Liquid Dreams

By moc.tlob@ybab_snad

Published on Apr 17, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know Ashley or Dan, or any other members of O-Town.

This is fiction and has no bearing on their personal lives or sexual orientation at all.

Authors Note: This is my very first and probably my only attempt at this type of story. If it sucks, I'm sorry. You should also know that I am a die-hard *Nsync fan, but I like O-Town as well (Especially Dan and Ashley, grrr, they're SEXY). This idea just popped into my head, so, once again, if it sucks, I'm sorry. I would really appreciate some feedback just to let me know what you think. Okay???

Liquid Dreams

"Mmm Dan, don't stop, that feels so good!!" Ashley screamed out in pleasure as Dan's beautiful full lips and velvety tongue worked their magic on his achingly hard cock. Ashley watched with hooded eyes as Dan's tongue slithered out to lick his ultra-sensitive head. Dan gently grabbed the base of Ashley's shaft and pumped it slowly to match the movements of his mouth. Dan was working him at an agonizingly slow pace that promised to drive Ashley crazy. Ashley tried not to look down, knowing that if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold on. But he couldn't help it, and as soon as he got a glimpse of Dan's gorgeous blue eyes that were filled with lust and desire, he couldn't hold it anymore. He shot load after load of cum into Dan's warm and waiting mouth, screaming out his name in the process.

Suddenly, Ashley sat straight up in bed and tried to process what had just happened. He looked down, and saw that his boxers and the sheets were wet, and there was no sign of Dan anywhere. "Dammit, another set of hotel sheets ruined from those stupid dreams." This was a natural occurrence for Ashley ever since he came to terms with the fact that he was gay. He started to noticed how incredibly sexy Dan actually was, and he often fantasized about being with him. He always dreamed about himself and Dan in the throes of passion, but would always wake up when things were starting to get really good. Ashley got out of bed and looked disgustedly at the sheets, "I am too damn old to be having wet dreams, this has got to stop!" he said to himself.

"Ashley!!!" The loud knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts. It was Dan, and his name sounded so sweet coming from those lips. "Ashley, are you alright in there? I heard you say my name."

"Umm...yeah Dan, I'm fine. I, uh, just wanted to ask you what we're doing today," Ashely managed to stutter out.

"Well, open the door and I can tell you."

"Uh, okay, just hold on for a second." Ashley scrambled to find a clean pair of boxers. Once he found a pair, he pulled the wet ones off and put on the new pair. He then made sure he covered the wet spot in the bed with the comforter before opening the door. When he opened the door, he found Dan standing there looking more gorgeous than he had ever looked. His hair was wet and spikey, probably from his shower.

Oh, God, don't think about him in the shower He had on a form fitting dark blue sweater, and a pair of baggy, faded blue jeans. He had never looked so sexy. His eyes looked incredibly blue in the light from the hallway, and Ashley couldn't help but gaze into them for a moment. After a second or two he snapped out of his reverie. "Come in," he said, a little more quietly than he meant to.

Dan's eyes caught the attention of Ashley's bare chest and his hard six-pack and he couldn't look away. He finally looked up as Ashley stepped aside to let him in. Was he just checking me out? But Ashley's thoughts were cut short as Dan walked past him and the smell of his cologne and shampoo filled Ashley's senses, and he couldn't help but sigh and savor the smell.

"Ashley, are you sure you're okay man? You seem a little out of it," Dan asked worriedly. "Are you sick or something?" Dan went over and touched the back of his hand to Ashley's forehead. The touch made Ashley shiver. "You don't feel warm. So if you're not sick, then what's wrong?"

Other than the fact that I might be in love with you? Oh, nothing He wanted so badly to say that out loud, but he knew he couldn't. So he just said, "Oh, I'm just a little tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night." If only you knew.

"Well, you'd better wake up fast, because we have an interview in an hour, and you know how that goes."

"Yeah," Ashley said "I know how that goes, another long day of the same teenybopper questions over and over again."

"Don't worry about it, all you have to do is bear with it for about an hour, the we get the rest of the day off," Dan said excitedly.

"Yeah, I know, at least we have something to look forward to," Ashley said.

"Ash, you'd better get dressed because you know how long it takes for your prima donna ass to get ready!!"

"I can't help it, I have to look good at all times, it's part of the contract," Ashley said jokingly.

And you do look good at all times, Dan thought to himself. He didn't have the courage to say it out loud so he said, "whatever, just hurry your ass up so we can go, I really don't feel like hearing Jacob bitch about us being late again."

"God, I know what you mean, he's cool and all, but he can be a real pain sometimes. Well, I'll be ready in about a half hour, so I'll meet you guys downstairs," Ashley said.

"Actually, I don't really feel like going downstairs yet, I'd rather go with you, so I'll just wait."

He'd rather go with me, well that's a good sign. "Okay, if you say so, I'm about to go take a shower. Ashley, saw that as he said the word 'shower,' Dan's eyes traveled down his body until they landed on the slight bulge in his boxers. When Dan saw that, he looked up into Ashley's eyes, and saw a look that he couldn't quite comprehend, so he looked away. Ashley then took the chance to go into the bathroom.

When Ashley got out of the shower, he realized that he had left all of his clothes in the room. In the room where Dan is sitting right now, he thought to himself. He wrapped a towel around his body, and built up the courage to walk into the room half naked. When he opened the bathroom door, Dan looked up at him and almost choked on the juice he was drinking. Ashley's body was glistening to the point where he was practically glowing. Dan was so mesmorized by this sexy creature in front of him that he lost all ability to form words.

Ashley slowly walked across the room as he muttered, "I forgot my clothes." When he disappeared back into the bathroom. Dan released a breath he didn't realized he was holding. Damn he looked so good, what am I going to do, I can't take this anymore, Dan said to him self.

I can't help but notice eveything he does. He captures my attention so easily, and it's so hard to look away from him. His last thought was cut short when Ashley walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing a baby blue short-sleeve shirt that hugged all the right places. And his jeans sat low on his hips so that you could see the top of his boxers peek out if he moved the right way.

"Damn," Dan whispered under his breath. "Umm.....are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."


The interview went on way longer than it was scheduled to, due to the fact that the interviewer was roughly 4 hours late. So by the time the interview was over, it was fairly late in the afternoon, and the sun was starting to disappear under the horizon. Once the guys got back to the hotel, Eric suggested that they go to a club or something. Ashley said he wasn't really up to it and decided not to go. Hearing this, Dan decided that he didn't want to go either, I'd rather spend a quiet night alone with Ashley. So Trevor, Jacob, and Eric left. As Ashley started to walk towards his room, Dan stopped him.

"Hey Ash, since the other guys went out, do you wanna come to my room and watch a movie or something?"

Ashley's eyes practically lit up as he said, "Sure, just let me go change my clothes, and I'll be right over."

"Cool, I'll be waiting," Dan said. Ashley hesitated before finally walking to his room. When he got there, he changed into a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. He splashed on just a touch of cologne for extra measure.

When he arrived at Dan's door, he timidly knocked as though he didn't know the person who occupied this room. He felt nervous like he did on his first date. Hopefully this night ends like that night did, with a kiss, or maybe even more. Just as he finished his thought, Dan came to the door wearing a white wife-beater and a pair of boxers. He had never looked sexier than he did at that moment. "You took too long," Dan said, "the movie already started."

"What are we watching?" Ashley asked


"Hannibal?" Ashley groaned, "I don't really like scary movies, they......well, they...scare me."

Dan let out a little chuckle, "don't worry, it's not that bad. And if you get too scared, I'm here to protect you from the big, mean,

scary man."

"It's not funny," Ashley said as he let out a small laugh himself, "I've just never been too fond of scary movies."

"It'll be fine, I promise." Dan and Ashley plopped down on the couch, a little more closely than they had intended to, but neither one moved.

Ashley could feel the warmth of Dan's thigh pressed against his and he had to try hard to concentrate on the movie.

After a while, Dan lost all interest in the movie and began to concentrate on Ashley. Dan turned toward Ashley, and took in all of his features.

His spikey blond hair, his slighty upturned nose, his invitingly pink lips. Ashley could feel Dan's eyes on him, so he turned to see what Dan was looking at. "What are you looking at?" Ashley questioned.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" Dan asked before he could stop himself.

" one has every told me that.....thank you," Ashley said timidly, trying to hide his blush.

"Well, they're very captivating, I could stare into them all night."

Dan didn't know what had gotten into himself, but what ever it was, he liked it.

"I don't want you to spend all night staring into my eyes Dan."

"Why not?" Dan replied, feeling a bit rejected.

"Because if you spend all night looking into my eyes, you won't be able to do this." Ashley slowly brought his lips to Dan's and kissed him so softly that the touch was barely there. It was enough for Dan to get the message and start kissing Ashley back. There kisses were light and feathery in the beginning while Dan lightly stroked Ashley's cheek. Loving this new experience, Ashley parted his lips and invited Dan's toungue into his warm and waiting mouth. Ashley felt Dan's velvety toungue explore his mouth and play over his lips as though it was his life's passion. Dan broke away from Ashley's sweet lips to trail soft kisses across his cheek, to his ear. Ashley moaned softly as he felt Dan's toungue on his ear lobe, and on the sensitive skin behind his ear.

Dan ventured lower until he reached Ashley's neck. He sucked on the tender skin until a soft gasp escaped from Ashley's beautiful lips.

"Mmm, you like that baby?" Dan asked in that beautifully seductive voice he has.

"God, yes. And I love it even more that you called me 'baby'." Ashley whispered.

"Well then, I'll make sure I call you that more often." Dan said as he captured Ashley's slighty swollen lips again.

"" Ashley uttered between kisses.

"I know, but not right now. I just want to kiss you, and caress your body you all night long, can I do that baby?" Dan whispered.

"You'd better do that. I wouldn't have it any other way."

TBC...? (You tell me) ************************************************************************

So what did you think of my amateur story??? Was it good? Did it suck terribly?? What ever you thought about it, PLEASE e-mail me at, and give me your feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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