Lisa's TG Library: "A Girl and Her Uncle

By b1223

Published on Aug 28, 1995



From agate!biosci!!panix!hookup!!gatech!!!netnews Thu Aug 31 09:38:33 1995 Path: agate!biosci!!panix!hookup!!gatech!!!netnews Newsgroups:, Organization: Netcom Lines: 505 Message-ID: 41t94d$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: agate

I didn't write, and I'm not responsible for it. Enjoy it! -Lisa Blades


This is a special story regarding hot x rated TV action if that is not your thing well do not read any farther however if it is then sit back on a fun rollercoaster that is guaranteed to get you hot and for now. Apologies in advance for anything that might offend.

A Girl and her Uncle

" Sheila, may I join you?" It was Steven's uncle Robert still in his dark gray business suit having just gotten home from work. "That bath looks absolutlely delectable. Or should I say the sweet little thing that's in it look delicious."

Steven blushed looking away from his uncle and glanced down at the soft little boy meat poking through the scented bubbles. "I wonder if he is refering to me or to you."

Steven had come to stay for a weekend with his uncle Robert but that had quickly changed as Uncle Robert had arranged an extension of the visit with Steven's, greatful parents. His parents were leaving on an extended around the world business trip and the teenage boy would have been a problem if had not been for the generosity of Uncle Robert's open ended invitation. His parents had literally jumped at the chance and deposited Steven the very next day on Uncle Robert's door step.

"Now Uncle Robert has been kind enough to let you stay with him so I expect you to completely obey him and do exactly as you are told. Since your not yet eighteen years old I have given your uncle power of attorney for your care and my total permission to discipline you in any way he sees fit in fact he will be your legal guardian until our return, you see this document will hold back your legal rights until Uncle Robert declares your adulthhood. And lord only knows when that might be."she smiled agin handing over the thick binder of papers she had brought with her.

Steven stood in mute silence his face still stinging from the slap his mother had given him for his original protest. He suddenly felt as young as he had been dressed that morning, tee shirt and shorts.

"Further, and this is especially important for you to fully understand, as it will decide whether your stay here is easy or hard. Your uncle basicly considers that there is absolutely no difference in young boys or young girls and treats them both the same and expects boys, such as your self, to be dressed, and made- up, and handled in the same manner as he would a teenage girl. Now at first, I admit, I thought this a little out of the ordinary but upon further reflection I find the arrangement very satisfactory. So you'll find your sisters clothes, lingerie, etc. packed in your suitcases along with her make-up, tolietries and esentials that belong to the average teen girl and I am sure Uncle Robert will arrange for what ever I left out."

"You can be assured that I will be taking Steven shopping and he will not lack for anything."

"I never had a doubt, Robert. Now Steven since uncle Robert is not really your uncle but rather a close friend of the family, showing him affection in any way that is demanded of you will not be a problem. Let me see is there anything I have left out, "she paused," in her monumental dropping of the boot," oh yes, one more thing...., Sheila...,"she paused to let the full affect sink in, "I have had your name changed legally and according to your uncles preference.. be a good girl now .. and give mommy a kiss goodbye."

A quick kiss on the cheek and she swept out of the house and was off. That had been three weeks ago.

Steven lounged in the tub thinking back at the sudden change in his life and smiling up shyly at the man who was now in the center and completely dominated him in every aspect of his life.

"Of course you may, Uncle Robert the water is nice and toasty." Sheila smiled dreamily up at Uncle Robert from his languid recline in the bathtub. He was submerged to his armpits; the warm, perfumed water curled in intimate eddies around his bare brown arms, and lapped against the curves and slopes of his breasts.... breasts!

Steven had to close his eyes and open them again he still could not believe they were his. His new breasts small but recognizable and soon to be augmented. The recent develpment, at his uncle's instruction with the pills and shots, a twice daily occurence, were still a novelty and he delighted in them constantly although he was still getting use to having such obvious female attributes.

Steven rinsed his upraised knees with scooped up handfuls of the scented bubbly water and then let the hot water run over the beautiful twin orbs. They were soft and pliable his twin nipples protruded like stiff little cocks. The hormones and softening creams his uncle had directed the plastic surgeon to apply where beginning to make this new alteration. The plastic surgeon was another of his uncles long time friends and soon Steven would fill a C cup to overflow. Steven wondered what his uncle thought of them.

Steven smiled up at his uncle and delighted in the memory of being accepted into his house, although it had been a rough beginning.

He had been dreading the trip with his parents for months and the offer to stay with his uncle for a few weeks was equally well accepted by him. His mothers final instructions were totally unexpected and then to learn that the two week trip would now be two years was the final blow. Steven had gone into his room and cried himself to sleep.

Steven had always know he had a special place in his heart for his uncle but it was not until the first few days alone with his uncle did he find out how special and the truth of his mothers words came home.

It started out simply enough, uncle Robert insisted that Steven accept him totally as his superior and that he would be punished corporally if he disobeyed or was less than pleasing in his duties around the house. Steven was to assume the duties of a young girl, cleaning, cooking and as uncle Robert's companion. Steven had not been spanked in years and to find that his new uncle would not hesitate to take him over his lap and spank his bare bottom was disconcerting.

True to his word, his uncle also demanded that Steven accept his affection in any manner that he demanded. Steven quickly found that kissing was routine and common under his uncles roof, from not only his uncle but his friends as well. Steven soon learned to gently part his lips, eyes closed and welcome the intimate contact of a probing tongue. Having a strong hand stroke the insides of his thigh or squeeze his plump buttocks upon leaving or entering a room and or when serving drinks, even answering the door a welcoming kiss was to be expected. Steven after some initial unproductive and painful protest, soon became accustomed to the new rules of dress and behavior and since he already liked his uncle showing him the unfamilar form of special affection was not as difficult as he first imagined. As the first few days wore on Steven also became familiar with his uncles hard hand on his tender bottom, as he tried to please his demanding tastes. Steven soon became very adapt at satisfying each new demand his uncle initiated.

However, after each spanking tears still streaming down his cheeks his uncle was especially nice and kissed and rubbed his abused bottom till the sting went away and his tears dried up , so it was not an all together unpleasant experience. As Steven finished a hard week of learning his new position in life, his uncle threw a new curve at the young boy. It was Saturday evening and Steven was just about to sneak out of the house, he had on jeans and old pair of sneakers when he felt the strong arm of his uncle come down on his shoulder.

" Sheila," he said sternly,"I guess I didn't make myself clear, young lady, but I will", and marched Steven into the living room. " The rules have been simple and now I catch you trying to sneak out in boys clothes no less. We will take care of that..take them off."

Steven slowly removed his shirt and jeans and stood in front of his uncle in a pair of pink panties and bra worm more to hide his new girlish figure but actually accenting it the panties had a little flower embroidered into the waist band.

"those as well.." he said pointing at the remaining bra and panty set," Sheila, I can't tell you how you would have been punished had you been wearing BOYS underware."

Steven pulled the panties down to his ankles and stood naked in front of his uncle.

"This will not happen again and to insure that it doesn't I will remove all the hair from your body then your skin will be too delicate for such harsh material as these ugly old jeans.. silks and nylons will be all your delicate skin will tolerate."

Steven was shocked at the new demand but his uncles cold stare was evidence of his unyielding conviction and Steven knew that argument would be both futile and painful.

Steven now completely disrobed in the living room and was led by the hand through the house to stand naked in the bathtub. Shivering and blushing his arms were secured to the shower rod. Steven, watched helplessly as his uncle prepared the thick lather in an old fashion shaving mug and then using his ultra sharp straight razor began to methodically work from his neck down to his toes the razor scraping away the sparse growth of dark hair.

Steven closed his eyes as his uncle brought the fine blade of steel to his erect penis again and again as he worked to remove the last of the sparse hair around his young cock, erect and swollen with the unfamiliar attention. Uncle Robert held Steven's soft and now hairless sack in his hand pulling it up and to the side so that he could get around Steven's tender bottom hole as well. Steven froze ridged as his uncle used fine swift strokes of the steel razor the rasping sound as it scraped across his delicate skin sending shivers down his naked back as his uncle pried apart his soft bootom cheeks to get the last few hairs around his bum hole. Once finished uncle Robert turned out the light locking the door behind him and let Steven him hang in the dark bathroom to contimplate his trangression.

Several hours later a very contrite naked boy sat sobbing stripped of hair his budding manhood having swirled down the drain and at his uncles feet begging for forgiveness and promising to be a good girl. Uncle Roberts plan was simple, dress, dominate and treat the young boy as a girl and soon he would act like one. His plan was working and he smiled patting the boy on his soft bare bottom carressing the baby smooth hairless balls of his nephew.

Uncle Robert stood proudly looking at his lovely creation lounging in the jacuzze tub, bubbles streaming down Steven's white chest, the beginnings of soft mounds just starting to manifest on his boyish chest, shinny soft blonde hair sweeping in gentle curls to creamy white shoulders, and large expressive eyes highlighted with soft colrs and framed in a black permanent eyeliner and masscarra, pink lips pliable and emmently kissable, he was the epitomy of nubile sexuality and both male and female at the same time. Uncle Robert leaned over the tub to stroke Steven's nipples. Already having enlarged from the hormone treatments and injections, they almost looked out of place, as they were brown silver dollar sized mounds and capped with swollen red nipples his tities fully a half inch long and as think as a little finger. They served as a good reminder to Steven that his life had indeed changed. He grinned knowingly, watching the way the boy was constantly playing with them, both delighed and horrified at his changing body.

The bath was an excellent way to ingrain the overt feminine behavior that uncle Robert sought and Steven was well on his way to accepting the new role totally. Uncle Robert continued to rub the swollen teats engorging them with blood and increasing their already erotic sensitivity. The first phase of uncle Roberts plan was well underway. He pinched the red hard tip of his nephews swollen tit watching his eyes at the sudden pleasure and pain.

"First time for this, isn't it Sheila." Uncle Robert released his tender hold on his nephews nipple. He stepped back away removing his suit and tie and his white t-shirt. " but as my new niece it time you got to know your Uncle Robert much better.", he said dropping his pants and removing the boxer shorts revealing his thick cock.

Steven stared in awe at his uncles hard body taned and muscled and slowly nodded in awe of his powerful and and dominate uncle. Steven had clipped the long ends of his blonde bangs back above his ears with two gold barrettes, had made a pillow out of a folded towle, and had stretched out in the long tub's glorious steaming pool, and now the warmth and delicious buoyant comfort took him close to sleep.

"Two bodies would be nice." Sheila murmured shyly. His eyes were closed, but he felt the water flow past his when his uncle stepped over the edge and sat down. The water's subtle push set his young breasts bobbing just beneath the surface, it felt like impossibly gentle hands cupping him supporting, caressing him. He straightened his legs and extended them on each side of Uncle Robert, who now lay back against the tub's other end.

The two gazed silently at each other. Sheila not sure of her position or duties toward his uncle while in the bath especially in his new role. He moved his legs their silky skin made slick wet in contact with his uncles well musculed thighs and calves. Uncle Robert splashed Steven's chest till it gleamed with bath oil, and watched the water run in bright tracks down between Steven's breasts, watching his nipples change from pale pink to the color of a deep red rose as they grew with the blush of sexual anticiapation. With a grin he tickled Sheila's cock with his toe-tip; The boy laughed and splashed back at his uncles face bashfully not wanting to cross the line to familiarity.

"Sheila Sweetheart, I feel like a cigar."

"Yes, sir" the boy replied.

Steven leaned over the edge of the bathtub and reached for the pocket of his uncles suit coat careful not to drip water on the expensive fabric which lay draped across the vanity's chair, and from it drew a fat cigar and his uncles lighter. Then he handed it to Uncle Robert. Discarding the wrapper Uncle Robert slipped the cigar beteen Stevens pursed lips permiting the boy to coat the tip fully with warm sweet spit the dark cigar in grotesque contrast to the sweet pink lips. Once the cigar had been well wetted he held it to his lips while Sheila touched the end with the tiny flame from the silver lighter. Uncle Robert puffed, and the cigars pungent smoke mingled with the fragrance of the water.

"I needed this." Uncle Robert said, his voice tense from holding his breath.

"Did you have a hard day, Uncle Robert," Sheila carefully took the cigar from his uncle's offering fingertips holding it carefully until his uncle requested to be placed back between his lips for another puff. On demand Sheila slowly placed the still wet tip to his uncles lips he inhaled, the tip glowed redly.

"Yes." Smoke streamed from Uncle Robert's nostrils in twin grey columns. " I'll be glad when I can have you at the office as my secretary and get rid of that cunt I have there now."

"Would you have me like this."

"As often as I could manage it, my sweet Sheila." he smiled as Steven's blush matched his tits.

They soaked quietly for a few moments as the pungent smoke drifed in lazy swirls to the ceiling and was whisked away by the effieceint fan. Steven bounced his breasts with his fingertips; Uncle Robert sank down and blew bubbles through the water's surface playfully.

"This warm water is making me feel kind of sexy?" Steven pushed the water in a wave toward his Uncle Robert's nose, but the older man jerked his head up, and laughed and spouted a mouthful of water which arced across the tub and broke on Sheila's upper chest. Uncle Robert lifted his legs over Steven and hooked his heels behind budding girls hips. He took the cigar from Steven and put it in the john.

"Sheila you have been a very obiedent little girl up until now, as long as you do exactly as you are told you will not be punished."

"""I promise to do exacly what you say, Uncle Robert." Steven said softly his whisper barely audible.

"I know you will, Sheila." he said and bent his knees and pulled his nephew to him with a powerful and strong effort.

Steven, with a welcoming smile, did the same, spreading his legs around Uncle Robert's mighty trunk and crooking his knees.

The move brought the young boy very close to his uncle having interlocked his body to his uncles and as his breasts touched, they embraced, and kissed each other solidly on the mouth. Uncle Robert's mouth opened, his tongue came out and pushed between Steven's now ultimately and comsomately now no longer Steven but Sheila's pliant lips; Sheila fought back with her own tongue-tip.

Sheila's warm young breasts pressed in on his uncles hairy chest and flattened, Sheila's full and round budding orbs, against her Uncle Robert's compact, small, conical. Her nipples erected instantly out of puckered aureole, stiffened by the touch of supple oiled skin. Sheila gently turned her body, fitting curve and rise into slope and hollow. Uncle Robert lowered a hand through the water to the soft place between the other's legs caressing his nephews stiffening cock.

Uncle Robert broke the kiss and and through the murky water he watched as he pushed Sheila's delicate hand between his own thighs. Sheila's finger played hesitantly in the thick crotch hair. She stroked his massive organ openly making it hard and stiff it's tip breaking through the water. Sheila's finger slipped under Uncle Roberts bottom sensing that he was to go farther than he ever had before knowing that this was being demanded of him, pushing up against his tightly closed ass cheeks and made them yield and to accept a fingertip into the fragile opening. Uncle Robert contracted his man cunt making it into a tight ring around Sheila's exploring finger.

"Oh, Sweet boy Oh my little Sheila," The older man whispered. "You do that so well now."

"I had a good teacher."

"This is a little awkward. I will move." Uncle Robert said.

"Yes. Turn around."

They released each other and Sheila helped Uncle Robert do an about face, so that she faced the man's back. Uncle Robert relaxed backward into Sheila's encircling arms; Sheila's breasts pillowed him, Uncle Robert let his head fall back on Sheila's shoulder. The tub's rough floor prevented Uncle Robert from sliding down and out of Sheila's embrace.

Sheila kissed Uncle Robert's ear, nudged it with his nose and lips, blew softly in it. She covered Uncle Robert's wet chest with her hands, molded his muscles gently in her palms thinking, truly, Uncle Robert, you've made me into this boy-girl. Sheila plucked his uncle's man nipples lightly, and, teased, they rose. Uncle Robert closed his eyes and breathed a small sigh at this pleasant fondle of his body's most sensitive spots. Sheila's touch was gentle, yet firm and bold.

But Uncle Robert's impatience quickly drew his attention elsewhere. He raised his feet out of the water and put them up on the tub's edges, and took Sheila's hands in his own.

"Down here, Sheila. Where you were. Where you belong."

"Where you want me to be."


Uncle Robert widened his thighs separation at Sheila's return to his cock. The boy outlined the shallow triangular hillock of Uncle Robert's cock and balls twisting the curls of water-softened dark coarse hair around his fingertip, stroked the curved hollows where Uncle Robert's strong muscular legs joined his body. Uncle Robert's hands followed every small probing move, sometimes guided, sometimes guiding; Sheila's obvious, unself-conscious, fascinated interest in his penis was as stimulating to Uncle Robert as the touch itself. Then with a quick but delicate dart designed to take him by surprise, which succeeded, Sheila dipped the first two fingers of his left hand between the soft petals of Uncle Robert's semi opened ass hole.

Uncle Robert inhaled through his teeth sharply, as though hurt, and turned his face into Sheila's neck. His flexible, rippled anal walls divided, received Sheila's twin-fingered thrust into him. Sheila sensed Uncle Robert's tender spot at her fingertips and with drew slightly, then pushed again, and Uncle Robert's hips began to tense and relax in rhythm with his pumping hand, Ten or twelve thrusts brought Uncle Robert to a steady, husky pant.

Sheila waited until Uncle Robert's knees started a series of short, involuntary midair flutters, then brought his fingertips out of Uncle Robert and up an inch or so, around Uncle Robert's hard cock which Sheila found like a demanding charger wanting to be petted and sucked. Sheila touched it, probed it, circled it lightly with his hand stroking its length boldly taking the man meat deep down his willing throat his lips sucking at the hard balls.

Uncle Robert arched his back, and climaxed; yelling "Sheila,"in a sharp, constricted cry. he clutched Sheila's wrist with both hands. His thighs flexed, spread; his toes pointed on the bathtub's rim. Sheila did not release Uncle Robert's hard cock but massaged her uncle's penis gently sucking down all the cum she could swallow, giving him something to thrust his pelvis against. Uncle Robert held Sheila's face back down his erupting cock forcing it's creamy length down firmly between pink lips. The white sticky cream smearing her lipstick, the hard cock pumping it's load deep into his nephews tummy. Sheila's finger, again, slipped in and out of his soap slick ass hole

"Uncle Robert?" Sheila whispered as the last of the sweet cream from his uncles now limp cock slid down his throat.

"I'm here, Sheila." Uncle Robert said, his voice muffled in the hollow of Sheila's throat.

"Thank you." Sheila tilted his uncle's face up and kissed his lips. It was a long warm loving kiss, deep and wanton, one that did not seem to end. Finally, "Its cooling off... the water. We should get out."

"Not till I've had my chance. At that sweet clit of yours, Sheila my sweet ".

Uncle Robert sat forward, shook his head, and stood, stretching and yawning. he fluffed water from his penis, took a towel from the rack and dried his face.

"Your turn, Miss Blue Eyes." Uncle Robert said, grinning and holding his hand down to Sheila. he helped the young blonde to her feet.

"How, Uncle."

"Just do what I say. I want you open and accessible. Sit"

Uncle Robert made Sheila sit down on the bathtub's wide edge with her feet in the water. he spread Sheila's legs and knelt, then sat, between them. The tub was rather deep, and if Uncle Robert hunched a little his head came to the level of Sheila's wide-open thighs. The small triangular patch of wet, dark brown, curly hair of Sheila's cock and balls beckoned, and Uncle Robert put out his fingers to touch the baby soft hairless boy clit and probe the dark opening he so wanted taste and explore with his own hard cock.

"Will you kiss me, Uncle. Somewhere special?"

"Yes. But I want your breasts first."

Sheila leaned forward and braced his hands against the opposite wall. This brought his baby breasts down on the cheeks of Uncle Robert's upturned, blissfully smiling face. The older man took each virgin breast in a hand and settled his nose and mouth between them, into Sheila's warm cleavage. Uncle Robert licked perfumed oil off Sheila's damp skin. He squeezed Sheila's breasts together and ran his tongue across the nipples. He held one breast in both hands squeezing the skin mounding to form what it would soon become, fastened his mouth to its point, and sucked, gently, softly, and the harder and harder until Sheila wanted to scream. Sheila squeezed and pinched her other nipple till it matched the first.

When Uncle Robert pushed his nose into his young nephew's chest, Sheila straightened up. His uncle then assembled a delicately traced chain of light kisses on Sheila's body which began at each erected nipple, travelled down the smooth, flawless skin on the sides and outcurving lower surfaces of Sheila's breasts, joined at the center between them, then down in a straight line over Sheila's stomach, pausing to lick a pendant into his shallow navel.

Uncle Robert felt Sheila's stiffening cock brush his chin. He stopped, dipped his head, and nuzzled with his lips, his tongue, and his nose the firm semi flacid boy clit beneath the light fleece of a few remaininghairs that he allowed the boy to keep after shaving his ball and cock of most his crotch hair. Sheila helped by spreading his thighs to their limit and flexing his ass; this pushed his penis outward toward Uncle Robert's nibbling lips and his bottom off the edge of the bath his boy cunt puckered and waiting for attention. The man's burrowing tongue pressed apart the strands of hair, formed a bare channel in the center, where, finally, Uncle Robert's tongue-tip found the apex of the crevice between Sheila's two plump outer ass cheeks. Uncle Robert lapped, and the crevice opened.

Sheila hissed with pleasure and buried his hands on Uncle Robert's bedraggled hair. he urged Uncle Robert's head into his pussy, amazed, as usual, at Uncle Robert's skill at this act. The man went very slowly, one tiny move at a time, making Sheila await, anticipate, the release Uncle Robert always so expertly gave her.

Now, besides his mouth, Uncle Robert had both his hands on Sheila's penis. Uncle Robert had parted Sheila's paired female gates and was now softly spinning his tongue around the entrance of Sheila's boy clit, which, now, out of the water, streamed Sheila's slippery secretion. Uncle Robert sipped it, lapped it like a kitten at a saucer of milk. His tongue entered Sheila's soaked secret opening, swirled, withdrew. he replaced it with two stiffened fingers which sank deep in Sheila's clamping, clenching boy cunt. Uncle Robert let his tongue drift upward to a new target, Sheila's shy small clit.

The boy steadied himself with a hand on the edge of the bathtub. He still held Uncle Robert's head with the other, but all sensation except the shrieking, vibrating pinpoint between his legs was lost. His uncle swallowed his now hard penis to it's very depth's length dissapearing down his uncles throat his lips nibbling on Sheila's balls. Sheila moaned. little cries escaping as his cock was milked by his uncles expert actions and his cunny was filled as several fingers pumped in and out. It brightened, intensified, concentrated, then burst, and he was pitched headlong down a yawning abyss. Sheila flew, or fell, through whirling pink empty space for what seemed like endless ages; his body was a hot, rushing flood of superlatively sweet orgasmic completion that thundered, pulsated, grew soft, quieted, disappeared, and left him just a little bit sad.

When his senses cleared and his eyes opened Sheila found himself doubled up forward over Uncle Robert's head, supported by the man's shoulders. His cock still errupting uncontrollably sending thick cream down his uncles hungry throat. As the now limp white boy-clit slipped from his uncles mouth he watched as his Uncle Robert sat calmly licking lubricant from his fingers. Sheila kissed the top of his head.

"My God, Uncle Robert," Sheila whispered. "You do set me on fire. What is your secret? How do you do that?"

"Stick with me, little girl. You'll learn."

"Do I make you feel anything near this? I'm paralyzed."

Uncle Robert went up on his knees and embraced Sheila, and kissed his lips softly, staring into his ice-blue eyes. Sharing the last of his inner tastes and sperm with his new niece.

"Yes, you do. You always have. Can't you tell?"

"I suppose." Sheila said

"You have only been at it a few weeks or so, right? You will get better at this, its just a matter of time. And practice."

"I can't imagine anything better than this."

"We'll see, O.K.?"

"O.K. Kiss me again.PLease."

Uncle Robert kissed his nephew "Thanks for the bath."

"My pleasure, Sir. All my pleasure." ****************************** This file came from Sierra Connection BBS Serving the Gender Community from Nevada 702-825-4220 8-N-1 28.8 VF (4 Nodes)

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