Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Nov 22, 2015


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+{Lincoln's Pride}+

Part 4

"It's ok, little one, you have time for a nap," Mr. Hamad pulled me into his side as we inched down La Cienega in the back of a chauffeured Mercedes heading for the airport. I still wasn't feeling right, but anxiety drains my energy. I'd calmed down a bit. He had sent me off to the shower by myself. I scrubbed away the nasty feelings. When I finished, I'd found fresh clothes on the counter, but I didn't see anyone.

The clothes I had on before were gone and there was a fresh pair of mint green briefs, tight and tiny like he liked them. There was also a pair of supersoft green jogger pants and a long-sleeved green t-shirt that matched the briefs. The shirt made my biceps and pecs look impressive. He picked things out for me that hugged in just the right places or I guess his stylist did. I thought back for a minute on the day I'd stood naked in his office protesting as he took pictures for the stylist.

At my first yawn in the car, he pulled me over by the waistband of the green jogger pants. I struggled only slightly and his strong arm and warm chest quickly had me closing my eyes against his heartbeat. He put a hand on my hair and stroked it softly as he held me. I felt the anxiety from the Caleb incident fade out of me with each pass of his hand.

I buried my nose in his neck, then realized he didn't have that heavy musk to which I'd grown accustomed. I breathed him in and it was different but familiar. I'd smelled that cologne before, but not on him. "What happened to your cologne?" I asked.

"I thought it was time to make a change. I wore the old one for so long because Caleb liked it. You like this one?" he looked over at me, our noses brushed and his beard tickled my chin.

I nodded and suddenly remembered I'd smelled that cologne on a Latino guy who came to meet with Mr. Hamad earlier this week. He flirted with me a little and I wasn't interested, of course, but I couldn't help sniffing him when I passed to grab a file or make a copy for them. He was a handsome guy though not as built as Mr. Hamad. The cologne, light but insistently male, tied together his image as someone important, someone to obey. He was someone Mr. Hamad saw as an equal.

I finally did stop when Mr. Hamad gave me a raised eyebrow and told me to go take a break while he finished things up. The businessman stood and shook my hand then pulled me close and kissed my cheek. I got one final whiff of him and lingered just long enough to feel his hand grip my ass on the side of me out of view for Mr. Hamad.

"I do. I might steal some of it," I joked. He wore the old cologne for Caleb. This new one he had investigated and purchased for me. I felt butterflies flap around inside my stomach. I pretended to fall asleep on his shoulder, just listening to his heartbeat throb in his neck.

Out the window, I saw the city I was leaving behind. I'd always dreamed of someday moving down to LA and making something of myself, making my family proud. But now I would leave it behind. I'd turn it all over to Caleb. Los Angeles was all is, Mr. Hamad was mine.


Shortly, we pulled up to the airport and he attempted to lift me out of the backseat of the car, but I flailed and said, "No no, I can walk." We attracted a few asian tourist onlookers at that, but he set me down on my feet and instructed the driver to give the bags to an airline employee waiting near the door.

I rubbed the red of my sleepy eyes as we traipsed through to the security line. We went off to a smaller area where an officer did a quick security wand and let us through. The gate wasn't too far away either, and we boarded directly onto an empty plane. I followed Mr. Hamad through the door and then he pushed me in front of him down the narrow aisle. This plane was huge and had three rows of cramped seats hugging two narrow aisles.

He pushed me all the way through to the back where there was a staircase that wound up to the second level. We went through a bar lounge area that had tvs and comfortable benches. There was a lady there and she opened a door for us back to a narrow hallway. There were three doors on the right and three on the left all spaced about 8-10 feet apart.

We went to the last door on the right and it opened to a small cabin. There were two large blue fabric chairs with a sort of protruding pod between them that functioned as a table with a surface that glowed a warm, soft amber. Across from the chairs there was a large flat-screen TV built into the wall.

"Hello, Mr. Hamad, good to see you again. I'll be exclusively yours for the duration of our journey for anything you may need. Would you like a double or single?" a deep voice said in perfect British from behind us. I turned to see Mr. Hamad smiling at a dark man a few inches shorter than him in a grey suit. He looked to be early 20's and had jet black hair pushed up in neat spikes atop his arab complexioned face. He was in good shape but slender, and I smiled to myself remembering Caleb saying Mr. Hamad only liked light boys.

"Single of course, Andir," Mr. Hamad said with a smile to the man as though he weren't disappointed in the least at our choice of flight attendants.

"Of course, Mr. Hamad, and what name would you prefer for your... companion?," Andir said and moved to push back curtains on the windows to let in the last bits of the day's sunlight. I backed up to give him space and felt Mr. Hamad's chest behind me.

"You'll need only to address me," Mr. Hamad said.

"Of course, sir. I will put that in the notes for your future travels," Andir said. He may have been a slight man, thin, not built, but his voice showed more power and privilege than his body. I felt Mr. Hamad pull me back into his chest and his strong arm crossed over my chest protectively. A man was bringing in our two smaller bags. He set them inside the doorway and I had been moved to accommodate them.

"Thank you," Mr. Hamad said. The luggage steward bowed and moved away.

Andir opened an overhead compartment and pulled out two small blue pillows. He fluffed each and set them in the oversized chairs. He took a small blanket out and put it on the seat by the window.

"I will be back after take-off to set-up the beds to the single unit. What may I bring you prior to take-off, sir?" Andir ignored me completely and looked only at Ali.

"A Samabir for me, neat please, and a juice box or something with a straw for the boy," Mr. Hamad said, "Oh and water of course."

"Of course, sir. I will get those and we should be taking off as soon as the steerage below are safely in their pens." He laughed at his joke about the common people in the regular seats.

Andir left us with a small bow and closed the door to the cabin behind him. Mr. Hamad released me and I moved about to survey our tiny room; our holding cell for the next 13 hours. I thought back to all Caleb had said, the things Mr. Hamad would try on me. I looked over at him and he smiled and waved a hand towards the seat by the window. I peered into his large brown eyes and soft brown lips. He didn't look capable of the things Caleb had said.

"Is there some work you want me to complete while we fly, sir?" I said, assuming office speak to hopefully give us some direction on this long flight.

"Let's focus on relaxing. We have a long time together here, and I know it's your first flight. There are some movies on the TV. I think there are three or four with big explosions. I know explosions are important to you," he said with a laugh and sat in the seat by the door.

"Really sir?" I looked over as he grabbed the remote and flicked on the giant screen.

"You want MotoDeath 3, Race to kill 2, or Blow `Em All to Hell 8?" Mr. Hamad said as he scrolled through the adventure list.

"Yes, yes, and YES, Please!!" I said with excitement. But then a blue screen came on and a flight safety video popped up over it.

Andir came back in and set the water bottles in a holding bin built into the wall. He set a child's apple juice box and Mr. Hamad's drink on the small plastic pod table between us. He slipped a long card from his back pocket and handed it to Mr. Hamad and they said some things in Arabic to each other. Mr. Hamad pointed to some things on the card as he spoke and Andir nodded. I looked over and saw a few pictures of food on the card.

When Andir nodded and left, Mr. Hamad went to one of our bags which had been secured to the wall with some stretchy cords.

"I have the pill from the doctor, you will want to take it now. It will relax you for the take-off and help you sleep through the flight," Mr. Hamad said and handed it to me with one of the water bottles.

"I'd rather not, sir," I said, remembering what Caleb had said. "If it's ok, I'd like to watch since it's my first flight, plus we have the movies and... and..."

"Lincoln," Mr. Hamad interrupted to indicate I was blabbering again, "It is your choice what you put in your body. I only want you to be happy and enjoy yourself. You will want the juice box though. The sucking helps the pressure in your ears if they hurt." He returned the pill to a small plastic pouch and slipped it into the side pocket of the larger bag.

"Thank you, sir," I said and buckled my seatbelt as the captain came over the speaker to tell us we were ready to go.

The cool thing about flying out of LA is that you go up and out over the Pacific. The land quickly disappears behind you. It is the most beautiful thing in the world to see the islands off the coast appear below you. I'd never realized they were there. We went straight up and then made a turn and headed back towards the land. I saw the giant wheel of the Santa Monica pier, the mountains behind the city with tiny little box houses built up the sides. And then an endless slab of concrete buildings, crammed streets, tiny cars heading home for the night. I craned my neck from my chair to take it all in.

And then I felt Mr. Hamad's hand on my shoulder. He was saying something and I turned to him and yelled, "WHAT SIR? I CAN"T HEAR YOU." He pushed the juicebox into my hand. He had unwrapped the little red straw and poked it through the foil opening.

That first swallow brought instant pain to my ears as the pressure released. My face contorted in pain and I dropped the box and covered my ears.

"Ow, ahh ow ahh," I chanted as my ears felt like someone had stabbed them with sharpened pencils.

Mr. Hamad unbuckled and went for the pill in his bag and handed me the juicebox from the floor of the airplane as I watched the towers of downtown pass us.

He put the pill to my lips and pushed it in and then put the straw right behind them. He was knelt in front of me and looked like my pain was hurting him too.

"Drink, little one, sip, sip, sip, baby boy," he said in a soft, soothing voice like he was trying to feed a cranky child. He held the juicebox with one hand and rubbed my back with the other. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks but I wasn't making that annoying crying noise. It was my eyes watering from the pain.

"Come," he said and undid my seatbelt. He walked me to his chair and sat down and pulled me into his lap. I'm still a little taller than him, but his massive arms held me like I was a small child used to this position. He had me sideways and looked up at me, inspecting my ears. "No blood, you'll be ok, but next time you will listen when I tell you what you need," he said more matter of factly than scoldingly.

I nodded and sniffed back the snot my watering eyes had brought. I held my juicebox and sucked the last of the sweet apple from it. He leaned me back so my butt slid down against the chair space between his legs. My knees were drawn up into my chest and I leaned my head against his shoulder as he held me with one arm and stroked me with the other.

The excruciating pain in my ears was ebbing very slowly. I started to feel how fast my heart was beating and my breath came in deep gulps. He lifted my head and wiped my nose with a tissue and then dabbed at my cheeks.

"I'm sorry sir," I choked out after my breathing began to calm. "I always seem to mess things up around you. I'm really not a..."

"Fuckup?" Mr. Hamad said with a smile. "It is ok, little one. I told you on day one to get ready for your world to explode. Everything is so new to you; flying, high-rises, boys like Caleb, extremely attractive Arab men to whom you don't understand your attraction. Of course you have trouble getting used to it. I am patient, Lincoln. Just know that when what I tell you doesn't make sense, eventually it will."

I was about to respond to that when Andir came back to our cabin. I tried to sit up when I saw him, but Mr. Hamad pushed me back down to intimate that there was no need to hide in front of the man charged with keeping us happy. Andir looked at me with sympathy and took a small white towel from his pocket to wipe up where my juice had spilled.

"Sir, would you like me to take the boy and clean him up? Does he need any medicine?" Andir said looking past me to Mr. Hamad.

"No, I will take him. He will be ok, first flight," Mr. Hamad lifted me up and I got to my feet.

"Yes sir," Andir said, "I will have the bed ready when you return."

Mr. Hamad led me down the hall to a small bathroom. He stood behind me as I saw my red, tear-streaked face in the mirror. They had a fresh stack of small towels in the basket on the wall. There was a small counter with a sink, a toilet and then a small shower area. He wet the end of a towel and rubbed it over my face and nose. He had his other arm wrapped around me and held me back against his chest. His chin was just over my shoulder and I again noted our height difference.

"Does it bother you that I'm bigger than you, sir?" I asked, suddenly feeling the pill had freed my tongue.

"You are bigger than me?" he paused and gave me a weird smirk in the mirror, "How so, little one?"

"You know... sir. I'm a little taller than you are," I gave a weak smile behind my red eyes.

"Height, yes. Does it make you feel stronger? Does it make you feel as though you have any advantage over me, little one?" Mr. Hamad said and wrapped his arms around my stomach, lifting me up off the floor to remind me how much stronger he was.

"No sir, not in the least," I said truthfully and shivered under his touch. He tensed up to hold me in place as he dried my face with the other side of the towel. I felt his intimidating bulge press against my ass and he seemed to almost be grinding against me in a slow rhythm. I looked down to realize my cock was standing at full attention and bulging out in the crotch of my jogger pants.

I watched his eyes travel down to my growing tent in the mirror. "Your little cub dick is excited by this."

I suddenly felt shame take me over. My body was betraying me again. "I... no, sir."

"Well we know you aren't bigger than me where it counts, are you?," he said with a laugh referring to his strength and fat Arab meat. I watched my face turn red all over again, and he smiled at me, at the power he had over my body.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, little one. You are larger than average for a white boy," This time he said little with an icy tone. I turned away from him, not wanting to see the smug look on his face. But his hand gripped my jaw and he turned me back to look at him. I saw the deepest look of shame on my face. I bit my lip and watched my eyebrows furrow together, confused by my own feelings.

He pushed me forward with a strong hand in the center of my back. He pushed me down so my chest pressed against the counter, and slid his free hand down my side to grip my hip. It was like his normal game of surprise restraining me. He was always making a point of showing his strength, his superiority over me. He pushed forward with his bulge, sending me towards the sink. I looked up at him in the mirror and he winked and ground his bulge against my ass a few times and spanked it a few times with his right hand.

"You are bigger than me, little cub?" he asked.

"No... no, sir..." I said as my face pushed against the cold mirror. I felt my chest tighten as he pushed me down hard, squeezing the breath from me. My face was sideways so I could see him as he stood over me looking down.

"Oh ok. I thought that was important to you," he said in mock concern with an oddly gentle smile on his lips.

"No sir, I just... The pill made me..." I started to say.

"And now your ears feel better?" he interrupted and returned to a genuine look of fatherly concern.

"They do!" I said as he let me up from the counter and backed away.

"Good, our room should be ready unless you need some time alone to take care of your little erection," he said and moved away from me. The moment was passed for him, the show of strength. I recovered my breath and rose back up to look at him again in the mirror.

I was still rock hard, but I covered it with my hands and followed him back to our cabin. We came in to find the chairs had reclined and the seat cushions came out to make two flat long beds, the plastic pod had folded out to make up the space between the seats. Inside that plastic shell it was folded cushions. Extended, it made one long flat rectangle where Andir had put a blanket and several fluffy pillows. The cabin lights had dimmed and there was a tray with two covered plates on the bed.

We sat on opposite sides of the bed and watched a the film showing a series of explosions without much of a plot as we finished plates of lamb with rice and cucumber salad. Mr. Hamad pretended to be interested every time I looked over at him with wide eyes and excitement. I wasn't sure if I really liked the film or the fact that I was watching it with the pill Mr. Hamad gave me racing through my veins.

Andir interrupted as the movie was finishing up and cleared the plates. He spoke softly to Mr. Hamad in Arabic and I split my attention between a fiery car rescue scene and whatever they were plotting in low voices. Mr. Hamad shook his head at Andir and said, "No, it's ok..." and then went back to Arabic as he stretched out across the bed and put a firm hand on the back of my neck, massaging me like a pet.

"Yes sir?" I asked, annoyed that I was left out of what seemed to be an intense conversation.

"Nothing, sweet one. Watch your... film," he said as though unsure what to call my selection of movies. Andir left looking disappointed as he whisked away our empty plates.

"He seemed upset, did I..." I started.

"No, he is used to spending time with us when Caleb accompanies me or when I fly alone. I always request him for my attendant. He doesn't understand that you are clearly... straight," Mr. Hamad said with a stifled laugh at the end.

"Oh... OH!" I started and turned back to the movie as the credits started to roll and my cheeks blushed with warmth.

"Let's get you ready for bed, little one," Mr. Hamad said and rubbed my back. I raised up and he patted my butt. We went to brush our teeth and then he found soft music station on the tv and turned off the lights. Another flick of a switch and two small amber lights glowed from either side of the room from unidentifiable sources. I stepped out of my jogger pants and folded them neatly. I stood in front of him in my green briefs and long-sleeve t-shirt. We were used to a certain level of nudity between us.

He had me lay down and he spread the big fluffy blanket over the bed with me under it. I poked my head out and watched him step out of his pants and slide off his t-shirt. Unlike me, he simply tossed them on the floor. Someone would come to get them. He stretched and flexed his hard brown muscles wearing skimpy brown briefs that matched his skin tone making him look like an Arab Ken doll that someone at the factory had given an ample bulge.

I gulped and his eyes found mine. He smiled at me, "I don't usually sleep with anything on. But after your excitement earlier, I don't want to tempt you from sleeping."

I turned away from him, and stared at the window black with night. I felt the bed shift as he knelt behind me, lifted the cover, and slipped underneath. His warm, hulking mass sidled up behind me, but he hugged the pillow instead of me.

"Lincoln," he whispered in that deep Arab tone.

"Yes sir?" I said and turned back to him.

"If you need me, wake me up. Sleep well, little one," he reached over and ruffled my hair.

"Thank you sir, you as well," I turned back away from him. I sighed relief that this day was over and tried to think about the excitement that awaited me in his country. I reminded myself why I was here and pushed away all the thoughts of what happened with Caleb and Mr. Hamad this afternoon.

I fell asleep, and awoke to the morning sun coming through the window. I tasted a nipple in my mouth and unconsciously sucked at it before I realized what I was doing. I opened my eyes to see a brown, furry chest rising and falling with breath. He was still asleep which meant I had time to move away.

I started to raise my head, but realized his arm was across my back with his hand on my hair, pushing me into him. I couldn't risk waking him, so I reached up and lifted his hand off of my head. I slowly wiggled out from under his arm, and brought it back to rest against his chest. I raised up off of him, relieved that he hadn't moved. But then I caught his eyes, they were open and he gave me a little smile.

"You're awake! Oh. I'm sorry. I don't know how I got there," I said, pointing to his chest. I was still pressed against his side, but now propped up on one arm.

"You were having a bad dream," he said and slipped his arm around me again, resting his hand on my lower back, "You talk in your sleep, or at least last night you did. I thought you were talking to me. I woke up and touched your shoulder and you rolled over and against me. I thought maybe you were aroused again, but then I realized you were still asleep and upset. I pulled you into my chest and you settled down."

"What was I saying?" I said realizing I hadn't actually slept next to someone in a long time. I remembered my brother telling me I talked in my sleep and once I even sang a song.

"Bees, not gay, gay bees... oh and then something about peanut butter needs jelly. I said you talked, not that you made sense," Mr. Hamad laughed.

I laughed too and unthinkingly rested my hand against his chest just between his massive furry pecs. Our eyes locked on each other, and then he leaned forward and kissed me right on the lips. It wasn't one of those sloppy tongue things you do with a girl, and for some reason it didn't seem wrong.

"You sleep like an angel," He started, "At first you were an angel in distress. But once you felt my heartbeat you slept soundly in my arms. So beautiful, little one."

"Girls are beautiful, guys are..." I started, but his lips interrupted me. They were strong and wrestled my own into submission until I felt his tongue slide through them. I slumped into his chest and his other arm came down over my back and he pushed me up and onto his chest.

My cock was rock hard against his incomparably full basket as he held me close to him and let his tongue explore my morning breath. He pushed his briefs up and his bulge poked between my thighs, tickling my skin with the soft material. His hands reached up under my shirt and pushed it up to touch my bare skin. I felt the chill of the air in contrast to his warm touch. I shivered under his strength.

I raised up off his lips and let him slip my shirt up and off. His mouth went straight for that spot where my neck meets my shoulders and he licked and kissed it making my chest stretch out as a gasp escaped me.

"No, sweet one," he said and I'd already forgotten whatever statement I'd made that he felt the need to negate. "You are my beautiful cub, strong and sweet, loyal to your lion."

"Yes sir," I mumbled hungrily as he went back to kissing my neck. I was so hard in my briefs that my cock pushed my butt up and his hands quickly found my cheeks and squeezed them.

His hands slipped down my thighs and he pulled my knees up so I was kneeling over him. I raised up, my ass resting on his bulge, my hands resting on his pecs. He smiled up at me and went back to kneading my ass.

"You want this, baby boy?" He asked with just a hint of fear in his eyes.

I looked down at his imposing physique thoughtfully for a minute.

I still wasn't gay, but maybe just with him. It was different with him. He wasn't a regular man, he didn't even seem human. He was like some ancient, mythical warrior whose presence made me feel weak but protected, anxious yet fearless. This wasn't two little twiggy boys flailing about in rainbow lust. Anyone seeing me out on my own wouldn't have the faintest hint I could ever fall for a guy. I play sports, I fuck girls, I even shot a gun once.

And him... He spoke and people scurried. I'd watched an overly muscled trainer drop to his knees begging to suck him. He put on a simple white t-shirt and all of a sudden it was the hot thing to buy. And here he was, under me, rubbing my ass as I sat on his bulge.

I nodded. He leaned up and kissed me again. He brought a hand to my cheek and pulled back to show me his smile.

"I don't know what comes next, sir," I admitted.

"Then let me show you," he smiled and brought his hands down to my sides. He jumped up and flipped over, pinning me down against the bed. He was over me, resting on his elbows like cages on either side of me. I smiled up at him, partially in shock at how quickly and expertly he'd done that.

He leaned down and rubbed his beard against my cheek. It prickled my skin and made me giggle like a little kid. I had muscles of my own and I struggled against him with my hands on his chest to push him off me. But it only brought out the animal in him and he quickly moved to pin my arms up over my head, my wrists crossed against the pillow. I relaxed back into the bed, surrendering to the inevitable.

"You already surrendered?" he whispered to my ear, sounding a bit disappointed, "I thought you'd fight a little more than that. You're not straight anymore, are you?"

"I don't know," I whispered back honestly, "I think I am, until you're around me." I put my lips to his neck like he had done to me and I heard a soft moan escape him as I nibbled on his skin, brushing my teeth along sensitive areas.

"You want to be my little bottom princess?" He was dead serious, and his tone brought a nervous laugh out of me. He moved to my lips again and kissed me before I could protest.

"You do. I can taste it on you. You want your daddy inside you, breaking you in for the first time. Don't you?" He said in his low grating voice.

"No sir, ouch!" I turned my lips to his with the sudden panic at the thought he would want to stuff me with that massive meat.

"Don't worry, little one. We have a long ways to go and a lot of preparation before you could handle me. I promise I won't ever hurt you more than you can enjoy," he said. He kissed down my chest, biting and sucking on each nipple. He released my hands from above my head as he made his way down my body. I reached down to free my cock from the now overstretched briefs, but he pulled my hands away.

"Please sir, it's so hard," I begged. He ignored me and kissed at my belly button. It tickled and my abs tensed up and jerked involuntarily as I tried to squirm away. He eased off, then slid his hands under my ass and lifted me up off the bed a little. He looked up at me like Caleb had done when he wanted to suck my cock. It wasn't the same though. He didn't seem interested in what I was poking just below his chin.

He kissed down below my belly button and then kissed a slow trail down to my briefs. He gave a cursory brush of his beard to my tent and rubbed his nose along the shaft outline. I watched his eyes close as he breathed me. He must have been into my scent like I was to his. My cock was throbbing and I was so ready to shoot inside my briefs. One more brush of his nose and I would have rewarded him with my spurt.

He could see it in my eyes and he moved on, kissing below the base of my cock just between my nuts. His hands moved down from my ass to my thighs and he pushed my legs up and over him so my knees were up to my pecs. He held them there easily with one hand and brought his other hand down to rub between the cheeks of my ass.

"Your little hole calls for me, sweet one," his voice sounded from beneath me. I folded my legs up into my chest and held them so I could look down and see the top of his hair.

"No, please sir," I begged. It was an odd mix of emotions having him down there, so close to the one spot a guy doesn't want anyone to ever get near. I felt dirty, but at the same time this need in me to share my most private spot with him was building like a fire.

"You never played around down here," he observed as his lips kissed my cheeks. His hands went to the waistband of my briefs and he slowly peeled them down my thighs to expose my hole. For some reason I helped him, my hand went and pulled the briefs up and off. He took them from me then and inhaled where my cock had been trapped all morning, leaking several gooey spots.

I spread my legs then and secured my knees behind my shoulders making myself into a crab with my hole in the air. I looked up at him, excited to see he was into my underwear like I was his. My cock throbbed against my stomach and leaked a little more.

"You like that, baby? See the spots daddy made leak out of your little white cock?" he laughed.

"Yes sir," I nodded and arched my back, flexing my abs to push my cock out proudly. It wasn't little at all.

He turned the briefs out so my pre-cum spots were showing and he brought them to my lips. "Suck it clean, I paid good money for these," he ordered. Gross as it was, I put my tongue out and lapped at my juice. He pushed them inside my mouth then and I got a full taste of my cream.

"Mmfff," I mumbled as his fingers pressed them deeper past my lips.

"I know what my baby likes. I know how much you loved smelling and sucking the sweat from my jock. You wanted to taste what a real man is like, didn't you?" he was speaking in that soft but grating tone that made my heart thump in my throat. I nodded around his fingers and my briefs in my mouth. My secret was out and he splayed me open with his words without a hint of shame or disgust.

"Hold on to those while I show you the second but most important use for your boy hole," Mr. Hamad slid his fingers out of my mouth and I clenched my lips around the briefs, sucking down the last of my precum even as more dribbled out of my cock to coat my stomach. I had that feeling of being on the edge of cumming, but it just wouldn't cross over yet. I humped at the air a little but my cock needed something more.

"Beautiful little pink hole. I'm surprised I'm the first to discover it. I guess a big strong jock like you," he said mockingly, "kept it hidden so no one would suspect what a little bottom beggar you really are."

"Mm not gay," I tried to say around the briefs I was sucking on like a pacifier.

"Right, nothing gay about this," he said with fake sincerity and I felt his lips touch my asshole.

"MMMM," I squirmed from surprise. His tongue touched it next and I jumped again. I felt his warm hand rub over my stomach then and he gave my cock a squeeze at the base and jerked a slow tight grip up to the top, spilling out a copious amount of precum.

"Ahhh!" I said, begging him to continue, but he released me and I realized he'd used the momentary diversion to slip his tongue up inside me. I felt it when he started to work his tongue in circles around the ring of my hole. I stopped squirming then as my body was flooded with warm sensations. He licked over a spot that made my cock jump against me. This was the longest I'd ever been on the edge in my life.

He pulled his tongue out and peered at me from behind my throbbing cock and balls. He spit at my hole and then rubbed a finger around the ring. He started to work his thick middle finger into the resistant hole. He took his time though and didn't force it.

"Open for me, little flower," he said to my hole, "Relax for your new owner."

"Mmff, ahh," I whimpered as he pushed into me. He persisted and it popped inside, flooding me with new sensations his tongue hadn't produced. I felt a million little nerve endings stand at attention and marvel at his touch.

"Eee!" escaped my lips around the briefs stuck in my mouth as the most appropriate reaction to his invasion. His eyes traveled up my body and locked onto mine.

"You want me inside you," he said and I nodded with a "Ess Irr."

He moved up the bed, keeping his finger in my hole, holding it there patiently as my body adjusted. He used his free hand to push down his briefs and I watched his footlong Arab snake flop out half-hard. The tip stared up at me with a painful reminder of what his finger represented.

He was beside me, sliding his free arm under me and kissing at my neck as his finger started to move inside me. His cock rested against his stomach and started to thicken up as he worked inside me. With one hand he rubbed my side, pulling me over into his chest. The other worked my hole in slow, persistent circles as his lips played with my sensitive neck. He kissed my earlobe and sucked it between his teeth.

"Let your lion in, little cub," he whispered between nibbles on my ear, "Let daddy take what's his." He pushed the first knuckle into me as I laid there like a grateful puppet. I nodded and looked over into his eyes.

He bit at the briefs in my mouth and pulled them out. They were soaked with my spit and a few of my tears as my eyes watered at the growing force of his finger in me. He turned his head and spit them out towards the floor. I wasn't quite finished with them, but I was in no position to argue.

"It will take much work before your little pink flower is ready for me," he observed as our eyes locked and then he leaned into me and put his tongue past my lips. I sucked him hungrily as he kept pushing into me. I wanted to be open for him.

"You are mine?" he said without a hint of question.

"Yes sir," I whined in a voice that sounded oddly high for me. "I'm yours."

"I know, little one. I will be yours too. I will show you what your body was meant for. You will take the seed of a real man in your desperate little hole. I will mark you as mine," he said. It was something I never thought I'd want, but it felt so right.

"I'm so close to cumming," I whined hoping he would finish me off soon. He had his finger inside me to the second knuckle. The black wiry Arab hair on his dark fingers was tickling the ring as he found my prostate and massaged it in small circles. My cock was throbbing to his finger's rhythm. I felt my body tense and relax in sync as well.

"Please sir, I'm so close, I need to," and then my body started to shake and twist. I bounced my ass on his finger involuntarily which made it drive deep inside to the base.

"Ahh AHHHHH," I started to scream as my cock bounced on its own, shooting sprays of thick white over my chest and face.

He drove his tongue back into my mouth to silence me and I Mmm'ed and Ahhh'ed around his kiss. His other hand grabbed my ass and squeezed it tightly as he started to ride his finger in and out of me. It started to hurt, but I couldn't say anything and my body was on this continual convulsion of pleasure.

He moved his lips back to my ear, growling, "Cum for me boy, cum for your master. You will only cum at my touch now. You are mine."

"YES SIR," I yelled as my body kept shooting off an endless fountain.

He bit on my shoulder then, and I fired off my last round with a sharp pain mixed with ecstasy.

"Ahh Ow!" I was shocked out of the moment by the pain.

"Calm, boy. Daddy's got you," he comforted and pulled me back into him as I came down. He kept his finger inside me and I started to breathe with him. I felt so weak and my legs were cramping from holding the crab position while my body violently emptied my nuts.

He kept his finger in me even as he helped me untangle my legs. I laid there, covered in my own cum as my Arab boss had his finger in my ass and kissed softly at my neck. This wasn't how I pictured the day going. I realized his thick, massive cock was laying against my thigh, unfulfilled.

"You have to cum now," I observed.

"I will, little cub, but my boy always cums first," he said as though I hadn't read the manual. He reached over for my shirt which he'd tossed and used it to wipe the pint of milk I'd shot. With a sleeve of it he wiped at my cheeks and then pushed the globs towards my lips. I sucked hungrily as his finger, covered in the cum shirt pushed into me.

His finger gave a few more angry pumps inside me and then he slid it out. I felt so empty when he left. For the first time I understood why guys did this. I need him again, gay or not, my body demanded it.

I let out a whimper of, "Nooo," as the empty feeling spread through me.

"That is enough for now. Finish your juice, baby," he said like a concerned father. I nodded and sucked it clean. He didn't have me eat all of my cum, that would have probably made me sick. He just fed me enough to remind me of the gift he'd allowed.

With my body wiped and exhausted, he rolled me onto my side and I felt his massive scimitar poke between my ass cheeks. He pushed against me from behind, kissing on my neck as his cock rubbed up and down over my hole, along my back. I squeezed my cheeks together to grip him.

"You want daddy to fuck your little pink bottom," he observed and I nodded.

His arms slid around me, holding me tightly against him as he sped up. He turned my face to his and kissed me deeply. He started rough humping against me, pushing me against the bed. He broke the kiss and turned me onto my tummy, my face pressed into the pillow.

I felt his weight on top of me for a moment and then he balanced himself on his elbows as his cock pressed between my cheeks again. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as he humped me wildly, his cock sliding along my back.

"Yes sir, please sir, fuck me sir," I whined under his weight.

He kept it up, pumping away and I felt my cock hardening again against the bed.

"Ahh fuck, this is too hot, I'm not going to last," he growled into my ear. He backed up off me and pulled me up by my arm. I struggled up and whirled around to face him as I knelt on the bed in front of him resting my ass back against my heels. I was at the altar of Hamad as his thick meat poked at my lips. He grabbed his cock and pumped it hard. He looked down at me and I raised my eyes to meet his.

His finger pulled at my lips, stretching my mouth open. He put the tip of his cock against my lips and stroked it angrily. And then he arched his back and screwed up his eyes and my mouth started to fill with salty Arab cream.

"MMM" I struggled to keep up, surprised at the first shot of man into my mouth. His hand came down and held the back of my head. He squeezed it as his body shook and he filled my mouth with his seed.

"UHH, fuck, Uhhh, SO! FUCKING! FUCK!" he cursed as his body spasmed over me, my lips dripping with white. He finished in my mouth and I held it, not sure my stomach could hold this much cum.

He backed off of me with one last shake and a loud, "Uhh fuck." He stood over me for a few moments collecting his breath and wiping the sweat off his brow.

He stepped back and looked down at me, mouth agape and overfilled. He laughed, "Too much for you?"

I nodded and asked. "Ahh I ooo?"

"You need help, little one?" he knelt in front of me and smiled, "So fucking cute."

He came at me with his tongue, licked the dripping white off my chin and lips and fed it back into my mouth. His lips covered mine and he sucked some of his cum back, splitting is with me.

I thought he had swallowed his half so I swallowed mine. I finished and stuck my tongue out to show him I had finished. He nodded approvingly and came to kiss me again, delivering his half of his load back into my mouth. He'd tricked me. He pushed it down my throat with his tongue and I swallowed him.

"All gone," he said with a chuckle as he broke the kiss, "Good boy."

We sank back down to the bed and he covered us with the blanket, holding me against his chest. My head had returned to the position I'd woken up in, my lips at his brown nipple. He stroked my back as we came down together knowing our relationship was forever changed.

"Mr. Hamad?" I asked, suddenly feeling fearful. "Please don't tell anyone about this. I mean... you know..."

"Yes, you're not gay, I know," he said with a sleepy, exaggerated yawn.

"No, I didn't mean that. I just..." I started.

"I'll keep it out of the company newsletter, ok?" He said and rubbed his fingers through my hair.

"I just don't want my family to find out about it. They would think I was doing it for the money to take care of them. They wouldn't care if I was into guys, but I don't want them thinking I'm some kind of you know sex worker or something," I said.

"Wait, if you're doing this for free then I am basically throwing my money away on your paycheck," he laughed.

"You know what I mean!" I was getting annoyed at how flippant he was being with my anxiety.

"I know, little one... don't worry," he said and kissed my hair.

A knock at the door broke us out of our warm cocoon. "It must be time to get ready for landing," Mr. Hamad said.

He got up naked, his thick brown muscle dangling between his thighs. He strode over to the door and answered without shame.

"Sir, we are landing in Satra in an hour and I thought you might want to shower and eat something," Andir said from the doorway. I burrowed under the blanket realizing I was naked and filthy.

"Yes, is there an open shower for us?"

"Of course, sir. I have it set up. It's this one next door." Andir said.

We showered together for the first time and he washed me from head to toe, even working his finger back inside me to clean me out. It was the first time I'd ever shared a shower with someone where they interacted with me. It's not the same as at school, those you do on your own. He commented on my body as he cleaned it. I knew I didn't look anything like Caleb when it came to physique. I was tempted to ask if he liked me better, but I didn't want Caleb to even enter his mind right now. I felt so relaxed at his touch.

We dried off and he let me pick out my own clothes from the limited variety he had put in my carry-on. I chose white briefs, white pants, and a plain white t-shirt because he said it would be incredibly hot when we landed, but shorts weren't acceptable for boys like me in his country. It was ok for home, but not for being out in the airport or public places. He dressed in a low-cut black v-neck tight shirt and some khaki shorts with red slip-on deck shoes.

When we returned, Andir had packed away the room back to how it had looked when we took off from Los Angeles. I would miss our little private world in the sky.

We ate a quick breakfast and Mr. Hamad ordered me another juicebox for the landing. He rubbed my back and told me to keep sucking as we slowly descended into the bright desert sun. My ears did better this time and with his warm, soothing touch.

We pulled up to a gate and I expected us to go back down the stairs through the economy section, but Mr. Hamad said we wouldn't mix with them. "It's a zoo down there," he said. Instead there was a second door on the top floor of the plane that led to the VIP gates above the airport.

Andir carried our bags behind us and followed us out to a waiting black Mercedes. Mr. Hamad put me into the backseat and I watched out the window as our driver took the bags from Andir and secured them in the trunk. Another man came with our larger bags and packed them in the trunk as well. I watched Mr. Hamad kiss Andir and exchange words and smiles with him. I felt a tinge of jealousy until I watched Mr. Hamad take a white envelope from one of the bags and tuck it into Andir's pocket. Payment, Andir was a worker. I was his boy.

I turned back away from them and buckled my seatbelt. Outside the window there was the mountains and a city, but it was different from the peaks back home. This was dry, absolute brown, like a desert I'd read about in high school books. The sun blistered overhead and I watched the wind whip a palm tree mercilessly.

And then he was next to me, leaning in to my side with a quick kiss to my cheek. He said something in Arabic to the driver and then pulled me into his side. They chatted back and forth in Arabic as I stared out the window. Mr. Hamad slid his arm around me and held me to his side.

It started to hit me that we weren't in my world anymore. Not that his glitzy rich life in LA was mine, but at least it was my country. The rules would be different here. I needed to learn Arabic, learn the culture, and figure out my place here as more than just his assistant, his accessory. This is where I would come into my own and grow up.

A big cartoon cutout of a camel waving hello welcomed us as we pulled out of the airport. He was saying something, but I didn't read Arabic. Then a second cartoon cartoon camel said it in English.

"Satra, Lose your past and find yourself in the ancient kingdom of the future."

I intended to do just that...


Thanks for reading, please let me know if you liked it so I know if I should keep going:

Next: Chapter 5

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