Lisa's TG Library: "Bicycle" by Jennifer Lynn

By b1223

Published on Apr 29, 1996



From Thu May 2 00:00:30 1996 Path:!!!uunet!!!!van-bc!!!!!!!news ~~Newsgroups:, ~~Organization: Netcom ~Lines: 171 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Apr 29 3:56:54 AM CDT 1996 X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00] ~Xref:

BICYCLE (working title)

by Jennifer Lynn

John groaned to himself as the kid from the Halifax team passed him in the uphill sprint to the finish line. His legs were acking & his butt seemed to have spent an eternity in this saddle. He rolled his bike across the finish line in a glide with his head held low in dejection. He stoped near his other team members & waited for the lecture that the look in his coach's eyes told him he was going to get. 'JL' he said 'You're gonna have to shape up soon son. I've got plenty of other boys I could be wasting my time on. I know you have the talent but you have to decide to apply yourself. Otherwise I'm just... just going to have to drop you from the team'. Jl was close to tears as his coach stomped away but he tried to put on a brave face. He couldn't let the other guys see him cry. It's not fair he thought the coach didn't have to embarass him in front of everyone. It's not like he wasen't trying. Just then one of JL's friends from the team, Neil rode up. 'Don't take it too hard JL. The coach does that to all the guys. he just wants you to do your best'. If you want we can do some extra training. It'll be O.K. you'll see. 'I'm not too sure' Jl replied as he turned his bike & headed for home.

The guys were heading for their customary after race burgers but he didn't think he could face them for a little while. How am I going to get in shape quick enough to satisfy the coach. Hell my dad won't even let me shave my legs like the other guys. I don't even look like a real bike racer.

As he approached his house he heard a voice yell 'John over here'. It was Mrs. McKenzie the widow lady from down the block. He sometimes cut her grass & did small jobs for her. Mrs McKenzie, 'Rachel' she kept telling him to call her, was not your typical widow. She was in her early 40's but looked 10 years younger & had a body to match. Rachel was the kind of woman the proper neighbours called racy or a 'slut' if you pressed them. Not that Rachel cared; After 20 years of playing the good little housewife she wanted to enjoy life.

Now that Samantha, her daughter, was safely away at college Rachel was living it up. The endless parade of men, & women too in & out of the McKenzie house was the source of much juicy gossip. Rachel seemed immune to this & went about her business, but kept very much to herself.

Jl always liked Mrs McKenzie. She was one of the few adults who treated him like a real person. 'Hi Mrs Mc.., ah Rachel whats up' he said as he rolled to a stop under her garage door. 'Well I was going to ask you to help me clean out this garage today but I see you've had your exercise already today. Were you in the big race downtown?' 'Ya I was' he replied half-heartedly.

'What's the matter' she asked as if she could see behind the hurt in his eyes. 'Didn't the race go well; you've trained hard enough for it - ... it shows'. His deep blush only added to his confusion as he said, ' well it's could have been better. The coach threatened to kick me off the team if I don't shape up & with these fuzzy legs I don't even look like a real bike rider'.

Rachel gave him a funny look & asked 'when is your father due home JL'. 'He's working the afternoon shift & wont be home until after midnight' I replied. 'Well I can't help you with your training but why don't you come in & we'll see what we can do about that fuzzy legs problem.' 'What do you mean I stammered'. 'You DO want those legs shaved don't you'. 'Yes I replied' as the colour & heat again spread throughout my body. 'Well you just let me take care of it. I'll even talk to your dad for you.' 'Great' I said as she lead me into the house by the hand.

First we shared a drink of lemonade. Boy did I need to cool off & not just from the exercise. Rachel took me upstairs to her private bathroom just off of her bedroom. Both her bedroom & bath were quite feminine & smelled as good as Rachel much in contrast to the masculine disaster my dad & I existed in. Through the door in the adjoining bathroom was the largest hot tub I had seen outside of a health club. 'Now this is how to live' he thought. 'Jl why don't you hop in the hot tub so you can clean up before I show you how to shave you legs, O.K. I'll join you when I get changed.' 'But I don't ... oh I'll toss you in something to wear in the tub'. I just shook my head as I was beyond words at this point. A moment later she tossed a pink bikini bottom to me saying ' This is all I could find but I think it's your size', as she left again.

After a moment to think 'who's going to know' I slipped on the bikini bottom. I was surprised to find it fit quite well & the silky material it was made of felt nice. I quickly ran my fingers over my penis area & was rewarded with an electric feeling I had never felt before. Just then Rachel burst in saying 'come on slow poke let's hit the tub. I quickly got in if only to hide my growing excitement. Rachel was wearing a black string bikini that as well as confirming my estimation of her figure left little to the imagination.

'Those bottoms look sweet' on you she said as she entered the tub. As I again started to blush she said 'don't be embarassed honey, you have a nice body it seem such a shame to hide it don't you think?' I agreed as she gave my hand a friendly little squeeze. Rachel then added some sented oil to the water, turned on the jets & we both sat back to relax away the day. We started to talk much like two old friends & I began to really relax & enjoy her company. I talked of school & my friends & even confided a few secrets. She reminded me of a girl I had once known who was my best friend before she moved away.

It was nice being there, so relaxed & talking in a way I couldn't to the guys. How refreshing to be able to talk & not have to put up a phoney tough guy front & brag about things most of us had not even seen let alone done yet. I told Rachel this to which she replied ' JL you are very mature for your age. You remind me of Samantha. You know most boys take much longer than girls to grow up.' 'I don't know about that ', I replied 'but I've always been more comfortable around girls. It must be that they aren't as competitive as the guys'.

Rachel just smiled as she slid her body to my side of the tub & gave me a very soft kiss on the cheek. 'Let's get to those legs' she said as she wiped the lipstick from my face. She reached for an fresh razer & proceeded to shave my legs in nothing flat. My legs felt GREAT, it was as if I could feel each individual square inch of skin on my legs. Rachel asked me to stand up as she admired her work. 'My what a wonderful set of legs you have, I have some girlfriends that would kill for legs as good as yours'. She again reached over to give my hand a squeeze to relax me before my embarassment became too aparent.

'Now that you've seen how it is done it's your turn'. I turned to Rachel in confusion as she said 'I want you to shave my legs silly, & don't worry I'll help you if you have any problems.' I tried to follow the pattern Rachel had used on me although at a much slower pace than she used. 'Don't worry' she said ' you'll get faster with some practice'. I said to Rachel 'this is nice now I know why girls spend so much time in the bathroom'. 'Oh this is just a small part of what we do Jl but you are right we girls enjoy pampering ourselves. It makes us feel special, & sexy too' she said with a little laugh. I was having soo much fun I let the 'we girls' remark slide. Why ruin such a good time. As I finished I said ' you may think my legs are good but yours shoud be carved in stone'. She laughed again & said 'It's nice to see all the exercise has not gone to waste.

As we finished washing up & got out of the tub to huge heated towels she asked me if I wanted to stay to supper. Of course I quickly said 'yes'. We went into her bedroom to get some clothes & on seeing my swetty cycling uniform said ' well you can't wear that. Lets see if I can't find something for you until we can clean your dirty clothes. I said that I could go home to get sone clothing. 'Nonsense she said you'll just get that nice clean body dirty again.

As she towled down she dissapeared into a walk in closet while I sat down on her bed to wait. I noticed a pair of sheer black nylons on her bed. Out of curiosity I picked them up thinking it was nice that some women didn't just wear pantyhose. I couldn't believe how sheer the material in the nylons were & they felt nice in my hands too. Out of curositity i pulled the nylons over my freshly shaved leg & recieved my second shock of the night. It felt so wonderful, In a few moments she returned wearing a short satin gown as white as new snow. Over this she had a long matching robe that she had yet to tie at the waist. The material was sheer enough that I could see the matching white lace bra & panties she was wearing. Boy I felt dumpy sitting in front of her dressed only in a towel.

Rachel sensing my discomfort produced what appeared to be a copy of her robe & a night shirt also in shimering satin white with a pair of white feminine looking underwear. She gave this to me saying 'This used to belong to my husband & he was about your size so you can wear them while we wash those filthy clothes'. Just as I was about to object she produced a bottle of skin cream explaining 'it made your legs softer if you used the cream after shaving' & proceeded to rub down my legs in a gentle well almost motherly way.

At this point I was far too content to argue further & I offered no resistance as she led me into her dressing room. As she left me she said ' I'll just slip downstairs & get supper started while you get dressed. Just come on down when you are done'. With that she left me in this wonderfull smelling dressing room full of her things. I ran my hands slowly over one of her gowns as I again surveyed the room. Then I began to dress & wondered as only the young & innocent can ' I wonder what's for supper'.

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