Lindsey Born

By Robert Smith

Published on Jan 17, 2011



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of young man having sex with an adult sister. It contains graphic scenes of sex between these two adults. ...If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

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This work was produced by an adult.

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to friends, but if you wish to repost them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

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Lindsey born_3

Beth called me about 10:00 on Friday morning to tell me what she wanted me to wear for lunch today. I asked her about lunch and she gave me specific instructions about how she wanted me to dress. She told me to be very extra careful with shaving and to put on my new tan Capri pants and the teal short-sleeved blouse and Beth told me to be VERY pretty when I arrived as all of her staff was going to meet Lindsey.

I was so scared as I got myself ready. I took a bath and used my favorite bath crystals, the Joyful Bath, peppermint. I love to simply lie in that water, as the feeling of becoming ever more feminine as I laid there overcomes me. I was very careful to shave my entire body and to use my Olay Regerist UV Defense lotion on my entire body.

When I exited the bath I was so very careful to put on my makeup just the way Beth showed me, the way my love likes it best. Lucky for us my beard is very light and if I shave close, the base completely covers it. I thought that blue eye shadow, lined with a dark grey would look best and made sure to lengthen and thicken my lashes to truly make my eyes sparkle. I thought that a light lipstick would look best so I applied Clinique Chubby-stick Graped-up. Looking into the mirror I was really amazed at how much better I looked, now that Beth had taught me how to use makeup and to coordinate my clothing. It is such fun to be a girl.

I completed my outfit with a simple gold chain around my neck with a gold heart on it. Only I knew that that heart stood for the gift of my love to Beth, and I put two rhinestone studs in my pierced ears. I remember when I got them pierced the really wild time mom and dad put up. They were sure that I was getting into the gay community and so afraid that I was going to be gay. Hmm, I guess I am gay, since I am a girl and in love with a girl. OH, how will Lindsay and Beth ever explain this to straight-laced mom and dad? Well, not a problem until after Sunday when they get home.

As I waited at the bus stop I was thrilled with the attention that I was garnering from the men and boys who passed by. Some of them watched me surreptitious, while some were openly admiring of me. Guys probably have no idea what a boost being admired is to a girl, but standing there, in my heels, Capri pants, and blouse having them ogling me was wonderful. After a couple of cares passed by I raised my face to the sun and shook my hair out. OH, how glorious that felt.

Eventually the bus arrived and I rode it to the mall. I had to remember Beth's instructions on sitting like a girl and was probably a bit self-conscious as this was the first time Lindsey had been out in public alone. As the bus was pulling up to the mall, I was becoming much more comfortable with being out in front of people and everything would have been perfect if I hadn't wobbled a bit too much getting off the bus, but a very nice young man, stepping down behind me, grabbed me and held me steady as I started to fall. He smiled at me in that way that boys do when they are interested in a girl and I thanked him. It was nice to know I was desirable, but also a bit confusing, as I am very much in love with Beth. I thought to myself that I should ask Beth how girls deal with that sort of thing, there must be a key.

Entering the mall I walked towards the GAP. I had entered near the Sears entrance and I found myself drawn to the clothes on display there. I could feel myself being drawn into the store, but remembered that I had only fourteen minutes to meet Beth or I would be wasting her lunch hour and that would be bad. So I turned from the Sears store and listened to the sound of my heels clacking on the tiles as I walked. There are fewer sounds in the world to let a girl feel sexy than the sound of her heels on tile as she walks. It made me swing my hips more as I walked and helped to focus my attention on my walking just as Beth instructed me to walk.

As I entered the GAP, Judith, one of the prettiest girls working at the store approached me and asked if she could help me with anything. A smile crossed my face easily as I knew, from Beth that Judith is a lesbian and that look in her eyes spoke volumes about how she would like to help Lindsay out and few of those ideas would actually put any money in Judith's paycheck. But, Judith was professional and although her eyes were undressing me, she maintained a professional attitude and it was fun to let her mind wander.

"I'm here to meet Bethany Jenkins ..." I started to say as Beth walked out of the back of the store and her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Lindsey," she gushed, "You are just on time." Beth walked up to me, took both of my hands in hers and kissed me. OMG, I was being kissed, in public, by Beth. Her eyes never left my face as she told me how wonderful I looked. She turned to Judith and introduced me. "Judith, this is my new girlfriend Lindsey, did you guys get a chance to meet yet?"

"Ah, this is this new love-of-your-life, we have been hearing so much about." Extending her hand to me, Judith looked at me with a very strange new look, one of envy and appreciation. "I once thought I would be that very special girl for Beth, but things never worked out for us, so I am a bit envious, for both of you. You are both girls I would love to be with." Such praise from Judith was a bit of a shocker, less so, perhaps, than to know that she and Beth might have been an item once, but it seemed to be a day for shocks.

Beth went back to the back of the store and returned with a plastic bag with several boxes in it and a huge smile on her face as she approached me. She walked up to me and placed her had on my right elbow as she maneuvered me to the door out of the store. "Judith," she called, "I am taking my girlfriend to lunch take care of the store and make sure that Inez doesn't' fall asleep in the storeroom again." Judith smiled and waved at us as we walked out into the mall. It was shear heaven walking down the length of the mall, the sound of our heels tapping a rhythm accompanying the swinging of our hands, clasped together and the smiles we shared as we whispered back and forth to each other. "I'm scares shitless," I whispered into Beth's ear. She replied "You look awesome, and I am so proud to call you my girlfriend" was Beth's reply as she gave me a kiss while we walked.

We passed through the main part of the mall and went into the "Friar Tuck" restaurant. It is a theme restaurant with, as you can imagine, a Robin Hood motif, but it is probably the number one spot, in the mall, for lovers to have lunch. I felt shivers running up and down my spine as we were walking, I realized that everyone could see these two lesbian lovers walking down the mall and they could probably tell that we are completely in love. The best part of this was that the girl holding my hand is Beth, My Beth.

We entered the Friar Tuck and the hostess smiled at us as she seated us. Beth asked for a table in the back, so we were escorted to the rear of the restaurant. We began chatting about our day, what had happened at work, was there anything fun happening in the house, all those things, but Beth could tell that my eyes kept shifting to that GAP bag and wondering what was in it. Beth finally held both of my hands in hers and laughed at me. "OK, I can tell that we aren't going to get anything done until I tell you what is in the bag. As soon as we order our lunch, I will tell you."

I tried to stammer an apology, but Beth only laughed at me and kissed me gently. "Don't worry, little girlfriend, I know how girls hate being made to wait for a surprise. I just want you to know that I love you more than you can imagine and that I am planning something so very special for my girl, that you can hardly imagine it. What is in the bag is just the window dressing for tonight."

At that point Beth had me completely. I was sitting on the edge of the chair, wondering what all she had in store for me while I was basking in the glow of her telling me, once again, of her love. "I love you with all my heart, sweet Bethany" was all I could say between smiles that seemed to try to split my face in two.

The waitress took our order and we made small talk for a bit, then Beth told me that in the bag was what she wanted me to wear tonight and that there were instructions in the large box that I was to follow exactly. I was becoming more excited by the moment as Beth gave me her instructions and let her fingers run up and down my arm.

The lunch was a complete blur as I was sunk in the wonder of being out in public with Beth, and with being her love, and with the new excitement of tonight. Beth let me know that we were going to dinner together, and then we were going to the Kit-Kat Klub, a very high-end lesbian night club. Talk about being nervous, excited, and turned on all at the same time. I did ask Beth if she thought I would get caught in the club, having a cockette and all. Beth smiled at me, reached across the table to kiss my lips and said, "not in the least, my sweet lesbian, not in the least. And, after all, you will have ME with you.

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