hole.

"He's begging for it, man." The second one agreed.

I straightened up then, it was nearly time for us to head out and I realized I'd let this go on too long. Samir would have been amused at first, but then scolded me for going too far.

"Let me know if you need anything... anything at all," I said in Arabic and they froze in sudden horror. Their dark cheeks blushed, but then the first one recovered quickly and looked at me with lust.

"Who lets you out wearing a shirt like that?" he asked me in his language.

"Link? You ready to go? The night guy is here to take over," Jace interrupted. I looked up to see him eyeing me and the men with concern.

"Sure, let me grab my board," I said. I got to my feet and followed him to the back room.


"How did you even get into all this? It sounds like some wild movie," Jace began interrogating me as soon as we pulled away from the store in his rickety old toyota. We hit traffic almost immediately so I had no choice but to tell him the whole story from the beginning.

I told him how I met Samir and interviewed for the job, the lust over his power, his muscles, his dominant culture. I told him about Satra and Emerson, Caleb and even Anders. I didn't realize how much my world had gone into an alternate universe in the past six months. He was on the edge of his seat as we inched along the 101 in rush hour.

"I've never heard anything like that. It's like a different world. Are they all like that? How do I get one of my own?" Jace said. He looked at me differently now. Before, he'd been all over me. He had rubbed my ass, felt my abs, sniffed my cologne. But now he looked at me like a gateway, the ticket-taker at Disney Arabia.

"I don't know... I mean..." I didn't know how to respond.

"What about that guy who was with you the other day? Is he like that? He was pretty cute, but I... I never thought about a guy like that," Jace revealed. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Here's my exit... That was Bilaal..." I started to say as Jace exited the crawl of traffic. I felt suddenly protective of Bilaal. I knew he wasn't mine to be jealous for. I had Samir, and I was positive Samir wasn't going to let me play around with Bilaal.

We made it back to the compound and Bilaal buzzed us inside the gates. He was waiting when we pulled up. I hadn't invited Jace inside, but he pulled his car off towards the garages as though I had.

"Do you know how much trouble I could have been in? When I left with Emerson, you were quietly reading! Why didn't you tell me you were heading out?" Bilaal fumed. He didn't acknowledge Jace's presence, but I turned to see Jace eyeing him with newfound interest.

"I know... I just had to get out. I didn't mean to get you in trouble," I said as I came towards him. His body relaxed as I showed repentance. He noticed the skateboard I was holding and reached to grab it.

"Cool board! There's a skate shop by my gym," Bilaal perked up.

"Yeah, I work there," Jace chimed. I saw Jace's eyes focus on Bilaal as he hopped on my board.

"I used to spend hours on mine with friends!" Bilaal pushed off and did a loop around the circular driveway. He jumped up and the board flipped twice before he landed on it perfectly before skating back over to us.

"That all you got?" Jace asked with a laugh. Bilaal gave him the board and Jace was off doing his full show. He went straight towards the gate like he was going to ram it. He squatted down on the board then lifted it up somehow and flipped. He pivoted, kicked off the wall, and then landed on his board heading in the other direction. It was pretty risky, like a cross between boarding and parkour. Bilaal whistled appreciatively. It looked even better framed against the pink sunset.

"Not bad, kid," Bilaal teased as though that wasn't the coolest trick we'd ever seen.

It was like in one of those movies where the little flying cupid shoots arrows and two strangers suddenly turn to see each other. Their eyes bulge out while one of those comical "Ahh-OOH-guh" sounds plays. It was no longer a triangle, and I had no point there.

I started to feel a little angry, but then I remembered the look on Bilaal's face when he had to give up the bed we shared because Samir had returned. He looked like he'd been plucked off a cloud and sent hurtling to the earth. He deserved some happiness. He deserved Jace's look of adoration. Maybe it would blossom or just end in a really hot fuck. Either way, they had my blessing.

"Lincoln," Ali's voice sounded from the entryway. He motioned for me and I left Bilaal and Jace to their flirting. It was Anders all over again! He was the nordic cub I rescued from a lazy, mean older man. Samir had watched me fuck him, amused by my innocence and inability. But then Samir took over and had shown him what a real man could do.

When he met Khalid, I was no longer important. He had what he truly desired and never looked at me again. It would be the same with Jace. When he heard my story, it flipped a switch in him as well. In his eyes, I was just another boy now.

"Let me see your arm. Samir told me you were hurt. I'll take a look," Ali drew me in under his arm and led me inside where it was brighter.

"It's not so bad," I shrugged as he poked at my bandage and twisted my arm gently.

"I'll have to redo this bandaging and make sure you cleaned it properly," he noted. It was fine, but he was reminding me that his father was a respected physician. Emerson appeared behind him. He signed that he had put the twins down for a nap.

Ali led me back towards their bathroom where he knew Emerson would have a supply of first aid things. Emerson was always prepared for anything his kids might get in to. Emerson followed and the two of them worked to clean and bandage my arm better. I sat on the counter as they stood over me inspecting the cuts.

"I can't believe you left like that. Samir has always been too permissive with his cubs. He spoils them!" Ali said and signed. Emerson offered me an eye roll of support when Ali looked away.

"He's only 18. He needs to get out and experience life. Being trapped here is too much for him. I have the boys to take care of. He is alone. What did Samir expect?" Emerson signed to Ali.

"You're right. I would never have left you by yourself like this," Ali nodded and leaned over me to kiss his husband as I sat between them on the counter. They broke their kiss and went back to inspecting my injury like two doting parents. Once again I felt like someone much younger. I didn't mind it so much with them though, they fascinated me.

"You did leave me alone, in Morocco!" Emerson signed with a laugh.

"You had your dog," Ali signed back and offered an apologetic smile.

"Lincoln!" I heard Samir calling my name from down the hall.

"Ikharus!" Ali yelled back which is his dialect of saying `shut up.' The twins were taking a nap in their parents' bed and he didn't want them awakened.

"Lincoln, little one!" Samir yelled softly as he wheeled the corner and saw me sitting on the counter between his older brother and Emerson.

"He's fine," Ali assured, "But you should cane his bottom for sneaking off like that." Ali's words were harsh, but he gave me a wink and rubbed his hand over my hair.

"I plan to! He will be punished. And why would you wear this shirt? You know what message it sends to men who can read it! You could have been hurt," Samir fumed, but I saw the lust in his eyes. He needed time with me as badly as I did with him. He would surely punish me, but he had urgent business with my ass before he caned it. I definitely wouldn't tell him about the two Arab guys who talked about it at the skate store.

Emerson interjected and signed what he had told Ali about not being too hard on me. Samir respected him and paused to see what he had to say. He would listen to Emerson, the perfect cub neither Caleb nor I could ever live up to. Samir nodded and slid his hands under my armpits like he was going to lift me off the counter.

"I just hurt my arm, my legs are fine," I said and pushed towards him. Instead of backing off though, he pressed in between my legs and leaned in for a kiss. I slid my arms around him over his shoulders and he pushed me back against the mirror.

"Out! You two," Ali growled. He could see where this was going and wanted us away.

Samir laughed and pulled me against his chest insistently. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lifted me. No matter how strong I get, Samir still takes pride in being able to cart his boy off to bed.

"I want you to meet the the investor we are working with," Samir said when he'd closed their door. "He will be coming for dinner. It is the Persian man who is helping us find investments. He is bringing his cub along for dinner."

"But what about? I need it... I need you. Can we just?" I asked noting the impending need we both had for naked time with each other.

"It will wait a bit, and I'm sure you skipped lunch. Food will be good. I need you too, but this is important for our future," Samir stated though he sounded guilty. "He went to collect papers for us on the properties we liked. He is bringing them and I promise it will go quickly," he added.

"Can Jace stay for dinner too? He brought me home," I asked.

"Who is Jace? Where is he?" Samir asked and looked around.

"I think he is with Bilaal. They seem to really click with each other," I laughed.

"Oh then I saw him. They were skating around on his board when we got home. He is quite cute, but a little on the skinny side for my taste," Samir noted to assure me I was what he wanted.

"Oh that's my new board! I got it today! Jace paints them. He's really good!" I informed him proudly.

"This is how you got hurt?" Samir asked and raised my arm to kiss it. I nodded.

"I used to be good at it. I thought I could practice more and take it home," I told him.

"Fine, fine. Let's get you in more proper clothing, and no more boarding until we get the protective gear. Your contract for employment with me states that you will stay my perfect baby. I don't want you scarred up and broken." Samir tugged on my shirt and pushed me off towards our room. I got cleaned up and he picked out a simple long-sleeved t-shirt with jeans.

Jace and Bilaal were waiting for us when we headed to the living room. They were laughing and debating something. Jace was all giggles and "oohs" at whatever Bilaal was saying. He knew his way around the flirt. I introduced Jace to Samir and watched as the boy's eyes lit up.

"Hi... sir," Jace fumbled. Samir seemed amused, but not aroused by Jace. He made polite conversation while keeping his arm across my back.

Caleb wandered out a few minutes later. Jordan was back and kept a protective watch on Caleb. I was sure Caleb had told him about being Samir's boyfriend for so many years. There seemed to be a tense look in Jordan's eyes when he was introduced to Samir. Caleb had likely done all he could to stir jealousy and heighten Jordan's interest in him. He was good at that stuff. Samir said it used to drive him crazy when they were together. Caleb always created problems.

Caleb looked annoyed when he saw Jace, but Samir distracted him by asking him to tell everyone about their business today. Samir pulled me into his side on the couch and stroked my hair as I nuzzled into his chest. It felt nice to be under his approving hold again.

"Oh! We found good properties to rent out. This one office building just needs a remodel and I know we can turn it into creative tech space. There's a cafe concept that is working and just needs to franchise out big time. We have a good department that can really get it off the ground. The owner is brilliant, but had no sense of making things bigger. The investment guy had some good ideas and prospects for us. I can't wait to see what he's putting together!" Caleb said excitedly as everyone pretended to follow along.

"He is brilliant when I get him focused. He has a good head for these things," Samir said to me as he proudly watched Caleb in action. Caleb droned on until Bilaal announced that someone was at the front gate.

"That's Navid!" Caleb chimed.

A few minutes later, Bilaal ushered in a tall, handsome man with round, brown eyes and a trimmed beard. He was dark and younger than Samir, but carried an air of charisma that lit up the room. I felt his alpha authority from across the room. He was in Samir's league.

Samir rose and said something to him in a language I didn't know. He went over to greet Navid and I followed. I noticed a thin, light teenage boy behind him. He had that nerdy chic quality to him that only lacked dark clunky eyeglasses. He looked uncomfortably shy and clung quietly to Navid.

Samir and Navid were going on in the foreign language for a few minutes before they introduced everyone. Navid was Persian, Samir explained. The boy with him was Noah, Samir referred to him as Navids "cub." That word carried a lot of connotations in our world. I wondered what it meant for Noah here. He looked slightly frightened as he took in the surroundings of the large house and four other couples that looked similar to his own relationship.

Ali and Emerson had come out to greet them as well, but they didn't stay long. They would take their dinner with their children and do their own family time tonight.

Navid shook my hand warmly, and then leaned in to do that European thing of a quick peck to each of my cheeks. The touch of a dominant alpha reminded me that I desperately needed Samir. It's not just the feeling of being hard, it's that loss of a needed element like water that has your throat dry and head achy. Nothing would feel right until I got hydrated again, and the firehose I needed was locked away in dress pants. Samir gave Noah a tight hug and then came back to me.

The couples settled into couches while we waited for dinner. Navid had pulled Noah into his lap. It made me think that Ali and Emerson must have been like that when they were younger. Noah seemed to disappear into his chest as his lion gently rubbed his back.

When they started to discuss business, Samir suggested I show Noah around the compound. Dinner would be soon, but he could tell I was restless in his lap. Noah seemed unsure about it. Like Emerson, he wasn't used to wandering a new place away from his lion. Navid pushed him gently and said it would be ok.

"This place is huge," Noah said with the most amazing green eyes that had me staring in awe. He really did look like Emerson in old pictures, the picture of innocence. "Our place is small, just enough for me to keep clean."

"Our place back home is small too; just one big room like a loft. It's part of the family compound in Satra though. The main house is endless. I still don't think I've seen it all. Emerson and Ali have their own small house in the compound too. They needed more space for their two boys." I showed him the game room with the big TV and gaming consoles.

"I'd love to live in a place like that with Navid's family. His parents are really sweet, but they live in Iran," Noah lamented.

"That's got to be hard for him. My family lives here, but the Hamads are like my family now. I don't think I'll ever come back here to stay," I said.

"You learned Arabic! Navid told me you picked it up quickly. I would like to study Persian, but he won't teach me and doesn't sound thrilled when I mention taking classes," Noah said.

"Well I went there to study and most of the classes are taught in Arabic. I'm sure you would pick it up quickly! And here is the pool," I said when I showed him through a side patio that led to the backyard.

"Woah that's crazy huge! It's like a resort!" Noah was warming up to me. I put my hand on his shoulder but noticed him wince in surprise.

"You guys should come tomorrow! The sun will be out so pooltime would be perfect!" I offered.

"I'll ask Navid! He always has to spray and rub me down with sunblock though," Noah admitted.

"Oh they're all like that! Our pool area at home has sunblock dispensers near the lounge chairs and there's even a few clipped onto the side of the pool. Samir freaks out when I try to go out without putting it on first. I actually think he looks hotter when he is darker," I laughed. Noah really did have similar experiences.

"Pale and pink!" Noah laughed. "That's what Navid says. No marks, no holes, no tan. He won't even let me get a little tattoo. He says he likes me fresh out of the box."

"Ali is like that with Emerson. They've been together for over eight years and he still treats him like his boy. It's sweet though, and Emerson definitely plays along. They are raising twins too. They're like the perfect family the others want to live up to," I mused knowing that's what Samir would probably want for us. We sat near the edge of the pool and watched the sunset.

"Navid was so excited when he told me. I know he wants that for us someday," Noah smiled.

Bilaal came to find us with Jace close behind him. Dinner was ready and we followed him back inside. Navid quickly brought Noah into his chest when we found them.

Samir sat at the head of the table and Navid sat to his right with Noah. I was on Samir's left with Caleb next to me and then Jordan. That left Bilaal at the other end of the table with Jace next to Noah. Samir, Navid, and Caleb immediately started to discuss business and review the properties they'd seen that day.

"Are you in school? Tell me about your program." I leaned over and asked Noah. It must have been a little uncomfortable to walk into this situation. I can't imagine they met too many couples like us and Noah already seemed shy and reserved. We talked about our programs. We were both just getting started, but he was a year ahead of me. He seemed to take a quick look over at Navid each time before speaking as though he wasn't sure he was allowed.

The plates of food started to arrive. Everyone had plates with steak, potatoes, and some other delicious looking side. Everyone got a plate but me. I waited a minute before grabbing my fork and aiming it at Samir's plate. I thought he wouldn't mind me stealing some of his meat.

"No!" Samir barked and blocked me with his fork.

"They didn't bring me a plate... I'm hungry... You can't let me starve," I whined.

"It's coming. You must be punished though and your guest has the steak you would be eating if you'd followed instructions and stayed home," Samir said coldly. I groaned and he reached over to rub my head as though he felt my pain. Navid gave an approving nod. Noah looked wide-eyed in fascination.

"Here you are sir, sorry it took a little longer to chill the chicken," Pedro, the chef said when he set a plate in front of me. It was two pieces of dry toast and cold grilled chicken. They had intentionally chilled it!

"Do I get ketchup at least? It's dry and flavorless" I asked.

"Flavor is for good boys," Samir said. "There will be no discussion, eat."

I turned back to Noah who looked at me with pity. He nudged his steak towards me as if to say he would sneak me some if I wanted, but I shook my head. It was best to not anger Samir further when he was in that mode, and I didn't want him to get in trouble with his lion.

As the men went on with their business discussion, Noah and I talked about his situation with Navid. I wondered what it would be like to be him. Bilaal was like Navid, a simple business guy just getting started. Would I be ok having a small life like that with Samir? Would I be ok in a small home in LA disconnected from the wealth and large, supportive family of the Hamads in a country that they helped run?

When I finished my tasteless but nutritious meal, Noah asked about Satra and I showed him pictures of my life there on my phone. He asked what it was like there and how long I'd taken to pick up Arabic. He wanted to know what it felt like to be in a totally different culture and did I know anything about Islam. I told him that the Hamads weren't really religious, and he told me about Navid and his small prayer room where he dutifully followed the rituals. It was a good distraction from my need to jump Samir.

Ali walked in dressed in a tight polo and nice pants. He had spent time with Emerson and his sons, but came in to check on business. He greeted Navid and pulled up a chair to hear about the projects. He looked rested, happy. I imagined Emerson was as well.

The house staff returned to clear away the plates and then they brought small plates with a sampling of Arab desserts. They made a really good one with pistachios and a sweet sauce on top. I was skipped again and turned to Samir to complain. The look he gave me told me to drop it so I quickly closed my mouth.

Jace looked at his desserts with interest. Bilaal puffed up with pride at explaining them to him and assuring him that they were very good. He lifted one and Jace leaned in to take a bite with an exaggerated "Yum" and overzealous smile. I was happy at how quickly he was taken with Jace's attention. Maybe I had oversold it on the ride home.

Noah didn't eat dessert either, he only took a bite when Navid offered it to him. They were sweet together. Samir was ignoring me and focused in on Caleb's discussion of the pros and cons of a property they had seen. Noah tried to keep me engaged, but I was ready to leave.

I noticed Noah's discomfort when I ventured too close to topics about sex with them. He said Navid didn't like him to talk about that, and I turned to see Navid looking at me with disapproval. I gave a nod of apology. He really did treat Noah like Ali treated Emerson.

"Is Lincoln being inappropriate?" Samir asked with a harsh look towards me. He'd picked up on Navid's loss of attention to their business. Caleb glared at me as it had interrupted his train of speech.

"No!" I rolled my eyes while Noah chimed, "No sir," politely.

"He is very respectful. Lincoln could learn something," Samir said to Navid as though I were his disobedient dog.

"Noah is polite to cover for being shy. At home though he often requires heavy discipline," Navid offered a joke to lighten the mood. Noah blushed but smiled to indicate that Navid spoke in jest.

"I will try harder... sir," I spat as my anger boiled.

"Lincoln, you will be quiet and respectful or you will leave!" Samir turned to me and whispered harshly.

"Go easy on the boy. He needs his lion," Ali warned. Everyone seemed to have input tonight.

"Don't be immature, Lincoln. We will finish up soon and you can have Samir. Just go back to pouting quietly like a good boy," Caleb shot. He hated to have his brilliance interrupted.

I set down my napkin, pushed my chair back and stood. I'd had enough and didn't want to get into a scene in front of the guests. I was finished eating and didn't appreciate receiving everyone's jokes. All eyes shot up at me. I froze, realizing I'd caused a scene.

"Your boy needs you. He is overdue for your affection," Ali said to his younger brother. Samir didn't like having things pointed out by his older brother. He frowned at me, but then saw my need and his eyes quickly softened.

"Excuse us," Samir said and stood. He grabbed me by the arm that was uninjured.

"My brother can discuss things and I will contact you tomorrow, Navid. It was very nice to meet you... but my boy has needs that I have neglected. I know you understand," Samir said. Navid nodded and offered me an encouraging nod.

Samir slid his hand down from my bicep to interlace his fingers with mine. He gave my hand a squeeze and I felt the anxiety melt from my tense muscles. He led me out of the room as everyone's eyes followed us. I looked down and paced behind him.

"I'm not being immature," I said when he led me to our room. Away from the guests, I could show my anger.

"I didn't say that you were, little one. Caleb was upset," Samir said calmly and sat on the bed.

"You didn't hire me to just sit on the shelf until you had play time! I'm not like that. I'm useful. I've learned all about this! I'm not just a cub," I paced back and forth in front of him angrily.

"I would never ask that of you. You have worked hard and learned so much. I am proud of you," Samir said but let me carry on.

"I'm not Emerson. I won't stay home and be your house pet. I'm not even Noah and I'm not sure what he even is! You hired me to get involved with the business, but then you cut me out when Caleb decides to be good again! I've been good and followed the rules, but I get benched like a useless toy!" I was pissed.

"My love, come here," Samir reached for me but I pulled away.

"If you want Caleb then you can have him. But you can't fuck me and... love him!" I was trying to not yell. The house was huge, but the walls weren't sound-proof.

"Come! Here!" Samir rose and pulled me into his chest. He buried his lips on mine and slid his arms around my waist. He kissed me as he walked backwards towards the bed. He sat down and pulled me with him. His tongue pushed through my lips and he laid down, pulling me into his chest.

"Is that what you think? You think you are just a replacement hole for my seed? You didn't replace Caleb, and he will never replace you. I've loved him since I was a boy, but in a very different way than I love you, Lincoln. He is a man now and handles business on his own. Both he and I want very different things in a partner than each other can give." Samir kissed my forehead and pushed back my hair in that fatherly way.

"I can handle your business. I'm learning it. I can be a part of this," I insisted.

"You are a part of it, but your home is with me in Satra. You called it home and long to return there! You are my boy! Caleb does not have that wish. Satra is not his home and neither is my bed. He oversees my U.S. operations and he is good at it, but you are my heart. I need him to be involved while we are here. This is what he will take over and run when you and I can safely return home," Samir pushed. He kissed little nibbles down my cheek.

I sighed as it sank in that he was right.

"Caleb is family and I do care for him deeply, but you are not in competition for my affections or my respect. I don't want you to be Emerson. I certainly don't want you to be Caleb. I've never asked you to be anything other than Lincoln, my perfect American jock boy with good character and an honest heart who occasionally whines when he loses." Samir joked.

I didn't laugh, but I put my head into his chest.

"You are so young, Lincoln, eighteen years is not long enough to know everything. You will grow to do amazing things and there is no need to rush or compete with everyone else. You are my boy, the one I am proud of," Samir assured.

"I'm proud of you too... You fought for me, for our home," I said as my head rested against his heartbeat.

"When I was with the Arizen, trying to resolve this... I wanted to do right for my people, make our land safe again... but what I really thought of was you. I wanted you home and happy. I love when we are in our little house and you are working on your school or organizing my files while I handle business. I like your look of accomplishment when you bring home a good grade or put together a report for me. I love how happy you are just being at my side." Samir rubbed a hand down to cup my ass.

"I've learned so much over there. I've never felt like I was so good at something," I confirmed.

"I can see my future with you, Lincoln. I don't know what it will look like, but I'm sure it will be the best. You don't have to be Emerson. That's what Ali wanted. He wanted a peaceful boy to raise his sons and take care of the home. I don't know what you'll choose when you grow up more and finish your studies... but as long as you choose me, I'll support what you want and help you become what you dream of," Samir assured.

"I can't choose you," I laughed.

"What do you mean?" Samir asked with a hint of concern.

"My body chooses for me. No matter who I meet or look at, it never measures up. It's more than love, it's a physical need for you. I didn't sleep well until I was on your chest. I didn't feel right until you held me. It's hard to explain. It feels like playing baseball with a bat that is ten pounds too heavy or wearing pants filled with a thousand itchy tags. Nothing is right, nothing calms the ache but you," I admitted.

"I feel it too," Samir sighed, "I had a dull headache that went away when I laid down in this bed with you. I knew you were safe and I was here to look after you. It settled my nerves."

I looked up at him and our lips found each other. He pulled me up his chest until I was on top of him, my knees straddling his waist. His arms slid up my back and pushed up my shirt. I raised my arms and he pushed it off, tossing it across the room. He leaned into me and kissed my right nipple then sucked it into his lips.

"Uhhh," I gasped as he bit into it. His hands slid around to my abs and then rubbed up my chest to cup my pecs as though he was feeling up a girl. It wasn't something he usually did and I paused for a second to wonder if he had been with the women of the Arizen tribe. He sucked on my nipples, alternating between the two until they were both worked into hard little darts. He chewed at them as I moaned and squirmed in his arms.

"My love," he hissed as he pulled me back down for a kiss. His tongue slid in aggressively and began to wrestle mine. My lips formed a smile at his random display of dominance.

"Samir! I need you to sign," Caleb suddenly sang as he opened our door.

"Get the fuck out," Samir growled as Caleb froze to take us in.

"It'll be quick. I just need," Caleb started, but Samir threw a pillow at him.

"Out!" he barked. Caleb backed out and closed our door. Samir slid me off of him and onto my back. He hopped over me and lunged towards the door. He locked it and then turned back to me with the biggest tent in his pants.

"That was hot," I observed and earned an approving wink from him. He struggled out of his clothes. His shirt flew to a chair while his pants landed on the dresser. He pushed down his briefs and his fat brown snake flopped out.

"No more disturbances," he assured. I rolled over to the side table and quickly found some music on my phone. A soft, thumping beat filled the room as my phone connected to the bluetooth system.

"I need you," I nodded. He jumped onto the bed and landed beside me. He laid on his side, propped up by one elbow and brought me over against his chest. I quickly pushed my jeans down and off. My cock was straining the tight briefs.

His hand gripped the outline of my shaft and he pumped it until a solid stain of precum formed on the fabric. He swiped his finger through the small puddle of my leaky cock and brought it to my lips. I sucked it eagerly hoping the finger would soon find my hole.

"I missed my boy," Samir sighed as I reached down to grab his cock. It was at full mast and pulsed in my hand like a thick, fleshy snake. I leaned down to kiss his pecs and began to make my way towards his cock. His fingers tangled in my hair as he guided me down his hairy, muscled chest.

"I like your tan. You should get sun more often," I mused. "It makes your cock match your skintone." His cock was two shades darker than the rest of him. It was something I'd noted on the other Arab guys I'd seen. Their cocks were always darker than their other parts.

"No other could satisfy me," he said. I grasped that he had explored his own sexual adventures on his mission to save his people. For some reason it felt ok. We both understood that what we had was something no other could provide. Testing that made us appreciate what we shared.

He pushed me down until my lips brushed the tip of his cock. At my touch, the fat tip spit out a splash of precum over my lips. I slurped it in with my tongue, missing his taste. I lapped at the tip of his cock, but he wasn't in the mood to be teased.

"All the way, you've grown lazy in my absence," Samir observed as he pushed me down onto his cock. I quickly slurped it in, massaging the underside of his shaft with my tongue. He stuffed my mouth, strained my lips as I tried to accommodate him. My jaw ached in protest at my lack of recent practice with Arab meat.

"Fuck yes, that's my boy. That's my baby," Samir praised as his tip pushed back to my throat and I sputtered and gagged on his girth.

"Mm-mmm," I protested, but I didn't fight back. I wanted him in my hole and new this was the best way. I could quickly bring him to the edge with my throat muscles massaging his cock. He would never admit it, but he'd suddenly pull out and push me away. He'd make up the excuse that my hole needed his touch and use that time to calm so he could fuck me properly.

Sure enough, within a minute of his cock in my throat he was easing me off.

"Baby, baby. I need to open your pussy before your cock explodes from the joy of pleasing me with your mouth." He always tried to make it as though I was the one who was too close to finishing. He wasn't inaccurate though. I actually was quite desperate for him. I reached down to feel the puddle of precum my cock had leaked while he distracted me by forcing his meat down my throat.

"Yes sir, please," I begged. I'd always protect his pride. My need for him had me desperate. I flipped around so I was eye to eye with his cock and raised my legs so he could get at my hole. He put his hands to my ass and pulled me over towards him. He rolled over on his back and brought my right thigh over his head so he could get a good look at his favorite place.

"Fuck that's beautiful," he mused as my knees straddled his head. He leaned up and dove onto my hole, his tongue forcing inside me. I immediately began to squirm and whine as he lit up my special spots. His cock laid in front of me and I begged to nurse on it as my body went weak from his expert tongue.

"Uhhhhh yes!" I yelled as he licked slow, forceful circles to stretch my ring and electrify my chute. The stubbly prickle of of his beard rubbed against my smooth nuts as his head moved in motion with his tongue. My cock pulsed and thumped against his chest, drooling my excitement between his pecs. I wanted to suck his cock. I needed my pacifier, but I also needed his cock inside me.

"Fuck," I hissed and leaned down to kiss between his thighs. I licked his furry balls and then nibbled on the right one. I slurped the thick walnut into my lips and swirled my tongue around it as his body gave a few quick shivers. He reached down to rub my hair in approval.

His tongue pushed in as far as it would go as I raised up in a sudden shoot of excitement. My back arched painfully as I sat on his face. His hands rubbed up to squeeze my pecs.

"Uhhhh!" I screamed and wiggled on his tongue. Samir gave it a few quick darts of his tongue and then I fell back down with my face between his thighs.

"Little one, you must be quieter. We aren't at home in our soundproof cottage," Samir laughed though he would never really want me quieter. He gave a few quick slaps to my ass and I crawled forward down his legs. I felt weak from his touch, my cock was ready to explode and I wanted so badly to bounce on his lap.

"Fuck me, please," I whined with my face near his feet. I caught his big toe between my teeth and looked back at him with needy desire.

Samir yelped as I bit down on his toe. He pulled it back and sprang up on his knees. He pounced on me, pushing me chest first against the comforter. He landed on top of me, his thick cock resting between my cheeks. He gave me a few playful humps as he pinned me down, but then quickly stopped. He was on the edge, so was I.

Samir rolled away from me momentarily and the cold draft of the air conditioning hit where his pulsing heat had been. I shivered and looked over to see where he had gone. Samir rolled back with a bottle of lube. He pried open the cap with his teeth and then reached down to shove it inside my hole. I felt a few shots of it squirt inside me as his teeth found my neck.

He closed the bottle and tossed it away. I felt his finger slid up inside me and smooth the slick oil around inside me as he kissed up my neck leaving a trail of goosebumps.

"So perfect, my boy." Samir praised as he fingered my hole. His free hand rubbed up my chest and he tweaked my nipples as he kissed up to my ear. When my hole was ready, his finger slipped out. He stroked his cock, lubing it up to fulfill me.

His cock pushed up inside me as his hand pushed me back against his chest. His push arched my back so his cock could quickly push up into me. It knocked the air out of me, but I was too lost in the sensations to care. My body gasped for air as he turned my head to meet my lips. He breathed into me as his cock began to fuck me wildly.

I moaned on his tongue as my cock thumped between the comforter and my abs. It leaked strings of precum between the two as he began to fuck up into me with urgency. His chest was damp with sweat and I felt his heartbeat pounding against my back as he kissed me, fucked me, and rubbed my sensitive abs.

"Mmmm," We moaned together as his cock found its home in my ass and his hand gripped my cock. He pulled it firmly and rubbed my leaky tip against my stomach. He gave it two quick pumps and I felt the impending explosion.

"I'm gonna,"I started to say, but then my cock erupted before I could finish. I sprayed up thick ropes of my cum over my chest as Samir shoved his tongue back into my mouth and his cock all the way up my hole. He speared me from both ends and I felt his balls tense up against my thighs.

He groaned and I felt his cock fire off inside me. We finished together. He filled me with cum as my body convulse and shot up over my chest. It was so intense as I melted into his arms. We writhed together in a sweaty, cum-coated bliss.

We pulsed in several sharp jolts as our bodies synched up in ecstasy. I bucked my hips against him to get all of his juice inside me. I felt several spurts of it pulse out as his shaft piston-fucked my raw, sensitive hole.

"Fuck, I need it," I sniveled in his arms as he held me tight and pushed inside me. My cock calmed, but my need was insatiable. I could ride his cock for hours. He twisted my nipples as his teeth sank into my earlobe. I felt a few more hot spurts shoot up inside me.

"I love you," Samir groaned in that deep, primal tone he only used in our private time.

"I love you too," I gasped as my body clawed for air. I needed more.

We collapsed together in a filthy pile of satisfaction. He slid his arms around me and I laid my head against his bicep. His right leg draped over me in a protective, warm hold. We laid there together as sleep overtook us.

I was home again.

I was his again.

I was all right again.


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